Not only weight loss, but also a great mood! Which is better: running or walking for weight loss? Run or bike. The best weight loss method

Finding out which is better: running or cycling, you need to understand for yourself: “And for what purposes?!”. Well, judging by the fact that running and cycling are cardio, and such loads lead to weight loss, then most likely the question is what is still more effective for losing weight.

Let's compare running and cycling in different ways.

1. Which is better for the body's benefit

Bicycle rides favorably affect cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, contribute to the prevention of varicose veins. In addition, they reduce the feeling of tension, as the decay products accumulated over the entire working day, which are stress, will energetically seep out of the body along with sweat. Due to the load, cholesterol levels are reduced, which contributes to good intestinal motility.

On the run the load also goes to the cardiovascular and central nervous system, the heart muscle is trained, the amount of oxygen entering the blood increases. For one run, the heart manages to increase blood flow, stimulating oxygen metabolism. Consequently, all organs and tissues are better supplied with oxygen-rich blood and various nutrient compounds. Thanks to running, you can get rid of depression and fatigue, because in the process of training, the "hormone of joy" - endorphin - is released into the bloodstream. If we jog often, then we will increase the concentration of the hormone and we will stay in a feeling of mild euphoria. There is also an increase in hemoglobin and red blood cells in the blood, which means that the protective abilities of the immune system increase. In addition, while running, the load on the kidneys is reduced, which contributes to their better functioning. Training has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, and it is recommended for the elderly to prevent degenerative changes in muscle tissues and joints.

2.Slimming effect

Cycling and running programs help to reduce the volume of the hips and cellulite (do not forget about it), the press, shoulders, and arms will also be involved. Both sports will keep your muscles toned, burn fat and "dry" your body.

3. The material side of the issue

If you are unprofessional cyclist all you need is a bike, comfortable sportswear, a water bottle, cycling gloves and a helmet. Honestly, it's costly.

Equipment for the non-professional runner includes special, seasonal sportswear, a cap or hat depending on the weather, if you really love yourself, you can buy a small heart rate monitor. That's all! Only on the road.

4. Technical side

Ignorant people don't even know that a ride on the bicycle is a whole science, including: proper fit and its types, pedaling technique and its types. It turns out that there is a sporty riding position, designed for high-speed riding, when the body is close to the horizontal position to improve aerodynamics, as well as a walking type of landing on the "great" when the body position is in an upright position. Pedaling includes 2 types: standard, when you sit in the saddle, and when you pedal while standing, you “dance” in a professional way.

At the run, of course, there are also all sorts of technical subtleties. If you do not plan to engage professionally, then move as your body tells you. Running, after all, is a natural form of locomotion. But at the same time, you must remember: you should not jog with your heel forward, it is better to land on the front of the foot, and then on the heel. We pull the knee forward, and not the heel or toe, keep the back straight, lower the shoulders and relax. The pace of the run is determined by the "speech test" i.e. during the load we can say individual sentences.

In conclusion of this paragraph, we note the most important thing: both running and cyclingto avoid injury.

5. Weather conditions

A ride on the bicycle counts summer view sports, but also winter months there are real cycling fans who cut the roads on their "friend". To do this, you need to purchase winter tires and bicycle tires, as well as sports equipment for the season.

With running everything is easier. Thermal underwear, winter running shoes, comfortable sportswear, a path in the park and go ahead, earn immunity. Finally, you can.

6. Personal preference

Everything that we have discussed, and no matter what the pros and cons of this or that sport we have described now, the most important thing is your personal preferences. What do you like more?! If you decide for yourself, but you don’t like to run in the heat, out of breath, and thinking when all this will end, not a single article, not a single professor will force you to take the path of running. The same goes for a bicycle: yes, it is useful, but in winter there is nowhere to store it, and tires are needed, and inventory is expensive.

In general, we compared which is better: either a bicycle, and the choice is yours.

The main thing is to move!

IN modern world to have an athletic, inflated body has become fashionable. What about those who have excess weight? The answer is obvious - lose weight. But not everyone is ready to exhaust themselves with various diets, while being angry at everything and everyone. Therefore, many people choose sports to bring their body into good shape, and the most affordable are daily jogging and cycling. And here the question arises to its full height: what is better for losing weight - running or cycling? To answer this difficult question, you need to understand how one and the other affects general state person, and what is more effective for obtaining the intended result.


