Smoking blends article. Why is spice dangerous? Consequences of Smoking Spice

Smoking mixtures or "mixes" are substances of plant origin.

Specially prepared natural raw materials: roots, stems, flowers, seeds and leaves various plants, as well as their extracts are packaged in small sealed colored bags. Many herbs that are part of smoking mixtures are medicinal in themselves.

Relaxation, cleansing of the body, sedative and antidepressant effect, increased vitality: smoking mixtures have such an effect, according to the sellers of this product. Everything looks quite harmless, if we ignore the fact that most of the mixtures have not been subjected to examination by the consumer supervision authorities, the safety of these products has not been confirmed by any documents.

Today it has been proven that most of the components of these smoking mixes have a serious psychotropic effect, a toxic effect; long-term use of smoking mixtures leads to dependence, akin to narcotics. The very terminology used by smokers suggests that smoking mixtures are narcotic substances: “addicted to spice”, “holds for 5-6 hours”, etc.

There are two types of mixes:

The first consists only of natural ingredients. The second type of mixes is processed chemicals harmful to human health. The effect of such mixtures is reminiscent of the soft drugs that are fashionable in the youth environment, called "disco pills".

Smoking mixes have a detrimental effect on the body. Exposure to aromatic smoke mixtures carries 3 types of danger:

1. Local reactions resulting from the direct irritant effect of smoke on the mucous membranes.

Almost all smokers of mixes complain of coughing, tearing, hoarseness of the throat during and after smoking. Regular contact with fragrant smoke on the mucous membrane causes chronic inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis). There is a high probability of occurrence of malignant tumors of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and bronchi.

2. Central reactions

The impact of the smoke components of the mixes on the central nervous system depends on the composition of the mixture. The reactions of smokers are very diverse: it can be euphoria, causeless laughter or crying, impaired ability to concentrate, navigate in space, hallucinations, complete loss of control over one's own actions. All these reactions in themselves pose a threat to human life. There are cases when stoned teenagers went for a walk through the window of the 8th floor, tore off their clothes and ran naked in the cold.

But these immediate reactions are not the greatest evil. Systematic smoking of mixes leads to irreversible destructive processes in the central nervous system. Attention decreases, memory worsens, mental activity slows down, a tendency to depression appears. It has already been proven that most smoking mixtures cause drug addiction. Smoking mixtures can lead a person to severe mental illness disability.

3. Toxic reactions

The constant intake of potent substances into the body, along with inhaled smoke, can cause an unpredictable toxic effect. Often smokers complain of nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, muscle cramps. Loss of consciousness, up to a coma, is also possible.

These symptoms often accompany many mixture smokers. With these symptoms, they often end up in the hospital. Most hospitalized formula users are adolescents under 16 years of age.

During hospitalization there are certain difficulties in treatment. The fact is that poisoning with mixtures is poorly diagnosed.

In the process of conducting a blood test, narcotic substances are not detected, therefore it is very difficult to make an accurate diagnosis, detect poisoning, and therefore prescribe adequate treatment.

In this regard, think about whether it is worth poisoning yourself, spoiling your health, risking your life, for the sake of the dubious pleasure of “getting high”.

Smoking mixtures, consequences of use (SPICE)

Many sellers, offering to buy spice, claim that it is completely harmless, first of all, recalling that it consists exclusively of herbs, without chemical additives, and in fact there is nothing harmful to humans in nature. However, this statement is only partly true. Spice includes a variety of components. At the same time, some (and the least of them) are considered non-hazardous, while others (which are the majority) are classified as narcotic substances. These narcotic substances include cannabinoids, which are often sprayed with Spice smoking mixtures. Among other things, according to studies, the main components are the sage of the predictors, the Hawaiian rose, the blue lotus. It would seem - a completely innocent selection of plants with beautiful and even romantic names. That's just EACH of these plants contains the strongest hallucinogens, has a psychotropic and narcotic effect and contains substances that are poisonous to the human body. Most of these plants grow in the area South Asia and America, both South and North. And almost all at one time were used by the natives as drugs.

Spice, a smoking mixture, appeared in different countries Europe between 2004 and 2006. At first, smoking mixtures could be bought completely legally, mainly through online stores, but it was often possible to see it in ordinary stores. Often it was even classified as harmless incense, simply helping a person to relax after a hard labor day. And people really believed. By purchasing these "incense", they "relaxed" after work. Of course, young people - schoolchildren and students - especially quickly and easily recognized Spice. And the main blow fell on them, when the composition of this smoking mixture, as well as the consequences of its use, were fully clarified. However, for many thousands of teenagers across Europe, it was already too late...

The consequences of spice have a detrimental effect on the state of human health, as well as all narcotic substances. The cannabinoids mentioned above, which are part of it, destroy the brain, adversely affect the respiratory, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. The systematic use of this kind of smoking mixtures provokes physical and mental adaptation, and the withdrawal syndrome (or withdrawal syndrome) manifests itself in pain throughout the body, nausea, and fever. Smoking the mixture leads to a mental disorder. Memory, mental activity, attention are under threat.

