Who has the strongest bite in the world? Who has the most powerful jaws? The strongest bite

They are able to gnaw through steel, eat huge crocodile or bite through the thick skin of a hippo... Let's look into the mouth of those who are capable of this thanks to their powerful jaws.

Photos and text by Alexey Osokin

1. Let's start, of course, with the lions. These are incredibly beautiful and graceful cats are real killing machines. No one can feel at ease being near them. Lions attack even adult hippos. Nothing is impossible for them. At the same time, the bite force of a lion by African standards is very small - only about 40-50 atmospheres.

2. Cheetahs cannot boast of the strongest bite, but incredibly sharp fangs and incisors leave no chance for the victim ...

3. Note: The cheetah's head is designed by nature to take up most of the respiratory system allowing you to run at great speed. There was no room left for big teeth.

4. Another cat that can kill an animal much larger than itself, and then drag the carcass up a tree - a leopard.

5. In terms of bite strength, the leopard is the most strong cat in Africa - according to various sources, from 100 to 125 atmospheres.

6. The hippopotamus has the most powerful jaws. And although it feeds mainly on grass, the hippopotamus needs a powerful jaw for battles with other hippos and for protection from predators. They are said to be able to bite into two parts of a huge crocodile. The bite force of these fat men reaches 125 atmospheres.

7. There are legends about the power of the jaws of a crocodile. And not in vain. These cutest creatures have a bite force of 340 atmospheres and this is the highest among all African animals.

9. Hyenas easily gnaw through strong bones and are even able to gnaw through steel bars of cages.

10. The strength of a hyena bite, according to various sources, ranges from 70 to 90 atmospheres, but incredibly strong and sharp teeth give power to the bite.

A shark bite is dangerous because in most cases it is fatal. The shark rarely leaves prey bitten. An evolutionary arms race has provided the bull shark with a wide head and the most powerful bite force of any.

"It's all because of the width of the jaws that bulls have very huge heads," says marine biologist Philip Mott of the University of South Florida Tampa.

In a study by Maria Habegger, Mott and colleagues, scientists measured bite force in 13 species. "It's not that easy," they say.

In direct comparison, they got: a 2.7 meter bull shark has a bite force of 216 kg, a 2.4 meter great white 163 kg.

“A 5.4 meter large white will have more powerful bite than a 3.3m bovine, simply because of the size,” says Mott.

A bull shark of the same size will have more strong bite


How so? The buildup of evolutionary weapons is seen among juveniles. Research shows that having a stronger bite is necessary to gain an advantage over other species in being able to take on larger prey at a younger age. The growth of bite strength is fast among juvenile fish, then it "evens out" in adults.

"They feed in murky coastal waters where they have to hold on to their prey," he says.

Some species, such as great whites, prefer to grab their prey and let it bleed out instead of holding it like bull sharks.

As it turns out, the image of a monster biting everything in its path is largely unfounded. Their bites are not as strong as we might imagine.

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For years, information about the power of a shark's bite was largely mythical. Based on reports of bull, great white and tiger shark attacks, we know that many species produce enough force to dismember the human body. But no exact figures have been associated with these facts.

Shark bite pressure test

The first test to determine the pressure exerted by a shark bite was carried out in 1965 by two researchers who created a sensor consisting of a rigid aluminum tube wrapped in PVC with ball bearings inserted around the outside of the invention. [source: Martin].

The researchers wrapped the device in mackerel and gave it to the sharks to eat. Since different species have adapted to different kind food, the strength should be different.

Some species, such as the whale shark (the most large view) has thousands of teeth but does not use them. Instead, they have tissue that filters out plankton and small fish right in their stomachs.

Scientists have found that the black species (about 1.5 m long) has about 110 kg of force on the hind jaws.

This is not much, as a 1995 study found that the average bite force of 22 dog breeds was approximately 26 kg [source: Lindner]. But what about big guys like brindle, bull, big white? We talked about them above. It is indeed the teeth that cause the most damage.

If a person had the power to strike a praying mantis shrimp, he could launch a ball into space!

Most researchers have concluded that the number of deaths from great white shark attacks is disproportionately small compared to the number of attacks. Researchers at the University of New South Wales believe the species is dangerous because of its incredibly sharp and dense teeth, rather than the strength of its jaws [source: Live Science].


