Stone for scales according to the zodiac. What stones are suitable for a Libra man? Strong stones are talismans from damage and good luck for Libra

A rare woman is cold to jewelry.

However, not everyone knows that precious and semi-precious stones have a special energy, help in achieving various goals, and protect against negative events.

Many stones and minerals are related to certain signs of the zodiac and if you wear a talisman that suits your constellation, it will bring good luck.

Stones suitable for Libra woman

The date of birth largely affects the character and future fate of a person. The Libra girl (born from 24.09 to 23.10) is charming, extraordinary, seductive, thanks to the patron saint of the sign - Venus.

Libras love sophisticated jewelry, at the same time chic, but simple, they often doubt the choice. An effective talisman made of the right stone is able to give its owner the missing skills, smooth out her mood swings and activity.

The most suitable stones for Libra women:

  • Diamond. Will give Libra firmness and determination.
  • Tourmaline. It will open the soul and show feelings. It will give inspiration and bring bold ideas to life.
  • Lapis lazuli. It will dispel doubts, suppress aggression, and contribute to the acquisition of new acquaintances.
  • Amethyst. It awakens intuition, increases intellectual abilities, heals nerves, and at the same time enhances the effect of other stones.
  • Rhodonite. It will strengthen the spirit, awaken talents.
  • Malachite. It will bring spiritual harmony, spiritual beauty, develop memory. Legends say that malachite is able to prolong youth.
  • Coral. Favorable for intuition, will help to make the right decision, protects from the influence and envy of others.

These minerals are the most powerful amulets for the sign of Libra. To decide which one will bring happiness, hold the stone in your hands, trust your inner feelings, then you will not be mistaken with the choice.

Astrologers recommend Libra stones of greenish, blue, white shades. Blue emphasizes belonging to the element of Air, bestows insight. Light shades of green and lemon awaken creativity and encourage communication. Greens give positive energy.

Talismans by month of birth

The character of Libra is very different depending on the month of birth. Therefore, their talismans must serve different purposes. Libra born in September, it is recommended to wear jewelry with the following stones (in addition to those listed earlier):

  • Emerald. Protects the health of the hostess, helps to maintain appearance, gives wisdom.
  • Alexandrite. Balance, enhance the imagination.
  • cat eye. Shows femininity, attracts the opposite sex.

Women born in October First of all, you should look at:

  • Beryl. Balance the scales, strengthen relationships with friends.
  • Aquamarine. Suitable for business meetings. It will soften sharp corners, reduce conflicts to a minimum, give a great mood.
  • Tourmaline. It has healing properties, directs thoughts in the right direction, gives independence and harmonizes Libra.

Charms by date of birth

Buying stones according to the zodiac sign and month of birth, you will get a strong and large-scale magical effect. In turn, the mineral, selected by date of birth, is ideal for solving specific problems.

24.09 aquamarine
25.09 alexandrite
26.09 malachite
27.09 amethyst
28.09 sapphire
29.09 pomegranate
30.09 citrine
1.10 pomegranate
2.10 agate
3.10 nephritis
4.10 citrine
5.10 amethyst
7.10 agate
8.10 lapis lazuli
9.10 topaz
10.10 turquoise
11.10 rhinestone
13.10 beryl
15.10 rhinestone
16.10 pomegranate
17.10 beryl
18.10 amethyst
19.10 amethyst
21.10 chrysoberyl
22.10 sapphire
23.10 topaz

Regardless of the date of birth, Libra is highly undesirable to wear onyx and serpentine. Be careful with bright red stones.

Amulets to attract wealth

Libra is absolutely not conceited, often they need help in achieving material well-being. Lapis lazuli and topaz- great for this. They will endow with wisdom and intelligence, provide the owner recognition and wealth, stimulate aspirations and bring good luck.

A good accomplice in money matters can be a diamond, as it gives the hostess energy, courage and fortitude.

Another mineral with which you will not know poverty is turquoise. It will protect you on responsible trips related to finances.

Stones that attract love

Lonely Libra, wishing meet your soul mate suitable jewelry with opal. It protects from misfortune, supports nascent feelings. Remember, you can't wear opal if you've been given it as a gift. This mineral is bought independently and is not worn every day.

Amulets in the form help to settle matters of the heart hearts, butterflies, flower or Cupid.

Family Libra women should look at pearls. He will cope with pride, maintain fidelity and warmth of the hearth.

