Tatyana Fokina about Hide, Hedonism Wines and Evgeny Chichvarkin: “I try not to discuss work at home, but it doesn’t work out very well.” Chichvarkin introduced the stars to the bride Evgeny Aleksandrovich Chichvarkin's daughter

Evgeny Chichvarkin is a talented entrepreneur, founder of the Euroset chain of stores. In the mid-2000s, the authoritative Forbes magazine included this man among the businessmen of Russia, and in 2008 he named him one of the most eccentric and extravagant millionaires on the planet.

Childhood and youth

Evgeny Alexandrovich Chichvarkin was born on September 10, 1974, in the city of great opportunities - Moscow. Developing the theme of the family, it is worth noting that the parents of the future businessman were in no way connected with business and commerce. The father of the founder of the Euroset holding was a pilot civil aviation, and his mother worked as an engineer-economist in the Ministry of Industry and Trade (formerly the Ministry foreign trade THE USSR).

Among other things, the parents were from two largest cities Russia, and therefore the businessman often calls himself a half-Leningrader-half-Muscovite. Speaking about his origin, once Eugene also noted that his distant ancestors belonged to the Mokshans.

IN youth Eugene masterfully combined school with a wild life. In conversations with media representatives, the businessman often said that he found time for parties, homework and reading books on philosophy.

After graduation high school future entrepreneur entered the State Academy of Management. In this university, an ambitious young man began to study the economics of vehicle management. However, a miserly student scholarship was constantly not enough, and therefore very soon Eugene found a part-time job at the local clothing market.

Here the guy looked from the inside at the world of retail, understood the laws of the "street economy", and also gained the necessary experience in working with clients. In 1996, Evgeny entered the postgraduate course of the State Academy and, in parallel with his studies, began to hatch plans to create his own business.

In April 1997, Zhenya, together with his friend Timur Artemyev, created a company called Euroset, which subsequently began to grow rapidly and develop rapidly.


The first Euroset store was opened on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow. The company was mastering a completely new market for Russia, since no one had heard of cellular retail in the country before. Most people used pagers as their primary means of communication. In the next couple of years, the Euroset network of salons began to grow rapidly. The first points of sale appeared outside of Moscow. Some time later, representative offices of the company began to appear even outside of Russia.

Evgeny Chichvarkin - head of the Euroset company

In this regard, 2006 was a record year, when in just twelve months 1976 new salons were formed throughout the country. In the late nineties and early 2000s, Evgeny developed the concept advertising promotion his company, which was built on the use of outrageous, extraordinary and deliberately provocative marketing moves.

Worthy of mention, for example, are such scandalous PR campaigns as “Undress for the phone” and “Miss Breasts”. Such an approach drew great attention to the Euroset company and laid the necessary basis for all subsequent successes. The network of mobile phone stores was growing rapidly, but it was at this moment that serious scandals began to flare up around Chichvarkin's business. It all started with accusations of underreporting customs duties when importing phones into Russia.

In addition, the Euroset company was at the center of proceedings related to the disappearance of its former freight forwarder Andrey Vlaskin, who had previously been convicted of stealing mobile phones.

In 2009, Chichvarkin was charged under the article "Kidnapping". Going back, it is worth noting that back in 2008, Evgeny Chichvarkin actively supported all political campaigns and, however, a couple of years later, he radically changed his political views.

The reason for this was pressure from the official authorities, who insisted on the sale of Euroset and allegedly extorted money from the entrepreneur. Anyway, in September 2008 profitable business on the sale of mobile phones was still sold.

Chichvarkin agreed to the proposed conditions and transferred the full package of shares to the ANN investment group and the entrepreneur. A month later, the millionaire left the post of head of the Euroset company and flew to London.