Despite their destructive effect, shark teeth are easily lost. They don't have bones (supporting structures are made of cartilage), so their teeth don't attach to their jaws. While teeth can break off easily, they have the ability to re-grow them.

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The lemon shark replaces a lost tooth in about eight days [

The strength of the bite is a very important characteristic for any animal, because it is thanks to it that the animal not only seeks food, but also defends itself from enemies. We offer you to get acquainted with the list of the most powerful bites in the animal kingdom.

Who do you think will come first?

1. 25th place - Killer whale, PSI: 19000 - unknown
Scientists have not yet been able to determine the exact force of a killer whale bite. There are only suggestions that the force of a killer whale bite can exceed 19,000 PSI.

2. 24th - Piranha, PSI: unknown

The bite force of this small fish is 30 times its body weight. Although the exact strength of her bite is also still unknown.

3. 23rd place - Leopard, PSI: 300-310
One of the five "big cats" of the panther genus, it is known for its athleticism and speed. Meetings with a leopard should be avoided, since it is almost impossible to escape from it.

4. 22nd place - Tiger shark, PSI: 325
This marine life considered one of the most dangerous predators ocean. In fact, the bite force of a tiger shark is only 325.

5. 21st place - Hyena dog, PSI: 340
Although the appearance of this animal is a little unsightly, in terms of bite, it is not much inferior to cougars.

6. 20th place - Puma, PSI: 350
The cougar is not only one of the fastest animals, but also the owner of a strong bite. Thanks to their muscular jaws and long fangs, cougars easily bite into meat, tendons and muscles.

7. 19th place - Wolf, PSI: 406
Wolves are excellent hunters and their bite force is 406 PSI.

8. 18th place - Mastiff, PSI: 556
Mastiffs, not Pit Bulls or Rottweilers, have the strongest bite among domesticated dogs.

9. 17th place - White shark, PSI: 669
The bite of sharks is not very strong, but they don’t really need it, because they cause the main damage with their teeth.

10. 16th place - Leo, PSI: 691
The bite of a lion is not the strongest and therefore it is only 16th on our list.

11. 15th place - Jaguar, PSI: 700

Jaguars have the strongest bite in relation to body weight of any cat family.

12. 14th place - Brown bear, PSI: 850
The brown bear has a bite force of up to 850 PSI.

13. 13th place - Kodiak, PSI: 930
Kodiak is the largest subspecies brown bear and one of the largest representatives of the genus bears.

14. 12th place - Amur tiger, PSI: 950
Amur tigers boast powerful jaws and very sharp teeth.

15. 11th place - Cayman turtle, PSI: 1000
The bite force of the caiman turtle reaches 1000 PSI.

16. 10th place - Bengal tiger, PSI: 1050
Most major representatives Cat families are famous for their strength and power.

17. 9th place - Hyena, PSI: 1100
This unsympathetic animal has teeth specially adapted for eating rough food and crushing large bones.

18. 8th place - Polar bear, PSI: 1235
These are some of the strongest and most enduring mammals on the planet with a very powerful bite.

19. 7th place - Grizzly bear, PSI: 1250
These majestic animals have very strong teeth.

20. 6th place - Blunt shark, PSI: 1250

This type of fish has the strongest bite of all fish.

21. 5th place - Gorilla, PSI: 1300
A strong bite of a gorilla is not due to teeth, but to a strong neck and jaw muscles.

    Do you know what the maximum strength of a human bite can be? That's over 160 pounds per inch (PSI). You may feel slight pain while doing this. The question is, what does it feel like to be bitten by an animal that has 10 or 20 times more powerful bite than a human? Yes, such animals exclusively bite because of their instinct for self-preservation. Here is a list of the 10 most severe animal bites.

    10. Lion - Bite Force: 650 PSI

    As you know, the Lion is considered the king of the jungle. The bite force value is weaker compared to the bite force of other large felids, such as the jaguar or tiger.

    9. Tiger - bite force: 1050 PSI

    Weighing up to 933 kg ( Amur tiger) the tiger is the largest of all cats in the world. He is stronger and faster than a lion. At 1050 psi inch, the bite force of a tiger is almost twice as strong as that of a lion. Unlike lions, the tiger is a solitary animal. He lives and hunts alone, except during the mating season.

