When to plant onions and garlic in the Urals.  When to plant garlic for the winter in the Urals. Proper planting in open ground

For planting garlic for the winter, average dates have been determined, which are not suitable for all regions. When growing garlic in the Urals, it should be taken into account that the climate of this area varies from moderate to severe arctic, therefore the timing of planting the crop may be different. Many gardeners are accustomed to focusing on sowing dates. lunar calendar. This manual can be successfully used for that part of the Urals where the climate is temperate, however, for the northern regions, sowing dates must be adjusted depending on climatic and weather conditions.

To successfully grow garlic in the Urals, it is necessary to choose exclusively adapted varieties. Until recently, there were no spring varieties of garlic intended for this area, so only winter varieties were planted. All vegetable growers know that among winter crops there are varieties that form arrows (arrows), and there are those that do not form arrows. Garlic that forms shoots is considered more hardy and frost-resistant. This fact should be taken into account when choosing a variety for a certain region of the Urals.

Much of the region has sharply continental climate when harsh winters give way to short but hot summers. In such conditions, it is important to choose the right time for planting the crop. For example, for the Middle Urals it is necessary to select only varieties specially zoned for this region. These include: “Azure”, “Vyatsky”, “Amethyst”, “Nazus”. In the southern part of the region, where the climate is more stable, any varieties suitable for cultivation in central Russia, including spring varieties, can be planted.

Landing dates

The timing of sowing garlic before winter may vary depending on the climatic conditions of the area. Thus, for the Middle Urals the optimal period is considered to be from the last week of September to the end of the first week of October. For the Northern Urals, sowing time begins in mid-September, and if the weather is not warm, then even earlier. IN southern regions It is recommended to plant garlic in the first ten days of October.

To a large extent, weather conditions also influence planting times. In ancient times, gardeners in the Urals were guided by folk signs. This is how it was customary to plant garlic:

  • when the birds began to fly south;
  • when my hands felt chilly outside;
  • when it was no longer possible to stand on the damp ground with bare feet.

Now few people use these signs, and the main condition for successfully growing garlic is considered to be correct timing before the onset of constant cold weather.

You need to plant garlic for the winter 30–40 days before the ground becomes frozen. This time is enough for the teeth to take root, but not to sprout.

Dates according to the lunar calendar

As for planting dates according to the lunar calendar, there are many auspicious days for sowing cloves it is determined in August, but this month it is too early to plant the crop, even in the Urals. In September you can plant at the beginning of the month, which is also very early. And here perfect days, according to the lunar calendar, the days are considered to be September 19–20. This period is suitable for the middle Urals, while in its southern part the tines are best planted in October. The lunar calendar for October allocates the second half of the month for planting work, and October 17 is considered the ideal day.

Landing technology

Agricultural technology for growing garlic has many features, including:

  • correct landing;
  • further care;
  • preparation of soil and seed material;
  • choosing a landing site.

Some vegetable growers strictly observe the first three points, but do not pay much attention to where the garlic bed is laid out and after which plants it is planted. Meanwhile, crop productivity directly depends on this.

For garlic, it is very important to follow the principles of crop rotation - it is not recommended to plant cloves for two years in a row in the same bed, and you can return the plants to their previous place only after 3-4 years have passed.

It also matters who was the predecessor in the garden. The crop grows best after cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, and all pumpkins. It should not be planted in soil depleted of root crops, or after onions.

Preparation of seed and soil

It is known that, unlike spring garlic, which is sown only with cloves, winter garlic can be grown both from the clove and from the seed bulb. In the latter case, it will take two years to obtain a full-fledged head, and from a tooth you can get a head for the next year. Whatever option you choose, the seed must be properly prepared before planting.

Preparing winter varieties involves disinfecting the tines in order to kill pathogenic bacteria in them and prevent plant diseases in the future.

First, you need to sort out the teeth, discard damaged, dried, rotten and the smallest ones. After this, the material is placed alternately in the following solutions:

  • saline (3 spoons/5 liters of water) – for 2 minutes;
  • copper sulfate (1 spoon/10 liters of water) – stand for 1 minute.

If there is stove ash, then a solution from it can replace the two previous procedures. To prepare the solution, you need to pour 400 g of ash into 2 liters of water, boil the mixture for half an hour, then cool. The teeth are kept in the cold solution for 2 hours. After these procedures, the material can be considered ready for planting.

The main condition for high yields of garlic is fertile, preferably sandy, well-drained soil. Plants also do not tolerate acidic soil. If the soil in your area is acidic and heavy, you need to add 1 cup/1 m² of lime. To improve drainage properties, you can add a little river sand.

2–3 weeks before planting, the bed needs to be dug to a depth of 20–25 cm. During digging, fertilizers should be added to the soil: humus 5–6 kg/1 m², superphosphate 30 g/1 m², potassium salt 20 g/1 m². You cannot fertilize the soil with fresh manure - it makes the garlic sick and may even die. After digging, water the ground with a solution of salt (1 cup/1 bucket) or copper sulfate (1 spoon/10 liters of water) and cover with film until planting.

Disembarkation rules

Planting of tines for the winter is carried out within strictly defined periods. In the prepared bed, longitudinal furrows are made with a depth of 10–15 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 15 cm. To protect the teeth from premature rotting, a layer of sand (2–3 cm) is poured onto the bottom of the furrow, after which a layer of sand (2–3 cm) is placed at a distance of 8–10 cm. Seeds or bulbs are planted from each other. Next, the sowing is covered with soil and lightly compacted.

It only makes sense to water the garden bed when the soil is completely dry. In other cases, the bed is covered with mulch (humus, peat, sawdust).

