Chinese is the most difficult language in the world. The most difficult languages ​​in the world

October 25, 2013

world languages

There are about 5-6 thousand different languages ​​​​on our planet, approximately 40 from this list are spoken by two-thirds of the total population. the globe. The most popular of them are: English, Chinese, Spanish, etc.

Among all this diversity, there are languages ​​that are spoken by billions of people, and there are those that are known by a small number of people. Each language has its own letters, rules for writing words and phrases, pronunciation rules, and much more. This is what distinguishes them all from each other. Some of them are very difficult. Let's take a closer look at the complexity rating of languages.

Language for encryption

So, the well-known Icelandic language opens the top ten. It is characterized by its complex grammar and pronunciation. Some sounds have no analogues in other languages, even in English, so it will be very difficult for a beginner trying to learn it. In addition, Icelandic has many very old declensions and conjugations.

The ninth position is occupied by the Polish language. Despite the fact that not many countries speak it, the language has as many as 7 cases. It should also be noted that it does not lend itself well to any grammatical rules and words - there are a lot of exceptions in it. All of them have to be memorized, otherwise there is no other way. The pronunciation itself is also important. Only true Poles can speak without an accent, while foreigners cannot fully learn the pronunciation of words. All this makes the Polish language difficult to learn.

In eighth place is the Basque language. It has 24 cases and is very, very old. Its distinctive feature is the fact that the connection between words lies in the designation case endings. There are also some well-known moods here, for example, potential. In general, this indicates a difficult grammar and word formation.

On the seventh line is the Estonian language. It also has a lot of cases - 12. In addition to all this, words can have several meanings at once. There are also a large number of exceptions in the Estonian language, which makes it difficult to remember.

Sixth place rightfully belongs to the Navajo language. During the Second World War, this language was used by radio operators to encrypt messages. A very interesting fact is that there have never been any official textbooks or manuals for studying it. The grammar is also difficult. For example, if we compare it with many Slavic languages, then in it the faces differ not by the suffix, but by the prefix. There are many such examples.

Top five

The top five is opened by Japanese. It is very interesting in that children have to master writing and pronunciation separately, since the pronunciation and spelling of words are different. In addition to all this, you need to learn 10 - 15 thousand hieroglyphs, a bunch of borrowed words and all the grammar. There are practically no rules in it.

The fourth position is occupied by Hungarian. It has 35 cases, which already says a lot. There are many vowels in the alphabet, which makes it difficult to learn.

Another little-known language, Tuyuka, was in the top three. It has a lot of classes of nouns, and one word can mean a whole phrase. This is the language of the Amazon. Another feature is that it is necessary to use special verb endings here, which make it clear where the speaker learned about this fact.

Arabic and Chinese

The second place is occupied by the Arabic language.

Here many letters can be written in different ways, in four various options. There are more numbers here, another dual number is added. The present tense has 13 forms. Pronunciation is also important here. Therefore, in some countries, a conversation in the same Arabic may look different.

The first place undoubtedly goes to the Chinese language. There are no such languages ​​in terms of complexity. It contains many very ancient and complex hieroglyphs that cannot be read, but you can only remember their meanings. There are also 4 tones here. All this makes Chinese unique. Despite its features, there are many people in the world who are trying to comprehend it, but not everyone succeeds.

As for the Russian language, it is not among the ten most difficult, but stands a little behind. But nevertheless, due to its complex grammar, Russian is not easy.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the most difficult language for many years has been Chinese. It is followed by Arabic, which is spoken by many Muslims.

Language is a sign system consisting of sounds, words and sentences. The sign system of each nation is unique due to its grammatical, morphological, phonetic and linguistic features. simple languages does not exist, since each of them has its own difficulties that are revealed in the course of the study.

Below are the most complex languages of the world, the rating of which consists of 10 sign systems.

- This is one of the most difficult in terms of pronunciation. Also, the sign system is considered one of the most ancient languages. It contains linguistic units used only by native speakers. One of the biggest challenges in learning Icelandic is its phonetics, which only native speakers can accurately convey.

Finnish language

Finnish language deservedly ranked among one of the most complex sign systems in the world. It has 15 cases, as well as several hundred personal verb forms and conjugations. In it, graphic signs fully convey the sound form of the word (both spelled and pronounced), which simplifies the language. The grammar contains several past forms, but no future tenses.