To understand all the harm of spice, one should imagine that the narcotic effect of this mixture itself exceeds the effect of ordinary cannabis. In addition, the new smoking mixture deals an even more terrible blow to human health. So it turns out that the WHOLE body without exception is under attack. After all, toxic substances enter the blood through the lungs. And already it spreads poison throughout the human body.

Often, as a result of smoking, a person increases arterial pressure. Moreover, it increases so rapidly that only an experienced doctor who arrives in a matter of minutes can save a person. Often you can observe hair loss, both in girls and in guys. Moreover, the hair falls out surprisingly rapidly, leaving in place of a luxurious mane of hair a head as bald as a knee.

Suicidal thoughts become constant companions of those who use spice. In a “high” state, people can jump out the window without hesitation or step under the wheels of a truck. Often death itself is not even the purpose of this action. The reason for these actions are the most powerful hallucinations that can frighten the addict to such an extent that he decides to do anything to stop it, or simply to attract him to the most dangerous places.

It is also important that spice is very often only the first step towards the use of more serious drugs. As the first sip of beer leads many people to wine, vodka, moonshine and denatured alcohol, so spice leads its admirers to cocaine, heroin, LSD and coaxil, etc.

Do not forget - each organism is surprisingly individual. And if one smoked this mixture five or six times, without any visible (yet not having!) Consequences for the body and health, this does not mean that the second smoking will not end in tragedy for the second.

Today, the harm of smoking mixtures can not even be questioned. Spice has claimed too many lives. One can not even talk about the number of ruined destinies - it is measured in thousands, and maybe tens of thousands.

Smoking blends are completely banned in Belarus

To do this, the new version of the law on drugs introduced the concept of "analogue of narcotic substances"

The new edition of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and Their Precursors" comes into force on October 20, 2012. The main innovation of the new edition of the law is the introduction of the concept of analogues of narcotic and psychotropic substances.

About three years ago, Belarus faced the problem of the distribution of smoking mixtures containing synthetic cannabinoids in their composition, which are not subject to state control. They are made by slightly changing the molecular structure of controlled substances, resulting in new drugs and psychotropics. The introduction of the concept of analogues of narcotic drugs and psychotropics will make it possible to prohibit the free circulation of substances of synthetic or natural origin, the chemical structure and properties of which are similar to the chemical structure and properties of narcotic drugs and psychotropics. This will enable law enforcement officers to stop the distribution of such substances at an early stage.

The consequences of the use of smoking mixtures "SPICE".

What is the danger smoking mixtures "SPICE":

1. The human psyche suffers from the use of such smoking mixtures. The impact on it is the same as with the use of potent drugs. With the frequent use of "spice" hallucinations, anxiety, vomiting, a feeling of panic fear appear. Spice smokers often end up in psychiatric hospitals.

2. The whole organism as a whole suffers: lungs, liver, brain, and a number of other organs.

Impact on the human body

The capillaries of the brain, trying not to let the poison pass to the "main control center", narrow sharply. As a result, the blood simply cannot supply oxygen to the brain. Like any other cell, brain cells that are deprived of oxygen die. It is this effect that teenagers like: there is a feeling of lightness and carelessness. Yes, ease comes. But is it worth paying for a few hours of “happiness” with your brain?

In some cases, the use of smoking mixtures leads to infertility. Therefore, one should seriously think before trying spice for the first time, and decide what is more important: to get a few hours of dubious pleasure or in the future to be able to create a normal family.

Restriction of liberty for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for a term two to five years.

Part 2 Art. 328

Illegal manufacture, processing, acquisition, storage, transportation or transfer or illegal sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors or analogues for the purpose of sale - shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term from five to eight years with confiscation

Part 3. Art. 328

The actions provided for in part 2 of this article, committed by a group of persons, or official using his official powers, or by a person who has previously committed the crimes provided for in Articles 327-329 or 331 of this Code, or in relation to narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues on a large scale, or in relation to especially dangerous narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors or analogues on the territory of an educational institution, healthcare organization, military unit, correctional institution, arrest house, in places of detention or in a place where sports, cultural or other mass events are held - shall be punishable by imprisonment for a period of from eight to thirteen years with confiscation property or without confiscation.

The existence of smoking mixtures of herbs with psychotropic properties in Europe has become known relatively recently. They instantly became very popular among young people, and their use was legal for a while. Only after studies of their composition, as a result of which psychotropic substances were discovered that adversely affect human health, laws were passed in many civilized countries prohibiting their free import and distribution.

The composition of smoking mixtures

The composition of smoking mixtures includes entheogens - plants that affect the human psyche and change consciousness when they are smoked. The roots of this phenomenon can be found in ancient times, when such herbs were used in their practice by shamans and sorcerers to plunge into a trance. But only in our time, smoking spices has gained enormous proportions throughout Europe, and bright bags with them have gained incredible popularity in tobacco kiosks, online stores and even supermarkets in the form of incense.

