Yolanda Hadid: the difficult story of a strong woman's life. Yolanda Foster: biography, career, personal life

Today, when the name Hadid is on everyone's lips, few people will think about what efforts it once cost a young single woman to find her place in the fashion industry, and then through years of searching for love and harmony, having gone through trials and serious illness, make this surname a common noun. I'm talking about a woman who not only managed to fulfill herself in life, but also managed to make her children the most sought-after models of our time. All this about the gorgeous Yolanda Hadid.

You may have heard this name before, because her two daughters, 20-year-old Bella and 22-year-old Gigi, constantly appear on the covers of the top fashion magazines and boldly defile at all kinds of shows, and not so long ago, both officially became "angels" Victoria's Secret . Needless to say, it was Yolanda who did everything to make the girls become real stars.

Yolanda Van der Herick maiden name) was born on January 11, 1964 in the Netherlands. The blond girl has always attracted people's attention.- from the early age it was obvious that Yolanda would drive men crazy with her beauty. But then no one even imagined that she would become a world-famous model.. She and her brother grew up in enough prosperous family, and it seemed to the girl that it would always be so. Yolanda's happy childhood ended very earlywhen the girl was only 7 years old,her father died in car accident. For many years after that, she will unsuccessfully look for a man who can become a stone wall for her, such as her father once was, but instead she herself will become strong and strong-willed.

A happy accident brought her into the fashion industry, and all the same happy accident made her famous. At the show of a Dutch designer (where, by the way, Yolanda also got completely unintentionally), she was noticed by the owner of one of the largest and most successful modeling agencies in the world, Ford Models, Eileen Ford. Young Yolanda signed her first contract with the agency and after that her life changed forever: for more than 15 years she worked in modeling business, participating in advertising photo shoots and shows of the best fashion housesParis, Milan and New York.

At 31, Yolanda finds for the first time a man who can make her happy and make her quit her career for the sake of family happiness – Palestinian-born businessman Mohamed Hadid courted persistently and beautifully. She regains a home and everything that she secretly dreamed of all these years. After the wedding, the couple moves to build a family nest in Los Angeles. In 1995, they have baby Gilena Noora (now known as Gigi Hadid), a year later– Bella, and in 1999 long-awaited son Anwar, whose appearance was overshadowed by a serious birth trauma. Yolanda needed a long recovery period so that she could move fully again. In those difficult days, she was often visited by thoughts that she would no longer be able to walk, but Yolanda did not know how to give up, and after some time the rehabilitation course began to give results.

Yolanda with kids: Bella, Gigi and Anwar

The upbringing of children, as well as their future career, fell entirely on the shoulders of Yolanda, but she was only" behind ". This does not mean that Mohamed Hadid was a bad father, not at all, but the work absorbed almost all of his time. The lack of attention from her husband, which Yolanda so desperately needed, she fully compensated for with her children. However, their marriage to Mohamed eventually collapsed anyway, and in 2000 the couple officially divorced.

Yolanda, Bella and Mohamed Hadid

After the divorce, Yolanda decides to start new life in a new place and moves to Montecito with the children. Here, thanks to the connections and acquaintances that appeared after long years modeling and marriage to a multimillionaire, she was able to start her own business. Yolanda becomes an interior designer and once again proves to fate that she is not so easy to break. A few years later, Yolanda falls in love again. - this time, the musician and producer David Foster becomes her chosen one, whom she soon marries. Their marriage did not last long, only four years. After the divorce, Yolanda took back her first husband's surname. They were a family: her, Gigi, Bella and Anwar. That is why the woman decided that she should have a common surname with her children. In 2012, Yolanda was diagnosed with severe Lyme disease, with which she fights even more fiercely than with all life path troubles, because she has a goal - to put her children on their feet, teach them to be as strong as she is, to pass on their experience and knowledge, which were given to her so hard. Apparently, Yolanda fully managed to achieve her goal - her whole family is at the peak of popularity. But she is not going to stop there. At 51, Yolanda became the star of a popular reality show.« The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills» (a show about the influential society ladies of America). Of all the participants in the TV show, it is she who is the main favorite of the audience and seems to enjoy the attention of the public even more than in her youth.