The noble beauty of natural minerals is discouraging. It is not necessary to have unlimited faith in the power of amulets, it is enough to wear jewelry with pleasure. Probably, beautiful stones will not solve your problems, but they definitely can add self-confidence to the hostess.

Which stone is suitable for Libra: in order to choose the right talisman, which can serve as an uneasy beautiful decoration, but also save from any negative impact, you need to seriously approach the choice of men.

In the article:

Which stone suits Libra for decades

There are three decades in total. If you were born from 24 to 2 October, then refer to the first decade. Such people are sometimes two-faced, but, basically, this quality manifests itself only in youth. With age, Libra, born in the first decade, become gentle, soft and friendly.

The patron planet of people born during this period - Venus. These people know how to get the attention of others. Often, because of the desire to please everyone, representatives of the first decade may lose their true appearance. Gems such as:

  • malachite;
  • coral;
  • amethyst;
  • zircon;
  • quartz;
  • lapis lazuli.

If born from 3 to 13 October, then you are under the auspices of Saturn. Those who are born at this time are extraordinary personalities. They are very impulsive, changeable, love work. Such people love to help their close friends and relatives for free.

People under the auspices of Saturn are very smart, and their intuition is well developed. A representative of such a sign needs to learn how to rest properly, because due to constant work they can often overwork. In order to restore harmony, the representative of Libra must have jewelry with stones such as:

  • emerald;
  • ruby;
  • sapphire;
  • amethyst;
  • topaz.

The third decade includes people born from 14 to 23 October. The patron of these people is Jupiter. Representatives of the 3rd decade are very kind, sincere, refined. Sometimes they are indecisive and lazy to take a responsible step.

Libras are very afraid of loneliness and depend on the opinions of others. In order to get rid of the negative influence of people and adjust their own character, Libra needs to have one of these stones with him, such as:

  • aquamarine;
  • diamond;
  • sapphire;
  • ruby;
  • beryl;
  • emerald.

Lapis lazuli - a stone suitable for the sign of the Zodiac

In order to become more persistent, assertive and successful, Libra representatives need to have lapis lazuli jewelry. It is this amulet that will help restore self-confidence and emphasize all the best qualities of a person. If Libra cannot find a common language with the team for a long time, lapis lazuli will help strengthen friendships, partnerships and love ties.

This jewelry is very important for Libra, as it can set a person not only for work, but also for proper rest. The stone will help relieve emotional stress and take over all the negative energy that accumulates on the owner. The stone must be cleaned at least once every two weeks with water, so that it does not lose its magical properties.

Diamond - a reliable stone talisman

It is the diamond that is considered a symbol of the moral purity of the representatives of this zodiac sign. This is one of the most important talismans a Libra can have. If you understand that in many situations you are indecisive and cannot make the right choice, then be sure to arm yourself with this amulet.

Much can be said about the magical properties of a diamond. This stone acts like a mirror shield, not only taking on all the negativity that is directed at its owner, but reflecting its side of the attacker. It is the diamond that will help Libra develop in the right direction, direct the entire energy flow that a person has in the right direction.

Beryl is the key to strong relationships

When it is necessary to establish relations with relatives or friends, then you need to use beryl as a talisman. Jewelry with this stone will help restore harmony to the life of Libra and will help balance all areas of their lives.

It is best to use beryl for creative individuals or people who are engaged in mental work. Beryl is able to endow its owner with the wisdom that Libra needs so much to achieve harmony and balance.

If you like to travel or often have to move from place to place on duty, then you should use beryl as an amulet. This stone is able to protect from any danger on the journey.

Coral will return youth and beauty

In order to maintain their youth, Libra representatives need to have coral jewelry. Most often, such a talisman is chosen by women. Coral helps to always remain attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

He is able to endow his master with the ability to make decisions quickly, think rationally and correctly form his point of view. Coral can be used as a protective amulet against dark forces and black magic.

Tourmaline is the magic stone of Libra.

Tourmaline has long been known for its magical properties. This is especially true of the black attribute. It promotes the development of psychic abilities and will teach its owner to make the right decisions. With the help of tourmaline, you can get rid of duality, which often interferes with representatives of this zodiac sign.

The longer you wear tourmaline jewelry, the more you will feel like a complete person. Black tourmaline will make its owner a calm and balanced person. You can use magical properties during rituals of varying complexity. The famous amulet can protect against any negative impact.

