Jogging in the morning: effective and free weight loss. Everything is on the shelves: is it really useful to run in the morning

Proper nutrition and sport is the most simple formula to maintain a slim figure. In a variety of diets, you can always find a menu that will not hit the budget. But going to the gym is more difficult: subscriptions to fitness clubs are not cheap. But there is a great alternative to exercise equipment and a personal weight loss trainer! It's running in the morning fresh air. Zero investment, and the result is simply priceless.

Health benefits of running in the morning

The main goal of morning running is to activate metabolic processes and launch all types of muscles into work. After all, after sleep, the body is in a relaxed state, and we need to set it up for a productive working day. In addition, the run:

  • oxygenates the blood vessels
  • strengthens the immune system
  • invigorates, energizes and good mood.

Efficiency in weight loss

Morning runs are extremely effective for weight loss. On average, you can lose 1-3 kg per week. You will see a noticeable result within a month after the start of running training. Naturally, it is recommended to completely abandon flour and fatty foods, alcohol and cigarettes.

Why is running slimming? An hour run burns approximately 360 kcal. For comparison: work at the computer - only 100 kcal, and a leisurely walk - 200 kcal. "Energy leaks" occur due to the acceleration of metabolic processes. When running, the body uses all muscle groups, the organs work more intensively, and, accordingly, calories are spent more efficiently. In addition, between 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning, the first peak of human biological activity occurs. According to physiologists, it is at this time that physical activity is easier to bear.

How to run in the morning

If you are determined to run, then keep in mind that the run should last at least an hour. Because the body begins to burn fat cells only after half an hour of such loads. Therefore, a novice runner needs to choose a special training regimen in order to cover the distance with honor.

  1. You will achieve the desired result faster if you choose an uneven surface for your runs. Great option- stadium steps or terrain with frequent descents and ascents. When running up, the heart “accelerates” metabolic processes, and fat deposits are slowly “discarded”. And when running down, the intensity of the load decreases, and the body rests a little.
  2. Experienced trainers recommend starting classes with the so-called interval running, when the intensity of the load alternates evenly. The first 10 minutes are brisk walking, the next 15 minutes are running at an average pace. After that, go to the maximum pace. When you start to get tired, and breathing becomes difficult, smoothly return to the average pace. For one approach (per hour), it is desirable to do 2-3 approaches with accelerations.
  3. Do not squeeze the last juice out of yourself. If you can't last an hour, shorten your run time. Listen to the general well-being of the body. Gradually, endurance will come. The adaptation period is purely individual. If you have never played sports actively, then be patient.
  4. The best places for a morning run are stadiums, fields, forests, parks, squares. In general, all paths away from noisy highways.
  5. Try not to eat anything in the morning. Have a glass of water or bio-yogurt and go for a run. And after it, refresh yourself with a hearty and healthy breakfast.
  6. The key to a successful run is proper breathing. Inhalations and exhalations should be rhythmic. Breathe through your nose. This will allow you to run more miles.
  7. Remember, you will load your heart. Therefore, before starting training, consult with your doctor, go through a cardiogram and pass the necessary tests.

Running program in the morning for weight loss

To make it easier for you to plan your run, we suggest “peeping” into the standard training plan for beginners. Distances are given in both meters and minutes. Choose the value from which you will start (but not both at once!). The table also shows the pulse, but if you do not have a smart watch or a fitness bracelet, use the tips. This running scheme is designed for 4 km.

Table: morning run plan for beginners

stage number Acceleration Rest Note
1. Warm-up - 800 m or 10 minutesRun barely, one leg at a time, shaking your arms, warming up your legs. Pulse - 100-110 beats per minute.
1.1 (optional) Light stretching, squats, swings.
2. 200 m or 1 minute
3. 400 m or 3 minutes
4. 200 m or 1 minute Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
5. 400 m or 3 minutesPulse - 100–120. Or count up to ten at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
6. 400 m or 2 minutes Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
7. 400 m or 3 minutesPulse - 100–120. Or count up to ten at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.
8. 200 m or 1 minute Pulse - 130–150. Or count at the beginning of the “and-one-and-two-and-three” stage.

Video: interval running rules for weight loss


There are many contraindications for running. After all, this is a serious burden on the body. You need to refuse morning jogging when:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart disease, stenocardia or tachycardia, chronic heart failure, previous heart attack or stroke);
  • diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, some forms of scoliosis);
  • acute chronic diseases;
  • problems with the pulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma);
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • flat feet;
  • glaucoma.