Navajo- the language of the Indians, a feature of which is considered to be verb forms that are formed and changed by faces with the help of prefixes. It is the verbs that carry the main semantic information. Navajos were used by the US military during World War II to transmit encrypted information.

In addition to vowels and consonants, there are 4 tones in the language, which are referred to as ascending - descending; high Low. At the moment, the fate of the Navajo is in jeopardy, as linguistic dictionaries absent, and the younger generation of Indians is switching exclusively to English.

Ranked among the top ten difficult languages for studying. It has 35 case forms and is replete with vowel sounds that are quite difficult to pronounce due to longitude. The sign system has a rather complex grammar, in which there are an uncountable number of suffixes, as well as set expressions that are characteristic only for this language. A feature of the dictionary system is the presence of only 2 tense forms of the verb: present and past.


Eskimo and is considered one of the most complex in the world due to the numerous temporary forms, of which there are up to 63 only in the present tense. The case form of words has more than 200 inflections (word changes with the help of endings, prefixes, suffixes). Eskimo is a language of images. For example, the meaning of the word "Internet" among the Eskimos will sound like "travel through the layers." The Eskimo sign system is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as one of the most difficult.

One of the few languages ​​listed in the Book because of its complexity. Its peculiarity lies in numerous cases, of which there are 46. This is one of state languages residents of Dagestan, in which there are no prepositions. Postpositions are used instead. There are three types of dialects in the language, and each of them combines a certain group of dialects. The sign system has many borrowings from different languages: Persian, Azerbaijani, Arabic, Russian and others.

One of the oldest in Europe. It is owned by some residents of Southern France and Northern Spain. Basque contains 24 case forms and does not belong to any branch language families. Dictionaries contain about half a million words, including dialects. Prefixes and suffixes are used to form new linguistic units.

The connection of words in a sentence can be traced through changes in endings. The tense of the verb is displayed by changing the endings and the beginning of the word. Due to the low prevalence of the language, it was used during the Second World War by the US military to transmit classified information. Basque is considered to be one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn.


Russian one of the three most difficult languages ​​in the world. The main difficulty of the "great and mighty" is free stress. For example, in French The stress is always placed on the last syllable of the word. In Russian, a strong position can be anywhere: both in the first and last syllable, or in the middle of a word. The meaning of many lexical units is determined by the place of stress, for example: flour - flour; organ - Organ. Also, the meaning of polysemantic words that are spelled and pronounced the same is determined only in the context of the sentence.

Other linguistic units may differ in writing, but are pronounced the same and have a completely different meaning, for example: meadow - onion, etc. Our language is one of the richest in synonyms: one word can have up to a dozen linguistic units close in meaning. Punctuation also carries a lot semantic load: missing one comma completely changes the meaning of the phrase. Remember the hackneyed phrase from the school bench: “You can’t pardon the execution”?


Arabic- one of the most complex sign systems in the world. One letter has up to 4 different spellings: it all depends on the location of the character in the word. There are no lowercase letters in the Arabic dictionary system, word breaks for hyphenation are prohibited, and vowel characters are not displayed in writing. One of the individual features of the language is the way words are written - from right to left.

In Arabic, instead of two numbers, which are familiar to the Russian language, there are three numbers: singular, plural and dual. It is impossible to find equally pronounced words here, since each sound has 4 different tones, which will depend on its location.


Chinese is an incredibly complex language. The first difficulty, if you want to study it, is total hieroglyphs in the language. The modern Chinese dictionary has about 87 thousand characters. The difficulty lies not only in the sign system of the language, but also in the correct spelling. The only incorrectly depicted feature in one hieroglyph completely distorts the meaning of the word.

One Chinese "letter" can mean a whole word or even a sentence. The graphic symbol does not reflect the phonetic essence of the word - a person who does not know all the intricacies of this language will not be able to understand how the written word is pronounced correctly. Phonetics is quite complex: it has numerous homophones and contains 4 tones in the system. Learning Chinese is one of the most difficult tasks, which can be put in front of a foreigner.

Many people ask which language is the hardest to learn. Well what can we say? Many languages ​​are difficult. Below is a list of some of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. But you must remember that some language may be difficult for you for certain reasons. So after reading this article, you can make your own list of the most difficult languages ​​to learn.

