How to read a castle plot. Strong love spell on a loved one

In magic, a castle or its symbol is used as part of a ritual. The castle plot has powerful force impact on love sphere, wealth, prosperity and good luck.

A castle is a popular attribute of magical rituals

Lock spell for good luck

A ritual for good luck helps when a person is haunted by troubles, he is unlucky. This could be the result of someone's witchcraft or a simple accident.

Buy a small unused lock with a key. They don’t take change or pay exactly to the penny. Take 3 red wax candles and a small amount of honey.

Need to retire to quiet place so that no one notices the ceremony. The lock is opened, the key is left nearby, and the candles are lit. They recite the words of the spell, calling on good luck:

“The river is fast, the river is clean, show me all the dangerous shallows, secret fords, natural bridges and approaches to rocky cliffs. So that I, the Servant of God (my own name) will not be afraid of your rapids and depths. So that I can bypass all the dark troubles, so that my path is gentle and kind, so that all sorrows and sorrows disappear. Take the stormy current of the river into an iron cage, and lock it securely with a key. For me, the Servant of God (s) - a sweet honey life, and for unkind villains - into the evil mouth of tar. And it will always be like this, and no one can change anything. Amen".

They wait until the wax burns completely, repeating the text of the ritual all the time. After burning is completed, the lock is coated with honey, closing it.

Comes with a lock and key to any body of water. At the river they repeat the words of the ritual, throwing the castle as far as possible into the water.

Also don't forget to throw in some coins. This is a kind of bait payment for fulfilling a request. She can soften higher power.

Sex slander

A love spell on a lock that cannot be removed will also help in love. Buy a small padlock. The names of lovers are written in black charcoal. At home, they light 3 white candles, reciting the spell:

“The sunflower is towards the sun, and you, God’s servant (name of the chosen one), are towards me, God’s servant (your name). Petal - to the ray, ray - to the petal. The seed will sprout into the bosom, rise, blossom and ripen. Hand to hand, head to head, heart to heart, juices to juices. Do not be separated, do not part, there is sun and light in your heart. Black clouds, away! I sentenced God's servant (my name) forever, locked this lock, turned the key 7 times. The key is in my secret, hidden under 7 stones. Let it be so!".

A key is used to close a magical object. Leave when full moon on the bridge over the river. There they read the love spell again with eyes closed. Then they leave magic castle in water. The key is buried in the ground under the bridge near the water. They go home without looking back. They don’t take a shower and go straight to bed.

Love spell on feelings forever

The spell on the castle is strong and valid for life. This love spell cannot be removed if the performer has an unshakable faith in a higher power. They are able to bind a loved one forever if feelings for the performer of the ritual have long extinguished.

The bewitched person finds himself completely at the mercy of the performer. He has the following qualities:

  • loyalty;
  • humility;
  • Love;
  • devotion.

The ritual can be carried out according to the rules of white or black magic. In option 2, the effect occurs quickly, but irreversible consequences of magical actions also quickly arise.

Drying according to photo

Take a photograph of your loved one, where he (she) is depicted from the waist up. The face should be open and not blurred. A photograph taken no earlier than a year before the ceremony is suitable.

The ritual is performed on an empty stomach. Before midnight, between 23 and 24 hours, a photograph of the ritual object is taken. It must be placed by the window. They look carefully at their loved one or loved one.

Light a candle and write the partner's name on a piece of paper. The paper is folded twice and a photo of the bewitched person is placed there. The leaf is taken with the left hand. The other one needs to be moved around the sheet in a circle. The words of the conspiracy are invented arbitrarily. The main thing is that they come from the heart and be gentle and affectionate. You can confess your love to the object of the love spell.

The photo is hidden in a secluded place, and the paper is burned, blowing the ashes out of an open window.

Love spell on a man

Love spell on hair

They extract a few hairs from the head of their loved one. They are found on a comb or clothing. You can also cut them off discreetly while you sleep at night.

Prepare 2 wax candles, a red piece of thread. The first candle is wrapped with the hair of your loved one. The second is your own. The wax must be softened on the battery pipe or in your hands. Candles are intertwined with one another. The double wax light must be wrapped with red thread. The lock is opened. A candle is placed on top. They pronounce a spell on the lock, which cannot be removed, in a whisper:

“As much as I love you, you (name of the victim) cannot live without me.”