Sapphire - stamina and calmness

Since almost all representatives of the Libra zodiac sign are very emotional personalities, something is needed that could pacify their ardor. In particular, it is necessary to suppress such negative emotions as anger, aggression, hatred and irritability. Sapphire will help with this.

You can use this stone not only to eliminate negative character traits and harmonize the personality, but also in the treatment of various ailments. If you are sick, then it is enough to pick up a sapphire talisman and ask him to take away the painful energy. With the help of sapphire, you can protect yourself from enemies and envious people.

Achieve Peace of Mind with Amethyst

In order to achieve peace of mind, to be prudent and calm, representatives of the Libra sign need to use an amethyst as a talisman. This stone will help protect a person from any temptation and bad habits.

Therefore, if you are afraid of falling under any negative influence, you should wear amethyst jewelry. The stone is able to protect a person from nostalgia, which can destroy the integrity of the individual. With it, protect yourself from negative programs that can be launched by enemies.

Amber will help you make the right choice

Very symbolic for each representative of the sign of the Zodiac Libra, the talisman is a ring with amber. It is this stone that will be able to direct its owner in the right direction. With its help, a person will learn to make the right choice, will always remain in sight. The amulet is worn only on the index finger.

Stones of Libra-men according to the horoscope

Treat the choice of a talisman stone for men with extreme caution. Representatives of different sexes of the zodiac sign Libra express positive and negative qualities in different ways. Therefore, if you choose a gift for a man, then you should choose the stone that is most suitable for the stronger sex.

Aquamarine - stability and confidence

A stone such as aquamarine is able to bring a man's life confidence in the future, which is very important for representatives of this sign. Aquamarine is able to significantly stabilize the behavior of a representative of this sign.

Significantly improves the talisman of relations with a partner. Aquamarine will teach you how to properly respond to the situation and control yourself. The longer a man wears this stone, the easier it will be for him to pull himself together in a difficult situation and not let negative emotions prevail.

Harmony in the soul will bring opal

Opal is a stone that can greatly harmonize men. With the help of a talisman from this stone, men will stop rushing from one extreme to another, they will learn to control their emotions.

The sign of the zodiac Libra personifies the harmonious combination of the mind, justice, purity and maturity of the mind. It is this sign that, like no other, is suitable for the role of judges, since they cannot stand lies and venality. This constellation is somewhat unique in its kind, since extraordinary decisions are inherent in it, but strangely, thoughtful and balanced in their choice. It is extremely difficult to pick up a stone talisman for Libra. After all, this sign does not like the vanity of precious stones, does not accept the duplicity of semi-precious ones, and is wary of the falsity of simple minerals.


What stones are suitable for Libra

Along with pickiness, this constellation has a refined taste, a sense of tact, insight, and a desire for balance in everything. Therefore, when choosing a talisman stone for them, it is very important to pay attention to its characteristics, both natural and magical. Do not forget that the energy of each stone will bring something of its own to the already complex nature of the sign.


One of the main gems that are suitable for Libra will be a diamond. This natural mineral will set off and emphasize their transparency and spiritual purity. The stone will give Libra firmness of mind and striving for excellence, which is important for solving any life problems. Diamond protects from the negative energy of its owner, it also helps to find the right path for Libra among many false directions. So this stone will bring Libra into life:

  • concentration;
  • cold-bloodedness;
  • confidence;
  • rejection of compromise.


Aquamarine is more suitable for people of the Libra constellation, whose field of activity is somehow connected with business meetings and important negotiations. This mineral somewhat blunts the innate sense of justice in this constellation, thereby helping to soften the conflict, or completely remove it from the path. This stone helps to find harmony within oneself, and this contributes to a better focus on work and the achievement of any goals. So aquamarine will bring Libra to life:

  • the ability to compromise;
  • agreement with others;
  • the ability to yield;
  • the ability to forgive;
  • the ability to find a solution acceptable to both parties.

Aquamarine will bring the ability to compromise into Libra's life.


Tourmaline is a stone of calmness and self-confidence, it will give Libra the ability to easily make vital decisions on their own and not be led by emotional impulses. Tourmaline-wearing Libras are usually calm and reserved, not prone to tantrums or demands. Due to its hardness, this stone endows the Libra woman with the ability to easily make important decisions, without a shadow of doubt in her own right. So tourmaline will bring Libra to life:

  • confidence;
  • dignity;
  • sense of tact;
  • self-knowledge.


