Obtaining a license to produce homemade wine. How to open a private distillery in Russia? Winery as a legacy business

Winemaking has always attracted both the male and even female part of the population. Our need for high-quality homemade wine is very great, since the drinks sold in stores have very different properties, and are also saturated with preservatives and stabilizers, not to mention flavorings. Therefore, homemade wine, which is produced in small quantities, compared to industrial volumes of factory drinks, sells very well; there will never be a shortage of buyers.

The main problem in the production and sale of homemade wine is government regulation of the issue. In Russia there is a state monopoly on the production of alcoholic beverages; huge taxes are paid by those enterprises that produce alcohol of even the minimum strength. To open the production of alcoholic beverages, you need to study legislation, taxation, production requirements and many other nuances. It is very difficult for small wine production enterprises to survive in modern conditions.

Private winemaking is quite seriously developed abroad, for example, in Spain. Grapes grow there in almost every yard in any region of the country. Plantations, like wine, are subject to taxes, but even with wine costing 1.6 euros per liter, production remains profitable. There is a system of incentives for small businesses, especially for the production of natural food products. And private wine producers significantly support the country’s economy with taxes. In our country, unfortunately, such a policy is not supported; a private winery can most likely be classified as producing moonshine and the owner held accountable. Therefore, when organizing this type of business, entrepreneurs resort to numerous tricks.

How to register a wine business

Here's what advice colleagues give to those planning to open their own wine company. When you fill out the form when registering an individual entrepreneur, you must select OKVED “sale of products of your own production.” In this case, you can count on less close attention than when you enter a line in the “type of activity” column with the text: production and sale of wine. Homemade wine of your own production can be sold quite widely: in local restaurants, cafes, at the market, in small shops and stores specializing in the sale of good wine. But the sale of privately produced wine is prohibited in our country, remember this. Therefore, position your sales as home-produced drinks; do not use the word “wine” at all.

How to sell your own wine

When selling homemade wine, position it as a product of peasant farming. If you have small volumes of wine, then even in a small town you will be able to sell it in full. But if you have large plantations, a lot of grapes of different varieties, then wider sales are needed. To do this, you will have to enter into agreements with shops and cafes over a wide area. To do this, you will have to organize individual entrepreneurs and production in full compliance with the law. You can find out all the intricacies of legislation on this topic only from administrative bodies. Legislation regularly undergoes changes, so look for a competent economist to analyze the wine market.

Once all the proper documents have been completed, you can start trading. The cheapest way is to supply wine in large cans, and position it as “home draft”; this is the standard of quality for many buyers, as a result of which sales increase.

If you decide to sell wine in bottles, then you will need to make a purchase offer to stores that have alcohol sales departments. This is a less profitable option for the manufacturer, but a rather prestigious step.

What is needed to make wine

To produce homemade wine, you first need a vineyard. It is best if it is located on its own plot of land. In order to grow good grapes, you need to have good knowledge, including soil science. It will be very good if you find a competent, experienced winegrower who will initiate you into the secrets of growing this rather capricious crop. It is necessary to select the soil; if it does not meet the required parameters, then it is necessary to adjust its composition with the help of fertilizers and mineral additives.

Selecting the grape variety is another critical step. As a rule, several varieties are selected for a private farm to produce white, red, and rose wine of various varieties. Research which wines are in greatest demand in your area and purchase vines.

Be sure to divide your vineyard plot into zones and plan appropriate lighting for each variety. Consider watering and winter storage of the vines. It should be remembered that a good grape harvest can only grow in the southern regions, where high temperatures and high humidity prevail throughout the year. The location of a vineyard in such an area means not only good quality wine, but also the presence of tourists, that is, a large number of potential buyers of this product.

Simultaneously with the production of grape wine, it is possible to organize the production of berry, fruit, fruit wines, which are also very popular.

To produce wine you will need simple equipment and containers. A press, crusher, fermentation tanks, filtration tanks and some other equipment are quite reasonably priced. The most important thing is to know the technology of wine production, and then you will get a quality product in any case. Remember that industrial volumes of wine production require serious, powerful equipment. Do not buy home installations for large volumes. To bottle wine, you will also need to purchase an installation; there are different equipment for packaging large volumes and for bottling into small containers.

