E 316 food additive effect on the body. Sodium isoascorbate (E316). What does the numeric code next to the "E" mean?

The sodium salt of erythorbic acid is the food antioxidant E316 Sodium erythorbate, which is also known as sodium isoascorbate, Sodium isoascorbate and Sodium erythorbate. Externally, this food supplement is a white granulate or crystalline powder, which is completely odorless, but has a slightly salty taste.

Food antioxidant E316 Sodium erythorbate is highly soluble in aqueous and alcoholic solutions. This property of the food antioxidant E316 Sodium erythorbate is moderately manifested in glycols, while in the presence of fats and oils, these processes are completely absent.

In addition, the antioxidant properties of the food antioxidant E316 Sodium erythorbate are characteristic of ascorbic acid salts - it easily interacts with atmospheric oxygen and water, therefore it is recommended to store this substance in a light and moisture-proof container.

Get E316 synthetically by reacting sodium hydroxide with. In addition, it is often produced from sugar-containing plants, in particular sugar beet and cane, as well as corn.

Food additive E316 is widely used in the food industry, where it plays the role of an antioxidant, that is, a substance that can slow down the oxidation process in food products. Also in this industry, food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate can be used as an acidulant, acidity regulator and color stabilizer.

As a rule, E316 is added in the production of semi-finished meat products, sausages and canned fish. This additive is able to extend the shelf life of vegetables and fruits, while preventing the darkening of fruits, which occurs under the influence of atmospheric oxygen.

By the way, the use of all food additives-antioxidants, erythorbic acid and its salts in particular, causes a reduction in nitrites used by a third. This is the unconditional benefit of the food antioxidant E316 sodium erythorbate.

In addition to the above food products, sodium erythorbate can be part of confectionery and bread, fats of various origins, as well as non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks. The chemical industry uses this additive to stabilize and prevent oxidation in galvanic and enzymatic processes.

The benefits of food antioxidant E316 Sodium erythorbate

The established allowable daily intake of food antioxidant E316 Erythorbate sodium is not more than five mg/kg of human weight. It is approved for use in the countries of the European Union and on the territory of our state, as it belongs to the group of safe food additives when eaten.

The benefits of food antioxidant E316 Sodium erythorbate are obvious even though this substance has a low vitamin activity (approximately 5 percent) compared to sodium ascorbate. In addition, such properties of E316 as easy oxidation in the human body and subsequent rapid excretion are noted.

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Technological functions- acidity regulator, stabilizer, emulsifier, emulsifying salt, antioxidant synergist, color fixative.
Synonyms- trisodium citrate, three-substituted sodium citrate; English trisodium citrate; German Trinatriumcitrat, tertiares Natriumcitrat; fr. citrate de trisodium. CAS No. 68-04-2 (trisodium citrate anhydrous); 6132-04-3 (trisodium citrate dihydrate); 36833-40-6 (trisodium citrate 5.5-aqueous).
chemical name e - trisodium salt of 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propane tricarboxylic acid.
Empirical Formula- SbH507N3 (anhydrous trisodium citrate); C6H507N3 2H20 (trisodium citrate dihydrate); C6H507Na3 5.5H20 (trisodium citrate 5.5-aqueous).
Mol. m - 258.14 (anhydrous trisodium citrate); 294.16 (trisodium citrate dihydrate); 357.22 (trisodium citrate 5.5-aqueous).
Structural formula
Orgaioleptic properties - white, odorless crystals with a slightly salty-bitter taste.
Physical and chemical properties - pH 1% solution 7.0-9.0. Chorus. sol. in water; cf. sol. in alcohols; insoluble in other organic solvents.
Receipt- from citric acid by interaction with an equivalent amount of caustic soda. Impurities: other citrates.
Hygienic standards - Chipboard is not limited. Hazards according to GN-98: MPC in the air of the working area 5 mg/m3, hazard class 3.
Codex: permitted in 22 food standards as a GMP antioxidant synergist; in 14 food standards as a stabilizer from 2 to 40 g/kg or GMP; for canned green peas up to 150 mg/kg.

Allowed in Russia in jams, jellies, marmalades and other similar products, including low-calorie, powdered milk, fruit compotes, raw fish, crustaceans and mollusks, including frozen ones, in non-emulsified vegetable and animal oils and fats (except for oils obtained by pressing and olive oil), including those specially intended for culinary purposes,
in canned fruits and vegetables, in meat semi-finished products and minced meat, natural packaged in the amount according to TI (clauses 3.1.6, 3.1.7, 3.1.10, 3.1.11, 3.1.13, 3.1.14, 3.1.18 ,3.1.19 SanPiN; as a salt, consistency stabilizer, emulsifier, texturizer, filler carrier in food products according to TI in an amount according to TI individually or in combination with other citrates (clauses 3.2.11. 3.6.59, 3.16.55 SanPiN -03).
Application- as a salt melter in the amount of up to 30 g/kg of processed cheese. Citrates give processed cheese a pleasant, slightly sour taste and moderately dense, fairly elastic texture.
Lowering the pH value creates unfavorable conditions for the life of gas-forming microorganisms, as a result of which processed cheese with the use of citrates is more stable during storage. As a stabilizer: minced meat products up to 3 g/kg of meat or fat; blood of slaughtered animals up to 16 g/l.
To restore the salt (ionic) balance necessary for the thermal stability of milk subjected to heating, stabilizer salts are added to it, which can be all citrates. They bind calcium ions. Salts are used in the form of 10-25% aqueous solutions.
Sodium citrate 3-substituted most effectively restores salt balance. The dose of salt-stabilizer depends on the heat resistance of a particular batch of milk, therefore, it ranges from 0.05-0.4% of the mass of the mixture to be normalized.
Sodium citrate is also used as an acidity regulator and retarder in marmalade, jams, pectin-based jellies, desserts, bakery products, confectionery products, etc. up to 10 g/kg; synergist of antioxidants in juices, margarines, vegetable oils, lard, lard up to 100 mg/kg.

Acceleration of the dissolution of dry mixtures (for example, for ice cream) is achieved by adding phosphates or sodium citrates. Sodium citrate trisubstituted according to GOST 22280-76 “Sodium citrate 5.5-aqueous. Specifications” is included in the list of raw materials in GOST 240 “Margarine. General specifications”, GOST 718 “Canned milk. Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar. Specifications”, GOST 1923 “Canned milk. Sterilized condensed milk in jars. Specifications”, GOST 2903 “Whole condensed milk with sugar. Specifications".

