Case endings of nouns 3 declensions table. Declension of nouns in Russian: rules and examples

In the third grade, students are introduced to the concept of "case" and learn that nouns change by case. Despite the fact that in school curriculum study only 6 cases, for children this topic is one of the most difficult topics to study in primary school. Children will have to learn cases and case questions, learn to ask the right questions in order to correctly determine the case of a noun in the text. Why define case? So that in the future, based on the case and declension of the noun, it is correct to write the endings of words.

case- This fickle sign of nouns, i.e. nouns change (decline) according to cases. Changing by cases means changing nouns by questions. There are six cases in Russian. Each case has its own name and answers a specific question. When a word is changed by cases, its ending changes.

Cases clarify the role of nouns and their relationship with other words in a sentence.

List of cases


It is very difficult for a child to remember dry names of cases. He needs associations. Therefore, the child's acquaintance with cases can begin with a fairy tale.

Tale about cases

There lived the Case.
He had not yet been born, but they were already thinking about what name to give him and decided to name him - Nominative.
Born - became Genitive. He liked this name even more.
He was a baby, they gave him food and toys, and he became a Dative.
But he was a big mischief-maker, he was blamed for all sorts of tricks, and he became accusatory.
Then he grew up, began to do good deeds, and they called him Creative.
He began to offer his help to everyone, soon everyone started talking about him and now called him Prepositional.
They said exactly that when they remembered him, they even sang a song:
nominative, genitive,
Dative, accusative,
Creative, Prepositional.

To remember the order of the pages, use the mnemonic phrase:

Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag the diaper.

Table of cases of the Russian language

Please note that in almost all cases, the first letters can be used to recall the key word.

Genitive - parents
Dative - gave
Accusative - I see, I blame
Creative - I create

Prepositions of cases and semantic questions

Nominative case - no prepositions. Meaningful questions: who? What?

Genitive case: y, from, before, for, from, without, after, near (y), near (y), against, from under, because of. Prepositions coinciding with prepositions of other cases: p. Meaningful questions: where? where? whose? whose? whose?

Dative case: to, to. Meaningful questions: where? How?

Accusative case: about, through. Prepositions coinciding with prepositions of other cases - in, in, on, for. Meaningful questions: where? Where?

Instrumental case: over, between, before. Prepositions coinciding with prepositions of other cases - under, for, with. Meaningful questions: where? How?

Prepositional case: o, o, at. Prepositions coinciding with prepositions of other cases - in, in, on. Meaningful questions: where?

Cases are divided into direct and indirect

direct case- is nominative. Only a noun in a sentence nominative case may be subject.

Indirect cases- all others, except for the nominative. In a sentence, words in oblique cases are secondary members of the sentence.

To correctly determine the case of a noun, you must:

1. Find in the sentence the word to which the noun refers, put a question from it;
2. By question and pretext (if any), find out the case.

Seagulls circled over the waves. Circled (above what?) above the waves (T. p.)

There is a technique that allows you to accurately determine the case only by questions asked. We formulate both questions. If we have an inanimate noun, we replace it in the sentence with a suitable animate one and pose a question. For two questions, we accurately determine the case.

I caught (who?) a cat. We replace the cat with an inanimate object: I caught (what?) A feather. Whom? What? - Accusative.

I couldn't reach (who?) the cat. Replace with inanimate: I couldn't reach the (what?) branch. Whom? What? - Genitive

To correctly determine the case ending of a noun, you need to determine its case and declension.

Detailed table of cases and case endings of nouns 1,2,3 declensions













1 cl.

2 fold.

3 fold.



Who? What? (There is)

--- ---

And I

Oh, uh


S, -i, -a, -i



Whom? What? (No)

without, at, before, from, with, about, from, near, after, for, around

Y, -i

And I

Ov, -ev, -ey



To whom? What? (ladies)

to, by

E, -i

U, u

Am, -yam



Whom? What? (see)

in, for, on, about, through

U, u

Oh, uh


S, -i, -a, -i, -ey



By whom? How? (proud)

for, over, under, before, with

Oh (oh)

To her (-s)

Om, -em

Ami, -yami



About whom? About what? (Think)

in, on, oh, about, both, at

E, -i

E, -i

Ah, yah

How to distinguish cases in words with the same endings, forms or prepositions

How to distinguish nominative and accusative cases:

A noun in the nominative case is the subject of the sentence and does not have a preposition. And the noun in the accusative case is a minor member of the sentence, it can be with or without a preposition.

