Which is better: running or cycling. Which is better, running or cycling?

The regularity of training is the key to improving the overall physical condition of the whole organism. Most experts in the field of physical culture are now inclined to argue that instead of exhausting workouts with a frequency of three times a week, it is more reasonable to do four to six times, but with less intensity, and the type and nature of the activity should be closer to life. For example, it could be walking. They also believe that the curriculum exercise must be accessible and convenient. That is, you should practice often and regularly, but there’s no need to run a marathon or perform exercises that are difficult in terms of coordination or physical exertion.

As for the duration of training, it depends on the level of your physical condition and on the nature of the physical activity. The aforementioned walking is one of the easiest workouts to do, and you can go anywhere from thirty to forty minutes.

Almost the same can be said about cycling, skiing and ice skating. As for such a sport as swimming, here one should start with shorter workouts, say, lasting 12-15 minutes, in order to further bring the duration of the lesson to half an hour.

Regarding the issue of warm-up and cool-down, we can say that there is no strict selection of exercises.

A warm-up is the work of the same muscles as in training, but with less intensity and at a lower pace. In other words, slow walking should precede walking at a fast pace, slow crawling is the warm-up for high-intensity swimming, and if you're going to do a cycling workout, include slow pedaling in the warm-up. For most people, a 5-10 minute warm-up is sufficient.

A cool down is simply a gradual and gentle decrease in the intensity of exercise. You can not stop abruptly and interrupt the training process, and perfect shape The final part of the lesson can be a set of stretching exercises (stretching).

When choosing the type of aerobic training (and all the types of activities listed above are precisely aerobic activities), remember that wherever you train - in the pool, gym or just in the park - it is better if this place is located as close as possible to your home, because in this case the issue of regularity of classes will be solved much easier, and the likelihood that you will "grow" with the physical development program will undoubtedly increase. If you are faced with the problem of how to get to the place of training every time, then the risk of abandoning classes will certainly increase. Make it a point to make aerobic exercise a part of your life and it will be a long-term investment in your health. appearance and well-being.

Walking. Lose weight with walking

Do you think that you walk so much? You are wrong.
Walking is as natural a process as breathing, and due to the above factors, it should always occupy an important place in your life. Of course, in order for the training to have an effect, you should walk fast enough. The essential fact is that brisk walking and running will consume the same number of calories: 100-110 per 2 km. The only difference is the time it takes to train.

What really matters in terms of "aerobicity" is walking further and longer, not closer and faster. A good speed is when you walk 6 km in one hour, that is, in 15 minutes 1.5 km. Try to take big steps. Hands should move freely and naturally: do not press them to the body. Don't slouch, but relax.

It just so happens that walking is indeed the perfect form of exercise to incorporate into your daily routine. For example, you can walk to work all the way or part of it: if you need to use ground transport, then you can get off a couple of stops earlier and walk. Take advantage of lunch time to arrange a little workout for yourself or, at worst, walk to the chosen building and back. Use the opportunity to walk when you are sent on various assignments. When you walk your dog, really "walk" instead of jumping outside for a couple of minutes. Replace escalators or elevators with stairs whenever possible. All these little "walks" contribute to a big deal.

There are at least four more sports besides walking that you can vary to add variety to your body's physical development program. They will make you healthy, physically strong and slender, and in addition, they will help to correct your figure.

A ride on the bicycle

There is nothing better for shaping your legs than cycling. If you do this type of aerobic exercise regularly, your thighs will become strong and lean. And for this you don’t need to set records in bicycle races or train for hours. Light daily workout lasting 15-30 minutes with warm weather will give amazing results. Depending on the climate in which you live, you can do it more than one month a year - from early spring before late autumn. It is enough to choose a convenient route in the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour home.

Avoid streets with heavy traffic: you risk having an accident and inhaling harmful exhaust fumes.

To get the most out of cycling, adjust the seat to the optimum height. The optimal height is such that you can practically straighten your leg on the pedals in the lower position. Only a slight bend in the knee joint is allowed. Otherwise, some of the benefits of training that are unique to cycling will be lost, namely: the changed trajectory of the leg movement will not allow to influence the shape of its muscle to the right extent. The maximum amplitude of pedal rotation, moreover, will not allow you to build up a “volumetric” muscle: the hips and lower legs will become thin, slender, but strong. And if you're impatient and want fast results, increase the pedaling resistance.