Yevgeny Chichvarkin left Russia in 2008. Two years after moving to the UK, the businessman started selling wine, in particular, he opened the Hedonism Wines alcohol store in London, with a total area of ​​700 sq.m. It is known that the range of alcoholic beverages is estimated at 8.5 thousand items (this list includes exclusive brands). In June 2017, for the first time since its foundation, the company exhibited in open access an estimate showing the profit of the store. According to the results of the 2015-2016 financial year, it amounted to £352 thousand.

Personal life

Chichvarkin always carefully concealed his personal life from prying eyes. It is authentically known that for a couple of years the former head of Euroset was caring father And loving husband. The businessman's wife's name is Antonina. It was she who gave the entrepreneur two children - son Yaroslav and daughter Marta.

In March 2016, rumors appeared on the Web that the businessman had divorced, and in August this information was confirmed. New sweetheart Evgenia became a girl named Tatyana. Together with her, the man flew to Jurmala in the same year, where he introduced his companion to star friends - and Olga Ryzhkova. It is worth noting that the businessman's girlfriend made a good impression on her friends.

Evgeny Chichvarkin now

In July 2017, the founder of the Euroset network of communication salons, in an interview with a journalist and blogger, spoke about his rivalry with, about a deal with conscience and how he built a company on smuggling.

In August, the businessman, who left Russia for London in 2008, began raising funds to support the election campaign. The money, according to the entrepreneur, will be used to open new headquarters in the regions and print leaflets. Among other things, Eugene published in

On last week it became known that the ex-owner of Euroset Yevgeny Chichvarkin, after failing to get the post of Minister of Economy of Ukraine, was invited to the post of head of the oil and gas company Ukrnafta (the results of the competition will be announced on July 22). Chichvarkin publicly showed enthusiasm for this, and one of possible causes this - new losses of his London retail business, in which invested more than $ 40 million.

As follows from the report of the London-based company Hedonism Drinks, which Izvestia got acquainted with, for the financial year ended on July 31, 2014 (the report was submitted to the British commercial register this spring, there is no more recent data), the company recorded a net loss of £1.97 million, or $3.3 million (at the exchange rate at the end of the reporting period). However, the store Hedonism Wines managed to reduce losses compared to the previous reporting period - by £375 thousand. In general, since the opening, the accumulated net loss of the company amounted to £5.7 million (about $9 million). Revenue data is not included in the report.

Hedonism Wines 700 sq. m was opened in the prestigious Mayfair area in the fall of 2012, in the same building as the Porsche dealership. Initially, it was planned that the average price of a bottle here would be £200, but then Chichvarkin was convinced to sell wine from £10. The most expensive bottle of wine costs £120,000; among other drinks, the most expensive is whiskey for £30,000.

Chichvarkin continues to increase investments in the company. According to the latest financial report, the total value of tangible assets (wine storage equipment) increased by from £6.15 million to £6.59 million, alcohol stocks increased from £12.4 million to £14.4 million, bank account balance and rose from £644,000 to £1.4 million in cash - a total of more than £3 million. During the 2013-2014 financial year, the company's debts to creditors also increased - from £21.9 million to £26.8 million, then there is about $40 million. This is the minimum level of investments made in Hedonism: the company has previously emphasized that its debts are obligations to investors. It can be noted that Chichvarkin and his partner Timur Artemiev sold Euroset (they owned the company equally) in 2008 for $350 million - and the current financial condition It is difficult to evaluate Chichvarkin, as well as the prospects in Ukrainian management: according to unofficial data, Igor Kolomoisky's Ukrnafta will be headed by Briton Mark Rollins. It is known that the current annual fee of the current chairman of the board of Ukrnafta, Peter Vanheke, is $2 million.

Probably due to the need for personal manual control of their new retail business Chichvarkin appointed himself director of the company in April 2015, however, without dismissing Tatyana Fokina, who had been hired earlier - and now Hedonism Drinks has two directors. In the summer of 2014, she told Izvestia that Hedonism Drinks would become profitable in the 2015-2016 financial year; She was unable to provide a comment for this note. According to sources in the Russian alcohol industry, Chichvarkin is not the only shareholder of Hedonism Drinks (the shareholder of this company is Channel Trustees Ltd from the Caribbean state of St. Kitts and Nevis). Timur Artemiev headed Hedonism Drinks from 2010 to 2013, and he may well be its co-founder.