    8 Spotted Hyena - Bite Force: 1100 PSI

    African animal that feeds on carrion. You may underestimate the hyena as an animal that only feeds on the remains of other animals. They have exceptionally powerful jaws. Their bite force is measured at 1100 PSI, which is more powerful than the lion and tiger. The spotted hyena is an animal that lives in large groups called clans. IN large group, spotted hyenas strive for large prey, such as buffalo, antelope or rhinoceros. Their bite is strong enough to shatter the bones of prey. Spotted hyenas are able to eat their prey, in general, they did not even leave bones.

    7. Grizzly - bite force: 1200 PSI

    The grizzly bear is a subspecies of the brown bear that lives in North America. They have a keen sense of smell, long claws and powerful jaws. With 1200 PSI bite force, a grizzly can easily bite through a cast iron skillet, thick wood and bones. Without a doubt, the bear is a symbol of strength. But they are very aggressive.

    6. Gorillas - Bite Force: 1300 PSI

    Standing 1.73 meters tall and the gorilla weighs up to 352 kg. The gorilla is the largest of all primates. Despite big size Gorillas tend to be gentle and shy. But, in addition to their huge size, gorillas also have strong jaws and long sharp fangs. Their bite force is measured at 1300 PSI. Why would a gentle gorilla need such a sharp fang, you may ask? First, gorillas eat plant food. grind solid food like bark or roots, a gorilla needs strong teeth. Gorillas also use their fangs to scare off external threats.

    5. Jaguar: 2000 PSI

    The jaguar has the most powerful bite of any other big cat. Its bite force is rated at 2000 PSI. It is almost twice as powerful as a tiger. Jaguars have very strong jaw muscles. The jaguar is a solitary animal, lives and hunts alone. They are skilled hunters and their food list includes many animals. The jaguar's bite is strong enough to pierce the skull of its prey.

    4. Hippo - Bite Force: 1825 PSI

    The hippopotamus has the most powerful bite of any other mammal. The large mouth of hippos contains a large number of incisors and canines. Hippos use their big teeth to fight external threats. Weighing up to 3,968 pounds, hippos have a squat appearance. Their legs are short. Despite these physical characteristics, hippos can run at speeds of up to 30 km/h. They are very aggressive and unpredictable. Hippos can attack even without any reason. This is why hippos are considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.

    3. American Alligator - Bite Force: 2125 PSI

    At 11.2 feet long and up to 1000 kg in weight, the American alligator is the largest reptile in North America. It's not the size, but the force of the bite that makes the American alligator so special. With exceptionally powerful jaws, American alligators can tear their prey to pieces. An adult American alligator has 75-84 teeth. If one tooth wears out, it is replaced with a new one. In his entire life, he can change from 2000 to 3000 teeth. Although American alligators have powerful jaws, the muscles to open the jaw are very weak.

    2. combed crocodile– bite force: 3690 PSI

    The combed crocodile has the most powerful bite ever tested. He is the most large reptile in the world. The crocodile is over 20 feet long and up to 2200 pounds in weight. Their diet includes fish, poultry, crabs, turtles, monkeys and buffaloes.

    1. Nile crocodile– bite force: 5000 PSI

    The Nile crocodile has the most powerful bite than any other Living being in the world. Long, powerful jaws are well adapted for capturing prey. The Nile crocodile is the second largest reptile in the world. They live in the rivers, swamps and swamps of sub-Saharan Africa. An adult Nile crocodile is 20 feet long and up to 1650 pounds in weight. They mainly feed on fish, zebras, antelopes and carrion.

Thanks to the work of dog breeders, there are more than four hundred dog breeds today. Some representatives, such as the Pekingese, have seen the rise and fall of ancient empires, others have appeared more recently. A separate place is occupied by guard dogs, they are out of time and fashion, people love them as true friends and reliable guards.

When choosing a breed of dog that will play the role of a “security guard” or a house watchman, special attention is paid to speed, distrust, and the ability to make independent decisions. Not the last place is occupied by the moment, who has the strongest jaws. What dog breed has a powerful bite that can stop an intruder?

Not with teeth alone

Which dog bites the most? The one that really wants to bite. It looks like a joke, but only partly. The strongest jaws in dogs are not yet a guarantee that they will be used. There are breeds in which aggression is genetically absent - Labrador, Golden Retriever. Although they are not inferior to the German Shepherd in their strength and mass, these dogs are not capable of attacking a person.