The lock is immediately closed. It is recommended to recite the text of the love spell daily until the full moon occurs. All used items must be taken to a hiding place where locks are stored, and which no one knows about. Sharing the results of the magical action performed is prohibited.

Drying on Friday

The ritual is performed on the new moon early in the morning or at noon. Choose a medium-sized amulet. First, take 2 fresh photographs: of yourself and your loved one (beloved). The photos are turned with their front sides facing each other. It is necessary to make a hole approximately where the lovers' hearts are located. The photo is threaded through a magical amulet, bonding two souls together forever. They pronounce the words of the spell, you need to read them in a whisper:

“2 hearts, 2 lives united forever. The love between us is strong, we have the same destiny! Just as it is difficult to lift the key to this castle from the bottom of the river, it is also difficult to break our love union. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!".

Keys must be thrown into the body of water closest to the house. On this day it is prohibited:

  • talk to somebody;
  • lend money;
  • taking out the trash;
  • to take a bath.

For the ceremony you will need a small castle

Ceremony for the keys to the apartment

A simple white ceremony is suitable for couples who are in a civil or registered marriage. To perform a magical act, they buy the same castle as in the house. They take the keys to the apartment or house that the husband carries with him. They hold them with two palms, slowly whispering the desired love spell:

“I will come to the sandy shore, stand on the golden sand, red dawn, call the clear sun, find me a slave (name), wherever he is, in a hut, in a barn, in a steam bath, in a dark closet, in a boat or on the water, in the saddle on a horse. Place melancholy on him, on his violent head, on his clear eyes, on his black eyebrows, on his red blood, on his zealous heart, on his forehead and lips, on his sinful places, on his whole white body. So that the slave (name) would think about me, about my beauty, so that he would not finish eating, sleep - would not fall asleep, would suffer and suffer. My words cannot be blown away by the wind, cannot be washed away with water, (name) cannot be forgotten. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

The text must be repeated 9 times, visualizing how bright feelings of love, affection, and fidelity awaken in the object.

The key ceremony is suitable for couples in a relationship

Magic to return

A strong spell for sex using a lock will help return a husband or wife to the family. A man or woman will be rekindled with passion for his other half. Buying a new small castle. It is better that it is ordinary and unpainted. You need to use the key to open the magic amulet. In order to return your loved one, you need to read the text clearly and confidently:

“In the sea-ocean there is an island, on the island there is a stone, on the stone there is an oak, there is warmth in the oak. The island is blown by the winds, washed by the waves, and locked in the depths.Neither small nor big, neither old nor young can leave this island.And as I turn the key, so will the servant of God (name) turn to me,He'll be locked in the house, he won't go anywhere.He will only love me and live with me in love and affection.”

After completing the spell, the object is snapped, saying further:

“Like no one will open the lock now, Just like no one will separate you and me.”

The key is thrown into a running pond. This is necessary so that no one finds it and unpleasant consequences occur. Immediately after this, the object of the love spell will remember how much he loved his partner and will not forget again. Under no circumstances should they tell the bewitched person about the ritual performed.

Solomon's Defense Text

According to legend, the plot against the castle was drawn up by King Solomon himself. He is able to protect from enemies, dark force, to ward off problems and adversity from a person. It must be read during the new moon in the evening of any day except Sunday.

Take a new large lock made of durable metal. An old, broken item doesn't have enough energy, so it won't work. Such locks can be thrown away, they do not have magical power. Above the closed amulet the words of Solomon’s conspiracy are read:

“Most holy Lord, all-glorious and merciful Almighty. I, your sinful and unworthy servant (name), pray to this seal of the angels, and your life-giving cross of the Lord, and the seal of the wise king and prophet Solomon. Always and now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Conquer my hostile enemies, bind their hands and noses, their mouths and tongues with seven bonds and ten holy angelic seals, and everything that thinks evil of me, and all my opponents, my God has made more than a young sheep. Let all my enemies fall before my feet by your divine power, Christ, the sign of the honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord and your holy ineffable secret wisdom and the power of the holy seals of angels and your honorable names, Father and Son and Holy Soul, and all your saints, Lord, through the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, the Lady Theotokos, and the saints angel and archangel, cherub and seraphim, Michael and Gabriel, and all the saints who have pleased You from the ages. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me. Amen. Our God. Amen. Key and lock. Amen".