Trisubstituted sodium citrate is included in the list of raw materials in GOST 718-84 “Canned milk. Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar. Specifications”, GOST 1923-78 “Canned milk. Sterilized condensed milk in jars. Specifications”, GOST 2903-78 “Whole condensed milk with sugar. Specifications”, GOST 240-85 “Margarine. General technical conditions".
Other applications: pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.
Commodity forms A pure substance or mixture that stabilizes certain pH values.

Since 2010, the E 317 additive has been banned for use in the food industry of the Russian Federation.. And earlier it was used for processing meat products and canned food from them, fish products and canned food, as well as for inclusion in the composition of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic).

In the human body, potassium isoascorbate is easily oxidized and relatively quickly excreted, therefore, it practically does not participate in redox processes. Potassium isoascorbate is currently being studied for its mutagenic and teratogenic properties, so the effect of this supplement on the human body has not been fully studied.

Technological functions
Synonyms Potassium erythorbate;
English potassium isoascorbate, potassium erythor-bate; German Kaliumisoascorbat, Kaliumerythorbat; fr. erythorbate de potassium, isoascorbate de potassium.
Empirical Formula C 6 H 7 0 6 K
Molecular mass 214,21
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties
Physicochemical characteristics
Hygiene standards Chipboard not installed.
In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as an antioxidant and color fixer in meat products from minced meat, minced meat, ham products, preserves, canned food in an amount of up to 500 mg / kg, in fish preserves, canned food, frozen red-skinned fish in an amount of up to 1.5 g /kg individually or in combination with other isoascorbates in terms of isoascorbic acid (clause 3.4.8 SanPiN; as a color fixative in non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks in the amount according to TI (clause 3.12.2 SanPiN
Commodity forms


    Calcium isoascorbate exhibits antioxidant properties, stabilizes color and regulates acidity. Previously, it was used to improve the safety of meat and fish products, canned food, various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

    But since 2010 the additive E-318 banned for use in the Russian food industry. However, the additive is listed in Section 8, which is called "Alphabetical Index of 'Food' 2 Additives for Food Production". Those. additive is not allowed.

    The possible consequences of the harm of the food antioxidant E318 Calcium erythrobate for the human body are still being studied by physicians and scientists. Recent research results suggest that harm food antioxidant E318 can be expressed in the mutagenic and teratogenic effects of the additive on the human body.
Technological functions Antioxidant, color stabilizer
Synonyms calcium erythorbate;
English calcium isoascorbate, calcium erythorbate; German Calciumisoascorbat, Calciumerythorbat; fr. erythorbate de calcium, isoascorbate de calcium.
Empirical Formula (C 6 H 7 0 6) 2 Ca
Molecular mass 390.31
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties White crystals, almost odorless.
Physicochemical characteristics Chorus. sol. in water, alcohol; cf. sol. in glycols; insoluble in fats, oils, fatty solvents.
Receipt From acid and caustic potash. Impurities: racemates, degradation products.
Metabolism and toxicity Vitamin activity is not more than 5%.
Hygiene standards Chipboard is not limited.
There are no hazards according to GN-98. Protect isoascorbates from light and moisture.
In the Russian Federation it is allowed as antioxidant and color fixer in minced meat products, minced meat, ham products, preserves, canned food in an amount up to 500 mg/kg, in fish preserves, canned food, frozen red-skinned fish in an amount up to 1.5 g/kg individually or in combinations with other isoascorbates in terms of isoascorbic acid (clause 3.4.8 SanPiN; as a color fixative in non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks in the amount according to TI (clause 3.12.2 SanPiN
Commodity forms Individual in-va purity 99%; mixtures with other antioxidants and synergists.


    In the food industry of the Russian Federation, this additive is allowed for processing meat and fish products and canned food from them. Moreover, it stabilizes their color and allows you to reduce the amount of nitrates or nitrites used. It is also included in alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Often E-316 is used in a mixture with Ascorbic Acid (E-300) and other ascorbates. The maximum allowable daily amount for ingestion is 5 mg/kg body weight. Any No side effects have been observed from its use..

    Food additive E316 is allowed in the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms and TI(See Hygiene Standards below).

    Effect on the human body: Permissible daily intake of supplement E316 is 5 mg/kg of body weight per day. It is approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation and in the EU countries and is considered safe when eaten. Sodium erythorbate has a low vitamin activity - about 5%, compared to sodium ascorbate, therefore it is not used as a vitamin. In the human body, it is easily oxidized and quickly excreted, so its participation in redox processes is negligible. Currently, studies are underway in the field of mutagenic and teratogenic effects on the body.
Technological functions Antioxidant, color stabilizer.
Synonyms Sodium erythorbate;
English sodium isoascorbate, sodium erythorbate; German Natriumisoascorbat, Natriumerythorbat; fr. erythorbate de sodium, isoascorbate de sodium.
CAS# 6381-77-7
Empirical Formula C 6 H 7 0 6 Na H 2 0
Molecular mass 216.13 (b/w)
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties White crystals, almost odorless.
Physicochemical characteristics T pl 200°C with decomposition. Chorus. sol. in water, alcohol; cf. sol. in glycols; insoluble in fats, oils, fatty solvents.
Receipt From acid and caustic soda. Impurities: racemates, degradation products.
Metabolism and toxicity Vitamin activity is not more than 5%.
Hygiene standards ADI 5 mg/kg body weight per day. There are no hazards according to GN-98. Protect isoascorbates from light and moisture.
Codex: E316 (e316) is allowed in 4 standards for meat products as an antioxidant in amounts up to 500 mg/kg alone or mixed with other ascorbates, isoascorbic or ascorbic acids.
Sodium erythorbate E316 (e316) (sodium isoascorbate) in the Russian Federation is allowed as antioxidant and color fixer in minced meat products, minced meat, ham products, preserves, canned food in an amount up to 500 mg/kg, in fish preserves, canned food, frozen red-skinned fish in an amount up to 1.5 g/kg individually or in combinations with other isoascorbates in terms of isoascorbic acid (clause 3.4.8 SanPiN; as a color fixative in non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks in the amount according to TI (clause 3.12.2 SanPiN

Isoascorbic acid and its salts exhibit the same antioxidant effect as ascorbic acid and ascorbates.
Vitamin activity is absent, according to other sources, it is 5% of the activity of ascorbic acid. Of interest is the use of isoascorbic acid and its sodium salt to stabilize the color of meat products and sausages, to prevent the oxidation of fats in fish products, as well as the darkening of fruits, vegetables and their processed products.
The addition of isoascorbate (erythorbate) sodium E316 (e316) to meat products can reduce the required amount of nitrite by a third. In mixtures, it can increase the stability and effectiveness of other antioxidants, such as L-ascorbic acid.
Other applications of sodium erythorbate E316 (e316): isoascorbic acid and its salts are used as antioxidants and stabilizers in various chemical, enzymatic and galvanic processes. Commodity forms sodium erythorbate E316 (e316) - individual in-va purity 99%; mixtures with other antioxidants and synergists.