The head of the British consulting firm Retail Vision, John Ibbotson, believes that in the 2013-2014 financial year, Hedonism Drinks increased its sales, judging by the balance of cash on hand and in the bank. Overall, in 2014, wine sales in England and the EU decreased by 5-7%, and Hedonism, most likely, reduced its losses and increased its share of cash by increasing sales of non-wine products, said the commercial affairs manager of the Wine and Spirits Trade Association Drinks England David Richardson.

Over the past 2 years, Hedonism Wines has increased the range of non-wine alcoholic beverages, confirms Markus Patten, sales manager for Gerry's Wines and Spirit, located in Mayfair's neighboring area.

A strategy to increase the share of non-wine alcoholic products will help the company offset the loss, agrees Ibbotson.

Based on the statements, the company clearly did not have large incomes from the sale of wine, but it reduced costs. Probably, this happened due to the appearance of regular customers, the interlocutor believes. - Now, due to the relatively low income in sales of the premium segment and the already narrow market, many stores, especially in the north of England, are forced to reduce their assortment or close, so I consider the position of Mr. Chichvarkin's company to be relatively successful.

Following the rest of the boutiques, Hedonism Wines is changing its strategy, Richardson also believes.

But no one wrote off Russian buyers, the store will continue to focus on their tastes. Now there are more and more Russians in some areas of London, so the company will have no problems with a minimum set of clients, - the source believes. In an interview, Chichvarkin estimated the share of Russian clients at around 10%.

Why is money needed? What do they give and what do they take away? With these eternal questions, we turned to men who have everything to do with the state. in perfect order. Evgeny Chichvarkin was the first to answer this question, former owner Euroset, and now the owner of Hedonism Drinks in London:

Evgeny Chichvarkin

Most The best way to become rich, as Donald Trump rightly noted, “to be born in rich family". It is much more difficult to find ways to earn money. There are many ways to make money: young age, an example of Mark Zuckerberg, and at 51, an example of Ray Kroc, or something somewhere in between. But it requires constant brain work and analysis, when, one way or another, your whole life is built around a specific goal. Sometimes the goal is to overtake competitors, sometimes the goal is only money, and sometimes the goal is money in any way.

In all this motley variety there is no pure luck - nothing happens by chance. If the luck factor was high enough, the nature of money and time would fix it anyway. For example, the Sharov family lived in our yard - all alcoholics, and their eldest worked as a loader. And it so happened that he won the Volga. The Sharovs did not take the Volga - they took it with money. For a while they invited to drink big companies and even dressed the children in something light. But in the end, the Sharovs drank everything away and remained completely useless alcoholics. Aimless people. There are those too.

I earned my first money at school - I made something there. I spent it in the recording studio on music, on classic rock of the 60s. Sometimes I was chic: when everyone was returning home from the rink on a trolley bus, I could raise my hand and take the car. At the age of 20, of course, I had little money. More than 80% of classmates, but still very few. I anxiously counted them, while I was able to feed and drink the whole group even then. Don't languish, like Kashchei, over gold, because at any moment he could go to "Puddle" and instead of three pairs earn himself 13 scholarships ... The scholarship on the "exchange depression" was 6 dollars. With this money, it was really possible to buy a package of 6 bottles of beer, such, you know, bourgeois, and a bunch of bananas. My first major purchase was a Mitsubishi car, this is if utilitarian, and a confiscated batch in 1998. At the age of 30, a little Falcon took me to celebrate my birthday from Malta to Vnukovo-3. I then, as, indeed, always, treated money well. Yes, and they come to me: I don’t do anything, but they still stick! Despite the fact that at the age of 34 I became, in fact, a loafer. It is clear that my current business is a small fraction of the volume that Euroset occupied.

