How to spoil a person at home and why you shouldn’t do it. How to damage a person? Black magic

You know, sometimes a person faces such injustice! And there is no strength to wait for God's judgment. I want to restore justice right now.

Then they try to find information how to spoil someone who has offended you greatly. This, you see, from a human point of view, is completely justified.

Especially when the offense was undeserved. It is advisable, of course, to think carefully and not act rashly.

After all, it is better to process negative energy with kindness and love.

If you respond to it with anger or hatred, it will only make things worse for everyone.

And he will turn out to be a complete egoist. He never needed anyone without you. What will happen?

Yes, the offender will continue to exist just fine, and you will be left alone. The damage will spread to you.

After all, with your intention you will awaken terrible and evil forces.

They are not your slaves. They will agree to help for “mercantile” reasons.

They want the victim to suffer. And she, well, it turns out, doesn’t suffer from the damage that you tried to cause. The forces will turn to the author of their activities.

And once you instinctively transferred your aspirations and values ​​to the victim, the result is obvious. You will suffer, not the one who deserves it.

You need to understand what is valuable to your business.

  • Maybe this person loves money or is proud of his post.
  • It happens that the primary thing for him is appearance or status.

And they are something that a person himself values ​​very much, without which his life will turn into a nightmare.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought it new car, they built a dacha, it’s clear that there is wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Behind Last year we made excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

How to spoil someone who has offended you greatly at home

  • Buy a loaf of rye bread at the store.
  • Prepare some more.
  • And a photo of the offender.
  • Black fabric.
  • A coin (if he wishes the offender to lack money).

The ceremony itself is carried out at night from Saturday to Sunday.

The most optimal time is considered to be from midnight to the “first rooster.”

  1. Cover the table with a black cloth.
  2. Place the bread in the middle.
  3. Stick a candle in it. It’s like they stick it into Kulich for Easter.
  4. Light it up.
  5. Say out loud what you wish for the offender. Your monologue should be passionate and angry at the same time.
  6. Look at . Try to feel how the energy from you rushes directly into this person.

Just keep in mind: you only need to wish for trouble.

In this case, it would be good to place a small coin on the bread. And in the morning you can quietly toss it or give it to this miser if you communicate with him.

By the way, a coin as a carrier of damage is suitable in almost any case.

After all, most of human desires and aspirations are connected with material things.

  1. You need to say your wish six times.
  2. On the last one, tear the photo into small pieces.
  3. Then start crumbling the bread and reading the words:

“Just as crumbs do not become grains, so you (the name of the offender) will not know peace, trouble follows you. It hits your thresholds and fills your life with misfortune!”

  1. The crumbs need to be collected in a black cloth and taken out the threshold. Send scraps of photos there.
  2. All this must be poured in the morning into the place where the birds will peck the bread.

Most often, this bread was carried to the enemy’s poultry yard. But this was in those days when everyone had a farm.

By the way, if the ritual was carried out correctly, then pestilence attacked the living creatures. This was a sign of the beginning of the enemy's misfortunes.

Don’t leave the stub of a candle in the house either. According to the rules, it must be buried near the offender’s gate.

Today, not all of the above, for obvious reasons, is feasible. Therefore, it is recommended to take the crumbs (with scraps of photos and a candle stub) to the churchyard.

There, pour it onto the old grave. This is done so that the damage does not pass on to a random person.

And toss a coin to your offender.

How to spoil someone who has offended you in a simple way

If you don’t want to bother with crumbs and coins, then perform a different ritual, without a photo.

It must be performed in the Temple.

  1. Buy twelve candles.
  2. Offer eleven of them to the Virgin Mary. Pray for the salvation of your soul.
  3. And take the last one to the place where funeral candles are placed.
  4. There say the following words:

“God, forgive and save! I do not wish death for Your servant (name). I ask for justice! Let (say what to spoil the person). If the Lord does not help, the devil will rush in. Everything will happen in my opinion! Amen!"

Only after such a ritual it is impossible for a month.

And the result may not appear at all as you expect. In this case, the Lord himself will punish the offender as he sees fit. It will not be in your power to change His plans.

This method is not very popular for its unpredictability. Higher powers have a different logic.

However, this method protects an upset person from making mistakes.

There are also rituals:

  • on ;

Choose for yourself which one you like best.

Each of us by nature has a magical gift, and many are faced with a situation when an irresistible desire arises to send damage to the person who has offended you. But how to cause damage and what rituals exist in the practice of sorcerers and psychics, are they all effective - yes, yes, and yes again. We'll talk about them further.

How to create a curse using a photo

The damage to the photo and the cemetery is very strong

Damaging a photo is the simplest and at the same time effective ritual of targeting magical damage on the enemy. You can damage a photograph in a cemetery - effective ritual, capable of leading the enemy to the next world, but requiring a lot of strength and energy.

Come to the graveyard, where you will find a grave with a cross standing on it - attach a photo of the victim to it, face down and upside down, nailing it with 3 nails. Then walk around the grave three times, always clockwise, and stand at your feet, saying:

“They crucified Christ on the cross - they chained 3 nails, but Christ suffered and on the 3rd day ascended to God. I conjure the enemy with 3 nails - suffer for 3 days, and then give your soul to God. The cross and the dead man will drag you into the grave - so I will return my word.”

Say these words 3 times and then, turning around, leave the grave and the territory of the cemetery. A photo of the victim should be left on the cross of the grave.

Damage using volts

Damage to a doll - volts

You can send many misfortunes to the enemy and bring him to death with the help of an ancient magical attribute - the Volta doll. Damage in this case is carried out using a homemade doll and sharp objects and needles. For this ritual you will need to prepare a volt - a rag doll, a candle made of natural wax and 9 machine needles, always new.

When starting the ritual, light a candle from a match and place the doll in front of you. They prick a needle in the flame of a candle and stick it into the doll, pronouncing certain words of the conspiracy for each:

“Let death not burn in fire, it burns with it, let it become a steel wedge for the enemy.” - this is a basic phrase, plus it is supplemented by a separate spell for each needle.

  1. On the first needle, say: “I take away your mind and curse you. Yes, be…name…cursed.” They stick it into the doll's head.
  2. They stick a second needle, and say on it: “I’m taking your heart for myself, so you can rot in the grave.” They stick it into the heart of a potential doll victim.
  3. On the third needle they say: “I cut and stab you, I take away your will - you will not resist me” - it is stuck into the solar plexus.
  4. On the 4th needle, say: “I’m taking away the life force from your stomach - I’m sending illnesses to you, every breath you breathe in and out will respond to you with pain.” It is stuck into the doll’s stomach.
  5. The 5th needle is charmed for loneliness and stuck into the lower abdomen; “I send loneliness and mortal melancholy to you - to lie there like a dead man alone in a coffin.”
  6. 6 the needle is charmed for impotence - it is stuck into the genital area and they say: “I conjure the loins from a new life - I am closing it to you.”
  7. The seventh needle is used to curse beauty - it can be stuck into any part of the doll, saying: “I take away your beauty, I conjure your body with blisters and boils, ulcers and sores.
  8. This needle is also used to conjure the enemy into dislike from all relatives - they heat it up on a candle flame and stick the dolls into any place, saying: “I reward you with hatred and dislike from people and animals - may they shun you like a dung heap.”
  9. 9, the needle speaks to the victim of good luck: “Yes, I’m depriving you of a share of good luck - you won’t know happiness, it’s hard to come into your house and move in.”

