How to feed watermelons in open ground. How to feed watermelons and melons in open ground: the best fertilizers. Fertilizer during flowering period

Growing watermelons and melons is considered a difficult but fascinating process. Planting and growing southern exotics in conditions that are unconventional for them is a real miracle, which can only be achieved by the passionate, caring hands of gardeners.

To get a high yield of watermelons and melons, you will need to fertilize the plants at least 2 times during the summer with bird droppings or slurry, etc.

The correct technology for fertilizing melons and melons in greenhouse conditions is one of the secrets of growing mastery. Fertilizing is the introduction of missing nutrients at a specific period of plant development. To carry it out competently and grow a tasty fruit from seeds, you need to know the main features and growth conditions of melons.

All growth conditions

Both watermelon and melon are annual plants with male and female flowers on the plant. So, female flowers with the ovary they create branched stems that rise along the trellis in the greenhouse, clinging with tendrils.

As you know, melons are very capricious; warmth and light are an indispensable condition for them. To grow a plant in the conditions of central Russia, its sowing is carried out using seedlings, which must be planted in a greenhouse, providing support high temperature air (25-30 degrees in daytime, 17 degrees at night) and his optimal humidity(60-70%). In the greenhouse, the soil should be drainage, fertile, and the depth of the root layer should be 30 cm.

Protecting crops and seedlings from spring frosts, timely pinching of plants when forming a bush and proper feeding - this is the “secret” care required for both watermelon and melon.

Mineral nutrition

The nutritional elements of melons and watermelons, which are part of the soil in the greenhouse, are potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen. In order to ensure high productivity, melon and watermelon must consume these elements in large quantities, and this is facilitated by organic, mineral fertilizers, which must be applied to the soil in time for sowing. Depending on the growth phase, the melon crop consumes nutrients unevenly.

Potassium is of great importance in the direct nutrition of plants: if there is a sufficient amount of it in the soil, then female flowers bloom actively and stably, productivity increases, and melon and watermelon become more resistant to diseases, the fruit contains more sugars and vitamin C (ascorbic acid), ripens faster. The plant consumes more magnesium and calcium from weeks 4 to 6, during vegetative growth, nitrogen - from weeks 10 to 12, during fruit formation. Feeding is necessary and also effective during such periods.

Fertilizing is done after rain or after watering, after which the soil is loosened.

All nutrients for watermelons and melons are delivered to the ground locally when sowing seeds and planting seedlings in a greenhouse, or directly under the roots of melons.

The technology for growing melon and watermelon in greenhouse conditions (sowing, planting seedlings, the process of bush formation) includes the combined use of mineral and organic, as well as solid and liquid fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are of animal or vegetable origin. They contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, trace elements and vitamins in the required quantities for plants.

Humus for melon and watermelon will be the best option fertilizers After all, this is part of the soil that is formed due to rotting, decomposition of animals, as well as plant residues. And chernozem contains a larger amount of humus.

For melon crops and animal fertilizers, manure occupies a leading place. Manure should be used only in rotted form, otherwise it will weaken the plant’s resistance to disease, delay the growing season and make the fruit less tasty.

The solution of humus and manure should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1/5; application must be done with abundant watering so that the watermelon or melon fruit does not accumulate nitrates that are harmful to the body.

Herbal infusion in feeding melons and watermelons is alternated with solutions of humus and manure. It includes microorganisms, deoxidizes the soil when watering, and destroys harmful microflora. To prepare a herbal infusion, you can use any herbs.

Wood ash as a fertilizer has been known to people since time immemorial. So, you need to add a little wood ash to alternating infusions, which makes the fruit of watermelon and melon sweet.

Mineral fertilizers

Mineral fertilizers contain various mineral salts, which are nutrients for plants. These fertilizers are divided into simple and complex. Simple fertilizers include one nutrient: nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. Complex ones consist of several batteries.

Feeding scheme

After treating the seeds with potassium permanganate in mid-April, they are sown in pots with a soil mixture consisting of: 1 part soil, 3 parts humus, 3 tbsp. spoons of phosphorus mineral fertilizer, 1 tbsp. spoons of potassium mineral fertilizer, 1 tbsp. spoons of nitrogen mineral fertilizer.