What is the most difficult language in the world?

Many people ask which language is the hardest to learn. Well what can we say? Many languages ​​are difficult. Below is a list of some of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. But you must remember that some language may be difficult for you for certain reasons. So after reading the article, you can make your own ranking of the most difficult languages ​​to learn.

Rating: 10 most difficult languages

Arabic, Chinese and Japanese are considered most difficult languages according to the Institute of the Diplomatic Service of the State. US department. Finnish, Hungarian and Estonian are also among the most difficult - because of the huge number of cases. Pronunciation in them is more difficult than even in Asian languages, since they have a set of long mind-blowing consonants. But our list is not limited to these languages. Here is our list of ten candidate languages, with explanations of why each language made it to the list. Your personal list may differ from this.

1. Chinese. This language made the list for many reasons. For example, the hieroglyphs used in writing are very complex and ancient. Each word is represented by a separate character - and not a phonetic one, so it doesn't give you the slightest idea how the word is pronounced. The tonal system does not make life easier either, because there are four tones in Chinese. And here's another reason: there are a huge number of homophones in Chinese. For example, the word "shi" is associated with thirty different morphemes. Some people try to learn Chinese just because it is so different from other languages ​​and so difficult.

2. Arabic. The first difficulty is in writing. Many letters have four different spellings, depending on their position in the word. Vowels are not included in the letter. Sounds are difficult, but words are even more difficult. An English-speaking student of a European language encounters a lot of words that look familiar. But the same student studying Arabic will no longer come across a single familiar word. The verb in Arabic usually comes before the predicate and object. A verb has three numbers, so nouns and verbs must be taught in singular, dual, and plural. The present tense has 13 forms. The noun has three cases and two genders. Another problem is dialects. Arabic in Morocco differs as much from Arabic in Egypt and from literary Arabic, as French differs from Spanish and Latin.

3. Tuyuka is the language of the eastern Amazon. Its sound system is not overly complex: simple consonants and a few nasal vowels. But here is the agglutination!!! For example, the word "hóabãsiriga" means "I don't know how to write". It has two words for "we", inclusive and exclusive. The classes of nouns (gender) in the languages ​​of the Tuyuk family range from 50 to 140. And the most surprising thing about this language is that you need to use special verb endings, which make it clear how the speaker knows what he is talking about. For example, "Diga ape-wi" means "the boy was playing football (I know because I saw it)." In English we may or may not say it, but in Tuyuka these endings are obligatory. Such languages ​​make those who speak them think carefully about how they learned what they are talking about.

4. Hungarian. First, there are 35 cases or noun forms in Hungarian. This alone already places Hungarian on the list of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. Hungarian has a lot of expressive idioms, a lot of suffixes. A large number of vowels and how they are pronounced (deep in the throat) make this language difficult to pronounce. You will need more effort to learn and maintain this language at a decent level than for many other languages.

5. Japanese. It is difficult primarily because the letter is different from the pronunciation. That is, you cannot learn to speak this language by learning to read it - and vice versa. Moreover, there are three various systems letters. The kanji system uses Chinese characters. Students must learn from 10 to 15 thousand characters (cramming, no mnemonic tricks will help). In addition, written Japanese uses two syllabaries: katakana for loanwords and hiragana for writing suffixes and grammatical particles. The State Department allocates three times as much time to Japanese students as it does to students studying Spanish or French.

6. Navajo. This amazing language also claims a place in the list of the most difficult languages. During World War II, this language was used as a code for sending messages over the radio (radio operators were bilingual Navajo speakers). The advantage of this method was that it was possible to encrypt information very quickly. The Japanese were unable to understand this code. Navajo was chosen not only because it is very complex, but also because there were no published dictionaries or grammars for this language, but native speakers did. In this language, almost everything is done differently than in English. For example, in English in a verb we single out only the third person singular(in present tense) suffix. And in Navajo, all faces are distinguished in the verb by prefixes.

7. Estonian. Estonian has a very rigid case system. Case is a grammatical class that affects the behavior of words in a sentence. Estonian has 12 cases, twice as many as many Slavic languages. In addition, there are many exceptions to the rules, many words can mean several different concepts.