The debate about what is better for a person: running or cycling, began with the invention of a two-wheeled vehicle. Both types have their pros and cons, which we will consider in the article.

For weight loss


The bicycle belongs to aerobic types of loads. Therefore, it is very suitable for weight loss. However, due to the low intensity, in order to lose weight, you will have to ride a bike a lot and as quickly as possible.


But running in this regard can be called the best view physical activity for weight loss. It is much more intense than cycling, uses more muscles, forces the body to expend more energy when running. Because for weight loss better running better than riding a bike. Although there is a nuance here, which is that even running will not help you lose weight either. The body will sooner or later get used to such a run and stop giving away fats. Therefore, it is necessary not just to run, but to include fartlek and general physical exercises in training.

Benefit for health


The bike trains the heart and lungs. Strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Helps improve metabolism, and also helps to cope with depression due to the release of dopamine during travel.


Just like a bicycle, it perfectly trains the heart muscle and lungs. Improves metabolism, trains the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abdominals and back press. During running, as well as during a bike ride, the body releases the so-called happiness hormone - dopamine, which helps to cope with psychological stress.

Harm to health


The main problem of many cyclists is diseases of the knee joints. The knees “fly” for cyclists very quickly. Because the main burden falls on them. To avoid this, it is necessary to reduce the pressure of the legs on the pedals as much as possible. Accordingly, always ride in such a way that the rotation is more frequent, but less strong. Then the load on the knees will be significantly reduced. That is why it is necessary to competently be able to switch speeds on a bicycle. You don't have to chase speed.

With long trips, the fifth point starts to hurt. Professionals have special saddles and pads. Amateurs rarely use it, and therefore, after a couple of hours of continuous driving, it starts to hurt very much, sorry for the expression, butt. It does not bring any harm to the body in the future. But sometimes it is simply impossible to endure this pain during a trip.

And it must be said that a fall from a bicycle can be very painful, up to fractures.


Just like cyclists, runners take the brunt of the load on their knees. But if on a speed bike it is possible to switch gears to change the load, then when running, the load will depend only on your weight. Respectively. If you have too much excess mass, then you should run very carefully, as in this case the load on the joints will be very large.

At the same time, it must be understood that correct staging feet when running, the load on the knees can be minimized. Which will not exceed the load on the same joints when cycling.

Can't run with serious problems with the spine. Or run only in special shock-absorbing shoes on a soft surface. Running can be thought of as a combination of micro jumps from one foot to the other. And the main load from each such jump falls on the back. However, if the back problems are not strong, then on the contrary, running will help strengthen the back muscles and prevent the disease from growing. As they say, everywhere you need to know the measure.

To improve your results in middle and long distance running, you need to know the basics of running, such as proper breathing, technique, warm-up, the ability to make the right eyeliner for the day of the competition, perform the correct strength work for running, and others. For the readers of the site, video tutorials are completely free . To get them, just subscribe to the newsletter, and in a few seconds you will receive the first lesson in a series about the basics of proper breathing while running. Subscribe here: . These lessons have already helped thousands of people, and they will help you too.

And when compared with a bicycle, it is more difficult to fall while running, and the fall is usually less painful. Accompanied by bruises and torn skin. Although anything happens.

What is more interesting

Bicycling has the advantage over running that you can go much farther and faster on it. This is what attracts many outdoor enthusiasts. Going to relax in nature on bicycles is very simple. But running on vacation will not work.

Personally, I combine both running and cycling. I love running and do it every day. But in summer time I ride a bike at least 2-3 times a week. And I try to drive it everywhere - to work, to the store or to relatives. So to say, I combine business with pleasure.

Hello, dear guests and regular visitors of our blog! Physical activities such as running and cycling are also known to improve health. But what is more effective - running or cycling, we will figure it out in this article.