Seedlings of watermelons and melons grow within 31-35 days, their care is as follows: watering must be carried out warm water and carry out two feedings with mineral fertilizers.
The first feeding should be done when the seedlings have 2-3 true leaves, the second - 5-7 days after the first.

When 4-5 leaves form in mid-May, it is time to transplant the seedlings into the greenhouse. Organic fertilizers are added to the formed holes in the greenhouse, and seedlings need to be planted in them at a small depth.

After 7-10 days, carefully water each hole with seedlings with warm water and nitrogen fertilizers. So, two feedings are carried out at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

The feeding scheme is averaged. It is necessary to carefully monitor the state of plant growth, determining when they have enough nutrition and when they do not, since it is important not to overdo it with fertilizing.

Watermelon is a delicious and desirable delicacy for most adults and children. He attracts not only his appearance, but also juicy, sweet pulp that literally melts in your mouth. In addition to its taste, this sweet berry also has beneficial properties. Minerals, fiber, carbohydrates and vitamins - all this is in watermelon. But to get one like this useful product on your site, you need to take good care of the plantings, protect them from diseases and pests, water and feed the crop on time. In our article we will tell you how to feed watermelons for growth.

Useful properties of watermelon

Many people wonder: what are the benefits of watermelon? After all, there are not so many vitamins in it. The benefits of watermelon are truly undeniable. First of all, knowing how many calories are in watermelon, we can safely say that the product successfully fights excess body weight. Berry helps improve performance digestive system, relieves constipation. Thus, all waste substances and toxins are removed from the human body. Also, the fruit has a mild laxative effect, as it enhances intestinal motility. Not every berry or fruit can boast of such benefits. By numerous studies It was found that regular consumption of watermelon significantly reduces the risk of developing stomach and intestinal cancer. Also, the product eliminates inflammatory processes in the human body. And lycopene provides benefits in the form of improved vision. In moderation, watermelon will only benefit a person.

But the main benefit of the berry is its diuretic effect. Due to the high water content in its composition, watermelon removes excess fluid from the body. In this way, swelling is eliminated and sand is washed out of the kidneys. The cause of edema is kidney disease, and of cardio-vascular system. Watermelon juice is an excellent source of fructose, which is absorbed by the body much faster than simple sugar. Also, watermelon juice helps remove toxic substances from the liver, cleansing it. This benefit is extremely important in severe chronic liver diseases.

The main stages of fertilizing watermelon melons

There are many options for distributing fertilizers throughout the season. But when growing watermelons, it is best to apply a feeding scheme according to the stages of plant development. There are five main stages of fertilizers:

  • before planting seeds in the soil;
  • when planting seedlings in the ground;
  • during flowering;
  • after fruit set;
  • during the ripening period.

It is important to remember that before each feeding, the plant must first be watered with warm water, and only then fertilized.

Mineral fertilizers for watermelons

Mineral fertilizers, also known as mineral salts, are considered the key components of mahogany nutrition.

There are two types:

  • one-sided or simple;
  • multilateral or complex.

Complex fertilizers for watermelons and melons include several nutrients. One-sided (simple) feeding - one type of useful substance. For example, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and others. It is better to feed tower plants using the root method. According to the recommendations of professional farmers, with each feeding it should be diluted in 10 liters. clean water 25–30 g of potassium chloride, 10–15 g of ammonium nitrate (urea or carbamide) and 40–50 g of superphosphate.

Organic feeding of watermelons

Organic fertilizers are divided into animal and vegetable. This type of feeding includes nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, beneficial elements, as well as vitamins in a form that is available to crops.

Humus is the best way to fertilize. It is a layer of soil that is obtained as a result of rotting and decomposition of the remains of animals and plants. Black soil contains the most humus, which is why it is most valued.

Among fertilizers that are of animal origin, the leader is manure, for example, bird droppings. This manure must be used when it has rotted, otherwise it can cause a decrease in the resistance of melon crops to various diseases, it can also retard the growth of the plant, and the fruit will not be as tasty.

From rotted humus and manure, a concentrated solution is obtained, which must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. Then the resulting mixture is added to the soil along with watering. In this case, the fruit of the crops will not accumulate nitrates in the fruit, which negatively affect human health.