Riding a bike or exercising on a stationary bike is one type of aerobic activity that is known to be aimed at losing weight and building muscle mass. So, we can safely say that a bicycle is very suitable for those who decide to lose weight and, accordingly, the question of which is better - running or cycling, can be answered unequivocally: of course, a bicycle! But is it really so? After all, in order to throw overweight you will have to wind hundreds of kilometers on the pedals, and with enough high speed! You need at least two hourly high-intensity workouts a day to kick-start that aerobic fat-burning process. But on the other hand, there are many health benefits to cycling.

What are the benefits of cycling

  • together with the calf muscles, the femoral biceps and buttocks are strengthened;
  • at the same time, the abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • lungs and heart receive good workout;
  • the spine is straightened due to stretching;
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • depression gradually disappears, if any.

According to the results of research by scientists from Canada, it is possible to make The conclusion is that cycling is healthier than running long distances. The reasons are as follows: shaking the whole body while jogging has a negative effect not only on internal organs but also on the feet and joints. And in case of flat feet or spinal injury, it is better to exclude jogging altogether, but cycling is not only not contraindicated, but, on the contrary, will be very beneficial for health. Scientists have a question: who is more injured in the case of the same length of distance and the same intensity? Studies have proven that this is a runner.

It has an impact on health and pace during exercise: when cycling, the distribution of the load is even, and during the run, the load vibrates. How does the movement occur when running: a push from the surface of the earth, then a landing, during which the entire body mass collapses on the joints of the lower extremities and on the spine. And if there are still a few extra pounds? There are no health benefits to speak of.

If you take a closer look at both sports, you will notice that running is a rather exhausting and exhausting activity, while cycling, on the contrary, is very exciting and enjoyable. For many people, it can be extremely difficult to make runs systematic, daily, without skipping workouts. And cycling allows you to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and magnificent nature, which inspire so much that the rider does not even notice how he overcomes a long distance, despite the high intensity of training. All in all, cycling is fun. cognitive activity as opposed to running.

But you need to ride a bike correctly: you should regulate the pressure of the foot on the pedal, with strong pressure, the knee joints will suffer. It is very important to choose the right gear in order to optimize the speed of pedaling and eliminate the strong strain of the lower extremities.

What are the benefits of running

Since running is also one of the types of aerobic training, it is also suitable, like cycling, for losing extra pounds. It is safe to say that jogging in terms of weight loss gives an even greater effect than cycling. By running regularly, you can lose weight almost twice as fast as by cycling. Example: if you run at a speed of 8 km / h for 2 hours, you will spend about 1.5 thousand kcal, and if you ride a bike at a speed of 15 km / h for the same amount of time, you will spend only 730 kcal. The conclusion is that the best way weight loss can be called long-distance running.

It is also very good way to build muscle mass, as more muscles are involved in running and even those that are not involved in cycling, such as the muscles of the abdomen and back. And if you add energetic movements of the arms and torso while running, then the benefits will be even greater.

When running, it is quite difficult to correctly adjust the load on the knee joints, in this case an important factor is the weight of the runner. Those who are overweight should be especially careful about jogging. To achieve maximum cushioning, it is recommended to purchase good running shoes - this will help you put your foot on the ground correctly, push off from it correctly, which, accordingly, will reduce the load on the knee joints.

During jogging, the heart muscle is trained and the lungs are pumped up, metabolism improves, the leg and gluteal muscles are well pumped up, as well as the abdominal and spinal muscles, there is a withdrawal harmful substances from the body. Just like riding a bike, depression disappears, thanks to the production of the "hormone of happiness" - dopamine.

Running can serve as a warm-up before further strength training. This is what many athletes and those who decide to take care of their health take into service. Another big plus in the piggy bank positive feedback about jogging: for this type of physical education, you need to purchase only high-quality sports shoes and clothes, while cycling will require much more money, starting with buying a good bike.

