The conditions are taken into account when offering a citizen a suitable job. Employment. Suitable job. The concept of suitable work

When a citizen applies for help in finding a job, he wants to get a job that corresponds to the profession or specialty received by the citizen.

Also, the work provided must be suitable to meet the requirements of general accessibility, health status. Otherwise, the citizen has every right to refuse such work, and the employment service must start looking for another suitable job.

In this article:

Conditions for a suitable job

When providing work to a citizen in need of employment, it must be suitable taking into account the following criteria:

  • Comply with his professional suitability
  • Have similar working conditions at the last place where the citizen performed labor functions
  • The state of health that allows one or another type or amount of work to be performed must be taken into account.
  • Availability of transport accessibility to the place of work, while the maximum availability is determined by the employment service independently

If the submitted work does not meet the above criteria, then the citizen has every right to refuse this work. It is possible to refuse a suitable job twice, after which you can lose the status of unemployed, but this does not apply to work that is considered unsuitable for him.

A job that cannot be considered suitable

There are a number of conditions under which a citizen may refuse to work, as it will be considered unsuitable:

Firstly, if he demands to change the permanent place of residence of a citizen without his consent.

Secondly, the work performed will not comply with generally established labor rules and labor protection standards.

Thirdly, if the proposed work will be paid below the average salary that a citizen received earlier at work.

Thus, it is possible to demand the provision of other work that will satisfy the citizen and not fall under the conditions of unsuitable work.

The purpose of state support is to provide an opportunity to work, but at the same time not to cause discomfort in the performance of a labor function.

State support of citizens in employment and employment

A citizen, having the right to work, can realize it only with the necessary support from the state. Governmental support expressed in the form of guarantees in employment and employment.

State guarantees consist in the development of programs that increase the mobility of the labor market and its national protection.

Employment is designed to give equal opportunity all citizens who are able to work and contribute to society. The state provides support and development of small business, which includes persons wishing to engage in entrepreneurial activities.

In the process of finding a job, the state guarantees the unemployed to receive unemployment benefits.

While a citizen is registered with the employment service, the insurance period is not calculated for the entire period of registration.

The amount of the benefit paid to the unemployed is constantly subject to indexation, taking into account changes in the standard of living of the population. Each region provides an additional coefficient to the minimum allowance.

In the process of employment, a citizen has the right to receive qualified assistance from specialists in the field of labor, receive advice, and receive opportunities to receive vocational training.

Also, if a citizen is completely satisfied with the job provided, but it is associated with moving to a new place of residence, the citizen has the right to assistance from the employment service in relocating to a new place of residence.

Federal Service for Labor and Employment and its territorial bodies acts as an intermediary in employment between employers and job seekers. In other words, the direction of employment agencies for employment according to general rule are advisory in nature, both for employers and for job seekers. If the unemployed agrees to the proposed job, he is given a referral for employment with a specific employer. An employer can also refuse to hire an unemployed person. At the same time, he must give the person a reasoned refusal to hire in writing, and the citizen is obliged to deliver him personally to the employment agency within a certain period of time.

At the same time, the current legislation establishes exceptions to this rule, i.e. cases when the referral for employment is mandatory either for the employer or for the job seeker.

First of all, it will be mandatory for the employer to refer to the employment of persons at the expense of the quota of jobs. For example, quotas for jobs for people with disabilities are expressly provided for by the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in Russian Federation» of November 24, 1995 Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ (as amended on April 28, 2009) "On the Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 20, 1995) In particular, according to Art. 21 of this law, organizations with more than 100 employees are set a quota for hiring disabled people as a percentage of the average number of employees (but not less than 2 and not more than 4 percent). According to Art. 5.42 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the refusal of the employer to hire a disabled person within the established quota entails the imposition administrative fine on officials in the amount of two thousand to three thousand rubles.

Referral for employment may also be mandatory for an unemployed citizen. Considering that the main purpose of a citizen’s appeal to the employment authorities should not be to receive unemployment benefits, but to search for work, employment, the unemployed cannot, without certain negative consequences refuse a suitable job. To this end, the legislator introduces the concept of "suitable work" and defines its criteria.

Suitable Job

It must be said that the concept of suitable work is also contained in international law.