Mom (I. p.) puts cucumbers (V. p.) in the salad (V. p.).

How to distinguish genitive and accusative cases:

If the questions in R. p. and V. p. (whom?) coincide, cases are distinguished by the endings of words: in R. p. endings -a (ya) / -s (and). In V. p. endings -y (y).

Paw (of whom?) martens - R.p. / I see (who?) a marten - V. p.

If both questions and endings match, you must substitute any word instead of words female with the ending -a (z) -. Then in R. p. the ending will be -s (u), and in V. p. the ending will be -y (u).

Paw (whom?) Of a bear - I see (whom?) A bear.

We check:

Paw (who?) (foxes) of a bear - R. p. - I see (who?) (a fox) a bear - V. p.

How to distinguish the genitive and instrumental cases with the preposition "s":

If the preposition “with” coincides with R. p. and Tv. n. distinguish them by case and semantic questions (from where? at R. p. and with what? at Tv. p.) and the endings of words in these cases.

Raised (from where?) From the ground - R. p. / Raised a box (with what?) With the ground - V. p.

How to distinguish dative and genitive cases that are the same in pronunciation:

A word without a preposition in D. p. will coincide in pronunciation with a word in R. p. (they have different endings in writing). To distinguish them, you need to understand the meaning of the phrase with this word.

D. p. - wrote a letter to grandmother Natasha [and] - grandmother's name is Natasha

R. p. - wrote a letter to Natasha's grandmother [and] - this is Natasha's grandmother

How to distinguish the dative and prepositional cases if they have the same endings and semantic questions:

In this case, you need to pay attention to the prepositions that are different in these cases.

D. p. - floats (where?) On the sea - prepositions to, by

P. p. - located (where?) In the sea - prepositions in, in, on

How to distinguish instrumental and accusative cases when semantic questions and prepositions coincide:

In case of coincidence of semantic questions and prepositions, TV. p. and v. p. you need to focus on case questions and endings.

Tv. p. - hid (where ?, for what?) Behind the chest of drawers

V. p. - hid (where ?, for what?) behind the chest of drawers

How to distinguish accusative and prepositional cases when prepositions coincide:

If the prepositions of V. p. and P. p. coincide, it is necessary to focus on questions.

V. p. - climbed (where ?, on what?) On the pedestal

P. p. - stood (where ?, on what?) on a pedestal

Poems about cases

I am the nominative case,
And there are no other people's clothes on me.
Everyone can easily recognize me
And in the subject name.
I do not like pretexts since childhood,
I can't stand being around me.
My questions are WHO? So what?
Nobody messes with anything.

And I'm Genitive
My character is sociable.
WHOM? WHAT? And here I am!
Prepositions are often my friends.
Prepositions are often my friends.
I look accusatory
I am sometimes
But in the text you can tell
Always two cases.

I'm called Dative,
I work diligently.
TO whom to give? What to call for?
Only I can say.

And I am the accusative case,
And I blame the ignorant for everything.
But I love excellent students
For them, "five" I catch.
Who to name, what to play,
Ready for advice guys.
Do not mind making friends with suggestions,
But I can live without them.

And I am instrumental
I am filled with every hope.
Create! - How? Create! - With whom?
I'll tell you - no problem!

And I'm a prepositional case,
My case is complicated.
The world is not nice to me without pretexts.
Oh yes, I need suggestions.
Without them, I have no way.
Then I can tell
What is the dream about.

nominative, genitive,
Dative, accusative,
Creative, prepositional…
It's hard to remember them all.
You always keep in mind
Names. These are cases.