Opal is a complex natural material, it has an external beauty, but discreet, hardness, and at the same time lightness. The stone helps to strengthen the character, but also acts as a deterrent for too emotional representatives of this constellation. Libras who experience self-doubt would do well to have opal as an everyday piece of jewelry. This mineral gives them confidence in themselves and their strength, it gives them enough energy to overcome seemingly unearthly obstacles. He will bring into the life of a Libra woman:

  • understanding;
  • respect;
  • Love;
  • calm;
  • health;
  • spiritual beauty;
  • physical beauty.

Opal stone helps to strengthen the character

It will help to get rid of the negative and reach a good stage of development. This mineral is distinguished by its ability to filter the universal energy. He is strong, like a talisman, with him Libra can reach heights in a new area and not lose face even in difficult situations. It will be especially good if it is inherited. Then he will accumulate enough information to give protection and support to his owner. In addition, it improves logic, increases clairvoyance, gives self-confidence and helps to look at the world with a clearer eye.


Beryl is a stone that helps in relationships with people. Whether it is friendship or love, it makes friendship stronger and love stronger. But there is also a weakness of spirit in his character, he can suppress character traits responsible for self-esteem. This stone is good only for balanced people, deeply confident in themselves and their superiority. Mineral is a good amulet, because it helps to find that "golden mean", which is so necessary for Libra in making vital decisions. Internal balance, as well, comes back to normal. This is a stone:

  • concentration;
  • self-knowledge;
  • responsibility;
  • balance;
  • thoughtfulness;
  • introspection.

How to choose stones for Libra, taking into account the date of birth

Given the complexity of the characteristics of this constellation, astrologers advise, when choosing talisman stones for Libra, also pay attention to the date of birth of representatives of this zodiac sign. The thing is that each decade of this constellation corresponds to a certain planet, which sometimes has a rather significant impact not only on the sign itself, but also on its character traits, behavior, attitude to life and attitude to people.

Beryl is a stone guardian of marital bonds.

First decade

The first decade September 24 - October 2, is in the zone of strong influence of Venus. This planet brings with it a special sexuality, purity, softness of character for a woman born under the constellation Libra. But sometimes, it is Venus that causes the frivolous character traits of this sign, it pushes women to cheat and can provoke a frequent change of sexual partners. Notice that it has a rather negative effect on the energy state of women, because all her sexual partners feed on it. So the sign, to balance the negative effects of Venus, must be used as talismans as stones:

  • malachite;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • rhinestone;
  • jasper;
  • Moonstone;
  • diamond;
  • quartz;
  • amethyst.

Second decade

Libra women born in the second decade, October 3rd - October 13th, fall under the influence of Saturn. Saturn is by nature a very calm planet. It promotes the manifestation of such character traits as:

  • devotion;
  • self-sacrifice;
  • calm;
  • concentration;
  • diligence.

The problem is that women of this zodiac sign who are under the influence of Saturn, due to their innate balance and calmness, become victims of others. People, and most importantly, life partners, “break” this sign for themselves, destroying in the bud the basis of their conceit. So a special palette of stones of amulets can help the sign, which can give them strength and fortitude:

  • tourmaline;
  • emerald;
  • opal;
  • ruby (necessarily blood-red, aggressive color);
  • topaz.

third decade

Libra, born in the third decade, October 14th - October 23rd, especially in its middle, are dominated by Jupiter, the sensual planet. Jupiter is distinguished by the ability to savor the delights of life, to enjoy them. And everything would be nothing if it were not for his irresistible craving for the satisfaction of only his own desires. In combination with the character of Libra, in some ways too deep, concentrated, and most importantly addicted, it can provoke a complete loss of touch with reality. That is, a representative of this zodiac sign can renounce the world in favor of her whims. The right choice of talisman stone will help to balance the influence of Jupiter. Suitable:

  • ruby;
  • beryl;
  • diamond;
  • sapphire;
  • emerald.

As the history of Libra astrology shows, the order of the zodiac in the female form is susceptible to various kinds of influences, their energy is strong, but if it is strongly influenced, it completely changes its color. In the character of Libra, kindness and aggression, and devotion and narcissism, and a life craving for pleasures and complete self-giving without demands for payment are intertwined. When choosing stones for this constellation, one must take into account the influence of the planets, and both strong and weak character traits are inherent in a particular woman.

And finally, advice for Libra women:

If you do not have enough fortitude, and you cannot find the right path, then you definitely need a diamond.