Witchcraft for alcoholism

To fulfill a spell to lock out alcoholism, the addict’s head is covered with a new towel. white. He sits down, and the performer leans over him, clicking a small lock. Read the text:

“Just as this lock can be easily locked and unlocked, just as easily we will unlock the servant of God (Name of the sufferer) from bad wine. It will no longer have any power over him. Let's break the vicious circle. For ourselves and our families, we will bring him back, we will bring him to mind. Key. Lock".

The used towel is burned. An object locked with a key is given to an alcoholic. This is his talisman against addiction. Better ritual carry out several times. New locks are bought for everyone.

A conspiracy to get rid of alcoholism and drunkenness


A castle spell is considered a relatively harmless magical act. But Negative consequences may occur when rituals are performed incorrectly. The bewitched person suddenly falls ill, takes to drinking, loses the meaning of life, and the conspirator may become cold towards his partner.

Castle is a frequently used attribute in magical rituals. It can be used as in love magic, and in rituals aimed at protecting the home, the well-being of the family and attracting good luck. Unlike love rituals, security rituals that use a lock spell are not complicated, so they are easy to carry out independently. Moreover, the main condition for their success is sincere faith. A lock spell can help in a situation when it seems that luck has completely turned its back on you. All your endeavors end in failure, and it seems that you are bumping into invisible obstacles. This means that the space around you is blocked by a random coincidence or due to the malicious intent of a particular person.

Ritual with a new castle

For the ritual, you should purchase a new small lock. It is important to pay for this item on payment or not to take change. In addition to the castle, you need to purchase three red wax candles and prepare some honey. The ritual is performed in a separate room alone at any time. It is necessary to place a lock on the table, having first opened it, and put the keys next to it and place candles. Then you need to light the candles and say the following magic words clearly and distinctly:

“The river is fast, the river is clean, show me all the dangerous shallows, secret fords, natural bridges and approaches to rocky cliffs. So that I, the Servant of God (my own name) will not be afraid of your rapids and depths. So that I can bypass all the dark troubles, so that my path is gentle and kind, so that all sorrows and sorrows disappear. Take the stormy current of the river into an iron cage, and lock it securely with a key. For me, the Servant of God (s) - a sweet honey life, and for unkind villains - into the evil mouth of tar. And it will always be like this, and no one can change anything. Amen".

The text of the plot should be repeated until the candles go out. They cannot be stewed. After the candles go out, you should smear the lock with honey and close it. You need to immediately get out and go to the nearest stream or river. There you need to find a place so that no one is around, stand on the shore and repeat the spell on the castle again. After which you should throw the charmed castle into the water further away. In addition, be sure to follow the attribute with a handful of coins as payment to the river so that it will fulfill your request. You need to keep the set of keys, but hide them in such a way that no one will ever find them. It will ensure that the space around you remains open forever.

A spell for a lock, calling prosperity to the house, is read through the keyhole of a new open lock. The magic words sound like this:

“Cross-key-lock. Cross of many roads. Sovereigns, nobles, rich merchants, important princes have chests filled with gold and silver. There are rings on their hands and crosses on their chests. They spend, do not count gold and silver, and do not count coins. Meanwhile, their days grow and increase, and their treasury is constantly filled.

I, the Servant of God (my own name), will stand on a high stone, take out and unfold the holy writings, and loudly read the words written in them. And everything I say, my Guardian Angel will hear and create. From now on I will be in gold and silver. I will spend coins, as soon as I spend one, two will be added. Amen".

After this ceremony, the lock must be hidden and the keys thrown into the pond. This ritual is so powerful that the results will be noticeable almost immediately.

A lock spell is a ritual carried out to return and bind a loved one, to close and protect, for a love spell. This kind of spell is used in both white and black magic; it has the meaning of closing a process or binding an object.

How does it work?

Like any spell, a lock spell should be read according to the same rules:

  • clear belief in what is happening, we put meaning into our words;
  • reading should be done secretly, in a whisper or halftone, away from human eyes;
  • we speak quietly, thinking about what was said;
  • if you use black magic, remember the consequences for the caster after removing the love spell or damage.