8. Basque is also in the top ten hardest languages ​​according to the British Foreign Office. It has 24 cases. It is not possible to link British to any Indo-European language. Possibly the oldest language in Europe. It belongs to agglutinative languages, that is, it uses suffixes, prefixes and infixes to form new words. It is more of a synthetic language than an analytical one. In other words, the language uses case endings to indicate relationships between words. It changes not only the end of the verb, but also the beginning. In addition to the usual moods of the Indo-European languages, there are some other moods in Basque (eg potential). The language has a complex system of designation of the subject, direct and indirect object - and they are all part of the verb.

9. Polish. The language has 7 cases, and its grammar has more exceptions than rules. For example, there are 4 cases in German and they are all logical. Learning Polish cases will require more time and effort to learn (and discover) the logic and rules, you may have to learn the whole language first. In addition, Poles rarely communicate with foreigners who speak their language, so you have to be very careful with your pronunciation, otherwise you will not be understood.

10. Icelandic very difficult to learn due to its archaic vocabulary and complex grammar. It preserved all the ancient declensions of nouns and conjugations of verbs. Many Icelandic phonemes do not have exact equivalents in English. You can only learn them by listening to original recordings or talking to Icelanders.

But there is one more thing to keep in mind. The more a language differs from your native language (in spelling, grammar…), the more difficult it will be for you to learn it. If there is no logic in the language, it will also seem more complicated (for example, in English plural an addition at the end -s or -es is formed. In Arabic, the plural usually needs to be memorized, and this takes time). One thing is for sure: no matter how complex the language is, you will need the following: sufficient and appropriate resources, an understanding of what and how you learn, and a passion for learning!

Translation from by Natalia Gavrilyasta.

No linguist can unequivocally answer the question which language is the most difficult in the world. Several factors must be taken into account here, including last role plays your native language, what dialect you communicate with your family. Let's give a simple example, the Russian language for a Ukrainian will not be so difficult, but for a Chinese it may not be possible. Let's look at a few languages, the most difficult ones.


One of the most complex languages ​​- an abundance of complex sounds is almost impossible to reproduce. Each word is difficult to pronounce, and the same letter can sound different - it all depends on the location of the letter in the word. If, for example, in European languages ​​you find consonant words, then in Arabic you are unlikely to find familiar intonations. We are used to the fact that the verb is placed after the predicate, but here the verb is placed before it. In addition, the verb can exist in three forms - plural, singular and dual. Try not to get confused by the thirteen forms of present tense. Also, don't lose sight of the fact that Arabic is written from right to left.

Russian language

Unprepared people may have difficulties with reproduction - if in many languages ​​the stress falls on the same syllable, then in Russian it can be located anywhere in the word. Often, stress radically changes the meaning of what is being said. The word seems to be one, but it can mean completely different things. Foreigners are often surprised by the richness and diversity of Russian speech. In addition, it is worth paying great attention to the study of not only cases, numbers, tenses and declensions, but also the placement of commas and other punctuation marks.


This complex language has thirty-five cases. The speech of the Hungarian is generously seasoned with all sorts of suffixes and expressive phraseological units. A huge number of consonants pronounced by the throat does not add to the ease of pronunciation. Even having comprehended the wisdom of the language, you will not learn to speak this language soon.


One of the most difficult languages ​​in the world is Chinese. The most ancient hieroglyphs must be drawn with care and attention - the slightest slope of the dash or its absence changes the meaning of what is written. One single hieroglyph can express not only a word, but also a whole sentence. Looking at these intricate squiggles, you are unlikely to immediately guess how they should be pronounced. In addition, the meaning of words and sentences is influenced by homophones and tones.

Often, even for the indigenous people of China, Chinese literacy is too complicated. To date, the most complete dictionary contains about 90 thousand characters, and each of them denotes its own syllable. For example, the hieroglyph for stuffy nose consists of 36 dashes.


Not inferior in complexity to Chinese. If you ever master the science of hieroglyphs, you are unlikely to be able to speak this language. IN Japanese There are three different writing systems. Students are given several times more time to study this complex language - learning about fifteen thousand different hieroglyphs is a serious task! And students in Japan study for twelve years. In order for a Japanese student to pass the final exam, he has to learn more than one and a half thousand hieroglyphs.