Purpose of sodium erythorbate E316 (e316):

Sodium erythorbate E316 (e316) has an effect on raw materials similar to that of ascorbate or ascorbic acid. Sodium erythorbate is used for:

  • Improving the color formation of meat products in the process of technological processing
  • Stabilization and improvement of color stability during storage of finished meat products
  • Acceleration of the salting of meat raw materials
  • Improving the taste and aroma properties of finished meat products

Assortment of meat products:

  • Boiled sausages, sausages and sausages
  • meat loaves
  • Semi-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages
  • restructured meat products
  • Whole muscle delicacies
Commodity forms Individual in-va purity 99%; mixtures with other antioxidants and synergists.


    Effect on the human body:
    Permissible Daily Intake of a Dietary Supplement E315 not limited. Isoascorbic acid also acts on the human body, like ascorbic acid. It is possible to single out such positive properties as increased immunity, participation in redox processes, a decrease in vascular permeability, etc. But erythorbic or isoascorbic acid is less absorbed and retained in tissues than ascorbic acid. It is also inactively reabsorbed in the kidneys and rapidly excreted. Therefore, the effect of this substance is noticeably weaker than that of ascorbic acid. In some cases, erythorbic acid can cause irritation of the skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.

Technological functions Antioxidant, color stabilizer.
Synonyms Erythorbic acid;
English isoascorbic acid, erythorbic acid, D-ar-boascorbic acid; German Isoascorbinsaure, Erythorbinsaure; fr. acide isoascorbique, acide erythorbique. . .
CAS# 89-65-9
chemical name D-erythrohex-2-enoic acid-γ-lactone
Empirical Formula C 6 H 8 0 6
Molecular mass 176,12
Structural formula
Appearance Crystals from white to yellowish-white.
Physicochemical characteristics T pl 164-172°C (with decomposition). Chorus. sol. in water, alcohols; cf. sol. in glycols; insoluble in fats, oils, fatty solvents. Protect isoascorbic acid from light and moisture.
Receipt microbiological synthesis. Impurities: racemates, degradation products.
Metabolism and toxicity Vitamin activity is not more than 5%.
Hygiene standards

Chipboard is not limited. There are no hazards according to GN-98.
Codex: allowed as a color stabilizer in applesauce (up to 150 mg/kg); in 4 standards for meat products as an antioxidant in an amount up to 500 mg/kg.

In the Russian Federation it is allowed as antioxidant and color fixer in minced meat products, minced meat, ham products, preserves, canned food in an amount up to 500 mg/kg, in fish preserves, canned food, frozen red-skinned fish in an amount up to 1.5 g/kg individually or in combinations with isoascorbates in terms of isoascorbic acid (clause 3.4.8 SanPiN; as a color fixative in non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks in the amount according to TI individually or in combination with isoascorbates (clause 3.12.2 SanPiN


Isoascorbic acid and its salts exhibit the same antioxidant effect as ascorbic acid and ascorbates. Vitamin activity is absent, according to other sources, it is 5% of the activity of ascorbic acid. Of interest is the use of isoascorbic acid and its sodium salt to stabilize the color of meat products and sausages, to prevent the oxidation of fats in fish products, as well as the darkening of fruits, vegetables and their processed products. The addition of isoascorbic acid to meat products, like ascorbic acid, can reduce the required amount of nitrite by a third.
In mixtures, isoascorbic acid can enhance the stability and effectiveness of other antioxidants, such as L-ac-corbic acid.

Other applications: isoascorbic acid and its salts are used as antioxidants and stabilizers in various chemical, enzymatic and galvanic processes.

Commodity forms Individual in-va 99% purity; mixtures with other antioxidants and synergists.


    Additive code E943b is approved for use as a propellant in the food industry of such countries as the Russian Federation, the EU and others. At the same time, in Russia it is permissible to use it for the manufacture of water-based spray emulsions and industrial vegetable oil sprays in an amount corresponding to their manufacturing technology. And the total amount of residual hydrocarbons in food should not exceed 0.1 mg/kg of finished products.

    Regarding Isobutane, it is considered that it is of low toxicity (hazard class 4). But sometimes it can cause an allergic effect, irritation upon contact with the area around the eyes, as well as has a mild narcotic effect.

    The use of this gas is quite diverse: in refrigeration units as a refrigerant, in cosmetic products (aerosols), gas lighters and internal combustion engines.

Technological functions propellant.
Synonyms English isobutane.
Empirical Formula C 4 H 10
Molecular mass 58,12
Structural formula (CH 3) 3 CH.
Organoleptic properties A colorless, odorless gas.
Physicochemical characteristics T bp = -11.73°C, sol. in alcohol, ether, water (13.1 ml in 100 ml at 17°C). Self-ignition temperature 462.2°C, explosive.
Receipt From refinery gases, natural gas, butane isomerization.
Hygiene standards There are no hazards according to GN-98. In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as an extraction and process solvent in flavors, the maximum residual amount is 1 mg/kg (clause 5.3.23 SanPiN
Application As a propellant for food and inhalation aerosol packages.


    In the food industry of many countries, including Russia and EU countries, the additive E 953 is allowed and at the same time performs the functions of a sweetener, an additive that prevents caking and clumping, a filler and a glazing agent. It can be purchased at retail or found in a variety of products, mostly low-calorie or made without added sugar. Among them are desserts and similar products on various bases, cereal-based breakfast cereals, ice cream, popsicles, jams, marmalades, jellies, confectionery, sweets, cocoa, fruit, dried fruit or starch products, rich bakery and flour confectionery products, chewing gum, sauces, mustard, specialty products, biologically active substances, liqueurs, frozen fish, crustaceans, mollusks and cephalopods.