After such magical acupuncture, the doll should be taken to the churchyard and buried in a grave where a deceased person with the same name as the potential victim lies.

Black Cemetery Rite

According to esotericists and sorcerers, you can cast the darkest conspiracy to damage the cemetery on someone who has greatly offended you. It is enough to visit the nearest, necessarily active cemetery and only on the night from Friday to Saturday, find an unmarked and abandoned grave there. An aspen stake is driven into it and they say three times:

“Just as Friday is the bearer of all misfortunes, so this nameless man has a dark plan. I drive a stake into the unknown - I wish death for the baptized ... name .... Go and bring inevitable death and an aspen stake to the slave... the name of the enemy... - as it is said, so it will be.”

This ritual is carried out three Fridays in a row - the death of your enemy will overtake you in the near future, usually within 3-4 weeks.

Ritual on the mirror

Damage through mirrors can take the victim into the looking glass

Damage to the enemy can be caused at home and with the help of mirrors - as magicians note, they can drag a person’s soul and consciousness into the looking glass. The ritual itself is carried out during a full or waning moon; it is better if it is Tuesday or Saturday - prepare in advance:

  1. There are two large mirrors, the same size.
  2. A black candle and the same thread, always a new skein.
  3. A recent photograph of the victim.

Using a match from a new box, light the wick of the match and place it between two mirrors, then wrap the entire structure cross-wise with thread. While you wind the threads, say 13 times:

“In the name of the sleeping one, by the power of the punishing, by the dark power I call. You and the enemy, retreat from me, turn away and turn around, disappear into the smoke. I will surround you with a dark curse, I conjure you with three tongues, I will reward you with shares. You should not wander the land of the enemy, you should not be underground and lie peacefully in a coffin. I will hide you from the light and put you in a mirrored coffin - I said, and so be it.”

Then tie a knot at the ends of the thread, seal it with wax from a burning candle and be sure to say:

“Yes, according to that word it will come to pass.”

Place such an improvised mirror coffin in the northernmost corner and leave it there for 9 days - after this period of time, bury it near the cemetery fence.

Send damage through the lining

Damage through the lining takes effect almost instantly

Damage can also be caused through lining - magicians use a variety of attributes and objects, needles and even gifts. If the victim picks it up, the negative program becomes firmly attached to it, destroying the aura and energy. Through damage caused through the lining, one can nullify a person’s health and financial situation, make it so that he is always alone and cannot have children, and luck and good luck leave his life.

Using needles

Lining with needles is done by professionals according to a special ritual of conspiracy in the cemetery - on the territory of the churchyard, find the grave where the deceased is buried, with the same name as future victim. You leave the needle in the grave for a whole lunar month, after which it is stuck into the joint front door potential victim - as soon as she crosses the threshold, the ritual of damage begins to take effect. To pronounce special conspiracies or carry out magical rituals in this case there is no need - the needle absorbs the negative energy of the deceased, and after contact with a living person it will give it to him.

You can also saturate the needle with black destructive energy through dead water - the one with which the deceased was washed. At the very beginning, wrap new needles in a black scarf and place it in dead water - leave them there for three days and then throw them into the house of a potential victim. It is advisable to stick it into clothes, a pillow, a soft toy, or all those objects with which a person is constantly in contact. In this case, after a month of magical attacks, the potential victim will die in the most unexpected way.

Through a gift

Strange as it may sound, but the words of parents to their children that they should not take from strangers gifts have a certain sacred meaning. So you can drop it on your enemy or unfamiliar person your negativity or take away your enemy’s luck and health, financial wealth and happiness in love relationships.

Most often, lining through a gift is done on Stuffed Toys- everyone loves them and accepts them very willingly, but in the end the victim pays with his own problems and failures in life. The ritual of making a lining through a gift is carried out with the call of dark forces and the subsequent ransom. At the very beginning, you buy the gift that you personally and the potential victim like - this required condition carrying out the ritual. Then they slander him 5 times:

“Like a gray snake crawls through a damp and dark forest, but sees the sky and hates people, bites and tears - so you are a servant of God ... the name of the enemy ... the servant of God ... your name ... you saw and hated, bit and tore. So now that snake will eat you and drag you underground with cheese.”

Then give a present to your enemy - after some time he happy life the end will come.

To death

Damage to the offender can also be caused to him imminent death– the ceremony is held in an active churchyard, on Friday evening, after sunset. First, it is worth finding an abandoned grave in the churchyard - it is best if there is neither a cross nor a sign on it. They bury a photograph of the victim in it, but everything is in order.

For this ritual you will need:

  • Black head scarf.
  • A photo of the enemy and a new needle.
  • A candle made of natural wax and a few small coins for sale.

Having already arrived at the cemetery, you make an even number of punctures in the victim’s photograph on the unmarked grave. Take a few handfuls of earth from the grave and wrap it in a dark scarf - place a pierced photo on top. Light a candle and drip its melted wax into all the outlines of the victim’s body, thus, as if sealing the magical attribute.

Tie a handkerchief with soil and a charged photo into a knot and bury it on the grave at the feet of the deceased. Leave the cemetery immediately, without looking back, but not the way you came to it. When you go back, count 3 intersections, and at 4 be sure to throw coins and say:

“Yes, it was paid for by me personally.”

So you call for help dark forces and pay them through the crossroads to bring the enemy to the grave. In addition, you can charge salt in the cemetery with negative energy - buy a new package in the store and wrap it in a bag, leave it for a month on the territory of the cemetery in a secluded place.

When you pick her up from there in a month, leave the ransom, sweets and small change, vodka, and so on. After that, throw it under the threshold of an enemy, a car, or on the threshold of an office, without bringing it into your own home. The main condition for the ritual to work is that the potential victim must step on it.

For impotence

All sudden changes in male body may be signs of damage

Most often, it is women who undertake to inspect and damage a man’s impotence – abandoned spouses or mistresses, and simply envious neighbors. For this ritual, prepare a simple cotton rope in advance - use it to weave a small braid, no more than 2 fingers long, one finger thick. This is a symbol of the male phallus and its strength.