First, a suitable job must take into account the level of professional suitability and vocational training citizen, i.e. correspond to the profession (specialty) of the unemployed (or job seeker), level of education, qualifications. For example, even a highly paid job cannot be considered suitable if it does not correspond to the qualifications of a citizen.

Secondly, a suitable job must meet the conditions of the last place of work and, first of all, the conditions of remuneration. Earnings from the proposed job must not be lower than the average monthly earnings at the previous place of work, which is reflected in the certificate of average earnings at the last place of work.

The third criterion for suitable work involves taking into account the state of health of a citizen. For example, for people with disabilities, only work that meets the recommendations of the Medical and Social Expert Commission (MSEC) can be considered suitable. At the same time, employment authorities are required to take into account other disability restrictions (chronic diseases, contraindications, etc.), even if a person does not have a disability group.

Finally, suitable work must meet the criterion of transport accessibility. The maximum distance of a suitable job from the place of residence of the unemployed person should be determined by the relevant employment authority, taking into account the development of the network public transport in a given area, i.e., travel time, waiting at stops, transfers, etc. should be taken into account.

For some categories of citizens, any paid job may be a suitable job, including temporary work and community service. To such citizens, according to Art. 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Employment in the Russian Federation", include persons

1) looking for a job for the first time (previously not working and at the same time not having a profession;

2) dismissed more than once during one year preceding the onset of unemployment, for violation of labor discipline and other guilty actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) who stopped individual entrepreneurial activity;

4) who left the members of the peasant (farm) economy

5) seeking to renew labor activity after a long (more than one year) break;

7) those who refused to improve (restore) their qualifications in their current profession (specialty), receive an allied profession or undergo retraining after the end of the first period (this period is established by current legislation for various categories citizens for 6 or 12 months) payment of unemployment benefits (these citizens must first be offered the opportunity to improve (restore) their qualifications or acquire a related specialty);

8) those registered with the employment service for more than 18 months, as well as those who have not worked for more than three years (i.e., this rule applies to both persons registered as unemployed for more than 18 months, and persons who have not had a job for more than three years, even if they were not registered with the employment authorities);

9) who applied to the employment service after the end of seasonal work.

At the same time, even for such persons, a job cannot be considered suitable if it does not meet the requirements of labor protection, is associated with a change of residence, or the offered earnings are lower than the average earnings at the last place of work or the subsistence level.

According to the law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”, when the employment service authorities decide on the issue of granting the status of unemployed to a citizen, one of the most important conditions is the impossibility of selecting a suitable job for him.

The fact is that the governments of many countries with market economies are trying to develop different approaches to mitigate the social consequences of unemployment. One of these methods is a differentiated approach to the employment of the unemployed, the assignment of unemployment benefits to various groups of people. The unemployed person has the right, without prejudice to himself, to refuse the so-called unsuitable (for him) work offered to him, but he must not refuse the work offered to him suitable (for him) without negative consequences.

Thus, for a certain period of time, he retains himself in his professional, and hence in social group while remaining in a certain place in the social hierarchy of society. This allows the unemployed to feel more confident both materially and morally. As for the state, it retains the established social structure society, thereby preventing its degradation - a change in the direction of growth in the number of people belonging to the so-called lower classes of society, always dissatisfied with the conditions of their lives within the framework of the existing state system.

IN international law the legal term "suitable work" was first introduced by the Convention international organization Labor (ILO) "On benefits to persons who are unemployed due to circumstances beyond their control". The authors of this Convention proceeded from the fact that the use of the term "suitable work" is key in the system of assistance to the unemployed both in finding work for them and in paying unemployment benefits. In order to be eligible for benefits, unemployed citizens must be in a position in which it is impossible to find suitable work.

The term “suitable job” is also important for employers: the more the professional and qualification level of the employed unemployed corresponds to the profile and needs of the enterprise, the less is the employee turnover that is costly for employers. Even though the “suitable job” requirement may in some cases result in benefits being extended up to the prescribed maximum period, it is justified. At the same time, a slight increase in the time for finding a job will not only interfere, but will contribute to a more thorough selection of options for available vacancies and the selection of more suitable for citizens work, and in the future will help reduce staff turnover.