You are a diplomat or you have many business meetings, aquamarine will help you in dispute and business.

Are you too dependent on the emotional state, and it is difficult for you to make decisions? The best choice for you is tourmaline.

Opal will help you to be more confident in yourself and find the strength to overcome obstacles.

If you cannot get along with people, it is difficult for you to keep a person, beryl will turn everything in the other direction.

Take a properly selected talisman stone as your assistant and you will be able to get everything you need from life, learn to control yourself and find harmony with the outside world.

The second air sign of the zodiac Scales- the only inanimate of all signs. By nature, people born under this star are distinguished by a benevolent character, they are very intellectual natures, although they are often naive and do not tolerate being commanded. Scales always striving for harmony and balance, it is not for nothing that this is an autumn sign - between cold winter and hot summer. In any case Scales especially responsible and scrupulous. Communication with scales- a pleasure, they are pleasant and cheerful.
Stones for Libra carry a steady energy of balance so that they do not fluctuate. Help them make decisions and overcome personal passivity. A distinctive feature of the people of this sign is that they are a bridge between Virgo, as she is led mainly by the mind and Scorpio, which is led by desires.
Most preferred for Libra have three stones opal, tourmaline and lapis lazuli. And, on the contrary, an onyx stone is extremely undesirable for those born under this sign.
It is recommended to wear stones Libra on the index finger in the form of a ring.

OPAL. Pure opal is colorless, but almost always more or less "milky" and opaque. The main advantage of opal is the ability to emit successively different rays under the influence of sunlight, to cause a varied play of colors. Three types of opal are known: black opal, which has a very dark blue color with "flashes" of other colors; orange-red fire opal and white opal. Black opal is very expensive - $ 20,000 for 2 g. The largest opals are found in Australia.
The legend tells of a magnificent gem that adorned the crown of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, he guarded the royal family. This precious stone was a wonderful opal, and Albert the Great (1193-1280), when he was Bishop of Ratisbon, wrote about him: "There was nothing like it before ... Its color is pure, like shining white snow. This translucent stone is traditionally shown in the evening, as it glows in the dark."
Like many precious stones, opal protects its owner from infectious diseases and warns him of the presence of poison, losing the play of colors near the poison. Opal worn as a pendant to ward off melancholy, and opal necklaces were preferred by those who wanted their hair to remain blond. This stone also keeps from base passions, whims and irritation.
Opals are mined mainly in America, Europe, but also in Asia and Australia.

AQUAMARINE. Aquamarine stone (from Latin sea water) is a kind of transparent beryls. The color of this pebble can vary from greenish to dark blue. Aquamarine is recommended to be worn during daylight hours. The stone has an interesting property: its color changes depending on the angle of view, jewelers take this into account when cutting. In Tibetan medicine, aquamarine is considered a healing stone that brings peace of mind, protects its owner from ill-wishers and deceit. Aquamarine, due to its enormous energy, is able to relieve pain and improve the functioning of the nervous system. If you wear aquamarine beads, then you will be in a good mood. Deposits are known on all continents, the most significant: Brazil, Madagascar, Russia (Urals, Transbaikalia).

MOONSTONE or BELOMORITE . The stone got its name due to the beautiful bluish-silver sparkle, reminiscent of the shine of the moon. To keep this shine in the product, the stone is processed in the form cabochons, which are then used in jewelry . The stone is very sensitive to impact and compression, and may lose its polish if not handled carefully.
In many countries of the world, it is believed that the moonstone is able to protect a person from the harmful effects of the moon. This is a talisman of love, which helps to pacify a strong mental and mental state. It gives the owner the ability to beautifully and accurately express their thoughts, the gift of poetry, romantic art, the gift of penetrating the secrets of nature and the hearts of people. To lovers, he brings consent, fidelity, understanding each other from a half-word and even without words, and quite clearly reacts to the cooling of feelings: he changes color and saturation, and can become dull. The stone increases luminosity during the full moon. Moon rock a strong amulet of people with an explosive temperament, does not allow them to scatter energy, pacifies unconstructive emissions. It perfectly protects against the harmful influences of people and unpleasant entities, clears the space for its owner, especially if the owner often talks to the stone. Rough people Moonstone almost useless, because he does not want to fight such manifestations, but seeks to develop only those who go to this on their own, with their own will. This moonstone makes a person attractive, charming and refined, gives the owner an inimitable charm and the ability to behave even in very unpleasant situations.
On the new moon, it is filled with a special chilling radiance, at this moment all its powerful magical power is concentrated in it.
The main deposit is in India.