For some areas of the Urals, where winters are very harsh, mulch alone will not be enough. Vegetable growers in these regions recommend covering the garden bed with film, roofing felt or other insulation.


Garlic is undemanding in care. If it is covered for the winter, then all caring activities begin only in spring. When the snow finally melts, the bed must be loosened to ensure oxygen access to the roots. You need to loosen carefully and shallowly, since the roots of the plants are located close to the surface.

Watering the beds is carried out as needed. During their active growth stage, the bulbs need regular soil moisture. In extreme heat, plants are watered once every 2–3 days, cloudy days- Once every 7-10 days, and when it rains, there is no need to water. Closer to harvest, 2–4 weeks before, watering should be stopped and the heads should be allowed to ripen.

Periodically, weeds need to be removed from the garden bed. When the plants are mulched, there is no need for weeding, nor for frequent watering, since mulch protects the soil not only from weeds, but also from drying out.

Video “Ural winter garlic”

In the Urals you can grow very large (up to 150 grams) garlic. How to get seeds of such garlic and how to grow it, we're talking about in this video.


If the soil has been amended correctly for the winter, then garlic does not need fertilizer in the fall. But starting in spring, the plants will need to be fed at least three times:

  • first, as soon as the snow melts, water the soil with a urea solution (1 spoon/1 bucket of water), consumption of the product – 2 l/1 m²;
  • the second time, 2 weeks after the previous feeding, nitrophoska is used (2 spoons / 1 bucket of water), the consumption is the same;
  • last time, a month before harvest (mid-June) - superphosphate (2 spoons/1 bucket of water), consumption 4 l/1 m².

Supporters of everything natural can use compost, humus, and ash. As a top dressing, you can use liquid mullein in a ratio of 1:7 or litter 1:15. You need to water the garden bed using a watering can so that the solution does not get on the leaves, as it can burn them. In cold weather, you can carry out foliar fertilizing with a solution of ash, or simply sprinkle the plants with a dry product - this will increase their resistance to diseases and pests.

Video “Growing garlic in the Southern Urals”

What is the technology for growing noble garlic without loss, you will learn from this video.

Kira Stoletova

Gardeners living and gardening in the Urals, especially in the northern regions, should wisely choose the variety of garlic. The selected variety must fully comply with the climatic conditions of the region in 2018. It is also important to know exactly when garlic is planted in the Urals. More recently, there were no spring varieties of garlic that were intended for growing in harsh climates. climatic conditions and gardeners were forced to sow winter varieties. For the northern part of the Urals, the best variety is the one that throws out an arrow with an inflorescence, because this type is considered winter and is more resistant to low temperatures air.

Suitable varieties of garlic for the Urals

The main territory of the Urals has a climate where very cold winters are replaced by sultry and short summer. Considering this situation, you should correctly calculate the time when it is better to plant in open ground and which variety of winter or spring garlic to choose.

Varieties for the north of the Urals

  • Nazus
  • Vyatsky
  • Amethyst
  • Azure

Varieties for the south of the Urals

  • Victorio
  • Gulliver
  • Dobrynya
  • Gribovsky anniversary
  • Lyubasha

The southern part of the Urals has a fairly stable climatic regime, accordingly, any varieties can be planted in this area, including spring varieties. It is recommended to consult with specialists before choosing a garlic variety for planting.

Landing dates

The time when you need to plant garlic in open ground depends entirely on the climate that is located in one or another part of the Urals. For the northern part of the Urals, planting begins in the middle of the second ten days of September, but if the weather starts to get colder earlier, it is worth planting garlic before the first noticeable frost. As for the southern part of the Urals, the timing and timing completely depend on the weather, but as a rule, planting takes place closer to mid-October. When planting garlic, it is very important to take into account the temperature conditions. Also, many gardeners rely on folk signs and thus determine the optimal timing.

Folk signs

  • Garlic is planted from the moment the birds migrate to warmer regions for the winter.
  • You can plant garlic when your fingers start to freeze outside.
  • If the soil has cooled to such an extent that it is cold to stand on it with bare feet, this means that you can start sowing.

Planting according to the lunar calendar

If you look at the lunar calendar, you can see that the most suitable time for landing is mid-August. The timing according to the lunar calendar may vary slightly, but we plant planting material no later than the period from August to September. In order for garlic cultivation to be successful, you need not only to take into account the dates according to the lunar calendar, but also to comply with the necessary requirements for the care and cultivation of your plantings. Due to the fact that the climate is gradually changing, few people follow the planting dates according to the lunar calendar. To reap a good harvest, it is important to correctly calculate the timing of growing planting material. That is, have time to plant before the onset of persistent cold weather.

Planting in open ground occurs approximately 30-35 days before the ground begins to freeze. This is done so that the planting material can take root, but does not try to hatch from the ground.

You also need to consider what crop was growing in the soil before planting the seeds. You need to be very careful that garlic should not be planted in one place for two years in a row. The rest period of the bed is about 3-4 years. Unfavorable soil is the soil where onions and other root vegetables used to grow. There are also crops after which it is recommended to grow garlic - these are cucumbers, eggplants, peppers and pumpkin. If you plant garlic in a bed where favorable crops previously grew and at the same time follow the dates according to the lunar calendar, you can get a bountiful and healthy harvest.

Preparing garlic for planting

Spring garlic is planted by dividing the head into separate cloves, but winter garlic can be used in two types of planting material, these can be both cloves and seeds that ripen on the arrow. When propagated by seeds, it will take two years for the head to fully mature, and when propagated by cloves, a fully formed head will grow the following year.

