Taurus men do not like available. Taurus - continuation - to a woman who loves

Therefore, they approach all issues that relate to this very thoroughly. Taurus men are mysterious, so not every woman will be able to unravel their true intentions. How to understand that Taurus is in love? What signs of his behavior will tell about this? ?

How does a Taurus man in love change?

How a Taurus Man in Love Behaves? A man born under the constellation Taurus is a real gentleman. And if he falls in love, then he becomes even more courteous, tries to help in everything and please his chosen one. He tries to be especially attentive to women's issues, does everything possible and impossible to solve them.

How do Taurus men in love behave?? The fact that a Taurus man fell in love can be told by such changes in his behavior:

He listens to the lady very carefully in order to get as much information as possible regarding her interests, desires, thoughts, plans for the future.

  • -Makes gifts, and for this, some reason is completely optional. The desire to surprise comes from the heart.
  • - He will never show inattention, tactlessness, does not allow him to humiliate his chosen one or raise his voice at her.
  • -Listens to the opinion of the lady, trying from the very beginning to build equal relationships that are doomed to a happy continuation.

In most cases, Taurus men are monogamous. They are trying, which they have dreamed of since childhood, where there is no place for lies and betrayal, where he and she understand, appreciate, love, respect each other. This is precisely what explains the fact that Taurus tries not only to listen to their partner, but also to understand the essence of what was said, to try to understand whether they really want the same thing from a future life.

Taurus man, how to understand that he is in love? For a man born under the constellation Taurus, it is very important that the relationship be strong and happy, so a cozy family nest is one of the main goals in his life. It is hardly possible to count on a long-term relationship if a girl tells a Taurus man that her plans do not include creating a family and having children. Taurus men can only fall in love if they see in their chosen one the person with whom they would like to create a family for life and have children.

No matter how they develop love relationship in the future, a Taurus man in love will never allow himself rudeness towards his chosen one.

If in business Taurus are individuals who clearly think through their every step, then in amorous affairs they lose the ability to think soberly. The fact that the Taurus man fell in love is also evidenced by the fact that now he fills up his chosen one with chic gifts and huge bouquets, and until recently he considered all his expenses down to a penny. But, unfortunately, such manifestations of generosity in relation to their chosen one will be only until the Taurus realizes that they have achieved it and the feelings are mutual.

A Taurus man who falls in love does not like experiments with style, but if he nevertheless changes his clothing preferences, we can talk about deep sympathy for the fair sex.

Taurus are quite reserved. If a man says something uninterruptedly, at the same time zealously gesticulating in order to better express his thoughts, blinking often, all this can say about the emerging feeling of love in his heart.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Taurus man?

How to make a Taurus man fall in love with you? This question is of interest to ladies who have just started a relationship with a Taurus man. The answer here is unambiguous: do everything the way a man wants it. If you get it in advance maximum amount information about him, falling in love with him is quite real.

To please a Taurus man, you must always have a chic look. Taurus like frank, but by no means vulgar, outfits, stylish and expensive jewelry. When meeting with him, one should not allow him to think that the girl is easily accessible, capricious.

For Taurus, it is very important that attention and care be shown to him. He will not tolerate threats and demands. At the very beginning of the relationship, you need to assure the Taurus man that everything that follows will happen only the way he wants.

So, in order to fall in love with a Taurus man, a beautiful representative of humanity must be:

  • -beautiful, natural and stylish;
  • - sensitive and attentive;
  • - educated and kind;
  • - ambitious;
  • - such that others admire her.

To make Taurus fall in love with you and ensure that you cannot make such mistakes:

  • - be inattentive to him, disrespectful;
  • - offend him in the presence of relatives and friends, and just other people;
  • - abuse his kindness for a long time;
  • - compare with your past relationships;
  • - disrespectful to his relatives, especially parents, and friends;
  • - to make concessions in everything.

For Taurus men, it is also very important that there is variety in bed. Therefore, in order to fall in love with a Taurus man, his chosen one must apply maximum imagination to satisfy him.

If it is still possible to understand that a Taurus man has fallen in love by observing the changes that occur in his manners and style of clothing, then it is simply impossible to determine how deep his feelings are.

Everyone knows the inspiring feeling of love. The world around seems more colorful, people are not annoying, and you want to scream about your love.