In magic, the key and lock act as the completion of a ritual or action. It is carried out so that no one can recognize the identity of the person who performed the ritual, to hide the object that was present in the ritual and to hide what type of magical action there was. If the magical action is carried out correctly, the other witch will not recognize:

  • the person who participated in the ritual;
  • what kind of ritual was performed;
  • the magician who cast the spell.

In white magic, most often, a castle appears more in a symbolic form - protection from the evil eye, for example, because the good that comes from the heart does not require shelter, which cannot be said about the rituals of warlocks - for them the ritual of keys and locks is important in terms of concealment of the crime and the person who carried out the manipulation. In ancient times, our pagan ancestors used locks to protect health, attract or return love, and protect themselves from the evil eye:

“I close the lock on the oak bolt. I’m hiding from view, with a veil, I’ll save everything that’s mine, I won’t give it to anyone, I’ll seal it securely and close it.”

- a talisman for your peace of mind.

Spells and love spells

To make a plot for pure love on a lock, we will need:

  • Red ribbon;
  • five pieces of candles;
  • small lock with key;
  • dark colored matter;
  • photographs of yourself and your loved one.

On a full moon, go out into the garden so that the moonlight illuminates all actions. We spread the cloth, light the candles and place them in a circle. We put a photo in a circle, tied with a red ribbon:

“I tie it with a ribbon, family ties I connect."

Place the lock on top of the images:

“I close, I predict love. The lock is closed, the key is buried - just as no one will open the shed, no one will break our love.”

We close the lock and bury the keys under the tree, saying:

“Just as the roots have grown firmly into the ground, so we will hold on to each other tightly.”

Love spell for which we need:

  • new lock;
  • small chain;
  • photograph of a loved one;
  • red wool threads;
  • two ribbons: pink and blue;
  • headscarf;
  • sheet of paper, pen.

We cut three threads of the same length and weave them into a braid, saying:

“I intertwine our destinies for eternity, just as the water comes closer to the sea, just as the sky cannot be imagined without the moon, so you and I intertwine our destinies.” We will tie a pink ribbon to one end of the braid, a blue one to the other and tie it in a bow, put it in a scarf on the photo, fasten it with a chain on top and close it with a lock. Then say: “Like the sea and the river, like the sky and the earth, we are together with you.”

Put the scarf in the closet at home, and let everything remain that way until your loved one comes to you.

Love spell young man or girls with a castle: to perform the ritual you will need to go out into the forest at midnight and say:

“Forest spirits: goblins and sorcerers, help bring my dear (sweet) heart to me, curse me with love so that I don’t see anyone else.”

We take a pre-prepared red ribbon and tie two pine trees:

“As these pines stand side by side, so my dear and I will always be together.”

We leave without looking back.

Concealment Spells

Let's carry out a conspiracy for a new castle, in order to protect our lover from our rival, we will need:

  • mirror;
  • white tablecloth;
  • two candles;
  • new lock;

Using a knife, we cut out names on the candles: yours and your loved one’s, and light them near the mirror:

“We burn like two candles. We burn, we keep our love.”

We drip wax from our candle onto the secret of the lock and whisper:

“Don’t peek through our keyhole, don’t dare your loved one to leave the house. Go your own way, without touching mine. I close our life from prying eyes.”

To protect your beloved and yourself from damage: “I conjure the rivers and mountains, I ask the sun and the wind - give us protection, protect us from prying eyes. Calling you brothers and sisters, lock us under your tutelage.”

Spell on the front door

Such conspiracies are made to protect the home from damage and envy. We light a candle and go around the house, crossing each corner, reading “Our Father.” Finally, we put a powerful lock on the door:

“I close my hearth, from evil people, from bad news, from damage and the evil eye. Bad person, go around my house, don’t enter it.”

When everything in your life begins to improve after long failures, you urgently need to put a lock so that envious people do not spoil your triumph. Place a lock on your home to enhance your success. To do this you will need:

  • small padlock;
  • buy a new thing for home: a table lamp, a figurine or a book, it doesn’t matter, you just need something new.

When you are ready, let’s turn to the brownie for help: “Here is a new thing for you, accept the gift, I am the mistress of the house, and you are the master of it.” Keep an eye on everything here if I can't. Don’t let an evil neighbor or a mocking person into your house.” We walk around the house with the open lock with these words, go to the door and say:

“I close the doors with this lock, from enemies and from enemies.”