What to do in bad weather

If it’s bad weather outside and, as they say, a good owner won’t even kick the dog out into the yard, it’s quite possible to use an exercise bike or a treadmill so as not to interrupt daily workouts. These devices make it possible not to depend on weather conditions, and the workout can go with the same intensity as on the street.

So after all, what is better for weight loss - cycling or running? Everyone decides for himself. Both running and cycling have their advantages and disadvantages. It is still better to visit a doctor and ask for his advice before deciding what to do - run or ride.

In most cases, when such a choice arises, the issue of losing weight comes first, and the maintenance of physical fitness and health promotion comes second.

However, it is not clear why the question of choice arises at all, because the most correct approach would be these two cyclic sports, both for health and for weight loss. Ideally, swimming should also be added to them. Simply put, triathlon can solve all problems with excess weight and health improvement.

But let's consider the issue of running and cycling efficiency separately, as required by the main topic of the article.


Running shouldn't be a problem. Put on your running shoes and run. But problems arise. First of all, because running has ceased to be a natural way of moving for food or other purposes. Not to mention long distance running.

The vast majority of novice runners, regardless of the goals pursued, go to their first workouts without learning the basics of running biomechanics and, as well as in the wrong shoes.

If you add extra weight (which you want to lose) and a complete lack of applied exercises, including warm-up and general physical training, then various pains and even become a completely predictable result.

There are two options for the development of events: either a person will nevertheless begin to study the necessary material, gradually adjust his technique and adapt the body to running loads, or running automatically becomes an inappropriate sport and is no longer considered.

That is, when choosing, one must take into account that fat will not burn out in a week, exposing powerful muscles. Not at all.

First, before the fat starts to burn effectively, you have to learn how to run. Run long and injury-free, without going beyond the safe heart rate zone.

Secondly, you will not grow any powerful muscles, because long-distance running develops endurance fibers, and they do not provide for a strong increase in volume. Although the legs will certainly acquire a more elegant shape and relief.

Benefits of running

The most obvious advantage is that you don't depend on anything. In some running techniques (barefoot) you don't even depend on a pair of running shoes. You can run absolutely anywhere and in any weather, wherever you are, and training can be done even on the way home from work, saving on gas or on fares.

Running helps you lose weight

Running is a devourer. Its effectiveness for weight loss is known to any marathon runner, because for them there is the opposite problem - the ability to stock up on energy for a long time.


Running training allows you to maintain the necessary pulse zone for a very long time without creating an increased danger to yourself and other people.

No sophisticated equipment

When preparing for any competition, including marathons, ultra or trail running, there is no need to be distracted by the maintenance and preparation of complex equipment and worry that something can fail or break hopelessly. There is also no need to transport large equipment and equipment to the launch site.

Feeling of freedom

All together, with developed endurance and impeccable technique, sometimes you can experience a greater sense of freedom and detachment than during training on a bicycle, despite the fact that comparing running and cycling with such criteria is incorrect.


An absolutely fantastic sport for any purpose, but it also has its drawbacks, some of which are mentioned above.

Other disadvantages include the complexity of maintaining, storing and transporting a bicycle for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity without the help of a man with arms and a head.

Cycling requires no less work on technique than running. For effective work in training, you will have to learn even more subtleties, because now the system also has a technically complex device that is not initially a natural extension of a person.

Cycling can be just as traumatic as running (even without falls). A competent approach to training and improving the technique of riding and pedaling can reduce all risks, but by studying required material an even smaller percentage of people who want to lose weight are engaged in than when running.

But there is another nuance. It applies only to those who consider the bike solely as a fat-burning machine. The fact is that most amateur workouts fat people is no different from ordinary bike rides.

Neither the pace, nor the distance, nor with which amateur beginners ride around the city can in any way affect excess weight (although, of course, this is very useful for health). The main problem is the lack of continuous tracks and frequent forced stops.

But even if there is an opportunity to go out of town for good long roads, then the required pace is not maintained for long enough, it is not controlled at all, and the concepts of cadence and round pedaling are absent in principle. Just like the contact pedals themselves.

By the way, cheap bikes do not contribute to sports, but rather hinder it. Yes, running shoes are also not eternal and are consumables for serious training. But the cost of good bikes and body kits that require periodic renewal due to wear and tear is still higher and continues to grow with the level of training.

