How to make drip irrigation in the garden. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation for summer cottages at no cost: do it yourself easily and simply. We do drip irrigation with our own hands: where to start

Experienced gardeners know how important it is to organize on your site. Most of them come to the unanimous opinion that for vegetable crops, grapes and ornamental plants, drip irrigation is the most suitable. Summer residents are a special people, creative, resourceful and inventive. From almost nothing, they can make very useful things for the economy. And the drip irrigation system is no exception. After analyzing many recommendations of experts, in this article we have collected 5 most useful tips on how to make drip irrigation with your own hands.

1. Working principle and advantages of drip irrigation system

The drip irrigation system can be used to moisten the soil both in and in open areas. The principle of its operation is very simple - cleaning and drainage pipes are connected to the water source, which are located along the entire length of the beds, and through special holes along the entire length of the hose, water evenly flows to the roots of plants. water source it can serve as a central water supply, or a well that is equipped with a pump, a storage tank, or a pond that is located near your site.
Water from the storage tank can be supplied by gravity, under the influence of gravity and pressure, or it can be forced to flow using a pump. The system will work in both cases. The difference will be felt only in water consumption and the duration of irrigation. For example, when using special drip tape, which has a certain rate of water consumption per hour, it is necessary to ensure a minimum operating pressure. Only with this condition water consumption will be as stated in the technical specifications.

When supplying water by gravity consumption will be less. You need to know this in order not to commit one of the most common mistakes many who for the first time take up the installation of the system with their own hands. If you realize that you will not be able to provide the required pressure, or the use of a pump in your area is not technically possible, do not under any circumstances assume that the watering time will be the same as if the requirements were met. To moisten the soil to the required depth, you may need half a day, but the plants will receive water constantly.

With drip irrigation, crops are not threatened with sunburn even at lunchtime, because their stems and leaves remain completely dry. Watering can begin in the early morning and end in the late afternoon without the slightest harm to the plants. And if the system is additionally equip with a timer pair of sensors (for example, a rain sensor and a soil moisture sensor), then your presence on the site is not necessary at all. The timer will either turn on and off the water supply at a given time, or do it as needed. This will be signaled by humidity sensors. And if it suddenly rains during irrigation, the system will react and turn off the water supply.

An important condition for the normal operation of the system is the use of cleaning filters. Industrial water has a lot of impurities and small debris that quickly clog holes. In this case, you will have to clean very often.
How more good drip irrigation

  • Due to the fact that water gets as close to the roots as possible, the evaporation coefficient is practically absent;
  • Economical water consumption;
  • Uniform watering;
  • The ability to adjust the intensity of watering for each group of plants individually;
  • Saving your personal time and effort;
  • Free access of oxygen to the rhizomes;
  • Absence of a heavy airtight crust on the ground surface;
  • The costs associated with the purchase of drip hoses and all kinds of connecting elements will pay off very quickly, because the service life of such a system reaches 10 years;
  • In the cold season, the system is easy to dismantle;
  • Thanks to the flexibility of the hoses, they fold compactly and take up little storage space;
  • Watering with cold water is stressful for plants, which can slow down their growth. This often happens when watering from a hose directly from a water source. With drip irrigation, the water has time to warm up to ambient temperature while it is inside the hose. Such conditions are the most favorable for plants, and the coefficient of moisture absorption increases;
  • Due to the fact that only the soil under the plants will receive regular moisture, you will soon notice that the number of weeds on the site will decrease.

It is not surprising that this irrigation system is used almost everywhere, especially if you come to the country house only on weekends. Next, we will consider drip irrigation methods do-it-yourself, from an elementary scheme to the installation of an automated line.

2. The simplest scheme of drip irrigation from plastic bottles: 4 possible options

If you have accumulated a large number or canisters, do not rush to get rid of them. In addition to various decorative items that many people make to decorate their summer cottage, they can be used to make a complete irrigation system. Thus, you can ensure high-quality soil moisture for 2-4 days. From the observations of many summer residents, we deduced a small statistics, which says that a 1 liter bottle can irrigate tomatoes and cucumbers for 4-5 days, a 3 liter bottle for 10 days, and a 6 liter bottle for 2 weeks.

Water consumption depends on the type of soil you are growing your crop in. The number of required holes also depends on this, which will provide sufficient watering, but at the same time avoid underfilling and overflowing. For example, sandy soils absorb moisture well and only need one hole in the bottom of the bottle, while heavy clay soils need more.

Optimal is the use of a plastic system in small areas. In large areas, you will spend too much time and effort refilling bottles with water. Also, such a system can be effectively used for fertilizing and feeding various crops. However, only water-soluble additives that do not have solid particles should be used so as not to clog the holes.

Consider everything advantages and disadvantages of such a system:

  • Significantly lower water consumption compared to manual watering with a hose or watering can;
  • Continuous operation of the system that does not require your participation;
  • Minimum organization costs;
  • The possibility of an individual approach to each plant;
  • Easy installation and maintenance;
  • Targeted entry of moisture.

Now oh disadvantages:

  • Due to the elementary design from a technical point of view, frequent clogging of the system is possible. This is due to the fact that it is impossible to install filters in bottles. Seasoned summer residents were able to find the same elementary solution to this problem - ladies' nylon tights. Even when particles of nylon get into the ground, it does not cause decay, but it has excellent throughput.
  • It will be difficult to talk about the aesthetic pleasure that many experience when looking at their well-groomed plot with young shoots. Indeed, in this case, the entire garden will be “decorated” with plastic bottles;
  • Limited supply of water, which constantly needs to be replenished with one's own hands;
  • On very hot days, additional watering will still be required.

It cannot be said that the shortcomings are too critical, so consider manufacturing methods. Four types of irrigation system can be organized from plastic bottles, depending on their location. But be careful, all recommendations are focused on growing vegetables, in particular cucumbers and tomatoes.

Container position with lid up or down

This is the most versatile arrangement and is suitable for both greenhouse and outdoor use. Most gardeners use this method.


  • Take a container of the size that suits you. Step back from its bottom 3 cm and pierce several holes with an awl or a gypsy needle. The number of holes is determined by the type of soil. They need to be pierced along the bottle before it begins to narrow towards the neck. On average, no more than 10 holes are made.
  • Near the plant for which the container is intended, it is necessary to make a hole of the appropriate diameter and such a depth that only the narrow part of the bottle protrudes above the ground.
  • Wrap the bottle with a thin cloth, lower it into the hole, then fill it with water and screw on the cap.
  • As the container empties, it can deform under the pressure of the earth. To avoid this, pierce a small hole in the cap to equalize the pressure and replenish the water supply in a timely manner.