RHINESTONE. In ancient Greek myths, gods, heroes and kings drink only from crystal goblets. At that time, it was believed that this mineral expels diseases from water, that is, in modern terms, disinfects it. Modern scientists have discovered the secret of this miraculous healing. It turns out that when passing through the crystal, ultraviolet rays kill bacteria, which contributes to a speedy cure.
Since ancient times it has been believed that crystal endows its owner with the gift of clairvoyance.
As a talisman, crystal brings love and good luck to its owner, fills it with the joy of life and spiritual harmony. In a house where there are products from rock crystal, well-being is attracted, and the owner of the crystal relieves embarrassing situations and incidents, helps to clarify any information. The sympathies of others also turn out to be on the side of the owner of the crystal. Even if you don't like jewelry, a piece of rock crystal (worn by women in the left pocket, by men in the right) will do you a lot of good. With its purity and tranquility, it can be useful for WEIGHTS to achieve harmony and balance.
In Russia, there are large deposits in the Urals. Also Aldan Shield, Transbaikalia, Primorye.

Stones suitable for a Libra man will endow him with inner strength and self-confidence. If the minerals are chosen correctly, they will reveal the inner potential of the representative of the strong half of humanity. And this means that products with certain gems can become unhackneyed and non-standard, and besides, a useful gift for men born under the sign of Libra.

What are the characteristics of Libra?

Jean-Claude Van Damme - Libra

Libra men are characterized by such qualities as originality and non-standard thinking, impulsiveness and inconstancy. Their mood is constantly changing. But at the same time, such men have high intelligence and intuition. Libras are masters of argument, they can always find an argument.

People of this zodiac sign know how to win respect, and they also quickly and easily carry people along with them. They themselves love to feel their need. But therein lies the danger of them - they are two-faced. After all, people do not have the same tastes, and in order to please everyone, one must behave differently.

Among the shortcomings of Libra are indecision, laziness, dominance, fear of being alone, narcissism. And here it is important to choose the right talisman stones, because. It has been proven that minerals have the ability to enhance the negative traits of a person and enhance his positive qualities.

And for a person to be harmonious, this fact should be taken into account. Moreover, it does not matter under what sign of the year a man was born - the year of the Tiger, the year of the Dog, the year of the Snake, etc.

Look by date of birth

One of the options for choosing a talisman stone that is ideal for the representative of the Libra sign is to look at his date of birth. All the time of action of this or that sign is divided into decades. As a result, they get three in a month.

September 24 to October 2

Malachite choker

If by date of birth a person was born from September 24 to October 2, he is in the first decade of the sign. Such men can be somewhat two-faced. True, often this quality is especially pronounced in youth. The older the Libra of this time becomes, the more tender they become.

Their patron is Venus. And such Libra often attract the attention of others. Minerals such as:

  • malachites;
  • corals;
  • amethysts;
  • zircons;
  • quartz;
  • lapis lazuli;

From 3 to 13 October

Emerald Ring

According to the horoscope, those born in the period from October 3 to 13, Libra, are characterized by impulsiveness and changeability. At the same time, they are very fond of work. Their friends, relatives and colleagues can safely count on the help of such men. Their patron is Saturn. And this means that they are smart and have a highly developed intuition.

Moreover, representatives of this sign work a lot and hard, but they don’t know how to relax. A properly selected amulet will allow them to harmonize their lives, teach them to relax and relieve them from worries.

Among the ideal stones for representatives of this decade of the sign are:

  • emeralds;
  • rubies;
  • sapphires;
  • amethysts;
  • topaz;

From 14 to 23 October

Aquamarine ring

The third decade is the time of those born from October 14 to 23. Jupiter is their patron. And this means that the Libra men of this time are kind and sincere, refined people. At the same time, they can often be a little lazy and afraid to take the first step. It is these Libras that depend on the opinions of others especially strongly.

To correct their character, they lack such strong amulets as:

  • aquamarines;
  • diamonds;
  • sapphires;
  • rubies;
  • beryls;
  • emeralds;

Stones according to the horoscope

Also, for Libra men, stones are often selected in general according to the horoscope:


They will be an excellent solution, and not all in a row, but yellow or colorless. It is these stones that increase resistance to external stimuli, improve mental activity. And this, as experts note, is especially important for Libra, because. men of this sign think for a very long time, weigh everything and make a decision.