I can only remember a few moments when I was unhappy. And so I am happy in life. In the movie Schindler's List there is a scene of a Jewish wedding in Warsaw ghetto. I'm sure these people were happy at that moment. Harmony, balance is priceless and cannot be valued in money. I delved into myself for a long time and realized that the teaching closest to me was pre-Christian, Greek, hedonism and epicureanism. The point is that we, like little children, avoid problems, suffering, just run away, get away from conflicts and strive for pleasure, perfection, beauty, new discoveries. For example, you set a goal for yourself - to ride a bike to a mountain village, and now you are already going to it - by and large, if life goes according to plan, this is a happy time ...

If you are rich, first of all, as in the Bidstrup cartoons, your belly grows (this is me to myself). I'm kidding, of course. And the fact that conceit grows is normal. The words “state” and “took place” are not for nothing that have the same root. There are leaders who, having become rich, continue to demonstrate poverty: “this is not me”, “this is my team”. Sitting so sour in economy class and showing contempt for money. All this looks like a disgusting fake. That's right, if you succeeded and you said: “Who is great? I'm done!" And then he thanked the team for sure - a reasonable balance must also be observed.

“Money is the equivalent of everything except youth, love and the happiness of fatherhood”

If you are rich, they try to please you, make friends, invite you somewhere. Young fluttering creatures reach out to you with all forty legs, despite your wrinkles, stomach and enuresis. Any person understands that they want something from him, and becomes suspicious. And even if someone completely normal suddenly gives you a compliment, probably even a well-deserved one, you involuntarily pause and squint, because the first thought is: “What does he need?” I know for sure: if British celebrities invite me somewhere - 99.9%, that this will be followed by extortion for some kind of charity or just extortion, which I don’t need in FIG.

If you are rich, money can give you a lot of freedom. At least they free up time. You do not need to deal with routine and think about your daily bread, you do not need to slide into small utilitarian tasks for 8, 10 or 12 hours a day: routine shreds on a grater big ideas. Someone from the wise said: “Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." But if you are 30 years old and you do not have the opportunity to break loose at any moment to go where you want, this does not characterize your intellect in the best way. At 20, it's fine. The first decade must be worked hard, while there is a lot of strength, to create a foundation for yourself. And then think about how to organize "small things" so that there is time for ideas, dreams. I can't live without dreams. And I don't have just one, I have several. And this is not a desire to fly to the moon, all dreams are completely plus / minus "digitized".

If you are rich and money has fallen on you recently, be able to learn to enjoy the extra freedom. Not everyone can. Some places are not found because of this! Here the ability to move quickly, to consume “both with the eyes and inside” is extremely important: inhale good air, appreciate wine, drinks, allow yourself to communicate with a different class, where intellectuals, successful, interesting and unusual people in fact more. It cannot but enrich. No, of course, someone prefers to crawl “smelled”, having settled down in his villa or yacht in the company of plastic barbies ... But it’s better not to. For example, I don't know what it's like to wake up rich. I have never been hit by an inheritance or winning the lottery. My money did not arise in one day - we moved consistently, if we talk about those distant times of Euroset, the business grew before our eyes, like a child, so we did not notice it. But falling asleep on the edge of the earth, and waking up in the center of a scandal - this has happened more than once ...

If you are rich, money certainly changed you. Question: how? It all depends on what was inside the "egg". If there was a little offended watchman, then big money made you an insane evil watchman out of you. If there was a collector of beauty inside, then the money most likely made you a patron or collector. If there was a guy hiding there who really wanted to go outside the yard, then you - and, perhaps, more than once - went on boats to the annual regatta. Money is just a catalyst, like methyl orange, which simply multiplies your “– 0.3” or “+ 0.2”: the minimal negative charge of blackness turns it into a cistern. It is fundamentally important what is laid down genetically, by parents and kindergarten.