But no matter what method of propagation is chosen, it is necessary to properly prepare the planting material. In order for the planting material to subsequently produce a good and healthy harvest, disinfection should be carried out immediately before planting in the ground. First of all, you should sort out the cloves, remove damaged and dried seeds, with rotting and very small ones. Then you should soak the planting material in the appropriate order in the following solutions:

  • In a salt solution - at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 5 liters of water. Leave the seeds in it for 2 minutes.
  • In a solution of copper sulfate - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Soak the seed in the solution for 1 minute.

But these two procedures can be replaced with one, if stove ash is available. To do this, pour 400 g of ash with two liters of water, then boil everything for 30 minutes and cool. Soak the seeds in the prepared and cooled solution for 2 hours.

Soil preparation

Fertilized and fertile soil plays a huge role for a rich harvest. Soils with a high content of sand or drainage are most suitable for this. Too acidic and heavy soil can significantly reduce yields. To remove acidity, lime is added to the soil at the rate of 1 cup per 1 square meter. You can also increase soil drainage by adding river sand to it.

Before planting planting material in open ground, you need to dig up a plot of land for planting to a depth of 20-25 cm approximately 2-3 weeks in advance. The soil depth should not be greater.

During the digging process, you need to fertilize the soil at the rate of 5-6 kg of humus per 1 square meter of land. Under no circumstances should you fertilize the soil with fresh manure; this could result in the death of planting material or a significant reduction in yield. After digging and applying fertilizer, the area is watered with a salt solution at the rate of 1 glass of salt per 1 bucket of water and covered with polyethylene before planting begins.

Landing rules

When to plant garlic for the winter in the Urals? When planting planting material for autumn and winter, planting schedules corresponding to the region in which the work is taking place must be observed. When you decide on the timing of planting, both in the southern and northern Urals, you can begin planting the planting material. On previously prepared soil, you need to make grooves with a depth of about 10-15 cm and a row spacing of at least 15 cm. Planting garlic in the fall in the Urals must be carried out according to all requirements, otherwise the plants cannot be protected from early rotting.

The cloves themselves are planted in the groove so that the distance is at least 10 cm between them. At the end of planting, the filled grooves should be compacted so that the cloves take root faster and an air cushion does not form. The first watering is done after the soil has completely dried. Then mulching is done. For the northern regions of the Urals, mulching will not be enough, so gardeners have to cover the bed for the winter with improvised means or agrofibre.

Caring for Garlic

Planting and growing garlic in the fall in the Urals is not a difficult matter, and if you follow the basic rules, you can dig it even with small area in the cold region there is a good and abundant harvest. If the bed was covered with insulation for the winter, then all work begins only in the spring. After the snow has melted, the soil should be loosened, but not deeply, so that the young roots are saturated with oxygen.

Garlic is a crop that is universally loved by gardeners and agricultural technicians all over the world. And it would be strange if this valuable vegetable were not loved and grown in the Urals. But in order for garlic to please the owners with its harvest, you need to know the rules of agricultural technology for growing it and when to plant it, how to care for it and store it.

Spring garlic lasts longer and has a less pungent taste.

What to choose winter or spring

Winter garlic is best planted in the ground in late October - early November. Garlic cloves take root well and produce a bountiful harvest of large, strong bulbs at the end of July. When planting in autumn, the growing season is shorter. Bulbs grow bigger size. For the winter, you can plant not only cloves, but also aerial bulbs.

Spring garlic is stored longer and has a less pungent taste. But what type of garlic to choose and plant in your garden is up to you.

Soil preparation

3-4 weeks before planting, it is necessary to prepare the bed.

  • Dig up the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm. Carefully remove the rhizomes of other plants found in the soil.
  • Add per 1 sq. meter ten-liter bucket of rotted manure. Dig up the bed with manure.
  • For 1 sq. meter, add a ten-liter bucket of sawdust, 1 liter of wood ash, 120 g of superphosphate, 1 liter of dry bird droppings, 1 liter of fluff lime. Loosen the soil with a rake.
  • Form a bed and leave it until it is time to plant garlic for the winter.

Landing Features

The Urals are a special place and the climate here is also special, hot in summer, frosty in winter, so when planting garlic in the ground, you should strictly adhere to planting dates and take into account the peculiarities of the Ural climate and remember that garlic produces an excellent harvest on structural soils. It grows difficult on acidic soils, gets sick, and the bulbs are small. In this case, it is necessary to deoxidize the soil. For 1 sq. Add 10-15 kg of slaked lime per meter of vegetable bed. This measure will not only allow you to get a rich harvest, but will also ensure long-term storage.

Planting should not be delayed, since in dry and well-warmed soil the above-ground green part of the plant forms and develops well, into which all nutrients will go, and root system will be weak. The vegetable will lack nutrition, the yield and its quality will decrease.

Winter varieties are most often grown on personal plots, as they are more productive and less susceptible to diseases and pests. However, over time, the plants age and begin to get sick, and the size of the bulbs decreases. To maintain and increase productivity, bulb sowing is used (garlic does not produce real seeds in our conditions). The shape of the aerial bulbs, their number, and color depend on the variety. The bulbs are small and there are a large number of them (up to 450 in an inflorescence), in varieties with large and tall peduncles. The bulbs are large (up to 30 pieces in an inflorescence), rounded or flat-rounded in varieties with low shoots.

When planting southern varieties, weakened arrows with 3-7 large elongated bulbs may form. The size of the bulbs is not related to the size of the bulbs. Small-bulb varieties may have a very large bulb, while large-bulb varieties may have a medium-sized bulb.