A mixture of humus and manure solution should be alternated with herbal infusion. This infusion includes beneficial microorganisms, which, if watered, deoxidize the soil and fight harmful microflora. This infusion can be prepared from any herbs. In order for the fruit of the crop to be sweet, it must be added to infusions. wood ash.

Feeding watermelons with yeast

Almost all gardeners have mastered and used EM preparations. But their price is not always affordable for everyone. Baker's yeast is in no way inferior in its properties of activating beneficial soil microflora. It stimulates root growth. As a result, the stem develops well and many female flowers are formed. It would be more correct to call yeast not a nutritional supplement, but a biostimulant. And their use does not exclude the use of organics and minerals. Yeast accelerates the mineralization of organic matter, releasing nitrogen and phosphorus.

A 500 g pack of wet yeast is stirred in warm water in a 5-liter bucket. 500 ml of yeast solution is diluted in 10 liters of water. And you can water it.

Dry yeast is prepared differently. To do this, 10 g of dry powder is placed in warm water. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Let it brew for two hours. Half a liter of yeast solution is diluted in 10 liters of liquid. You need to dilute it at least 5 times and you can water it.

The soil where yeasts will be added must be fertilized with organic matter. The earth should be warm, well warmed by the sun. The same principle applies here as when preparing dough. The warmer it is, the better the result. Fermentation requires a lot of potassium and calcium, so it would be good to add ash at the same time. Pitch yeast twice. During the peak of the growing season, and after 2 weeks.

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Fertilizing watermelons for fruit growth

The growth and filling phase of watermelon fruits is characterized by the highest consumption of nutrients. To get a good harvest, you need to fertilize.

Every week, watermelon plantations are fertilized with Uniflor micro. For watering, dilute 2 teaspoons per 10 liters of water.

At the same frequency, apply a fertilizer mixture to the plants, consisting of:

  • 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate;
  • 1 tbsp. l. azofoski;
  • 1 tsp. potassium sulfate.

The use of the Terraflex Universal fertilizer complex provides the plant with the substances necessary for fruit filling. The substance is diluted in a ratio of 0.7 kg per 1 ton of water.

Homeland of watermelon - South Africa. The most suitable conditions there are sandy loam soils, long summers, mild warm climate. IN middle lane It is more difficult to grow watermelons - it imposes too many conditions on gardeners. IN southern regions fruit ripening is possible open ground, to the north, greenhouse conditions are needed to grow the crop. The needs of watermelon are similar to melon and cucumber, so they can be grown simultaneously in the same greenhouse or garden bed. In our article we will tell you how to feed watermelons during flowering and fruiting.

Properties of watermelon for the body

Watermelon contains quite a lot of substances that are vital for our body. Just like tomatoes, the berry is rich in lycopene, which gives the berry its bright red color. This substance is considered one of the antioxidants that only bring benefits to the human body. In addition to color, lycopene is necessary for the fruit to protect it from sunlight and oxidation. But, in the human body a large number of lycopene may cause harm in the form of an allergic reaction.

Very juicy, tasty and healthy berry is a watermelon. Because of large sizes Watermelon is considered by many to be a fruit. But, in fact, it is just a berry. Also in Ancient China the product was famous for its healing properties. Therefore, the benefits of watermelon are simply undeniable. The berry was brought to the territory of Russia at the end of the 17th century. Almost immediately, watermelon became popular not only for its benefits, but also for its taste. To be convinced of the benefits of the berry, you should familiarize yourself with its rich chemical composition.

Mineral nutrition for watermelons

The nutritional elements of watermelons that are included in the soil in the greenhouse are potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus and nitrogen. In order to ensure high productivity, melon and watermelon must consume these elements in large quantities, and this is facilitated by organic, mineral fertilizers, which must be applied to the soil in time for sowing. Depending on the growth phase, the melon crop consumes nutrients unevenly.

Potassium is of great importance in the direct nutrition of plants: if there is a sufficient amount of it in the soil, then female flowers bloom actively and stably, productivity increases, and melon and watermelon become more resistant to diseases, the fruit contains more sugars and vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), ripens faster. The plant consumes more magnesium and calcium from weeks 4 to 6, during vegetative growth, nitrogen - from weeks 10 to 12, during fruit formation. Feeding is necessary and also effective during such periods.

