The strongest bite among predators. Who has the strongest bite in the world? Dogs have the strongest jaws. Top rocks

A shark bite is dangerous because in most cases it is fatal. The shark rarely leaves prey bitten. An evolutionary arms race has provided the bull shark with a wide head and the most powerful bite force of any.

"It's all because of the width of the jaws that bulls have very huge heads," says marine biologist Philip Mott of the University of South Florida Tampa.

In a study by Maria Habegger, Mott and colleagues, scientists measured bite force in 13 species. "It's not that easy," they say.

In direct comparison, they got: a 2.7 meter bull shark has a bite force of 216 kg, a 2.4 meter great white 163 kg.

“A 5.4m big white will have a more powerful bite than a 3.3m bovine, simply because of the size,” says Mott.

A bull shark of the same size will have a stronger bite


How so? The buildup of evolutionary weapons is seen among juveniles. Research shows that having a stronger bite is necessary to gain an advantage over other species in being able to take on larger prey at a younger age. The growth of bite force is fast among juvenile fish, then it "evens out" in adults.

"They feed in murky coastal waters where they have to hold on to their prey," he says.

Some species, such as great whites, prefer to grab their prey and let it bleed out instead of holding it like bull sharks.

As it turns out, the image of a monster biting everything in its path is largely unfounded. Their bites are not as strong as we might imagine.

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For years, information about the power of a shark's bite was largely mythical. Based on reports of bull, great white and tiger shark attacks, we know that many species produce enough force to dismember the human body. But no exact figures have been associated with these facts.

Shark bite pressure test

The first test to determine the pressure exerted by a shark bite was carried out in 1965 by two researchers who created a sensor consisting of a rigid aluminum tube wrapped in PVC with ball bearings inserted around the outside of the invention. [source: Martin].

The researchers wrapped the device in mackerel and gave it to the sharks to eat. Since different species have adapted to different kind food, the strength should be different.

Some species, such as the whale shark (the most large view) has thousands of teeth but does not use them. Instead, they have tissue that filters out plankton and small fish right in their stomachs.

Scientists have found that the black species (about 1.5 m long) has about 110 kg of force on the hind jaws.

This is not much, as a 1995 study found that the average bite force of 22 dog breeds was approximately 26 kg [source: Lindner]. But what about big guys like brindle, bull, big white? We talked about them above. It is indeed the teeth that cause the most damage.

If a person had the power to strike a praying mantis shrimp, he could launch a ball into space!

Most researchers have concluded that the number of deaths from great white shark attacks is disproportionately small compared to the number of attacks. Researchers at the University of New South Wales believe the species is dangerous because of its incredibly sharp and dense teeth, rather than the strength of its jaws [source: Live Science].


Despite their destructive effect, shark teeth are easily lost. They don't have bones (supporting structures are made of cartilage), so their teeth don't attach to their jaws. While teeth can break off easily, they have the ability to re-grow them.

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The lemon shark replaces a lost tooth in about eight days [

The strength of the bite is an important characteristic for any animal, because it is thanks to it that the animal not only finds food, but also defends itself from enemies. We offer you to get acquainted with the list of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom.

25th place - Orca, PSI: unknown
Scientists have not yet been able to determine the exact force of a killer whale bite. There are only suggestions that the force of a killer whale bite can exceed 19,000 PSI.

24th - Piranha, PSI: unknown
The bite force of this small fish is 30 times its body weight. Although the exact strength of her bite is also still unknown.

23rd place - Leopard, PSI: 300-310
One of the five big cats The genus Panther is known for its athleticism and speed. Meetings with a leopard should be avoided, since it is almost impossible to escape from it.

22nd place - Tiger shark, PSI: 325
This marine life considered one of the most dangerous predators ocean. In fact, the bite force of a tiger shark is only 325.

21st place - Hyena dog, PSI: 340
Although the appearance of this animal is a little unsightly, in terms of bite, it is not much inferior to cougars.

20th place - Puma, PSI: 350
The cougar is not only one of the fastest animals, but also the owner of a strong bite. Thanks to their muscular jaws and long fangs, cougars easily bite into meat, tendons and muscles.

19th place - Wolf, PSI: 406
Wolves are excellent hunters and their bite force is 406 PSI.

18th - Mastiff, PSI: 556
Mastiffs, not Pit Bulls or Rottweilers, have the strongest bite among domesticated dogs.

17th place - White shark, PSI: 669
The bite of sharks is not very strong, but they don’t really need it, because they cause the main damage with their teeth.

16th place - Leo, PSI: 691
the lion is not the strongest and therefore it is only in 16th place in our list.

15th place - Jaguar, PSI: 700
Jaguars have the strongest bite in relation to body weight of any cat family.

14th place - Brown bear, PSI: 850
The brown bear has a bite force of up to 850 PSI.

13th place - Kodiak, PSI: 930
Kodiak is the largest subspecies brown bear and one of the largest representatives of the genus bears.

12th place - Amur tiger, PSI: 950
Amur tigers boast powerful jaws and very sharp teeth.

