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If you want to always stay healthy and slim, stop eating white loaves and rolls made from premium flour and switch to bread products richer in fiber, vitamins and trace elements: whole grain loaves, bran and crispbread. The latter cannot be consumed only by children under 2-3 years old (their young organisms are not yet adapted to such rough food), but adults can safely make sandwiches with low-fat cottage cheese, cheese and vegetables from them, put low-calorie pates on dry slices and create light ones from them. fruit desserts. Just do not think that all bread rolls are equally useful. There are wonderful crunchies made only from whole grains of wheat or corn, and there are specimens that do not differ in composition from white bread, and even equipped with a fair amount of artificial food additives.

Who blew up the wheat?

The most useful are whole-grain breads made in an apparatus under the complex name "extruder". They are easy to recognize by their appearance: they look like briquettes (usually round), consisting of swollen grains tightly stuck together. The manufacturing technology of such a product is such that the manufacturer simply cannot put anything harmful to your figure into it: neither fat, nor starch, nor yeast, nor sugar, nor preservatives with dyes. Extruded bread contains only grains and cereals: wheat, rice, buckwheat, corn, pearl barley (unfortunately, they cannot be made from rye). First, the grain mixture is prepared, then it is soaked from half an hour to 12 hours (corn swells for almost a day), so that the rough shells soften a little. Then the grains are poured into the extruder and kept there for 8 seconds at very high pressure and temperatures from + 260º C to + 300º C. Under such conditions, the water that has fallen under the shell instantly turns into steam, and it turns the grain out. In fact, we get the well-known popcorn, but since the grains are in a limited space and there is nowhere for them to grow, after the “explosion” they stick together and form a dense briquette. By the way, it is these breads that are more popular in Europe. Firstly, they have an ideal composition (only wheat, buckwheat, corn, etc.), and secondly, for an incredibly short baking period, the beneficial substances of grains and cereals are preserved to the maximum extent.

Bread but dry

If the loaves you have chosen do not consist of clearly visible whole grains, but are crispy thin crackers, then they belong to a baking product and are prepared in the same way as ordinary bread. First, the dough is kneaded from flour, water, yeast, milk powder and spices, then it is infused, then rolled out in layers and baked. The technology and composition of the ingredients of baked bread allow you to put anything in them, so the choice of this kind of product should be taken very carefully. For example, if the manufacturer used premium flour devoid of vitamins and fiber, did not spare yeast for splendor, fat, sugar, salt, antioxidants with the “E” coding and preservatives for greater safety, such crunchies cannot be called healthy, they will give you unnecessary fast carbohydrates and will differ from a white loaf only in a smaller amount of moisture.

So that instead of super-healthy baked breads you don’t accidentally get harmful ones, be sure to read their composition on the label. Ideal diet specimens should be made from whole grain or wholemeal flour, without yeast (only possible on baking soda), preferably with the addition of seeds (flax, sunflower, sesame) and, of course, without the presence of modified starch, preservatives, dyes, antioxidants and other additives. Proper bread can only be natural, otherwise they cannot be classified as healthy products.

GOST is outdated

Usually we choose products based on GOST. With bread, the situation is somewhat different. The fact is that the technical conditions for their preparation were adopted already in 1988, so the law is clearly outdated, and it is not worth focusing on it. The main thing is that the Rostest badge - “PCT” should be on the product label, indicating that it has been certified and is safe to use. This applies to both domestic and imported bread.

Brittle and crispy

Some people like Borodino bread with coriander, others prefer rye with dill, and others choose whole grain "exploded". Fortunately, the range of healthy snacks today is huge. But no matter what kind of crisps you choose, pay attention to their quality. According to technologists, ideal loaves cannot be soft, wet, or, conversely, too “wooden” (otherwise they will pose a threat to the integrity of the teeth). They should be dry, brittle, crispy, well-baked and easy to bite into. The edges of the correct specimens are even, not crumbling, the color is uniform: it is bad when it is light in one place and dark brown in another. The surface of the baked loaves may be rough, while the “exploded” ones may have small voids due to the proximity of grains of different diameters, but there should not be too many of them.