But before building a serious relationship, you need to find out whether your feeling is mutual, whether the object of your love suits you. To understand that the Taurus man is in love and wants Serious relationships, you need to pay attention, first of all, to his behavior.

The sign Taurus is distinguished by its mystique. These are not the people who, after a couple of glasses, will give out the whole truth and untruth about themselves. They are very smart and thoughtful. If the Taurus man singled out certain girl, there is no doubt that the process of conquering it is already underway in his head. Although in life he may not show this for some time.

How a Taurus Man in Love Behaves, can be determined based on its main qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • respect;
  • desire to please.

They are only capable of deep and serious feelings, so when he attacks, detailed questions about hobbies, favorite places, a desire to help carry heavy packages and help with the move will be used. Also, Taurus are distinguished by their ability to solve many problems of their beloved, thereby creating for them the maximum comfortable conditions life.

Financial condition

Taurus are very hardworking and stingy for extra spending. Therefore, at the beginning of family life, it is worth explaining to the chosen one that a new refrigerator is an investment, not an expense. Otherwise, in some situations, Taurus begins to simply aimlessly accumulate savings, being afraid to spend them anywhere at all or cherishing the dream of making an investment in the distant future.

Whatever the life situation, the family of this man will always be like behind a stone wall. Food will be in the house, even if the end of the world comes and you have to kill a tribesman to get it. For the sake of the family, these people are capable of much.

Wounded self-esteem and anger

It is worth remembering that Taurus likes to be praised. It is not uncommon for this sign to have wounded self-esteem. Their pride reacts very sharply to criticism and sarcastic jokes. To gain deep trust and respect, you should abandon the usual jokes about appearance or failure.

Offended Taurus is capable of a long and scrupulous revenge. He will develop a plan for revenge as long as he developed it to win your heart, while he can hide his resentment, and then give out something like that. If you remove it completely, the consequences may be irreversible. In anger, these people are scary and capable of much.

Seeing Taurus in anger, you can change your mind about eternal love and fidelity. And no matter how much you want to return everything back, it will no longer be possible, so it’s better not to bring them to white heat. Fortunately, they are very patient people, and for a long time they will not show any negative emotions.

Character flaws

With all the benefits of this young man, it also has its drawbacks:

  • stubbornness;
  • anger;
  • hidden grievances.

They are often stubborn and demanding people. On the farm they need ideal woman. They do not tolerate disorder, and they are very picky about food. At the same time, in case of failure at work, they can transfer Bad mood and into the house. But if he is met by his beloved and well-groomed wife, he will immediately turn into a peaceful calf, just give him a few minutes.

He is only able to have fun and have fun with people he knows well. Big companies new people and unfamiliar women seeking his attention can even scare a man.

How to behave as a woman

Women who themselves begin to seek Taurus will never become the heroines of his novel. It is important to take this into account. And if you want to catch this rare specimen on the net, you need to do everything as if he himself has achieved you. And do not remind later that it is he who should say thank you. Then, feeling like a man, he will love a woman until the end of his days.

It should also be taken into account that a real man needs a sense of superiority and grandeur. To really get what you want from him, you will have to portray a gentle and complaisant woman, if you are not one. This fortress cannot be taken by storm.

Choice of companion

Taurus choose special ladies as chosen ones. To fall in love, he needs a good reason. A woman should be well-groomed, gentle, but have a spark inside. Between plastic ideality and a lively character, a man will choose the latter.

If we are talking O young guy, it is likely that it is very popular with the ladies. This can lead to a polygamous life at the beginning of the journey. But even the most inveterate womanizer will eventually look for a faithful companion.

How do Taurus men fall in love?

Since they are slow in everything, their great feeling can grow out of ordinary sympathy. Rarely do they fall in love at first sight., passionately and with confessions at the first meeting. Their feeling is born from a small spark, which can warm their heart for months, or even years, until the very hour comes in order to show their intentions.

Even seemingly friendly interest can serve as a sign of falling in love. It is from her that a great and bright love story can begin.

To confess my love, Taurus needs to be two hundred percent sure of success. Only then will it be possible to hear three cherished words from them.