    Food additive E 953 is allowed in the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms and TI (see Hygienic Standards below). In the human body Isomalt completely broken down and absorbed. It is completely safe, and the maximum allowable dose of its daily intake has not been established. Products with it are not only low in calories, but also change blood glucose levels more smoothly. It also stimulates the intestines and, acting as a ballast substance, promotes a feeling of satiety. But in large quantities, it can provoke bloating and loose stools.
Technological functions Sugar substitute
Synonyms Isomaltitol, palatinite;
English isomalt, isomaltitol, palatinit; German Isomalt, Isomaltitol, Palatinit; fr. isomalt, palatine.
Compound A mixture of approximately equal parts of α-glucopyranoside-1,6-sorbitol (A) and α-D-glucopyranoside-1,1-mannitol (B).
6-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-B-sorbitol (A); l-O-α-D-glucopyrano-zyl-B-mannitol dihydrate (C).
Empirical Formula C 12 H 24 0 11 (A); C 12 H 24 0 11 2H 2 0 (B).
Molecular mass 344.32 (A); 380.32 (B)
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties White, odorless crystals with a sweet taste.
Physicochemical characteristics T pl 145-150°C; melt stable, relatively resistant to hydrolysis; slightly hygroscopic, specific rotation [a] D 20 (4% solution) 90-92 deg. Chorus. sol. in water; cf. sol. in alcohols; insoluble in fatty solvents.
Receipt Enzymatic isomerization of sucrose into isomaltulose ("palatinose"), which is then subjected to catalytic hydrogenation. Impurities: sorbitol, mannitol, reducing sugars.
Metabolism and toxicity In the small intestine, it undergoes incomplete hydrolysis (to glucose, sorbitol and mannitol). The rest is broken down by the microflora of the large intestine to short-chain fatty acids, which are absorbed and exhaled, releasing about 2.4 kcal / g. Isomaltite is non-cariogenic and does not pose a serious threat to patients with diabetes mellitus. A single dose of more than 20-30 g can cause diarrhea and bloating.
Hygiene standards

chipboard not defined.
Allowed in all QS foods in the EU.
In the Russian Federation it is allowed as sweetener in desserts and similar products: based on flavorings, milk and dairy products, based on processed fruits and vegetables, grain-based, egg-based, fat-based, in breakfast cereals - based on grain processed products - with a reduced calorie content or no added sugar; in ice cream, fruit ice - with a reduced calorie content or without added sugar; in jams, marmalades, jelly products, sugar-glazed fruits, fruit products (with the exception of those intended for the manufacture of fruit-juice-based drinks) - with a reduced calorie content or without added sugar; in confectionery: sweets, including caramel, etc., cocoa products without added sugar; products based on dried fruits and starch - with reduced calorie content or without added sugar; rich bakery and flour confectionery products - with reduced calorie content or without added sugar; in chewing gum, sauces, mustard, specialized products and biologically active substances for solid and liquid food in the amount according to TI (clause 3.15.3. SanPiN; for retail sale (clause 2.9 of SanPiN Hygienic standards for quality and safety (SanPiN

    Lead................................................. ................. 1.0
    Arsenic................................................. ................ 2.0.
    Cadmium................................................. .............. 0.05.
    Mercury................................................. ................. 0.01.
    Nickel................................................. ................... 2.0

    Cesium-137 ............................................... .............. 200
    Strontium-90 ............................................... ............ 100

    QMAFAnM, CFU/g, not more than .............................. 1 10 3
    CGB (coliforms), not allowed in .................. 1.0 g
    Pathogenic, incl. salmonella, not
    allowed in .................................................. ....... 25 g
    Molds, CFU/g, not more than .................................. 1 10 2
Application Isomaltite is half as sweet as sugar. From the point of view of technology, it is more similar to sugar than all other sugar substitutes and can be (and is) used in the production of hard and soft caramel, chocolate and many other food products that can be considered non-cariogenic, diabetic and low-calorie without changing the technology.


    When using an additive E-384 in the food industry, it has an antioxidant and preservative effect. It is used in oils and fats of both vegetable and animal origin, spreads, meat and meat products (both fresh and canned, salted and dried), as well as soft drinks.

    Once in the body, the isopropyl citrate mixture is completely absorbed and, subject to the maximum daily dose of 14 mg / kg, does not adversely affect human health.

Technological functions Antioxidant Synergist
Synonyms English isopropyl-citrate mixture; German Isopropyl-citrate mischung; fr. melange isopropyle-citrique.
Compound Reaction mixture of citric acid and isopropyl alcohol with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids or fatty alcohols.
Organoleptic properties Viscous syrup.
Physicochemical characteristics Wide melting area. Chorus. sol. in fats, oils; cf. sol. (dispersible) in hot water; insoluble in cold water.
Receipt Direct esterification of citric acid with isopropyl alcohol. Impurities: fatty acids and alcohols, other esters.
Metabolism and toxicity Hydrolyzed and absorbed.
Hygiene standards ADI 14 mg/kg body weight per day in terms of isopropyl ether.
There are no hazards according to GN-98.
Codex: allowed in 21 standards for vegetable oils and animal fats as an antioxidant, alone or together with phosphoric acid and esters of citric acid and fatty acid monoglycerides (E472c) in an amount not exceeding 100 mg/kg.
Allowed in Russia.
Application Esters of citric acid are fat soluble. They are used to enhance the action of phenolic antioxidants, which occurs due to the formation of complexes of citric acid with metals. The isopropyl citrate mixture is used at the usual dosage for antioxidants. Because ester molecules contain lipophilic and hydrophilic parts, this substance is suitable for the protection of fat emulsions, if it is not itself an emulsifier.
Commodity forms The reaction mixture of approximate composition: 62% mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids; 25-27% isopropyl citric acid monoester; about 9% diester; 2-4% triester.


Technological functions

The reaction mixture of approximate composition: 62% mono-and diglycerides of fatty acids; 25-27% isopropyl citric acid monoester; about 9% diester; 2-4% triester.


    As a dietary supplement E1103 this compound can be used in EU countries, while it acts as a stabilizer in products such as sugar syrups, candy fillings, ice cream, etc. But in Russia, this additive is excluded from the list of permitted in 2010. It is also banned in Australia and New Zealand. In the US, there is no mention in the documents about the use of this additive.

    Effect on the human body: When ingested, it is considered safe in small amounts. But in sensitive people it can cause allergic reactions. An excess of this substance can cause technical spoilage of products, resulting in the growth of microorganisms and the formation of toxins.