Polish language

This language is more difficult than it seems. Firstly, there are much fewer rules than exceptions, and only the most stubborn can remember them all. Despite the fact that there are as many letters in the alphabet as there are teeth in an adult, ideally, of course, there are much more sounds. Sometimes it is difficult to simply read the written word. There seem to be few cases, only seven, but in order to delve into them, you first have to learn to understand colloquial speech Poles, and then learn the rules. Speaking on Polish, pay great importance pronunciation, otherwise you risk being misunderstood. By the way, when you hear a seemingly familiar word, you may be surprised that it means something completely different from what you are used to.

Bak language

This complex language of the world is spoken by some French, and the population of the northern part of Spain. This language is not related to any known group of languages, living or dead. Difficulty may arise when trying to understand and remember twenty-four cases. New words are formed by adding morphemes. Words are connected with each other by means of case endings. The system of inclinations, among which there is, for example, the potential.

Tuyuk language

It is rare to find a person who speaks this complex language. Basically, it is distributed in the eastern part of the Amazon. Despite the fact that there are frankly few sounds and letters in the language, the very construction of words and phrases can cause difficulties. A person who speaks this language can, by saying just one word, pronounce difficult sentence. This language is characterized by a complex system of verb endings, the change of which can explain to the interlocutor both the action and the explanation for it, and a lot of other important information.

Navajo language

Another difficult language is the language of two hundred thousand Indians. This complex language, spoken by the inhabitants of Arizona and the southwestern United States, has four vowels, but consonants have a peculiar pronunciation. Often, Europeans simply cannot reproduce such sounds. There are no numbers in the Navajo language, nouns have no declensions. But the verbs are many-sided. During the war that sounded in the middle of the last century, this language was used when it was necessary to convey important information- none of the decoders could make out a word from the reports.


One of the oldest languages ​​in the world contains words that have long been forgotten. This is precisely its main difficulty - the words are so old that only regular communication with people who speak this language from the cradle. To learn this most difficult language in the world, only books and reference books will not be enough. You just try to pronounce the word - Eyyafyadlayokudl. One of the volcanoes lives under such a “plain” name.

No linguist is able to determine the most difficult language. This is due to the fact that people perceive information differently. Language is not only a collection of sounds, letters and symbols. This is what partly shapes human thoughts and ways of thinking. Therefore, it is easier for representatives of one nationality, for example, Chinese, but difficulties arise when studying Russian.

It is equally important when compiling the ranking of the most difficult languages ​​in the world to pay attention to the features of the alphabet, phonetics and grammar. In addition, it is also influenced by cultural and other factors that influenced the formation of the nation. The most difficult language to learn is the one with which representatives of various nationalities have difficulties.

Researchers give various gradations, or lists, of the most difficult languages ​​in the world. So, researchers at the Foreign Service Institute at the US State Department divided this list into 5 categories, depending on the complexity of the study. However, it is impossible to apply such a classification for each of the nationalities, since the indicated TOP of the most difficult languages ​​​​of the world was created for native English speakers.

Such gradations do not stand up to scrutiny from linguists. In particular, the complexity is largely determined by the native speaker of which language a person is. Russians do not experience difficulties when they start learning Belarusian or Ukrainian, and the French - Spanish or Italian. These languages ​​are related to each other, so they have a lot in common.

The most popular languages ​​in the world

When deciding which language is the most difficult, it is necessary to take into account the culture of the native speaker. This is especially true for aspects such as abstract vocabulary and writing. In the course of evolutionary development, languages ​​absorb foreign words, often modifying the latter in their own manner. Russian "revolution" in English sounds like "revolution" ("revolution"). However, some peoples, in an effort to preserve their identity, act differently and do not borrow words, but invent their own.

TOP 10 most difficult languages

  • basis (Russian is based on Old and Church Slavonic, Vietnamese - on classical Chinese, Turkic - on Arabic);
  • cultural and other features of the nation;
  • historical influence (whether the assimilation of the people took place in antiquity, etc.).

Common languages ​​are considered easy to learn. This is explained by the fact that in order to facilitate communications, phonetics and vocabulary are simplified. On this basis, some linguists define Icelandic as the most difficult language in the world.