Roots, stems, seeds, flowers and leaves of certain plants and their extracts, which are prepared using a special technology, are used as raw materials for the manufacture of smoking mixes. According to the sellers of spices, they are absolutely harmless and help to relax, calm down, increase vitality and overcome depression. In fact, most of the plants used for such smoking mixtures have a strong toxic and psychotropic effect. A person who regularly uses them becomes addicted like a drug.

Smoking mixtures are used in several ways. Some smoke them through a pipe, a hookah, or make cigarettes. If you burn them in an aroma lamp, then everyone who is present in the room will feel the psychedelic effect.

Types of smoking mixtures

Smoking mixtures are of two types. The former consist only of natural components taken in a certain quantitative ratio. Entheogens include the well-known white water lily, rose, lily of the valley, clover, motherwort and overseas maccona brava, blue lotus, sea canal, Indian warrior. The leaves, roots, stems and extracts of these plants are selected in a certain way and in quantities that can cause mild drug intoxication. Each of these plants has its own effect on a person. Some cause hallucinations, disrupt the perception of reality, change thinking, the use of others is fraught with persistent depression and loss of orientation in space. Some of them are similar in effect to ecstasy or LSD.

The second view consists of components that have been further processed chemicals. Most smoking blends, which are especially popular among young people, have found high concentrations of one type of artificial cannabinoid. The natural cannabinoid found in cannabis is its active narcotic substance. But its synthetic analogue is 5 times stronger, and the effect of getting used to it develops twice as fast.

In total, there are 23 synthetic components that are used to make smoking mixtures. They are all prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and many other European countries.

Manufacturers of smoking mixtures easily circumvent the Law, referring to the fact that their product does not contain certain narcotic components, so the mixtures can be consumed. If one type of mixture falls under the ban, it is immediately replaced with another. It will be a long time before they get there. After its prohibition, they will invent a new one. So, in a vicious circle.

Effects of smoking mixtures on the body

Except psychotropic effects and the effect of addiction, smoking mixtures have a detrimental effect on the human body and its individual organs. When smoking mixes, local reactions and irritations of the mucous membrane are often observed, which provokes a cough, hoarseness of the throat, and tearing. If contact with smoke occurs regularly, chronic pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and various inflammatory processes can develop in the respiratory tract. Malignant formations in the pharynx, bronchi, oral cavity and larynx are not excluded.

Depending on the composition of the smoking mixture, lesions of the nervous system of varying degrees are noted. After using the plant mix, a person may experience unreasonable fits of laughter or hysteria, a state of euphoria. Under the influence of spices, a person loses control over his behavior. Such a state in itself is life-threatening, because due to the inadequacy of actions, accidents very often occur. Prolonged use in general can provoke irreversible disorders of the nervous system, impair memory and attentiveness, and slow down mental activity.

An overdose of aromatic smoke with psychotropic components is unpredictable. It can be nausea and vomiting, heart palpitations, a sharp increase in blood pressure, fainting, convulsions, and even a coma. The reaction of each organism is absolutely individual.

The main problem with overdose treatment is that no tests detect a narcotic substance in the blood. Therefore, before deciding to inhale a ball of fragrant smoke of exotic herbs, it is worth considering that this may be the last breath in life.

What parents need to know:

The most common drugs among young people are JWH smoking mixtures (plan, jivik, spice, mix, grass, greens, book, magazine, heads, heads, palych, hard, soft, dry, chemistry, plastic, hay, sticky, cherry, chocolate, placer, rega, smoke, green flag, lyapka, plop, etc.) are synthetic analogues of cannabinoids, but many times stronger.

Signs of using smoking mixtures:

1. The effect of the drug can last from 20 minutes to several hours.

2. Accompanied by a cough(burns mucous)

3. Dry mouth(Requires constant fluid intake)

4. Cloudy or reddened whites of the eyes(an important sign! drug addicts know, so they carry Vizin and other eye drops with them)

5. Loss of coordination

6. Speech defect(sluggishness, tape stretch effect)

7. Inhibition of thinking(stupid)

8. Immobility, freezing in one position with complete silence(if heavily stoned, for 20-30 minutes)

9. Paleness

10. Rapid pulse

11. Attacks of laughter.

After consumption, for several days or longer:

Decline in general physical condition

Disconcentration of attention

Apathy(especially for work and study)

Sleep disturbance

mood swings(from extreme to extreme)

From experience:

The main sign is that a teenager begins to skip classes, academic performance drops, and generally stops going to school. Lies all the time. Friends appear that he does not talk about. When talking with them on the phone, he goes to another room, or says that he will dial later. Irritability to the point of rage appears, avoids any serious conversations, avoids contact with parents, turns off the phones. With constant use, degradation becomes apparent. He thinks for a long time, is untidy, constantly asks for money, gets into debt and starts dragging him out of the house. Loses sense of reality, develops paranoia.

Stoned teenagers often hang out in porches and computer clubs in winter.

The use of smoking mixtures - common cause teenage suicides. As a rule, they leave the windows. This does not mean that the teenager wanted to commit suicide, perhaps he just wanted to fly.

And further. In 99% of cases, smoking mixtures are started by those who already smoke cigarettes.