Do not be afraid of big confessions from a man and modest love from a young man who can blush from the mere presence of a number. Both of them are able to create a magnificent family with values, customs and their own foundations. As a rule, Taurus is an earth sign, so they especially appreciate such seemingly simple things.

A way to recognize a Taurus who has fallen in love

He is gallant and listens to everything the girl says. He really listens, and if after 5 years of a relationship, you ask what dress you wore on the first date, he will accurately answer your question.

Taurus love stability in everything. They will have one favorite profession with a promotion. The same friends, time-tested in happiness and sorrow. And also the one and only favorite for life and even more. Therefore, having heard sweet speeches from Taurus, you should not be afraid of his serious intentions. Paired with him, you can find true female happiness. Having chosen his favorite, he will achieve it at all costs.

Attention, only TODAY!

Winning a man's heart is not an easy task. Depending on the upbringing, worldview, as well as the sign of the zodiac under which he was born, women are perceived differently as such. What is the way to the heart of a calf? How to fall in love with a Taurus man will be discussed in this article.

Taurus man

A man born in the constellation Taurus has a very controversial character. He is complaisant and kind, he can easily do all the housework instead of his beloved wife, but if he gets angry, he will become an incredibly selfish, narcissistic, conservative and jealous person.

In truth, Taurus often surprise loved ones even decades later. life together. They tend to keep secret some facets of their character.

That is why, before you start seducing such a man, you need to get used to the idea that you will never be able to fully study and know him. This is a man of mystery, perhaps that is why he attracts so many admiring glances from women.

What kind of woman suits a male Taurus

In women, Taurus appreciates everything that is characteristic of a real lady:

  • beauty;
  • grooming;
  • the ability to cook;
  • love for cleanliness;
  • the ability to be silent and speak to the place;
  • quick wits.

He needs, if not a queen, then at least a princess. Knowledge of etiquette, love for beauty, as well as a sense of style, beauty should be laid in her from the cradle.

How to please a calf

At the first meeting, it is absolutely not important to show all your mental abilities. This person will already guess whether his interlocutor is smart. The main thing is to defeat him with your own appearance, manners. If you like him, you need to look and act like a king (in good sense words).

Beautiful manners, a well-groomed appearance, a sincere, clear look, irresistible makeup, as well as properly selected, clean and ironed clothes will be appreciated by him. If a slut comes on a date with five higher diplomas and an amazing inner world He probably won't notice her.

Second important point- calmness and silence. Of course, you shouldn’t be completely silent, but if your mouth doesn’t close at all, he will run away as soon as dessert is served.

How to make a calf fall in love with you

In order to fall in love, the calf just needs the charm and beauty of a beautiful lady. But more serious intentions, like sex, frequent and serious relationships, imply that the beloved has other, no less important qualities:

  1. Cooking skills. Macaroni with cutlets are also suitable for a rainy day. But when it comes to dinner after a hard day's work, it's an exceptionally delicious soup, a steak with grilled vegetables, perhaps a salad, and dessert in the form of homemade cakes with whipped cream, ice cream, or something like that. Here, as in the grandmother's recipe - the way to a man's heart lies through his stomach!
  2. Purity. A woman should keep the house clean, because first of all she is a woman! This applies to everything: the clothes in which she walks, the plates from which she eats, carpets and windows - everything!
  3. Confidence. Here, first of all, sexual relations. If it came to intimacy no need to tell him what to do and how to do it. Taurus know how to give pleasure to a woman intuitively. But if you tell and give advice - he will get up and leave forever!

Marriage with a calf

Living with a calf in marriage is not difficult. Moreover, sometimes it is much more pleasant than with other signs of the zodiac. The reason for this is in complaisance and understanding. Although it is desirable to get used to the rule from the first days of life together - he is the head of the family - the breadwinner, hope and support!

And yet, if before the stamp in the passport he demanded beauty, cleanliness, and goodies from a woman, then later he can fully thank her. It will not be difficult for him to wash the dishes after dinner and even a banquet! He can also cook delicious lunch, dinner, and bring a mouth-watering breakfast to bed.

Cleaning the house, ironing clothes and even laundry will not be difficult for him. True, of course, all this should be in moderation, and not every day! In return, he will require only affection, care and warmth, as well as fidelity.

If a woman reminds him more often of how he loves her and how she loves him, their marriage will be eternal!