At first glance, it will seem to someone that running in the morning is an extremely useful procedure, since playing sports cannot be harmful at all, and running is generally a universal physical activity suitable for everyone. And someone will argue that running can only get worse health and a bunch of other problems. Which side is the truth, you can easily figure out.

Let's start with the fact that the opinion about the harm received from running in the morning did not spread at all from lazy people and violent opponents. healthy lifestyle life. It's just that they don't understand all the features physical activity. But real professionals know where, who and how to run, and in what cases it is better to find an alternative solution to jogging.

The ideal option would be a run in the fresh air. It is fresh, not polluted city air or smog that can strengthen the respiratory system and not provoke a lot of diseases. If you run around the city, in which large chemical enterprises or other industrial concerns are located nearby, producing in environment tons of harmful emissions, then all these substances easily enter the lungs. The benefits and harms of running in the morning will be in conflicting results achieved: perhaps the muscles will become toned and the legs stronger, but the development of asthma will be an inevitable consequence of such sports activities. Therefore, it is worth choosing the right places after jogging on which you will feel better and better. Do not neglect the possibility of jogging in the mornings on vacation, in ecologically clean resort areas, in forest areas, along the sea coast.

The exceptionally received benefit and harm, which will not have to be discussed later, will be obtained if you run correctly. There is a group of people for whom running is contraindicated for health reasons. Back pain, diseases associated with the spine, poor posture, lower back injuries - these are the reasons why you should stop running in the morning so as not to get more serious injuries. People who do not have such problems need to run so that the body is in a level position, does not turn around and does not swing from side to side. The press should be in a taut state, because when the abdominal muscles are tense, the lower back is also supported by them, thus, it is protected from damage.

Another reason that can become a limiting factor in the desire to run in the morning is a disease of the cardiovascular system. The fact is that during running, muscle mass does not increase, since there is no power load, as such, if you do not run with ankle weights. Like the rest of the muscles in our body, the heart muscle also decreases. As a result, its work is disrupted, the person's well-being worsens even more. However, in this case, it is not necessary to say that jogging is harmful to the heart. Running at a moderate pace, with careful control of the heart rate, will not harm or become dangerous. It is not worth conquering the marathon distance, preparing yourself for the Olympic race is also stupid. For ordinary person who devotes three to four days a week to sports loads, several kilometers at an average pace will be enough.

Experts believe that the benefits and harms can also be considered depending on the time when a person runs. After running in the morning, the condition may be disturbed nervous system, but only because your body's biological clock will fail. For example, you are used to sleeping until seven or eight in the morning. Getting up two or three hours before work in order to have time to run and get ready for work, have breakfast and prepare the children for school, you will break the usual pace of rest and wakefulness of your body. The statement that you need to run early in the morning after waking up immediately appeared on the basis that a person working and raising children simply does not have another time during the day and only early morning remains for himself. And if possible, go jogging on the weekends, twice a week will also be enough to maintain physical fitness. Running should begin no earlier than three hours after lifting. Then the heart system will also have time to wake up, and the load that has begun will not become a shock and stress for it.

By following all the recommendations and taking into account the state of your health, you can not remember the dangers of running, but only think about positive results. For example, running can extend a person's life by five or six years if you do it at least three times a week. A person has a reduced risk of colds and infections in the body, since strengthening the immune system is inextricably linked with jogging. With the help of running in the morning, the development of atherosclerosis can be minimized, diabetes and reduce cholesterol. People who constantly run do not have problems with metabolism. After three months of regular jogging, metabolism normalizes, chronic fatigue syndrome is removed. The feeling that your muscles are in good shape is an incentive for the next run for many. Getting rid of excess weight and getting a lean body is one of the main goals of most of those who decide to take up running. It is good for women to run to prevent the development of cellulite. Running is the most natural physical activity for each person, the benefits and harms of which are assessed individually for each of us. Therefore, when deciding whether to start jogging, study the characteristics of your body, and do not follow the example of a neighbor who is sure that he cannot run because his joints are weak or flat feet are developing. If you don’t have a jogging companion, which women often love, pick up good music and go ahead - towards a healthy beautiful body!

Running is probably the most popular sport in the world due to its many benefits. It is available to absolutely everyone, does not require financial investments, involves almost all the muscles of the body in work, and promotes effective fat burning. Morning jogs are considered especially useful, with which many adherents of a healthy lifestyle start the day. And if you also decide to do them, then you should first evaluate all the pros and cons of running in the morning.

Is it good to run in the morning? Definitely yes. Many experts consider optimum time for him, early morning, when the air is still clean, fresh, not polluted by the abundance of cars and industrial exhausts, urban dirt and dust. Thus, running in the morning, you can not only strengthen the body and muscles, but also get enough fresh, cool air moistened with morning dew. This will be beneficial, and after a few days of such runs, you will feel more cheerful and cheerful.