He is a beginner
Questions - WHO? So what?
In it - mom, dad, elephant, arena,
And school, and coat.


Questions: No WHOM? WHAT?
I don't have a brother
And hamsters - not a single one ...
It's all mom's fault!


It's an apple, tell me
I will give to WHOM? WHAT?
Maybe Lena? Or Vite?
No, probably no one...


Oh! The toys are a mess!
I don't understand myself:
Blame WHO? So what?
Doll? Cubes? Lotto?


I want to write songs.
WITH WHOM? WITH WHAT should I study music?
Write to me with a pen or pen,
Or colored pencil?


Who am I thinking? ABOUT WHAT?
About school, about verbs.
Come on, I'm thinking about
How tired of school...

But now all cases
I learned hard.
Try to teach like this too
After all, knowledge is POWER!

Polak Frida

The nominative is you
picking flowers,
and the parent is for you
the trill and clicking of a nightingale.
If the dative is all for you,
happiness, named in fate,
then accusative ... No, wait,
I'm not easy in grammar
you want new cases
offer you? - Suggest!
- Conversative is a case,
recognition is a case,
loving, affectionate,
kissing is a case.
But they are not the same...
expectant and weary,
parting and painful,
and jealous is a case.
I have a hundred thousand of them
and only six in grammar!

Kirsanov Semyon

The NOMINAL exclaimed:
- My birthday is THAT,
Which is amazing
Learn science!
- TOGO, - said the GENENT, -
I deny who
Can't live without parents
Put on your coat.
- THAT, - answered DATIVE, -
Bad name ladies
Who didn't love diligently
Do the lessons yourself.
- TOGO, - said the accusatory, -
I will blame
Who book expressively
Can't read.
- WITH THAT, - said the CREATIVE, -
I'm just fine
Who is very respectful
Relates to work.
I'll offer a story
Who in life can do
Useful for us.

Tetivkin A.

Spring cases

Everything has awakened from sleep:
SPRING is sweeping the world.

It's like we're blooming
Feeling the arrival of SPRING.

And I wanted to get out
Towards the young SPRING.

I'll drown in the green leaves
And I blame VESNA for this.

Nature breathes only one
Unique SPRING.

A starling perched on a pine tree
Bawling songs ABOUT SPRING.

Tell others about it
And you repeat the cases.

Klyuchkina N.


I ran away from home
I walked until evening
I dived from a tree into a snowdrift,
I dreamed of living without lessons.
For collection of snowflakes
I collected with my tongue.
Dancing around the fire
And jumped around the yard.
Do I need to do lessons?
I didn't care!
Here I stand at the blackboard
And I sigh in anguish.
But the genitive
I won't forget, at least slaughter. (T. Rick)


If I had names
He gave cases
I would then gift
DATALY called!
And how I dream
Santa Claus dress up
And I bring gifts to everyone:
Brother, sister, dog.
And who else? WHAT?
Chick, horse, catfish,
Cat, hare, hippo,
Crocodile and elephant!
I'm in a hurry to the steam locomotive,
I'm flying on the ground, I'm rushing!
I will bring gifts to everyone
And then I'll be back home! (T. Rick)


I am accusative
I blame everyone everywhere.
I don't have any hope
That I won't make a mistake.
Substitute the word "see"
And define me.
- "If you want to know a lot,
Hurry up and learn to read!"
To remember the accusatory
I learned ... to fly!
How to fly up to the ceiling
Let me wave over the threshold,
I fly out the window
I am heading for the meadow.
I hate to blame
I will list everything.
I'll name one!
I see a river, I see a garden
I name everything!
I see a cherry, I see a plum.
How beautiful all around!
Building a club nearby
Painting a boat in the sand...
Enough, I'm going back to school
I fly light into class. (T. Rick)