Is it possible to fall in love with a married man Taurus

Taurus are distinguished by devotion in everything. Only a few change their wives. So the chance to win a heart married man given very rarely. Most often, this happens if his marriage is already undermined and, most likely, parting is inevitable.

In this case, to interest him is easy. It is only necessary to offer what he lacks - comfort, kindness, peace, fidelity.

How to understand if a Taurus is in love

Taurus knows how to care beautifully. His companion is provided with expensive gifts, flowers with or without occasion, beautiful jewelry, restaurants and cafes, as well as attention beyond the norm. But do not rejoice ahead of time. He also has shortcomings.

He speaks of love extremely rarely and often clumsily. Therefore, he paints courtship in advance. It may sound like a work schedule, but really, that's the only way he can court. And the more measured and persistent his invitations to dinner and walks, the closer the cherished day of marriage proposal.

The expectation of a pleasant ending can last several months or even years, depending on his upbringing, position, and opportunities. But under no circumstances should you hint to him or speak directly about marriage.

This can permanently push him away and even lead to a breakup. After all, like a real man, he himself knows what and when to do. A woman can only be patient and wait.

What can push him away

Despite his complaisance, Taurus can run away from any, even very strong feelings and relationships in the blink of an eye, if he is scared away:

  1. Instructions. The libido of this man sometimes rolls over, so he will not accept instructions or advice from a woman in exclusively male matters. In the kitchen or in raising children, you can really give him a few recommendations, but you should never get into his head.
  2. Pretense. If a woman, trying to win a calf, temporarily changes her attitude to life, even becomes well-groomed, cleans and cooks, which is not typical for her, he will know this and will not understand. Any insincere relationship will come to an end. And even if the feelings are real, he simply cannot live with someone who does not like cleanliness.
  3. Jealousy. Taurus tend to be jealous. But they cannot do this for a long time, because the wife's devotion is sacred to them!

If the feelings have cooled, he will begin the long process of parting. At first, he will silently endure everything, but move away, as if dissolving in everyday life - fewer compliments, a long silence, no gifts.

Then he will try to return everything, because once the relationship was already happy. But when he realizes that everything has collapsed, one day he will simply disappear without a trace and will never return. Neither work, nor children, nor past feelings will keep him.

Compatible zodiac signs

Marriage with Libra, Aries, Capricorn is ideal for Taurus. These constellations are perfectly combined with him, and they are waiting for a successful relationship.

Most likely, relationships will not work out with women born under the constellations of Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Cancer. Their same tough temperament, and in some cases prudent composure even in important things they will not be able to harmoniously get along with a male calf.

With the rest of the signs of the zodiac, relationships are very possible, but women will need to show more understanding, faith and patience than they tend to.

  • The main rule of any Taurus man is that a woman must always remain a woman - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Beauty, make-up, delicious gourmet food, cleanliness in the house, in clothes and even in thoughts must always be present, and not on weekends and holidays. Otherwise, the feelings will subside.
  • This zodiac sign loves comfort in everything. Therefore, you should not persuade him to have sex in uncomfortable places. An exceptionally warm, soft and comfortable bed is suitable for this! And all possible experiments role-playing games and such diversity is allowed only in the same comfortable environment for him.
  • Depending on how much the qualities of a calf are manifested in him, he can help a woman around the house or avoid it with all his might. So, for example, many Tauruses prefer to give a woman as much money for housekeeping as needed, as long as they don’t touch this problem themselves. Others, on the contrary, actively help, if possible. You need to accept any of his decisions and never try to change.

Measured, stubborn, confidently go ahead, inspiring calmness with their very appearance ... It seems that everything in their life is under control. Surely you know such men - these are Taurus, people born in the period from April 21 to May 21. If a woman does not dream of having a Taurus man next to her, it is only because she does not know enough about this sign and its features. Taurus men are hard-working people who know how to make money and highly appreciate deep feelings - just a dream! And about why it is impossible to push the Taurus man to decisive action and why this sign is one of the best for creating a family, the astrologer will tell Nadezhda Balyabina .

General characteristics of the sign

Taurus is a sign of the elements Earth, and people of this sign are earthly and real, original and interesting depth your inner universe. Taurus men are distinguished by a depth of character and a developed inner world. The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, and the patronage of this planet makes Taurus very emotional, very deep and vulnerable in the soul. They dream of true love and high feelings, even if they seem to be impenetrable "brutals", devoid of any emotions.