About the benefits and dangers of running

Running, like any fitness activity, has its pros and cons. It is very useful primarily for weight loss, but not only:

  • In the process of training, they get an excellent load on the legs and buttocks. If you run uphill, then the back, abs and even the neck are included in the work, which allows us to talk about working out the muscles of the whole body;
  • The lungs and the entire cardiovascular system are trained, which is useful for the heart and improving endurance;
  • Metabolic processes are accelerated and harmful substances from the body.

Running can serve as a warm-up for further power loads, which is used by many athletes and adherents. healthy lifestyle life.

And for this type of physical activity, you only need high-quality sports shoes and clothes.


With a lot of weight, you should be careful about such activities because of the serious stress on the joints and spine. But if you place your foot correctly while running, then this negative effect will be minimal.

It is much easier to get injured while jogging than when cycling, as there is a high impact load, which affects the muscles and especially the joints, subsequently leading to destruction and other negative moments. Properly selected sneakers help to avoid this in many ways. And the choice of a place for training - the best option there will be specialized stadiums or soft forest paths.

About the benefits and dangers of cycling

Many people have a question, which is more useful - jogging or cycling? The answer is unequivocal - these two types of load are equally effective for weight loss and health in general. Riding on it perfectly trains calves, thighs, buttocks, stomach, back and upper shoulder girdle. Cardio - vascular system and the lungs get the same positive effect as when running, including all other useful properties.

But in order to lose extra pounds, you need to pedal for at least 90 minutes 3 times a week. If you train daily, then you can reduce the time to 60 minutes.


Damage can be done to the knee joints, which have to work the most. But this threatens, as a rule, only to athletes who train hard to achieve certain results.

Another disadvantage is the high cost of good sports bikes. But this will more than pay off with its long service life, improved well-being and appearance.

In general, cycling is much more pleasant, as well as less likely to get injured, unless, of course, you fall off it.

Correct technique

To make cycling as useful and effective as possible, you need to follow the correct technique:

  1. The arms at the elbows are slightly bent and relaxed, the hands freely wrap around the steering wheel, the wrists do not sag.
  2. Keep your back straight with a slight forward tilt, which will help to avoid pain. Failure to do so indicates that the bike frame is not right for you.
  3. Feet fully reach the pedals at the lowest point.

During long rides, there is a chance that the seat on the saddle will rub. Special clothing for cyclists with an insert will help to avoid this.

Calorie consumption

Now let's talk about what burns more calories - cycling or jogging? These indicators are affected by the initial weight of a person, gender, age, individual characteristics and lifestyle.

But for a general idea, during an hour-long run with average speed 8 km / h consumes approximately 800 kcal. Riding a bike for the same amount of time will help burn 2 times fewer calories.

And, despite this, cycling will be easier and more comfortable for many, which will allow you to easily spend 2 hours on it, and even more, losing several times more calories. What can not be said about running - hardly anyone can devote more than an hour to training.

Can running be replaced by cycling?

Of course, you can - you yourself choose physical activity according to your abilities and desires, taking into account all the listed pros and cons of these two types.

But it is best to alternate them, as evidenced by the reviews of people and the recommendations of specialists. With such training, you can quickly achieve the desired results, plus there will be no getting used to the loads and monotony.

About nutrition

Regardless of your choice, you will also need to adjust your diet - if you eat a lot and lean on heavy fatty foods, then you can not expect quick desired results.

Remove from the diet confectionery and sausages, smoked meats and semi-finished products, sweet carbonated drinks and excessive amounts of alcohol. And focus on fresh vegetables and fruits, replace mayonnaise vegetable oils or low-fat sour cream, eat meat, fish of low-fat varieties in boiled or stewed form. And don't forget dairy products.

Not less than important point- drinking mode. When jogging or cycling, be sure to take a bottle of drinking, mineral, but gas-free water with you. And during the day you need to drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid, including liquid meals, tea and coffee.

You can read more about nutrition during weight loss in the article "?".

And most importantly, this should not be a temporary and one-time action, but a serious choice that you will need to follow all your life.

See you soon! I remind you to subscribe to updates on our blog and invite friends on social networks.

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

A lot of ways to lose weight have been invented: fat deposits are shed both by the method of dietary restrictions and with the help of various physical activity. Favorite ways to lose weight are jogging and cycling. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages, fans and opponents.