Fertilizing is done after rain or after watering, after which the soil is loosened.

All nutrients for watermelons and melons are delivered to the ground locally when sowing seeds and planting seedlings in a greenhouse, or directly under the roots of melons.

The technology for growing melon and watermelon in greenhouse conditions (sowing, planting seedlings, the process of bush formation) includes the joint use of mineral and organic, as well as solid and liquid fertilizers.

Organic feeding of watermelons

IN agriculture Organic fertilizers are widely used, which come in plant and animal origin.

The most popular top dressings include:

  • humus. Substrate formed by the decomposition and decay of animal and plant remains;
  • manure (chicken or pigeon droppings, mullein) in a rotted state;
  • herbal infusion, to which wood ash is periodically added.

The first two types of organic fertilizers (humus and manure) should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5.

During the flowering phase, watermelon plants begin to consume more nutrition, and timely feeding is very important during this period. Preference should be given to potassium fertilizers, without which flowering will not occur on a massive scale.

At this point you can use:

  • Nutrivant Plus (2 kg per 200 liters of water);
  • Kelik Potassium (half a liter per 100 liters of water);
  • magnesium nitrate (2 kg per 200 liters of water).

It is important to replenish the deficiency of magnesium in a timely manner, otherwise unhealthy spots will appear on the leaves, followed by the death of leaf tissue in them. With a lack of magnesium, fruit set is also poor.

Watermelon plants do not tolerate hot and windy weather, in which they become deficient in calcium. This problem can be solved by adding drugs such as:

  • Calcinite (800 g per 100 liters of water);
  • Speedfol Amino (200 ml per 200 liters of water).

How to feed watermelons in a greenhouse

Feeding watermelons in a greenhouse also begins with preparing the soil. It is important to transplant seedlings correctly. The bush is replanted together with a clod of earth, otherwise the plant may die. During fruiting, watermelons need to be fed every week after planting.

If mineral fertilizers are used, then complex mixtures and concentrated solutions of microelements are used for spraying. If organic, then you can alternate chicken manure with mullein and green fertilizers.

It is important to monitor the condition of the leaves. If they begin to wilt, it means the plant does not have enough moisture. If they turn pale - nitrogen. A lack of potassium immediately affects the leaves - they begin to dry around the edges.

The most important microelements for melons, due to the lack of which the fruits do not ripen and spoil, are calcium and magnesium. Without calcium, places form on the fruits where they begin to rot and darken.

With magnesium deficiency, leaves fall off, starting with the old ones, the formation of chlorophyll is disrupted, and root system.

For every 5 parts potassium, add 1 part magnesium to maintain nutrient balance. If the dosage of mineral fertilizers is not observed, the absorption of potassium and calcium is impaired. You can compensate for the deficiency by foliar feeding with magnesium sulfate. It is often enough to carry out 2 sprayings during the fruiting season.

A natural fertilizer that is used to feed watermelons during fruiting in a greenhouse or open ground is potassium magnesia. The substance is obtained from natural minerals in which the content of potassium, magnesium and sulfur is balanced. Fertilizer can be bought at a gardening store. Why do tomatoes wither and leaves curl?

Foliar feeding of watermelons

Foliar feeding of watermelon, which is also called foliar feeding (leaf feeding), is the application of nutrients through the leaves, rather than through the root system. The peculiarity and advantage of this method of fertilizing is that nutrients enter the plants faster compared to the root method. However, with the foliar method it is impossible to provide plants with a large amount of nutrition. Foliar feeding is most often used to apply microfertilizers in small quantities, i.e. it is additional to root feeding.

To distribute the nutrient solution over the stems and foliage of plants, spraying is used. It is best to perform this procedure in the morning or evening. During the daytime, you can spray only in cloudy weather, which will allow the composition to linger on the leaves for a longer time. Regardless of the fertilizers used, organic or mineral, you need to be careful about the concentration of the solution. Too concentrated formulations, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, can burn the leaves. In spring spraying, i.e. when the foliage is young, weaker solutions should be used than when treating coarse foliage. Urea is most widely used for spraying: it can be used in higher concentrations compared to other nitrogen substances.