ILO Convention No. 44 indicates possible criteria for suitable work:

Þ possession of a profession, skills, abilities, education, professional experience;

Þ the location of the job offer, accounting for travel time to and from the job and the need to change residence;

Þ remuneration for work, working conditions;

Þ non-involvement in labor conflicts, etc.

However, due to socio-economic differences between countries, the criteria underlying the definition of “suitable work” also differ: somewhere they are “blurred” and may not be interpreted unambiguously and not always in favor of the unemployed; somewhere they are overly specific, trying to foresee all possible situations.

In accordance with Article 4 of the Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation", such work is considered suitable, including temporary work, which corresponds to:

Ö professional suitability of the employee, taking into account the level of his professional training;

Ö conditions of the last place of work (excluding paid public works);

Ö state of health;

Ö transport accessibility of the workplace.

Let's take a closer look at each of these conditions.

The professional suitability of an employee is determined, first of all, by the level of professional training and work experience. The main ways of vocational training are education in educational institutions of higher, secondary and primary vocational education, as well as vocational training at work or short courses. Vocational education must be confirmed by an appropriate diploma (certificate) from an educational institution. Information about the qualification ranks for working professions is recorded in the work book. If a citizen has not worked for a long time in accordance with the existing professional education, it may be advisable to restore his qualifications.

If a citizen has a higher and secondary vocational education, the selection of a suitable job can be carried out in both professions, taking into account work experience in both one and the other profession. In order to more exact definition professional suitability of citizens when they are sent to the positions of employees, it is advisable to use the qualification characteristics contained in the tariff and qualification reference books. If a citizen has several working professions, a job search is carried out for each of them. If there are no vacancies corresponding to professional education, with the consent of the citizen, other options for work are offered.

Unfortunately, in Article 4 there is no clear explanation regarding the “conditions of the last place of work”, however, a number of legal scholars refer to them as wages at the last place of work: the job offered by the Employment Service cannot be considered suitable if the offered salary is lower than the average salary of a citizen calculated for the last three months at the last place of work (See Zhdanova I., Privalov V., Filatova L. Suitable and unsuitable work//Press analyst. Information and analytical bulletin/Monitoring of the socio-economic situation and the state of the labor market in St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg, 2000. No. 1-2).

The average earnings at the last place of work includes, in general, a fixed part (for example, salary according to the staffing table), and, in addition, allowances, bonuses and other payments. The proposed salary indicated in the employer's application often includes only a fixed part, which does not always reflect the actual salary that the applicant for a vacancy will receive and, in some cases, may lead to classifying a suitable job as unsuitable. Along with this, the need for an unambiguous account, without any exceptions, of the average earnings often makes it impossible to select a suitable job for citizens with disabilities who have high average earnings before the establishment of disability.

When choosing a suitable job, it should be borne in mind that for citizens who took part in paid public works while they were registered with the employment service as unemployed, the amounts received for the work performed are not considered earnings at the last place of work.

Citizens whose average earnings exceeded the subsistence minimum calculated in the subject of the Russian Federation may be offered work with salary equal to the living wage.

Health status. If a citizen has restrictions on various types of work for health reasons, then the selection of a suitable job is made taking into account the conclusion of the CEC of the polyclinic. For people with disabilities, only work that meets the recommendations specified in the ITU certificate and in the individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person is considered suitable.

Transport accessibility of the workplace. The maximum distance of a suitable job from the place of residence of the unemployed is determined by the relevant authority local government taking into account the development of the public transport network in the area.

In addition, paid work, including temporary work and public works, requiring or not requiring (taking into account the age and other characteristics of citizens) preliminary training that meets the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, is considered suitable for citizens:

¨ For the first time looking for a job (previously not working), not having a profession (specialty). The selection of a suitable job for this category of citizens is carried out taking into account the state of health and transport accessibility of the workplace.

¨ Those who refused to improve (restore) their qualifications in their current profession (specialty), get a related profession or undergo retraining after the end of the initial (12-month) period of unemployment, were fired more than once during one year preceding the onset of unemployment, for violation of labor discipline and others guilty actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, who were previously engaged in entrepreneurial activities, seeking to resume their labor activity after a long break, and also sent by the employment service bodies for training and expelled for guilty actions;

¨ registered with the employment service for more than 18 months, as well as more than three years not working;

¨ who applied to the employment service after the end of seasonal work.

