Heart attack. “Dream Interpretation Seizure dreamed of what a Seizure is dreaming of in a dream

Why dream of a heart attack? In reality, many anxieties, worries, sorrows and experiences are prepared for you. The dream interpretation offers a detailed decoding of everything that happened to be seen or experienced in a dream.

Did you have a heart attack in your dreams, and did you even feel suffocation and slight pain? Miller's interpreter prophesies major troubles in the business sphere. Moreover, they will become the result of your own mistake, if today you do not try to correct it.

Difficulties or happiness?

Did you dream that your heart ached wildly? Try to think through each step, because you risk making an extremely erroneous action and fail.

Why dream if in a dream you stopped hearing the heartbeat and the pulse disappeared? The dream interpretation advises to gather strength: a serious obstacle will arise on the way. Sometimes a dreaming heart attack, on the contrary, symbolizes incredible joy and happiness.


Why dream that after an attack, you ended up on the operating table? Look around: there is a person nearby who condemns others, but also behaves reprehensibly himself.

If heart failure brought you to a hospital bed in a dream, then get ready for very difficult changes.

It is good to see in dreams that you are undergoing a transplant of this important organ. In reality, a great prospect will appear or an idea that will help bring a grand idea to the end.

Who dreamed?

In order to get an extremely accurate interpretation of a dream, the dream book suggests taking into account who exactly dreamed of it.

  • To the young dreamer love union, happiness.
  • Mature - a dangerous disease.
  • Old - bad news.
  • For a man - a new, deep hobby.
  • For a woman - worries about her son, husband, lover.

Your choice!

Why dream of death from a heart attack? Dream Interpretation believes that one will have to face horrific injustice.

Remember: not only the future will depend on your decision, but also the salvation of your own soul.

Seeing death from a similar illness of a familiar person means that cardinal changes will happen in relations with him, up to a complete break.

Everything will be fine!

In general, dying in a dream is not so bad. This terrible plot guarantees longevity and relative prosperity. Moreover, the dream book is sure that changes are coming that will only improve fate.

But if you dreamed that a really sick person died of heart disease, then the dream is prophetic. There is a high probability that he will indeed leave this world in the near future.

Be careful!

Why dream of a heart attack without lethal outcome? There will be some event that will have a bad effect on health.

I dreamed that you tried to relieve pain in a dream medicines? The dream book suspects that you are getting into a seemingly harmless story with extremely bad consequences.

If, having felt pain in your chest, you could not find the pills, then this means that your own frivolity will lead to big trouble.

Urgently to the cardiologist!

Sometimes a dream book considers a heart attack in a dream to be an eloquent indication of real health problems. Especially if this incident was associated with real pain.

Did you dream that your heart ached? Run to an experienced cardiologist immediately before it's too late. In a more symbolic sense, the plot reflects the lack of vitality.

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    CORDIAL ATTACK- extremely rarely indicates heart disease. The main meaning is the karmically caused overload of the fourth chakra, however, they can be so strong that a person's life can be cut short. Dream: We meet in the hallway with my husband. He comes out of the bathroom, and I came out of the kitchen. Suddenly he starts to fall, I pick him up and lead him into the room, put him on the mattress. I hold him in my lap and I understand that he has cordial attack, and it’s hard for him.Read completely

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    cardiac seizures and drinking warm water. This is a very interesting article. Not only about the need to drink warm water. after meals, but also about cardiac seizures. The Chinese and Japanese use it during meals. Chest pain. Nausea and heavy sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have cordial attack in dream, did not wake up.Read completely

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    See in dream attack attack. Dream interpretation of birthdays in September, October, December. Attack asthma - you really do not like your business. Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April. feel in dream cordial attack if you dreamed Read completely

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    If cordial attack happens at night when the heart is at its most at rest, means that something unusual has happened. Dr. Somers and his colleagues have been working for ten years to prove that Apnea is to blame. in dream... Why should you keep an aspirin near your bed? Most people (about 60%) who have had cordial attack in time sleep did not wake up. But usually chest pain can disturb a very deep dream.Read completely