11th place - Cayman turtle, PSI: 1000
The bite force of the caiman turtle reaches 1000 PSI.

10th place - Bengal tiger, PSI: 1050
Most major representatives Cat families are famous for their strength and power.

9th place - Hyena, PSI: 1100
This unsympathetic animal has teeth specially adapted for eating rough food and crushing large bones.

8th place - Polar bear, PSI: 1235
These are some of the strongest and most enduring mammals on the planet with a very powerful bite.

7th place - Grizzly bear, PSI: 1250
These majestic animals have very strong teeth.

6th place - Blunt shark, PSI: 1250
This type of fish has the strongest bite of all fish.

5th place - Gorilla, PSI: 1300
A strong bite of a gorilla is not due to teeth, but to a strong neck and jaw muscles.

4th place - Hippo, PSI: 1821
These huge animals have very strong jaw muscles, and their bite is considered the strongest among all mammals.

3rd place - Mississippi alligator, PSI: 2125
This predator is considered one of the most vicious and deadly in the world, and its bite is in third place on our list.

2nd place - Nile crocodile, PSI: 5000
In second place on the list is one of the most vicious cannibals in all of Africa.

1 place - combed crocodile, PSI: 7700
Salted crocodile is considered the most large reptile living on the planet this moment. In addition, he is the owner of the most powerful bite among all animals in the world.

They are able to gnaw through steel, eat huge crocodile or bite through the thick skin of a hippo... Let's look into the mouth of those who are capable of this thanks to their powerful jaws.

Photos and text by Alexey Osokin

1. Let's start, of course, with the lions. These incredibly beautiful and graceful cats are real killing machines. No one can feel at ease being near them. Lions attack even adult hippos. Nothing is impossible for them. At the same time, the bite force of a lion by African standards is very small - only about 40-50 atmospheres.

2. Cheetahs don't have the most strong bite, but incredibly sharp fangs and incisors leave no chance for the victim ...

3. Note: The cheetah's head is designed by nature to take up most of the respiratory system allowing you to run at great speed. There was no room left for big teeth.

4. Another cat that can kill an animal much larger than itself, and then drag the carcass up a tree - a leopard.

5. In terms of bite strength, the leopard is the most strong cat in Africa - according to various sources, from 100 to 125 atmospheres.

6. The hippopotamus has the most powerful jaws. And although it feeds mainly on grass, the hippopotamus needs a powerful jaw for battles with other hippos and for protection from predators. They are said to be able to bite into two parts of a huge crocodile. The bite force of these fat men reaches 125 atmospheres.

7. There are legends about the power of the jaws of a crocodile. And not in vain. These cutest creatures have a bite force of 340 atmospheres and this is the highest among all African animals.

9. Hyenas easily gnaw through strong bones and are even able to gnaw through steel bars of cages.

10. The strength of a hyena bite, according to various sources, ranges from 70 to 90 atmospheres, but incredibly strong and sharp teeth give power to the bite.

The main force of a human bite falls on the chewing teeth and muscles, it is extremely powerful and reaches a maximum pressure of over 113.4 kg. In general, the average human bite force in kg is 45-68. Some sources report that people do not use their full force when chewing food.

In fact, our teeth are strong enough and the force of a human bite is enough to chew on a cinder block. Amazing, right?

The bite of a person by a person is obvious, but in some cases the victim does not know
(for example, when the victim was drunk) or does not want to tell others who bit him (for example, due to a hand injury during a fight).

Be careful of cuts over the joints if they occur in combat, especially when the cuts are from another person's mouth being punched.

How dangerous is a human bite?

Can HIV be transmitted through a human bite? In addition to tissue injury, infections due to the flora of the oral cavity join, this becomes a serious problem for the body.


Below is a list of ten animals with the most powerful force bite in the animal kingdom. There are animals that should have also been on this list, but they are not here due to the lack of research into the strength of their bite due to the problematic or high cost of this event.

The notable exception is the large White shark However, there are only theoretical data. Tasmanian devil, apparently, has the most powerful bite in relation to the size of its body (about 14 atmospheres).

10. Leo

Bite force - 41 atmospheres

An unexpected position for the "king of the jungle" (although he never lived in the jungle). Lions are the only social cats in the world. They are so cooperative when hunting that this may be one of the reasons why they evolved to have a bite force comparable to that of a panther or other similar cat.

Another reason may be hunting habits, since the lion strangles its prey by biting its trachea, so there is no need for a strong bite. Lions, as a rule, hunt at any time of the day, but often go for large prey at night. They also need water, so they drink daily, but they can live for about five days without it.

9. Tiger

Bite force - 71 atmospheres

Most great view of the cat family, the tiger is a solitary hunter. The length of his body can reach 3.5 meters, and he can weigh up to 388 kg. He hunts and pursues his prey at night. Like lions, they tend to bite their prey on the throat to cut off the flow of air and blood to the animal's head.

Their bite is very powerful, it is almost twice as strong as a lion's bite. IN wild nature there are fewer tigers than in captivity. They usually avoid people, however, attacks on people and livestock have been reported around the world.