There are many subtleties to be learned to ensure a traditional or original bouquet for your wine. For this, many have their own family recipes that are passed down from generation to generation. If there were no winemakers in your family, then you need to find someone from whom you can buy several recipes; it is better to look for such people among winemakers in distant settlements, villages and hamlets. Having an original recipe from a certain area, you can not only make high-quality wine, you can very clearly use the name of this area in the name of the wine brand, in advertising materials and commercials, as a means for the fastest promotion of your product.

Several small points can be opened for sale on the market. To reduce the cost of the sales process, you can rent space in the cellars of buildings. This fully corresponds to the image of the drink (it is stored in cellars), and also significantly reduces rental costs. The finishing in such a room is usually done inexpensively, emphasizing the natural texture of the walls. You need to install several barrels of your wine, a counter, and a tasting table. There is no need to install anything unnecessary in the cellar; it is better to carefully think through the methods and methods of promoting your drinks. For example, you can arrange excursions to your production. This is a great way to sell your wine immediately after bottling.

After the tour, guests should be invited to a slightly larger cellar, with tables where they can sit and try any variety. As practice shows, after tasting, wine is sold out much faster and in larger quantities than just in stores. Think carefully about the excursion itself, prepare your report, which should contain information about the history of winemaking, about the area from which you brought your wine recipe, about the processes that occur when making wine. You can also talk about the beneficial properties of wine, about the characteristics of bouquets of different types of wine.

As an additional type of business, you can master eco-tourism, which is fashionable today. If you have a small house that can be converted into a small hotel, then you can start looking for tourists who will live in the hotel and work at your brewery. Some people prefer to work in this way for 2-3 days, and some work for more than a week.

Tourists will work for you and, in addition, will pay you money for it. All that is required of you is to organize the stay of tourists in the greatest possible comfort. One can be sent to help in the kitchen, the second - to the plantation, the third - to production. Every day you will need to change the positions of assistants so that everyone goes through each stage of your production with their own hands. This kind of eco-tourism is very popular in Europe, and is gaining momentum in our country.

Do not forget that all these ideas can bring you income only if you carefully calculate everything first. That is, it is necessary to draw up a complete business plan, which indicates all upcoming expenses. After that, think about how much profit you would like to make, divide it by the market value of one liter of wine. Get the number of liters you should sell per month. Plan how many liters you should sell during the year, this will be the figure for the wine produced per season. Properly organized storage will allow you to sell a quality product all year round.

And one more important point. As in any food industry, new products in technology, additives, packaging technology, and promotion methods are constantly appearing in winemaking. And all this can be learned at exhibitions organized in major cities of Russia and abroad. Join professional communities, receive invitations to exhibitions and forums, and get acquainted with the best achievements in the production of natural wine.

E. Shchugoreva

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Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

Oleg Zvyagintsev's winery has reached a stable level of income. Production specialization is table and dessert wine, capacity is increasing, and fortified drinks will appear in the future.

Winery on the city outskirts

European wine tours have always fascinated me with their patriarchal flavor. Well-groomed vineyard plantations smoothly turned into ancient estates.

Tourists descend into the cool cellars of family wineries, and the tasting lasts throughout the evening. I wanted to organize something similar in my southern city. “Having completed half my earthly life,” I found myself not in a dark forest, but at a crossroads, blown by all the winds.

It was necessary to wisely manage savings in order to ensure a comfortable old age for themselves and leave a profitable business for their heirs. I had been interested in winemaking for a long time, but all the skills of an amateur “garagist” were not suitable for serial production.

I dreamed of producing real wine, with licenses and excise stamps. He approached the matter thoroughly and downloaded a business plan template for a winery.

I had theoretical knowledge; it was not in vain that I spent so much time in the company of Italian winemakers. It happened that even my wife was offended that she went to beaches and museums alone, while I kept disappearing into local distilleries.

Now I had to adapt the European experience to the conditions of Russian provincial life. I had no doubt about success; how can good wine not be in demand?

Russian bottling cider

I consulted with logistics specialists and found premises for a mini-factory near the city limits. The access roads are good and there is space for storage facilities.

I was glad that I didn’t buy a ready-made business plan. The costs are unnecessary, and a model of behavior is almost imposed: everything is planned, everything is calculated. A business plan template is like a road map, the route is indicated, and where to go is up to you.

I thought about the climate and decided to offer apple cider to customers. The drink is pleasant, it is still poorly represented on the market, and there is an abundance of raw materials for production.

The vine is tender and capricious

I did everything strictly according to the business plan, understanding that the results would appear in three years. You can't rush and mess around here.