Yolanda and her second husband David Foster

Yolanda with children: Gigi, Bella and Anwar

Gigi's eldest daughter tabloids are often compared to Yolanda in her youth

Now Yolanda is the mainth critic and adviser to Gigi, Bella and Anwar, who is taking his first steps in the modeling business. She is present at all major shows in which her children participate, while not forgetting to develop herself.Yolanda's book "Believe Me: My Battle with the Invisible Disability of Lyme Disease" is scheduled to be released this year., in which she tells how she found the strength to overcome the disease and not lose her strength and faith in life. She dedicates the book to all women who have faced difficult trials along the way, and of course, to her beloved children, who have become the main meaning of her life.

Yolanda Foster - former model, television show host and interior designer. She is best known as the star of the American reality show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and the mother of successful models Gigi and Bella Hadid, who have millions of followers on the social network Instagram.

Early life

Yolanda Herik (maiden name) was born on January 11, 1964 in the small Dutch town of Papendrecht, in a Christian family. She has a brother named Leo. Her father died in a car accident when she was seven years old, leaving her mother to raise two children.


Dutch designer Frans Molenaar asked Yolanda to replace one of her models at the show, where she was spotted by Ford Models founder Eileen Ford. Shortly thereafter, young Yolanda was signed to her first modeling contract. After that, the girl participated in shows famous brands on the best catwalks in the world. She worked successfully for 15 years before settling into a personal life and starting a family. In 1994, Yolanda moved to Los Angeles to marry famous businessman in real estate of Palestinian origin by Muhammad Hadid.

Yolanda Foster's illness prompted her to write a memoir, Trust Me: My Battle with Lyme Disease, which was released in 2017.

In January 2018, she premiered her television competition Modeling with Yolanda Hadid, which was first shown on one of the American cable channels.

Personal life

Yolanda's first marriage to Muhammad Hadid lasted 6 years (from 1994 to 2000). In marriage, the couple had three children, Jelena "Gigi" (04/23/1995), Isabella (Bella) (10/9/1996) and Anwar (06/22/1999).

On November 11, 2011, having received a marriage proposal on Christmas Eve in 2010, Yolanda entered into marriage with Canadian singer and produced by David Foster in Beverly Hills, California. In the biography of Yolanda Foster, this is the second marriage.

After some time, Yolanda went to the doctors with complaints of exhaustion, joint pain, insomnia and neurological disorders. In 2012, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease ( infection transmitted by ticks), which she repeatedly stated on several episodes of the TV show The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

Yolanda met with several specialists before she was properly diagnosed. “I was so exhausted, it was even hard for me to walk from bed to bathroom, my headaches were unbearable. I had this inexplicable cough that lasted for several months, ”she shared in an interview.

In December 2012, Yolanda revealed that she had a port (this is a special medical device, implanted under the patient's skin, which is used for frequent injections, as well as blood sampling for testing), it is implanted in the arm for the treatment of Lyme disease. In April 2013, she removed the port. Later, in January 2015, she stated that due to illness, she "cannot write, read or just watch TV."

Yolanda Foster's children, Bella and Anwar, were also diagnosed with Lyme disease caused by a tick bite.

On December 1, 2015, Yolanda announced that she and David Foster were planning to divorce. After filing for divorce, she changed her last name to Hadid to match her children's last name. The divorce was finalized in May 2017.

Surprisingly, at 54, Yolanda Hadid looks 30 years old, almost like her daughters, the famous models Bella and Gigi.
Every woman wants to look young at any age, let's try to figure out what helps Yolanda stay young. In addition, she does not hide the secrets of her beauty at all. Let me remind you that in the past she herself was a successful model.


Yolanda is a devotee healthy lifestyle life and adherence to a strict diet. She herself admits that she sometimes wants to eat something sweet, fatty or starchy, but she tries to control herself.