Instrumental case

To keep up with everyone
To sound smart
Gotta understand now
In the CREATIVE case.
What is there to say for a long time.
So I decided ... to create!
Pencil, take paper
And I painted the landscape.
I am an artist, I am a creator!
Wow, what a great guy I am!
In front of the castle the bush blooms,
A snake lives under a snag,
A falcon flies over the road
Behind the fence, the horse neighs.
I create with a pencil
On a big sheet.
I decorated the view with difficulty
Forest, cloud over the pond.
Come on, I'll turn the leaf
And I'll start creating again.
My hero goes to war,
He wants to rule the country
Hit enemies with an arrow
Pour pitch from the tower.
Stop! Think with your head
Why go to war!
Better than the world finish the job!
I will close my album (T. Rick)


I'm bored in class.
Well, I better dream.
I really love to dream!
If only I could become a princess!
I dream of a crown
I will sit on the throne in it.
I dream of an elephant
To ride in the moonlight.
I dream of earrings
I dream about boots.
Evenings in the semi-darkness
I dream of an eagle
I will fly freely with him.
I will go to school...
Oh, I'm already dreaming...
About the PREPOSITIONAL case! (T. Rick)

All existing cases of the Russian language

1) Nominative case - who ?, what?
2) Genitive case - no one ?, what?
3) The dative case - to give to whom ?, to what ?, determines the end point of the action.
4) Accusative case - I see whom ?, what ?, denotes the immediate object of the action;
5) Instrumental case - I create by whom ?, with what ?, determines the instrument, some types of temporal belonging (at night);
6) Prepositional case - think about whom ?, about what?

7) Vocative case. From the Church Slavonic vocative case, we only have the word “God!” (well, Father, mentor Ambrose, Panteleimon, etc. for those who read prayers). In modern Russian, this case occurs when we address: Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt An, where it is formed by “cutting off” the ending or a specially added ending: Vanyush (Tanyush), come out!

8) Local case. Usually used with the prepositions "At", "In" and "On". Descriptive question: Where? At what? On what? - In the forest (not in the forest), On the closet (not on the closet), On the shelf (not on the shelf) - but what about in Holy Rus', in Ukraine?

9) Separating case. It is formed as a derivative of the genitive case: Pour kefir into a glass (Drink kefir), Lies a head of garlic (eat garlic) Take a sip of tea (drink tea), Set heat (not heat), Add move (not move), Young man, no spark there?

10) Counting case - found in phrases with a numeral: Two hours (not even an hour has passed), Take three steps (not a step).

11) Deferent case - determines the starting point of movement: From the forest, From the house. The noun becomes unstressed: I came out of the forest; there was severe frost.

12) Deprivative case - used exclusively with negative verbs: I do not want to know the truth (not the truth), I cannot have the right (not the right).

13) Quantitative-separative case - similar to the genitive case, but has differences: a cup of tea (instead of tea), set heat (instead of heat), add a move (instead of add a move).

14) Waiting case - He is also a genitive-accusative case: Wait (for whom? What?) Letters (not a letter), Wait (for whom? What?) Mom (not mom), Wait by the sea for weather (not weather).

15) Transformative (aka inclusive) case. Derived from the accusative case (to whom? to what?). It is used exclusively in turns of speech like: Go to pilots, Run for deputies, Marry, Become sons.

The Russian language is one of the most difficult on the planet. His grammar is difficult even for Russian people, not to mention foreigners. But we, native speakers, must certainly get to know her in order to be able to correctly express our thoughts.

Declension definition

In order to understand what declension is, you need to study cases a little. There are six of them in our language:

  • nominative, answering the questions "who?", "what?";
  • genitive - "whom?", "what?";
  • dative - "to whom?", "what?";
  • accusative - "who?", "what?";
  • creative - "by whom?", "by what?";
  • prepositional - "about whom?", "about what?".

Case shows syntactic role words in a sentence, in other words, highlights the main and secondary members, and also connects them together.

Declension is the concept of nominal parts of speech, because it is responsible for inflection in a sentence. This is a change in number, gender and case. Let's figure out how to determine the declination various parts speech.

Declension of a noun

Changing nouns by cases, as well as by numbers, is called declension. And now it’s worth learning more about how to determine the declension of nouns.

