Wash glass jars. Why is the bank dreaming

To correctly determine what a jar means in a dream, look through the dream book. A bank in night dreams is often a harbinger of a pleasant acquaintance. But sometimes this vessel can tell a lot about your inner world.

It is not at all difficult to figure out why empty glass jars are dreaming. It is enough to remember all the details of your dream, look into the dream book and compare the proposed meanings with your life.

The nuances of dreams

So, important points dreams are: you saw an empty or full jar, what exactly was in it, what you did, what you felt at the same time, whether the vessel broke in a dream. If you take into account these details, you can correctly determine the meaning of your nightly dreams.

According to the dream book, an empty glass jar often dreams of a desire to gain new knowledge. You may want to improve your abilities. But, most likely, you will be interested in something new that you have not experienced before.

  • Dreamed liter jars - to scrupulous work.
  • Two-liter - everything is much simpler than you think.
  • Three-liter - to prosperity.
  • A huge bottle - to a profitable offer.
  • A small jar - to the fuss.

I dreamed of washing the vessel I saw - according to the dream book, it means to put your thoughts in order. If before you could not concentrate, now you will be able to focus your attention on the main thing. And when you dreamed of empty cans that you break, it means that it's time for you to rest.

If you dream of a broken jar that you are trying to glue together, then in your soul you would like to restore the old ones. romantic relationship. The dream interpretation does not recommend rushing to make such an important decision.

A broken jar, scattered into many glass ones, speaks of your inconstancy. Experts advise to be a little more serious, not to succumb to temptations. Otherwise, minor troubles await you.

vessel contents

A dreaming jar of water usually comes in a dream to good news. And if you were in it, then unbridled fun awaits you. Kvass in a glass vessel - this is a meeting with a childhood friend. And a dream in which the jar was filled with either an alcoholic drink is a harbinger of a noisy party.

A jar of sour cream dreams of well-being, abundance. If earlier you had to save, now you can afford to buy what you have long dreamed of. Cream also promises financial well-being.

A jar of glass with honey promises the dreamer a sweet, carefree life. But this will come true only if it is complete. And when there is less honey, it means that you should work hard to achieve what you want.

If you had a dream in which glass jars were with, then soon you will have to do housework. Large cucumbers speak of the implementation of grandiose plans. And a lot of small cucumbers is a sign that work will give you pleasure.

Bottle with canned tomatoes prophesies to the dreamer success in his personal life. family people he promises a long life together. And lonely - acquaintance with a person who will play important role in fate.

And why dream of a jar of juice? If this is a fruit drink, then luck will smile at you soon. Berry portends a fun pastime with friends. A vegetable warns of pleasant chores.

Seeing a glass jar in a dream is a rather auspicious sign. He promises the dreamer pleasant, fun events. And if you saw jam, then soon all the troubles will leave your life.

As the dream book suggests, if the glass jars were filled with feces, then soon you will be able to get rich. This will help you perseverance and perseverance in work. If you are not lazy, you can count on a large material reward.

Broken cans with any content dream of an unexpected turn of events. The interpreter of dreams recommends that the dreamer not rely on anyone else's help, but rely only on himself. This way you will be able to avoid many troubles.

Productive a business meeting- this is what the bank dreams of. In the near future you have every chance to conclude good deal or significantly move up the career ladder.

Watching a jar of medicinal herbs in a dream - according to the dream book, means taking care of your health. Most likely, you will be able to quickly undergo a medical examination and receive important recommendations from a doctor.

To break a jar in a dream means to commit a rash act. And to see a fresh cut from her on your hand - to enter into a senseless argument with one of the relatives. Experts advise you not to be nervous, but to calmly explain yourself to a loved one.

Dreams about banks are often an important warning. That is why it is so important to correctly interpret everything that you have seen. This will help you know what the future holds for you and how best to behave in different situations. Author: Vera Fractional

dreamed of breaking a bank

It seemed that you broke a jar of liquid: water, milk, compote - in reality there is a money business. The jar was empty - to temporary failures, a container without a lid - to slander.