Such a system, although it is drip, but irrigation going on intrasoil. This eliminates the need to push the topsoil, because it remains dry. At the same time, plants are saturated with moisture faster, because water gets straight to the rhizomes.
The irrigation system has the same principle of operation when arranging bottles lid down. Only order of execution slightly different:

Root watering with plastic bottles

This method is convenient in that you can direct the drops of water as accurately as possible to the desired location. Us required;

  • Small bottles with caps, it is best to use 1.5 liter containers;
  • Warmed up on gas or with a thick needle, it is necessary to make a hole in the center of the lid. To protect your hands from burns, hold the nail with pliers;
  • First, decide on the optimal angle of inclination, and then cut off the bottom of the bottle at the same angle, so that more liquid can fit into it;
  • Now you need to fix the bottle with a few sticks and tape as close to the bush as possible, tilting the neck so that the drops fall directly on the rhizome;
  • Fill the bottle with water, see if moisture gets in there and if the mount can withstand the weight of the structure.

more convenient a similar method of watering will be if you purchase special cone-shaped plastic nozzles in the store, which are specially designed for root watering. You can also avoid the need to fasten the container at an angle so that it cannot be knocked down by a gust of strong wind. To do this, a full bottle of water is dug into the ground to a shallow depth. A hole of small diameter is pre-made in it so that it can be inserted into it. drinking tube.

It is very convenient to use tubes with an inclined end. The hole is located as close to ground level as possible. The tube is inserted into the hole, the junction can be smeared with silicone. The end of the tube must also be plugged. The liquid will not be supplied from it, but from a hole that you pierce yourself on its bottom. Point the tube under the roots and see where it is more convenient to do this. Now fill the bottle with water and screw on the cap. Your system is ready.

Suspended drip irrigation system

For small plots a hanging system is also suitable, which is very simple to manufacture. For this we required:

  • Above the bushes, you need to build a support on which water bottles will be hung in the future. To do this, you can use a wooden beam of the appropriate length or metal pins with hooks. When sticking the support elements into the ground, be careful not to damage the roots of the plants;
  • Prepare the required number of bottles - one between two bushes;
  • Cut the bottoms of the bottles;
  • Not reaching 1-1.5 cm before the cut, make two holes opposite each other. They will be threaded with twine, for which the container will be hung;
  • Make one or more holes in the bottom of the bottle above the cork. Water will seep out of these holes.
  • Hang the container over the bed, fill it with water and see where the drops fall. If necessary, move the bottles a little to avoid getting water on the leaves.

Recommended Height placing the system above ground level - 30-50 cm. In the future, you can add several holes to increase the intensity of water flow, so do not inject too much at once. If it's more convenient for you, you can make holes in the lid.

3. Do-it-yourself installation of a drip hose irrigation system

If you decide not to save on creating an irrigation system, then this is the right decision. Made of high quality materials and fittings, it will serve you for many years. Remember what simpler circuit system, the more correctly it will work. Try to use as few connectors as possible. In the place of each such connection, the pressure weakens, and particles of small debris accumulate. let's consider simple layout diagram drip irrigation for a small area and calculate the amount of materials needed:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in organizing a home-made irrigation system - the main thing is to correctly calculate the amount of materials needed.

4. Homemade system of medical droppers

Not less than effective way irrigation is the use of ordinary medical droppers. Due to the fact that they are equipped with a special wheel, you can adjust the intensity of the liquid supply for each specific plant. To do this, you do not need to make several watering lines, which in turn can reduce the overall cost of organizing an irrigation system. Principle of operation almost identical to the one above. Only instead of special drip hoses, we will use ordinary rubber or polyethylene pipes.

  • Run the supply pipes throughout the site;
  • The wiring diagram should be such that you can reach all the plants;
  • Use tees to connect elements;
  • Now connect the entire system to a water source. It can be either a storage tank or a central water supply;
  • Install plugs at the end of each hose;
  • Now, in front of each bush, make a hole in the hose.
  • It is most convenient to pierce rubber with an awl, and plastic -;
  • Insert the plastic end of the dropper into each hole;
  • Dilute the dropper tubes under each bush and enjoy the excellent result.

There are also an easier way arrangement of irrigation system from medical droppers.
In this case, droppers will be used together with a liquid container:

  • In the required place, install a support for hanging the dropper. It can serve as an ordinary stick;
  • Fill the tank with liquid, fix it on the support;
  • As supply hoses, medical systems with thick needles or medical hoses with a diameter of 1-2 cm are used;
  • Insert needles diagonally into the main hose and place the ends of the tubes in the right place.

Easier, probably, nowhere else. Droppers rarely get clogged, and even if they do, they are very easy to clean. TO shortcomings can be attributed to the rapid fouling of the system with algae when exposed to direct sunlight. To avoid this, you can cover the structure with a dark cloth.

In order to extend the life of any system, it is necessary to correctly and timely carry out technical service. For this you need:

  • Clean the filter from accumulated debris once a week. In the future, you can do this less often if you see that a lot of deposits do not have time to accumulate between cleanings.
  • Before the first watering, be sure to flush the entire system.
  • If you want to use fertilizers, then you can add them directly to the storage tank. Choose easily soluble formulations. After spending the entire volume of water with fertilizers, the system must be flushed with clean water. To remove residual impurities, it is enough to let it work for 10-15 minutes.
  • If you want to dismantle the system in the fall, rinse it well and dry thoroughly beforehand.
  • Then carefully fold the hoses or bands, cover them with a cloth or place them in boxes.
    To prevent small rodents from spoiling the hoses, it is better to store them in a suspended state.

In order for vegetation to grow and develop normally, it needs moisture. However, weather conditions often do not please with their surprises - scorching sunny days are replaced by heavy rains. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation is one of the best options for organizing an irrigation system in a suburban area.

This is a solution with numerous advantages. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation for a summer residence does not need the regular presence of a person, which is very important for those who travel out of town exclusively for the weekend. Therefore, many owners of suburban areas are interested in the question of how to make it?