They buy these drugs either through the Internet or from peers. As a rule, teenagers go to well-known drug trafficking sites by typing in a search engine several keywords, receives a contact, writes off via Skype or ICQ, makes an order, he is immediately told the account number, he pays through the terminals, and he is told where to pick up the hidden drugs.

In slang - pick up a bookmark, find a treasure. The same actions can be carried out on VKontakte, classmates, etc. Often, information is read from the walls of houses when they see the inscriptions: Legal, Mix, Kureha, Plan, etc. and ICQ number, less often - phone.

For teenagers, it all seems interesting game. In order to understand that your child is buying drugs, it is enough to check his correspondence, they usually do not erase it.

Peers, classmates who start selling drugs at school immediately become noticeable, they have other phones, iPads, laptops, they dress better. They are approached by the elders. They become negative leaders, and as a rule, positive-minded children lack the arguments to reverse this situation.

From experience:

A teenager who has started dealing drugs and uses this activity as a way of communication with elders and self-affirmation among peers will never give up this activity voluntarily.

Compiled by: methodologist of the "department of psychological correction of maladaptive states" Mikhailenko T.A. - Based on materials from Internet sites

So let's figure out what a smoking mixture called "Spice" is.

Spice is an herbal mixture that contains a strong psychoactive substance. It works exactly the same as marijuana. That is, it is a synthetic drug, which in no case should be sold together with other tobacco products. In all online stores that advertise the Spice smoking mixture, it should be written how dangerous it is for human health, especially for teenagers, because they are higher percentage buyers.

What is included in the composition of the smoking mixture Spice

Everyone who distributes this mixture says that it is absolutely harmless, since it contains only aromatic herbs that soothe and relieve stress in the body. But this is far from true. There are, of course, harmless herbs in the composition, but even they are processed with substances due to which the effect after smoking becomes exactly the same as after smoking marijuana.

In addition to the processed “harmless” herbs, the Spice smoking mixture also contains synthetic cannabinoids, which have a strong psychotropic effect, and entheogen herbs.

Why has this smoking mixture become so popular among young people? Yes, because there is no money for marijuana, and it is illegal, but there will always be a smoking mixture of Spice cash because it is much cheaper. And now, the dream has come true, now you can get high as much as you like.

Consequences of Smoking Spice

  1. Synthetic components along with natural hallucinogens act intoxicatingly on the human body. They are extremely toxic substances. After smoking spice, blood pressure rises sharply, it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate, and memory deteriorates.
  2. In most cases, the Spice smoking mixture acts on the body several times stronger than marijuana, sobering up is more painful. Spice is also detrimental to emotional condition man, as well as on his psyche. The mixture disrupts the cells of the nervous system, and everyone knows that nerve cells do not recover.
  3. After smoking Spice, hallucinations, panic, muscle paralysis, respiratory failure, and the appearance of mental disorders. Synthetic cannabinoids undermine the cardiovascular system and adversely affect reproductive function. The brain can be severely damaged.
  4. Addiction and addiction to Spice appear in just a few uses. In case of an overdose of a smoking mixture, a person can harm not only himself, but also those around him.

Which organs are affected the most when smoking Spice?

  1. The first organ that gets "hit" is the liver, as it is the filter of the whole organism. Liver cells neutralize some of the harmful substances, but still many of them also enter the bloodstream, sweeping throughout the body.
  2. The brain suffers greatly. When smoking the mixture, the vessels constrict in order to block the flow of poison to the brain. And, accordingly, the so-called oxygen starvation occurs, in which brain cells die.
  3. When the chemicals are removed from the body, the kidneys also suffer. The kidney parenchyma is damaged, and this leads to the replacement of the connective tissue.
  4. If we talk about the genitals, then they will also have consequences from smoking Spice. Male weakens (as a result, impotence may appear), and female libido decreases.
  5. With frequent use of the mixture, the nervous system is exposed to the greatest dangers. Since hallucinations, psychosis can develop, which can lead to tragic consequences.

How Spice affects the hormonal background of men and women

As mentioned earlier, the harmful components that are in the mixture have a bad effect on male hormones. They can even lead to. In women, not only does the desire for intimacy with a man disappear, but infertility can also develop, and this is already a terrible diagnosis.

The use of harmful synthetic substances turns people into vegetables. The ingredients in Spice cause hallucinations even the first time you smoke it. There have been many cases where people under the influence narcotic substance they did terrible things - either they threw themselves off the roof and fell on purpose under a car. There have been cases when "besotted" people maimed other people.

Since 2010, a law was passed banning the distribution of this smoking mixture. But there is a big BUT. Many synthetic cannabinoids can still be used (there are more than 23 of them). This means that manufacturers can not be afraid of our legislation and add further harmful substances in smoking mixtures.