The legislation also stipulates those situations in which work cannot be considered suitable for a citizen. This will not work if:

¨ it is associated with a change of residence without the consent of a citizen;

¨ working conditions do not comply with the rules and regulations on labor protection;

¨ the offered salary is lower than the average salary of a citizen, calculated for the last three months at the last place of work. This provision does not apply to citizens whose average monthly earnings exceeded the subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population (hereinafter referred to as the subsistence minimum), calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner. In this case, a job cannot be considered suitable if the proposed salary is below the subsistence level calculated in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

“To live is good,” some say. “And living well is even better,” others add. And with this, as they say, you can not argue. But anything can happen in life, and it is also obvious that, having lost your job, you can no longer talk about well-being. Just to survive! Unfortunately, in the conditions of market relations, almost no one is insured against the loss of a job. Where do you need to apply, what documents to prepare, what payments are due? These questions are often addressed to personnel officers, and in a difficult situation it is so important to give competent recommendations and advice. Our article will help you understand these issues and, if necessary, provide assistance to those employees who, for any reason, leave your organization, and find new job they cannot do it on their own.

Unemployment is one of the global socio-economic problems of our time. For Russian society in which for a long period unemployment was not officially recognized, and the distribution of labor resources in order to maintain full employment took place in an administrative manner, this problem is relatively new. However, this does not reduce its severity.

By the way

Unemployment(eng. - unemployment) - a socio-economic phenomenon in which part of work force(able-bodied, economically active population) does not find application for his labor, does not get a job. Unemployment reflects the discrepancy between the supply of labor and the demand for it in the labor market, their quantitative and qualitative discrepancy.

Now the unemployment rate in Russia is even lower than before the crisis - in the fall of 2008. Contemporary Issues of the global economy should not have a significant impact on the labor market in Russia. The total number of unemployed in the country for six months decreased by 1.2 million people: from 5.8 million people in January of this year to 4.6 million in June, or from 7.8% to 6.1% of the economically active population. For the first time in this indicator, we have reached the pre-crisis level.

The number of officially registered unemployed for the period January - June 2011 decreased by 164 thousand people - up to 1.4 million people; the number of not fully employed citizens - by 220 thousand people. The number of vacancies in Russia, according to data at the end of June, caught up with the number of unemployed. The market tension coefficient is 1.

IN modern conditions market economy, overcoming the consequences of the financial and economic crisis any person may encounter difficulties in finding a job. One of the forms social protection unemployed - the provision of unemployment benefits.

The main regulatory legal act regulating the payment of unemployment benefits is the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 “On Employment in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Employment). And a citizen can apply for such support only after he receives the status of unemployed. In other words, in order to receive benefits, it is necessary that the state recognizes him as unemployed.


According to the Employment Law, “the unemployed are able-bodied citizens who do not have work and earnings, are registered with the employment service in order to find a suitable job, are looking for work and are ready to start it.” Thus, in order to recognize a citizen as unemployed, his position must meet a number of conditions.

Condition 1. The citizen is able to work. This means that, firstly, he must be over 16 years old (regardless of gender) and under 60 (men) or 55 years (women). Secondly, he must be recognized as able-bodied for health reasons. Disabled people provide individual program rehabilitation (IPR), compiled by the bodies of medical and social expertise (ITU), which indicates what types of activities they are allowed to engage in.

Note! For a complete list of those who are recognized as employed (and, accordingly, cannot be recognized as unemployed), see

Condition 2. The citizen is not employed, that is, at present he has neither work nor earnings. This means that the citizen:

  • does not work under an employment, civil law or copyright contract;
  • is not in any paid job (including seasonal, temporary work, part-time work);
  • not registered as individual entrepreneur, a notary engaged in private practice, a lawyer who has established a lawyer's office;
  • does not study full-time at an educational institution, etc.

Condition 3. The citizen is ready to immediately take advantage of the first offer of a suitable job from the employment service.

Suitable Job

Suitable work is considered to be such work (including a temporary one) that meets a number of factors.