You shouldn’t delay planting garlic.

Planting winter garlic cloves

This method allows you to get full-fledged bulbs as early as July next year. When planted with aerial bulbs, the harvest is obtained in two years. When planting with cloves, a significant part of the harvested crop is spent on planting; there is a possibility that the plantings will be affected by diseases (bacteriosis, rot, etc.). Winters in the Urals are harsh and there is a high probability of freezing. In this case, the seedlings will be uneven, the leaves on the remaining plants will begin to turn yellow early and part of the harvest will be lost during storage. The infection will spread to healthy teeth.

Planting with aerial bulbs is a longer process, but diseases are not transmitted to each other and it is quite easy to obtain healthy material. Basic rules when planting with cloves:

  1. Choose healthy bulbs for planting that have large cloves; at the genetic level, they contain the formation of equally large and large cloves. Do not use internal teeth. Plant winter garlic 3-4 weeks before the onset of sustained frost. In the Middle Urals this is the period from the third ten days of September to the second ten days of October. On Southern Urals The optimal time for planting this crop is from October 5 to October 10.
  2. Renew garlic regularly (once every 4-6 years). You can update it by purchasing certified raw materials from fruit and vegetable farms. You can renew it yourself by growing it from aerial bulbs. Do not remove a few flower shoots from the garlic. Collect aerial bulbs, dry them and sow them in the ground in early March. In July, heads (single teeth) will form from them. In October, plant the single cloves in the ground in order to harvest a full harvest of renewed garlic in July next year.
  3. When planting, rows of garlic should be spaced 30-35 cm apart.
  4. You can determine the maturity and readiness of garlic by the flower stalks, so leave 2-3 arrows on the beds, destroy the rest at the very beginning. Once the seed pods begin to open, the garlic is ready for harvesting.
  5. The depth of planting garlic is 13-18 cm. At this depth of soil, the most favorable conditions are created for rooting and formation of bulbs.
  6. Don't forget about mulch (straw, sawdust or other organic materials). In spring, add a new layer of mulch to one layer. A layer of mulch will prevent the soil from freezing and the garlic will not freeze, and moisture will be retained in the soil to nourish it.
  7. Check the quality of the soil in which you plan to plant garlic. It loves fertile, moist but not wet soil and sunny areas.
  8. Do not forget about feeding garlic with mineral fertilizers. Apply a fresh layer of mulch regularly between rows. In case of early wilting or when the garlic leaves begin to turn yellow at the end of May or early summer, feed it with bio-infusion at the rate of 1 part of the infusion and 3 liters of water.
  9. Garlic and strawberries go well together. If there is not enough space for summer cottage, plant garlic between the strawberry bushes.

Planting with aerial bulbs is a longer process, but diseases are not transmitted to each other

Planting with aerial bulbs

  1. All formed and mature bulbs can be planted in the ground. They ripen on flower shoots left on the largest and strongest plants. At the beginning of growth, the arrows are curled like a spiral and straighten as they grow.
  2. After the arrows straighten and the bulbs are formed and the cover on them bursts, collect them in small bouquets and hang them to dry for 2-3 weeks. After the stem dries, separate the bulbs from the stem, being careful not to damage their covers.
  3. You can plant bulbs in the spring, or you can plant them in the fall; each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is not always possible to keep the bulbs in perfect condition for spring planting; many of them manage to dry out before spring. Therefore, when planting for the winter, favorable conditions are created in the soil for rooting and germination of bulbs in the spring.
  4. Before planting, small bulbs are soaked in water for 24 hours, changing the water 3-4 times. Unripe onions will float and should be thrown away.
  5. It is recommended to plant bulbs in the ground at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other in a row, to a depth of 2-3 cm and a distance between rows of 15-20 cm.
  6. Just like cloves planted for the winter, beds with bulblets are mulched with a layer of humus, covered, if necessary, with film or any other covering material and additionally covered on top spruce branches. Mulching helps protect plantings from freezing over the winter. Without taking these protective measures, bulbs planted for the winter freeze almost completely in the climatic conditions of the Urals.

Plantings of spring garlic are increasingly expanding their boundaries and have moved from the central part to the Urals, where they have deservedly been given a place of honor in every garden, since they last longer, have more cloves, and ripen faster. But as seed material you have to use bulbs that are obtained from winter varieties of garlic.

Planting spring garlic bulbs

Some gardeners recommend growing garlic in the Urals in two layers. Make a hole in the soil to a depth of 20 cm, plant a clove of garlic there, sprinkle with humus and plant another clove at a depth of 10 cm. In the same place you can get two full heads of garlic; they will develop normally, since they are located at different depths. This planting allows you to get from 1 sq. meter the yield is twice as large.

For information

Spring garlic consists of several rows of cloves (2-3). The denticles are 2-3 mm in diameter and covered with internal glossy scales. Spring vegetable heads can be stored for up to one and a half years. The winter variety has 5-8 large cloves arranged in one row around the main stem.

Winter garlic bolts, releasing a flower arrow in June and differs from spring garlic in a richer and more diverse set of useful substances.

Bioinfusion for feeding garlic

Preparation: pour 1 kg of nettle with 20 liters of water and after 4-5 days the nutritional infusion is ready. Dilute the infusion in a ratio of 1:3 and feed the plants. This fertilizer strengthens plants and improves soil structure.

Ripening time for garlic in the Urals

Due to the climate, winter garlic in the Urals ripens at the end of July, and the ripening period for spring garlic is late August - early September. To determine the size of the bulbs, it is important what the weather will be in summer period: If the summer season is dry, the bulbs and cloves will be small. In the event of a rainy summer, there is a high probability that the vegetable will rot.