Fold it in half and tie it into a knot, at that very moment saying:

“May I deprive you of your strength - while the braid is twisted and tied, so will the servant of God have everything tied up. Yes, there is power in my word - as I command, so it will be.”

After this, the braid should be hidden in a secluded place or buried away from human eyes - until it rots, the man will suffer from induced impotence.

To destroy a marriage

Damage to marriage can destroy even the strongest bonds

Damaging the destruction of a marriage can be carried out using a variety of rituals, but the most effective will be the ritual with a sacrificial black rooster. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  1. Black rooster and clay bowl.
  2. With a sharp blade, a well-sharpened knife and needles - their number should be equal to the number of household members.
  3. A black wax candle and a piece of natural opaque fabric, also necessarily black.

They begin the ritual in the evening, when the sun has set below the horizon. You cut off the head of a bird with a knife and collect its blood in a clay bowl - it is into this that you throw the needles, having previously calcined them over an open fire with candles. You leave them in this form until the morning, and after sunrise, take them out and, wrapping them in black cloth, take them to the enemy’s house. When you toss the needles, do not touch them with your hands and be sure to remember to speak;

“Not in the name of the Father, not in the name of the Son, not in the name of the Holy Spirit - I attract and call the dark demons to this threshold, bring troubles and anxiety to it, harm everyone living in the house. Yes, from this moment and from this day - you will not have life and health, neither day nor night. My word is strong and demonic.”

Afterwards, take the bird carcass and ritual blood to the crossroads as a ransom - leaving it there, be sure to say:

“I and the devils paid for the ambulance assistants.”

Then quickly and silently, and most importantly, without turning around, leave.

For obesity

Obesity can cause many health problems

You can also apply damage to appearance, beauty, inducing magical obesity. From the very morning on Sunday, go to the temple and hold a service there, and upon completion, wait until everyone leaves the church. Next, so that no one sees, take a small stub of a candle that has not yet gone out from the icon of the Mother of God.

You go home with it and after sunset, fill any container with water, place 4 candles around it, forming something like a square, light them with a match. You light the end of the candle brought from the temple from the lower right candle and drip the wax into the water, saying:

“The candle melts - you have a servant of God ... name ... weight and gain "

Let it melt completely, and when finished, collect all the drops of wax from the water, putting it in a bag. The next day, go to the enemy’s house and try to quietly put him in a secluded corner of the kitchen. While the wax is there, the victim will be unbearably drawn to food, she will feel constant hunger, become fat and gain weight.

Every person has an enemy or a person who often brings a lot of trouble. There are a number of rituals that can help punish an offender. It is not easy to send such damage, but the result will not keep you waiting. Remember that these rituals are strong black magic, and its use may be unsafe for you.

Damage using volts

To create a volt you will need particles from your enemy. Practitioners advise using blood, hair, nails, etc. as material. Since blood is difficult to obtain, even one hair will do. You don't have to work hard to get the hair out.

How to create a Volta doll

You can create volta at home in different ways. Practicing magicians advise making volta from wax or bread crumb, or you can also knit it simply from wool. You must definitely roll up a particle of your enemy’s material, those very nails or hair, into the material. It is important in the process of making a doll to put all the energy into it, making not just an imitation of your enemy, but precisely his personality

It is extremely important to create some elements that will bring the image as close as possible to the original, imitate the victim's hairstyle, clothing, or special features. This way you will bring a piece of energy and part of the enemy’s soul into the doll. When the doll is ready, you can begin to take revenge. You can cut the doll with a knife, prick it with needles, burn it, break it, and so on.

Damage with a blow

For such a ritual, if it is performed by a novice magician practitioner at home, it is very important to have a lock of hair or personal item. The only nuance is that hair or a personal item must be obtained not on an ordinary day, but on a day that is subordinate to Venus, Friday.

Now, on a full moon at midnight, wrap a lock of hair in a white sheet of paper, write on the paper the name of the enemy and his date of birth. Now start kicking, trampling and hitting the bundle, you can send curses and angry reprimands at it. This will create an energy channel through which the negative program will reach the object and begin to affect its energy.

If you cannot make a lining or give something to the offender, then use an effective method of causing damage using a figurine - a volt. To do this, make a small figurine of a person from wax or clay (you can add nails to it, wrap it with a piece of the victim’s clothing). At 2 a.m. for 9 days, light 9 black wax candles around the volt and whisper the text:

“I entrust the fate of (name) to the devil, I invite misfortune to him! Let money, love and grace leave him and not a drop remain! So that (name) lives like a gentleman, so that he suffers, suffers and washes himself with bitter tears, wipes himself with food! Let him be black "The river will wash away his peace! Let the black wave leave emptiness! And take away love and kindness from (name)'s life! My word is strong! Key, lock, tongue. Be as you said!"

On the last day of the ritual, the volt is buried in the cemetery at any unmarked grave. If this ritual is interrupted or carried out incorrectly, then all its effects will fall back on the sorcerer himself.

An eternal companion for an enemy

In order for everything to go wrong with the enemy and everything to be upside down, attach to him an eternal companion who will spoil everything. To do this, choose the road that your enemy always walks on. There should be a clear path from one point to another. Follow him, and every nine steps say:

“The devil is running after you! It sticks, it drinks all your blood! It could be, in my opinion.”

Now the devil will definitely not leave the victim and will not only ruin her life, but also drain all her energy and strength.

How to damage and kill female beauty

It is quite easy to send damage to a woman. There are many rituals to eliminate a rival and mutilate her body and soul. These rituals are not strong enough to bring a person to the grave, but they are capable of disfiguring the appearance of the victim.

Mirror as a gift

The linings were made by our ancestors at all times. This is a fairly effective way of eliminating victims and placing damage or the evil eye on them. In order to carry out the ritual, you need to buy a new mirror. The old one will not work, since it contains a lot of your energy, and the item will need to be given to the woman.

At night, on the waning moon, sit in front of the window, pick up a mirror and say:

“As the moon wanes in the sky, so your beauty will quickly melt. As the stars go out, so will your youth fade away. As the moon ages, so you will not escape rapid old age.”

The ritual is carried out over 3 nights. You can't skip days. After the mirror has been enchanted, it must be given to the victim. Make sure it is passed from hand to hand.

Before the victim takes it, no other person should touch it.
If you cannot give the lining to the woman, then slip it into her bag unnoticed. The more often she looks in this mirror, the faster her beauty will fade.

A strong ritual using personal belongings

You can damage your home yourself using this ritual. It is very strong and effective, but no less dangerous. It is strictly prohibited to conduct it if you are not confident in your own capabilities.

If you hesitate, it is better to postpone this idea or trust a professional sorcerer. With the help of this ritual, you can punish any enemy, offender or homewrecker. Not a single person who stands in your way will be able to resist the power of this corruption.