Of course, one cannot put the question so categorically: running or cycling? Both types of loads are incredibly beneficial for the body:

  • all the muscles of the body work intensively;
  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened;
  • improves blood circulation in all organs;
  • fat loss occurs.

Employees at the University of Appalachia asked the question of choice and conducted a study on the usefulness of running and cycling to finally identify the most useful view loads on the body.

It turned out that cycling is healthier than running. Morning jog freaks, don't stop running, just add cycling to your routine.

Researchers have shown that jogging is much more likely to injure muscles and joints than cycling for the same amount of time. Not surprisingly, after training for two hours three times a week, blood counts were better in cyclists.

The stressful nature of the loads on the body during jogging on the spine and joints is especially hard on people who have extra pounds. In the process of running, the body, leaving the ground for a moment, lands with all its weight, transferring the entire load from the impact to the joints and spine. Proper sports shoes only partially soften a powerful blow.

Imagine that a person has decided to start daily jogging for weight loss. He enthusiastically studies information about the number of calories burned while running, acquires comfortable expensive sneakers and uniforms. And at the very first training session, he discovers the inability to run even a hundred meters, this turns out to be for him. challenging task. According to statistics, most beginners give up after two runs.

The cyclist receives a more uniform load. Plus, the more you ride, the more fun you get from learning new things. interesting places. As a result, a person gets on a bike for pleasure, and not for the sake of training. Do you catch the difference?

Video - The benefits of a bicycle. How to ride to lose weight?

Cycling for weight loss

Cycling is an aerobic exercise and is very good for weight loss. True, in order to lose excess weight, you will have to travel for a long time and very quickly - at least two hourly workouts during the day. Only then will start aerobic processes that burn fat.

The biggest load when pedaling falls on the calf muscles. The cyclist strengthens the hamstrings at the same time, the abdominal muscles work hard, the lungs and heart are trained, the spine is stretched.

In the off-season, you can pedal on a computer-assisted exercise bike that counts your heart rate and determines your "ride" speed.

Running for weight loss

And yet, despite all the delights of cycling, running is recognized as the best sport in order to lose weight. When jogging, more muscles are involved, and much more energy is spent.

However, uniform runs will not give the desired and quick effect, as there is an addiction to stress, and the fat remains in the same place. So, training will have to be diversified with intense exercises.

When jogging, not only the muscles of the hips and legs, but also the back, neck muscles and abs get a big load. In this case, it is necessary to observe the correct technique of running and breathing.

Running is a good cardio exercise that develops endurance and makes you expend energy and calories. The norm for a not too prepared organism is an hour of active jogging.

What are the disadvantages of running? Training can negatively affect the condition of the ankle and menisci. Therefore, a regular walk at a brisk pace may well replace a workout, and calories will also be burned intensively.

Video - How to properly run to lose weight

What to choose for weight loss - cycling or jogging?

At first glance, running for weight loss is much more effective. For an hour of running at a speed of about 8 km per hour, you can burn 800 kilocalories. A cyclist weighing 90 kg, traveling 15 km per hour, will spend only 360 kilocalories.

Although these numbers are quite relative, there are many factors that affect the final result. This includes the weight of the person, the quality of the bike or running shoes. But the duration of the workout is a very real indicator: you can’t run for 4 hours in a row, but it’s quite possible to ride a bike with pleasure. In connection with these arguments, we can draw a very definite conclusion: it is easier, easier and more fun to burn calories while cycling than jogging.

Running is the most accessible sport. All equipment, even including professional sports shoes, will cost much less than a good branded two-wheeled comrade. If you want to go fast, you will have to pay endlessly for new lightweight bike parts.

But stable jogging will not interest ordinary person as strong as exciting rides on endless highways and the most beautiful city outskirts.

What to choose for weight loss - jogging or cycling, you will have to decide only for you. If there is enough time for training and determination to achieve your goal, choose running. Most people are prone to laziness, they better spare no expense and get a two-wheeled companion. And with like-minded people, training will be much more fun.