A love spell on a lock is used very often to bewitch a loved one. There are many variations of this ritual. Therefore, choosing a ritual to resolve a specific situation is absolutely easy.

Any love spell on a castle is considered a ritual of white magic, so its negative consequences are minimal. And since such rituals are not very complex, they are in great demand for independent performance at home.

But it should be remembered that in order for a love spell to be effective, it must be carried out by a person with strong energy, completely confident in his abilities. For the effectiveness of the impact, unconditional faith in the power of magic is also important.

Powerful Ritual

For strong ritual would need:

  • Small new padlock with key;
  • Photo of the chosen one;
  • Own photo.

If for some reason you cannot get a photograph of your chosen one, then the photographs can be replaced with the hair of your loved one, but in this case you will also need to use your own hair. The castle should be purchased on the waxing Moon on Friday, and the ceremony itself should be carried out in the predawn hour or at noon.

It is necessary to open the shackle of the prepared lock and string photographs on it, folded with their front sides. After this, the lock must be locked with a key. If hair is used, then you need to braid it, which should be pressed with a bow while closing the lock.

After this, such a lining must be taken to the chosen one’s house and buried in such a way that it would be in the path of the loved one.

During this action, you need to whisper the following words:

“Like no one can open this lock,
So no one can separate you and me.”

After this, you need to quickly go home, without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

The key to the enchanted lock should be kept under your pillow for a week, and you should definitely go to sleep with thoughts of your loved one. After that, you need to hide it in a secluded place that only you should know about. Under no circumstances should you share information about the ceremony with anyone or show the key.

This ritual is quite difficult to perform, as it is carried out during the day, so it is very difficult to carry out all the necessary actions unnoticed. But at the same time, if everything is done correctly, then it is very effective. Soon after it, you will be able to establish relationships with your loved one, but their further development depends solely on the feelings of your partners.

Removing a love spell

The peculiarity of this ritual using a lock is that, despite all its power, it does not bind people. If you realize that the chosen one’s natural feelings for you were never awakened or that over time your relationship has exhausted itself, then the remnants of the spell can be removed very simply.

To do this, just give the key to the chosen one and say the following words:

“If it doesn’t get sick, then let it open up.”

At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to explain your action to the chosen one; he has the right to speculate whatever he wants. On the other hand, if you realize that your feelings with your partner are growing stronger day by day, and your relationship is becoming serious and promising, then the key should be thrown into a river or stream. This will cement your love for a long time and will not allow it to fade away from the routine of family everyday life.

It is very important that all love spells that are carried out using a lock are easily recognizable. Such an effect can be very easily diagnosed by any professional magician. This means that, if necessary, such foreign influence can be easily removed. And, if you do this in a timely manner, you can eliminate any negative consequences.

The phrase “lock and key” is often used in magic spells. This means the completion of some process. In parallel with this, magicians literally use in rituals a lock with a key that they lock.

This is especially often used in various love spells, so that the victim does not have the opportunity to escape from the magic circle. A key and lock spell is a very effective magical practice.

Features of the key and lock principle

There are a number of other reasons why this particular principle is used:

  • The key-lock principle helps to hide from the victim who performed the magic ritual on him.
  • With the help of this principle, the subject on which the conspiracy was carried out remains secret.
  • Thus, all these nuances are hidden from the other magician, due to which the effectiveness of the ritual increases.

This practice is usually used in black magic, since in white spells there is no point in hiding anything from anyone.

The key-lock principle works the same way as tying knots in magical practice. Literally in magical rites items such as keys and locks have also been used for a long time. Small locks with keys on which the spell was applied were also used as a talisman. Thus, people tuned themselves not to think about the bad, focusing their thoughts only on the good.

Castle plot

Here love plot with a ritual where a lock and key are used.

To perform this ritual you will need:

  1. Small lock.
  2. Metal chain, its length should be such that it can cover the tree trunk.
  3. Hair of the person you want to cast a love spell on.
  4. Ribbons of two different colors.
  5. A strip of pancake paper 10-15 cm long.

Prepare all these elements in advance. Wait until the day there is a full moon. Seclude yourself in a room. Lay a scarf or tablecloth on the floor. Place all the elements for the plot on the scarf.