Depending on the ending of the noun in the singular and in the nominative case, this part of speech is assigned to one of the 3 existing declensions. The following table makes it very easy to figure out how to determine the declension of a noun.

Not having singular nouns cannot be assigned to any of the 3 declensions. There are also a number of exceptions to the rule. For example, 10 neuter nouns ending in "-mya", and the nouns "way" and "child" are classified as heterogeneous.

In response to the question of how to determine the declination, tables were created for visual study. They show how, depending on the gender and case, the noun of one or another declension changes.

1st declension




Now let's take a closer look at how to determine the declension of a noun that is masculine and null ending.

2nd declension. masculine


Unit number

Mn. number

2nd declension. Neuter gender

3rd declension

Declension of nouns

At every step in everyday speech, we have to use numerals in one form or another. It would seem that they should already remember all the rules by heart, but there it was. Is that the form you use in your speech? The following tables will help you understand.

Since numerals are quantitative, ordinal, collective and fractional, there will be several rules for determining the declension. In addition, elements of the same group may also have their own characteristics.

Cardinal numbers decline according to number and gender. But here, too, there are some peculiarities: for example, the numeral "one" can have the form of the singular and plural, and be masculine, feminine and neuter. The numeral "two" can take the form of feminine and masculine, but "three" and "four" are declined depending on what in question. If we are talking about inanimate objects, we describe “three” objects, if we are talking about living objects, we describe “three”.

How do ordinal numbers change? They have adjective endings: first, first, first, etc.

Conjugation of verbs

A very often asked question is how to determine the declension of a verb? However, this form of the question is not entirely correct, because the verb has no declension. Changing this part of speech is called conjugation, and the verb has two of them.

First of all, the verb is placed in indefinite form: he must answer the questions "what to do?" or “what to do?”. Then they look at the end and compare with the table:

It is also worth noting the verbs that are classified as heterogeneous, because they combine the endings of both 1 and 2 conjugations: want, run, honor.

1. Case of nouns

Nouns change by case. case- the form of a noun, expressing its syntactic relationship with other words in the sentence. Case is an inflectional category, realized with the help of endings. In russian language six cases:

  • nominative(the nominative case is always used without a preposition, in a sentence it is the subject or predicate);
  • indirect cases: genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional (the prepositional case is always used with prepositions, other indirect cases can be used with or without prepositions).

2. Declension of nouns

declination- this is a change of nouns in cases. Exist three declensions nouns. The distribution by declension depends on the gender of nouns and their ending in the nominative singular.

3. Special endings of nouns in -y, -y, -y

Nouns of the 1st declension on -and I(army, lecture) and 2nd declension on -th And -s(genius, sanatorium, meeting) in the prepositional case have an ending -And(about a genius, in a sanatorium, at a meeting, in the army). Nouns in -and I in the dative case also end in -And(cf .: give to Marya, but give to Mary).

4. Variable nouns

ten nouns per -me (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown ) and the noun path are inflected. In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular, they have the ending of the 3rd declension -i. In other cases, they have endings of the 2nd declension.

When declensing nouns into -me a formative suffix is ​​added to the root -en (-yeon): names - names, banners - banners. Words seed And stirrup V genitive case plural have a suffix -yang(but not - en): seeds, stirrups. Words burden, udder, flame, crown do not have a plural.

5. Indeclinable nouns

Indeclinable nouns have the same form for all cases, i.e. do not bow: bought a piano (v.p.), play piano (p.p.). The indestructibles include:

  • many nouns of foreign origin with final vowels: radio, metro, scoreboard, taxi, stew, kangaroo, menu, Dumas, Oslo, Baku;
  • foreign surnames ending in a consonant and denoting females: Roman Voynich (r.p.); if such a surname denotes a male person, it is inclined according to the 2nd declension: Remarque's novel;
  • Russian and Ukrainian surnames in -o and -ih (s): Franko, Chernykh, Dolgikh, Zhivago’, such surnames are not inclined regardless of the gender of the person bearing this surname;
  • many compound words: Moscow State University, GAI, hydroelectric power station.