Here is the standard sequence of actions:

  • Registered the winery and trademark;
  • Received licenses and certificates. Now I’m not afraid of any auditors, I can apply for a contract with any retail chain;
  • Construction work included both the production workshop and the road cafe in the adjacent area. I'm going to sell wine gift sets. We prepared beautiful wicker boxes, each containing two bottles of grape wine. I found a specialist who knows how to weave a “fur coat” from wicker for a shaped bottle. It looks very stylish: the wood is varnished and the handle is woven. I think many people will like souvenir bottles of young wine;
  • The acquisition of equipment and the commissioning process are the most expensive activities. I wanted complete sterility. If grapes were now crushed underfoot as in the old days, buyers would run away in horror and become convinced teetotalers;
  • Agreed on the supply of raw materials. We will receive different varieties of grapes, such wholesale purchases will be cheaper. Not all of them are intended for winemaking, some of them will be used for grape juice, and we will also open a parallel line for the production of raisins.

Gastronomic delicacies

The financial part of the business plan is an accurate calculation of expenses and income. If you want to make a profit exceeding the planned one, you should introduce creative directions.

For example, we began to produce onion confitures based on red wine, pickled grapes, and spicy wine sauces. All this is packaged in miniature containers in gift packaging. Demand is encouraging; competitors are left far behind.

A man is always inspired by success; new ideas have appeared. I feel that I will soon have to download a new business plan to expand the winery’s range of products.

Kindzmarauli Winery

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the winery’s business plan:

Here is a business plan for a winery. The project sets itself several key objectives:

  • Creation of a highly profitable enterprise;
  • Receiving a stable monthly income;
  • Satisfying the needs of the consumer market for quality alcoholic beverages.

This project requires financing in the amount of 1,155,000 rubles. To implement the project, you can take out a commercial loan from a bank at 17.5% per annum.


For the correct and stable operation of a winery, it is necessary to take into account many details and calculate the expected cost items:

1. Renting premises. You will have to pay about 15,000 monthly rent.
2. Remuneration of personnel. On average, here you will have to spend about 330,000 rubles.
3. The purchase of raw materials will cost 450-470 thousand rubles.
4. Utilities will cost approximately the same as rent - 15,000 rubles.
5. Depreciation of equipment – ​​10,000 rubles.
6. Purchase of auxiliary materials – 55 thousand rubles.
7. Other production costs are about 300,000 rubles.


Let's consider the equipment necessary for the full operation of a winery:

  • Reservoir – from 3 pieces;
  • Pasteurizers;
  • Bottle washing machine;
  • Packaging and filling machine;
  • Device for gluing excise stamps and labels;
  • Water softening and deep purification device;
  • Coal column;
  • Conveyor;
  • Single flow sand filter;
  • Thermal tunnel for heating caps.

According to rough estimates, the purchase of all necessary equipment, its transportation with further installation at the enterprise will cost you approximately 2 million rubles.

Tricks to significantly increase your sales level:

1. For regular or wholesale buyers, it is recommended to introduce a system of discounts and auction offers.
2. Open a certain number of branded stores where customers can purchase wines by the glass.
3. Hold open tastings several times a year to familiarize potential buyers with your products and attract more investors.
4. For regular customers, issue goods for sale. The principle is this: first they sell your product, and then pay its cost.
5. Consider plant tours. This will increase profits and significantly increase customer interest in your company.

Wineries typically produce a wide variety of products.

For example:

1. Sherry.
2. Liqueurs.
3. Table wines.
4. Port wine.
5. Dessert wines.
6. Madera.

In any winery, one of the main components is storage. It must meet all requirements and be spacious.

The older the wine, the tastier it is and, accordingly, more expensive. Consider releasing a limited edition wine from time to time to commemorate a specific event. Such a batch will be able to sell for much more.

A wine business can be 100% profitable, but this requires accurate calculations and a balanced approach. Determining prospects by eye is not serious; you cannot do without a well-written business plan. What to consider when drawing up a business plan and how to evaluate production opportunities.

How to open a wine business in Russia? What documents are needed for this, how to organize your production? You will find answers to these and other questions here.

The business of producing and selling wine today requires not only hard work, but also significant investments, especially when it comes to organizing even a small enterprise. However, with the right approach, the profitability of such a business should be about 100%.

Today, winemaking is one of the most prestigious types of business, especially since even a small plant will create an impressive number of jobs.

How to organize this production, read the article from our colleagues, and also go to the website bizneslab.com and you will learn about another profitable business on which you can make money.