Icelandic belongs to the group of the most difficult for the following reasons:

  • phonetics, the accuracy of which only carriers can convey;
  • the presence of ancient words that have gone out of use in most countries;
  • the absence of noticeable changes in vocabulary and grammar over several centuries;
  • lack of influence from Europeans on Icelandic culture.

In addition, Icelanders do not tend to borrow words from foreign speech.


The following features explain the complexity of Finnish:

  • the presence of 15 cases;
  • more than 100 verb forms and conjugations;
  • the presence of several forms of the past tense and the absence of the future.

Learning Finnish for foreigners is facilitated by the fact that in this language words are spelled the same way they are heard.


The basis of the speech of the Navajo Indian tribe is made up of verb forms that change through prefixes. It is these parts of speech that convey the main meaning of words and phrases. The second feature of the Navajo language is the presence of four tones.

Hungarian is included in various ratings of the most difficult languages ​​because it contains 35 cases, and the alphabet includes many vowels that are difficult for foreigners to pronounce. The sign system is characterized by a difficult to understand grammar. Like Finnish, Hungarian does not contain future tenses.

Flag of Hungary


The complexity of the Eskimo lies in the presence of many temporary forms (only 65 forms have the present tense). Also, problems with perception are due to the presence of more than 200 variations of changing words through prefixes, suffixes or endings.


Tabasaran is complex in that it includes 46 cases. There are no prepositions in this language, which are replaced by postpositions.


Basque is a separate language that does not belong to the Indo-European branches. The complexity of the perception of the speech of native speakers is explained by the presence of 24 case forms. Basque contains about 500 thousand words, some of which are built by adding prefixes or suffixes.

The difficulty for foreigners studying Russian lies in the fact that the language allows you to put stress on any syllable, and native speakers understand what the interlocutor is talking about. In addition, there are polysemantic words, the meaning of which is determined solely in the context.

Russian is considered the most difficult also because the alphabet contains several letters that are pronounced the same, but are written differently (“k” and “g” and others). Synonyms cause no less difficulty.

Flag of Russia


The complexity of Arabic is determined by the sign system. Each letter is written and pronounced in four variations (depending on the location in the word). Arabic script does not include lowercase letters and vowel characters.


The main problems in learning Chinese arise when memorizing hieroglyphs, which mean both a single word and a sentence. The second difficulty lies in the fact that Asian speech is distinguished by the complexity of phonetics. The latter contains 4 tones and many homophones.

The complexity of Russian consists of several components:

  • alphabet;
  • numerous synonyms;
  • lack of clear rules for setting stress;
  • complex grammar.

Among the most complicated rules Russian language for foreigners is the presence of many exceptions. Some words are not declined for each of the cases, and adjectives are allowed to be transformed into nouns.

The girl is learning Russian

Another difficulty appears in the fact that verbs are allowed to be placed anywhere in the sentence. And sometimes such an inversion completely changes the meaning of the phrase. In addition, there are hissing sounds in the Russian alphabet.

These and other features make the language difficult to learn.

For Asians and the British, Russian is hard, and Russians cannot understand Hungarian or Finnish. Among the complex, from the point of view of the bulk of the world's population, are rare languages ​​such as Icelandic or Eskimo.

Studying of foreign language

What are the most difficult rules?

The Russian language is replete with rules that cause difficulties even for native speakers. At the same time, as in previous cases, it is impossible to single out the most difficult ones. Difficulties in people cause:

  1. Stylistics. Problems arise when writing colloquial words or change in cases ("creams" or "creams", "socks" or "stockings").
  2. Punctuation. Punctuation marks are the most difficult section of Russian grammar. And, basically, the problems come down to where you need to put a comma.
  3. Spelling. “Not” and “neither”, prefixes “pre-” and “-at”, write together or separately (“also” or “similarly”) - these and other similar moments cause serious difficulties.

The Russian language is distinguished by an abundance of contradictions, exceptions and other features. Some rules are easy to remember. But there are also illogical ones, from the point of view of a native speaker or a foreigner (it’s correct “despite the fact that”, but if the phrase is written at the beginning of a sentence, then a comma is not put).


There are more than 6 thousand languages ​​in the world, each of which is difficult to understand or learn. Stylistics, grammar, phonetics - these and other features of speech have evolved over the centuries. The perception of languages ​​depends on various factors. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the most complex type.

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