Sit on the floor, light 5 black candles around you and say the text of “Our Father” in reverse:

"Nima! Ogavakul to san ivabzi, On eineshuksi ov san idevveni; Mishan mokinzhlod meyalvatso ym and Ezhokya, ashan iglod man ivatso i; Send man djad yinschusan shan belkh. Ilmez an and iseben an okya, Yaovt yalov tedub ad, Eovt Eivtsrats Tediirp ad "Eovt yami Yastityavs ad! Heseben an ise, Jerzy Shan Echto."

Now pick up the victim’s personal item (it could be a ring, a chain, something that a person always carries with him). Imagine that she (he) is standing next to you. Concentrate all your hostility, resentment and say 5 times:

"Antichrist, omnipotent evil descend! Turn your face on me, your servant! I struggle in suffering and anger! Take away the pain and magnify hatred! Let it serve you, for I make a sacrifice! Help yourself and me destroy the creature of God, which is called (name of the enemy). Curse my enemy! Let Satan bring eternal torment upon him. Let there be Hell on earth!"

The attributes should be buried near the enemy’s house or in the forest if you do not know where exactly the victim lives.

Ritual to Summon the Devil

This is a ritual of black magic that should not be performed by beginners and even experienced sorcerers who are unsure of their own abilities. In order to perform the ritual, go to the road crossing exactly at 12 o'clock at night and take with you some salt in a small bag. Stand at the intersection of roads, open the bag and say loudly:

"I call on the forces of Hell! Come, help. Damage the enemy. The devil and the devil from the underworld, bring your strength, take the enemy to the grave. Let (name) have neither health nor happiness! His fate is pain and bad weather! I will salt the threshold "I will add salt, I will poison happiness and life! I open the road from Hell to (name)'s threshold!"

It is best to pour the prepared salt under the threshold of your enemy that same night. The damage will take effect very quickly, and the enemy will be punished. It is forbidden to leave even a little salt for yourself. Also, you can’t store it until next time. If you leave the product with you, then everything that was prepared for the enemy will pass on to you.

If you decide to do damage, weigh all the pros and cons before doing it. If you have even a shadow of doubt in your soul, it is better not to start the ritual at all. It will be much worse if you interrupt in the middle of the ceremony. In this case, the awakened forces can bring down all their anger on you.

Punishment with a chicken egg

How to cast a spell on someone who has greatly offended you or who has jinxed you? Despite the fact that the ritual uses the usual egg, its essence is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that a ritual performed at home can punish the enemy using the power of black magic. It is advisable that you know the victim personally, only in this case the damage to the egg will work.

To carry out the ritual of spoilage, you will need one rotten egg and a container in which you will boil it. Throw the egg into boiling water, saying the following words:

“I brew my anger, I send it to you, I cover you, my enemy, with evil, I wash it with the wind. Let everything that appears here be covered with stains on your destiny. Feel everything you've done to me. Who else but you should experience evil.”

Do not be afraid to show maximum feelings that have boiled towards the offender, this will make the damage to the enemy more powerful. After the last word is said, you need to remove the egg from the water and let it cool. An already cold egg is thrown to the front door of the victim of the ritual of damage.

A conspiracy-whisper in the back of the offender

If you know your offender by sight and often encounter him, at the next meeting, wait until he passes by you and whisper a conspiracy behind his back:

“Go, arrow, with tears and pain, untrodden paths, through the blood, not into the eye, not into the eyebrow, but straight into the heart. Stab and pinch, hit and tear. Exterminate him, punish him, my offender (name of the offender). Key, lock, so be it!”

A black way to take revenge on the enemy for meanness

Attention! This spell is very powerful and dangerous, so use it only in the most extreme cases! This ritual can have very bad consequences for you.

The ritual is performed on those days of the month that are divisible by 6, i.e. 6, 12, 18, 24, 30. Time of day - strictly at 3 am. You need to prepare: a white sheet of paper, a church wax candle, a pen with red paste, a sterile needle, holy water.

To begin, light a candle, take a sheet of paper and describe on it in red ink as much detail as possible, in the smallest detail, the method of punishment that you consider necessary for the offender. Avoid ambiguity and understatement.

Then take a needle and heat it over the flame of a candle - it is advisable that it turns black. Pierce yourself ring finger and use the blood to cross out the inscription on the sheet. Next, say the spell three times, mentally addressing the enemy:

“Written in blood, sealed in blood. I will correct your life with dark power. I will bring bitterness and tears into it. You cannot hide from my judgment. Let it be so!"

Burn the paper in the flame of a candle, collect the resulting ashes, sprinkle it with holy water and throw it into the wind. The offender will be “conquered” literally in 3 days.

Damage to a coin

Let's learn about another way to punish the offender - to damage his enemy; it is carried out using a coin. It is important to find a small denomination coin, preferably a 1 or 2 kopeck coin. What is the meaning of this damage? When you meet an enemy, you need to quietly throw this coin at his feet, saying the following words to yourself:

“I encircle you with the cross, but I do not ask for happiness, but for misfortune. Let you feel in full force what you did to me.”

After he steps over or steps on the coin, the damage will take effect. In order to consolidate the result, you need to whisper after him: “Paid.” Under no circumstances should you pick up coins from the ground; their purpose has already been fulfilled. Within a few days, unpleasant events will occur in the life of the offender, which will force him to reconsider his recent actions and feel completely guilty for them.

Damage on the needle

This option of applying damage is also called return magic, that is, you return all the bad things that the offender did to you. What you will need to perform the ritual:

2 needles used in sewing, one of which should be longer and thicker
Black threads to cast a spell
photo of the offender (it can be taken from any social network profile)

Insert the smaller needle into the eye of the larger one so that something like a cross is formed. The place that forms the connection is tied with a black thread; this will symbolize the dependence of the ritual victim on your will. When the connection is ready, you need to say the following words:

“I will twist your life with a needle, mine is good, yours is pure evil. I found out everything (I found out), I found out about you (I found out), I’m returning everything that I sent (sent), choke.”

The witchcraft stage is over. Now you need to quietly make your way to the place where the offender lives and insert a thick needle not far from his front door; a joint is ideal. Place a photograph torn into pieces nearby. It is important to insert the lining in such a way that the small needle faces the sunset, which will symbolize that a series of events will begin to occur in the life of your enemy that will bring a lot of grief and frustration.

We charm water for damage

If you suspect that someone wants to harm you in one area or another of your life, use fortune telling, and then you can create damage that will only begin to act if the enemy carries out his sinister plan. To carry out this ritual you will need:

pure water
water container
a mirror that can accommodate the entire face
The Bible, without it, performing a ritual can be dangerous for you

Light a candle, preferably a church candle. Pour water into a glass or any other transparent container and place the glass on top of the Bible. You need to place the mirror opposite yourself; say the words of the spell so that you can see your reflection in the mirror. Think only about who offended you, focus on the negative emotions that the offender evokes in you, then begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy that need to be read to the person in a quiet voice:

“Walks through the forest, walks through the fields, howls like a wolf, wanders, wanders. Evil in my soul, resentment in my memory, I will never forgive you. If you treat me with evil, you will receive evil a hundredfold.”