The growing season of winter garlic is 100-110 days from the moment the first sprouts appear in the beds, spring garlic - 115-135 days.

Except general rules, you should know the characteristics of the variety and their application in relation to a particular area. The Alcor variety has a growing season of 94 days, it is resistant to fungal diseases and is not susceptible to the yellow dwarf virus.

Another variety of winter garlic, “Novosibirsky,” grows and bears fruit well in the Ural climate; its growing season is only 85 days.

Garlic variety "Novosibirsk" grows well and bears fruit

But you should not rely entirely on book information, these are average data. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the plantings and take timely measures, if necessary: ​​fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, combating suspected disease.

Garlic maturity

  1. 15-20 weeks before harvesting, you should stop watering the garlic to protect the heads from damage by fungal diseases and rot. Remove the flower shoots and tie the aerial part of the garlic into a knot. This helps to increase the mass of the bulb by directing all the nutrients for its formation.
  2. Gently rake the soil around the bulb head. The husk should be dense and peel off well.
  3. The neck of the false garlic stalk should be soft, the stem and leaves should be yellow.
  4. The cover of the air bulbs should be cracked.

Winter garlic suitable for growing in the Urals

Among the hybrid varieties of garlic grown in the Urals, it is worth paying special attention to:

Skif - mid-season winter variety. Scales with purple veins. The bulbs are small and strong. The pulp is sharp in taste and dense. Increased resistance to bacteriosis and white rot.

Bashkirsky 85 is a winter variety with a short growing season (85-90 days). Bulbs with white husk. The bulbs are bright purple. The variety is resistant to blight, bacterial rot, and onion fly.

Gradekovsky - winter, early. The growing season is 81-86 days. The bulbs are small, 5-6 cloves, with white-lilac husks. The pulp is dense, with a sharp pungent taste and a lilac tint. The bulbs are dark lilac in color and oval in shape.

Sofievsky - high-yielding and frost-resistant. The pulp is dense with a medium pungent taste. The scales are white with a purple tint. Resistant to fungal diseases. Requires direct access to sunlight.

Garlic variety Sofievsky - high-yielding and frost-resistant

Dobrynya is a mid-season variety. Responsive to timely watering and weeding. Stores well and is resistant to fungal diseases. In the climatic conditions of the Urals, it is stored without loss of external and quality characteristics for six months.

Lyubasha is a winter variety that is resistant to drought and frost. Can be stored (9-10 months) without loss of taste.


When growing garlic in the Urals, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the chosen variety, follow the rules, established dates for planting, care, watering, weeding, and climatic conditions. Taking into account all the nuances, you can get a good yield of garlic per acre in the Ural climate.

Both spring and winter garlic, if harvested later than expected, will be stored worse. Its safety and shelf life depend on timely cleaning.

Rules for removing bulbs from the ground

  1. Cleaning should be done in dry weather, preferably in the evening or in the morning, when there is no scorching sun, and when the bag containing the bulbs begins to burst on the left flower arrows.
  2. Carefully pry up the garlic heads with a pitchfork so as not to damage the peel and cause disease on the bulbs.
  3. Place the bulbs dug out of the ground in a sunny place and dry well (4-5 days).
  4. Carefully clean the bulbs of dirt and stuck soil. Tie into bundles, being careful not to damage the roots, and leave for further storage.

Some recommend rinsing freshly dug garlic from the soil in cool water. Let it drain and hang them up to dry. After this, cut off the roots and stems. Leave the garlic hanging for another 7-10 days for further drying.

Single cloves grown from bulblets are harvested when the leaves turn yellow, later than the harvest obtained from cloves (mid-August). You cannot be late with harvesting, as then the one-toothed plants will begin to take root again and will be difficult to find in the soil.

Single-toothed ones are selected by hand so as not to damage the fragile planting material, then dried in the sun for 2-4 days, then dried in a well-ventilated area, tied in bunches or laid out on a wire rack.

After the garlic dries, you need to cut off the roots and stems.

At the end of September, single cloves are planted in the ground and excellent large bulbs of aromatic garlic are collected in July.

How to store garlic

The roots of a plant dried in the sun are cut off, leaving 1-2 cm. The stem is shortened to 10-12 cm. Bunches of 8-15 pieces are formed from the dried vegetable, depending on the size of the bulbs, or braided. The larger the onion, the longer it will retain its beneficial properties.

When the bulbs are well dried in a suspended state, place them in a cool place, basement or refrigerator and store at temperature (0-5 degrees). With this storage method, the air humidity in the room is important; if it is more than 70%, the bulbs will rot.

Vegetables are also stored in wooden boxes with perforations in the side walls.

  1. Make or select a wooden box (possibly a parcel box) that is the right size for you.
  2. Drill holes in the side walls.
  3. Sprinkle a layer of salt (2-3 cm) on the bottom and place a layer of garlic heads.
  4. Alternate layers of salt and onions.
  5. Alternative for salt: wood ash or sawdust.

You can store garlic bulbs in linen or paper bags, in a suspended state, ensuring permission fresh air and room temperature 1-5 degrees Celsius.

Garlic heads left for storage should be periodically checked, removing those damaged by disease and dried out. It must be remembered that temperature fluctuations have a negative impact on the safety of the crop and its timing.

Folk signs and planting garlic in the Urals

The people of Rus' have always been distinguished by their special observation and wisdom. Our ancestors have long noticed that winter garlic is planted:

  1. When birds gather in flocks and fly away to distant lands.
  2. When your hands get cold outside and put on mittens.
  3. By damp earth It's impossible to walk barefoot: it's cold.
  4. Winter garlic is planted before the onset of Intercession (October 14). On this day, autumn and winter meet.