Factor 1 Professional suitability and preparation of the citizen.

Professional suitability is assessed according to documents on education, records in work book, professional development documents. When selecting a job, preference is given to the profession in which the person worked before applying to the employment service. Of course, personal wishes are also taken into account.

Factor 2 Conditions of the last place of work.

The correspondence that in question primarily concerns the issues of wages and labor protection. The salary for the job offered must be not less than the average monthly salary calculated for the last three months at the last place of work. At the same time, if the average monthly earnings at the former place of work of a citizen exceeded the subsistence level established in the given region (subject of the Federation), then this rule does not apply to him. In this case, work with pay not lower than the subsistence level in the region is considered suitable.

Let's assume that at a previous job a citizen received 20,000 rubles, and the subsistence minimum in the region was 10,693 rubles. (as in Moscow in the first quarter of 2011). Then work with payment from 10,693 rubles will be considered suitable for him. per month. But from a salary of less than 10,693 rubles. he can safely refuse.

If earnings at a previous job in the same region amounted to, for example, 10,000 rubles. (less than the subsistence minimum), then work with earnings of 10,000 rubles or more will be considered suitable.

According to established practice, the mode of operation of the enterprise from which the citizen quit, the duration of working hours, and the nature of the work performed are also taken into account.

Factor 3 health status of the unemployed.

For example, a person by profession "chemist" is allergic to a particular substance. At the same time, the range of enterprises chemical industry on which it can work is limited.

Factor 4 Transport accessibility of the workplace. The maximum distance between the place of work and the place of residence of a citizen is determined by the employment service, taking into account the development of the public transport network in the area.

HR Dictionary

Are there situations where any paid job is considered suitable?

Indeed, in some cases, this is any paid work, including temporary work. Any job offered will be considered suitable if the unemployed person:

  • looking for a job for the first time and at the same time does not have a profession;
  • in the year preceding the appeal to the employment service, was fired for violation of labor discipline or other guilty actions more than once;
  • ceased individual entrepreneurial activity or left the members of the peasant (farm) economy in the manner prescribed by law;
  • looking for a job after a long (more than one year) break;
  • sent to training, but was expelled for guilty actions;
  • refused to improve (restore) qualifications in the existing profession (specialty), to obtain a related profession or undergo retraining after the end of the first period of payment of unemployment benefits;
  • has been registered with the employment service for more than 18 months and has not worked for more than three years;
  • turned to the employment service after the end of seasonal work.


In accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 3 of the Employment Law, some categories of citizens cannot be recognized as unemployed.

Category 2 Citizens who have been assigned an old-age labor pension (part of an old-age labor pension), including ahead of schedule, or an old-age pension or for long service under state pension provision.

Note! The decision to check documents and refuse to be recognized as unemployed is made by an employee of the employment service

Category 4 Persons who submitted to the employment service authorities documents containing deliberately false information about the absence of work and earnings, as well as other unreliable data to recognize them as unemployed.

Category 5. Citizens who, within 10 days from the date of their registration with the employment service in order to find a suitable job, refused two options for a suitable job, including temporary work, and those who are looking for a job for the first time (have not previously worked) and at the same time do not have a profession (specialty) - in the event of two refusals to receive vocational training or from an offered paid job, including work of a temporary nature.

Category 6. Persons who, without good reason, did not appear within 10 days from the date of registration in order to search for a suitable job at the employment service authorities to offer them a suitable job, as well as those who did not appear within the time period established by the employment service authorities for registering them as unemployed.


NA No. 2‘2011 Registration of citizens as unemployed is carried out government agencies employment services on the basis of decisions on recognizing citizens registered in order to find suitable work as unemployed (clause 2 of the Procedure for registering unemployed citizens, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated September 30, 2010 No. 847n).

It is not uncommon for employees who leave our organization to ask if they should register with the employment service if they cannot find a job quickly. Of course, we do not dissuade them from such actions. Moreover, we even want to make a small memo to the dismissed employee so that such an employee knows exactly what steps he should take to register with the employment service. Please help me figure out what documents I need to submit for this to the employment service?