Now all that remains is to pour the charmed water near the offender’s house or on his photograph; the damage will begin to take effect on the fifth day after the ritual of damage.

Damage to stone

In order to take revenge on the offender at home, you can use a stone with which you can damage the person who caused you harm. In addition to the stone, find a large, long, rusty nail and a very ordinary hammer. All actions will need to be performed carefully so as not to get hurt, otherwise you will harm yourself not only physically, but at the energetic level, find ways to place objects for the ritual correctly. Take a nail and place its point in the middle of the stone. Then you need to hit the cap several times, select the force so that, God forbid, you do not split the stone. Whisper the following words:

“Stone upon stone, water upon water. I break your will with the edge, I won’t let you leave unpunished. Get everything you deserve."

Damage will be caused only if the stone has not split, but traces of a hammer hitting a nail are clearly visible on it. By the way, if you need to take revenge not on one person, but on several at once, you need to take as many stones as there are people.

The oldest ritual of corruption

People caused damage back in ancient times, because the sense of justice was always relevant and they chose to do this different ways. To spend the most ancient rite, you will need:

One candle
Paper and pencil

Let's describe all the steps step by step:

Imagine in your mind how your offender will stroke you, how he will revel in the fact that he has harmed you
Use a needle to write his name on the wax of the candle.
On paper you need to write the magic words that our ancestors used, they sound like this “Zammu Wigor”
The words need to be dripped with warmed honey.
Rolling a ball out of paper
Use a knife to make a small cut in the candle.
A rolled paper ball is inserted into this cut.
Light the candle wick and wait until it burns out completely.
The cinder must be buried near the house where the offender or his entourage lives. It is advisable to bury the cinder under an old tree or in a cemetery where the coffin with the deceased was recently buried.

How to punish a person if you don’t know who the offender is

It happens that you were offended, but you don’t know exactly who it was and why he was doing it. What to do in this case, is it possible to punish an unknown person and stop what he is doing? Yes, magic also offers this option to make a curse. In order to carry out this ritual you will need:

Damage to drunkenness and alcoholism

Black tablecloth
Three matches and candles

Sit at the table on a moonlit night, preferably when there is a full moon at this time. There should be a mirror in front of you. Place a candle on the right. The first two matches need to be lit and immediately extinguished; they are needed in order to wake up the desired magical power. Light the candle with the third match and say the following words while looking at the fire:

“I’m sitting in front of the mirror, thinking about you, who does bad things for me. Let retribution catch you and not leave you, you will burn like a witch.”

Look in the mirror without blinking, wait until the moment when the reflection shows not your face, but the face of the person who is harming you. When this happens, say these words:

“Get out of my life, scoundrel, choke on your envy, I’m feeding it to you.”

After that, spit in the mirror three times and break it at the crossroads of two roads or in a cemetery. This ritual corresponds to black magic.

Food spoilage

A popular way to send damage to a person is to add menstrual blood or blood from a finger into drinks or first courses. At the same time, an affirmation is pronounced in which the desired result is clearly stated. A person who eats a dish with witchcraft filling will be subdued by the one whose blood he tasted. The impact of such damage is temporary and requires monthly repetition of the ritual.

The more accurately the wish is expressed, the better the result of the damage done to the blood will be visible.

Food spoilage is used more often than other types in everyday life. It’s easy to spoil the energy potential of food with a bad word, even without wanting to cause harm. A specially made damage to the offender using food is much more dangerous than magical objects that are thrown to the victim. During the meal, everyone who eats spoiled food will suffer.

The ritual is done whatever it takes. The result of spoilage can be seen within a few hours by symptoms similar to the development of an acute disease with high temperature, general weakness, low pressure.

You can damage a person yourself with the help of salt that has been lying on any grave for 3 days. To obtain dead salt, take a closed pack and hide it so that random person I didn't see the packaging. When they come for a ready-to-use product, they leave an expensive alcoholic drink, honey in a comb, and white bread at the grave.

The high cost of repayment helps reduce the risk of harm, which always threatens the person who casts a spell.

Dead salt is stored outside the living area. They put it in the victim’s food, scatter it on the doorstep or in the car when they want to cause harm. To obtain the effect, grains of salt must fall on the person’s body or clothing. When scattering, they pronounce an affirmation in which they formulate their wishes to the enemy, making damage.

To cause severe harm to the victim's health, damage can be done to dead bread. A piece is taken from a glass of vodka, which stands separately at the wake and is intended for the deceased.

You need to quietly take it and feed it to your enemy in the form of crumbs added to food. The effect of such damage will be less if you scatter crumbs under a table or bed that a person constantly uses.

The result of damage to dead bread is significantly enhanced by an ancient conspiracy that is read 6 times on the waxing moon:

“What is prepared for the dead is prepared for the living slave (name). Dry up, wither away, become limp in dry crumbs, lose your health, receive dryness on your spine. What is prepared for the dead is prepared for the living slave (name), I cannot pick up the crumbs, my work cannot be broken. Amen".

The action appears quickly. The morning after the ritual of damage, the victim feels severe weakness and feels wandering pains throughout the body. A person constantly feels sleepy and develops symptoms of acute diseases associated with damage to the internal secretion organs, which leads to death.

How to harm an offender through things

The most powerful damage done to the enemy independently with the help of things will be the one where objects related to dead world and storing the energy of the dead. To disrupt the functioning of the chakras, water that was used to wash the dead person is splashed onto the victim’s clothes, which leads to a painful state and weakness.

On the fresh grave of a deceased person who has the same name as an enemy, you can bury the victim’s personal belongings. To preserve its appearance, it is placed in waterproof packaging. On the ninth day, and no later, the object is dug up and secretly returned to the owner.

You can tear into 2 parts a photo of an enemy over a fresh burial. Bury one half in the burial, and place the second half of the victim in the place where the person spends a lot of time.

Wanting to do damage, they give the victim rare plant, planted in flower pot, where earth is poured on top, collected from the grave mound of the namesake. Damage done using dead things will not immediately lead to death. The victim will be sick for a long time until he dies. More often there are cases when energy is restored.

Damage is often done using shackles that were used to bind the legs of a deceased person. They are cut after the deceased is placed in a coffin and must be buried in the same grave. They can be taken after cutting to be used in magical rituals, including for inducing damage. Suffer from magical rituals relatives of the deceased. In inept hands, fetters can harm not the victim himself, but his children, who will suffer from attacks of suffocation that cannot be removed by anything except magical spells.