" Garlic

Experienced gardeners have more than once surprised everyone with the results of growing root crops that are not typical for regions with harsh climates. One of these is garlic. It can be cultivated on the site, if you follow simple rules for planting and care. In this review, we will talk about the features of planting spring garlic in the spring and growing it in Siberia.

Garlic is a frost-resistant plant; it can withstand harsh winters under a thick layer of snow and is not afraid of frost. But in snowless seasons, planting material may freeze. That's why in Siberia, the Urals and Leningrad region preference is given.

Winter varieties must be planted between September 15 and October 5. Sowing must be completed 3-5 weeks before the onset of frost, so that the root system has time to form. It is important that the shoots do not have time to break through to the surface of the soil, otherwise the plant will die.

Spring planting begins in late April - early May. Optimal temperature conditions For initial stage During the growing season, a range of positive values ​​is considered to be from 5 to 10 degrees. The duration of ripening and yield depend on the storage conditions of planting material. Shoots formed from cloves stored cold (at a temperature of 0°-3°) appear more quickly on the soil surface. However, the heads are formed in small sizes, and in hot and dry weather single-toothed heads are often formed. This method is no different in terms of productivity. Garlic stored warmly (at a temperature of 20°-25°) ripens 25-40 days later. The heads of such plants are large with large teeth. To speed up ripening, it is necessary to prepare the planting material for planting: soak, germinate and plant.

Benefits of spring planting spring garlic

In temperate climates, autumn planting in open ground has advantages over autumn planting. Spring varieties are more suitable for growing crops in Siberia. which must be planted in the spring after positive daily temperatures have been established. This approach is due to the reduction in the risk of freezing of planting material due to severe frosts and the absence of a snow layer. In addition, plants are less demanding on soil; a good harvest can be obtained on light and medium loamy soil types.

An undoubted advantage of spring planting is considered to be the high resistance of summer garlic to diseases of bulbous crops and insect pests. And the seedlings are formed friendly with approximately the same development. Bald spots on the beds caused by freezing of individual cloves are also excluded.

Preparation of planting material: soaking and processing

The quality of the garlic harvest, like onions, depends in particular on preparatory work Therefore, planting material should be selected responsibly. When choosing garlic, you should pay attention to whether the head is a winter or spring variety. How can you tell them apart? The head of the winter plant is elastic to the touch with a dense shell. In the middle there is a rod around which the teeth are located. The shell of the spring variety is thin, resembling parchment. The cloves are arranged in rows without a central core. An exception is the Gulliver variety, which forms an arrow.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • head separation into individual cloves;
  • selection of whole and large, no signs of damage to the specimens;
  • wrapping the cloves in a damp cloth for germination (for several days the lump can be placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf);
  • soak V warm water for 10-12 hours;
  • drying after soaking.

Soaking can be replaced by treating the planting material with a growth stimulant, but it is worth considering that special preparations contain chemicals.

How to prepare the soil in spring and autumn

The soil must be prepared before planting. To do this, you need to fertilize the area with humus and minerals in the fall (40 grams of superphosphate, 20 grams of potassium chloride per 1 m2). If there was no opportunity to carry out autumn work, you need to dig up the ground 1-2 weeks before planting, enrich it with humus or compost, loosen the clods well with a rake. A couple of days before planting, the area under the beds should be treated with saline solution.

The place for planting garlic should be well lit and ventilated. Neighborhood with large plantings and buildings is unacceptable.

Proper planting in open ground

The crop is planted according to the following scheme:

  • interval between the rows– 20-25 cm;
  • distance between the teeth– 6-10 cm.

There is no need to bury the garlic far, 3-5 cm is enough. otherwise shoots may germinate slowly or may not appear on the soil surface at all. The bottom of the clove should be located at the bottom of the hole; the root system will form from it. Before planting, the material sprouted, so do not press it into the ground too much to avoid damaging the sprouts.

After deepening the cloves, you need to fill the bed with soil and add fertilizer. Most often, ammonium sulfate is used, which not only enriches the soil with nutrients, but also protects young shoots from pests.

Planting garlic in industrial scale carried out special devices- planters.

Post-planting care and cultivation

Even unpretentious plant needs to . This helps to increase productivity and obtain high-quality root crops with a long shelf life. To do this, first of all, you need to adjust the watering. Moisture is the main factor in the growing season, however, its excess can lead to rotting of the onion. Therefore, you should rely on the recommended watering rate carefully, taking into account the amount of precipitation, air humidity, and soil type.

The average rate of water consumed for irrigation is 8-10 liters per 1 m2. 20-25 days before harvesting root crops, watering stops completely.

Fertilizers and bait are introduced twice during the growing season.. Their number depends on the fertility of the soil. There is practically no need to enrich chernozem. Other types of soil have less nutrients, so they need fertilizer.

Phosphorus and potassium will help ensure normal growth and development of bulbous crops.

The first bait is introduced after the emergence of seedlings. If ammonium sulfate was not used immediately after planting, then after the sprouts have grown, it is time to protect them from diseases and pests. In June, complex mineral fertilizers in quantity, according to the information from the instructions. It is also possible to use a mixture of urea and potassium chloride (the components are taken in equal proportions).

To enrich the soil with oxygen, loosening is necessary. It is often combined with weeding, because weeds pose a danger to the crop. The abundance of shade and denseness of the beds become a place for insect pests to settle. And excess moisture can cause rotting of the head. During the growing season, 2-4 loosening and weeding procedures are carried out. You can reduce labor costs by mulching the beds. Peat or sawdust is used for these purposes. They cover the bed tightly, as a result of which weeds do not make their way to the surface as intensively, and the soil does not dry out.