Among representatives of guard breeds, it is rare, but still there are good-natured specimens that do a poor job of protecting the owner or property. In this case, the problem lies in education, under the guidance of an experienced dog handler in a Rottweiler, or perhaps awakening the inherent potential.

Anatomy of a bite

In fact, a dog is a construction of bones and muscles. Considering it purely from an engineering point of view, you can determine which dog breed has the strongest jaws. There is a clear correlation of physiological features.

For "biting" the pet must have a massive head with a large mouth. To maintain balance, such a muzzle should be attached to a short neck, which reduces the load on the spine. The optimal ratio is equal in size to the cranial and maxillary regions. In this case, the grip is quite deep and strong. In breeds with an elongated muzzle, for example, Russian Borzoi, with the strength of chewing muscles equal to the Doberman, this is why the bite will lose.

Bulldogs have short jaws great strength, but at the expense special structure they have a so-called "dead grip". Reduced grip and bite area. Breeds with a shortened nasopharynx have a weak sense of smell, and clinging to the enemy, they lose maneuverability and become vulnerable. It's hard for them to move quickly.

Golden mean

Knowing the aspects that affect the bite, one can understand that the strongest jaws in dogs of those breeds that have a fairly large head with a wide opening of the jaws. In addition, the guard must have a sufficient level of aggression and courage to use his formidable weapon. It was this rule that people were guided by, deducing protective guard breeds to protect a person and his property. In addition, guard dogs must have a calm disposition, be easy to train, and be devoted to the owner's family. An overly excitable dog does not respond well to commands and can turn from a protector into a troublemaker.

Dogs have the strongest jaws. Top rocks

There are breeds that are recognized as the best guards. They have the power of bite and the desire to protect the owner, his property successfully complement each other. Some of them appeared in the course of life, the main breeder was nature itself, living conditions did not allow puppies with insufficiently strong jaws and character to survive. Others were bred by man, but are not inferior in protective qualities and the ability to prove with their teeth to the enemy of the owner that he committed stupidity by encroaching on his property.

The strongest jaws in dogs of this breed are combined with large sizes body. The height of the male at the withers is 70 cm or more.

In addition, the blood of the herding and fighting breeds flows in the representatives of the CAO, which makes them vigilant, but balanced guards. Nature carried out selection in harsh conditions, and people polished the result. As a result, the dogs turned out to be ideal family members, kind to children and other animals, they are merciless to large predators and uninvited guests. On distant teeth, the bite force is at least 300 kg.

Cane Corso

Speaking about which dog has the strongest jaws, it is impossible not to mention this breed. True guards clearly divide the world into “us” and “them”.

They can safely be trusted with a child, a cana will lay down his life to protect the master's offspring. Defeating a dog consisting of 50 kg of iron muscles, possessing agility, fearlessness and incredibly sharp fangs is not an easy task. In the family circle, the animal is calm and good-natured.

Able to scare away with one look. Huge, lion-like dogs are able to make independent decisions and act according to the situation.

They must not be allowed to dominate, in which case the "Caucasians" are obedient and manageable. They do not have excessive aggression, but no one is allowed to offend the owner or encroach on his property. In terms of bite strength, it is not inferior to the two previous breeds - 13.5 atmospheres.


More like a bodyguard than a watchman. He is focused on people, needs their society. Order is strictly observed in the controlled territory.

Sustained, calm, adequate, independent in decision-making. This breed needs a strict but friendly environment and thorough training. Great companion for adults and older children. The Rottweiler is friendly to kids, but may not distinguish between play with rudeness and react too violently. Compression force - 146 kg.

Excellent scent, lightning-fast reaction, sensitive ears and strong jaws - features breeds. It is worth adding here a remarkable mind, love for work and learning - and we get the perfect dog.

Sheepdog does not choose one owner, she perfectly obeys all family members. She must have a job - to guard the house, look after the children, accompany the owner. Without this, she misses, the character of the dog deteriorates. Force of pressure of teeth - from 120 to 315 kg.

Do not forget about pit bulls, bull terriers and American Staffordshire terriers. The strength of the jaws of these dogs is 120 kg or more. They have a strong grip, quick reaction, extremely maneuverable. Escaping them will not be easy. However, dogs of these breeds, with adequate education, are absolutely not hostile to humans and will not attack without a serious reason.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which breed has the strongest jaw in a dog. There are dozens of breeds in the world suitable for protection. And a representative of any of them in dangerous situation can set a record that no one will know about.

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