People can use the soap that was used to wash the deceased. They draw pentagrams on the victim’s clothes and offer them for washing. After such damage, a person gets sick for a long time.

Pins are another common technique for causing damage. They are first spoken and then injected into the lining tissue of the victim. To work, buy a black candle and a tiny safety pin. Wax from a lit candle is dripped into the eye of a pin, and read three times:

“As sharp is the needle, so is the arrow of the spirit of evil, directed by my hand.
Just as this wax sticks to iron, so my words and deeds of the spirit of evil stick to that needle.
Let it be so!"

Damaging a pin is a common method of revenge because it is easy to stick into outerwear enemy or into the upholstery of a car seat.


Damage to the lining is popular in everyday life. You can make a lining spelled for damage from any thing that will attract the attention of the victim. They choose it based on the preferences of the person who will use it. You need to invest in the chosen item negative program, using the technique of creating amulets.

To do this, the item is left on the window from new moon to full moon. On the full moon they speak to it by reading the Our Father backwards. Then they present a video sequence where misfortunes happen to the victim. Afterwards, the video sequence is sped up until there is a feeling that the event happened instantly and has already happened. Next, the thing is given as a gift to the person, or thrown to his house, hidden inside the room where the enemy constantly lives.

How to take revenge on an unfaithful lover

Young men often want to spoil a girl when she is alone. In black magic there are many rituals designed to carry out such revenge, but they all require special knowledge and the implementation of certain rules, the violation of which leads to unforeseen complications.

If you want to do a strong damage to your unfaithful lover yourself, then at home you can use the negative energy of hatred. Reprisal against the enemy is carried out at the moment of the highest nervous tension, when anger is suffocating, and the person is ready to tear the offender into pieces. The technique of damaging an enemy is suitable for people with a good imagination. Need to:

close eyes;
present a white blank screen;
draw a bloody inverted pentagram on it;
place the enemy’s face inside it;
disfigure this face by any means;
collect the remnants of anger and stick a sharp knife into the middle of the pentagram so that blood splashes;
imagine a screen completely covered in blood;
feel complete indifference to the victim;
turn off the picture;
open eyes;
take a cleansing breath.

If nervous system If you are still tense, you need to drink valerian with motherwort and go to bed. The results of the damage done appear within a week.

The curse may work stronger than damage. If you curse a photo of a person every day, spitting on it and calling disaster on the offender’s head, then this will bear fruit, but at the same time it will change the character of the person who is fixated on his enemy.

Damage to a fatal disease

If you need to cast a spell on an enemy because of whom a person died, a dead amulet is created to cast the spell. It is used at funerals. To do this, first make a figurine similar to the victim using dry wormwood grass, his hair, drool, cigarette butts, scraps of clothing, and also a photo. All this is burned, and biological material belonging to the enemy is mixed with the ashes.

Everything is put into a small bag, which is sewn either from the victim’s clothes or made from fabric purchased at the store. The resulting amulet is secretly placed on the chest of the deceased person, whose gender matches the gender of the enemy. When a person is buried, the victim suddenly falls ill and is left alone. You can put only a photo of the enemy in the coffin and achieve a similar result.

Many people are interested in what can be done with a doll that was molded in the likeness of the victim. After completing it, slowly read the “Our Father”, backwards, starting with last words(Nima ikevan...). While reading, you need to pierce the doll with scissors and imagine in every detail a picture of an accident or accident that should happen to the right person. The doll is left on the table for three days, constantly thinking about what is going to happen to the enemy.

At this time you need to refuse food, if you are very thirsty, drink clean water, do not come into contact with anyone.

Three days later, at midnight, the doll is wrapped in new cloth, where several stones are placed to give the package weight. This will allow the volt to sink. Then they go outside and throw it into a pond or sewer, and, without looking back, return home. You can't talk to anyone.

Having dealt with the volt, you need to return to ordinary life and not think about the damage done and the sacrifice. Her fate is being decided at the council of the Higher Powers, and your opinion has already been heard there.

Damage to the trail

An ancient technique that can lead to death. If you pour gasoline on a trail and set it on fire, it can cause severe illness. Grandmothers in the villages filled the thief's footprint with wax, then took out the frozen trace, read the Lord's Prayer backwards, pronounced a self-formulated curse and threw the wax plate into the fire. If the burning of the footprint took place on the new moon, then by the full moon the person could die or commit suicide from this type of damage.

Rituals for causing damage are taken from black magic. Only experienced magicians can perform powerful rituals for damage. But anyone can do damage from a photo; to do this, you just need to clearly know the rules and with all your heart want your plan to come true.

When touching black magic, it is important to understand: when a person uses such powers to harm another, this negatively affects karma and energy. Therefore, if you do not subsequently engage in spiritual practices, such as meditation, chakra development and protective blocks against negativity, you can harm yourself even more than your enemy.

Feature of damage

Putting a curse on another person is never worth it for fun, a joke, or a game with the Higher Powers. This is important to remember first. Use such rituals only in cases where you really consider the punishment to be fair and cannot influence the offender with any other ritual.

Before starting the ritual itself, you need to prepare for it and protect yourself. This way you can protect yourself from negative consequences dark rite.

Stand in the middle of the room and draw a circle around yourself with your hand. It is not necessary to move your palm along the floor; it is enough to stretch it out in front of you and in this position turn around its axis. In the old days they used chalk, but with proper concentration you can easily do without it.

Make sure to turn with your right foot and to the right side, because you are sure that you are right. This way you will get an imaginary circle, and you will find yourself in its center. After this, raise both hands up and say the phrase: “ I appeal to all Higher Powers. Protect me from negativity and evil. Protect from the evil eye and word. Let it be so" It is not necessary to pronounce this phrase loudly; the main thing is to pronounce all the words with confidence in your voice.

Damage in the photo

To carry out the ritual you will need a candle and a knife. The ritual is performed alone at midnight, when the dark forces are most activated. Light a candle, take a photo of the enemy in left hand, and the knife to the right. Look at the photo and remember all the bad things this person did. Next, pass the knife blade through the candle flame and say: “ Fire knife, bring on this person all the sorrows he deserves. How angry and black he is, how he committed obscene deeds, let all this nastyness come back to him a hundredfold. My word is strong and indestructible. Key. Lock. Language" After the words, pierce the photograph with a knife and burn it on a candle flame.

As a rule, such a ritual begins to work quite quickly. The results will be immediately noticeable. The person will simply disappear from your life, and if this is not possible, then you will be able to watch the development of events and see your ritual in action.

This kind of magic takes a lot of energy from those who practice it. Therefore, before using black rituals, think about whether the game is worth the candle. Usually in such situations, self-development, increasing one’s own biofield or using amulets helps. Then bad people they will not be able to break through your protection and harm you, and no damage will simply be required. Use your power and knowledge wisely and don't forget to push the buttons and

13.10.2015 00:20

Having asked the question of how to properly damage, the most important thing is to do it many times and...