An action plan prepared in advance will ensure timely care of garlic, which guarantees a good harvest.

If available personal plot or an ordinary vegetable garden, then any gardener will certainly be interested in information regarding planting garlic in the fall before winter in the Urals or in another northern region. In the article we will look at how to plant garlic correctly, the technology for growing it, whether it is necessary to observe crop rotation and other important points.

When is the right time to plant winter garlic?

Planting winter garlic is done only in the autumn. In the Urals, this time usually falls on the 20th-30th of October. In this region, cold weather may arrive earlier than in other areas of the country. You need to navigate so that the planting happens about three weeks earlier than frosts. This is the most important condition that must be observed.

The bed for winter garlic is dug up in advance, about a couple of weeks in advance, then the necessary fertilizer and compost are added. Why in advance? Everything is simple here - it takes time for the loosened soil to shrink a little. Then it will be more convenient to maintain the depth when planting garlic in the fall.

Planting winter garlic according to folk traditions

Only healthy and undamaged garlic is suitable for planting.

Our ancestors at one time always adhered to the advice of folk wisdom in everything. The same applied to planting garlic before winter. No one could do without signs then, and today they are also relevant for us, although not all of them can work. We rely on the Almighty, but we don’t make a mistake ourselves, as they say.

Let’s take into account several popular tips for planting winter garlic that have come to us from past years.

In the old days, our ancestors started planting garlic in the fall only when there was practically not a single leaf left on the trees. It was then, in their opinion, that a favorable period for winter planting of vegetables began.

The ancestors also relied on birds. As soon as flocks of birds began to fly en masse to warmer climes for wintering, the time came for the autumn planting of winter garlic.
Feeling the first cold. If your hands are already chilly outside without gloves, it means it will soon come religious holiday Intercession (October 14), and this is the time to stick garlic cloves into the ground before winter.

Of course, in our time, few people trust omens, but some gardeners still follow them. Whether to follow them or not is everyone’s business, but you can take them as a guideline in planting work.

Planting winter garlic according to the lunar calendar

Some gardeners and gardeners plant garlic plants, referring to folk signs, while the other part is guided strictly by the lunar calendar to carry out the necessary planting work.

What makes the calendar convenient is the indicated preferred and unfavorable days for planting garden crops.

The best varieties of winter garlic

Before getting acquainted with the best varieties of garlic plants, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of winter garlic.

  • In the center of the garlic head itself there is a fairly strong rod that holds the pot-bellied cloves around it.
  • The arrangement of the teeth is single-row, with any garlic it goes strictly in a circle, the cloves stand close to each other.
  • IN summer time Garlic may grow a bulbous arrow every year. To obtain large heads, it is recommended to break it off. A couple of balls with seeds are left as a guide when it is necessary to dig up ripe garlic. As soon as they begin to crack, it is time to harvest the garlic.
  • Winter garlic differs from its spring counterpart in long-term storage and excellent yield, since its heads are large.

Now let’s get acquainted with the best varieties of winter garlic, which are recommended to be planted on personal plots in the Ural regions, as well as in the northern territories.

Variety "Lyubasha"

One largest species— Variety “Lyubasha”

Most often, hybrid garlic variety "Lyubasha" is planted in difficult climatic conditions, where dry summers predominate, and winters last a long time. very coldy.

The plant is quite tall, since the mighty stem can reach a height of 100-120 cm, and if the arrow is also left as a harvest guide, then it can grow up to 150 cm. An adult bush has rich green feathers with a slight waxy coating.

The head itself, after ripening, is usually flattened. The skin of the cloves is whitish, but there are veins purple shade. The weight of one head ranges from 150-200 g, each onion has 5-7 cloves.

This variety of garlic is planted in late autumn. They are planted either with cloves, or for propagation of the variety - with bulbs. The Lyubasha variety has excellent resistance to many ailments characteristic of garlic, and therefore produces an excellent harvest. For example, from one square meter you can harvest up to 3-4 kg of garlic.

“Lyubasha” is good for storage, as it can be stored for up to 10-12 months. The main thing is that for safety the necessary conditions– moderate warmth and dryness in the room.

Variety "Alcor"

Alcor has an average size

This winter garlic plant was bred by Russian breeders. Garlic is one of the highest yielding varieties. Subject to proper care and agrotechnical rules, you can harvest up to 3-3.5 tons of crop from 1 hectare.

Externally, the Alcor variety is no different from its counterparts; the appearance is the most standard for garlic. The weight of one head can be 30-35 g; there are 5-6 cloves in one bulb. The growing season is 2.5-3 months. The variety is capable of producing arrows.

The taste is sharp, but Alcor does not have a strong odor. It can grow in any soil, but does best in non-acidic, well-drained or aerobic soil.

In the Urals, planting of Alcor garlic occurs in the second or third ten days of October. It all depends on the zoning.

Important! It is customary to fertilize winter garlic when the plant reaches a height of 10 cm. It is at this time that winter garlic begins to actively grow.

Variety "Garkoua"

Garlic variety "Garkua" has small cloves

This winter garlic was developed in France. Gardeners loved it for its ability to withstand severe frosts, and chefs loved it for the savory notes it added to the dish.

The shape of Garkua garlic is the most common, but its color is interesting - delicate Pink colour, and in some cases light purple tones. The variety is distinguished from other brethren by its small teeth. There can be up to 16-18 of them in one bulb.