One of the important benefits of running is its accessibility. He does not require any financial investments at all: no need to buy a subscription, pay for a coach, acquire additional equipment. All you need is comfortable shoes and running clothes. It is recommended to run on a smooth and even surface - this will help alleviate the load on the feet. As for running shoes, it is recommended to purchase a special model for running, which will create a shock-absorbing effect with every step you take.

Speaking about what running gives in the morning, it should be noted that in the process of activity it engages almost every muscle. Beginning athletes often think that running only works out the legs, but in fact, the buttocks, arms, as well as the back and abs are also actively working during the run - this helps to achieve a harmonious result. The more muscles you use, the more energy you use, the more calories you burn, and the better your results. By running regularly, you can strengthen your muscles, as well as ligaments and joints, preventing the risk of various injuries. In the process of jogging, many of those muscles work that are not involved in any way in ordinary life - this allows you to improve the tone of the whole body.

What happens if you run in the morning? You you can strengthen your immune system because regular physical activity increases resistance against various viruses and infections. Outdoor running is a kind of hardening that improves the state of the immune system. This is especially true for those who run not only in the warm, but also in the cold season.

Run contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in organism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This helps to supply all internal organs and systems with a sufficient amount of oxygen, which is delivered to the cells along with the blood. When running, you must adhere to a certain respiratory rate, which perfectly trains the lungs and the respiratory system as a whole. But again, to get the maximum benefit, it is recommended to run in places with clean air.

Running in the morning, we actively start the processes of sweating, which helps to cleanse the body. It gets rid of toxins and toxins accumulated in pores and tissues.

After running, it is recommended to immediately take a shower and use a body scrub - this will help to eliminate all possible sources of pollution. Speaking about the benefits of running in the morning for women, it should be noted that accelerated blood circulation has a positive effect on the skin, moisturizing and smoothing it, giving it a healthy look. Regular jogging is an excellent prevention of cellulite.

Is running in the morning good for men? Yes, because it improves everyone's work internal organs and systems, helps to prevent problems with potency, and also contributes to the development of such important qualities for a representative of the stronger sex as determination and willpower.

Another plus running in the morning in its ability to influence our mood. Regular jogging contributes to the production of endorphins, respectively, to improve the emotional state and excellent mood. Running normalizes sleep, fights insomnia, and helps normalize mental activity.

Also, the benefit of morning jogging is that it helps the body finally wake up, recharge for the day ahead with energy, vivacity and good mood. It also launches metabolic processes, which will work more actively throughout the day, contributing to your weight loss.

Is it bad to run in the morning

Regarding whether jogging in the morning is useful, negative opinions can also be found. If we talk about his opponents, then as an argument against morning running, they cite the fact that the body is not yet prepared for active loads in the morning. Immediately after waking up, all processes have not yet started, and the body does not work at full strength. During this period, he needs to adapt to new conditions and begin to produce energy for running in increased volume. This can become a lot of stress and negatively affect the work of the heart. That's why running is recommended not immediately after you wake up, but after some time so that all internal processes return to normal and prepare. If you are basically a night owl, and getting up in the morning is incredibly difficult for you, you may be better off running in the evening.

In addition, the negative impact of running is possible if you choose the wrong place to run. Try not to run around chemical plants, industries, factories that emit toxic waste. Then running can not only not strengthen the body, but even provoke various diseases. But in ecologically clean areas you can and should run: parks, squares, forests, sea ​​coast- you will get both benefit and pleasure.

Considering the benefits and harms of morning jogging, keep in mind that there are those for whom running is, in principle, contraindicated. These are people with diseases of the joints, musculoskeletal system, lower back injuries, severe visual impairment, heart problems and respiratory system, high blood pressure. Some contraindications are absolute, some are relative, so if you have any doubts, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to get the most out of running in the morning

So what is more about jogging in the morning - good or bad? Definitely, the benefits are much greater if you are convinced that there are no contraindications and do everything wisely. Experts recommend following these recommendations:

  • You will need comfortable shoes. These should be sneakers or running shoes with a flat soft sole, comfortable inside, equipped with shock absorbers on the heels, springy and breathable.
  • Clothing should be comfortable made from natural fabrics that do not restrict movement. Girls will need a special sports bra. It is also important to dress appropriately for the weather to avoid overheating or hypothermia.
  • As for food, it all depends on when you wake up. You can't run on a full stomach. is a discomfort for the body. You can run on an empty stomach or have a light snack 30-60 minutes before your workout. Can be limited to a glass natural juice or a protein shake.
  • It is recommended to increase the load gradually. Always start with a brisk walk or easy run. Good for weight loss interval running.
  • For beginners you can start running from 15-20 minutes every 3-4 days, gradually increase the frequency and duration of training. For wellness and weight loss, it is recommended to run from 35 to 60 minutes. But as to whether it is useful to run in the morning every day, experts give a negative answer - the body needs time to recover, so you can make a couple of days a week a well-deserved day off or devote them to another type of activity.
  • running, try not to strain your hands- freely swing them running to the beat. Keep your body straight, do not bend your lower back and do not tilt forward, do not throw your head back. It is also important to look ahead and not at the floor.
  • Another important point- Proper breathing while running. Breathe deeply and slowly, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
  • When you finish your run, don't stop abruptly. The speed must be reduced gradually. First, walk at a fast pace, let your breath and pulse recover.

For weight loss, as already mentioned, interval running is useful. Alternate moderate exercise with intense: slow running with fast walking and sprinting for short distances. Do several accelerations for 1-2 minutes.

Do a little warm-up before your run.. do it simple exercises for stretching - tilts, turns, squats and so on. This will help prepare the body for further stress and prevent injury to muscles and joints. Also try not to overdo it so that your morning run does not tire you. Remember that you still have a whole day ahead of you, and you need to leave strength for its productive implementation.

Now you know what is useful and how running in the morning helps. It has a lot of advantages. It may be difficult at first to get up a little earlier and go for a run, but over time you get used to it and you can no longer imagine yourself without this part of your life. To make your workout more enjoyable and productive, run to your favorite music, rhythmic and dynamic. In the absence of contraindications and compliance with all the necessary rules, regular morning jogging will be extremely beneficial.

Useful video about running in the morning

Many people start running, but when is it most effective to do it - now let's try to figure it out?

Is it good to run in the morning?

Definitely yes! The main thing is that the mood is positive and running brings pleasure. Clean air is saturated with oxygen, the lungs open, it becomes easier to breathe, the lungs are actively cleansed, the immune system is strengthened, and endurance increases.
How much time should be devoted to this process?

Attention! It is not worth overloading the body, 30 minutes 3-4 times a week will be enough. Of course, if the body can withstand more, then why not. It all depends on your tone and general physical condition.

How to run correctly?

A lot and a lot is not always great. Jogging gives excellent results, such jogging is useful for people of all age categories. Such a sports activity has a positive effect on brain activity, improves mental capacity, strengthens the muscles of the legs, helps to overcome depression.

Basic rules for morning jogging:

  • Jogging is necessary on an empty stomach, starting with a duration of up to 20 minutes, and when the body is already used to such loads, gradually increase the time.
  • The optimal period for physical activity is from 6.30 to 7.30 in the morning.
  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to take, do a little warm-up, drink a glass of warm water.
  • You need to take a bottle of water with you.
  • Under extreme weather conditions, extreme heat or cold, you should refrain from jogging or reduce the time to a minimum period.

To speed up the process of losing weight, there are several "secrets". Running on uneven surfaces gives excellent results. To do this, you need to choose a terrain with easy ascents and descents. Rising up - the load on the heart is carried out, metabolic processes are launched, fat deposits are burned. And on the descent, the intensity decreases, the heart rests,.

You also need to alternate the intensity of the load, start, after switching to an average pace, keep accelerating for about 5 minutes, then lower the pace again and jog for 10 minutes.

Another tip is to break the distance into segments, alternate maximum efforts, breathe evenly and correctly, drink water to speed up. Change exercise cycles regularly.

It all depends on the desire and physical fitness of a person, it is important to properly prepare yourself psychologically, plan your time, and not then rush to work at a gallop or forget to have breakfast. No one needs such sacrifices.

Attention! But for patients with it is better to refrain from morning jogging, this is a certain stress after a state of calm.

In the warm season, you need to choose the most open things, shorts, T-shirts, and moccasins or sneakers as shoes. If it's cool in the morning, you can throw a windbreaker over your shoulders.
In cold weather, you should cover your head with a hat, put on gloves on your hands, do a jog in warm clothes, shoes.

Basic rules for a morning run

  1. A clear schedule, you need to run at the same time, so that the body begins to respond to changes in a timely manner, adjusting to the desired state.
  2. You can take a player with you and listen to your favorite music, which will help you relax, throw unpleasant thoughts out of your head, and find a state of peace and satisfaction.
  3. Shoes should be of high quality, made of natural materials with cushioned soles.
  4. Before a run, it would be wise to warm up the ligaments and joints.
  5. Running on toes is not recommended. The neck, shoulders and arms should be relaxed and the back straight.