Hexing is a powerful program aimed either at a person’s failure in a certain area, or at depriving him of health or even life. Just yesterday people were friends, went to visit each other, shared their most secret things, but today they quarreled and are looking for a way to take revenge. Overly emotional people are not limited to scandals and begin to become interested in the topic of how to damage someone who has seriously offended them at home. If the offense is really great, and there is no forgiveness for yesterday's friend, you can try to punish him magically. Let's look at several effective rituals using simple means.

If you are very offended and think only about revenge, carefully evaluate your goal, i.e. what area of ​​life you want to spoil for the enemy. For example, if this person is unsociable and prefers a calm, quiet life, you should not spoil him for loneliness, because a hermit’s lifestyle is absolutely normal for the offender. But if the enemy is rich, successful and healthy as a bull, then he has something to take away. And your task is to take away material or physical benefits.

In order for the magical effect to be effective, it is necessary to prepare for the ritual of spoiling the offender. If you are going to work with a photograph, use a picture where the enemy looks natural, does not have red eyes from the flash, and the image itself is complete (you cannot cut out the victim if he is taken surrounded by strangers) - this is an important condition.

In addition to the photo, you will need a black candle and a loaf of black bread. Damage from midnight to dawn, from Saturday to Sunday. Think about your offender and send mental curses to him. Remember all the troubles associated with him, look at the photo and express what is boiling in your soul. Wish poverty for the greedy, bankruptcy for the rich, impotence for the lover of women. You must spoil the most significant part the life of his adversary.

Damage to someone who greatly offended at home

A simple but effective way for the offender to cause damage at home would be a ritual with a black candle and rye bread. Prepare a piece of dark fabric and some change if you punish the enemy with lack of money.

After 12 o'clock on the night from Saturday to Sunday, the one who damages the offender must do the following:

  1. Cover the table with black cloth.
  2. Place the bread in the center of the countertop.
  3. Stick a candle into the loaf and light it.
  4. Voice the most negative wishes, throwing out your hatred.
  5. Look at the photo and direct all the negative energy towards the enemy.

Important! When inflicting such damage, send only one misfortune. In our example we're talking about about lack of money. This means that you should not wish your adversary anything other than the collapse of material values. When performing the ritual, place a small coin on the loaf of bread, and in the morning throw it to the greedy person, or try to give it to the greedy person under any pretext if the communication continues.

After speaking a negative speech 6 times, tear the photograph into small pieces at the last phrase and immediately begin crumbling the bread on the table. At this moment, say:

Just as these crumbs do not become grains, so you (name of the enemy) will lose peace. From this moment on, trouble follows on your heels, hits your thresholds, and displaces your comfortable life with misfortunes!

Take the crumbs, along with scraps of photos and black cloth, into the yard and in the morning, when dawn, throw the bread in a place where birds often gather. The birds must peck the crumbs. In ancient times, it was customary to throw a charmed loaf into an enemy’s yard. When the ritual was performed correctly, the living creatures began to get sick, which indicated the launch of a negative program.

In modern conditions, especially in the city, few people keep poultry. That's why bread crumbs are thrown away by street birds or, alternatively, taken to a cemetery and left on an abandoned grave. They do not keep candle stubs in their home and do not dispose of them. If possible, it is buried at the gate of the offender or, along with crumbs and a torn photograph, taken to the graveyard. And they only try to hand over the coin to the enemy in any way.

Damage to death

You can apply mortal damage to someone who has seriously offended you, if the enemy is at a great distance from you, using a photo. The method works to punish a close and non-blood relative. By various reasons Relationships between family members deteriorate. In a fit of anger, they may insult you or wish you bad things, and because of envy, there is a chance of getting the evil eye. In this case, it is natural to want to take revenge by doing damage to death.
The waning moon and several materials will help you realize your plans:

  • Photo of the offender.
  • A jar that can be tightly sealed with a lid.
  • Liquid honey in small quantities.
  • A handful of cemetery soil from the grave of the same name (if damage is directed at Anna, for example, the soil should be taken from the grave where Anna is buried close to the victim age).

After dripping honey on the photo and pouring graveyard soil, you need to read a short conspiracy:

Just as bees love sweets and flock to honey, so the dead attach themselves to my offender (name). And until this spell is lifted, otherworldly power will work and cause harm to my offender (full name). And if the accursed force does not subside, death will put my enemy in a coffin. Amen.

Place all the attributes in a jar, close the lid and bury it at the end of the field.

You can send quick damage to someone who has seriously offended you to death on an unmarked grave. First you need to get the thing that your enemy wore on his body for a long time, and find the grave. At night, when the moon is waning, approach the unmarked grave with this thing, tear out the cross and go to the cemetery crossroads. Throw the item on the ground and press it with a cross.

Read the conspiracy word for death:

He covered himself with one cross, and with that he was ruined. The death comes quickly, made by me, my actions are witnessed by evil spirits. Amen.

Go home without looking back and don’t talk to random passers-by. You can't even say hello. Behind the cemetery gate, say this:

The suicide bomber was created, but not for me. My path is different. Amen.

It is easy to apply mortal damage if you have the genetic material of the offender. It could be a clump of hair or a fingernail. Take one thing and say:

An evil eye, a conspiracy and a spell - I impose everything on the servant of God (name). Let life not seem like honey to him, let troubles, misfortunes, worries, sores and troubles come to him in a caravan. May life not be a joy for him. Let the evil eyes mock him, let all the bad things cling to him, the slave (such and such).

Throw a charmed hair or nail into the coffin with the deceased on the day of the funeral. You can read the text on the material earlier. The main thing is that he gets into the coffin within 3 days. Otherwise the ritual will not work.

Damage to illness

The practice of black magic includes many rituals that allow you to spoil the disease of someone who has seriously offended you, and they can be performed at home or in nature. Widespread among sorcerers is rotten black damage, inflicted on a victim in the forest during the waning moon. The program triggers incurable diseases, which the offender suffers very hard and dies.

If the disease is directed at a man, a rooster will be needed for the ritual. If the victim is a woman, then chicken is used. The bird must be alive.

What tools will you need:

  • Axe.
  • Long thick needle.
  • Image of the victim.
  • A ball of coarse thread made from natural material.

The right time for the ceremony is the night before winter solstice, February 29, Third Spas, Good Friday, the third Thursday of every month and the night before the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

How to damage the offender’s illness? In the evening, before the sun sets, you need to go into the forest with all your supplies and the bird and find a strong stump. Cut off the head of a rooster or chicken on it, making sure that no one is watching you.

At the moment of cutting off the head, pronounce a spell against a bad person:

Just as God’s creature endures all this, so my adversary, the servant of God (name according to his passport), will endure everything, but he will not endure it and the cruel death will kill him from the world. As soon as the holy day passes, this corruption in the servant of God... will enter and take root. Amen.