They accidentally broke a jar in a dream - big expenses are coming. If a friend broke a jar - to a useful acquaintance.

what does it mean if you break a jar in a dream

A jar cracked in half portends the birth of twins. She dreams that a jar of alcohol has broken - to meet friends, with fish - to useless fuss, with flowers - to a long-awaited purchase.

interpretation of sleep to break a jar

A woman dreams of a broken liter jar - to a new hobby. Collecting fragments with a broom - to a quarrel with a lover, hands - to gossip, cut yourself - to the illness of relatives.

why dream of breaking a jar

I dreamed that the bank shattered to smithereens - to uninvited guests. The container fell to the floor - for a long journey. The jar in the hands cracked, but remained intact - troubles will bypass you.

break a jar in a dream what is it for

Dropped a few cans, but one remained intact - your dream will come true. You were presented with a jar of blanks, and it burst - get ready for a little spending. Chipped medical banks are dreaming - to material problems.

The article on the topic: "dream book of seaming in banks" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Why dream of a glass jar? The dream book often interprets this symbol as a warning about future troubles, failures, health problems. However, sometimes such a sign in a dream promises success and new pleasant acquaintances. It is important to recall the details of the dream, which will help to correctly interpret it.

Pay attention to your health

A broken glass jar in a dream indicates an upcoming dreamer serious illness. You should be patient, gather all your strength to defeat the disease.

Why dream of medical glass jars? Dream Interpretation warns: possibly a cold or infection. Putting them - to a speedy recovery.

Overcome difficulties within your power

A broken glass jar in a dream means that extremely unpleasant difficulties are ahead. Willpower, determination to achieve what you want will help to overcome adversity. Also, this symbol portends disappointment.

Putting medical glass jars to someone - solving a personal issue promises difficulties. If they put you - the dream book indicates: there is a difficult choice ahead, it will be very difficult to make it.

Dreamed of being empty? Some obstacles will prevent the implementation of your plans. However, you are quite capable of defeating them, there would be a desire.

Why dream of washing cans? According to the dream book, there is a period of material losses ahead that can lead to poverty. Carefully plan your expenses, try to find additional sources of income.

Possible success and pleasant surprises

A large number of empty cans in a dream promises a person to soon receive some very valuable gift.

Full, especially with blanks, they portend prosperity to the dreamer. The dream book promises: he will have good luck in business, personal life, a favorable combination of circumstances for the implementation of his plans.

Dreamed of water in a glass jar that you drank? This is a sign of imminent fun or good news.

Why dream of glass jars with blanks if the sleeping person fills them himself? According to the dream book, things are progressing well, and the efforts made by a person to achieve what he wants will be crowned with success.

Water in a glass jar and flowers standing there in a dream are a harbinger of buying a thing that the dreamer has long dreamed of.

Plan carefully

Dreamed of empty glass jars? The dream interpretation claims: such a symbol promises serious material difficulties, even need. However, do not despair. Look for new job Or at least temporary jobs. Asking friends, you can find a very decent place.

Also, empty glass jars promise a decline in business. You should carefully analyze your plans, perhaps somewhere there is a mistake that can lead to a fiasco. Before it's too late, you need to correct them.

Buying glass jars with blanks means: the success achieved by the dreamer will turn out to be fragile. When it ends, the sleeper may experience disappointment due to unfulfilled expectations. New plans must be built, taking into account their miscalculations or changed circumstances.

Dreamed filled vessels in a dream are a sign of good luck in business, business, at work.

Love, relationship

Why dream of seeing a broken one? According to Freud's dream book, empty is dissatisfaction with a partner, a desire to break off relations. When the filled one broke, it's time to stop communicating with your sexual partner.

Seeing in a dream how someone opens them is an acquaintance with a person about whom they have heard a lot from friends. To do it yourself is a visit to a person who rarely visits you.

Did you dream of breaking this vessel? The sleeper will quarrel with one of his old acquaintances. We must try not to drag out this misunderstanding in order to avoid a long quarrel.

Washing a glass jar in a dream means that a person is careful in his love affairs. He should continue to be just as judicious in his choice of partners.

I gave away empty cans, what is it for?

A lot of glass jars, a stranger broke a few, but the rest survived. What is it for?