If you are rich, I hope you understand that greed, greed, pettiness are all black. Greed generally leads to poverty, this is the main reason why people lose their fortunes. On the contrary, I am too wasteful - once my brain worked well, so it seemed to me that I could earn money at any moment. If it is in your power to make the people around you happy, improve their financial condition - why not do it? I do not mind. Generosity, in my opinion, is much sexier than a beard. Have I let people down because of money? By and large, it seems not. As a result, everyone paid off, which means that he did not let anyone down. Loans given but not on time, interest - in these cases, I don’t think that I let people down. These are heartless organizations.

If you are rich, you are selfish. Everyone is an egoist, everyone is an egoist. It's just expressed differently. Some embody a perverted form of selfishness, for example, when they take off their last shirt with a blissful smile, surrounded by dirty and thin African children, they sympathize with everyone around, sympathize, stroke their heads. In the circles of such a person they say: “What an indifferent altruist!” His ego at this moment is rapidly erection.

Evgeny Chichvarkin

Evgeny Chichvarkin

If you are rich, you know how to use people. This is fine. Everyone who is ready to be used should be used, of course. Society has developed this way: 20 leading 80 followers. Clear Pareto law. As the girl from Eurythmics sang: "Some of them want to be used by you."

If you are rich and you have enough cultured, educated friends, but they did not earn money, you will find a way to provide comfort, you will do the work to save friendly relations. Every time you lend money, you need to understand that they may never return. Then you will lose both money and a friend. Therefore, if a friend is in trouble, it is better to just give. But often people lose not only friends, but also peace and sleep because of money. And for a while I lost peace and sleep, because the business became like catching Nabokov butterflies in a minefield. I've lost friends over money too. Glad these people are no longer my friends.

If you are rich, you may be haunted by fear. It's not even fear, it's a different kind of fear. Well, for example, you are an ordinary student and your loved one has cancer. The operation costs several tens of thousands of marks. You don't have them. Is this what fear is? How do you feel about yourself at this moment? It is difficult for me to judge how much a person should have so that he can consider himself rich. Everything is individual. In Russia, probably, when you are able to buy a dacha in addition to an apartment in a new house for your parents. But while you do not have money for an operation of any complexity for loved one You can't assume you're in the middle class. And if there is, then the fear is only to lose money, a business in which a huge number of people are involved, a team that also has its own aspirations, its own apartments, its own mortgages, and something else. Your reputation and, as a result, your future depend on your relationship with banks and creditors. You can't help but fear for it.

If you are rich, you have seen people "lose their banks." They all end badly. It seems to them that they are holding God by the beard or are already deities themselves, but this is not so. It's from tsarist Russia came. A girl lives, for example, in the suburbs, not in the capital, eats ordinary food, drinks ordinary drinks, then successfully marries ... And two years later she has guards in front of her: boyars and nobles, she beats them, drags them around for a chuprun, so say. The most difficult test, as we remember from children's fairy tales, is copper pipes. Ivanushka went through everything, but on copper pipes stuck. For me it was also very ordeal. But I left the cyclone zone with only a dent in my right cheekbone.

If you are rich and you are a parent, money in your unwise hands can pervert and corrupt the child, simply destroy him as a person. With your money, you must allow the child to do what he wants, but in no case allow him to do nothing. For boys in the transitional period, money is generally harmful. The boy should be thin and hungry, hunting instincts develop better. It's not the gun that kills, the car doesn't crash on its own, and it's not the aluminum spoon that makes you disgustingly fat. This is all the "dexterity" of human hands. When an unemployed woman, having sued her husband for good money, shows negligence towards them, her children need to have a very stable psyche in order not to accept this as the main paradigm of life.