Bicycle Benefits

Various disadvantages of a bicycle, such as the need for maintenance and repair, can easily turn into advantages.

Need for maintenance

For most cyclists, any tinkering with their favorite machine, from upgrading to cleaning, is a great pleasure. Even the author of this article, who once worked as a bike mechanic for many years, sometimes preferred interesting technical work to training and riding. Not always, of course, but still.

Cycling helps you lose weight

This is true, but, as mentioned above, in order to lose weight, it is necessary to regularly maintain a good (but safe) level of load for a long time for a long time.

Road and cross-country competition

As with running, you can easily take part in any amateur competitions around the world. This serves as an additional incentive to improve the quality and frequency of training, as well as to study various useful material.

Feeling of freedom

Although the runner is less attached to something, the cyclist can experience an even greater sense of freedom due to much greater speeds and distances. Moreover, unlike running, this can be experienced even without good technique and riding at the initial amateur level.

Well-prepared cycling trips, with everything you need, are incomparable trips, allowing you to go anywhere and at the same time not lose contact with nature.

A huge amount of calories is lost during cycling, so the issue of losing weight will disappear by itself, and health will increase with interest, thanks to fresh air, physical activity and a lot of positive emotions.


In the urban environment of the metropolis, running would be a more suitable option, especially for girls. It will allow you to clearly control the load without being distracted by secondary factors. But running is not always able to immediately begin to bring pleasure, most often it takes some time to develop endurance and technique.

A bicycle is able to give joy instantly, as soon as you sit on it, bypassing the stage of adaptation of the body. If you correctly set up the bike and learn the basics of pedaling, you can minimize the risk of injury to your knees, and shock loads, unlike running, are excluded from the outset. But if, in addition to enjoying the trip, there is still a question of losing weight, then certain problems may arise associated with finding trails.

The regularity of training is the key to improving the overall physical condition of the whole organism. Most experts in the field of physical culture are now inclined to argue that instead of exhausting workouts with a frequency of three times a week, it is more reasonable to do four to six times, but with less intensity, and the type and nature of the activity should be closer to life. For example, it could be walking. They also believe that the curriculum exercise must be accessible and convenient. That is, you should do it often and regularly, but there’s no need to run a marathon or perform exercises that are difficult in terms of coordination or physical exertion.

As for the duration of training, it depends on the level of your physical condition and on the nature physical activity. The aforementioned walking is one of the easiest workouts to do, and you can go anywhere from thirty to forty minutes.

Almost the same can be said about cycling, skiing and ice skating. As for such a sport as swimming, here one should start with shorter workouts, say, lasting 12-15 minutes, in order to further bring the duration of the lesson to half an hour.

Regarding the issue of warm-up and cool-down, we can say that there is no strict selection of exercises.

A warm-up is the work of the same muscles as in training, but with less intensity and at a lower pace. In other words, slow walking should precede walking at a fast pace, slow crawling is the warm-up for high-intensity swimming, and if you're going to do a cycling workout, include slow pedaling in the warm-up. For most people, a 5-10 minute warm-up is sufficient.

A cool down is simply a gradual and gentle decrease in the intensity of exercise. You can not stop abruptly and interrupt the training process, and perfect shape The final part of the lesson can be a set of stretching exercises (stretching).

When choosing the type of aerobic training (and all the types of activities listed above are precisely aerobic activities), remember that wherever you train - in the pool, gym or just in the park - it is better if this place is located as close as possible to your home, because in this case the issue of regularity of classes will be solved much easier, and the likelihood that you will "grow" with the physical development program will undoubtedly increase. If you are faced with the problem of how to get to the place of training every time, then the risk of abandoning classes will certainly increase. Make it a point to make aerobic exercise a part of your life and it will be a long-term investment in your health. appearance and well-being.

Walking. Lose weight with walking

Do you think that you walk so much? You are wrong.
Walking is as natural a process as breathing, and due to the above factors, it should always occupy an important place in your life. Of course, in order for the training to have an effect, you should walk fast enough. Significant is the fact that brisk walking and running will consume the same number of calories: 100-110 per 2 km. The only difference is the time it takes to train.