Sandy soil is suitable for growing watermelons because it does not retain moisture for long. The crop responds well to organic fertilizers, which are applied before planting the seeds, as well as to minerals, which are applied during the growth period. Let's consider in the article how to fertilize a watermelon at all stages of its growth and ripening.

Fertilizing watermelon during the formation of ovaries

Mineral and organic fertilizers

Watermelon responds well to mineral and organic fertilizers. Even before planting the seeds, add manure, chicken droppings or mullein. There are many folk ways watermelon fertilizers:

  1. To improve soil fertility, an infusion is prepared using yeast. For 3 liters of water take 5 tbsp. l. sugar and 40 g of yeast. Leave to ferment for 3 days. Separately, a shovel of wood ash, sand and compost, 5 kg of manure or chicken droppings, 10 kg of rotted leaves and 1 liter of whey are placed in a 200 liter barrel. Pour the contents with the finished mash. They insist for a week. Dilute with water until double volume is obtained and water the holes a week before sowing the seeds.
  2. Fertilizer infusion is also prepared in another way. In a 200 liter barrel, add fresh manure or chicken manure to one third and fill it with water. They insist for two weeks. The infusion is diluted in a ratio of 1:10. "

As an alternative to ready-made mineral fertilizers use wood ash. It contains up to 74 trace elements, including potassium, calcium, manganese, silicon and phosphorus. The ash does not contain chloride compounds. When birch wood is burned, the ash contains 40% calcium. To obtain ash, young twigs and logs, tops and remains of garden crops are burned.

You cannot fertilize watermelons in the following cases:

  • good soil fertility;
  • unrooted or diseased plants;
  • hot weather.

Tip #1. It is advisable to add ash along with compost soil and lay it to a depth of 10 cm.

Among industrial mineral fertilizers the following are distinguished:

  1. Nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate).
  2. Phosphate fertilizers (ammophos and superphosphate).
  3. Potash fertilizers (potassium chloride).
  4. Complex fertilizers (azophoska with sulfur, sulfoammophos, calcium nitrogen sulfate).

Complex fertilizers are the most profitable to use. They contain a set of micro and macroelements that are necessary for the growth and fruiting of the crop. One of these fertilizers is “Novalon”. There are several varieties of it for the corresponding mineral nutrition at all stages of growth.

Lack of minerals

If there is a lack of minerals, watermelons produce a poor harvest, their fruits become less tasty and ripen poorly. Such crops get sick and may even die. Increased acidity of the soil affects the poor absorption of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and nitrogen by plants, even when their content in the soil is good.

Yellowing of the leaves indicates a deficiency of minerals.

To restore mineral deficiency, you need to fertilize every two weeks. How to find out about a lack of nutrients? Mineral deficiency is determined by the condition of the plant. Let's take a closer look.

Phosphorus is needed by the plant for metabolic processes in cells. When it is deficient, the leaves become dark green, sometimes with a bluish tint. You may notice brown spots that are getting larger. The lower leaves are affected first, and then the upper ones. Dried leaves turn black. Plant growth noticeably decreases, the ovary appears late, and new leaves are small in size.

Nitrogen is involved in photosynthesis. When it is deficient, the following signs appear:

  • slow growth;
  • thin and short shoots;
  • small inflorescences;
  • the leaves are small, narrow and there are few of them on the stems;
  • pale green color;
  • the appearance of yellowness, which begins with the veins on the leaves, first the lower leaves lighten, and then the upper ones.

Deficiency of potassium, calcium and magnesium

These substances play a special role in growing watermelons. Potassium and calcium are involved in nitrogen metabolism, and magnesium is involved in photosynthesis. Potassium deficiency manifests itself at the stage of active crop growth. The color of the leaves is dull, bluish-green. A feature of potassium deficiency is a light edging around the perimeter of the leaf. Yellowing begins at the top, which resembles a leaf burn. The edges curl and wrinkle. The stem becomes thinner and withers. The plant is susceptible to fungal diseases.