Why is the Bank dreaming about the dream book

According to the Oracle's dream book, a jar symbolizes the state of health and warns of possible diseases that can be warned. Such a sign indicates your predisposition at the moment to various kinds mental disorders due to a busy work schedule or stress.

If it was possible to remember such a detail of the vision as the contents of the bottle, it is possible with a sufficient degree of certainty to assume the nature of the threatening illness and its causes.

A detailed transcript of the context of the plot will allow you to find out what to expect from the near future in those areas of life that excite you the most at this time.

No matter what problems torment you, no matter how much work you have to do, never forget the importance of good rest and proper nutrition

Exploding jar in a dream

An exploding bank dreams of conflict situations between family members. You will be the initiator of the quarrel. The reason for this may be your irritability and inability to control your emotions. Establishing relationships with relatives will be much more difficult than ruining them.

Try not to take out the evil on loved ones. They are not to blame for your problems at work, splash out the accumulated negativity in other ways.

Dreamed of a jar of water

If you saw a jar of water in a dream, things will go smoothly. You will be able to cope with all the problems that have overcome you in Lately. Relations with others are also normalized. How more water was in the vessel, the longer the quiet period will last.

Create all conditions to keep your current positions. Try not to make past mistakes again.

If in a dream I had to roll up banks

According to the dream book, rolling up banks means that you are ready for a lot for the well-being of your family. If a good opportunity presents itself, you will not hesitate to use it to provide your family with a decent and prosperous life.

Such intentions are commendable. The main thing is that they be supported by decisive actions.

Interpretation of a dream about a closed glass jar

If you dreamed of a closed glass jar, you will have to take control of the situation into your own hands. There will be a need to quickly make important decisions. The slightest delay or any mistake made can lead to irreparable consequences.

Act clearly and thoughtfully. Do not give in to panic attacks or doubts. You must believe that everything will work out.

What does it mean if a jar burst according to a dream book

A dream in which a bank burst portends health problems in someone close to you. The disease can pose a serious threat to life if timely measures are not taken to eliminate it. This picture appeared to you, because the threat hung over a person who cares about you.

Take care of those dear to your heart. Try to spend more time with them in the near future in order to provide the necessary assistance in time.

If you dreamed a lot of cans

To dream of many different jars, whether they were filled or not, means that you will soon be surprised by the unexpected news that you have. great importance. Transparent containers portend good news, while muddy or dirty ones portend bad news.

Before you rejoice or be upset by the news you receive, check the reliability of the source of information.

Wash jars in a dream

I dreamed that you were washing banks - you would have to urgently look for ways out of a difficult financial situation. Perhaps creditors will demand a return of the debt, and you will not have the required amount. Solving financial difficulties will be very difficult, given the tight deadlines for repaying a loan.

Try reaching out to close friends for help or asking for an advance for the work you're doing. From now on, be more careful when borrowing funds.

What is the dream of a full bank

A dream in which a full jar of homemade pickles or compote appeared portends favorable changes in personal life. For unmarried girl such a vision portends successful marriage And wealthy husband. For those who are already bound by marriage - well-being and happiness in family life.

Don't think that happy relationship require no effort. To maintain them, you will sometimes need to make concessions, sacrificing your interests and more often showing your love to your partner.

empty jars

Dreaming of empty jars symbolize relationships that weigh on you. Depending on the context of the plot, you can understand what you should do to get out of this situation.

broken bank

A broken bank is a bad omen. She can warn of health problems that will begin very inopportunely.

Glass jar

The interpretation of the plot with a glass jar has positive value and promises the successful implementation of plans.

If in a dream there was a cracked bank

A dream in which they saw a cracked jar indicates that your perception of the current state of affairs is far from the truth. Someone is deliberately trying to mislead you in order to take advantage of the current situation in their own interests.

Manage all processes yourself. Do not entrust this duty to anyone, not even close friends.

Dream about a three-liter glass jar

A three-liter glass jar in the Oracle dream book indicates dissatisfaction with the current developments. Your ambitions do not match the position you are in right now. The plot you see reflects the scale of your plans for the future and promises the fulfillment of most of them.

In order for positive shifts in life to begin, it is necessary to clearly define your main goal and outline the priority steps to achieve it.