A person who does not have special knowledge and experience can create drip irrigation with his own hands for a summer residence. This system is very economical, and has earned a lot of positive feedback due to its undeniable advantages:

  • water is not overused, as the plants are irrigated locally;
  • the level of moisture in the soil can be adjusted;
  • the number of weeds is reduced;
  • the balance of air and water is maintained in the soil;
  • the root system is fed and watered synchronously;
  • no need for constant monitoring;
  • minimum energy consumption;
  • gives plants resistance to fungal processes;
  • much easier to grow garden plants.

After the drip irrigation system was invented, it gained great popularity. At first, the greenhouse industry was the main industry of its application, and then open soil, where vegetables and fruits are grown. This system is also used in viticulture.

A modern drip irrigation device is a flexible hose in which droppers are mounted. Droppers help to equalize the supply of moisture around the entire perimeter. This hose is installed on the surface of the earth. In some cases, it is buried in the soil along the entire required irrigation perimeter. Today, drip systems are presented on the market with a wide range.

It will not be a problem to create drip irrigation with your own hands for a summer residence. However, the drip irrigation device, despite the differences in various models, does not have fundamental differences. It consists of the following mandatory elements:

  • node that collects water. Its role can be played by a different container, which rises to a height of one to two meters. Water supply occurs either independently, or a suitable pump is used for this purpose. Water can come from a river, a pond, a well, a well, a lake, or an aqueduct. It all depends on your desires and capabilities;
  • the filtration unit is one of the most important elements of the system, which determines its performance indicators and the duration of its operation. It is designed to purify water and protect droppers from clogging;
  • main type pipeline - its task is performed by pipes made of polyethylene or PVC, having at least 32 mm diameter. This is where the fittings for the drip tape or tubing are mounted. When creating drip irrigation with your own hands, you can use the simplest option, like a regular garden hose, with which a garden is watered. The only condition is that it should not let in light so that algae do not grow inside;
  • distribution type pipeline - is a line-tube into which droppers are mounted. They can have a different shape - flat or cylindrical, a certain gap must be observed between them, ranging in size from 10 centimeters to one meter;
  • fittings and fittings - connect all of the above elements, creating a single system. It is possible to use in this capacity both threaded connections and adapters. To connect the system to a water source, a variety of elements are used in the beds, such as tees, corners, transitions, couplings, plugs and fittings. The latter can be with or without a faucet. Taps allow you to water crops that require different amounts of water. When creating drip irrigation with your own hands, it should be borne in mind that the use of fittings made from ferrous metal alloys is prohibited. This material is not resistant to corrosive processes, and rust subsequently clogs the system.

Drip irrigation scheme

Drip irrigation scheme is an extensive water supply network that brings moisture to the root systems of plants. The drip irrigation scheme is very simple - first, from a well, lake, water supply or other source of water, it is supplied to the water intake unit, and then, through the main pipes and drip tubes, it moves directly to the roots of the plants. Drip irrigation, compared to conventional irrigation, does not violate the natural structure of the soil. Plants will not get burned even with excessive sun activity, which leads to moisture on the leaves.

You can create a similar scheme both in the greenhouse and in the open field. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation in a greenhouse should be done in order to provide plants that are not provided with precipitation with the necessary amount of moisture. Lack of water will lead to their death. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation in a greenhouse is a significant help for a person who does not have the opportunity to constantly care for cultivated plants.

After you create drip irrigation in the greenhouse with your own hands, you will notice a significant increase in plant productivity, the incidence of plants will decrease, and their appearance will improve. This will provide you with economical water consumption. In this case, excessive moistening of the surface layer of the soil will not occur, with normal moistening of the deeper layers. Each plant will receive water in the required amount.

The scheme of a modern drip system can be automatic - this allows you to determine the exact dosage for each plant, and will contribute to the organization of fractional watering. The circuit can be equipped with connected rain sensors - if there is enough rain, water will not be supplied.

Automatic elements allow you to determine convenient conditions for turning on irrigation, for example, at night, when a sufficient amount of water is collected in a water supply system or a well. The rather high price of automatic elements is justified by the numerous advantages of such a scheme - it absolutely does not require human participation, so you can leave the dacha for a fairly long period of time.

How to make drip irrigation with your own hands

Even a novice summer resident can create drip irrigation himself. Some constituent elements should be bought in specialized shopping centers. When choosing pipes of a distributing type, you first need to determine their exact suitable length and diameter. This should be decided based on the planned water flow and a suitable irrigation scheme.

However, when doing drip irrigation yourself, it is better to choose the simplest possible scheme, with a minimum number of branches and components. Since each element that enters this system is a kind of blockage zone, which leads to the accumulation of dirt.

Creating drip irrigation yourself is a fairly simple task. It is enough to create a simple plumbing system, since its excessive complexity will lead to difficult movement of water, and will require frequent repairs.

In various shopping centers and stores, you can purchase all the necessary elements to create such a design. They have a wide price range. The cost of a particular component is determined by its quality, materials used to create it, operational and technical characteristics.

How to make drip irrigation with your own hands from improvised materials? It is possible to use various plastic pipes or flexible hoses, however, certain conditions must be met:

  • water should be supplied in the same volume through which it exits through the holes so that it evenly irrigates all plants;
  • droppers should not be too narrow to prevent clogging.

To create a reliable, convenient and efficient drip irrigation system, flexible soft medical hoses are suitable. The diameter of the main hose should be 1-2 centimeters. It is also possible to use used medical systems with thick needles as hoses (for solution containers). Half-meter-sized tubes that are put on needles are also useful. Needles are stuck diagonally into the main hose - and the irrigation system is ready.

Clogging of such droppers is quite rare, and it is very convenient to clean them. Such a system has the only drawback - the rapid growth of algae, subject to direct sunlight. However, this drawback is easily corrected - the structure can be covered with a black material that does not let the sun's rays through.

Before starting installation, you should mark out the planting plan, determining the duration of each bed and the gap between them. If all the plants on the site are evenly distributed, you can create a structure, focusing on the finished plantings and the gap between them. The tubes are cut into pieces of suitable length, and connected into a single system. It is better to place the tubes with a slight slope, giving structural strength through pegs.

The length of the line should not be too long, and be approximately 6-8 meters. Holes are punched in suitable places where tubes and needles are inserted. After the installation is completed, the operation of the system should be checked under high pressure conditions. You also need to check how quickly the water flows out. The speed is adjusted by changing the inclination of the hoses.

