Extreme entertainment in the Czech Republic. Amusement parks in the Czech Republic

Refusals to issue a Schengen visa

To notify of refusal to issue Schengen visas, each consulate has a stamp on which the letters A B C D are in one row, and the numbers 1 2 3 4 in the other. These are visa refusal codes.

The numbers indicate the reason for the refusal, and the letters indicate the type of visa requested.

  • Visa refusal - stamp "1-C".
  • Call for an interview - stamp "2-C".
  • But the “3-C” stamp only means that the consulate had questions about the submitted documents (or it is required to submit any additional documents). Therefore, if upon receipt of a passport you see the stamp “C-3”, be sure to get the Consulate staff to answer the question “why”.

Often the reason for refusal at the consulate is the provision of a new, clean passport. Therefore, if you traveled earlier, and you have a bunch of visas in your old passport, be sure to bring it. This will increase your chances.

The reason for the refusal may be the uncertainty of the consulate that you will return back. In this case, it helps to provide documents for various property left in Russia (for an apartment, a car, etc.) - so that the official sees that you "have something to lose" in case of non-return. They also do not like to give visas to young single girls and boys - it would be better if you are married.

Failure "1-C"

The C-1 stamp in the passport instead of a Schengen visa, if received for the first time, means that entry into the Schengen area is closed for you for 3 months. (During this period, no consulate of the Schengen country will consider your documents).

If such a stamp is received again, then you can get a more serious preventive measure, for example, a refusal for 10 years or even a ban on crossing the Schengen border.

Not a single Consulate always explains the reasons for the refusal, so you can only guess about it. The reason may be both a criminal record and nationality. Despite all the political correctness, the consulates have a negative attitude towards the natives of the Caucasus (even despite their nationality).

Unified database of failures

According to Art. 5 paragraph 1 of the Convention on the Application of the Schengen Agreement, to a person who has received a refusal to issue a visa, no other consulate of the countries included in the Schengen Agreement has the right to issue a visa.

If you nevertheless received a visa at another embassy, ​​and entered the territory of the Schengen zone with it, this is considered a violation, for which you face a large fine (in some countries - imprisonment).

After crossing the Schengen border, you should also not violate the conditions under which you were issued a visa. Some consulates like to call hotels for which a visa was obtained and ask if you really lived there.
Your violations may cause rejection next time.

In addition, the state of the Schengen Agreement may refuse to issue a visa if, during the examination of documents, it turns out that the previous Schengen visa was used for other purposes.

What to do if you get rejected

The main rule is to file an appeal. If you do not protest, it is considered that you admit your guilt, which means that you are de facto guilty. Within 5 years, the Schengen zone will be closed to you.
Therefore, as soon as you receive a refusal, write a complaint with an explanation and a requirement to clarify the reason for the refusal. Even if, as a result, you are not given a visa, there will be a note in the database that you do not agree with the decision.

Where to apply for a Schengen visa

For some people, the potential for Schengen visa rejection becomes an obsession and completely eliminates any attempt to travel to the area.

To get rid of the obsession, you should understand what are the reasons for the refusal of a Schengen visa and how to act in this case, so as not to lose paid vacation or funds for other expenses associated with traveling abroad.

Reasons for refusal of a Schengen visa

The situation when a Schengen visa is denied can happen regardless of whether you applied on your own or involving third parties. The main reasons are:

  • incorrectly specified data in (knowingly false information or an accidental typo);
  • incomplete list of documents;
  • shaky (does not even solve the problem if a person has a temporary job or does not have at least any savings of his own);
  • suspicion of the visa officer that the traveler wants to migrate or that the purpose of the trip does not correspond to real intentions;
  • having a criminal record;
  • committing an illegal act (including an unpaid parking fine) in the Schengen area.

In these cases, the passport will have a stamp with a letter and a number that encodes the reasons for the refusal.

What does a Schengen visa refusal look like?

Letter - type of visa:

  • A - airport
  • B - transit
  • C - tourist
  • D - national.

Numerical designation of failure:

  • 1 - usually indicate refusals with incomplete information in the questionnaire;
  • 2 - if the visa officer wants to personally communicate with the applicant at the interview or not confirmation of the hotel reservation;
  • 3 - the absence of any document from the list of mandatory.
  • 4 - the saddest option, denoting an indefinite refusal due to serious violations of the norms and requirements of the Schengen Union. In this case, a visa quarantine is applied - a ban on entry for a certain period of time.

Important! Sometimes a stamp on the acceptance of documents flaunts in the passport. This is a banal mistake of employees and you should immediately contact the embassy to find out the real state of things.

Refusal of a Schengen visa, what to do and who to blame?

In case of refusal, such a form is issued with the reason for the refusal of a Schengen visa. Photo: vagant.livejournal.com.

There are several possible ways resolving the issue.

In cases where the refusal is justified by a lack of information or the absence of a certain document, the data package should be resubmitted. This can be done at the same embassy. There is no reason to believe that a Schengen visa after being denied representation of the same country will definitely not be issued.

If the reason for the refusal was the absence of the applicant at the interview, you need to explain the reason and reschedule the date of its passage (it is possible to resubmit the package of documents). It is advisable to appear in person at the embassy and speak with the visa officer;

Schengen visa denial appeal

This method is suitable for those who do not have a margin of time before the start of the planned trip, that is, they will no longer be able to use paid tickets and will inevitably incur other expenses. But there is a desire to deal with the situation and prove their case.

An application for an appeal is submitted to the consulate in person or through a representative (only in reasoned cases) in the language of the country the traveler wanted to enter. Some representations have the possibility of submitting such an application by mail or e-mail (PDF document). Some travel agencies provide a service for filling out an application to appeal the decision of an embassy officer.

If the traveler is not sure of the essence of the problem, then he can contact the embassy or consulate, where he is obliged, under an agreement that has been in force for the eighth year between the Russian Federation and the Schengen Union, to provide an explanation for the refusal. It will also give recommendations on further steps to resolve the dilemma. Most countries, along with the refusal, provide a written explanation of it, which simplifies the task.

It is important to know! Each country sets its own deadlines for filing an appeal. Usually they are no more than 1 month.

Some states provide for an appeal procedure and an appeal decision. You can find out about this directly at the representative office of a particular country.

Cancellation of Schengen visa

Sometimes embassy employees themselves make mistakes in the full name, date of birth / entry-exit, city of residence or the name of the enterprise where the applicant works. In this case, the traveler must contact the embassy himself.

Cancellation of a Schengen visa in order to obtain a new visa, at the request of the applicant, can also take place after the period of validity of the current entry permit to the Schengen Union. If the time remaining is less than the planned trip, this possibility should also be taken into account so as not to postpone the trip.

Border guards can also cancel a visa when leaving the country in case of a gross violation of the regime - staying in a country of the Schengen Union for 2 or more days longer than the period. But if you are late for several hours and there are compelling reasons (for example, late transport, for example), this can be avoided.

The question of how to get a Schengen visa after a refusal largely depends on the reasons for obtaining it. If the traveler is not sure that his financial situation meets the requirements of a certain Schengen country, you can try to obtain a permit in another, more loyal country. But it is worth remembering that in this state you will have to more time from the entire trip, otherwise it will also be considered a violation of the rules of the union.

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