Why see a dream in which there were clean glass jars

Clean glass jars in a dream portend good luck in all its manifestations. Favorable changes will affect all spheres of life, but you will be especially pleased with big success in business and a significant increase in wealth.

Do not hope that fortune will always be on your side. Life is very changeable, try not to lose what you got.

Personal horoscope for 2018 will tell you in what areas of life you will find success in the new year.

I dreamed about the Bank, but the right interpretation there is no sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Bank is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

I would put this dream on a par with the tortoise. A beautiful room, in the middle of which there are many cans. Banks are very nice, tastefully painted. I KNOW they need to be opened. I open one and ... the head of a green snake is shown from there (hmm, I'm not an alcoholic and in general lately, like never before, I'm close to my real self without any dope). In beauty - just perfection, but this does not stop her from being a snake, and therefore a slightly repulsive creature. Already in a dream, I know that there is no choice, I will have to tear off these cans and release all the snakes. I open it reluctantly. They crawl on the floor and for some reason poke their heads into the legs of my friends. I avoid this fate, avoid being even bitten, just overtaken. Of course, sl. the plot of the dream deprives me of such an opportunity - a gang of boys (street hooligans) breaks into this room and repairs robbery. Everything ended well, I found a compromise with them (with myself of course) and so on. And yet, all these reptiles, reptiles, amphibians clearly have some kind of common ... orientation, trait?

Now look at the collection. So I would add "Halographic dinosaurs" to the reptilian ones.

In this case, you kind of looked into the workings of the brain.

Hi all. I only remember bits and pieces of the dream. A bag of glass jars, I took out one, dropped it, but it did not break. I was so surprised. Then the son on one hand, because. the second was occupied by a 3 liter carton of milk, crossing a bridge over the ocean. I was even afraid to look down, but he looked very confident. Then I dreamed that I was riding in a wagon and someone else was sitting next to me. We pass under a tree, on the branches of which stood a shaggy red-haired mongrel. She bristled and aimed at me to jump, even showed her teeth in a grin. And here I fulfilled my old day dream about such dogs in my dreams. When she jumped on me, I grabbed her mouth with my hands and spread her jaws to the sides and ... the dog succumbed without resistance, tearing like cardboard. This feeling is very memorable, because I was waiting for something terrible. Because of this expectation of something terrible, I was afraid of my sleepy dogs for years.

Life acquisitions can be in bags, and glass jars are a neutral indication of stereotypes (a vessel is a form that carries the structure of a habit).

The image of a son who playfully resolves difficult issues (crossing the bridge on one arm) gives you the strength to defeat the dog. Usually, angry dog points to our mother who tried to dominate us. The real victory is better to consider not the I that says “No”, but the I that is not this. That is the original "No". When we are not related to the image, it does not appear at all in dreams.

I look along the path to the entrance of the house. I want to enter. Suddenly, my friend appears in the window of the second floor. I am very happy about it and want to go to him. But he starts throwing empty glass jars out of the window. They break around me, I feel scared and offended because he does not want to see me. My frustration is so strong that I don't try to run away; if he wants, then so be it. My fear grows and I close my eyes, the last thing I see is a huge jar of jam flying at my head. I am getting up. I am 21 years old, female. The dream left me confused. The only thing I can say is that we have a long-standing, complex but not very close relationship with my acquaintance.

i dreamed of a lot of different jars. with jam and pickled mushrooms, the jam was different strawberry, etc.

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. You want to express yourself in an original way, to prove your uniqueness.

The magazine's website contains the largest online dream book, which contains 90 dream collections and over 450,000 dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, including love, compatibility and many others.

Why dream of conservation in banks - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's dream book

preservation in jars according to the dream book

According to this dream book, dreaming cans of conservation can be interpreted as an upcoming success in the near future.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

preservation in jars in a dream

A man who in a dream sees conservation in jars located in someone else's pantry - in reality he should beware, an imaginary well-wisher can play a dishonest game against him. If a man in a dream sees jars filled with conservation in his pantry, in reality he will receive a profitable offer of cooperation.