The essence of the winemaking business

Currently, wine in Russia and the countries of the former USSR is not as popular as stronger strong drinks. First of all, this is due to the high cost of the product. If you want to make a profit from such production, then keep in mind that most successful companies today have their own vineyards. But if you don’t have any, then you can easily buy raw materials. The most affordable prices for grapes can be found in the southern regions of our country - in the Astrakhan and Rostov regions, in the Caucasus, as well as in the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories.

How to make money producing wine in Russia? In accordance with Law No. 171 Federal Law, to organize production, an entrepreneur must first obtain a license.

To do this, you will need the following documents:

  1. Application for obtaining a license. In this document it is necessary to indicate information regarding the company, type of activity, divisions of the organization, as well as the period for which the document is needed.
  2. You will need copies of documents on state registration of a legal entity, and these copies must be certified by a notary.
  3. The organization is also necessary, and the license will require a copy of the relevant document.
  4. After paying the state fee to obtain a license, you must provide a copy of this document.
  5. A certificate from government authorities stating that the premises of your enterprise meet all necessary standards.
  6. To organize an enterprise, you will also need a conclusion confirming the accreditation of the laboratory in which the final product will be produced. Or you can enter into an agreement with the relevant laboratory and provide a copy of the document.
  7. The last document that will be needed is an extract confirming the amount of paid authorized capital.

Business organization

Let's look at the main steps in organizing a business that will allow you to make money from wine:

  1. First you need to select a site where the production premises will be built, or rent such a place.
  2. Then it happens.
  3. All necessary documents are drawn up, including a license.
  4. If you are building an enterprise, then the construction and installation work is carried out.
  5. The equipment necessary for the work is purchased and installed.
  6. Personnel are being hired.
  7. Raw materials are purchased.
  8. The final stage of the organization will be commissioning.

An equally important point in organizing a business is building the right production technology.

  1. First, the grapes must be separated from the ridges, after which the berries are crushed.
  2. The combs are sent for disposal.
  3. The next step will be the fermentation of the clarified wort, that is, at this step the resulting juice turns into wine.
  4. Then the product settles. To prevent premature fermentation, you need to remove all the “turbidity” from the wine, after which you should place the product in a cooler place. In some cases, sulfurous acid is used to prevent fermentation.
  5. Then the sediment must be removed from the wine; to do this, it is poured into other containers for subsequent refinement of the product in the wine cellar.

Sales of finished products

Wine must be positioned as a peasant drink. Sales of final products are carried out in accordance with production volumes. Small volumes can be sold in markets; for the sale of larger volumes, appropriate agreements can be concluded with shops or cafes. It is most profitable to sell the drink in large canisters.

You can also open your own “cell” online - virtual sales also bring good profits. As practice shows, positioning your wine as “home draft” allows you to attract more consumers.

Real homemade wine (especially from red grapes) is endowed with bioenergetic, radioactive and even bactericidal properties. The healing power of the drink helped our ancestors fight epidemics and disinfect undrinkable water. Stories about winemaking have come to us since prehistoric times.

Natural wines contain 2–5% of beneficial substances, which in a homeopathic dose have a beneficial effect on the human body. Drinking wine in small quantities replenishes a person’s diet, strengthens the body, and helps resist certain diseases. It is also known that the drink helps strengthen bone tissue, normalize sleep, and has a slight calming effect. When making your own wine from your own raw materials, it is possible to add the extracts of medicinal herbs you need. This wine will treat your ailments.

Making a business out of its production is difficult, but possible. This production employs the majority of residents of the southern regions who have their own vineyards. To produce 1 liter of drink, no more than 250 g of sugar is required (depending on the recipe). A one and a half liter bottle of high-quality wine prepared with your own hands can be bought from local residents of the south for 200 rubles, and the sale of a factory-made analogue of the drink of the same volume and quality is carried out at a price of 1,200 rubles. It is worth noting that many entrepreneurs sell products in violation of the law.

Production must first be legalized and brought into compliance with fire and sanitary safety standards. Then you can start producing and promoting your products. To develop your business, you need to purchase a large capacity container, a crusher and a press. Since you will have to sell the drink on the market, it is worth building a tasting cellar combined with a storage for wine containers. Then residents and guests of your city will be able to plunge into the enchanting atmosphere of winemaking. A cellar equipped with tables will make the atmosphere particularly inviting and relaxing.