Packaging defects

When choosing bread rolls, pay attention to the integrity of the package in which they are located: the box should not be mint, the package should not be torn. If there is a defect, it means that the product could become damp and moldy or, conversely, dry out. Of course, it is not in vain that bread rolls got the nickname "canned bread" - they have a very long shelf life, but they can also go bad. The briquettes from the "exploded" grains are stored the longest. They have a minimum of moisture and fat (only natural, contained in seeds and cereals), they do not go rancid and "live" up to 18 months. Bakery has vegetable oil, flour and additives, so they have a shorter shelf life of 6-10 months.

Expert opinion

Alexandra Romanova, Leading Product Line Innovation Specialist " healthy eating» OJSC Khlebprom

The calorie content of bread is about 300 kcal. This is almost the same as bread, because these products are made from the same raw material - grain, which has a certain energy intensity. True, bread rolls are carriers of "long" carbohydrates - they are easily absorbed by the body and at the same time give a feeling of fullness. In addition, they are rich in fiber. And it interferes with the absorption of calories. That is, consuming 35 g of fiber per day, you burn 245 kcal. If you want to lose weight, eat no more than 3-5 loaves and combine them with low-fat cottage cheese, cheese, herbs, vegetables and berries.

Correct bread

  • Dry, crispy, well baked and even in color.
  • With smooth edges that do not crumble.
  • Made from whole "exploded" grains or whole grain wholemeal flour with the addition of seeds (flax, sunflower, sesame).
  • They do not contain yeast, modified starch, preservatives, dyes, antioxidants and other artificial additives.

Khlebtsy(see photo) are considered one of the most useful and dietary foods, as they are made only from whole grains (rice, buckwheat, corn, oats, wheat, flax, barley, rye) without the addition of yeast, sugar and flour. From here, there are several types of bread:

  • buckwheat;
  • combined (wheat-oat, wheat-rye, buckwheat-rye);
  • corn;
  • linen;
  • multigrain;
  • oat;
  • wheat;
  • rice;
  • malt (from germinated barley grains).

However, in addition to whole grain bread, baked bread is also distinguished, which resemble thin crackers and include flour, yeast and salt. Some chefs prepare this product on kefir or rye sourdough.

In addition, the bread is raw, which can be supplemented with a variety of fillings.. They are divided into:

  • meat (include minced meat, liver, chicken);
  • vegetable (carrot cake, beets, tomato, pumpkin, zucchini, onion, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, dill, garlic, ginger are added);
  • fish (with the addition of pollock fillet);
  • sweet (with the addition of coconut, caramel, chocolate);
  • cheese, cottage cheese;
  • fruit (banana, avocado, apple are used), they are also called vegan;
  • live bread with adjika, amaranth, peanut butter, mushrooms, buckwheat, herbs, raisins, coriander, sesame, kelp, honey, sea ​​salt, pumpkin seeds, cumin, bran, chickpeas, spelt, quinoa, brown rice;
  • bread with Provence herbs (rosemary);
  • berry (cranberries, blueberries are added).

Bread rolls can be made steamed or lean. Also, this product is a sacred product. Church bread is consumed during the celebration of Easter.

Production technology

The technology for the production of bread is presented in two ways:

  1. With the addition of yeast, salt and food additives. Such bread does not contain cereals, so they are not very useful for the body and are not suitable as a dietary product.
  2. extrusion. Cereals are soaked in water so that they increase in volume. Then the grains are placed in an extruder, where they are subjected to heat treatment at a temperature of two hundred and seventy degrees for eight seconds. Due to this, moisture evaporates from the grains, and they turn out like popcorn. Next, the grain mass is subjected to high pressure, and the grains simply stick together. This method of production of extruded bread is considered the highest quality, since it allows you to save all the useful substances in the product, because the finished product consists only of whole grain cereals.

The shelf life of whole grain breads in a package is one and a half years, and breads made from wholemeal flour can be stored for about one year.


The composition of the bread is quite simple. They include only cereals and water, so many experts consider them a useful product.

The calorie content of this product is high, so you should not abuse it so as not to harm your health. It is enough to eat one piece for breakfast - and the body will be full for the whole day.

According to GOST, bread rolls must comply with the following technical characteristics:

  • taste and smell - characteristic of this product, without additional flavors and aromas;
  • the product is fragile, slightly breaking;
  • well baked and dried, without signs of undermixing, the surface is embossed;
  • the color varies from light gray to dark brown.

Useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of whole grain breads have a beneficial effect on the body due to the content of vitamins (A, B, E), minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sodium), fiber, proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

For people who are allergic to gluten, gluten-free buckwheat bread is suitable. With hemorrhoids, you can also eat this product.

After removal of the gallbladder, doctors allow the use of bran bread, but in small quantities and only when the specialist prescribes a diet for the patient.

With gastritis, you can eat this product only no more than one hundred grams a day, and only if the stomach disease is on the decline. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the composition of the bread, so that they are made from whole grains.

With a stomach ulcer or if the patient has an intestinal disorder, then experts do not recommend eating bread, because they contain coarse fiber, and it can cause diarrhea. If everything is in order with the intestines, then the bread can be eaten, but in strictly limited quantities and if the doctor allows.

You can eat bread while losing weight, but only those made from whole grains without additional nutritional supplements, or you can make homemade bread according to Dukan's recipe. During the diet, the product can be eaten no more than three pieces per day.

Many mothers ask the question: “Is it possible to eat bread with breastfeeding? Experts recommend using the product no more than one hundred grams a day, and preferably at breakfast, in order to monitor the condition of the baby. If any reaction (bloating, gas formation, rash) occurs in the baby to a new product, then it should be discarded.

At diabetes the second type is recommended to use only rye, buckwheat cereal or combined bread, because they contain a low glycemic index, and no more than three pieces a day. With diarrhea, experts do not recommend eating bread, as they can aggravate intestinal upset. For constipation, only those breads that were made only from whole grains without yeast, salt and food additives can help. With colitis, as well as cholecystitis, you can eat whole grain bread, but not more than one hundred grams a day, so as not to harm the work of digestion. With mild poisoning, doctors allow the use this product but only after three days. People who have been diagnosed with pancreatitis can only eat bread made from rye bread that has been dried in the oven. The daily dose should not exceed one hundred grams.

People who are fond of fitness can eat a couple of pieces of wheat bread with one hundred grams of natural yogurt before training. Such a cereal cocktail will help suppress hunger during exercise.

How to choose?

To choose the right bread rolls, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Carefully read the composition of the product, which is indicated on the package (except for cereals, there should not be any additional flavors and flavors).
  2. If the packaging is wrinkled, torn, then it is better not to take it, since the bread may already be spoiled or very dry.
  3. It is necessary to pay attention to appearance products (cereals should be tightly pressed to each other without the presence of voids, uniform in color, crispy, do not crumble when used).

What can be cooked?

You can cook with a product such as bread, a lot of different delicious snacks. A whole grain product is used instead of ordinary bread for sandwiches with meat (sausage) and fish (sprats, red caviar, salmon) products, you can also eat bread with porridge, drink with hot tea, coffee, milk, put in broth.

For holiday table suitable loaves with canned olives, melted cheese and fresh cucumber, tomato and basil, eggs. They can be used in the preparation of cookies, rolls, biscuits, slices, croutons.

Bread rolls can be cooked in the oven, microwave, slow cooker, waffle iron and dehydrator (special electric dryer).

How to make bread rolls at home?

Any hostess can make bread at home, even one who has never cooked them. The main thing is to follow the cooking recipe step by step, and then everything will definitely work out.

For making bread in the oven it is necessary to mix in a deep container about three hundred and fifty grams of oatmeal flakes, the same amount of wholemeal rye flour, a glass of flaxseeds and one glass of sunflower seeds, one hundred grams of wheat bran and sesame seeds, two teaspoons of table salt and pour three and a half glasses warm water. Knead the dough well and roll out in the form of a baking sheet. Then put the baking sheet in the oven for ten minutes and bake at a temperature of one hundred and ninety degrees. After that, cut the dough into equal strips and put it back in the oven for thirty minutes. Set after time temperature regime one hundred and twenty degrees and bake for about forty-five minutes with the oven door slightly ajar. Ready bread home production ready.

To make bread in microwave, you need to mix in a container one tablespoon of whole grain flour with one tablespoon of wheat bran. Then add salt to your taste. Next, you need to pour in such a volume of water that the dough is not too dry, but remains slightly moist. Knead the dough well, divide it into two parts, form cakes out of them, put the tomato sliced ​​into rings on top and put in the appliance for six minutes, choosing high power.