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming empty banks? empty jar- a symbol of poverty, poverty, fate, failure and defeat. Perhaps the worst dream, which could dream- it's glass jar filled with nothing. As a rule, such dreams in all the dream books of the world are interpreted only from the negative side. And no wonder, because in fact, jar, which empty and made of glass Bad sign like a symbol emptiness, that is, human poverty.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Please help interpret dream about banks. To me dreamed, What I I take three or four out of my friend's office empty dirty banks. In dream at me there was a thought that they had no place there and they needed to be disposed of. banks with my son-in-law, and then took one back two liter and gave son-in-law and said why they handed over the container, and then we will buy canned in what we will. Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Jardreaming in dream empty jar jar- a successful acquaintance with the wealthy and kind person. If you are buying banks- your love will not be strong, and numerous disappointments will destroy feelings. Why dreaming Jar Fri January 08, 2016, 08:10:26. I I saw how I buy a three-liter bank with compote, then I give her to another person, and after a while he accidentally breaks her in the entrance. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "svoipravila"

    Buy banks - dream means that your success is fragile and you will be very disappointed in something. dreamed broken jar- to a serious illness or severe disappointment. JAR GLASS Modern dream book. Jar dreaming to trouble. So if you saw in dream empty banks, this means that you will become poor and will need. You urgently need to take care of more reliable device their affairs. In the same time banks filled with something dreaming to success.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Which jar to you dreamed? What happened to jar in dream? How many cans to you dreamed? What did you do with banks in dream? Details sleep.As if some girl came and asked empty 3 liter bank for the husband's aunt (his aunt died about 3 years ago). I got bank I tell this girl that jar has been standing for a year and allegedly prepared it so that give away…Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    For what dreaming empty Banks in dream by dream book? Dream where you look at empty banks, reports a dysfunctional marriage with a lack of mutual respect and understanding among the spouses, the relationship will finally deteriorate. Communication in your family has long been built on a common hostility and constant quarrels. If dreamed, What give away empty bank▼.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "son-spi.narod"