If you're rich, you know how to classify women by type. The first type is "Umka". She believes that money is “death and waste, I am above all this, we are performing in Kostroma today, give 1300 for bread, cheese and ham to our musicians, otherwise they have not eaten for two days.” It's a very nice hippie culture. Of course, there are few such women, we love and appreciate them. Not only for this. The second type is described to varying degrees by Pushkin in "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - "A real Russian woman" should be unhappy, and always. Because only a fool can be satisfied. And between these two types there is a narrow layer of “Reasonable Women”, for whom money is a means of self-improvement, movement, travel, pleasure, she treats them quite easily, does not chase after them and does not squander. There are few of them, and they are worth their weight in diamonds.

If you are rich, you do not regret it. You don't regret stupid things at all. My only regret is that I don't have as much money as I would like. I'm always short of it. At the same time, leaving the house, two working cards and 400 pounds will be enough for me.

If you are rich, you can lose a lot of capital at any moment. As a person who lost a lot of money, I said to myself: “You are not used to having something not the best in the world. What can you do with the rest of the money to make the best thing in the world? And with the rest of the money, my partners and I opened a liquor store in London. The best in the world. To cause as little damage to your ego as possible, on the one hand. And on the other hand - do not change yourself. And on the third hand, one way or another, perfectionism is a certain magnet for making money. Everything that is done perfectly in this world is monetized, at one speed or another.

If you are rich, you absolutely understand that money is the universal equivalent. The equivalent of everything except youth, love and the happiness of fatherhood.

Yevgeny Chichvarkin has long attracted the attention of Russians, despite the fact that in this moment lives in the UK. The founder of the network of cellular communication salons Euroset was forced to leave his homeland back in 2008, when Russian authorities charged him with kidnapping two freight forwarders and extortion. The case was then soon closed, but Yevgeny is not going to return to Russia until now.

He discovered his ability to do business at a young age, when he began selling things in the market. His father worked for many years in civil aviation, and his mother was an economist at the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. Parents often went on business trips abroad, from where they brought beautiful things. Perhaps it was then that the future businessman had a craving for beautiful life. However, his mother and father did not immediately come to terms with the fact that their son was engaged in a frivolous profession, however, later they rejoiced at his success. In Chichvarkin's personal life, for a long time, there was a strong and Friendly family However, after the change of residence, he had a new wife.

First marriage and parenting

The businessman met his first wife Antonina while visiting mutual friends. In the late 90s, their son Yaroslav was born, and eight years later the family was replenished with one more member - daughter Marta. His wife did not work and devoted all her time to raising children and housekeeping. It was she who was with Yevgeny at a time when his business was just emerging, and then when a criminal case was opened against him. He did not want to leave his homeland and even planned to develop a fishing and tourism business near Moscow.

Evgeny Chichvarkin with ex-wife Antonina

Having settled in London with Antonina and the children, he not only developed his wine business, but enjoyed life in a luxurious country house. The Euroset co-founder enjoyed digging in the ground and growing vegetables and herbs in his garden. In 2010, it became known that his mother was found dead in her apartment. He could not come to the funeral, as he was then put on the international wanted list.

The first marriage of a businessman has always been considered strong and loving, and no one could reproach Chichvarkin himself for treason or scandals. However, in 2016 it became known that his personal life with Antonina was in the past, and he had a new lover.

New love

The fact that the 42-year-old businessman married a second time became known in the spring of 2017 thanks to a photograph in which he was captured with beautiful girl. Their solemn attire and a bouquet in the hands of a beauty indicated that the couple was performing a marriage ceremony. The hero of the occasion himself spoke about the change in his marital status: "There is a small break between the first and second."

In the photo Evgeny Chichvarkin with his second wife Tatyana Fokina

His second wife, Tatyana Fokina, for a long time worked in a liquor store owned by Eugene. She grew up in St. Petersburg, where she received a philological education. Having moved to London, the girl worked for a Russian entrepreneur, and soon fate brought her together with the ex-co-owner of Euroset, who was then looking for a partner to open a liquor store.