The Taurus man loves a calm and measured life. He is not against emotions, often he himself is sentimental, but he tends to avoid violent manifestations of feelings and tantrums. In any situation, the Taurus man should be emotionally comfortable, only then will he feel at ease. Taurus does not like the truth told "on the forehead", because this truth, even if important for him, can destroy his established world. Sometimes it’s easier for him not to admit something to himself in order to prevent the walls of his castles in the air from collapsing right on him.

Taurus men are mostly focused on money, pleasure and stability. They, like no one else, know how to earn money, appreciate beauty and enjoy life.

The main characteristic of the Taurus man is the need for stability. Taurus is a seasoned conservative. If someone's hearts demand change, then the heart of Taurus certainly does not. The Taurus man loves when everything in life is stable, goes along the thumb, without abrupt transitions, because in the depths of himself, Taurus is very afraid of changes that can turn his comfortable world upside down. And yet, it is not superfluous for a Taurus man to periodically revise his life so that stagnation does not arise and to enable life to sparkle with bright colors. And you can find out more about men of other signs in the "" section.

In life, the Taurus man, as a rule, moves slowly, but at the same time very confident steps - this is the slowest sign of all the signs of the Zodiac, but this does not make the Taurus man inferior in any way. If he is not ready for something, he stops, accumulates strength, after which he continues on his way and achieves, in the end, his goal.

In the sign of Taurus, the Moon is in exaltation. Thanks to this factor, Taurus people are not emotional. More precisely, they have emotions, but they are able to keep them under control, giving out equanimity and calmness in any situation. The Taurus man has a very strong psyche: they can withstand severe psychological tests. At the same time, the psyche of Taurus often does not give them a signal that something is going wrong in life. In order to make the right decisions, Taurus needs to listen to himself more often.

The Taurus man is a real materialist, focused on multiplying the material world around him. It can be said that his internal state happiness directly depends on how much he likes or dislikes the world that he built - in the literal sense - around. The Taurus man loves money and knows how to earn it. He enjoys accumulating and multiplying funds - this allows him to feel good and be ready for any twists of fate, if necessary. The Taurus man surrounds himself with beautiful and high-quality things. It is important for him to look good and make a good impression.

External beauty sometimes plays a greater role for him than internal qualities, but Taurus cannot be called superficial. He has a lot of different interests, and he is constantly expanding his horizons, striving to become even better. These are status people who love themselves and wish only the best for themselves. They do not scream about themselves, no, but they will clearly make it clear to everyone around them that the person in front of them is not a bastard. They do not strive to be bright, it is important for them to be bright, so that they are respected and considered one of those people who have “everything is under control” in life.

Taurus in communication and friendship

The Taurus man tries to surround himself with people with whom he is as comfortable as possible, with whom he can be himself, people who recognize him and his status. The Taurus man can build deep relationships with other people, he knows how to make friends and maintain a spiritual connection with a person.

Being a rather secretive person, Taurus is not looking for new acquaintances. However, this does not mean that he leads a reclusive lifestyle. Most likely, he has a couple of real friends from childhood, relationships with which have been tested by time and situations. With such friends, Taurus is comfortable, and he really appreciates friendship with those who were able to win his trust; for them he is a faithful and devoted friend.

If Taurus still makes friends in adulthood, these will definitely be “quality” people: he should feel good and comfortable with them. Also, Taurus can make friends for himself in order to create good and useful contacts. The Taurus man does not know how to easily leave people, whether they are friends or partners. It's all about the deep fear of change, which does not let go of Taurus for a minute, as well as a strong sense of ownership.

Approach to the calf: difficult, but real

Someone who, but the Taurus man does not let everyone into his life. For him, opening up to someone new is a real risk, coupled with the possibility of failure. It is hard for him to get acquainted, he can choose and look closely for a long time, because for him to let a new person into his life is stressful. If you like a Taurus man and are thinking about how to pave the way to his heart, start small - take the first step. Hint to him that he really charmed you, bet on his personal qualities and it will not leave him indifferent.