There is also a way to make whole grain breads in electric waffle iron. To do this, you need to beat one egg with a blender, a little more than half a glass homemade milk and a little table salt (to your own taste). Then pour in about fifty grams of wheat, rice and rye flour, add one tablespoon of ground walnuts and the same amount of ground flaxseed. Beat the mass well and bake in small portions in an electrical appliance.

Homemade crispbread can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature.

Below is a video about diet bread.

The article is about useful and harmful properties loaves, their types and methods of production.

For those who are on a diet or just watching their weight, it is recommended to replace bread with special loaves. There are a variety of them in stores today. Is this product really helpful?

What are the benefits and harms of bread for the body?

As a rule, in diets there are warnings that you should not eat bread, especially baked from white flour of the highest grade. On the contrary, it is recommended to consume whole grain products or bread baked from whole grain flour with bran.

Such products contain fiber and retain all the vitamins and minerals that the grains themselves are rich in. It takes a person to digest fiber-rich whole grains a large number of calories, so such products are quite dietary and suitable for those who are on a diet for weight loss.

Bread is an alternative to bread

As an alternative to bran bread, you can choose bread rolls for this purpose. Trading networks represent a wide variety of these products - rye, wheat, corn, oatmeal, flax and other bread. However, you should carefully understand what are the specifics of such a product as bread, what are their benefits and whether this product has any contraindications.

Crispbread: cooking technology

There are several types of technology for making bread:

  • The first is that at first the dough is kneaded from flour, yeast, milk powder and various possible additives, then it is rolled out in thin layers and baked like cakes or ordinary bread. As a rule, such bread rolls look like flat thin crackers.
  • Another technology is the extrusion method. It consists in the fact that whole grains or cereals are first soaked for several hours in order to soften the hard shells of the grains.
  • Then the swollen grains are poured into an apparatus called an extruder, in which high pressure and temperature are created. Under such conditions, the water in the swollen grains evaporates sharply, and the grains turn inside out, as it were. The extrusion process lasts only 8 seconds, during which the grains, due to the impossibility of exploding in a limited space, stick together. You could see the extrusion process for yourself if you watched how the well-known popcorn is prepared.
  • This technological method requires only grains and no additives. Therefore, such breads are the most useful. Outwardly, they have the form of briquettes, consisting of sticky grains with burst shells.

Now let's figure out which types of bread are the most useful for the human body:

Those made by extrusion are useful because they are made exclusively from grains without any additives and completely retain the beneficial properties of the grains from which they are made.

For example, in extruded grains in bread rolls, as before (as in grains), there are starch, unsaturated fatty acid, monosaccharides and disaccharides, alimentary fiber and organic acids, vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, E, beta-carotene, minerals - iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus.

IMPORTANT: Bread made using baking technology, in addition to grain flour, may contain various other additives, including type E, yeast and preservatives. It cannot be said that such breads will harm the body, they will simply be less useful than whole grains.

The difference between baked and extruded grains in crispbread can be compared to white wheat bread and wholemeal bread.

VIDEO: Conveyor line for bread production

Rice cakes, benefits and harms

To be healthy, rice cakes must be made from brown rice. Rice cakes, as well as rice, contain whole grain fiber, vitamins, minerals, which in combination slow down the absorption of fats, cleanse the intestines, and remove toxins from the body.

Thanks to such bread, metabolism improves, the body is saturated, and immunity improves. The complex of vitamins in rice cakes has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

At the same time, nevertheless, before buying rice cakes, it is worth reading the information on the composition of the product on the label.

Rice, as well as other breads, are not recommended for young children, so as not to spoil the coarse fiber that has not fully formed the gastric mucosa.
Also, such bread should not be consumed by those who are losing weight, since carbohydrates in them make up 70 - 80% of the composition.

Rye bread with bran, benefits and harms

Most often, rye bread is made with wheat bran.
If such breads are made with the addition of margarine and yeast, then, despite the pleasant taste and good saturation for a person, there is not much benefit from them. Moreover, the calorie content of such a product is quite high - 360 calories per 100 g. This is similar to the calorie content of bread.

Cornbread, benefits and harms

Cornbread is useful for normalizing metabolism, for bowel function. Like other types of crispbread, cornbread is useful in the same composition of vitamins and minerals as cornmeal. Most cornbread is made with the addition of wheat flour.

Their energy value is quite high - 369 per 100 g of the product. Most of the product is carbohydrates - more than 70%.