At 54, she eats mostly raw food. plant food- salads, vegetables and fruits. Yolanda drinks not coffee and tea, but mostly freshly squeezed juices. That is, the basis of the diet is natural products.

The former model began eating according to such a system after she was given a disappointing diagnosis - Lyme disease. It was after the start of the diet that the woman's joints stopped hurting.


In the photo, it is the same woman at 54 years old, what does she look like and what kind of lifestyle does she lead?
A young woman at 54, Yolanda Hadid, admits that she consumes a lot of water, and sometimes even forces herself to drink. plain water. She believes that this contributes to the removal of decay products from the body. In addition, it maintains the water balance of the skin at an acceptable level.

Accurate adherence to the daily routine, sleep and wakefulness is also a guarantee of youth preservation. She does not consider it necessary to use cosmetics. Any cosmetics spoils and dries the skin, creates wrinkles. Proper skin care and the complete absence of cosmetics allows Yolanda's skin to remain the way it was 20 years ago.

Keeping fit

What Yolanda Hadid looks like, whose photo is at the bottom of the article, you will now see. be in good shape and good mood beauty help physical exercise. Swimming Gym and walks are the best for preserving youth, the woman believes. Salt baths and special breathing exercises from yoga are also not superfluous.

53-year-old mother of models Gigi and Bella Hadid Yolanda (Yolanda Hadid) is a successful fashion model in the past. However, even now Hadid Sr. takes part in photo shoots and fashion projects. In addition, she actively leads Instagram, where she shares moments from her life.

Gigi and Bella's mom recently presented her autobiography, Believe Me: My Battle with the Invisible Disability of Lyme Disease, in which she talked about her struggle with Lyme disease and her desire to commit suicide. Yolanda took part in Good Day New York to talk about her book. However, the attention of the public was riveted not to the content of the autobiography, but to appearance Hadid Sr.

For the exit, she chose a total red look: red cigarette trousers, a turtleneck to match and high heels with a strap and pointed nose. Yolanda's fans could not believe their eyes and noted that the mother of many children looks like elder sister their children - daughters Gigi, Bella and son Anwar.

Yolanda Hadid with children Gigi, Anwar and Bella

Recall that in 2012, doctors diagnosed Hadid Sr. with Lyme disease in severe form. After that, a long and painful stage of the struggle with the disease began in her life. She went through several surgeries and admitted in 2015 that she had lost the ability to read, write, or even watch TV due to illness.

Gigi Hadid Ends 2016 as Top Model of the Year British Council fashion, which was announced on December 6th at The Fashion Award 2016 in London. It is curious that in this nomination her younger sister Bella stepped on her heels. How blood relatives share the fashionable Olympus - we understand our material.

Gigi and Bella Hadid, 2015

Every year, a “new face” appears in the fashion industry, which breaks all the applause at Fashion Weeks, takes the best campaigns into its piggy bank and adorns the covers of leading glossy publications. The popularity of such a model, like the life of a butterfly, is fleeting, and very soon her face becomes boring not only to the public, but also to the business itself, which requires new “top” personnel to join its ranks. So, in 2014, Cara Delevingne was replaced by Kendall Jenner, a year later Gigi Hadid passed the laurels of the catwalk queen, and today her younger sister Bella is stepping on her heels.

Sisters Hadid

Gigi, Anwar, Yolanda and Bella Hadid

Yes, in the fashion industry everything is by acquaintance. Kendall got into fashion under the patronage of mom Chris, who is known to almost everyone in show business. Proof of this is one of the episodes of the show “Keeping up with the Kardashians”, in which Jenner Sr. calls a friend with a request to arrange a viewing for the newly appeared model. Further, as we know, shows, covers, a half-naked photo shoot for Calvin Klein, arm in arm with Karl Lagerfeld - everything you need to make yourself known in modeling. With Hadid, the same scenario applies.