Do not expect abrupt transitions from words to deeds from Taurus: this is not about them. If you want to find an approach to the Taurus man, give him time. It is difficult for him to make sudden changes, he must “ripen” everything. In no case do not kick, do not push, do not rush him: believe me, he understands everything, he just needs to readjust and set himself up for the fact that a cool wind of change will soon burst into his stable world. As soon as he feels that his time has come, he will do everything he can, but until then, be patient.

Taurus Woman

What should be the companion of the Taurus man? Next to his woman, Taurus should feel even more solid. The companion of Taurus should become a real decoration of his life; beautiful, sexy woman, a faithful and unchanging girlfriend who will always be by his side, because for him it is very important. The jealous Taurus man will not tolerate rivals: his woman should belong only to him. However, despite the fact that Taurus is a zealous owner and jealous, the level of his own loyalty is a big question. Naturally, this depends directly on the person himself, but for the most part, Taurus men are polygamous people.

Of course, the loving Taurus needs in large numbers sex - this is connected with the deep Taurus complex. intimate relationship for a Taurus man, they serve as an indicator of their own attractiveness. Even everyday issues concern him somewhat less than the beauty, sexuality and grooming of his companion.

Taurus is very family sign, people of this sign are family-oriented and stability within their own cell of society. For a Taurus man, marriage is a certain indicator of solidity, his own maturity. For them, marriage is a certain indicator of status, a way to demonstrate to the world their solidity. However, do not think that Taurus is drawn all the time. Of course, Taurus knows how to love and loves deeply. Venus leads Taurus through life to deep and real feelings, and having met his love, Taurus will fall in love - and the whole world will know about it.

Taurus man and career

Money is the sphere of influence of Taurus. Money and material values ​​play a big role for him. The financial component of life is very important for Taurus, so work takes up most of his life. Stability-seeking Taurus favors stable work, for example, business. Risky ways to earn money - this is not about them unambiguously. On the way to financial success, Taurus is ready to overcome any difficulties if the result justifies his expectations.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Taurus Antagonist - Scorpion . People of this sign are the complete opposites of Taurus. Relations between Scorpio and Taurus will be difficult, but incredibly productive for both parties. Despite the difference in views and worlds, these people will be able to find common ground, thanks to which their interest in each other will be almost unquenchable. However, such a relationship will require mutual work on oneself. It is worth noting that the Taurus-Scorpio pair can start in the intimate sphere.

Earth Taurus has good compatibility with other Earth signs. With a woman- virgin Taurus man will definitely find mutual language, together they will be comfortable and good. Virgo will understand the materialistic aspirations of Taurus and support them; in a pair, these people will be faithful to each other, maintaining purity in relationships. With a woman- Capricorn the Taurus man will get along, but in these relationships the latter may feel a lack of sensuality, since the Capricorn woman can be somewhat stingy with emotions.

A dreamy and non-aggressive woman, not prone to violent showdowns, Fish can be faithful companion Taurus men. Also, a good couple for a Taurus man will be a domestic and family woman - Cancer , which also will not make her partner hysterical, but on the contrary, will create beauty and comfort in the house, so loved by Taurus.

The Taurus man and the woman Libra the relationship is likely to work out well. Astrology says that Venus will help these people find common ground and build a harmonious union. Also, a calm woman is suitable for a Taurus man - a lion .

Most likely, it will be somewhat difficult for a Taurus man to build relationships with a woman. Aquarius : she is freedom-loving and wayward, which Taurus will not like. With a sign woman Sagittarius , reckless and active, calm and somewhat slow Taurus will also not be easy to get along with.

WITH Aries And twins the Taurus man is most likely to be comfortable building friendships, as well as business relationship. People of these signs will always be able to agree and come to a compromise, which will help strengthen friendly ties. At the same time, the likelihood that representatives of these signs will manage to build harmonious relations with Taurus is low due to the irreconcilable contradictions inherent in these people, as well as the apparent slowness of Taurus. But do not forget that astrology is not able to predict your fate with your partner, which means that when building relationships, you should rely solely on your own feelings and the feelings of your loved one.

With a woman- Taurus a Taurus man can definitely develop comfortable relationship. Astrology speaks of the good compatibility of two people of the same zodiac sign. However, such an alliance has its own negative sides. For example, the relationship of two Taurus who do not like change can eventually come to a standstill, since neither one nor the other partners are going to change anything, even for the benefit of themselves.