Technological functions Inversion catalysts, stabilizers.
Synonyms Sucrase, (β-fructosidase; English invertase, (β-fructosidase, Sacha-rase; German Invertase, (β-Fructosidase, Sacharase; French invertase, sacharase.
Systematic number (hydrolases).
Catalyzed reactions Hydrolysis of terminal (β-D-fructofuranoside residues in β-D-fructofuranosides, a particular case is the hydrolytic cleavage of sucrose into glucose and fructose.
Organoleptic properties Pale yellow powder or pale yellow transparent or almost transparent viscous liquid with a sweet taste and a characteristic light aroma.
Physicochemical characteristics These enzymes decompose at temperatures above 65°C; inactivated in the presence of more than 20% alcohol; optimum action: pH 4.5-5.9, temperature 55°C (approximately). Solv. in water.
natural source Controlled fermentation of Saccharomyces sp. (Kluyve-romyces). Impurities: carriers, preparations may also contain stabilizers and preservatives.
Receipt They are secreted by the walls of the duodenum and small intestine.

Metabolism and toxicity There is no evidence that any enzymes used in food technology are harmful in themselves, especially since in most cases the enzymes are inactivated during processing. However, there remains the possibility of the formation of toxins during the growth of microorganisms used for the biosynthesis of enzymes. The manufacturer of the preparation must guarantee the absence of mycotoxins and pathogenic microorganisms.
Hygiene standards In the Russian Federation, they are allowed as a consistency stabilizer in food products according to TI in an amount according to TI (clause 3.6.17 SanPiN

They are mainly used in the confectionery industry to produce fondant candies, marzipan, praline, marmalade and other confectionery masses. Invertase, added to the product in an amount of 1 ml/kg, catalyses the reaction of splitting sucrose into glucose and fructose. At the same time, the process of crystallization of sucrose slows down, and the resulting fructose, due to its hygroscopicity, binds water, preventing the product from becoming stale. The consequence of these processes is an increase in its shelf life. To enhance the action, it is recommended to use sorbitol syrup together with invertase.

Invertase can be used as a catalyst in the preparation of invert syrup, but it is expensive, so acids (hydrochloric, acetic, citric) are usually used for these purposes.

Other applications: in the production of fructose and fructose-glucose syrups.


    Additive E132 allowed for use in food products in Russia, Ukraine, most European countries. In Russian federation additive E953 is allowed according to the norms and TI (see below Hygienic standards).

    Effect on the human body:
    Dye E132 negatively affects the human body, causing, first of all, allergic reactions, provokes attacks of suffocation. If the technological process is disturbed, then E 132 negatively affects human health, causing malaise, nausea, and heart failure. There is a version that indigotin is a carcinogen, but experiments conducted on rats did not confirm this version. This substance was added to animal feed in the amount of 2 g/kg of body weight and no mutations were observed in the body. Therefore, E132 is allowed to be used in many countries, but in smaller doses.

Technological functions Dye (indigo dye).
Synonyms Indigotin; English indigotine, indigo carmine, FD&C Blue No. 2 (USA), CI food blue 1, acid blue 74, indigotin 1; German Indigo Karmin, Indigotine; fr. carmin d "indigo.
CAS# 860-22-0
Color Index - color index 73015
chemical name Disodium salt of indigo-5.5 "-disulfonic acid. (Under indigo-carmine is understood sodium salt. Calcium, potassium salts and aluminum varnish are also allowed.)
Empirical Formula C 16 H 8 N 2 0 8 S 2 Na 2
Molecular mass 466,36
Structural formula
Appearance Dark blue powder or granulate, blue solution in water.
Physicochemical characteristics Spectrum in water: A1cm1% 610 nm (480). Sodium salt chor. sol. in water, glycerin; cf. sol. in ethanol; insoluble in vegetable oils. Aluminum lacquer in water, alcohols, fats. Heat resistance (up to 150°C) is good, light, alkali and acid resistance is low.
natural source The leaves and stems of the indigo plant (Indigofera tinctoria), which is grown in India, Africa, America, contain 0.2-0.4% indigotin.
Receipt Previously, indigo carmine was obtained from indigo, at present - by fusing phenylglycine with sodium amide, followed by air oxidation and sulfonation of the resulting indigo. Impurities: sodium chloride, sodium sulfate.

Metabolism and toxicity The dye is mainly excreted in the feces.
Hygiene standards

ADI 5 mg/kg body weight per day. There are no hazards according to GN-98.
Codex: allowed alone or in combination with other colors in 2 standards for fruit derivatives up to 200 mg/kg; flavored yogurt and other fermented milk products after fermentation up to 6 mg/kg.

In the Russian Federation it is allowed as dye in flavored soft drinks, sugary confectionery products, rich bakery and flour confectionery products, pasta, ice cream, fruit ice, desserts, including flavored dairy products, full-ration dietary food mixtures, soups in an amount up to 50 mg / kg; glazed vegetables and fruits, canned (coloured) fruits, dry snacks based on potatoes, cereals or starch, with spices extruded or blown spicy, alcoholic drinks, flavored wines and drinks based on them, fruit wines (still and sparkling), cider in up to 200 mg/kg; in decorative coatings, sauces, seasonings (dry and pasty), pickles, etc., salmon-like fish, surimi minced fish in an amount up to 500 mg/kg; flavored processed cheeses, fish and crustacean pastes, smoked fish, dry snacks based on potatoes, cereals or starch, with spices except for extruded or blown spicy snacks, biologically active food supplements solid, meat and fish analogues based on vegetable proteins in up to 100 mg/kg; in mustard, fish caviar, liquid biologically active food supplements in an amount of up to 300 mg/kg; in shellfish semi-finished products boiled in an amount up to 250 mg/kg; edible coatings of cheeses and sausages in the amount according to TI individually or in combination with other permitted dyes (clause 3.11.1 SanPiN; for retail sale, including for Easter eggs (clause 2.25 of SanPiN

Application The water-soluble dye is used alone or in combination with other dyes for coloring confectionery, liqueurs, desserts, ice cream, etc. The dosage for various products is 0.01-0.5 g/kg. By mixing with yellow dyes (E102, E104) you can get green, with red (E122, E123, E124, E129) - purple, with yellow, red and orange (E110) - dyes from brown to black. The shade of aluminum lacquer can be changed in the same way by mixing it with the lacquers of the above dyes. It is used primarily for coloring dragees.

Other applications: In the EU, indigo carmine is allowed and used for coloring all pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.
chemical means, as well as a dye for wool, silk, cotton, for the production of ink. IN RF is approved for the preparation of tablets(Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated 19.03.98).

Commodity forms Sodium salt: powder or granulate (formerly indigo carmine was produced in the USSR in the form of a bluish-black paste). Aluminum varnish: powder.


    POTASSIUM INOSINATE is approved for use in the food industry in the Russian Federation in accordance with the standards and TI (see Hygiene Standards below) .