Potassium deficiency during the flowering period is quite dangerous, because inflorescences may not appear at all. Calcium deficiency is noticeable on young leaves. They lighten, curl and die. The edges become brown. The plant stops absorbing other microelements, so all signs of depletion appear. With calcium deficiency, there is always a lack of potassium, magnesium and nitrogen.

A pronounced sign of magnesium deficiency is chlorosis. Leaf edges and veins become yellow, reddish or purple. In the future, multi-colored spots appear, which indicate tissue death. The fruits set, but often do not ripen.

Magnesium deficiency occurs in acidic soils.

Growing watermelons in a greenhouse

Watermelon seedlings are grown in a greenhouse. Seeds are sown in cassettes filled with soil. It should have a pH level of 6.7-7.0 with neutral soil and must be well drained. In the greenhouse, the soil is prepared in advance; already in early April, holes measuring 80x80x20 cm are dug and filled with humus, covered with 2 cm of soil on top.

The soil can also be prepared differently. Mix soil with humus in a ratio of 1:3 and add fertilizer:

  • 1 tbsp. l. potassium and nitrogen fertilizer;
  • 3 tbsp. l. phosphate fertilizer;
  • a glass of wood ash;
  • 1 tsp. potassium sulfate.

This soil is suitable if you do not fertilize with minerals at all. Seeds are sown on the twentieth of April. The sprouting period ranges from 22 to 25 days. The seedlings are watered regularly and fed every week. Infusions of mullein and chicken manure are used alternately. Ammonium nitrate and nitrogen fertilizers are also used. "

When grown in a greenhouse, seedlings need Fresh air and sunlight.

Tip #2. To make the fruits sweet, wood ash is added to fertilizing solutions.

At the ripening stage, watering and fertilizing are abandoned. During the ripening period, abundant watering and fertilizing lead to rotting of the fruit. When three true leaves are formed, the seedlings can be planted in open ground. If this cannot be done for some reason, then the leaves are sprayed with Atlet solution, dosage 1 ampoule per 2 liters of water. It protects seedlings from diseases.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings are treated with Zircon. After planting, water with Radifarm solution. Take 30 ml of product per 10 liters of water. 0.5 liters of product is poured under each crop. Re-process after 7 days.

Growing watermelons in open ground

In open ground, watermelons are grown without seedlings. The seeds must be soaked in a solution of Zircon or Cytovit. Dilute one ampoule of the product in 2 liters of water and leave the seeds for about 5 minutes. They are sown in soil prepared in the fall. Fertilizers are applied to a depth of 30 cm. Immediately before planting in the spring, the soil is loosened. On sandy soil, the first shoots appear two weeks earlier than in black soil.

To increase the yield and sugar content of the fruit, the following fertilizers are applied in the fall:

  • phosphorus – 60 kg/ha;
  • potassium – 80 kg/ha.
  • In spring, during cultivation, up to 30 kg/ha of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, 100 kg/ha of nitrogen and 70 kg/ha of magnesium are applied.

Tip #3. Under no circumstances should fresh manure be added along with the seeds; this will lead to delayed development and growth.

During the period of crop growth, fertilizing is applied by drip irrigation daily in the morning and evening.

Fertilizer application scheme

Organic fertilizers are applied in the fall during plowing. Preference is given to manure and peat manure compost. At the same time, mineral fertilizers (superphosphate and potassium chloride) are applied. Watermelons prefer organic fertilizers, in particular humus.

When growing in open ground, three feedings are made:

  1. The first is carried out a week after sowing seeds or planting seedlings.
  2. The second - two weeks after the first. Two liters are poured into the hole warm water, which contain fertilizers.
  3. The third - 12 days after the second.

For feeding, diammofoska, ammonium nitrate, infusion of humus, chicken droppings and wood ash are used. It is better to alternate these products to avoid excessive accumulation of one component in the soil. Sometimes the plant needs additional feeding; you need to monitor the condition of the crop and its growth rate. But you should not apply fertilizer more often than once every 7-12 days.

Fertilizers must contain all useful substances.

Fertilizer application rates before sowing are indicated in the table.

Answers to frequently asked questions about fertilizers for watermelons

Question No. 1. Is it possible to fertilize watermelons only once during planting?