If a Taurus man is in love, then the signs are visible to the naked eye. A Taurus man will try to spend as much time with you as possible together. A man in love born under the sign of Taurus will constantly try to make you laugh.

But actually real woman knows several tricks and signs that a man is in love with her, especially if she has known this person for a long time. So, you will not wait for some initial manifestations of love from a calf.

But in fact, in most cases this is due only to the fact that the bodies are very reserved and conservative. If you try to somehow awaken certain emotions in a male body on your own, then you are unlikely to succeed. Of course, the Taurus man wants to see a well-groomed and stately woman next to him, but still, appearance is not a paramount indicator for him.

By nature, Taurus love to impress, so they will surprise their chosen one in every possible way. Men of this sign do not like to talk much about their feelings. In the end, such relationships resemble "noodles on the ears." With a calf, this is out of the question.

Thirdly, you should not show that you want to "sit on your neck" and completely depend on a man. At the same time, it is important to show such a man that he will be the main one in the family and his decision will be final.

If you follow the recommendations given in this article, then for sure family life with a representative of the Taurus sign, it will embody only harmony and prosperity for you. The behavior of this man during the period of falling in love changes greatly.

How to understand that a Taurus man loves you?

This quality is especially pronounced if she hesitates in choosing between him and another man. He will do everything to be with his beloved. Everything, but that which is not connected with the "loss" of life. Taurus loves life very much, and believes that there is none more precious. Taurus can burst into tears, from the heart, if something goes “not according to plan” or with a hint of planning. Taurus are different. Yes, Taurus is becoming much more confident than he was before falling in love.

Image changes Taurus. Everything, just the same, is connected with the same certainty. Remember and do not forget that a man is not a bottomless wallet. Taurus loves comfort in everything. Try to do everything to ensure his comfort in full. Never lie to a Taurus. He has very good intuition. Taurus will definitely not tolerate this. Don't scold your mom. Obscene expressions Taurus will tolerate only from male friends. Do not disappoint Taurus with things that can be avoided.

How to make a Taurus man fall in love with you

Absolutely every Taurus! So, my dear, try to be "careful" with this cruel feeling so as not to kill such a wonderful feeling as love. And I don’t support those who slander nonsense and nonsense on Taurus !!! My Taurus left me. I left unfairly, but I will not return it. I just wanted to read, remember ....

Do not expect from him an early declaration of love. With Taurus, you need to be patient. In sex, Taurus is straightforward, he immediately speaks about his desires and hopes for sincerity on your part. Delicate and calm Taurus does not tolerate criticism, especially in public. Men, on the contrary, do not like to advertise their tender feelings. To find confirmation that a man is in love with you, you do not need to pester him with questions or beg for a confession.

How does a Taurus in love behave?

A man in love will surround you not only with care, but with hyper-custody. If a man remembers when you met, kissed for the first time, etc., then be sure that he is in love with you.

What needs to be done in order not to lose the true love of Taurus?

The signs of a man in love born under the sign of Aquarius are very refined. Taurus is so positive that, if possible, he can throw a pillow at you or teddy bear. If you reciprocate, Taurus' joy will know no bounds.

Taurus amuses when you are embarrassed under his gaze. The enamored Taurus gives his girlfriend expensive gifts, invites her to a cafe, travels with her.

The signs that a Gemini man has fallen in love with you are pretty clear. A Gemini man in love is a real romantic. A Leo man in love is a gallant gentleman. The Virgo man, unlike Leo, is by nature very secretive. Psychology says this is a clear sign that the Virgo man is in love with you.

Surrounded and disarmed!

If you love your man, you are able to feel his attitude towards you, regardless of his zodiac sign. Let him be Aquarius, Taurus, Gemini or born under the sign of Leo, you can’t hide a loving look. If Taurus loves you, there is nothing to worry about - you will not have to deal with pressing problems. Taurus is very constant in feelings and quickly becomes attached to the object of his sighing.

The first sign that a Taurus man has fallen in love with you is the cessation of his coldness and its replacement with romantic displays of affection. This is a feature of a Taurus in love. Taurus is jealous. I hate Taurus! Taurus loves everything to be perfect.

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