To prevent frequent clogging, a filter should be placed on the hose. In its role, you can use foam rubber, which is easily removed and washed. To prevent direct sunlight from leading to algae growth, the lid covers the water tank, and the foil covers the tubes.

DIY drip irrigation system

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation system is represented by two main varieties. The most popular do-it-yourself drip irrigation system, the basis for which are drip tubes, or drip tapes. The drip tube is made of polyethylene, its diameter can reach 20 millimeters, and the wall can be two millimeters thick. The droppers are connected to the tubes externally or internally.

The material for the manufacture of drip tapes is also polyethylene. They are folded into a tube and connected under the influence of temperature. The role of droppers is played by miniature holes that remain after connection, or make their way on the outside. These tapes are up to 300 microns thick. A suitable do-it-yourself drip irrigation system is selected based on individual preferences, capabilities and requirements, the size of the irrigated area and types of crops.

The drip tube system is designed for high pressure and continuous use. Similar systems are used to irrigate orchards and vineyards, as well as in landscape design. They allow you to supply water over considerable distances, and are capable of supplying up to 2 liters of water within an hour. For the winter, such a structure can be disassembled and reassembled in the spring.

Drip tape systems are designed for use in low pressure conditions and are used to water vegetable crops in vegetable beds. Such a system consumes water according to certain standards. Some models have adjustable water flow rate.

Drip irrigation from a barrel

Drip irrigation from a barrel supplies water in a gravitational way - a water intake tank supplies it by gravity. Instead of a barrel, you can use any type of container filled with a mains water supply system, or a natural source of water. Drip irrigation from a barrel can also be provided by rainwater.

Drip irrigation from a barrel can clog algae, plankton or suspended particles, as well as the result of corrosive processes. Therefore, the barrel material must be a material that is not affected by corrosive or destructive processes. It can be a material of synthetic origin, plastic, galvanized iron. The barrel must be covered so that leaves, debris or dust do not get into it.

The volume of the barrel should be chosen based on individual requirements and the general need of the vegetation of the site for water. So that the system was able to irrigate the garden, and there was no need to constantly replenish moisture reserves. The flow of water must be continuous.

It is best to place the barrel 1 to 2 meters above the ground to ensure proper pressure. Water should be as clean as possible. The drain hole should be approximately 10 cm from the bottom to prevent accumulated sediment from entering the hose. For this design, any type of filter element is suitable. The filter must be washed regularly. Droppers designed for use in low pressure environments should be used. Drip irrigation for a greenhouse from a barrel is the best option.

When creating drip irrigation for a greenhouse from a barrel, you should start by installing a submersible pump, with a capacity that can provide water supply around the entire perimeter of the site. To remove the tube, you can drill a special hole in the lid or in the bottom of the barrel. This is where the gasket and sealant comes in. The main pipe along the perimeter of the greenhouse is bred with a fitting. Each pipe or hose is equipped with a plug. The design can be supplemented with various automatic, electronic or mechanical elements, such as a timer.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles is a solution that is very popular due to its many advantages. One of its main advantages is a simple device - a bottle made of plastic is dug around each plant. Small holes are made in it. The bottle is filled with water, it gradually seeps through the holes made. Thus, the root system of plants is evenly fed with moisture.

Creating drip irrigation from plastic bottles with your own hands requires minimal financial costs, since empty plastic bottles can be bought for a completely symbolic price, or found at home or in your neighbors. Also, its arrangement is simple. This does not require special knowledge or skills. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from bottles can be created by everyone. Its creation will greatly simplify the care of plants in the greenhouse. You can safely leave the site for quite a long time.

Another advantage of the decision to make drip irrigation from bottles with your own hands is the autonomous operation of the system. Unlike other systems, it does not require a water tank - just fill the bottles with water. Thus, the question of how to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse is solved very quickly and simply.

In addition, plants are irrigated with water corresponding to the temperature of the air in the greenhouse. This helps to improve the condition and increase the yield of various crops. If any element of the system fails, it is very easy to replace it with a new one - you just need to dig out the bottle and replace it with a new one.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from polypropylene pipes

Compared to using conventional metal pipes, do-it-yourself drip irrigation from polypropylene pipes has numerous advantages. They are light in weight. Such drip irrigation can be done with minimal financial costs.

On the inner walls of such pipes, various deposits are almost completely absent. Pipes made of polypropylene can last more than half a century. They are suitable for constant intensive use, and are resistant to condensation. The installation of such a system is simple.

Drip Irrigation Design Mistakes

When looking for an answer to the question of how to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse, people often make mistakes at the design stage, as well as during operation:

  • excessive water savings, and low moisture supply. Since the drip system leads to higher yields and growth, the root system requires more moisture. The drip system is able to rationalize the flow of water. However, water should be provided in the right amount for the plants to avoid the exact opposite of the desired result. Therefore, the container should be selected in accordance with the needs of the crops grown;
  • choosing the wrong drip irrigation system. The choice of system should be based on the conditions of a particular site. A pipeline with a too small diameter is not suitable for a large area. You should also pay attention to the pressure level of the system;
  • choosing a dripper with the wrong flow rate - it may not be suitable for the type of soil. A properly selected dropper turns the earth into an even, wet strip;
  • mistakes made during installation. When installing the irrigation system, you should strictly follow the instructions.

To understand how to make drip irrigation in a greenhouse as efficient as possible, the following tips will help you:

  • before installation, draw a detailed diagram of the room, indicating its size and location of plants;
  • choose the right type of hose;
  • consider how the water tanks will be located. What volume will be optimal for your site, how the container will be filled, how pipelines will be laid, and where the fittings will be located;
  • if possible, it is best to use rainwater for irrigation;
  • the water tank must have at least a hundred-liter volume, regardless of the size of the greenhouse;
  • calculate what spare parts and system elements you will need, and in what quantity.

How to make drip irrigation with your own hands. Video.

Tired of running around the yard with a watering can, dragging gallons of water every day? Organize drip irrigation in the greenhouse with your own hands. Such a system will not only help you save a lot of time and effort. A gradual drip of water will also be beneficial for plants.

System Benefits

The drip irrigation method was first used in Israel in the 1950s, in a similar way scientists tried to cope with water scarcity. Later it was found that when it is supplied in small portions, not only water and labor resources are saved. Drip irrigation allows you to get earlier harvests.