So, let's draw conclusions. Cycling will be more beneficial in burning calories than running, given the psycho-emotional factors. But the stressful nature of the load when running still does not give a reason to refuse it. For perfect uniform loading and engagement different groups muscles need to combine cycling with jogging. Then you will get not only a slimmer figure, but also endurance with good posture and excellent well-being to boot.

It has been scientifically proven that physical activity benefits absolutely everyone, regardless of age.

Regular exercise has a positive effect on the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

During physical activity, blood circulation improves, oxygen supply to tissues and organs increases.

Contraindications for running

Running is a rather intense sport that puts a strain on the heart, muscles, joints and the whole body. He contraindicated if you have a history of at least one of these diseases:

  • transferred myocardial infarction;
  • heart disease;
  • stroke;
  • angina;
  • tachycardia;
  • improper circulation;
  • bronchitis with asthma;
  • lung diseases;
  • arthritis, arthrosis and polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation.

Attention! In the presence of any of the above pathologies, it is necessary consult a doctor.

people leading sedentary lifestyle often have excess weight . Due to the lack of physical activity, it is difficult for them to run. A lot of weight negatively affects the joints, and while running, the detrimental effect increases several times. Therefore, with a weight more than 120 kilograms training should begin with small loads.

Ulcers will be harder to run for a reason bad work stomach. With serious pathologies of the cardiovascular system mandatory consultation with a cardiologist. If there are diseases of the joints of the legs, then you need to run exclusively in high-quality shock-absorbing shoes and always on a soft surface, as running in sneakers on asphalt can worsen the situation. In addition, there are many diseases of internal organs, at which such a load is contraindicated.

Comparisons of running with other types of training: which is better for weight loss

There are many sports that are effective for weight loss.

Fast walk

  1. While walking, they mainly work calf muscles, while running muscles of the chest, back, shoulder girdle, thighs and buttocks.
  2. When walking, the spine and joints experience the least load than when running.
  3. Walking is safer it has a mild and gentle effect on the human body. Running is not only traumatic, but also heavily burdens the heart, lungs, joints and spine.
  4. If you need to lose weight quickly, then you definitely need to give preference to running. Walking to achieve the same result, you will need much more time.
  5. Walking promotes relaxation, I will set in the right mood and reflection, and running helps to get rid of sad thoughts.

Pros and cons of running and walking

Basically, running and walking are very similar types of exercise. The difference is only to varying degrees of severity. While running, the muscles of the chest, back, shoulder girdle, abs, hips and buttocks are included in the work. When walking, the spine does not experience any special load, the knees are not loaded, the calf muscles are more involved.

The main advantage of walking- relative convenience in contrast to running. Walking will fit freely into the usual schedule. If the job is close to home, you can skip the bus and walk to work, or refrain from using the elevator and take the stairs. Due to low intensity while walking poor fat burning. And running, thanks to the high intensity, perfectly eliminates fat reserves.

Photo 1. Walking with Scandinavian sticks. It can be a good alternative to running for weight loss.

These two types have the same dignity: they improve metabolism. A poor metabolism is the main problem of overweight people.

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In the absence of medical contraindications, running will help you get rid of excess weight much faster. But if there are health problems, then you need to choose walking. When hiking, big changes occur in the body: it stabilizes arterial pressure, lowers cholesterol, improves memory, increases immunity and resistance to stress. Long and regular walks will help you lose weight, only this process takes a little longer compared to running.

Jumping rope or running: which is more effective

The main differences are intensity and duration of physical activity. During jumps, the emphasis falls on the toe of the foot, and when jogging, the blow is softened due to a smooth roll from heel to toe. Therefore, running is not so traumatic.

Important! To achieve the effect, jogging must be given to 45-60 minutes daily. Rope jumping - half an hour once a day.

Pros and cons of running and jumping rope

While jumping rope the muscles of the arms, shoulders, body, legs are involved. And although the main load falls on the calf muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings also take Active participation in progress. Constant jumping rope increases the strength of the legs and knees.

To keep the balance muscles involved in jumping chest, back and arms. When turning the rope, the forearms, triceps, biceps and shoulders are included in the work.

Pros of running:

  • heals the heart muscle;
  • strengthens the muscular corset;
  • relieves excess weight;
  • does not require large financial costs.