Citizens who have lost their jobs, for registration, must present:

  • work book (or documents replacing it);
  • documents certifying professional qualifications;
  • certificate of average monthly earnings for the last three months at the last place of work. This certificate is not needed if a citizen is looking for a job after a long (more than a year) break or if during the year before being recognized as unemployed, the total time of his paid work was less than 26 weeks (in terms of full time, full work week).

For those who are looking for a job for the first time (have not worked before), do not have a profession (specialty), it is necessary to present:

  • passport or a document replacing it;
  • education document.

If a person receives a disability pension, he must submit an ITU opinion on the recommended nature and working conditions, as well as an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person. If there are certain health problems, it is advisable to provide relevant medical certificates. Since the work will be selected taking into account the state of health of the citizen, it is important from the very beginning to correctly orient the employees of the employment service on what kind of work is suitable.

When is a citizen considered unemployed?

Note! The decision to recognize a person as unemployed is made no later than 11 days from the date of submission of all required documents

The employment service makes a decision on recognizing a person as unemployed no later than 11 days from the date of submission of all required documents. During this time, the employment service may offer the citizen options for work or for vocational training (if he gets a job for the first time). If he agrees with one of the proposed options, then it will not come to the recognition of the unemployed. If during this time there is no suitable job, the person will receive the status of unemployed.

In this case, the beginning of unemployment is counted from the date of filing the application. And accordingly, the first payment of benefits is made a month after this date.

How often do you need to re-register with the employment service?

The terms of re-registration are set by the employment service, but it must take place no more than twice a month.

Unemployed citizens who did not appear for re-registration as unemployed within the time limits established by state institutions of the employment service can confirm the existence of valid reasons for non-attendance by presenting documents issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation by authorized bodies and organizations. Such documents are:

  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • the agenda for the passage of a medical commission upon conscription for military service, military training, involvement in activities related to preparation for military service;
  • documents confirming participation in the administration of justice as a juror or arbitrator;
  • summons to the bodies of inquiry, preliminary investigation, prosecutor's office, court or tax authority as a witness, victim, expert, specialist, translator, witness, etc.

If a citizen, for one reason or another, was denied the status of unemployed in the prescribed manner, he has the right to re-apply to the employment service only after one month from the date of refusal.

Our organization is downsizing. We were able to transfer many workers who were to be laid off to existing vacancies, but, unfortunately, they were not employed. During the warning period, the employees could not find work, and now they are asked to consult on whether or not they should register with the employment service. Of course, I advised them to register. They will be able to receive the average earnings for the third month only under this condition, unless, of course, they find a job earlier. But there are some questions that I could not answer right away. For example, they are interested in what they will have to do if the proposed work does not suit them? What can I advise them?

Indeed, the work selected by the employment authorities may seem unsuitable to a citizen. There may be several reasons for this. Negligent performance of duties on the part of employees of the employment service is not ruled out. Perhaps the citizen himself did not inform the employment specialists in detail about the kind of work he needed. Practice shows that taking into account the requirements of the unemployed largely depends on what impression he will make on the employee of the employment service. Therefore, it would be useful to treat the job search with the help of the employment service in the same way as an independent job search, and a meeting with an employment service employee as a job interview.

Next, you should remember the main thing: they have no right to impose any job on a citizen on the basis of the principle “he is still unemployed” in the employment service. The law defines in sufficient detail the concept of suitable work that employees of the employment service are obliged to offer (although, of course, other options may be sought by agreement).

At the same time, by refusing offers of suitable work during the period of unemployment, a citizen risks that he may be suspended from receiving benefits.


The Employment Law defines two main categories of the unemployed.

Category 2 All other citizens, including: first-time job seekers (previously unemployed); resuming job searches after a long (more than one year) break; dismissed for violation of labor discipline or other guilty actions; dismissed for any reason during the 12 months preceding the onset of unemployment, and who had less than 26 calendar weeks of paid work during this period; directed by the employment service authorities for training and expelled for guilty actions, etc. (clause 2, article 30 of the Employment Law).