In Kuban, a few kilometers from Abrau-Durso, lives Ivan Karakezidi, who decided to start winemaking and sell his own products, without waiting for the release of documents regulating this activity. He was not stopped by the need to legalize his business on common grounds with wineries. To obtain a license, he had to register an LLC in 2001, equip a checkpoint (creating an inspector’s workplace), pay for a separate telephone line to the workshop, and much more. The idea of ​​creating an exclusive helped him withstand the never-ending claims of the sanitary and epidemiological inspection and fire inspection. Thus, Ivan became the first entrepreneur to engage in microwinemaking.

At the end of the 80s, the area of ​​the country's vineyards totaled more than 200 hectares. Today their area has tripled. Winemaking is most developed in the Krasnodar Territory, Stavropol Territory, Rostov Region, and the republics of the North Caucasus.

According to experts, wine consumption in Russia will increase in the near future. Accordingly, the market for this product will grow 2–3 times in the coming years.

Until now, a farmer could only make wine for his own use. On July 13, 2013, a law came into force according to which manufacturers can open their own business. Now winemakers are provided with the same benefits as other agricultural producers.

The new decree opens the door for peasants to receive government support. Previously, it was provided only for farms growing grapes. Budget subsidies will help reduce business costs by up to 30–40%. In addition, the document resolved another problem. Now the farmer can locate a grape processing plant near the plantation itself.

It is difficult to calculate exactly how much it will cost to open a homemade wine production business in Russia. Manufacturing may become profitable if a number of amendments to laws are adopted. For example, on state regulation of the turnover and production of alcoholic products, the Tax Code. The exorbitantly high state duty makes us think about profitability. A license to produce wine costs 500 thousand rubles.

The resolution on changing the list of agricultural products is aimed at the growth of the viticulture and wine industry. The list includes grape wines, sparkling wines and champagnes. The Cabinet of Ministers expects that the new law will create conditions for the emergence of a wine business in peasant farms. And this, in turn, will contribute to the growth of vineyard areas.

According to the President of the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia Leonid Popovich, the most important thing on this list is the appearance of regular and sparkling wines produced in the country from its own grapes. According to the expert, making wine by peasants is a common world practice. In France, the wine business is mainly occupied by small private enterprises. Their market share is 80%. In Russia it's the other way around. The lion's share (80%) belongs to large manufacturers. According to Popovich, this is one of the most investment-protracted types of economic industry. It will take 8–10 years from planting the vine to production.

A serious limitation for the Russian wine business is the law on advertising. But in order to expand production, it will be necessary to talk about it and carry out PR campaigns.

According to Popovich’s calculations, natural wine can be inexpensive only in 5–6 years, when the proportions of participants in this market change. And then the domestic product will occupy even the most expensive price niches.

It is expected that by 2018, there may be about 50 farms in Russia engaged in the wine business. And regions with a lower level of development than the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region have serious prerequisites for increasing their rating.

In France, Italy and Spain, a significant number of people drink wine, almost every day. However, in these countries life expectancy is one of the longest in the world. Sociologists note that in Russia there is also a tendency to abandon vodka in favor of table wine. In addition, in our country, especially in the south, more and more entrepreneurs dream of opening their own wine production.

A winery as a business is not that simple. We will tell you in this article what you need to know to become a successful winemaker.

Learning from old books

Crimean businessman Gleb Kharchenko advises reading some books before opening a private winery. “Check out the “Fundamentals of Biochemistry of Winemaking” by Rodopoulo, and also study 2 volumes of “Technological Rules of Winemaking” edited by Valuiko,” says the entrepreneur. “If there is no doubt after this, then go for it.” On the Internet you can also find an interesting work “Theory and Practice of Winemaking”, written by Jean-Riberto Gayon.

The authors of these publications write that the production of quality wine is based on deep knowledge and extensive personal experience, since we are talking about an extremely capricious drink. Wines can lose flavor and aroma for no apparent reason. The winemaking process depends on the grape variety. Jean-Riberto Guyon emphasizes that it is impossible to reproduce industrial methods at home, since it is necessary to have a specialized laboratory. By the way, he strongly advises making wine from the harvest of his vineyards, which are characterized by the stability of the berries. The fact is that wine, being an unstable colloidal system, turns into mumbo jumbo with any deviation in production. The most capricious wine is white.