Nouns in -anine, -yanin in many hours lose suffix -in: city ​​dweller - townspeople .

Nouns are especially declined: mother, daughter, way, child.

Declension of nouns in the singular. Table

6. Declension of plural nouns

1. Most nouns in nominative plural have endings:

1st fold. and. R. abbreviations s, army And, m. men s, young man And
2nd fold. m. Baby And, father s cf. floor I, glass A
3rd fold. and. R. step And, daughter And

2. Some nouns masculine nominative plural are used with the endings -А, -Я. For example: beach A, century A, city A, postmark I, anchor I.

3. Nouns differ in meaning:

4. In the nominative plural, two forms of endings are possible.

Table 1 - Case endings of nouns in the singular

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-and I

wives A, earth I

, -o, -e

horse, sat O, floor e

night, horse

R. p.-s, -and

wives s, earth And

-and I

con I, sat down A, floor I


night And, horse And

D. p.-e

wives e, earth e

-u, -u

con Yu, sat down at, floor Yu


night And, horse And

V. p.-u, -u

wives at, earth Yu

,-a, -i, -o, -e

con I, sat down O, floor e

night, horse

T. p.-oh (-oh), -ee (-ee)

wives Ouch, earth to her

-om, -em

con eat, sat down ohm, floor eat


night ew, horse ew

P. p. -e

wives e, earth e

-e, -i

con e, sat down e, floor e


night And, horse And

In case endings of the singular it is written:

  1. letter e : in the dative and prepositional cases of nouns of the I declension and in the prepositional case of the II declension (except for words in -and I , -th , -s ), For example: to factories e, at factories e, to earth e, about the battery e, to become e; to factory e, on the machine e; oh mor e; all L e;
  2. letter And :
    • in the genitive case of nouns of the I declension, for example: at the factories And, near the ground And, about the battery And, from become And;
    • in the prepositional case of nouns II declension on -s , -th , For example: in the lecture hall And, in a flurry And about worldview And ;
    • in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of nouns I declension on -and I , 3rd declension nouns and neuter nouns -me , For example: from the collection And, to the collection And, in the collection And; from overcoats And, to overcoat And, in an overcoat And; at the banners And, to the banners And oh banners And.

It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the prepositional case of neuter nouns in -s And -e , For example: be in contemplation And, be fully armed And (ending -And ); be in thought e, be on the coast e (ending -e ).

Case endings in surnames and names

In Russian surnames -in(-yn) and on -ov(s) in the instrumental singular is written th (as with adjectives), for example: with Vyacheslav Demin th, with Rostislav Sinitsyn th, with Kirill Kolosov th . In foreign surnames, the ending is written -ohm , For example: Darwin ohm, Chaplin ohm .

In titles settlements on -in(-yn) , -ov(s) , -ino(-ino) , -ovo(-evo) in the instrumental case of the singular, the ending is written -ohm (as with nouns), for example: near the city of Kashin ohm, the village of Borodin ohm, the city of Dmitrov ohm .

Case endings of plural nouns

Table 2 - Case endings of nouns in plural

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-s, -and

wives s, earth And

a, -i, -s, -and

con And, villages A, floor I


night And, horse And

R. p.

wives, lands

-ov, -ey,

con to her, villages, floor to her

-to her

night to her, horse to her

D. p.-am, -yam

wives am, earth pits

-am, -yam

con pits, villages am, floor pits

-am, -yam

night am, horse pits

V. p.-s, -and,

wives, earth And

-a, -i, -s, -i, her, -ov

con to her, villages A, floor I

-i, -ee

night And, horse to her

T. p.-ami, -ami

wives ami, earth yami

-ami, -ami

con yami, villages ami, floor yami

-ami, -ami

night ami, horse yami

P. p.-ah, -ah

wives Oh, earth I

-ah, -ah

con I, villages Oh, floor I

-ah, -ah

night Oh, horse I

  1. In the genitive plural after the hissing letter b not written, for example: solution tasks, repair dwellings.
  2. In the genitive plural of nouns in -ya And -e written in an unstressed position -th , under stress - -to her , For example: liar uy(liar), think uy(meditation), But stat to her(article), scam to her(bench). Exceptions: rouge to her(gun), dress ev(dress), mouth ev(mouth), upper ev(upper), lower ev(downstream).
    The nouns on -and I , -s in the genitive case is always written -th , For example: lin uy(line), building uy(building).
  3. If in the genitive plural nouns end in -en , That soft sign not written, for example: songs, cherries ( cf. apple trees, kitchens). After -en in the genitive case the letter b written in words villages b, ladies b .