What really matters in terms of "aerobicity" is walking further and longer, not closer and faster. A good speed is when you walk 6 km in one hour, that is, in 15 minutes 1.5 km. Try to take big steps. Hands should move freely and naturally: do not press them to the body. Don't slouch, but relax.

It just so happens that walking is indeed the perfect form of exercise to incorporate into your daily routine. For example, you can walk to work all the way or part of it: if you need to use ground transport, then you can get off a couple of stops earlier and walk. Take advantage of lunch time to arrange a little workout for yourself or, at worst, walk to the chosen building and back. Use the opportunity to walk when you are sent on various assignments. When you walk your dog, really "walk" instead of jumping outside for a couple of minutes. Replace escalators or elevators with stairs whenever possible. All these little "walks" contribute to a big deal.

There are at least four more sports besides walking that you can vary to add variety to your body's physical development program. They will make you healthy, physically strong and slender, and in addition, they will help to correct your figure.

A ride on the bicycle

There is nothing better for shaping your legs than cycling. If you do this type of aerobic exercise regularly, your thighs will become strong and lean. And for this you don’t need to set records in bicycle races or train for hours. Light daily workout lasting 15-30 minutes with warm weather will give amazing results. Depending on the climate in which you live, you can do it more than one month a year - from early spring before late autumn. It is enough to choose a convenient route in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour home.

Avoid streets with heavy traffic: you risk having an accident and inhaling harmful exhaust fumes.

To get the most out of cycling, adjust the seat to the optimum height. The optimal height is such that you can practically straighten your leg on the pedals in the lower position. Only a slight bend in the knee joint is allowed. Otherwise, some of the benefits of training that are unique to cycling will be lost, namely: the changed trajectory of the leg movement will not allow to influence the shape of its muscle to the right extent. The maximum amplitude of pedal rotation, moreover, will not allow you to build up a “volumetric” muscle: the hips and lower legs will become thin, slender, but strong. And if you're impatient and want fast results, increase the pedaling resistance.

Or a bicycle. In itself, the question "which is better?" out of place, let's complete it with the most possible endings and answer each question. Both running and cycling - both activities have a positive effect on the heart and cardiovascular system, this is their main merit for human health.

What better running or bike for weight loss? If we consider jogging and a quiet bike ride, then more calories are expended during running, which means that with the same duration of jogging and cycling, for weight loss there will be run more efficiently. On the other hand, it is in the ability to train for a long time that the advantage of a bicycle is hidden. It will be difficult for an unprepared person to run for 1 hour, while almost everyone can do 2 hours on a bicycle at a leisurely pace.

Which is better running or cycling for good health? As mentioned above, both running and cycling are good, i.e. affect the heart in the most positive way. However, both running and cycling cause harm to the body, which is largely lower than the benefits received from these sports. When running, a large load falls on the knee joints, this is fraught with injuries to the meniscus. After all, with each step, the meniscus takes on a significant load. It is necessary to take into account not only the mass of the body, but also the acceleration of the body. To make it clearer, imagine the load of a hammer lying on your hand, and now try to drop a hammer on your hand, at least from a height of 10 cm. The bike is more gentle on the joints, because. there is no impact load. However, cycling involves a long stay in the saddle, which can Negative influence on the pelvic organs, as well as tissues. Therefore, it is recommended to get up from the saddle from time to time and do a warm-up by riding a little while standing on the pedals.

What better bike Or running in terms of accessibility? Here running wins in all respects. Running requires only sneakers, while cycling requires: the bike itself, its maintenance, repair kit. In addition, not every person has a place in the apartment to store a bicycle, which cannot be said about sneakers.

Which is more fun running or cycling? The bike, of course, takes precedence in this indicator. First of all, the gain is noticeable due to more speed. On a bicycle, you can easily travel around your city and its environs, while running is extremely problematic. A bicycle is a means of travel. Cycling is more adrenaline than running.

You can also add that a bicycle is more dangerous than running, due to the fact that you have to share the road with cars, but on the other hand, this can be written as an advantage for a bicycle. You can ride a bike from house to house, jogging directly from home is not always very convenient, especially in the morning making your way through crowds of hurried passers-by, if any.

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