Sprouted wheat bread: benefits and harms

  • Sprouted wheat is credited with numerous positive properties, since everything that the wheat grain itself is rich in is multiplied many times in its seedlings.
  • Small seedlings, which have already made a big push in life, contain huge energy opportunities. If you eat them, you can feel the filling of strength and cheerfulness.
  • At the chemical level, the composition of nutrients in sprouted wheat grains helps to strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, saturate the body with vitamins and cleanse it of harmful toxins and accumulations.

  • The B vitamins, which are most abundant in sprouted wheat grains, are involved in oxidation processes for good circulatory system. Vitamin E performs an immunostimulatory function. Fiber is good for the intestines, and iron, the composition of which is very significant in sprouts, increases blood hemoglobin
  • As contraindications to the use of bread from sprouted wheat grains, one should indicate childhood, postoperative period and some metabolic diseases
  • Well, if such bread, in addition to sprouted grains, additionally contain raisins or dried apricots (see label)
  • Also good are breads made on the basis of sprouted wheat grains in combination with buckwheat flour or oatmeal.

Flax bread: benefits and harms

  • Bread made from flaxseed has many useful properties. Main value flaxseed - fiber. Fiber cleanses the intestines, normalizes cholesterol levels, has biological value for weight loss
  • Flaxseed is rich in omega fatty acids. It contains polyphenols that act as antioxidants that improve the condition of the body.
  • Prostagladin improves fat metabolism, normalizes blood pressure. Flaxseed - the main ingredient of such breads - is shown with various diseases therefore has good dietary properties

Oatmeal crispbread: benefits and harms

Oatmeal can be made from oats, oatmeal, or as an ingredient in wheat and oatmeal. Such bread rolls will be of particular benefit to those who are prone to colds, who suffer from diseases of the nervous system, including neurodermatitis. The calorie content of wheat and oatmeal bread is approximately 302 cal.

Just like any other bread, oatmeal is good for their normal use and when they are made on the basis of pure grains without the addition of other ingredients.

Bread during pregnancy, benefits and harms

Of course, pregnant women need to be especially careful about their health, and, first of all, nutrition. Do not get hung up on any one product, even if it is super useful.

The diet of a pregnant woman should be healthy and varied. If a pregnant girl prefers bread instead of bread, let her eat for health. But, of course, you only need to buy healthy bread, those made from whole grains, and you should not completely switch to bread, excluding bread.

IMPORTANT: During pregnancy, bread based on green buckwheat would be suitable, which in itself is useful and well absorbed in the body. In green buckwheat, the amount of minerals is 5 times more than in other grains.

Is it possible to eat bread while losing weight?

If we compare the calorie content of bread and loaves, then it is almost equal. But, due to the high fiber content in bread, calories in the body are absorbed more slowly, so they help get rid of extra pounds. Having eaten 4 - 5 pieces of bread per day, a person receives a daily fiber intake equal to that if he ate 2 kg of cabbage or 1 kg of cereals.

Bread is a source of fiber.

IMPORTANT: Bread rolls give a greater feeling of satiety, and a person wants to eat less. Without eating extra food, he does not gain extra pounds

Amino acids contained, for example, in buckwheat bread, promote fat burning - the goal of losing weight.

VIDEO: Bread rolls: benefits and harms

Calories: the amount is the same, the effect is different

Calories in bread and bread rolls are approximately the same amount (often even more in bread rolls):

  • rye bread - 215 kcal per 100 grams;
  • Borodinsky - 200;
  • white - 265;
  • wheat - 240;
  • grain - 220-250;
  • bread rolls - 300 kcal per 100 g on average.

However, they are digested differently. "Bread" remains on our thighs and stomachs, but the calories contained in whole grain bread, thanks to fiber, are quickly excreted from the body.

Let's talk about utility

The bread does not contain yeast, sugar, baking powder, preservatives and other substances, which also makes them more useful than bread. However, to get the daily fiber requirement (25-35 g), it is enough to eat 50 grams of bread and it is advisable not to exceed this amount.