    Additive E632 belongs to the group allowed in the food industry both in Russia and abroad. especially in European countries. Its main function is a flavor and aroma enhancer in a variety of food products (up to 500 mg/kg of the finished product). And also it is added to seasonings, spices and can be sold at retail. Moreover, this additive itself does not have a specific taste, but it activates the taste of products. But it is used much less frequently compared to.

    The allowable daily intake for Potassium Inositate has not been established as it is considered safe for humans. And side effects at observance of admissible concentrations on production usually do not happen. But nevertheless, it is recommended not to use products with this supplement in the diet of small (under 12 weeks old) children and people suffering from asthma and gout.

Technological functions
Synonyms Potassium salt of 5"-inosinic acid, potassium nucleotide, potassium ribonucleotide;
English dipotassium 5 "-inosinate; German Kalium-5"-inosinat, Dikalium-5 "-inosinat; French 5"-inosinate de potassium.
chemical name Dipotassium inosine-5 "-monophosphate
Empirical Formula C 10 H 11 K 2 N 4 0 8 P
Molecular mass 424,39
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties
Physicochemical characteristics
natural source
Receipt by the fermentation of glucose.
Metabolism and toxicity
Hygiene standards

Hygienic standards chipboard is not limited.
Codex: allowed for GMP soups and broths.

In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as an additive that enhances and modifies the taste and aroma of food products, in food products in an amount of up to 500 mg / kg, individually or in combination with other ribonucleotides in terms of acid; in seasonings and spices in the amount according to TI (clause 3.14.3 SanPiN; for retail sale (clause 2.10 SanPiN

Application Potassium inosinate is practically not used in the food industry. The application finds a mixture of guanylate and sodium inosinate.


    E633 is approved for use in the food industry in the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms and TI (see Hygienic Standards below) as a thickener, stabilizer and gelling agent in products such as jam, jellies, marmalades and others similar to them, as well as in some products . It is also often used in conjunction with other gelling agents, giving the resulting gels greater transparency, improving flavor, and increasing their stability.

    Effect on the human body:
    Calcium 5'-inosinate is considered a safe dietary supplement, but it also has a number of contraindications. It is better to exclude it from your diet for people suffering from allergies, bronchial asthma, gout and rheumatism. Also E633 can provoke intestinal and gastric disorders. It is not recommended to eat food containing a taste and smell modifier for pregnant women and women during lactation, and it must also be excluded from the children's menu. The maximum daily dose that is safe for humans has not been described.

Technological functions Modifier (amplifier) ​​of taste and aroma.
Synonyms Calcium salt of 5"-inosinic acid, calcium nucleotide, calcium ribonucleotide;
English calcium 5"-inosinate; German Calcium-5"-inosinate; fr. 54 nosinate de calcium.
CAS# 38966-29-9 (b / w)
chemical name Calciinosin-5 "-monophosphate
Empirical Formula C 10 H 11 CaN 4 0 8 xH 2 0
Molecular mass 386.19 (b / w)
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties Colorless or white crystals, odorless white or almost white crystalline powder with a characteristic taste.
Physicochemical characteristics Chorus. sol. in water; cf. sol. in ethanol; insoluble on the air.
natural source In mushrooms, tissues of fish and animals, especially marine ones.
Receipt by the fermentation of glucose.
Metabolism and toxicity Absorbed and metabolized like normal nucleic acids.
Hygiene standards Chipboard is not limited.
Application Calcium inosinate is practically not used in the food industry. The application finds a mixture of guanylate and sodium inosinate.


    The main purpose of the nutritional supplement E631- enhancer of taste and aroma. Moreover, it does not have a specific taste, but it noticeably activates the taste of other products and reduces the amount of salt required for them. Most often it is used in combination with, as well as with him and with. In this combination, they enhance each other's properties and are most beneficial from an economic point of view. In addition, at the same time, the taste of the products is softer than when using monosodium glutamate alone. Sodium inosinate is acceptable in Russia for inclusion in many food products in the amount no more than 500 mg/kg, in seasonings and spices in quantities according to TI (see Hygienic Standards below) and can be sold at retail. This additive is allowed both in our country and in the European Union and many other countries..

    Effect on the human body: Since the additive can be harmful, it should be noted that when eating a flavor and odor enhancer E631 you need to be especially careful and careful with allergy sufferers, people suffering from gout and rheumatism, asthmatics, since sodium inosinate can provoke an exacerbation of diseases. It has been established that this additive, although not dangerous, can cause the development of intestinal and gastric disorders of varying degrees. The maximum safe daily dose at which no harm can be done to a person is not described.

Technological functions Modifier (amplifier) ​​of taste and aroma.
Synonyms Sodium salt of 5 "-inosinic acid, sodium nucleotide, sodium ribonucleotide; English disodium 54nosinate, IMP, sodium inosinate; German Natrium-5"-inosinat, Dinatrium-5"-inosinat; French 5"-inosinate de sodium.
CAS# 4691-65-0
chemical name Disodiuminosine-5 "-monophosphate
Empirical Formula C 10 H 11 N 4 Na 2 0 8 P 7H 2 0
Molecular mass 392.17 (b / w)
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties Colorless or white crystals, odorless white or almost white crystalline powder with a characteristic taste.
Physicochemical characteristics Chorus. sol. in water; cf. sol. in ethanol; insoluble on the air.
natural source In mushrooms, tissues of fish and animals, especially marine ones.
Receipt by the fermentation of glucose.
Metabolism and toxicity Absorbed and metabolized like normal nucleic acids.
Hygiene standards Hygienic standards chipboard is not limited.
codex: allowed in 4 standards for meat products up to 500 mg/kg; soups and broths GMP.
In the Russian Federation, it is allowed as an additive that enhances and modifies the taste and aroma of food products, in food products in an amount of up to 500 mg / kg, individually or in combination with other ribonucleotides in terms of acid; in seasonings and spices in the amount according to TI (clause 3.14.3 SanPiN; for retail sale (clause 2.10 SanPiN

When flavor and aroma enhancers are added to food products, their natural taste properties, weakened during processing and storage, are enhanced, and individual negative components of taste and smell are masked. The "taste power" of sodium inosinate is ten times greater than the "taste power" of the most popular flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate (E 621). Despite this, it is practically not used individually. It is much more profitable to use a synergistic mixture of guanylate and sodium inosinate, which, in turn, is recommended to be mixed with glutamate. Such a mixture compares favorably with "pure" glutamate not only from an economic point of view, but also in that it allows you to get a softer, more harmonious taste of the product.