What effect does Spice have on the human body

There are three main dangers from smoking Spice:

  1. Influence of smoking smoke. Those who constantly “sit” on Spice develop a chronic cough both during smoking and in between. Increased chance of getting sick various diseases that are associated with breathing - laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. Cancer of the pharynx, lungs, and mouth may also develop.
  2. Destruction of the central nervous system. The effect of the mixture on the central nervous system is completely diverse. After smoking, there may be a feeling of momentary happiness, an explosion of laughter or crying, hallucinations and the inability to control one's behavior. But that's not the worst. The worst thing is the loss of memory and attention, the poor functioning of the brain, as well as the appearance of depression, which leads to suicide.
  3. Severe poisoning of the body (its intoxication). After smoking the mixture, nausea and even vomiting may appear, pressure may increase, you can faint or even worse - to whom.
Surely you have repeatedly approached sellers with mixtures with the question of how harmful they are to human health. The sellers, of course, answered that the mixtures are absolutely harmless and have a slight anti-stress effect. Actually it is not. Before buying any mixture, you must first familiarize yourself with the constituent parts, and only then think whether you need it or not.

How to get rid of addiction?

"Spice" addiction appears very quickly, literally after a few uses. Young people generally do not think about the consequences, but just start smoking for pleasure - it's so cool to be relaxed, it helps to communicate with friends. Without a mixture, young people will feel very uncomfortable and insecure. They become puppets in the hands of the Spice maker.

Most likely, it will not be possible to cope with such a problem alone. It's not just about quitting simple cigarettes, it's about quitting drugs in the truest sense of the word. Treatment will only be effective in drug treatment facilities, where "good" friends can't bring Spice for relief.

This must be agreed to by the parents (if the child is underage) or the person who is dependent on Spice must want to stop using drugs and go into treatment voluntarily.

Spice research in the lab

At a time when the smoking mixture was considered safe, laboratory studies showed that intoxication after Spice was not caused by natural herbs, as it is written on the label. Many people have become psychologically addicted to smoking. It was observed that a long break without the use of Spice caused powerful depression in people, which could lead to suicide.

After this, our legislation banned the distribution of these drugs, but this is not a hindrance for those who sell - after all, there are online stores that no one looks after.

Nowadays, anyone can get Spice, and even inexpensively. Teenagers are especially interested in this, because they believe in the harmlessness of drugs due to their naivety. And this is the worst thing, because who will give birth to healthy children then?

And yet, drugs that are prohibited by law are made from what it is not clear from what, because no one touches the manufacturer and no one asks what Spice is made of.

And here is a video example of what can happen.

Spice comes from illegal laboratories in China, where new, even more dangerous formulas of the synthetic cannabinoid that forms the basis of these smoking mixtures are constantly being developed. In 2015, in the Russian Federation, all synthetic cannabinoids were included in the register of prohibited substances. All spices are recognized as drugs.

Consequences of using spices

Under the name "spice" are combined smoking mixtures, consisting of vegetable raw materials and synthetic cannabinoid, similar in properties to marijuana, hashish, but exceeding them in their ability to be addictive.

The action of a synthetic cannabinoid is shorter than marijuana, but more intense. Compound vegetable base is not of decisive importance. The use of plant materials for the application of a narcotic substance only complements the picture of poisoning with symptoms uncharacteristic of drug addiction.

The main harm is caused by smoking mixtures of the central nervous system (CNS). Psychoneurological disorders occur in the brain, peripheral nervous system. Synthetic psychotropic compounds cause severe poisoning, destroy the liver, poison the reproductive, excretory system.

Psychological addiction

Mental addiction to spice is characterized by:

  • an irresistible desire to smoke, take at least one puff;
  • loss of ability to control drug cravings;
  • brittle in the absence of the next dose;
  • the emergence of tolerance, the desire to increase the dose, to smoke more often;
  • loss of awareness of illness.

Psychoactive effects last for a long time. Spice smokers have hallucinations, delusions, depressive states outside of episodes of drug use.

On the video you can watch the consequences of smoking spice:

Psycho-organic syndrome

As a result of the use of smoking spices, the patient develops a psycho-organic syndrome that occurs during the mass death of neurons, personality changes, severe depression begins, memory deteriorates, and intelligence decreases.

With an increase in the dose for smoking, the likelihood of a developed psychosis of the type of schizophrenia with visual and auditory hallucinations, delirium increases. It is not uncommon for drug addicts to hide the fact of using spices and they are hospitalized in mental asylum due to the similarity of symptoms with schizophrenia.

Drug addicts who have been smoking such mixtures for more than six months have slowed down speech and thinking, they cannot take care of themselves, they become untidy.

In the photo, a young man after smoking a mixture of spice

Effect on the body

The danger is not only the systematic, but even the rare use of the smoking mixture. Not only an overdose of spice with frequent use can end in death, but also a single and even the first use of the drug.

Synthetic drugs have a detrimental effect on the body: they destroy the immune system, disturb the hormonal balance, negatively affect the blood-forming organs, the heart, and the respiratory system.

Hormonal disorders

Spice smokers suffer from sexual dysfunction. In girls, the cycle of menstruation is disturbed, the viability of the eggs deteriorates, and infertility occurs. The hormonal background changes, the risk of diabetes increases.

For men, drug addiction ends in decline sexual attraction, erectile dysfunction, impotence. Pathologies of spermatogenesis caused by the drug lead to a decrease in activity, the number of spermatozoa in the seminal fluid.