During normal irrigation, water passes into the ground to a depth of 10 cm. Gradual dripping of it allows the root system to be more saturated with moisture. Roots grow much faster, which means they extract more nutrients from the ground.

Scheme of installation of a drip irrigation system

Since the rest of the soil remains dry, the likelihood of waterlogging the soil is reduced. This has a positive effect on the health of plants - after all, most of such formidable diseases as powdery mildew, white, gray rot, black leg, bacterial spot develop precisely in waterlogged conditions.

Since water is supplied under the root, the likelihood of plant burns, which usually occur when moisture gets on the leaves, is significantly reduced. This is due to the effect of the lens, which serve as small drops.

Plus, since only the root zone is irrigated, weeds that don't get enough moisture spread at a slower rate. Prevents a similar system and soil erosion.

Drip irrigation system for greenhouseis simple, but with its help it is possible to achieve an increase in plant yield by 30-40%. This method of irrigation allows you to accurately calculate the time and intensity of watering for each type of plant.

Initially, it was used only in greenhouse conditions. In the future, this method began to be used when growing plants in open ground.

Disadvantages of drip irrigation

The main disadvantage of do-it-yourself drip irrigation systems for greenhouses is mandatory control. After all, with an incorrect calculation and an excess of moisture in the area, in addition to overspending water, you will simply destroy the plants. You will need to regularly check the filling of the barrel - it will need to be constantly topped up.

The disadvantages of drip irrigation include the need for periodic cleaning of holes - due to their small diameter, they often become clogged. However, this is not difficult to do - just flush or purge the system.

To protect the system from contamination, a filter is installed at the inlet (that is, at the beginning of the hose in the barrel). You can even use an ordinary piece of foam rubber as it.

It will become much easier to clean the system - it will be enough to pull out and rinse the foam rubber. It is also necessary to protect the barrel itself from the ingress of debris and insects, as well as the receiver-distributor - they will need to be covered with lids.

Operating principle

We will describe in detail the device for drip irrigation in a home greenhouse. Water supply with this method is carried out using dropper dispensers (nozzles). Its simplest version is a hose with 3-8 mm holes made in it and a main spout plugged with a cork.

To ensure pressure, a tank filled with water with a hose lowered into it is raised to a certain height. Depending on the required pressure, it can be from 1 to 10 m. More complex systems are automated, but we will talk about this below.

Drip irrigation should be done only under the roots of plants. When water is supplied to the aisle, moisture for the roots will not be enough, and crops will develop worse. At the same time, the earth around will be compacted, loosening will be needed. Plus, the damp earth under the rays of the sun will overheat, which will adversely affect growth.

The source of water does not have to be a tap or a barrel. They can serve as a well, a well or a reservoir. To do this, you will need to connect a pump to the system.

But in any of the cases, the mandatory installation of a filter is required - otherwise the pipeline will quickly become clogged. When taking water from an open source (reservoir), it is first necessary to install a coarse filter, and only then a fine one. In other cases, a single fine filter is sufficient.

But still, for watering a greenhouse or garden, it is better to heat the water in the sun before watering. For this, containers (barrels) of a suitable size are used. When it is raised to a certain height, water will flow into the system by gravity.

Water consumption during drip irrigation for such moisture-loving plants as cucumbers is 2 liters per bush, that is, several times less than the usual norm. Drip irrigation of tomatoes in a greenhouse with already formed fruits is carried out 1 time in 4 days.

Each plant will need 1.5 liters of water. Cabbage and potatoes will need 2.5 liters per day.
Thus, when water is supplied from a dropper of 3 l / h, it will take a little less than an hour to water cucumbers, about 30 minutes for tomatoes, about an hour for cabbage and early potatoes.

Required Materials

To equip a permanent irrigation system that will be operated from year to year, it is better to purchase not hoses, but more durable PVC pipes. Since moisture should enter the system slowly, the diameter of the tubes is selected to be minimal - up to 10-16 mm.

It is better not to use transparent pipes or tapes - algae will grow inside them. Metal pipes will not last long - rust will quickly clog the dropper nozzles.

Manufacturers also offer ready-made irrigation systems in the form of polyethylene drip tapes with built-in drippers. With the help of them it is easier to dose watering - micropores inside resemble a labyrinth in which the direction of water flow is controlled.

The wall thickness of the tapes can vary from 0.127 to 0.381 mm. However, such systems serve no more than one season. In the spring, you will need to purchase new tapes.

In addition to distribution and irrigation pipes, you will need:

  • a pump that comes with a filter (such systems are called masterblocks) for supplying water at a certain pressure (up to 1.5 bar)
  • droppers (we described their device and types above)
  • racks for strengthening droppers-dispensers at the roots of plants
  • cocks (switches) for adjusting the flow force and shutting off the system in separate modules
  • fum-tape or tow for sealing joints
  • plastic connectors
  • adapters
  • tees
  • plugs: they are located at the ends of pipelines

When taking water from a well, you will also need a filter. You can buy a regular mesh or disk. To install automated stations, you will also need a control unit (timer) and a battery.

As nozzles (droppers), you can use parts from medical droppers with a diameter of 1-2 mm.

System assembly. Main stages of work

Doing drip irrigation in a greenhouse with your own hands is not difficult:

1 To install the system, you will need a 100-200-liter barrel, which is raised to a height of about 1-2 meters. If there is a cover, holes are prepared in it for air to enter. If there is no lid, it is better to cover the container with gauze.

2 To insert the hose at the very bottom of the barrel, a hole is prepared with a tap-tip installed in it.

3 Each of the tubes or hoses is laid with a slight slope of 5 cm for each meter of length. They are fixed on small pegs stuck in the ground.

4 Too long pipelines should not be pulled - they will need very large containers. It is much more profitable and more convenient to use several independent systems.

5 PVC pipes are cut with a hacksaw, pipe cutter or miter saw. To obtain tight joints, the cut angle must be accurate and equal to 90 degrees. Therefore, it is better to clamp the pipes in a vise.

6 Small 2 mm holes must be made in hoses or plastic main pipes. In a simple do-it-yourself drip irrigation system in a greenhouse, droppers can be replaced with pieces of ordinary wire, along which drops of water will descend and be supplied to the plant.

7 You can make holes in the hose with an awl or a nail held by pliers. In PVC pipes, it is more convenient to make them with a small-diameter wood drill.