Flavor and aroma enhancers are quite stable under normal production and storage conditions. Nucleotides are destroyed only when heated in the presence of phosphatases, especially at high moisture content of the product. Therefore, nucleotides should be added to products with strong phosphatase activity (wheat flour, full-fat soy flour, mushrooms) after their heat treatment.


    Food additive E 630 is approved for use in the food industry in the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms and TI (see Hygienic Standards below).

    Effect on the human body: Inosinic acid is not considered a dangerous or health-threatening food additive. However, its use can have various negative effects. The most commonly described manifestations of various gastric and intestinal disorders associated with the use of supplements E630. Also, allergic reactions, profuse skin rashes, exacerbations of conditions with bronchial asthma, gout are not excluded. Maximum safe daily intake of the supplement E 630 not described by man.

Technological functions Modifier (amplifier) ​​of taste and aroma.
Synonyms Nucleic acid, ribonucleic acid; English 5 "-inosin-ic acid, IMP; German 5"-Inosinsaure; fr. acide 5"-inosinique.
CAS# 131-99-7.
chemical name Inosine-5"-monophosphoric acid.
Empirical Formula C 10 H 13 N 4 0 8 P
Molecular mass 348,21
Structural formula
Organoleptic properties Colorless or white crystals, odorless white or almost white crystalline powder with a characteristic taste.
Physicochemical characteristics Wed sol. in water; insoluble in ethanol.
natural source In mushrooms, tissues of fish and animals, especially marine ones.
Receipt by the fermentation of glucose.
Metabolism and toxicity Absorbed and metabolized like normal nucleic acids.
Hygiene standards

Chipboard is not limited. Codex: allowed for GMP soups and broths.
In the Russian Federation it is allowed as additives that enhance and modify the taste and aroma of food products, in food products in an amount of up to 500 mg/kg, individually or in combination with other ribonucleotides in terms of acid; in seasonings and spices in the amount according to TI (clause 3.14.3 SanPiN; for retail sale (clause 2.10 SanPiN
Hygienic standards for quality and safety (SanPiN

Toxic elements, mg/kg, not more than:
Lead................................................. ................. 1.0
Arsenic................................................. ............... 1.0
Cadmium................................................. ................. 0.1
Mercury................................................. ................... 0.03
Nickel................................................. ................. 2.0
Radionuclides, Bq/kg, not more than:
Cesium-137 ............................................... .............. 200
Strontium-90 ............................................... ........... 100
Microbiological indicators:
QMAFAnM, CFU/g, not more than .............................. 1 10 3
CGB (coliforms), not allowed in .................. 1.0 g
Pathogenic, incl. salmonella, not
allowed in .................................................. ........ 25g
Molds, CFU/g, not more than .............................. 10

Application Inosinic acid is practically not used in the food industry. The application finds a mixture of guanylate and sodium inosinate.

Sodium isoascorbate(food supplement E-316) - food additive-antioxidant. It is widely used in the processing of meat and fish, is part of many sausages. The maximum safe dose is 5 mg/kg body weight per day.

Sodium isoascorbate slows down the processes of oxidation of organic compounds in food. E-316 It can also be used as an acidulant, color stabilizer and acidity regulator.

Application of E-316

The use of isoascorbic acid and its sodium salt is of interest to stabilize the color of meat products and sausages, to prevent the oxidation of fats in fish products, as well as the darkening of fruits, vegetables and their processed products.

Main Applications

  • Improving the color formation of meat products in the process of technological processing
  • Stabilization and improvement of color stability during storage of finished meat products
  • Acceleration of the salting of meat raw materials
  • Improving the taste and aroma properties of finished meat products

Introduction of sodium isoascorbate E-316 in meat products allows you to reduce the required amount of nitrite by a third. In mixtures, it can increase the stability and effectiveness of other antioxidants, such as L-ascorbic acid.

E-316 actively used in the confectionery, baking and fat-and-oil industries. Also an antioxidant E-316 used in the meat industry and in the production of sausages, to stabilize the color of meat products. Often sodium isoascorbate used in winemaking, in the preparation of beer, sauces, soft drinks. In addition, the additive E-316 can be used to prevent browning of fruits and vegetables.

Apart from the food industry sodium isoascorbate used in the chemical industry, galvanic and enzymatic processes as a stabilizer and antioxidant.

general information

E-316 can be obtained synthetically (from acids and caustic soda) or sodium isoascorbate can be obtained from natural sources (sugar beet, sugar cane, corn) in the production of sugar.

In terms of chemistry sodium isoascorbate It is the sodium salt of erythorbic acid. The chemical formula of sodium isoascorbate is: C 6 H 7 NaO 6 .

Today in supermarkets you can find a huge variety of products in which it is quite easy to get confused. Bright packaging, seductive pictures, shiny labels, plus all this is complemented by promotional price tags, and we make a purchase. Stop, first you need to carefully study the packaging, namely the composition of this product. The fewer incomprehensible words in it, the better. For example, GOST condensed milk contains only natural milk and sugar, but the same product, but produced according to TU, has a completely different composition. It contains stabilizers and emulsifiers, as well as various E-labeled substances. Today we will talk about them: a table of harmful food additives should be at hand for everyone to prevent them from being eaten.

What are various food additives used for?

First of all, you should be alerted to the "E" markings - they denote food additives that are used throughout the world as preservatives and stabilizers, flavor and aroma enhancers, thickeners and leavening agents. All this is necessary to improve the nutritional properties of the product, as well as increase its shelf life.

Why is a table of harmful food additives needed, and are all substances labeled "E" harmful? No, there are neutral, harmful and even dangerous ones, and therefore it is important for each of us to know them and be able to distinguish them. After all, the quality and duration of our lives are highly dependent on what we eat. The more vitamins and minerals in the diet and less "chemistry", the better.

natural or artificial

Despite the assurances of manufacturers, almost all additives are artificial, and therefore potentially dangerous. These are synthetic chemicals. Considering that even the safest of them sometimes cause a reaction in especially sensitive people, it is clear that the table of harmful food additives should be known to everyone. However, there is another subtlety here: not all manufacturers warn you that their product contains additives with the "E" index. They often get around with general phrases like "does not contain artificial colors and flavors." Others note the presence of stabilizers and thickeners, but do not indicate which additives were used. In this case, there is only one way out: refuse to buy and choose a more honest manufacturer. This is especially important if the product is imported, because no one can guarantee that it does not contain prohibited products. Perhaps this will allow you to look at the goods in supermarkets in a different way, because, despite the attractive appearance, almost all of them contain preservatives.