Take the hair with ribbons in your hands and weave a braid out of them, while saying the following words:

“Earth with Heaven, Water with Grass, Leaves with Tree, so you and I, servant of God (name of the man) and servant of God (own name), will be together forever. As a single whole, as if fate connected us at birth.”


Spell a love spell on the key yourself. Home love spell on a castle. The spell on the key alone.

How to make a good luck talisman with your own hands? Ritual for good luck with the key to the apartment. Everything according to Feng Shui

Set the braided braid aside for now. Take a piece of paper and write down a clearly formulated desire regarding love. Then place a “love braid” on top of the piece of paper, and after that the plot is read again.

All these elements need to be placed under your bed, along with a chain and a small lock. Don't do anything else for three days.

After three days, be alone again and get all the ingredients for the love spell. At this stage, they read the plot again and at the same time try to carefully tuck the tip of the braid into the hole in the lock. After this, they read the text again and insert the wish written on a piece of paper into the hole in the lock. Do this all carefully so that the lock does not close while you perform these manipulations.

After this, you need to go outside and find a tree. The wood also had to be chosen when you were choosing the length of the metal chain. Hang a metal chain on the tree and secure it with a lock. When they do this, they also read the conspiracy.

After that, return home without looking back. Don’t talk to passers-by, don’t eat or drink that evening, go straight to bed.

You can throw away the key to the lock, or you can keep it for yourself. The conspiracy comes into force when you have already woven a braid of hair and ribbons. In the following days, you may have interesting dreams:

  • If in the next three days you dreamed of your lover, then very soon you will be together with him.
  • If your loved one comes to you every night, then he is already in love with you.
  • If your chosen one comes to you, but you are not yet together in a dream, then do not despair, wait until the conspiracy takes effect.

This love spell can be used by a wife to warm up her husband's feelings for herself. It can be used for the happiness of newlyweds. A love spell is used if you are promised separation from your loved one.

Conspiracy for successful transactions

Spells with this principle are often used before transactions to make them more successful. This is a free and easy way to attract clients if you have a house for sale, for example.

To carry out the ceremony, purchase a small lock with a key and lock it on something inside the house. It could be a table leg, a door handle, or something else.

“I put the best for sale, I lock out the worst in the house, the buyer comes, sees everything he wants, everything he needs catches his eye, and what is worthless does not catch his eye.”

This way, you will help the future buyer see the best of your home, which will allow you to ask good money for the house and it will sell faster.

Conspiracy from addictions

The principle of a key and a lock is good to use in conspiracies that help rid a person of addictions. For example, you can read a conspiracy against drunkenness.

To do this, a white clean towel is placed on the head of a person suffering from such addiction, and a small lock must be clicked over his head all the time, and at the same time the following spell is read:

“Just as this lock can be easily locked and unlocked, just as easily we will unlock the servant of God (Name of the sufferer) from bad wine. It will no longer have any power over him. Let's break the vicious circle. For ourselves and our families, we will bring him back, we will bring him to mind. Key. Lock".

The towel must be burned after this ritual. And the castle will become a talisman against addiction for a person.

From enemies

In some situations you need to protect yourself from ill-wishers, from enemies. This is especially important to do when everything is very good in your life. At such a moment, unkind people like to cause damage.

Conduct protective spell the lock is very easy. Walk around the house with him and read this plot:

“I protect myself from the evil eye, from the eternal evil eye, from my entire family. My enemies only hear how this lock clicks, but they do not hear about my victories, they are not interested in it. Their eyes closed on me, their tongues fell silent on me. I keep everything good in the house away from prying eyes. Key. Lock".

On last words the lock needs to be closed. This way you will divert the attention of your neighbors. Keep the locked lock in a secret place in your home. Don't tell anyone about this. The consequences of the ritual will please you. You will notice that people around you have become less interested in your life.

Here are some more strong conspiracy from detractors, which uses the principle of lock and key in verbal form.

Stand by the window and read your plot:

“Through my window I can’t see or hear anything, a new day is coming, but my neighbors don’t hear the news. My home is like a closed castle for unkind people. Just as I don’t hear or see anything from the enemy, so he won’t profit from my news. Key. Lock".

After this, you need to close the window and not open it for 24 hours.

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