Oh, this declension ... When studying a noun, it is this topic that makes you rack your brains properly in order to remember all unstressed endings in various cases and numbers. How to determine the declension of nouns? The table and examples will make the task easier! Let's try to figure it out and become even a little more literate!

What is declination?

The declension of a noun (a table of examples is given in the text) is a change in the case of a word and its number. Consider the examples in the table.

The declension table of nouns by cases shows that all nouns are divided into groups depending on what endings they acquire in the form of a particular case. Accordingly, all words related to the same elephantine will have the same set of endings. Knowing how to determine the declension, you can avoid mistakes in writing noun endings in a weak position, in other words, not under stress.

How many declensions can a noun have?

The table of declensions of nouns by cases, given in the previous section, showed that any words of the same declension in the form of the same case will have the same endings. It presents the three most common types of declension in our language. But he is known to be very rich, and there are no simple rules in it. In addition to the three presented, there are other types of declensions.

So, what types of declensions exist? The most common are the first, second and third declension.

A separate group is made up of words that end in -s: intent, crime, agreement, etc.

The next group is words ending in -and I: mania, Natalia, waist, session, commission, etc.

There is a small group of words ending in -me, which are also inclined in a certain way: time, tribe, etc. Such words are called dissimilar nouns (a separate paragraph of the article will be devoted to them). Words such as the path and the child are also considered to be divergent.

And finally, there are words that cannot change either by cases or by numbers, and in all forms they "look" the same. These are indeclinable, or invariable, nouns: kangaroo, kiwi and others.

Why do you need to be able to determine the declination?

How to determine the declension of a noun, the table will tell us a little later. But very often the question arises as to why this should be done? Why memorize all these cases, endings, a lot of "special" words that need to be remembered? But for what. Let's take the word "path" as an example: I'm walking down the path or I'm walking along the path? How to be? What letter to choose? And here's another word: "winter". It is also feminine with the ending -a-. We put in the same case: (to whom? What?) - winter. But we already know that all words of the same declension acquire the same ending when changed. So you need to write like this: I'm walking along(to whom; to what) footpath. Issue resolved!

How to determine the declension of a noun? The table and examples in the following paragraphs will help you not to make a mistake in this rather simple question!

Nouns 1 declension

These are feminine and masculine words that have endings in their initial form -A or -I(remember that initial form for a noun, it is nominative and singular).

There are a lot of feminine words with such endings in Russian: mom, Masha, pajamas, apartment, work, daughter, and many, many others. There are fewer masculine words, but they exist and are very common: dad, grandfather, Vasya, Petya and other male names.

The 1st declension noun table will compare words with stressed and unstressed endings to show that all words in a given declension will have similar case endings.

Nouns 2 declensions

These are masculine words that have (it is not expressed by a letter in the nominative case, but "appears" in other forms) and neuter with endings -o, -e: raft, horse, lake, sea, field, etc. The table of nouns of the 2nd declension will show which endings the words acquire when changing in cases.

As you can see, in the accusative case they have different endings. And only forms of the prepositional case with an unstressed ending can cause difficulties, so you should remember that in this form you need to write - e.

Nouns 3 declensions

These are feminine words with a zero ending. They all end in a soft sign: mouse, brooch, region, passion, and so on. Let's see what endings these words acquire in different forms.

It is very easy to remember: in the forms of the genitive, dative and prepositional cases, such words acquire the ending - And.

Nouns with -ie, -ia

The word "aspiration" is of the middle gender, but it cannot be attributed to the 2nd declension; the word "mantle" is feminine, but does not change, like the words of the 1st declension. The declension table of nouns by case will show the difference in endings.