There are some peculiarities in the payment of benefits to people of pre-retirement age. So, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 32 of the Law on Employment to citizens under the age of 60 (men) and 55 years (women) and having an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years for men and women, respectively, as well as the necessary experience in the relevant types of work, giving them the right to early appointment of an old-age labor pension, provided for by Art. 27 and 28 federal law dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On labor pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on labor pensions), the duration of the period for paying unemployment benefits increases - in excess of the established 12 months - by two calendar weeks for each year of work exceeding the insurance period the specified duration. At the same time, periods of work and other activities are included in the length of service, and other periods established in Art. 10 and 11 of the Law on labor pensions. The total period of payment of unemployment benefits may not exceed 24 calendar months in total terms within 36 calendar months.

Depending on which category the unemployed person belongs to, he is assigned a period of time during which he will receive monthly unemployment benefits in a certain amount.

The time during which the unemployed person is paid benefits, in turn, is divided into two periods. The only difference between the two periods of payments is that each of them has its own amount of benefits (for the second category of the unemployed, the amount of benefits is the same in the first and second periods). There are no “intermediate commissions” that would decide at the end of the period whether to continue or stop payments, and there cannot be.

Our former employees often, out of old memory, call the staff and want to get advice on issues of interest to them. We do not refuse anyone, we have survived very well with everyone. a good relationship. So why not help people? Moreover, it is still unknown how it will turn around, maybe they will return to work with us. But there are times when we doubt whether we can give a competent answer. One of our employees is currently unemployed and receiving unemployment benefits. He wonders if the period of payment of this benefit can be extended?

Unemployment benefits are not paid during the following periods:

  • maternity leave;
  • departure of the unemployed from the place of permanent residence in connection with training in evening and correspondence institutions of vocational education;
  • conscription of the unemployed for military training, involvement in activities related to preparation for military service, with the performance of state duties.

These time intervals do not count towards the total period of payment of unemployment benefits and, accordingly, extend it.

Benefits for the first category of the unemployed

To be included in the first category, it is necessary that during the 12 months before the start of unemployment, the citizen had at least 26 calendar weeks of paid work on a full-time (full-time) basis. Or he must work on a part-time basis (part-time work week) so that the total time of work for the year is at least 26 full-time calendar weeks (full work week).

The first benefit period, as a general rule, cannot exceed 12 months on a cumulative basis within 18 calendar months.

If, after 12 (18) months, the unemployed person has not been able to find a job, then a second benefit period of the same duration begins. The total period of payment of benefits in the end cannot exceed 24 calendar months in total terms within 36 calendar months.

Benefit amounts

In the first 12-month period from the date of registration with the employment service, the allowance is accrued as a percentage of the average monthly earnings, which is calculated for the last three months at the last place of work (service):

  • in the first three months - in the amount of 75%;
  • in the next four months - at a rate of 60%;
  • in the future - at a rate of 45%.

Note! For 2012, the minimum unemployment benefit is 850 rubles, and the maximum -4900 rubles. (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 No. 888)

Whatever the procedure for determining the benefit, its amount is limited to the maximum amount of the unemployment benefit. At the same time, it cannot be lower than the minimum amount of the benefit. The maximum and minimum allowances are determined annually.

Accordingly, the amount of the allowance will be concluded within these limits. The only exception concerns residents of regions where district coefficients To wages for living in severe natural and climatic conditions (for example, in the Far North). In these areas, the minimum and maximum benefits are increased by the district coefficient.

In the second 12-month period, unemployment benefits are paid in minimum size(in areas with severe natural and climatic conditions - increased by the regional coefficient).

Benefits for the second category of the unemployed

The allowance for the unemployed belonging to the second category (including those who have terminated their individual entrepreneurial activities in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation; those who have left the members of a peasant (farm) economy) is paid in two periods, but they are shorter than for the unemployed of the first category. Each period cannot exceed 6 months in total within 12 calendar months.

The total period of payment of unemployment benefits in this case may not exceed 12 months in total terms within 18 calendar months.

The amount of benefits for the unemployed of the second category is set at a minimum amount (for 2012 - 850 rubles).


Under certain conditions, the payment of unemployment benefits may be suspended. The period for which payment is suspended counts towards the total period of payment of unemployment benefits and does not extend it.

Note! The period of suspension of payments cannot exceed three months.

Unemployment benefits are suspended in a number of cases.

Case 1 Rejection of two options for suitable work.