We follow planting technology

Due to the harsh weather conditions in the Ural territories, when growing winter garlic, strict adherence to planting rules is required. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • It is important to observe the correct planting dates.
  • Before planting cloves, the soil should be prepared.
  • Planting material is calibrated.
  • Planting must be done in the right place.
  • Maintain the distance and planting depth.
  • When growing, water and fertilize in a timely manner.

For some reason, some farmers ignore one or more of these points, which is why they get poor harvest results. Everyone loves care, and plants even more so.

Features of planting winter garlic in the Urals

Residents of the Ural regions believe that the most favorable dates for winter planting with garlic usually fall in the second ten days of October. Favorable period for southern regions The Urals may be a little later - in the third decade.

In the northern territories of the Urals, the timing of planting garlic most often coincides with the planting work of gardeners living in Western Siberia. This is the first ten days of October. At the same time, you need to remember that if you plant this crop early, then either the garlic will freeze completely in winter, or what remains will give a poor harvest later.

We observe crop rotation

Place should be chosen after beans or peas

To grow winter garlic, it is important what crop was previously in the soil. Poor results can be obtained if garlic is planted in the same place for several years in a row. Neither winter nor spring garlic likes to grow after onions.

Excellent predecessors for garlic crops are legumes and grain plants, bell peppers or cucumbers.

Choose a sunny place for planting, preferably closed from drafts. Depressions are not suitable at all, since there will always be water there. Excess moisture is also not required.

Preparing the soil for planting

Fertilizers in the garden will only bring benefits

Like any garden plant, winter garlic will produce a better harvest if the soil is enriched with some kind of fertilizer. Although he is not very picky about the soil. It only dislikes acidic soils.

To prepare the soil surface for planting garlic, you first need to dig it up, then you need to apply fertilizer. The ratio is in the following proportions:

  • Humus (half a bucket);
  • Ammonium nitrate (1 tbsp);
  • Potassium chloride (1 tbsp);
  • Superphosphate (1 tbsp).

All these components are mixed and applied per square meter. If the soil is acidic, then it is necessary to add crushed lime.

Preparing planting material

In the Urals, as in any other region, you can harvest a good harvest of winter garlic if you choose the right planting material. Before planting, garlic is calibrated. Small slices are not suitable and are discarded. They also get rid of cloves with damage or stains. Selected healthy cloves should be processed in an ash solution.

We prepare the decoction as follows: boil 2 liters of water, pour it into a container, add 400 g of sifted ash, and let it sit. Then the seed material is disinfected in this decoction. It would be a good idea to rinse the cloves with a solution of copper sulfate.

How to plant winter garlic correctly?

Planting should be done to a depth of 4 cm, keeping a gap of 20-25 cm between the rows. There should be a distance of 8-10 cm between the cloves themselves in the row so that the heads grow large.

Did you know? To ensure that garlic always produces a good harvest, it is recommended to plant peas between the rows. Thus, the plant will be enriched with nitrogen.

Caring for garlic in spring

In spring, with the first rays of sunshine, vegetable growers should hurry to their garden plot. The first sprouts of the garlic plant that appear should be cleared of the grass that has managed to grow, and the top soil layer should be loosened slightly so that the soil is enriched with oxygen.


Water garlic in spring large quantities no need

As soon as the first shoots appear in the spring, they need to be watered. But here it is necessary to take into account how much winter time there was precipitation. If the winter was snowy, then you shouldn’t get too carried away with watering at first. If there was little snow, then watering was moderate.

If there is regular precipitation during spring, then it is enough to water the garlic once a week. The main thing is that the soil does not dry out too much, and abundant moisture is also harmful. It is advisable to mulch the beds.

Weeding and loosening

Garlic crops need to be cared for like any garden plant. Winter garlic should be cleared of weeds and the soil should be loosened. You should not forcefully pull out the weeds, as there is a risk of damage to the root system of the garlic.

After weeding, oxygen access opens to the root system. Therefore, this procedure must be repeated systematically. It is necessary to remove arrows with bulbs. Only a few are left, they are used to look at them when the garlic is ripe and ready for harvesting.

Fertilizing winter garlic

First, fertilizer or compost is applied when planting garlic, and then it must be applied again several times a season. The garlic plant prefers feeding with nitrogenous fertilizers most of all. Garlic can also be fed with solutions based on mullein, or urea diluted in water.

The second feeding is mandatory in early June. Water the garlic with an ash solution, which is rich in potassium and other trace elements. In addition, the ashes will help protect the plant from harmful insects and ailments typical of winter garlic.

Ripening and harvesting winter garlic

An amateur vegetable grower needs to be patient, since he will be able to get a harvest only after 3-3.5 months, and in the Ural regions even longer - up to 4 months. The varieties “Bashkirsky-85” or “Novosibirsky” are considered early ripening; “Dobrynya” ripens a little later..

Let's look at what other signs make it clear that the garlic is “asking” to be dug up.

  • A characteristic yellowing appears on the feather leaves.
  • New growth does not grow.
  • When you tear the garlic, you can see that the bulb has gained the required weight.
  • The scales are fully mature and fit tightly to the teeth.

As soon as it became clear that it was time to harvest, we began digging up the garlic. It is recommended to dig it with a flat fork so as not to damage the skin.

The rows are carefully undermined and the garlic is turned inside out. Let it sit in the sun for a while so that the soil dries out. Then it is collected and excess soil is shaken off. Braid the garlic into braids and hang them in a dark place to dry for 7-10 days.

Before storing winter garlic, it is cleared of soil, roots and dried stems are cut off.

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