Can you run in the morning? Contraindications

You can not engage in this type of physical activity if you have:

  • pulmonary insufficiency;
  • colds;
  • sharp jumps in arterial or intraocular pressure;
  • problems with the spine;
  • disorders of the endocrine and genitourinary system;
  • uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • heart disease;
  • glaucoma.

Training is prohibited in the postoperative period, at times of exacerbation of various chronic diseases. If you really want to run around, it is better to go outside and walk at a slow pace through familiar places, admire nature and listen to your favorite music.
Yes, and forcing yourself to run in the morning is also not recommended, because there will be very little sense from such activities. After all, the main thing is a positive attitude, the power of thought, and useful runs against your will.

Yes, do you need to run in the morning, it will benefit your body, but it must be done thoughtfully and systematically!

Have a good mood!

Video on how to run

Video about common running mistakes

Running is really good exercise, which, unfortunately, most people underestimate and do not fulfill. But this is the simplest and most natural type of load for the body. But despite all its simplicity, the efficiency of running is very high.

People jogging sooner or later begin to wonder why you need to run in the morning, what is the use of running in the morning? And in general, does it matter when you run, in the morning, in the evening or in the afternoon? This will be discussed in this article. You will learn about the general benefits of running and specifically about the benefits of running in the morning.

General Benefits of Running

Since running is an aerobic exercise, we can immediately say that it has a positive effect on the heart, respiratory organs and on cardiovascular system generally. The heart is also a muscle, and by loading it, we make the heart stronger and more resilient, which means we prolong and improve the quality of our life. Also, regular exercise is great for developing overall stamina.

Running helps to increase the speed of blood circulation and this, again, will affect the quality and duration of our life. Over the years, the rate of a person's blood circulation becomes less and less. And this entails aging of the body and various diseases. Regular jogging will help solve this problem and make it possible to look 40 at the age of 60.

Running helps you quickly burn calories and solve problems of excess weight. None other physical exercise cannot be compared to running in terms of the number of calories burned over a certain period of time. So if your goal is, then running will be the best assistant in this.

Jogging is an excellent way to maintain not only a vigorous physical condition, but also psychological. During running, the hormone endorphin, the so-called “hormone of happiness,” is produced. This will positively affect emotional state of a person and will be an excellent remedy for depression, which, unfortunately, more and more modern people are exposed to.

These are the most important effects that running has on our body and most importantly -for health. Running also has a positive effect on many individual organs, bones and joints. But compared to all of the above, these are just secondary influences that we will not touch on in this article.

Benefits of running in the morning

You can run, in principle, at any time convenient for you, in any case, jogging will benefit you. However, running in the morning has additional benefits over running at other times. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Regular morning jogging will solve the problem of a “heavy” morning rise. The body will get used to the fact that immediately after waking up, it will have physical activity. Thus, over time, you will wake up easily and quickly, being alert and ready for this load.
  • Jogging in the morning will solve the problem of lack of appetite. Many people do not feel like eating in the morning, and this is bad, because the body has been starving all night and in the morning it needs to replenish its energy supply. After a morning jog, the lack of appetite disappears and a feeling of hunger appears, which will help you easily eat a full breakfast.
  • Morning running enhances the fat burning process. Since the body consumes carbohydrates as energy, fat burning will not begin until the carbohydrate supply is depleted. At any other time, the body "keeps" on carbohydrates for about 20 minutes, and only then begins to use and burn its reserves - fats - as energy. In the morning, after sleep, the supply of carbohydrates is already depleted, and therefore the body literally immediately takes on fats.
  • Jogging in the morning promotes excellent sleep. After physical exertion, the body needs a lot of time to relax. Therefore, when running in the evenings, we significantly reduce this time, which for some may be the reason bad sleep and long sleep. But, again, everyone’s bodies are different, someone needs more time to relax, and someone less, so for some, running in the evenings will be quite normal, and for others it will cause poor sleep.
  • Running in the morning raises self-esteem. Getting up earlier than others, doing things that others can't, looking better than others, being healthier than others - all this will give you a sense of superiority over many people and will positively affect your self-esteem. And good self-esteem, as you know, is one of the key factors for success in life.


As you can see, the overall benefits of running are great, and the benefits of running in the morning are even more significant. Even if you are not an athlete at all, it is still the task of every self-respecting person to improve health and playing sports, and in particular running, will the best helpers in that.

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