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    Absence of pulse and heartbeat. If in dream you do not hear the heartbeat and cannot feel the pulse, then in reality you will easily overcome obstacles on the way to the intended goal. If dreamed you happened cordial attack, in reality you will experience great joy.Read completely

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    dream interpretation Cordial attack at grandfather's dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Cordial attack at grandpa's? To choose an interpretation sleep dream dreams by letter for free alphabetically).Read completely

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    Esoteric questions Please tell me had a dream cordial attack.that's how ... Hello! Indeed, it had nothing to do with sleep. Rather, you had a pressure drop, and this caused tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), which you felt at first in dream. If such symptoms recur, I recommend that you consult a doctor so that there is no progression.Read completely

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    Summer dream book. See in dream attack cough - in reality it will be the same attack.Spring dream book. If dreaming Attack cordial– Feel in dream cordial attack- to an event that will affect your health.Read completely

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    dream interpretation Attack cough (cough) - see in dream attack cough - in reality it will be the same attack. Dream interpretation of those born from September to December. dream interpretation Attack Asthma - You really do not like your business. Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April. Attack cordial– Feel in dream cordial attack- to an event that will affect your health.Read completely

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    Cordial attack Daughter. Dream Interpretation - cardiac seizures. There is a certain situation or a certain thing that you really don’t want to do, but you need to. The case is a relative or former man. So you want to protect yourself from this case. Publish your dream free in the section Interpretation dreams and our Interpreters dreams maybe they can tell you what dreaming Cordial attack at grandfather's in dream.Read completely

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    Dream Interpretation Living person with attack dreamed, for what dreaming in dream living person with attack? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically). in dream cordial attack- to an event that will affect your health.Read completely

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    Attack dream interpretation dream interpretation Attack Asthma - You really do not like your business. Attack in dream dream book Attack cordial– Feel in dream cordial attack- to an event that will affect your health. dreamed Attack in dream?Read completely

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    dream book online, dream interpretation, dream book watch for free, dream book flowers, cordial attack,seizures cough, attack gallbladder, help with attack asthma, dream book dreamed,had a dream former, had a dream P. pristup interpretation of sna. Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April. feel in dream cordial attack- to an event that will affect your health. Dream interpretation of birthdays in September, October, December. Attack asthma - you really don’t like your business. Read completely

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    FOR WHAT DREAMING Heart IN DREAM, DREAM Heart DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA. Dream in which you experience great excitement and you feel your heart beating, ready to jump out of your chest - this is a harbinger of strong waking experiences. If in dream you do not hear the heartbeat and cannot feel the pulse - you will easily overcome obstacles on the way to the intended goal. If in dream you thought you had cordial attack, - in reality, you will experience great joy. Read completely

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    Diseases cordially vascular system. Even seizures epilepsy in dream. This article will cover this type in detail. seizures and will provide a lot of useful information. In medicine, epilepsy is a brain disease that manifests itself in unprovoked, repeated seizures with a violation of the natural functions of the body.Read completely

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    attack cordial dream book If in dream happened to you cordial attack- try to save yours in the near future nervous system, otherwise the unrest will lead to bitter consequences. On Sunday, the patron saint of the day is the Sun. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, you should expect clues on what efforts to make in order to become happier. dreams with a positive emotional coloring - to good changes in life. Read completely

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    To me dreamed what about my husband cordial attack, I was very frightened. At the same time, she began to do artificial respiration and call an ambulance. I don't know if he died or not, I haven't seen him yet. But I answered someone that I pumped it out with the help of artificial respiration. Few events, but dream It was so long and I was scared to death. Why?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    If in dream you thought you had cordial attack- in reality, you will experience great joy. If in dream you feel the beating of your heart - there is a risk of soon getting into an unfortunate position. General dream book. if you dreamed that your heart hurts - expect failures in business affairs; mistakes you make can lead to losses if you do not correct them in time.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "TopAuthor"

    More often in dream suffering people die cordial diseases. In addition, if cordial attack happens while awake, there is more chance that a person will be immediately helped (if it has not come to a cardiac arrest, he himself can do something - for example, urgently take medicine), if attack happened in dream, a person may not even have time to wake up, and there is no one nearby who could help - after all, loved ones are also sleeping. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "health.obozrevatel"

    Experts said that the sleepwalker is not in danger cordial attack, if he is suddenly awakened, moreover, psychologists recommend taking him back to bed so that the person does not harm himself. Stories of people who suffer from sleepwalking. Sometimes in the middle of the night I get out of bed and walk around the room or even the apartment without waking up. And not only me: every fifth child walks regularly in dream, and at least 40% have done it at least once.