They are made from barley, oatmeal, corn, wheat and other types of flour, so you can choose a product to your taste and in accordance with the needs of the body. For example, wheat bread is one of the most useful, they contain vitamins PP, E, B and A, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, they have a good effect on bowel function. For feeding children, as well as for people with gluten intolerance, corn or rice cakes are perfect. By the way, the latter also help to cope with insomnia and have a positive effect on nervous system. The most non-caloric ones are rye bread (due to amino acids that help burn excess fat) and buckwheat (they are also good for diabetics). If you attend or attend fitness classes, the consumption of bread will not affect the effectiveness of your workouts. Oatmeal helps with kidney disease, and barley improves the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Of the most popular and useful supplements let's call germinated grains of cereals, lecithin, iodine.

We eat bread with soup, and bread with cheese

It will be a big mistake to eat bread with those products with which it does not go well: mushrooms, animal proteins, sugar, fruits. It is also undesirable to combine bread with pasta, rice, potatoes, butter, sour cream, buckwheat. But for vegetable soups, herbs, dairy products, it fits perfectly.

As for the bread, they are perfectly combined with vegetables, berries, low-fat cheeses, butter, sour cream, legumes. But with sugar, meat, fish and milk, it is better not to eat them. But in general, bread rolls are a great product for a snack. You can eat them without anything, or you can take a lettuce leaf or, for example, cheese and make a delicious sandwich that will be no less satisfying than the usual sausage sandwiches, but at the same time more healthy.

Don't give up, replace

With a diet, you can eat bread (if you can’t do without it at all), but with significant reservations. Limit yourself to 50 grams or two pieces a day, and it is better if it is grain or rye. In addition, bread should not be eaten 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you follow these tips, and additionally find it, the figure will soon take on the desired look.

If, on the contrary, you want to completely abandon bread, then simply replace it with bread: this way you will not be limited in the vitamins and minerals contained in such products. Bread is not inferior to bread in palatability and utility (and even surpass), and when right combinations become an excellent alternative to a high-calorie and harmful sandwich. In addition, if you follow the measure, they will be useful for restoring metabolism and in the fight against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They are also recommended for allergy sufferers and children.

Quite a lot has been said about the dangers of eating white bread (see article: ""). These are refined flour, refined from wheat bran and germ, used for baking bread, and those involved in the dough preparation process, causing heartburn and fermentation in the intestines, as well as additives in the form of fat, flavor enhancers and preservatives used in some types of bread ( see article). At the same time, hardly anyone can refuse and not taste the crispy crust of fresh bread. However, there is a way out of the situation - it's bread.

The industry produces a large number of products under this name. Bread rolls are used both in dietary and in clinical nutrition . Buckwheat products are recommended for diabetics and those who wish to lose weight. People with problem skin, neurodermatitis or kidney disease are advised to use oatmeal. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) will help relieve wheat or barley bread. Healthy deep sleep provide rice cakes that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. have universal properties multi-cereal loaves, combining the properties of the grain included in their composition.

How to choose healthy bread

Bread should be crispy, dry, the same color, not crumble when broken. Pay attention to the presence of a quality certificate on the product label (Rostest icon - "PCT").

The composition of the bread may include grains of sesame, sunflower, flax. Medicinal breads contain nuts and seaweed, iodine, carrots, carotene, garlic, raisins, dill, etc. Such products are not for everyday use. Their use requires the consultation of a nutritionist.

All bread is a rather hard product, rich in fiber, so they should not be given to children under the age of 2-3 years and to patients with acute gastrointestinal diseases.

Usually calorie bread is 300 kcal per 100 g of product, as well as baked bread, however, bread contains a lot of carbohydrates that contribute to an increase excess weight. At the same time, bread, having a large amount of fiber, helps to cleanse the body, it takes longer to digest, thereby causing a long-lasting feeling of fullness. You no longer feel like eating between lunch and dinner. In addition, it takes 245 kcal to burn 35 g of fiber, so just 3 to 5 loaves eaten daily will allow you to quickly acquire.

Healthy crispbread

Healthy diet breads are made by extrusion. The technology consists in the fact that whole grains of cereals are first soaked for up to 12 hours so that they are saturated with water in sufficient quantities, then they are placed in an extruder, where they are quickly heated to 260 - 300º C for 8 - 10 seconds, at high pressure . As a result, superheated steam explodes the grains from the inside, as happens with popcorn, then the raw material is pressed into briquettes, dried and packaged. Such breads do not require preservatives; fat, salt, sugar, etc. cannot be added to them. extrusion loaves are compressed puffed grains. Such products have all useful properties cereals included in their composition, preserving vitamins and trace elements.

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