8 When using the pipeline in the form of finished tapes, they are carefully laid out over the site. Pulling and dragging them to avoid damage is strictly prohibited.

9 Pay attention to the markings on the tape in the form of colored lines. Sprinklers are located on this side. It is necessary to lay the system with colored lines up.

11 When connecting taps, fittings (tees and adapters), fum-tape or tow is required for perfect sealing of joints.

12 Before inserting the plug, the system must be flushed out of plastic chips that enter the pipes when drilling.

13 The last step is to check the system. After starting the water, it is necessary to ensure that water reaches each, including the last dropper in the garden. The soil near them should be evenly moistened.


1 As in the previous case, for the installation of the system you will need a storage tank (barrel) with a tap to shut off the water. To create pressure, it is installed at a height of 1-2 m.

2 You will also need 20-40 mm PVC pipes and fittings (tees and adapters).

3 In the pipeline, every 20-40 cm, round holes of 2-3 mm or slot-like holes of a slightly smaller width (1-2 mm) are made every 20-40 cm, 5-10 mm long.

4 Water consumption should be small - 0.1-0.3 liters per day. This requires minimal pressure.

5 To protect against small particles of debris that can clog the system, filters are installed at the beginning of the pipeline (inside the barrel). You can use both mesh, sand or gravel.

6 The depth of laying the pipeline into the ground is 20-30 cm. The minimum distance between them is 40-90 cm. It is not worth laying pipes higher, otherwise the water will seep out and the soil will quickly become crusted.

7 Since on heavy loamy soils water flows both in depth and on the sides, the distance between adjacent pipelines can be made a little larger. On loose sandy soils, when moisture passes mainly inland, the distance between adjacent pipelines should be minimal.

9 You can determine the distance for specific crops empirically. Bury one or two pipelines next to the garden bed and after a couple of days dig with a shovel in 2-3 places. The soil in this place should be slightly damp.

10 On dry sandy soils, so that precious moisture does not go to great depths, a film 10-20 cm wide is laid under the pipes.

11 It is necessary to supply water to the humidifier pipes under a small pressure at a water flow rate of 0.1-0.3 l / s.

12 To prevent the openings of humidifiers from becoming clogged with debris, soil particles or silt, water should be supplied to them through mesh, gravel or sand filters.

13 Just like in a conventional drip system, an underground (subsurface) irrigation system can be equipped with a pump and a timer to ensure automatic water supply at a given time.

When using underground irrigation systems, it is desirable to use special hoses impregnated with herbicides. It does not allow the roots of plants to break into the inlets.

Use of plastic bottles

For watering small areas, you can make a simple device consisting of a plastic bottle with a small piece of tube inserted into it, hanging upside down. As it is more convenient to use an empty rod from a ballpoint pen.

In addition to the main hole for the tube, you will need a second one through which air will escape. If the tube is too wide, another, thinner tube or piece of insulation from the wire, called a jet, is inserted into the main tube to reduce the rate of water supply.

You can do it even easier. In a plastic bottle, pierce 8-12 holes in the bottom. Their number depends on the type of soil. On light sandy holes, a minimum number is made.

Moisture seeps into the clay soil more slowly, so the number of holes is increased. However, their size must be minimal, otherwise the water will pour out of the bottles very quickly. It is better to do this with a regular needle.

The simplest bottle watering system

The bottle is filled with water, closed with a lid and buried in the ground, leaving the neck unfilled. As the container empties, you will add water through it. Since it can shrink as the water flows out of the bottle, it is better to make a small hole in the cap as well.

With a bottle buried in the ground, the plants will be supplied with water using underground irrigation. The top layer of soil will not be wetted, so the usual crust on it, which needs to be constantly loosened, will not form.

When dripping tomatoes in a greenhouse using this method, one liter bottle is enough for 5 days. A similar volume will be enough to water one bush. A 5 liter container will provide them with water for 10 days.

Clay soil can quickly clog small holes. To prevent this, use regular nylon stockings. They are pulled over corks or parts of bottles with holes made in them.

Another method of protection against clogging of holes is often used - drainage. Before burying the bottle in the ground, to do this, throw some hay or a piece of burlap on the bottom of the pit.

Of course, it will be difficult to use such systems for irrigating a large number of plants. But in some cases, for summer residents who rarely appear on the site, this can be a lifesaver.

It is better to bury the bottle in the ground at an angle of 30-45 degrees so that the water pressure is minimal. In this case, the flow rate of water will decrease.

Drip irrigation of indoor plants

Such a device will come in handy during your vacation. There are many ready-made drip irrigation systems on sale in the form of flasks that look like enemas, capillary trays, wicks, smart pots, etc.

Manufacturers also offer to use hydrogel for long trips from home - a polymer that can retain moisture, and then give it to plants for a certain time.

If you decide to make drip irrigation for indoor plants, before you go on vacation, be sure to check the performance of the system. If water is poured out of it too quickly, during the first couple of days, in the remaining time the plants will become without water and simply die.

To assemble a drip irrigation system, you will need a large plastic bottle and an old medical dropper or one or more thin food grade silicone tubes. They can be found in medical supply stores.

In hardware stores selling moonshine stills, you can buy tubes of a slightly larger diameter. The outlet end of such tubes can be closed with a plug, and several holes for irrigation can be made in the tube itself.

Assembling a wick irrigation system is even easier. To do this, a large container of water is placed next to the flower pot. One end of the wick is lowered into the container, the other is buried in the ground.

Drip irrigation of tomatoes

Despite the simplicity of design, the drip irrigation system requires constant maintenance.

To extend its life, observe the following rules:

1 Metal under the influence of water will quickly become covered with rust, the smallest particles of which will constantly clog the pipeline. Therefore, it is better to mount the system from plastic. It is undesirable to use a metal barrel and pipes.

3 Remember to protect the pipeline with filters. They can be purchased at any hardware store or you can make your own from a piece of foam rubber inserted into the supply pipe located at the entrance to the barrel.

4 Clean the filter more often, at least once a week.

5 Water in the barrel should only be filled with clean or settled water.

Simple watering in a greenhouse for 525 rubles with your own hands

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation device in a greenhouse: from a barrel, a plastic bottle, and even an automatic system. For tomatoes and other crops (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Since ancient times, man has tried to use water as carefully as possible for irrigating cultivated crops. Improving irrigation methods, people gradually moved from the use of pots with holes buried in the ground to a drainage irrigation system, from clay conduits to perforated metal pipes. A real breakthrough in the issue of economical use of water for irrigation was the invention of plastic. Thanks to plastic pipes, a drip irrigation system has become a reality, which today any adult can assemble.