The changes may be irreversible. In advanced cases, the reproductive function is completely disrupted.

Local changes

Smoking mixtures leads to burns of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. Hot smoke burns the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, larynx, bronchi, dries, causing irritation. The patient feels dryness in a mouth, is compelled to drink often.

The mucous membrane of the eye is also irritated by smoke, the white of the eyeball is cloudy. These symptoms betray the spice smoker to hide them, he usually uses eye drops.

CNS dysfunction

Spice, destroying the neurons of the brain, destroys the ability to think, deprives a person of the ability to realize the degree of destruction of the personality, the ability to establish contact with other people.

After prolonged use of spice, a drug addict loses his intellect, loses even the very possibility of understanding the problem that has arisen. Psychological rehabilitation of a spice addict with 6 months of experience is more difficult and labor-intensive than that of a heroin addict.

As the brain is destroyed, the character develops signs of schizophrenia with bouts of paranoia.

Toxic encephalopathy

The synthetic cannabinoid causes a spasm of the blood vessels of the brain, depriving its cells of oxygen, which causes the death of neurons and the development of toxic encephalopathy or temporary dementia.

Toxic encephalopathy is manifested by a disorder of memory and consciousness, lack of initiative, headaches, dizziness. Patients are distracted, tearful, with sharp mood swings.

The emotional sphere suffers, the ability to evaluate the correctness of one's actions critically is lost. The patient has impaired coordination of movements, a feeling of lightness, a desire to fly.

Intoxication psychosis

A negligible amount of the drug is enough to achieve the effect, and even a slight excess of the dose causes an overdose with severe psychosis similar to schizophrenia, acute renal failure, sudden death due to cardiac arrest.

Psychosis is another answer to the question, what are the consequences after spice. Caused by an overdose, it can develop both in an experienced drug addict who has exceeded the dosage several times, and in a novice who has tried this drug for the first time. Without treatment, psychosis can last from one day to 2 weeks, accompanied by hallucinations, delusions of persecution, bewitchment, grandeur.

If left untreated, toxic psychosis can last up to 30 days. Continued use of spice leads to relapses of toxic psychosis and possibly initiates the development of paranoid schizophrenia.

Disorders of the circulatory system

Damage to the circulatory system after smoking spice is caused by:

  • the effect of the drug on the peripheral nervous system, which regulates the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • organic lesions of the heart, venous, arterial vessels.

Violation of the regulation of work circulatory system leads to increased heart rate, spasmodic changes in the rhythm of the heartbeat, angina pectoris, shock. Toxic damage to the myocardium can cause stroke, death.


Poisoning of all systems of human organs is characterized by a deterioration in complexion, hair loss, both in boys and girls. Very quickly, instead of a thick mop of hair on the head, there are sparse hairs through which the scalp is visible.

Symptoms of poisoning are manifested by increased breathing, agitation, hallucinations. The patient's temperature rises sharply, kidney and liver failure develops.

Intoxication is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, chest pain. A serious condition is noted with toxic cerebral edema, epileptic seizures.


The destructive ability of spice is more pronounced than that of marijuana, hashish, amphetamines. In a few months, a person's personality and health disintegrate.

At his own will, a person buys from drug dealers:

  • thought disorder, decreased intelligence;
  • deterioration of short-term memory;
  • loss of reading skills;
  • psychoses similar to schizophrenia;
  • paranoid states with persecution mania;
  • severe depression;
  • suicidal thoughts and actions;
  • infertility;
  • destruction of immunity;
  • disruption of the hematopoietic system;
  • insomnia, difficult to treat;
  • heart attack, stroke, early death from an overdose.

Without inevitably turns a person into a "vegetable". The process of transformation is so fast, and the destruction of the psyche and health is so serious that every day of delay can be the last chance to get rid of addiction and recovery.

The video is all about the consequences of using spice:

It all started in 2008, when for the first time our doctor from an ambulance for narcological assistance received a call to another patient. The patient turned out to be intoxicated with an unknown at that time drug "Spice", the same one that contained "Sage of predictors", "Hawaiian rose", "Blue Lotus" and other herbs that have a psychotropic effect, growing on other continents.

Hence the name "Smoking mixes" or "smoking mixes". The name "Spice" is the "trade" name of the most common smoking mixture at that time, although there were others such as "Aroma", "Toxic", "Bomb", etc., but it was remembered on given time only one thing - "Spice", although those synthetic smoking mixtures that are now sold under the name Spice have nothing to do with them.

That first wave of organic spices came to us from Europe and these smoking mixtures did not cause any special physical dependence. According to statistics at that time, the number of requests for drug treatment at our clinic was equal to the number of requests for treatment for marijuana addiction. Statistics for 2008: for 100 visits - 5-8 is a treatment from Spice.

A year and a half later, Russian legislation included in the list of substances prohibited for circulation in the Russian Federation "Sage of predictors", "Hawaiian rose", "Blue Lotus" and other herbs that have a psychotropic effect. Smoking mixtures began to disappear.