The plant does not need feeding if the soil is well fertilized before sowing the seeds. It is necessary to take into account the following: per 1 sq. m. area you need to add 1 liter of wood ash, 5 kg of humus, as well as mineral fertilizers. Add 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and azophosphate to each well. To skip summer feeding, you can do it differently. Before planting seedlings or seeds, add 6 granules of AVA fertilizer to each hole.

Question No. 2. What period is considered the best for feeding watermelons?

The greatest need of the crop for additional nutrients is observed after fertilization.

Question No. 3. What fertilizers are best to use for growing watermelons?

To get good results from the harvest, it is recommended to use drip irrigation. Additionally, water-soluble fertilizers are used, such as “Master”, “Megafolom”, “Terraflex”, “Green-Go” and others. "

Question No. 4. Why do you need foliar feeding?

They make the plant resistant to diseases, increase productivity, improve taste qualities fruits, especially increase sugar content and juiciness.

Question No. 5. What fertilizers can be used for drip irrigation?

All water-soluble products are suitable for drip irrigation, including Novalon.

Mistakes gardeners make when growing watermelons

We offer a list of mistakes that gardeners often make when growing watermelons, as well as ways to solve them:

  1. When applying fertilizers, gardeners forget about watering, which plays a huge role. Regardless of the weather, up to two liters of water should be poured daily under each crop. To help plants absorb better nutrients, before applying fertilizing, melon crops need to be watered generously with warm water, but not cold.
  2. Do not exceed the norm for applying fertilizers, especially nitrogen ones. Watermelons quickly respond to fertilizing and immediately take up microelements. The effectiveness of fertilizing depends not only on the amount of fertilizer applied, but also on its type, form and timing of application, as well as on climate and soil.
  3. Many gardeners give preference to organic fertilizers, forgetting about mineral ones. The best way irrigation is drip irrigation, because at the same time you can add mineral components to the soil, which are dissolved in irrigation water. Do not water the crop before harvesting.
  4. Watermelons cannot be grown in soil where herbicides have previously been used, otherwise the fruits will become saturated with toxic substances and will be unsuitable for consumption.

How to feed watermelons and melons to make them grow faster. The fruit and berry season continues. The entire second half of summer and the beginning of September are marked by watermelons and melons - in July they appear, in August they are already enjoyed with all their might.

In order for watermelons and melons to grow well and produce the desired harvest, it is necessary to provide them with proper care. Care measures include regular feeding. These crops love a lot of organic matter in the soil. Therefore, feeding should be taken especially seriously.

What you will learn from this material:

To grow, watermelons and melons, like all other plants, require the following substances - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur. These needs must be met by feeding the plants.

There are two types of fertilizers - mineral and organic. Mineral ones are usually sold in stores for summer residents, and organic ones can be made with your own hands right on your site. And so in our article we will tell you how to feed watermelons and melons to grow faster?

The need to feed watermelons and melons

Throughout the entire growth period of watermelons and melons, you need to feed them at least twice. It is best to do this with slurry from manure or bird droppings.

The secret to successful cultivation lies in the correct technology of the fertilization process. After all, thanks to this, the plant receives all the missing elements throughout all stages of development. To delay the formation of the fruit and reduce its size, you need to know the numerous nuances of crop growth, as well as how to feed melons in July and May.

Feeding scheme for watermelons and melons

Melons and watermelons are fed 5-7 times per season. It should be remembered that seedlings need to be planted in pre-fertilized soil; this does not count as fertilizing.

First feeding. The first feeding is done while growing seedlings on the windowsill. Feed immediately when the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves. A urea solution is best suited as a top dressing. It contains a lot of nitrogen, which is so necessary for plants during this growth period.

To prepare the fertilizer, you need to take a tablespoon and mix it in 10 liters. Now you can water the seedlings.

Second feeding. The second feeding is done after the seedlings are planted in open ground. Feed after 5-6 true leaves appear. Plants also need large amounts of nitrogen at this time.

You can also feed with urea, as during the first feeding. You can use a solution of cow dung. To prepare such a solution, you need to take a container and fill it halfway with manure, then fill it with water. In 2-3 days the feeding will be ready. To water the plants, you need to take 0.5 liters of the resulting liquid and mix it in 10 liters of water.