Pretty quickly, Fokina showed her professional quality and helped him develop a business - a chain of elite wine stores "Hedonism Wines". It is not surprising that he was carried away by the beauty who conquered him with her work, and soon made her an offer of marriage. In 2016, Chichvarkin came with Tatyana to Jurmala, where he had fun in the company of his famous friends. His young darling immediately charmed all the guests of the party, who felt that their union was just perfect.

Evgeny Chichvarkin with his daughter. Photo https://www.instagram.com/tot_samy_chichvarkin

Now the businessman's wife manages not only the store, but also deals with the affairs of the Open University project. The couple have already become happy parents: they had common daughter. Despite the fact that to maintain family business it takes a lot of time, Chichvarkin tries to communicate with his wife and play with his daughter.

There are not many people in Russia who are able to build a multi-million dollar business from scratch. This requires not only special abilities and talents, but also luck. One of those who managed to combine these three factors in himself was the creator largest company in the mobile retail market in Russia - Evgeny Chichvarkin.


Evgeny Chichvarkin: date of birth - September 20, 1974. His father was a pilot by profession, and his mother was an economist.

The future entrepreneur successfully graduated from school number 28 in Moscow. At school, Eugene studied well, he was almost an excellent student. In his certificate there were only 2 fours, the rest were fives. Being a fairly smart and capable student, Chichvarkin enters the State Academy of Management immediately after school. There he studied until 1996, graduating from the Academy with a degree in Economics of Motor Transport Management. At the academy, Eugene studied rather mediocrely, since at that time he was already actively involved in trade. For the next two years, Yevgeny Chichvarkin studied at the graduate school of this academy, from which he was subsequently expelled, since he completely devoted himself to his business, namely Euroset.

At the origins of Euroset

Yevgeny Chichvarkin began his entrepreneurial journey in 1997, founding his most successful business, the Euroset company. The co-founder of the company was a friend of Evgeny - Timur Artemyev, who would later remain a friend for life, and even become a co-founder of another business for Chichvarkin.

The first Euroset store was opened on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow. The company was mastering a completely new market for Russia, since before that no one had heard about cellular retail in the country. Most people used pagers as their primary means of communication.

It all started with a range of several models cell phones, but after 6-8 years the company became the largest player in the market, having several thousand stores throughout the country.

Criminal case

In 2008, a criminal case was opened against Evgeny Chichvarkin. He was accused under several articles, one of which was an article about kidnapping.

The crime itself, according to the investigation, was committed back in 2003. The person allegedly abducted is Aleksey Vlaskin, a former freight forwarder for Euroset.

This man was guilty of stealing several phones from the company. At least, Yevgeny Chichvarkin's defense claimed so. In the early autumn of 2008, a search was conducted in the Euroset office in connection with this case.

In 2011, the criminal case was dropped, as no evidence of Yevgeny's guilt was found. However, at that time he was already living in London. Guilty or not, Evgeny Chichvarkin, his biography has changed a lot thanks to this criminal case.


Fearing persecution and threats from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Evgeny Chichvarkin and his wife moved to London in 2008. Before that, he lived on Rublyovka in the village of Zhukovka.

This move changed the life of Eugene somewhat. First of all, he could no longer participate in the affairs of the Right Cause party. Before emigrating, Chichvarkin was responsible for her branding, but after that he asked not to associate himself with her anymore, since he could no longer do his party work.

Before moving, Evgeny Chichvarkin and his friend Timur Artemiev sold Euroset Russian businessman Alexey Mamutt.

New business

Two years after the move, in London, Eugene started a new business. This time it was the elite wine store Hedonism Drinks Ltd. Over 700 sq. meters in an elite area of ​​London were rented as a store that sold both fine wines (the price of the most expensive bottle is $120,000) and ordinary bottles of the average price category from $10.

In this project, Eugene acted only as an investor, while his old friend Timur Artemiev was engaged in leadership and management.