Yolanda Hadid

Yolanda Hadid for Grazia magazine

Yolanda Hadid for Vogue

Jelena Noora (Gigi is the girl's "home" name) began her career as a child. At the age of two, she posed for advertising company Baby Guess by signing a contract with designer Paul Marciano. Everything was arranged, of course, by her mother - Yolanda Hadid, in the past - a successful model who repeatedly posed for Vogue. However, the daughter did not use the help of the family for long: after the expiration of the model contract, she seriously took up studies, equestrian sports and volleyball - in a word, she did everything to distract herself from divorce proceedings parents.

Gigi Hadid in advertising campaign Baby Guess

Gigi Hadid with her mother

Yolanda separated from the father of her three children, billionaire Mohammed Hadid in 2000, and remarried only 11 years later to music producer David Foster. The 14-time Grammy winner took the Hadid girls to all the red carpets, and the newly shining spotlights made Gigi return to the fashion world. At the age of 17, she moved from Malibu to New York and signed a contract with the IMG agency, and a year later she posed with the same Guess Marciano for the Italian version of Vanity Fair. “Once and for all “Guess girl” - 15 years later I'm back in business!” Gigi wrote then in her Instagram account.

Gigi Hadid in Guess campaign

Gigi Hadid on the cover of CR-Fashion

Gigi Hadid for Pirelli

Gigi Hadid and Paul Marciano for Vanity Fair

Jelena Noora became “her own” in the industry a little later: in 2014, Karin Roitfeld shot an aspiring model for the cover of a fashion book, and then drew the attention of Tom Ford to her. The designer liked Hadid's "baby face" so much that he "titled" three advertising campaigns for them at once: Velvet Orchid fragrance, clothing line and eyewear line. The “Gigi Phenomenon” turned out to be so strong that in a couple of weeks she posed for the Pirelli calendar, in which many models have been striving for years.

Gigi Hadid for German Vogue

Gigi Hadid for British Vogue

Gigi Hadid at the Elie Saab show

A candid photo shoot in a latex suit immediately raised Hadid's career to the stage where the girls are filmed for Harper's Bazaar and Vogue and defile along the catwalk at shows of cult brands. Thanks for a year long legs and social-media Gigi "made" her girlfriend Kendall Jenner and made the whole world talk about herself. The noise was added by the scandal with “cellulite inappropriate for a model”, actively changing second halves (from Cody Simpson to Joe Jonas and Zayn Malik) and the show “Victoria’s secret”, in which the girl took part along with her “winged” idols.

Gigi Hadid at the Victoria's secret show

Cody Simpson, Gigi Hadid, Cara Delvin, Kendall Jenner

Gigi Hadid with her mother

Gigi Hadid at the Giambattista Valli show

Despite the sudden collapse of fame and the loud hashtag #hadid, with which Gee signs not only photos in in social networks, but also her own clothes, she never received the honor of being a regular in couture shows. The dream, unfulfilled due to the "childish" appearance, went to the proud and graceful sister Bella, who literally blew up the recent Week haute couture. Arriving after Gigi to conquer Manhattan, she literally followed in her footsteps: she signed a contract with the same IMG Models, “lit up” in Roitfeld’s Fashion Book and Tom Ford, and also found a musician boyfriend and made friends with the youngest of the clan Kardashian-Jenner, Kylie.

Bella Hadid

year 2014


Gigi and Bella Hadid

At first, the second Hadid tried to be like the first in everything, but now, it seems, she is erasing this inappropriate “how” particle. Anyone will get tired of the age-old comparison with mother, then with sister, or even with actress Jennifer Lawrence (with whom Bella, indeed, is very similar), so the girl, as they say, jumps above her head in order to finally get out of the shadow of her elders. mentors.

Hadid sisters in Balmain advertising campaign

Bella at Givenchy haute couture fall-winter 2016/17 show

Bella at the Christian Dior haute couture show fall-winter 2016/17

Bella at Alexandre Vauthier haute couture FW 2016/17
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