What does the numeric code next to the "E" mean?

Below we will consider what the table of harmful food additives includes, but for now let's look at what these mysterious numbers mean. If the code starts with one, then you have a dye. All preservatives start at 2, the number 3 stands for antioxidants - they are used to slow down or prevent spoilage of the product. All 4 are stabilizers, substances that help maintain the consistency of the product in the required form. The number 5 stands for emulsifiers, they work in tandem with stabilizers and preserve the structure of the product. The flavor and aroma enhancers that create the notes and shades we love so much start at 6. Some products contain special substances that prevent foaming, they are marked with the number 9. If you have a four-digit index, then this indicates the presence of sweeteners in the composition. The realities of life show that you need to know harmful food additives ("E"). The table will help you identify foods that should not be consumed in time.

Such different nutritional supplements "E"

This label can hide quite harmless and even useful substances, for example, plant extracts. This is the well-known acetic acid (E260). Relatively safe additives E can be considered baking soda (E500), or ordinary chalk (E170) and many others.

However, there are many more harmful substances than useful ones. You are mistaken if you think that these include only artificial additives, natural ones also sin with a negative effect on the body. Moreover, the more often they are used, the stronger and more pronounced their impact will be.

Useful Supplements

You should not immediately return the product to the shelf just because it contains E. You need to look and analyze what substance is hidden behind it. The following table of harmful and beneficial food additives will help you make the right choice. For example, the most common apple contains pectin, ascorbic acid and riboflavin, that is, E300, E440, E101, but it cannot be called harmful.

The most common health supplements are curcumins, or E100 - these substances help control weight and are actively used in the manufacture of fitness products. E101 is the usual one, which is famous for the fact that it synthesizes hemoglobin and is involved in metabolism. E160d - it helps to strengthen the immune system. E270 is a powerful antioxidant that is widely used in pharmacology. To enrich products with iodine, the additive E916, that is, calcium iodate, is used. We must not forget about E322 lecithin - this supplement supports the immune system and improves blood formation.

Relatively harmless additives

Today the topic of our conversation is "Table of food additives" E ". Useful and harmful, they are ubiquitous in the most common foods. In this group, we should mention the dyes that are used by the most famous confectionery companies to give an attractive appearance to creams and cakes. This is chlorophyrol , or E140, green dye.Betanin is also known, that is, a red dye.It is extracted from the most ordinary beetroot, the juice of which tints creams perfectly at home.

This group includes calcium carbonate (E170) and regular baking soda. Despite the fact that these substances do not pose a threat to life, in large quantities they can disrupt the acid-base balance in the body. E290 is ordinary carbon dioxide, all carbonated drinks are made with it. Every kitchen should have a table of food additives E. Useful and harmful, they are presented in such a large quantity today that it is very difficult to remember what this or that substance means.

Supplements to Avoid

Today, the table contains 11 groups of additives, among which are dangerous, prohibited, harmful to the skin and disturbing blood pressure substances. Since every person needs to avoid products containing dangerous "E-shki", we will consider each group separately. Do not neglect your health and rely on the manufacturer. Many of them are guided only by momentary profit and do not think about reputation. Moreover, it is much easier to periodically close the production and open it under a different name, releasing products with new labels. That is why you should be aware of harmful "E" food additives. The table will help you navigate and not forget what this or that code means. So let's get started.

Dangerous Additives

This group includes a lot of dyes, so if you see confectionery colored with think about whether it is worth taking them to your children. Be sure to study harmful food additives "E": the table is updated periodically, so you need to update the printout, which is best kept next to the kitchen table.

This includes E102, namely tartrazine. It causes asthma attacks and is banned in several countries. E110 - yellow dye, banned in many countries, as it causes an allergic reaction and nausea. E120 - carminic acid (until studies have proven harm, but doctors strongly recommend avoiding it). Red dyes E124, E127 and E129 are banned in a number of countries because they are carcinogens. This also includes E155 (brown dye) and E180 (ruby ritol).

E220 - sulfur dioxide - should be used with caution in people with renal insufficiency. Feel free to postpone products containing E220, E222, E223, E224, E228, E233, E242. Recognized as dangerous

Very dangerous

If the previous group of additives is dangerous or potentially dangerous, then the representatives of this category should be treated more than carefully. The fact is that the table of supplements gives you only code designations, behind which substances are hidden that stimulate the growth of cancer cells. To completely avoid contact with them, you will have to give up most confectionery and seriously reconsider your view of the diet. The simpler the better, so bran biscuits, cereals, and fruits are the safest bet.

However, back to our conversation. The table of the most dangerous additives "E" includes dyes such as E123 (amaranth). It is banned all over the world, as it causes developmental pathologies in the fetus. In addition, this group includes E510, E513E, E527.

Prohibited substances: table of the most harmful food additives "E"

It should be noted that in Russia there are very soft rules for manufacturing companies. Only 5 additives are officially banned, although the number is much higher worldwide. This is E952 - cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts. This one was discontinued, as it was found out that it is a strong carcinogen. E-216 - para-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester - is also prohibited in Russia. But it's not all harmful food additives ("E"). The table refers to this group a number of dyes - these are E152, E130, E125, E126, E121, E111.

Substances that cause skin rashes

Everyone imagines the effect of carcinogens on the body, so you need to do everything necessary to exclude from the menu products containing the most harmful food additives. The table at hand will help you stop in time and not make an unnecessary purchase. Women should especially think about it, because many conditionally safe supplements cause deterioration of the skin condition. This is E151 (black, shiny BN) - in a number of countries it is generally prohibited. Second on the list is E231 (orthophenylphenol) and E232 (calcium orthophenylphenol). Aspartame, or E951, a favorite sugar substitute for many, also has a number of side effects and is not recommended for use without special reasons.

Summing up

You can use this table every day. A food additive, the harmful effect of which is not fully understood, should be excluded from the diet. This group includes quite a lot of different "E" - these are E124, E122, E141, E150, E171, E173, E247, E471. To optimize your diet and eat as few synthetic additives as possible, study the product packaging before buying. The less in the composition of the various components and incomprehensible terms, the better. Do not purchase unfamiliar products, as well as those on the packaging of which there is no composition, and give preference to well-known manufacturers.

Avoid products with bright, unnatural colors. They may contain too many dyes and preservatives. Give preference to natural products, cereals, sour-milk, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is this diet that is guaranteed not to contain harmful and dangerous substances. To maintain your health for the longest possible time, try to avoid foods that contain harmful food additives ("E"). A table that includes the main ones will become your reliable assistant.

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