“The harvested grapes are checked not only for sugar and acid-base balance, but also for nitrogen concentration, as well as for the content of coloring matter and phenol,” explains Gleb Kharchenko. - But these are still “flowers”. A private winery that wants to have stable demand must master a rather difficult operation called closed transfer. This is when oxygen is first squeezed out of a container with water, and then carbon dioxide is squeezed out of water. No self-respecting wine boutique will accept wine that has not undergone demetallization. As a result of this procedure, the product gets rid of heavy metals.”

How and where to sell original wine

The easiest way to master the so-called primary processing, which results in young wine. As soon as fermentation stops, the drink begins to be sold. Moreover, the product must be sold before the summer of next year. Businessmen and buyers do not highly value such wineries, which are characterized by low profitability but high labor costs.

“These wines differ little from the drinks that private owners sell in the gateways of resorts in Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory,” comments technologist Anna Yashina. - If a businessman wants to sell his wines in restaurants and reputable stores, in addition to the winery, he needs wine cellars for aging. An example is the winery in Massandra.”

The choice of equipment depends on the technology of wine production and the variety of grapes grown. If an entrepreneur plans to set up a winery in an area where only simple varieties or hybrids grow, then he will have to purchase continuous presses. In this case, he will work for volume, putting quality in second place. But where nature and climate favor high-quality grapes, it is logical to use periodic hydraulic or pneumatic presses - both vertical and horizontal - with chains for mixing the pulp.

Special literature provides detailed descriptions of technical processes for each type of wine produced - right down to drawings for the independent production of pressing machines, presses, vats for fermenting red wines, barrels and bottles, mechanisms for bottling. After all, this drink has a centuries-old history. True, for large volumes, as practice shows, it is cheaper to purchase ready-made turnkey lines. Entrepreneurs who want to gain first experience can make “homemade” equipment for the so-called signature wine.

“Author’s wine is also called garage wine,” explains Gleb Kharchenko. - It is clear that this means a low level of quality. However, at this stage, many - about 99% of starting winemakers - begin to realize the size of the required investment and responsibility for the result. After all, you can get poisoned by bad wine. Natural selection is essentially happening here.”

Winery as a legacy business

Entrepreneurs, having gone through the stage called “author’s wine,” begin to understand that the production of home wine is significantly different from an industrial winery. And yet, among the signature wines there are drinks worthy of the best Italian or Spanish restaurants. Success, as a rule, is achieved by people who are in love with their business and know how to grow high-quality grapes.

Today, from one hectare you can get 400 or more deciliters of excellent wine if you use highly productive varieties. Good soil and favorable climatic conditions are necessary. “Usually they get a third less,” says Anna Yashina. - We have to sacrifice volume for quality. If you squeeze out everything you can, at best you will sell it for 200 rubles per liter. If you approach the matter more tenderly and attentively, then, having lost 25% on volume, you will already receive 400 rubles per liter. Plus reputation."

According to the technologist, only on 10 or more hectares of vineyards can a more or less profitable winery be organized, focusing on the production of red wine of traditional varieties. The annual production volume of a small winery will be approximately 10-12 thousand deciliters. Start-up expenses are about 4-6 million rubles, including the costs of obtaining permits, purchasing equipment and materials. Typically, such a winery employs a family and two hired workers during the harvest season. With a successful start, the break-even point is reached in 5-7 years.

If the vineyard area is smaller, it is unlikely that it will even be possible to achieve self-sufficiency, taking into account all kinds of taxes and fees. Gleb Kharchenko calls for very careful handling of numbers, which under different conditions can jump in one direction or the other. For some, a million rubles will be enough to organize a profitable wine production, but for others, even 100 million will not be enough. “It’s funny to see the calculations from armchair experts,” he says. - The winery is growing like a person. At first it could be 6 acres in the country - it’s logical to compare such a home winery with the first steps of a baby.”

All successful private wineries in Europe, as a rule, are family businesses with a history of several generations. They grew gradually, filling new areas where vineyards were planted. European winemakers learn technological secrets in practice - which of course does not exclude the need to receive special education.

“When opening private wine production, count on a long-term family business that will reach its peak in 4-5 generations, not earlier,” technologist Anna Yashina agrees with entrepreneur Kharchenko. - Otherwise, very large initial investments will be required - tens, or even hundreds of millions of rubles. With that kind of money, it makes more sense to buy an operating, profitable winery.”


Private wineries as a business are popular in our country. Own wine production will most likely be of an evolutionary nature with a gradual increase in vineyard area and production volumes. Not every winemaker will be able to “get back on his feet” - only those who are endlessly in love with their business.

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