Speaking about the success of this company, it is worth noting that the results of its activities are quite deplorable. More than $20 million was invested, while the income does not justify the costs at all. According to British experts, the company's net loss exceeds $6 million.

Personal life

No matter how famous and public person Yevgeny Chichvarkin was, his personal life was not particularly covered anywhere. It is only known that he had a wife, Antonina Aleksandrovna, whom he divorced in 2016. It will be difficult to find more than one or two photos of Yevgeny Chichvarkin and his wife on the Internet. The entrepreneur does not like to cover his personal life.

It is also known that the wife of Yevgeny Chichvarkin bore him two children - son Yaroslav and daughter Martha.

Views and personal positions

From childhood, Evgeny Chichvarkin knew that he would be an entrepreneur. As a 9th grade student at a Moscow school, he was involved in the resale of various small things, such as chewing gum and cigarettes. According to Eugene, he feels uncomfortable when there is no money in his pocket, therefore he always tried to earn it.

When choosing his own business, Eugene is guided not only by questions of earnings, but also by personal predisposition. As he himself says in an interview: “It is necessary to choose an occupation that lies at the intersection of what the soul lies in and what makes a profit.”

The entrepreneur's favorite book, which he recommends to all people involved in business, is Ayn Rand's novel, Atlas Shrugged. Chichvarkin believes that this novel is the main book of the 20th century and the real “Bible of Economics”. While working at Euroset, he even allowed employees to read a book during working hours.

Evgeny believes that young entrepreneurs need to be ready to develop their business in the West. Having a visa, in his opinion, is necessary.

Now the entrepreneur lives in London, and is not going to Russia in the near future. This is due not only to possible criminal prosecution, but also to the fact that Eugene himself likes living in England more.

According to Eugene, he would not open a business in two places - in China and in America. If we talk about China, the main repulsive factor is competition. In America, service is very well developed, and it is simply impossible to make your product better there, most often.

Evgeny Chichvarkin has been called an eccentric and eccentric businessman more than once. But, despite this, one cannot but admit that he has achieved considerable success in entrepreneurship, and can confidently give advice to novice businessmen. Here are some tips that, according to Evgeny, will help you develop your business as quickly and efficiently as possible:

  • Do not borrow money from friends.

by the most the best option raising funds are not private individuals, but banks. Everything ingenious is simple, just come to the bank branch and find right person who are interested in the idea. It is best to communicate with the most senior people in the bank, as their sphere of influence is the widest.

  • It is best to do without a partner.

This rarely works out, but still, if it is realistic to run a business alone, it is best to choose this option. You should not involve a person who cannot really help development.

  • Good team.

It is very important. Each person should be ready to work for the idea itself. He must be inspired, must believe in what he is doing. In the early stages of doing business, you need maximum return with minimum profit, and it is very important to find people who agree to these conditions. Those who strive for stability and constant income are best avoided.

  • The idea must be unique.

You can’t just take and start producing something that is already full on the market. It is necessary to think over the prospect of a product or service before launching it for sale. If a person offers a truly unique and worthwhile product He will definitely find his audience.

  • Brand work.

Good branding will go a long way in increasing sales and popularity. This is one of the fundamental things in business. On early stages most entrepreneurs do not have funds for branding. In this case, it is better not to save money, but simply to design a minimalistic design and name. Over time, when investments appear, it will be possible to carry out a full-fledged branding from scratch, which will be much more effective than rebranding.

  • Correctly define the specifics of the business.

Each case has its own characteristics. It is important to understand what exactly the essence of this business is, thanks to which it stays afloat and stands out from competitors. An entrepreneur who correctly determines the specifics of his business will know exactly in which direction he should move and what to develop.


One of the most unusual Russian entrepreneurs Evgeny Chichvarkin, whose biography contains successes, failures, and criminal prosecutions, is an example of a person who always achieves his goal, despite the circumstances. Of course, this is the person from whom you can and should take an example for novice entrepreneurs.

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