Subsequent feedings. Subsequent feeding is done with solutions of mullein, chicken manure, vermicompost, etc. Alternate such feedings every 7-14 days.

With this approach, watermelons and melons will grow well and produce a good harvest.

Mineral and organic fertilizers for watermelons and melons

Watermelon responds well to mineral and organic fertilizers. Even before planting the seeds, add manure, chicken droppings or mullein. There are many folk ways to fertilize watermelons:

  • To improve soil fertility, an infusion is prepared using yeast. For 3 liters of water take 5 tbsp. l. sugar and 40 g of yeast. Leave to ferment for 3 days. Separately, a shovel of wood ash, sand and compost, 5 kg of manure or chicken droppings, 10 kg of rotted leaves and 1 liter of whey are placed in a 200 liter barrel. Pour the contents with the finished mash. They insist for a week. Dilute with water until double volume is obtained and water the holes a week before sowing the seeds.
  • Fertilizer infusion is also prepared in another way. In a 200 liter barrel, add fresh manure or chicken manure to one third and fill it with water. They insist for two weeks. The infusion is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Wood ash is used as an alternative to ready-made mineral fertilizers. It contains up to 74 trace elements, including potassium, calcium, manganese, silicon and phosphorus. The ash does not contain chloride compounds. When birch wood is burned, the ash contains 40% calcium. To obtain ash, young twigs and logs, tops and remains of garden crops are burned.

You cannot fertilize watermelons in the following cases:

  • good soil fertility;
  • unrooted or diseased plants;
  • hot weather.

Preparing the soil before planting watermelons and melons

If you fertilize the soil well before planting, then this may well be enough for the watermelon for the season. Therefore, if you are a busy person, then this is a great way for you to carry out your only feeding. And then just water and enjoy the delicious sugary pulp. What you will need for this:

  • half a bucket of humus is added with digging, this is the amount per 1 m2;
  • wood ash 250 g per 1 m2.

At the same time, when planting, useful minerals are added to the hole:

  • superphosphate 1 tbsp;
  • azofoska 1 tbsp;
  • potassium sulfate 1 tsp.

They are thoroughly mixed with the soil, and then water is poured. Now it's time for the seeds. Sprouted or dry seeds are placed on the moistened and fertilized bottom of the hole.

Before planting, seeds are treated with potassium permanganate. Sown in specially prepared soil consisting of:

  • land - 1 part,
  • humus - 3 parts,
  • superphosphate 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • potassium fertilizer - 1 tbsp.,
  • ammonium nitrate - 1 tsp.

Watermelons at the seedling stage need 2 feedings:

  • the first - when the first 3 true leaves emerge;
  • the second - a week after the first.

The seedling period lasts 35 days. When the watermelons already have 5 leaves, they can be transplanted into a greenhouse or open beds. Organic matter must be added to the holes.

How to feed watermelons and melons for fruit growth

Wood ash can be added immediately when preparing the soil for seedlings. Or you can make a solution and water it in the process:

  • Mix 200 g of ash with 10 liters of water;
  • leave for 6 - 7 days;
  • water at the root.

The second method is more time-consuming:

  • pour 1 kg of wood ash into 10 liters of water;
  • boil for 15 minutes;
  • dilute 1/10.

Water or spray the plants.

Feeding watermelon with folk remedies

Among the whole variety of fertilizers, they are no less popular for fertilizing folk remedies. These include yeast and ammonia.

Feeding watermelon and melons with yeast

For yeast feeding, regular baker's yeast is used. A nutrient solution based on this component performs the following functions:

  • increases soil fertility;
  • stimulates plant growth.

Fertility is improved due to the content of beneficial microorganisms in the yeast, and the root system develops several times faster with such fertilizing. As a result, a more powerful plant develops, which at the same time receives more nutrients.

Feeding watermelons and melons with ammonia

Ammonia or ammonia (ammonia) can sometimes help in the process of growing watermelons. Since the substance contains nitrogen compounds, when processed, plants receive the necessary substances for both shoots and leaves.

However, the use of ammonia should be used only as a last resort, i.e. when the plant cannot be saved by other means.

How to feed watermelons and melons to grow faster video

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

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