In this case, the dream is nothing more than a reflection of reality, and there is little point in interpreting it. An asthma attack, suffocation (if the sleeper does not suffer from asthma in reality) is a sign of dissatisfaction own business, work. This is how the unconscious declares its protest, warns of the danger, that the current activity is “suffocating”, does not allow you to breathe freely. Seeing a heart attack in a dream - portends a shock, unexpected news, or another event that can affect health. Something abrupt and unexpected is coming, a sudden shock.

What if you dream of an attack?

Not in every dream book you can find a direct answer to the question "What is the dream of an attack for?" However, most sources agree that diseases in a dream rarely portend illness in reality. Rather, they portend change, forced or unexpected. As in other similar cases, health problems in a dream indicate primarily mental discord, and not physical health problems.

There is also a difference in the interpretation of what kind of attack the sleeper sees in a dream: a heart attack, an attack of coughing or asthma, or another chronic disease.

What portends?

Usually, one should not analyze what a coughing fit or a disease that a person suffers from in reality is dreaming of. But if an unexpected attack occurs in a dream, or such an illness that the dreamer does not suffer in reality, then great attention should be paid to such a dream.

Usually a dream attack in which is experienced as something sudden and unexpected portends an equally unexpected event in life, not necessarily bad, but possibly good.

Forewarned is forearmed! Knowing about upcoming surprises will help you prepare for them. In other cases, dreams where an attack occurs are signals that changes in life are needed. These signals need to be heeded and understood, but not as harbingers of trouble, but as another incentive for positive changes. An unloved occupation or excessive stress at work can lead to health problems - such dreams warn about this. Maybe you need to change something in your life.

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to what a person’s heart is dreaming of, since a dream can affect both a physiological and an emotional point of view. When you dream that your heart hurts or cardiac arrest occurs in a dream, the cause of such dreams may be a real disease of the cardiovascular system. The body, as it were, sends a kind of alarm signal to the brain so that you take care of your health.

Also, before you ask yourself why the heart is dreaming, understand your state of mind. Often, a heart seen in a dream does not speak of its illnesses, but that you are a lot nervous, worried and your soul is not calm. If such a state is really present in your life, then sleep is the human heart, a completely normal phenomenon. Try to calm down, cope with your feelings and live a more calm and emotionally measured life.

If everything is in order with health and emotions, then you should turn to the dream book and find a clue to the dream. For example, you are interested in what a dream is about - the heart of a person you know. The answer is simple: in this moment your thoughts are occupied with this person, perhaps there are certain disagreements or misunderstandings between you, and you are looking for ways to reconcile. If a heart is beating in a dream and this person is dreaming at the same time, then there is an unresolved problem between you. Do not put off this step for a long time, try to find solutions to the problem or problem that has arisen, and everything will return to normal.

The dream of a broken heart testifies to the experienced grief, human suffering and lost hopes that the person has recently experienced. In other words, the answer lies within ourselves. Therefore, if there have not been any emotional experiences lately, but at the same time: the heart hurts during sleep, the heart beats strongly during sleep, there is a short-term cardiac arrest in a dream, before going to bed the heart beats strongly or there are pains in the heart after sleep, then it is better not to pull and consult a doctor. Perhaps there is no reason for concern, but it does not hurt to play it safe.

General dream book

The general modern dream book includes a unified interpretation of the heart from all other dream books (Miller, Vanga, Nostradamus, Slavic dream book, Indian, Family and many others). If you often dream about the heart, the dream book will help interpret the dream:

General dream book, gives modern description dreams, which helps in life situations. While Mayan, Indian or Slavic dream books have a more vague meaning, and are more associated not with certain life situations, but with abstract thinking.