Cons of running:

  • in order not to harm the heart, it is imperative to observe the recommended heart rate;
  • high percentage of knee injuries;

Pros of jumping rope:

  • for an hour of jumping you can burn from 1 thousand to 1200 kcal;
  • improves coordination, balance, agility;
  • keep the muscles of the legs, arms, buttocks, shoulders, abdomen and back in good shape;
  • reduce the volume of the lower body;
  • affordable cost.

Cons of jumping rope:

  • knee joints and ligaments are loaded;
  • quite a lot of space is needed;
  • with the wrong technique, the back and lower back are very loaded.

If the goal is only to lose weight, then great results can be achieved by running. Jumping rope can be more effective than jogging, but only with the ability to jump at a high pace.


You can run almost anywhere and anytime, while swimming requires a pool, which not everyone can afford to visit.

Pros and cons of running and swimming

Percentage of energy expended while running only slightly ahead of swimming.

However, the end result of weight loss during swimming is generally low, since after them there is a feeling of hunger and without nutrition control, the results of the training will go down the drain.

Water softens the load on the joints and spine, for this reason this sport is recommended. fat people, the elderly, as well as those who have sore joints. With the correct technique of movements, injuries during swimming are almost zero, unlike running, where the joints and spine are heavily loaded.

While sailing all muscle groups involved and not just the legs, as when running. There is an alternation and relaxation of different muscle groups, which has a beneficial effect on performance and strength. In water, the static stress of the body is not so great, . Active footwork while swimming prevents the development of flat feet.

Running will become effective tool to combat excess weight, but for overweight and people in poor physical shape exists high risk injuries, it is quite difficult for them to achieve the desired result. Swimming, on the contrary, is highly recommended for fat people, How the safest sport for them.

But despite the cumulative load on the various muscles of the body, it has a slight final effect of losing weight. Therefore, when choosing between two sports, it is necessary to take into account your weight, physical fitness, the presence of contraindications and injuries, age, and individual preferences. Experts recommend best optioncombine jogging and swimming.

Photo 2. Different styles of swimming: crawl and breaststroke are shown on top, butterfly and backstroke are shown on the bottom.

How much better is cycling than jogging?

Based on research by scientists at the Canadian University, it was concluded that cycling is more beneficial than jogging. The analyzes of the cyclists were significantly better than those of the runners. During running, oscillation occurs, which negatively affects the feet, joints, as well as internal organs.

Athletics is prohibited for those suffering from flat feet, and cycling will be beneficial to health. Scientists have proven that with the same intensity of training, a runner can get more injuries than a cyclist. The rhythm of exercises also has an influence: the load when cycling is constant, and when running - impulse.

Pros and cons of running and cycling

To figure out which is better, you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages of each sport.

Pros of running:

  • lack of inventory;
  • the existence of a variety of techniques;
  • strengthens cardiovascular system, increases endurance;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • practically no contraindications.

Cons of running:

  • long distances are difficult for a beginner, it takes time for the body to get used to the loads;
  • jogging the same route can soon get bored.

Pros of cycling:

  • helps in the fight against extra pounds, increases endurance, strengthens the heart and blood vessels;
  • it is possible to change the route of cycling all the time;
  • cycling is comfortable, due to almost no load.
  • Cons of cycling:

    • The bike is quite expensive.
    • Riding is possible only in the warm season.
    • Special equipment needed: helmet, bell.
    • The main load falls on the knee joints. To reduce it, you need to drive so that the rotation is frequent, and not strong.
    • After long trips on a bicycle, the muscles of the buttocks begin to hurt. For these cases, professionals use special saddles and pads.

    Photo 3. Training on a bicycle. During the trip, it is imperative to wear a protective helmet.

    Since cycling is an aerobic activity, perfect for shedding extra pounds. But due to the low intensity, it will be necessary to ride a bike a lot and for a long time in order to lose weight. Due to the fact that running is more intense and involves almost all the muscles, more energy is expended. With time the body gets used to for constant running and stop burning fat. That's why you need to not only run, but also include fartlek in your workouts.

    Useful video

    Watch a video comparing the effectiveness of running and walking for weight loss.

    Which sport is the best? Does it exist?

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