What is drip irrigation

The method of irrigation with the supply of water in small portions to the root zone of cultivated plants is called drip irrigation. For the first time, this unique method was proposed by the Israeli Simcha Blass. Since 1960, the micro-irrigation method has been rapidly spreading around the world. In addition to minimizing water consumption, drip irrigation has a positive effect on the development of crops, which increases crop yields. This method has gained particular popularity in arid climates.

Advantages over manual watering

Sprinkling of water with the help of various devices is considered the usual way of irrigating the land in personal plots. The automatic drip irrigation system has clear advantages over traditional methods of soil moistening:

  • It can be used in open ground gardens, greenhouses, indoor plants, fully automating the process of watering.
  • Water enters the root zone of the plant, providing uniform moistening of the required soil area. At the same time, the top layer of the earth is not washed away.
  • The pressure of the jet and the time of water inflow are adjustable. The root system of a plant organism does not get wet from excess moisture.
  • Through the micro-irrigation design, mineral fertilizers can be applied directly to the roots, which contributes to the natural feeding of crops and increases the yield.
  • The probability of disease of grown plants associated with putrefactive infections that affect them in conditions of constant waterlogging of the soil is minimized.
  • There are fewer weeds, as water does not enter the aisle.
  • The soil does not require constant loosening for air to enter, because a dense crust does not form on the surface of the earth.
  • Water consumption is significantly reduced.
  • The yield is increasing.

The principle of operation and the device of drip irrigation

The system works on the basis of drip water supply to the root system of plants in two ways: on the soil surface (with a perforated hose) or with a recess in the soil (using special droppers). The water flow is supplied from a storage tank or plumbing system. The drip irrigation system is mounted from the following parts and assemblies:

  • A plastic or metal container to collect water. Plastic - more practical, because it does not rust. It is better to choose an opaque tank so that the liquid in it does not “bloom”.
  • Pump for pumping water from a well.
  • A water tap for regulating the water flow.
  • Mechanical or electronic controller (timer) to automate the irrigation process.
  • Ball valve for emergency shut-off of water movement.
  • Water pressure reducer.
  • Water filter to prevent clogging of pipes.
  • Adapter for fastening the water conduit system.
  • Main plastic pipes with a cross section of up to 40 mm.
  • Thinner conduits: drip tapes and tubes, droppers.
  • Fittings (tees, adapters, plugs, etc.) for mounting and distributing system parts.

Water from the tank moves through the main pipes. Their location depends on the area of ​​the irrigated area and branches with drip lines to each plant. If the system provides for deep irrigation, the conduits are equipped with outlets with droppers at the end, which are inserted into the ground to each root. The water filter protects the pipes from clogging, and the reducer regulates the pressure of the jet to the required level, which is safe for the operation of the irrigation system. The ends of the conduits are closed with plugs.


The drip irrigation system is based on gravity or forced water supply. The first type of irrigation is based on the gravity of the water flow. In order for the pressure to be sufficient, and the liquid to flow to the root system of the plants, the storage tank is raised above the ground to a height of at least two meters. The forced irrigation system is provided with water due to its movement from the central water supply system or is pumped from a well by a pump.

The optimal pressure for drip irrigation is no more than 2 atmospheres, so it is desirable to provide a forced mechanism with a gearbox to adjust the water pressure. In extreme cases, this function is performed by a faucet. With its help, manually adjust the water jet, approximately determining the desired pressure. The owner of the cultivated area independently chooses which of the irrigation systems to use. His choice depends on many factors. Material costs, as a rule, play a decisive role.

How to make drip irrigation of an open area or greenhouse

The distance between the droppers should be at least 30 cm so that the soil is evenly moistened. In this case, a maximum of 20 liters per plant. For small cultivation plots, a gravity drip irrigation system is more often used. In the case of equipping large areas with irrigation devices, the best option would be automated irrigation using an electronic controller. It will provide regular, high-quality watering.

Materials and equipment

A simple micro-irrigation system for beds in the garden can be built from improvised materials on your own. A plastic two-hundred-liter barrel raised to a height of 2 meters, a watering main hose and thinner conduits are the main details of a home-made irrigation structure. The most primitive method of drip irrigation is plastic bottles suspended on poles with medical droppers inserted into their lids. Their free ends with a needleless tip are inserted into the ground near each plant being grown.

Tubes of medical droppers are used as taps and in more complex home-made micro-irrigation designs. To do this, attach the rubber tips of the droppers to the holes made in the main hose. There should be as many holes as there are plants to be watered. Automation of drip irrigation is possible through the use of the following mechanisms in the design:

  • a float-type shut-off valve to control the filling of the tank with water;
  • reducer for regulating the water pressure in the system;
  • micro-irrigation controller to eliminate water waste and excess soil moisture.

Schema Design

In order to regularly provide cultivated plants with water, it is very important to correctly develop an irrigation scheme and calculate the parameters of the parts to be purchased. The size of the water intake capacity is calculated by multiplying the irrigated surface area by 30 liters required for deep soil moisture. If a storage tank with a capacity of 1 cubic meter is raised to a height of 2 m, it is possible to water a plot with seedlings of 50 square meters with high quality.

It is not advisable to make drip lines more than 100 m. Violation of this rule will lead to problems in the operation of the irrigation structure at any capacity of the main pipes. Modified types of conduits are more expensive, but are more resistant to changes in water and air temperature, and the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. The following parameters depend on the diameter of the pipes used:


If you correctly calculate the parameters and develop a drip irrigation scheme, you can significantly reduce the labor intensity of gardening and greenhouse work and almost double the yield of cultivated crops. When all the necessary parts are purchased, you should proceed with the installation of the irrigation structure:

  1. Make a support platform at a height of 2 meters and install a tank on it.
  2. If the container is filled with water from the water supply network, it is advisable to equip it with a float-type shut-off valve. This will prevent liquid from overflowing.
  3. Insert an adapter into the bottom of the water collection tank. Screw a water tap onto it using the FUM sealing tape for manual regulation of the water pressure.
  4. Next, according to the scheme, install the controller (timer). By programming it in a certain way, it is possible to achieve irrigation of the site without the presence of an observer. Irrigation of the land plot will begin at the specified time and end strictly at the appointed hour.
  5. Insert a ball valve to shut off the flow of water into the system as needed.
  6. To avoid water pressure surges, a reduction gear is installed. If the pressure in the water supply network is less than 2 atm, a pump is installed that increases the water pressure.
  7. The fine filter will prevent clogging of pipes. It is attached after the water pressure regulator.
  8. With the help of fittings, the developed design of main pipes and branches with drip lines is mounted. It is connected to the main conduit through an adapter.
  9. A thinner hose is connected to the main pipe through tees and adapters. The end of the bends is bent and special clamps are put on them, which play the role of plugs.
  10. Holes of 3 mm are made on top of a thin hose at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Splitters are inserted into them. To prevent water seepage, rubber seals are used.
  11. Splitters come in different designs, have 2-4 outlets, on which “antennae” (thin tubes) with droppers are attached.
  12. Test the operation of the installation by adjusting the water pressure.