As can be seen from the table, the words -s differ from the words of the 2nd declension only in the prepositional case, and the words in -and I from words of the 1st declension - in the dative and prepositional.

Please note that words ending in -ya, in all forms behave like words of the 1st declension. Therefore, for example, the forms of the same name Natalia and Natalia will decline differently: (give) Natalia, Natalia, (talk) about Natalia, about Natalia.

Table of declension endings for nouns

Let us summarize what has been said with a table of case endings for words belonging to different declensions.

case -1 skl- -2 skl- -3 skl- -s -and I

paw, bullet

__ -o, -e

house, dish


paws, bullets

home, food


paw, bullet

home, food


paw, bullet

__ -o/-e

house, dish



paw, bullet


house, food



about the paw, about the bullet

about the house, about the dish

about greatness

Let's hope that no one will have difficulty choosing the right ending and determining the declension of nouns in Russian. The table explained everything in great detail.

It should be noted that -s And -and I cannot be singled out as a separate morpheme, ending. In this case, these are just the letters that the word ends with. such words are the topic of another article.

The declension of nouns in the plural (the table here, in general, without the need) very rarely causes difficulties, since the letters are mostly clearly audible. In the dative, instrumental and prepositional cases in the plural, all three declensions will have the same endings. We suggest you independently decline any words in the plural and make sure of this.

Inflected nouns

There are few dissimilar words among the nouns of the Russian language. Why are they divergent? Because they cannot be attributed to any one declension, in different cases they "behave" differently. These are words ending in -me(there are only about ten of them), the words "path" and "child". Let's look at the features of the declension of nouns in the Russian language (table) - those words that are considered heterogeneous.

P.p.oh stir-en-andabout the wayoh dit-yat-i

As you can see, the word "child" is inclined in a very special way. The word "way" in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases "behaves" like the word of the 3rd declension, and in the instrumental - like the word of the 2nd declension. Well, words ending in -me, in oblique cases acquire the suffix -en-.

These words must be remembered so as not to make a mistake in choosing the right ending.

Indeclinable words

Basically, these are borrowed words - which came from other languages. They can denote the names of animals, plants, dishes, as well as the names or surnames of people, the names of objects. Having come into our language, such words retained the peculiarity of not changing their form when they get into a sentence. In whatever case or number such a word needs to be put, it will sound the same.

  • Pour me coffee - admiring morning coffee - talking about coffee.
  • This is my cockatoo - I don't have a cockatoo - feed the cockatoo - remember about the cockatoo.
  • Roman Dumas - dedicated to Dumas - writes about Dumas.

It is wrong and illiterate to decline such words in a sentence. Everyone knows the phrase-joke "I'm sitting in a kin on the front row with a feast in my tooth." Let's not be like the hero of this joke! Inflected words must be used correctly, and indeclinable ones do not need to be changed at all.

Summing up

Determining the declension of nouns (table above) is not at all a complicated process that will help you avoid mistakes when writing. Let's try to summarize all of the above.

There are three main declensions in Russian, but there are also special words ending in -and I And - ie, and a few odd words. Words are divided into three main groups depending on the gender and ending in the nominative case.

All words of the same declension in have similar endings. They can be learned so as not to make mistakes. And you can do it differently: instead of a word with an unstressed ending, substitute any word of the same declension, but in which the stress falls on the ending. The letter at the end of these words will be the same!

Words on -and I And -s are not included in the three main groups, because they change in cases and numbers in a special way, and they need to be remembered.

You should also remember a small group of divergent words. Their set of endings does not match any of the above declensions, which is why they require special attention.

And finally indeclinable words: they do not change in whatever context they are used. Decline in a sentence words such as movie, coat, coffee, purse, kangaroo,- a sign of low literacy and general culture.

We hope that the article turned out to be useful and helped to understand such a difficult topic as the declension of a noun. The table and examples were clear, and therefore the choice correct ending now it won't be hard.

Be smart!

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