Then JWH-18 was synthesized in the USA, and a new wave began to overwhelm Russia with a new already synthetic drug and, as a result, a wave of overdose suicides among the younger generation. The drug was imported into Russia in powder, then it was dissolved in a liquid and impregnated with tobacco or pharmaceutical grass. How JWH-18 was synthesized and what was the impact can be found out by watching the program “Let them talk” on the first channel. Soon the main component of JWH-18 was banned by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Further, in 2012-13, it is not known exactly where, presumably from China, a new and main wave of synthetic drugs JWH-210, JWH-200, JWH-203, JWH-249 - PN-420 - AM-1220, etc. .d., also in powder and also impregnated with tobacco or pharmaceutical grass, packaged in small bags (often gray color). They sell literally on every corner (in Moscow, there are 3 points of sale of Spice near each metro station, although in other regions of the Russian Federation, according to reviews, there are enough points of sale). The legislation of the Russian Federation simply does not have time to prohibit these narcotic compounds, they prohibit one thing, another comes out. On average, it takes about a year to develop and pass a law, and the composition of the drug changes every few months. We need a bill banning not just a specific chemical, but all analogues of psychotropic smoking mixtures.

The price of a sachet of Spice this moment about 500 rubles, such a bag is enough for a novice drug addict for a couple of days, but the company smokes it out in the evening, throwing off 100 rubles that were taken from their parents for travel or lunch. This happens in 90% of cases. Lately The "hucksters" who sell the drug even make one-day discount promotions luring customers to their place and sell the drug for 150 rubles.

Visible symptoms of Spice addiction: Paleness of the skin, black circles under the eyes, poor appetite or moments of excessive gluttony, weight loss, bad dream, irritability. During the action of the drug Spice: inadequacy of behavior, sudden falling asleep in an inappropriate position, poor memory, inability to formulate sentences when talking. It is quite difficult to determine this drug by the eyes.

Treatment for addiction to Spice is quite individual and takes place in 2 stages*.

Stage 1 is a treatment of 5 to 10 days*. Detoxification of the body with the relief of withdrawal-depressive states. Medical therapy.

This stage of treatment can take place both at home and in a hospital, everything is quite individual.

Stage 2 is rehabilitation from 3 weeks to 3 months*. Medical therapy. Psychological work.

Rehabilitation is best done in rehabilitation center, a boarding house or on vacation, a change of place of stay is important here, everything is quite individual.

*Depending on the severity of addiction to Spice.

In some life situations, the patient cannot leave the place of residence (work, study, etc.), but the fight against addiction to Spice comes to the fore in the patient and his relatives. In this case, the attending physician will develop a course of treatment and rehabilitation, taking into account all the nuances and possibilities of the patient, to adapt as much as possible to the life rhythm of the patient and his relatives.

Cleansing and treatment of the body from the smoking mixture Spice

Treatment of drug addiction to spice consists primarily in contacting a drug treatment center or calling a psychiatrist-narcologist at home to determine the severity of addiction and psychological work aimed at changing the patient's attitude to the drug and the treatment system, and in some cases, providing the first medical care with acute drug intoxication and continued treatment at home. Next in rehabilitation period you may need the help of a psychologist and even a psychiatrist, it all depends on the severity of the addiction and the patient's attitude to his problem. At any stage, it is necessary to consult a narcologist-psychiatrist with a narrow specialization “addiction to smoking drugs marijuana and spice”. A person himself cannot cope with such a problem as drug addiction, only relatives can control this process and direct the patient to the right “path” of fighting addiction, and narcologists will do everything in their power in this particular case, since everything is individual and no two cases are the same.

In the treatment of drug addiction and cleansing the body of smoking mixtures or “spice”, an enhanced detoxification procedure is used, since the body is saturated with chemicals of synthetic origin (in some cases of unknown origin). In a severe degree of addiction to spice, inpatient treatment is necessary, with an average and mild degree, treatment at home is possible, surrounded by relatives and relatives under the supervision of a narcologist-psychiatrist. It all depends on the mood and motivation of the patient himself. This is determined at the first meeting with a narcologist.

During the cleansing (detoxification) procedure, drugs necessary for chemical poisoning (chemical intoxication) are used, and the narcologist will also apply symptomatic treatment in the form of stopping a hypertensive crisis and arrhythmia attacks. Treatment and purification after the use of spice, smoking mixtures begins with the complete cessation of the drug. Detoxification can be carried out both in a hospital and at home by calling anonymous drug treatment.

Now on in large numbers sites You can see ads for a wonderful collection of herbs that are intended for smoking, we are talking about spice. You will be promised high performance after smoking spice, as well as a feeling of lightness in the body, a good mood and other joys.

Yes, they just won’t say the main thing, that this smoking mixture is the most dangerous drug of the substances most harmful to the body.

Spice (in 2008) is a smoking collection of herbs. It has appeared since 2004 in various countries Europe. At first, smoking mixtures could be legally bought through online stores. Although it was often possible to notice them in ordinary stores. Spice was often called harmless incense, helping a person to relax after a hard, intense mental or physical work. And people believed in it...