8 Spotted Hyena

Bite force - 75 atmospheres

Most sources claim that the bite force of a hyena is 75 atmospheres, however, Wikipedia says a higher figure, but there are no other sources confirming the information in the online encyclopedia. Speaking of the fact that the hyena has one of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom, it should be noted that as a result of her attack, even the bones of a giraffe are crushed.

The reason for this bite force is that she needs to get at least some food after the lions and others large predators leave the remains of their prey.

Even though they look like dogs, hyenas are actually more closely related to cats. It has been discovered that a hyena can kill a dog with a single bite to the neck. Contrary to popular belief, hyenas hunt, and ironically, lions often steal their food. Like lions, they are very social and cooperative animals.

7 Grizzly Bear

Bite force - 81 atmospheres

This North American subspecies of the brown bear is known for its incredible size and aggression. Despite their large size, grizzlies can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h. They feed mainly on berries and nuts, but also hunt. In Yellowstone national park they were seen and filmed while hunting game.

Grizzlies are considered more aggressive compared to other bears. It is believed that because of their size, these bears cannot climb trees, which is why they have developed this defense mechanism in order to get their own food. It's probably the same evolutionary path, as a result of which the bear found its powerful jaws, which help him defend himself against wolves and other intruders.

They can weigh from 270 to 450 kg. They can be dangerous to humans if startled, or if they are with cubs, they mostly rarely, if ever, prey on humans.

6 Gorilla

Bite force - 88 atmospheres

Some people may be surprised to read this given the vegetarian nature of these creatures. However, gorillas are formidable "inhabitants" of this list. Their jaws are primarily adapted to chewing tough plants like bamboo, which has given them incredibly strong jaws and neck muscles.

The gorilla has traditionally been viewed as a large scary monster, but in last years her image became "softer". They are our closest relatives after chimpanzees, and their numbers in the wild are rapidly declining, with about 700 mountain gorillas now left alive. Gorillas can climb trees but usually live on the ground in communities of up to 30 individuals led by a dominant male. Gorillas, as a rule, are "gentle" creatures and do not pose any danger to humans.

5. Hippo

Bite force - 124 atmospheres

This is one of the most powerful herbivores. The hippo belongs to the category of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Living in a specific area, and being very aggressive, there are known cases of attacks on small boats and their crews. The scientists were only able to measure the bite force of the female hippopotamus, because the males are extremely aggressive.

The word hippo (Hippopotamus) comes from the Greek for "river horse" due to its incredible love to the water. The closest relatives of the hippopotamus are whales and cows. They belong to the order of artiodactyls, so camels, horses and goats are also relatives of the hippopotamus.

4. Jaguar

Bite force - 136 atmospheres

The jaguar's bite is the strongest among all cats, in fact, it has the strongest bite of all mammals. Being the real king of the jungle, the jaguar lives on the territory from Mexico to Argentina. The jaguar kills by biting its prey on the head. Like most other big cats (except the lion), the jaguar is a lone killer.

Among the victims of this animal are anacondas and caimans. Its bite is so strong that it can easily bite through even a tortoise shell. The animal got its name from the Indian word, which in translation means "one who kills with one jump." Although smaller than its African and Asian cousins, the jaguar is the largest cat in America. The most numerous populations of jaguars, according to the latest data, live in Belize.

3. American alligator

Bite force - 145 atmospheres

The American alligator is one of only two remaining alligator species in the world, the other being the Chinese alligator. Its population is about 5 million individuals, with more than 1.2 million living in Florida, the rest settled in Texas, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. They share this territory with crocodiles.

Their diet consists mainly of fish, turtles and small mammals. In a recent National Geographic study, scientists measured the bite force of an American alligator, which was 145 atmospheres, however, it is worth considering that the study involved rather small alligators, so it is likely that the figure could be higher.

2 Saltwater crocodile

Bite force - 251 atmospheres

Saltwater crocodiles received the highest rating from the National Geographic team for bite force measurements. However, they again measured the strength of several small crocodiles. Experts say that if the power of a small crocodile is translated into the power of a 6-meter monster, then it can reach up to 480 atmospheres. These monsters live in East India, South-East Asia and Northern Australia.

Saltwater crocodiles eat everything that comes their way. The Australians affectionately refer to them as "pickles", however, they are not at all affectionate when it comes to this giant. They are responsible for most of the known cases of attacks on people, but they have no less on their conscience human lives than on the animal at the top of our list.

1. Nile crocodile

Bite force - 340 atmospheres

In an experiment by National Geographic, the bite force of the Nile crocodile was estimated to be lower than that of the saltwater crocodile, but most other sources say 340 atmospheres. The Nile crocodile, as a rule, is almost the same size as the saltwater crocodile, and accordingly the strength of its bite is approximately in the same range.

The two are interchangeable when it comes to placement on this list, and their bite force will vary depending on how difficult it is to measure in a crocodile. right size. Nile crocodiles they feed mainly on fish, but like their brothers, they attack anyone who has the audacity to meet them on the way. This applies to zebras, birds, and even small hippos.

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