Case 2 Refusal after a three-month period of unemployment from participating in paid public works or from being sent for training by the employment service by citizens who are looking for work for the first time (previously not working) and at the same time do not have a profession (specialty), as well as seeking to resume labor activity after a long (more than one year) break.

Case 3 The appearance of the unemployed for re-registration in a state of intoxication caused by the use of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances.

Case 4 Dismissal from the last place of work (service) for violation of labor discipline and other guilty actions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the expulsion of a citizen sent for training by the employment service from the place of training for guilty actions.

Case 5 Violation by a person without good reason of the conditions and terms of re-registration as unemployed. Suspension of the payment of unemployment benefits is made from the day following the day of the last appearance of the unemployed person for re-registration.

Case 6 Unauthorized termination by a citizen of training in the direction of the employment service.

Can unemployment benefits be completely stopped?

The payment of unemployment benefits is terminated with simultaneous deregistration as unemployed in cases where:

  • the citizen was recognized as employed;
  • the employment service sent a citizen to study, and a scholarship is due at the place of study;
  • a citizen for a long time (more than a month) is not in the employment service without good reason;
  • the citizen moved to another locality (you will need to get a job through the local employment service);
  • the citizen tried to obtain the payment of benefits by forging documents, providing false information or in other fraudulent ways - from the moment the forgery was discovered, the true information was found out, etc.;
  • the citizen is sentenced to corrective labor or imprisonment;
  • a citizen was assigned an old-age labor pension (including early) or an old-age pension or for length of service under the state pension provision;
  • the citizen wrote a written statement refusing the mediation of the employment service in finding a job.

In addition, the employment service authorities can reduce the amount of unemployment benefits by 25% for up to one month (with mandatory notification of the unemployed) in two cases.

Case 1 Absence without good reason for negotiations on employment with the employer within three days from the date of referral by the employment service.

Case 2 Refusal without good reason to appear at the employment service to receive a job (study) referral.

  • Are the obligations of the debtor-owner of the account subject to the fulfillment by the bank on the claims of creditors of the 1st-3rd order?
  • The head of the LLC was convicted under Art. 173.1. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. What are the consequences for transactions made by this manager?
  • What are the features of hiring a part-time foreigner with a patent to work in a particular profession?
  • Does the institution need to approve the regulation on access control?
  • Does the State Budgetary Institution have the right to purchase other services for the provision of public services if their use is not provided for by the technical regulations?


What NLA determines the remoteness of the place of permanent residence from the place of work. And what remoteness can be work on a rotational basis. Example: an employee lives in the city of Surgut, the location of the organization is the city of Surgut, and the immediate place of work of the employee is the village of Russkinskaya, a distance of 70 km. Can an employee work on a rotational basis?


To determine the distance, you can refer to the standards that the legislator has established for construction and installation trusts and other similar organizations. In these organizations, the rotational method is used if employees spend more than three hours daily traveling from their place of permanent residence to their place of work and back.

Guest, get acquainted -!

The rationale for this position is in the materials of the "Personnel System".

« In what cases does the organization use the rotational method of work

The remoteness of the production facility may be obvious. For example, when interregional movement, employees can spend more than a day on the road. In other cases, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of each locality separately, including the availability of roads, transport links, etc. To determine the distance, you can refer to the standards established for construction trusts and other similar organizations. In these organizations, the rotational method is used if employees daily spend more than three hours on a trip from their place of permanent residence to their place of work and back (clause 1.4 of the Basic Provisions approved). The above procedure can also be used by organizations working in other areas.

Watch Restrictions

Which employees can not be involved in the work on a rotational basis

The following categories of employees cannot be involved in shift work:

adolescents under the age of 18;

  • pregnant women;
  • women with children under the age of three;
  • fathers raising children under the age of three without a mother, as well as guardians and guardians of young children (not older than three years);
  • persons with medical contraindications to work on a rotational basis.
  • These restrictions are established by articles and Labor Code RF.

Question from practice: is it possible to hire an employee on a rotational basis who lives not at the place of registration, but at the place of temporary registration

Thus, an employee who lives at the place of temporary registration can be hired on a rotational basis if the place of work is very far from the place of his actual residence at the current time.

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