Esoteric dream book

An esoteric dream book helps to decipher what a person’s heart dreams of through penetration into it. inner world. By itself, "esotericism" means mystery and secrecy, in other words this dream book, the heart is considered as one of the keys to inner consciousness and self-knowledge. The human heart in the esoteric dream book has great importance, symbolizes strength, light, the beginning and end of life, so its interpretation must be taken seriously.

Dream about the heart in general terms portends the loss of one's own energy due to any action. Sleep hurts the heart, speaks of an impending dangerous illness, moreover, than stronger pain the more dangerous the disease. If a woman dreams that her heart hurts, and such a dream occurs quite often, then this portends problems for her husband, both in terms of health and at work. unmarried girl a sick heart in a dream portends an imminent illness of the father or young man. Sleep light in the heart, means a quick cure for the disease.

If in a dream a person has no heart at all, then the intrigues of enemies will be successful, and you will be defeated. Why dream of an animal's heart? In this case, it portends a fight with opponents and victory over them. The larger the heart of the animal, the faster and easier the victory will be. The heart of a poultry eaten in a dream means a long struggle in which you will not look for easy ways.

Why dream of a heartbeat - a dream is given, it can be interpreted in different ways, depending on what exactly you dreamed about. If you dream that you are sleeping and your heart is beating before going to sleep, it means that in the future you will encounter some kind of difficult situation. If you dream that your heart hurts after sleep, it means that the problem will strike at your future. I dreamed that my heart stopped in a dream for a few seconds - which means you need to think carefully before taking a responsible step. Sleeping on the left side of the heart means petty worries over trifles. If the heart beats strongly in a dream, then the situation will require a lot of strength and emotions. Sleep badly with the heart portends anxiety and emotional distress.

Actions with heart in everything

Depending on what actions are taking place, and in what state the person is in a dream, one can interpret in different ways what the heart is dreaming of:

rare dreams

Just to see a heart in a dream or hear its knock - many people have such dreams. But there are dreams that are quite difficult to interpret:

In a dream, hold a heart in your hands - if it is yours and big size, which means that you will finally cope with all the difficulties, and good luck awaits you. If the heart is white, a bright future awaits you; if it is black, there are difficulties in life path. The dream "a bloody heart in a hand" promises an unpleasant event that will happen soon. Seeing in a dream the heart of a person (acquaintance) - long thoughts about him. A dream in a dream to see a heart in the hand of a stranger is an unexpected difficulty. see the heart in dream dead- loss of hope.

The dream "to kill with a knife in the heart of another person" means victory over a strong enemy with whom you fought. for a long time. "Knife in the heart" dream (from a long distance) - unexpected help in the fight against the enemy and victory over him. The dream of "killing an animal in the heart with a knife" says that your efforts will be rewarded. In a dream, they cut out a heart - achieve your goal. The dream "shot in the heart at close range at you" means betrayal of loved ones, if you shot, then betrayal will be on your part (a dream of a bullet in the heart in any case means betrayal of one of the parties).

The dream "made a marriage proposal" says that life is coming big changes. They made a marriage proposal in a dream to a widow - making a serious decision. The dream of "making a marriage proposal in the middle of the crowd" promises a surprise from a stranger. Made a marriage proposal quiet place(romantic evening) - good news from native person. A marriage proposal with a heart torn out in a dream - a man is ready to sacrifice a lot for you.

The dream "heart disease of a stranger" predicts unexpected chores. The dream "pain in the heart of a loved one" promises quarrels, troubles. The dream "women's heart hurts" portends problems in the family. The heart stopped in a dream (for you) - for a long life, cardiac arrest during sleep in loved ones - for a long separation, cardiac arrest in a dream with a stranger - sudden problems. The dream of "holding your heart" says that you have to make a difficult decision alone. Sleep "hold on to the heart" (like a stroke) promises possible problems with health. The dream of "grabbing your hand to your heart" (attack) says that you will face serious experiences. Seeing heart surgery in a dream loved one You need to pay more attention to your family. The dream "an operation on the heart of a stranger" symbolizes imminent danger.

Symbolic images of the heart

Quite often, certain symbolic images may appear in a dream, which can also tell a lot:


Remember, different dream books and interpreters of dreams interpret dreams in different ways. To more accurately understand the meaning of a dream, you need to know several meanings from different dream books and try to put them together.

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