Sapphire also helps them to be more decisive and courageous. With such a talisman, it is easy to win high positions in society. This gem will be a worthy gift for a Libra man.


Also, Libra men are recommended to use amulets with such a mineral as chrysolite. This stone relieves internal tension and gives a man peace of mind. This is especially good for those representatives of the sign who occupy leadership positions. Chrysolite attracts financial well-being and increases the possibility of success in life. And the stone also protects its owner from deceit and various temptations.


Another great option is a talisman. In order for it to show its magical properties, it is not at all necessary to wear it, just look at it for several minutes a day. Therefore, Libra men can safely purchase various interior items from opal. Such a mineral makes a man stronger, resolute and courageous, with him it is easy to feel the maximum of determination and courage.


It gives stability and self-confidence, with him the Libra man will be confident in the future, and this is an important nuance for representatives of this zodiac sign. Aquamarine teaches its owner to control himself, and the longer a man wears it, the greater the effect it accumulates.


It is especially good for male businessmen. The stone helps to solve financial problems, helps to move up the career ladder, become more successful in your business. Men who use zircon for a long time are able to make responsible decisions.

Attractive stones

Various amulets for Libra men can carry different energies.

So, for example, to attract success and wealth, representatives of such an astral sign should choose the following options:

  1. Chrysolite- a stone contributes to the active development of a career (it will be especially good for those who are engaged in the financial sector), however, it is worthwhile to understand that such a stone will work actively if a person is ready to work for his wealth.
  2. Zircon- such a mineral will give a man persuasiveness in negotiations and literally attracts him; to attract wealth, it is advised to use rings with zircon.

With the help of a properly selected talisman, you can also establish affairs in the love sphere. So, for example, Libra men in this case should choose:


Such a gem will help determine the choice of the second half, if the tourmaline has been cut, it becomes a strong protector of Libra's family life.

Lapis lazuli

The mineral helps Libra to become more thoughtful and persistent, jewelry with such a stone strengthens both friendships and love relationships, brings joy and happiness to the house.


Will allow a frivolous man to understand what kind of lady he wants to be with. The talisman directs energy to the development of some relationships, excluding internal throwing. With the help of such a stone, you can build a strong family in which there will be a lot of mutual love.

Inner confidence for Libra is also extremely important, because it allows them to find the strength for their own development and movement forward. To activate these talents, you need:

  1. Opals- awakens masculinity, increases the desire to move forward and gives strength not to break if something goes wrong. The stone invigorates the spirit and replaces laziness and apathy with activity.
  2. Diamond- in itself a symbol of moral purity and transparency, it contributes to the appearance of the necessary firmness of spirit in Libra men and helps them reflect negative information and energy.

In order for a man to have more health, he is advised to pay attention to minerals such as:

  1. Sapphires(especially yellow or colorless) - stimulate mental activity and activate the immune system of a man.
  2. Topaz- protects against insomnia, helps develop intuition and shows the path to enlightenment.
  3. Aquamarine- protecting against mood swings, depression and longing, it will be easy to avoid conflicts with him.

Which ones should be abandoned?

There are a number of minerals that Libra men should refuse. Such will only negatively affect the representatives of this astral sign, they will draw off both strength and energy, they will not allow them to focus on the important and prevent them from making the right decision.

Among the prohibited for Libra are:

  • onyxes;
  • sardines;
  • sardonyxes;
  • rhodolites;
  • coils;

When wearing such minerals, a man may get the feeling that everything is falling out of his hands, going wrong. Determining which minerals are not suitable is not so difficult. You can navigate by color - Libra is often suitable for gems that are transparent, bluish and greenish in hues. And this means that it is worth abandoning, for example, blood-red options.

How to wear minerals?

It is not necessary to purchase jewelry with minerals that match the zodiac sign. You can simply collect several representatives of the mineral of good luck in a linen bag and carry it with you in your pocket. If beads or bracelets are suitable for a man in style, it is important to ensure that the number of beads in them is even. Various gem options will work best when paired with gold, such as a gemstone signet.

Also, it is allowed to use stones in the form of table items - ashtrays, watches, boxes, etc. All this will allow you to constantly be in contact with the amulet, but not use it on the body.

It is worth very carefully approaching the issue of choosing a stone as a talisman. After all, an incorrectly selected option can seriously disrupt harmony and lead to disastrous consequences, up to health failures.

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