When the bird is left without a head, hold it with its neck down to drain the blood. Then open the belly, put a photograph of the enemy in the inside and sew up the carcass. In doing so, read:

I will do without the Father, without the Son and the Holy Spirit, I will neglect their help and will not say amen. I see a house - a meat grave. Everyone avoids her, and there are no guests for her. Only the servant of God (name of the enemy) will not pass by this house, will find refuge here, and will begin to rot until the end of his time. Just as any coffin goes into the ground, so damage to a mortal illness on a slave... finds. Amen. Amen. Amen.

During the reading process, bury the bird and quickly leave, without having conversations even with close relatives until dawn. Never return to the place where the ritual was performed. Your victim will be seriously ill, even to the point of death.

Damage to destroy a marriage

This damage is designed to dissolve a marriage. If you really want to take revenge on your offender in this way, think about the fact that, according to the boomerang law, your relationship with your loved one may also go wrong. If you are determined, you will need a family photo of the couple you plan to separate (there should be no strangers in it), water blessed in the church and a jack of spades from a brand new deck of cards.

How to spoil the marriage of someone who has seriously offended you:

  1. Sprinkle the jack with holy water.
  2. Near one head of the jack write the full name of the husband, and on the opposite side - the name of the wife.
  3. Bury the map next to the graveyard gate.
  4. Make a jack from a photograph by cutting out the heads of the spouses and joining them with their lower sides (fix with glue).
  5. When making a “jack,” say: “Just as the heads of the same jack should never lie next to each other, so you (the names of the spoiled) should not be loved in the same bed and should not share food under the same roof.”
  6. Toss the enchanted jack to the married couple.

The fight will work as soon as the husband or wife touches the strange photograph. A surprised person will definitely take the find in his hands, and after that family life problems will begin.

Damage to loneliness

This type of damage is inflicted on the enemy using a photo. At the back of the image, draw an inverted triangle with sides of 3 cm and burn the edges of the photograph with the flame of an unconsecrated church candle. The photograph must smolder; burning in a fire is not allowed.

When all sides of the photo card are damaged, burn a hole in the center of the triangle with a candle. Start the mechanism of black magic by reading the following text:

In a witchcraft circle under the supervision of a thief's eye, you (name of the victim) will never have a way out in an advantageous direction. No one will look at you and no one will talk to you. And if you turn to people, everyone will refuse you. Don't be happy, be lonely. I conjure you. Amen.

Pay off evil spirits with ten coins, leaving them at the crossroads at midnight. And quickly go home.

Damage to relationships

You can spoil relationships for friends, relatives and business partners. Salt spat is needed to damage someone who has seriously offended; it is performed on a new pack purchased without change.

Left alone in the room, place a package of salt in front of you and recite a spell on it:

A gray wolf walked through the black forest and swampy swamp. Follow her damp earth Yes, she ran through the prickly grass angry dog, a tattered cat followed the dog. Suddenly they all grappled and rolled into a ball. They fought so hard that fur flew, and I stood on the sidelines and watched. I command that the servants of God (list the names of those who need to be quarreled) swear and fight all their lives, even becoming entangled in a ball. I convey the spell word to this salt and seal it with “Amen.”

Spread a pinch of magic salt into the house of those you plan to quarrel with, and scatter the grains unnoticed. Throw any remaining salt in the trash or down the drain.

Damage to relationships can also be done from photographs. Late at night on the waning moon, stay alone in the room and place a black candle in the center of the table. Draw a circle around yourself with salt (take the salt from a new pack). In front of the candle, place photographs of the enemies you want to quarrel with. Take salt with your left hand and sprinkle it on the pictures with the words:

Just as this salt easily falls from my hand, so let your strong relationships crumble with the same ease. Expect only conflicts and troubles from life. Wash yourself with salty tears and part forever. There is no reconciliation for you. Amen.

Complete the ritual when the images are completely covered with salt. While you read the text, mentally draw pictures of the separation of people you dislike.

Damage to impotence

Damage to impotence is usually done by women in resentment against men who abandoned them, cheated on them, walked around, or simply against those who caused unbearable heartache. Overcome the feeling of emptiness and fill your heart new love Not all women succeed. The most touchy ladies take revenge on their former lovers in such a way that men become inferior in bed.

What you will need for the ritual:

  • Black candle – 1.
  • Red candle – 2.
  • New needles – 3.
  • Black fabric the size of a tablecloth.
  • Bowl with salted water.
  • A figurine of a person, sculpted by hand from wax or clay.

Make a figurine so that it has genitals. Place it in the center of a table covered with black cloth and light red candles on the sides. Spray the model with salt water 6 times, pronouncing the name of the offending man each time.

Stick a needle into the genital organ with the words: “By sticking a needle, I take away your power forever.” At the moment of inserting another needle, say “By inserting this needle, I take away carnal desire.” When you insert the third needle, say “I command this organ to hang for a whole century!”

Light a black candle and drip wax on your genitals with the words:

As soon as this candle burns out to the end, my plot will immediately fly to you.

When all three candles go out, go outside and bury the figurine where people don’t go.

Damage to infertility

Do damage to infertility to a person unpleasant for you in women's days– Saturday, Wednesday or Friday in the waning phase of the moon. Place your victim's bloody panties, used tampon or pad on a table with a dark tablecloth and place two black candles on the sides. In advance, with a new needle, scratch on them the name of the person you will spoil.

Say this: Where did this blood come from, new life will never come from there. From now on and forever!

When the candles are half-burnt, extinguish them with your fingers. Wrap the bloody attribute in a dark cloth or tablecloth lying on the table and sew it up with new black thread. Use the needle you used to scratch the name on the candles. While sewing, when the needle sticks into the bundle, say:

I'm sewing up the birth canal now. They won't give new life not during the day, not at night, not at any time of the day. Just as these candles will never burn, so God’s servant (the name of the hated woman) will never give birth. I command - let it be so and be fulfilled immediately!

Bury the craft along with a needle and candle stubs under a dry non-bearing tree or stump.

If desired, the ritual can be completed in the cemetery by burying sewn panties or a pad on the grave of the same name. In this case they say:

They give birth with this blood, and they kill with it. Just as the servant of God did not give birth, she shed her blood in vain, so let her never be fruitful - she does not give birth, she sheds her blood in vain. Let it be so!

Then go to the church and buy 6 thin candles in the memorial part of the temple. Tie each with natural black thread (from a new spool) in a counterclockwise motion. Leave the bottom edge of 1 cm free so that you can stick the thread into the wax and tie a knot.

Place the candles on the memorial table and whisper:

Remember the children that the servant of God could not give birth to...

The ceremony is considered complete when the last candle burns out. Leave the church without looking back and watch the results of the magical action.

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