People bought these so-called "incense", thus relaxing after work. Naturally, spice has become widely popular among young people, students and schoolchildren. Therefore, the main narcotic blow fell on them. After a short systematic use, a person tightly "sat down" on this "legal" drug and he already needed treatment for addiction to smoking mixtures or spice.

The composition of smoking mixtures

Sellers, offering to buy spice, prove that "it is completely harmless, since it consists only of herbs, without chemical additives, and nature is a friend of man."

But there is only a small grain of truth in this. You can, for example, remember only about marijuana, various mushrooms that contain hallucinogens and other completely natural products, using which many people, for some reason, died.

But in fact, this smoking mixture or "spice" (from 2004 to 2008) contains such plants: blue lotus, babyin, lion's tail, dwarf skullcap, Hawaiian rose, predictor's sage and other substances - it was real or original " spice" from which the name is taken to this day.

Yes, they seem to be ordinary plants and even with beautiful names. But each of these plants has in its composition the strongest hallucinogens. Most of them grow in South Asia and America (North and South). All of them were previously used by the natives in the form of drugs. Can you imagine what effect is obtained when some extreme mixes all these terrible components.

The difficulty that doctors face in treating spice addiction is that in the analysis, in most cases, the patient does not have narcotic compounds in the blood. This makes diagnosis and treatment difficult. But now the Ministry of Health has begun to consider the issue of completely banning the use of spice. It also decides how to prevent the spread of spice and develops new methods of treatment for spice.

Spice ban

In Europe, they thought for a long time about whether a ban on spice should be introduced or not. And at that time, people were dying .. But still, most of the countries of Europe (Great Britain, Luxembourg, Sweden, Germany, France and others) nevertheless introduced a ban on this drug. Many of these bans went into effect in 2009.

In Russia, the original "spice" was banned in 2009.

But this ban is not respected. Until now, many stores sell spice, but not openly, but under the counters.

Manufacturers circumvented Russian laws by changing the composition of the spice.

In online stores today, the sale of spice is open. Enter the name of the mixture in the search engine and see for yourself. It turns out that the higher ranks do not worry about it at all. But many teenagers could have avoided drug addiction if things had been different.

All toxic substances enter the blood through the lungs. And then the blood carries all the poison throughout the human body. Naturally, the damage is done to the liver. After all, she is trying to save the body and takes all the force of the blow on herself and the poison accumulates in the liver.

In addition, spice acts on the genitals. As a result, those who smoke these mixtures for many years become subsequently impotent. Testosterone production is hindered and cravings opposite sex disappears. And the girls change menstrual cycle which often leads to infertility.

The consequences are revealed gradually, in stages. There are six stages in the formation of addiction to any drug.

Stage 1. Beginning.

Stage 2. Experiments. Drug addicts begin to experiment on themselves in terms of the amount of drug intake, mixing their types.

Stage 3. Use of drugs in society. Spice and other drugs are already used with acquaintances and friends.

Stage 4. The drug is already used as something ordinary, everyday. A habit appears. A person cannot live even a day without drugs; he gathers around him the same drug addicts as he is. He lives under the illusion that he is not the only one and that's okay.

Stage 5. Drugs are already taken in large quantities. Small doses are not enough for the patient. Relationships with peers and family deteriorate. A person is looking for a way out again in drugs and begins to use them even more.

Stage 6. Sick addiction. The person is no longer able to quit on his own, he is drug addicted and needs treatment. The patient serious problems with health, craving for dangerous affairs, loss of friends and relatives due to personality imbalance. The patient can no longer distinguish when he feels bad from drugs, and when he is just fine. Memory is lost, some sensations are aggravated to the limit: nervousness appears, tremor in the hands. Other sensations are dulled, inhibited: thinking, speech. The patient needs to cleanse the body of spice or, in some cases, remove the withdrawal symptoms.

Spice - die for little money.

Spice began to sell relatively recently. Now buying spice is not difficult. After all, there is the Internet and local drug addicts in every district, at school, university, college, etc., who sell spice.

Businessmen who bring hundreds of kilograms of spice from China claim that spice is supposedly safe and non-addictive. Of course, merchants will never talk about the disadvantages of their product.

In fact, the desire to buy spice arises from its availability and low price. And this is not surprising, chemicals from China cannot be expensive.

If the sellers warned how harmful spice is and what is its danger, then no one would buy it, just like vodka, beer, cigarettes, but now it’s not about them.

What can be the consequences of spice:

- Lack of understanding of what is happening. That is, you can even kill a person without realizing it. Such a case not so long ago occurred in Belgorod.

- Loss of interest

- Persecution mania

- A sharp decrease in memory and intelligence (brain degradation)

- Heart attack and stroke at the age of 20-30 years.

— Not uncommon and death from overdose.

If you are a parent reading this article, take a closer look at your child. Does he have red eyes, inadequacy, strange new interests, suspicious new company? Some teenagers sell spice, they start to get new expensive things. Be carefull.

It's better to stop it now, because everything could end in tragedy!

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