Drip irrigation system operation

Proper operation of an automated system is the key to its smooth operation. To prevent failure of the micro-irrigation structure, it is necessary:

  1. Clean the filter weekly.
  2. In autumn, dismantle the drip irrigation system, drain all the water and store it until the next season.
  3. After feeding the plants with a solution of mineral fertilizers through the micro-irrigation system, fill the tank with clean water, rinse pipes and hoses with it for 10-15 minutes. This must be done to avoid the negative impact of chemicals on plastic conduits.
  4. To increase the life of the drip irrigation system, it is desirable to lay its elements underground. Subsoil irrigation requires a lot of effort during the installation of the structure, but has a number of advantages. First, water is saved, because it does not evaporate from the surface of the earth. Secondly, the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, weather conditions on pipes and hoses are reduced.

Drip irrigation system for indoor plants

If there is no one to entrust the watering of indoor plants during the holidays, you can build a gravity drip irrigation of green pets from improvised means. To do this, you will need a water tank, the volume of which depends on the number of flower pots, and medical droppers. This method of micro-irrigation is good because it can be used to adjust the rate of moisture supply to the plant root.

If we take, for example, a ten-liter plastic canister and several droppers as the basis for the design, then proceed as follows:

  1. 1 cm above the bottom of the container, drill as many holes as there are flower pots that require watering during the absence of the owners. Their diameter should be slightly less than the lumen of the dropper tube.
  2. Alternately heat the tubes in boiling water until they soften and insert into the holes of the canister. To avoid leaks, treat the joints with any sealant available in the house (silicone, waterproof glue).
  3. Fill the container with water, place it 1 m above the level of the flower pots. Adjust the flow of fluid using the clamp-regulator (wheel) of the dropper.
  4. Insert the injection knot without a needle into the soil of the flower pot close to the stem of the plant.

How to choose automatic drip irrigation

To buy a drip irrigation system, you need to know what is the fundamental difference between the models offered on the market. By comparing the capacity of the design, its price with its own goals and capabilities, you can make a purchase. Criterias of choice:

  • view:
    1. Tubular. They are based on rigid hoses with built-in nozzles for attaching bends.
    2. Tape. The ramifications of the system consist of elastic bands with capillary holes.
  • equipment:
  1. The larger the irrigation area, the more components of drip irrigation and the higher the cost of goods.
  2. The presence of a storage tank. Such models are more expensive.
  3. With automatic regulators of water pressure and watering time or providing manual adjustment.
  4. Existence of external nozzles-droppers. Their design can be monoblock or collapsible. Monoblock in case of breakage cannot be repaired. In collapsible models, you can adjust the rate of drops, regardless of the water pressure in the pipe.
  5. The price depends on the complexity of the design and the quality of the components.

The main advantage and purpose of such watering the soil is to give the plants exactly the amount of water they need at the right time. If you use this irrigation system correctly, as well as take care of it, any summer resident at the end of the season will be able to get an unprecedented harvest. The increase in yield is due to the fact that the root of the plant culture breathes and develops rapidly.

One such installation is capable of watering more than 40 m² of beds per day.

Moreover, if various organic fertilizers are added to the water during irrigation, they will dissolve well in it and go exactly to the roots of the plant. And as a consequence of this - top dressing is carried out with the maximum result. "Drop", as summer residents themselves call this type of irrigation, makes it possible to effectively irrigate and freely cultivate the soil and planted crops. It also helps to save the upper part of the plants from possible burns, which cannot be avoided with normal watering (water collecting on the leaves creates the effect of a magnifying lens).

How to install drip irrigation - the main nuances

Any summer resident can independently assemble a greenhouse irrigation system by drip irrigation of the soil. It should be noted that drip irrigation in a greenhouse can be arranged by tapes or separate droppers. First draw up a rough layout of the greenhouse and decide how the irrigation system will be placed.

It is best to plan and install the system before the plants are planted.- in this case, the installation process will be much faster, because you do not have to bypass the plants. Ideally, in fact, it is never too late to mount such irrigation, so if you have already planted plants, then you just need to consider how the crop is planted, how many rows, how much distance between the plant bushes.

Then you need to purchase the following components at the hardware store: start connectors (plastic adapters), a water filter, plugs, a plastic container for 250-300 liters, a drip tape or separate droppers, a water supply tap and a main pipeline pipe.

How to make drip irrigation yourself - installation without problems!

So, let's talk in detail about how to make drip irrigation yourself. In order to create a minimum pressure in the system, you need to take a container and set it to a height of 2-2.5 meters. Then, from this tank in the center of the greenhouse in a horizontal position, we begin to lay a metal-plastic pipe or a main hose. As for drip tapes or individual droppers, they are laid with a slight slope to improve water flow. drip tapeit is a hose or a plastic tube, with holes at a certain distance.

After that, a small hole is made in front of each row of plants in the main pipe. Insert the sealing gum into the hole made, and then attach the water supply tap and tape or dropper. A plug is installed at the end of this design. Next, the tape is laid out in such a way that the hole in it is located strictly near the root of the culture.

It is important that the taps are present on all links of the tape - this allows you to regulate the process of feeding and irrigation. We check the operation of drip irrigation. When the entire system is connected into a single structure, it is necessary to remove all plugs and make a test run of water. This is done in order to flush every pipe and belt, and to test irrigation in operation. With the use of drip irrigation, even an ordinary one for your own consumption can grow into a small business, because you can sell most of the crop.

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