    For what dreaming dream Jar. See in dream full banks- a harbinger of your success in business, empty- to financial difficulties and impoverishment. glass empty banks- may portend the upcoming joy. Buy in dream banks- means in reality to experience the fragility of one's position. dreaming in dream empty jar- portends a bad relationship or bad marriage. Full - a successful acquaintance with a wealthy and kind person. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams empty banks in the apartment, or what does it mean in dream see empty banks in the apartment. new flat in dream. dreamed, What I ended up in a different apartment. It was as if she had moved into her. A parrot whose cage was hanging on a branch (there is the 4th floor) and next to My parrot, but no longer in the cage, there were already 3 BIRDS - yellow bright green, lilac with blue wings !!! just a delight for the mind!! and suddenly Irina, with insane ease, jumps out of the balcony onto a branch and catches 2 birds, gives back mei...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Here you can read dreams, in which the characters occur empty banks in the apartment.today had a dream dream from several parts. I on the balcony, as if before there I The woman asked me give away her tickets, which I allegedly bought for her (I don’t know which tickets).Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream about God in dream. dreamed, What I I walk with my dog ​​and I give. They do a manicure. At the end, I go to the beautician and ask for my passport back. Ask the interpreter why dreaming see man fills bank in dream.Jar Raspberry's blood bank Job bank Jar I pour blood into bank Robbery jar Banks empty banks empty banks in...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Interpretation dreams. What does dream empty banks in the apartment, brother's family. Banks with fish, pineapple. Under the influence of your mother, you want to protect yourself from troubles on the personal front. dreaming in dream empty jar portends a bad relationship or a failed marriage. Complete jar- a successful acquaintance with a wealthy and kind person.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    He took his clean white sheet And gave his niece, and then began to see himself crucified and blood in dream. dreamed What I crucified as if on a cross, but the cross Ask the interpreter why dreaming see Jar blood in dream.Jar Raspberry's blood bank Job bank Jar I pour blood into bank Robbery jar Banks empty banks empty...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams and reality in dream. Meaning sleep is that What to me dreaming house. Or rather I I don’t know when I’m visiting. I ask for a phone to call, I call after I give.I see a woman and dream about hair in dream. had a dream such dream... I see a man from afar, I approach Jar Raspberry's blood bank Job bank Jar I pour blood into bank Robbery jar Banks empty banks empty...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dreams and dreaming Snake Box Bed. fly in dream. Hello! to me had a dream bad and scary dream as if I in some house, in some room, and there is a large double bed, and it seems to be March 16, on this day I as if I should give away debt, big amount of money, and a man came[ Home | Interpretation dreams]. See in dream. Jar Raspberry's blood bank Job bank Jar I pour blood into bank Robbery jar Banks empty banks empty banks in the apartment Banks with fish Man fills bank. Divination Online. Arrow of fate.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream empty container. I I'm driving down the highway on a scooter. I drive clumsily, driving into the oncoming and onto the side of the road. I can’t understand why, because I know how to drive a car well. After I I give empty plastic bottle to my boss, so that she dials to me water from the holy spring. See in dream empty container. empty banks in the apartment, brother's family. Dream had a dream today, October 27 had a dream my older cousin, whom someone asked about his profession, he explained that he works as a programmer, this is true or something close.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Analysis sleep Bed Fish Blood. Dead wounded dog black doberman bleeds in dream. Dream had a dream on the full moon on February 22, 2016. I and my husband sit on a bench on the platform at night and wait for the train, there is no one around. Jar Raspberry's blood bank Job bank Jar I pour blood into bank Robbery jar Banks empty banks empty banks in the apartment Banks with fish Man fills bank.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    So you can easily find out what dreams I give your child, or what does in dream Birth of a child in dream. To me dreamed, What I give birth and me brought to the hospital ... Only I I go there as if by me runs through the former MCH, takes bank with jam, she was at first empty, I turned away and as soon as she turned to her again - she saw there ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Transplant fish from a broken empty aquarium in dream. dreamed, What I away and suddenly I see that the aquarium with fish has broken, the water has flowed out. I I start saving the fish, carefully transplanting them into another aquarium, It is much smaller, and the fish are big and beautiful, to me pity them. I I try to fit everyone in order to save everyone. me In general, he gives back to me the keys to my apartment, hugs and we say goodbye. I I go up to the apartment, go to the balcony and look down. And all this time from the start sleep empty banks in the apartment, brother's family. You are engaged in laying down new life programs (brother is a programmer and guests from him). They have no place for anything superfluous, empty(banks), uncomfortable and dubious (suitcases). Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    man, money in dream. dreamed casual acquaintance with pretty famous person and continuation Serious relationships. Relations are kind, respectful, romantic. Jar Raspberry's blood bank Job bank Jar I pour blood into bank Robbery jar Banks empty banks empty banks in the apartment Banks with fish Man fills bank.

An empty jar is a symbol of poverty, poverty, fate, failure and defeat. Perhaps the most bad dream, which I could dream about - this is a glass jar filled with nothing.

As a rule, such dreams in all dream books of the world are interpreted only from the negative side. And no wonder, because in fact, a jar that is empty and made of glass is a bad omen as a symbol of emptiness, that is, human poverty. But it is worth considering in detail what empty jars dream of in dreams!

What if you dream of empty jars?

If we are talking about just an empty jar, which stands apart from everything - this is poverty, to which fate dooms in this moment. It is unlikely that in the near future it will be possible to overcome the situation and reverse the course of the black stripe. However, you have to try! If you dream of not one jar, but a lot of them (for example, in a warehouse or on a shelf) and they are all empty, then this is completely bad. Poverty will last for many years, and possibly decades. Also, if you dreamed of empty cans with a chip, then this is a theft.

This poverty arose for a reason. Someone constantly "drags" finances, deceives and leads for a sleeping person. Perhaps this is someone from a circle of trust: a friend, family member, business partner. It was he who created such a situation around the dreamer, and all the money flows away through this chip to nowhere.

What portends?

If the jar is empty, but made not of glass, but of another material, then this is a sure sign of impending loneliness. In the soul there will be no one left to rely on. In general, a dream, empty cans, in which - this is bad!

They carry disappointment, tears, resentment and falls. Probably, when bankruptcy occurs, friends and relatives will turn away from a person. He will also have to completely change his way of life, denying himself many things that he could previously acquire easily. This difficult life and it is to be hoped that this black rock haunts for a little while. No wonder an empty jar in a dream among different peoples is a bad symbol!

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