What parts does the human soul consist of? The essence of the human soul and its path in eternity. The human soul is an energy field

What is the Human Soul and what is its essence is sought by many, both philosophers and scientists. But, the most preferable in this matter is esoteric knowledge, which differs from traditional methods of scientific research.

Every religion recognizes the existence of the Soul, however, each of them has its own concept of it.

People know a lot about the Soul and even gave it very specific characteristics: a person has a broad Soul or vice versa, it is weak or strong, it hurts and can be healed, you can touch it, or you can destroy it. She can die and be reborn. Among the people there is such a concept: “mysterious Russian Soul” or, for example, - he has a “kind Soul”, these concepts sometimes subconsciously escape from a person’s mouth.

The human soul, what is it from an esoteric point of view?

Modern esotericists offer their own version. For a deeper understanding, let's give some definitions:

Soul of man− this is an information structure, an installed “package” of higher feelings and laws that make us people, and not robots with a cold mind, a kind of storage vital energy(Light of God).

The human soul is energy, it is some part of the consciousness of God (the Creator, the Supreme Mind), it is life itself, continuing, changing, transforming. She is immortal and indivisible.

Assumption. It is assumed that when a person develops his soul, he develops the consciousness of God, thereby drawing closer and reuniting with him. The connection between the consciousness of God and the soul of man is never broken. The ultimate goal of a person is to achieve enlightenment and connect with his deity, to connect so much as to become the same, that is, to return to his original source. And this assumption is not far from the truth.

The soul is you and is within yourself. A person thinks and feels inside himself as he is, but cannot express it in words, he is afraid that others will not understand him. It is she who defines a person as a person.

She is the source of eternal life, she is its meaning. It is the Soul that motivates a person to develop, not to stop there, to look for new ways of functioning and reproduces itself, thus creating an absolute self-sustaining system of life. Life in the body and Soul is necessary for accelerated development, which can accelerate hundreds of times.

Outlines (characteristics) of the Soul

Soul− this is energy in the form of a small ball, with a diameter of 30 to 150 mm, consists of 12 chakras, and has a very complex energy structure. This energy consists of invisible silver threads, in the center of which there is a luminous point.

American scientists have established through a series of experiments that at the moment of death a person immediately loses weight from 3 to 7 grams. Therefore, we can conclude that the “weight” of the Soul is 3-10 grams. Such a concept as a “big Soul” can be taken literally.

Scientists also discovered, using special, sensitive equipment, that at the moment of human death (separation of the Soul from the body) a significant jump in energy occurs. Many scientists recognize the fact of the existence of the human Soul.

The soul is created by God (the Supreme Mind, the Creator). The human soul can be defined as the highest essence, a given, which cannot exist without a temporary physical shelter, and, with the completion of the circle human life, inevitably finds a new incarnation for further development and transformation of previous accumulated experience.

By its nature the Soul:

  • Light and pure, consists of light divine energies;
  • on Earth is developing rapidly, through physical body, compared with subtle world(much slower);
  • has unlimited potential for development i.e. The Soul potentially contains great possibilities and is given to it to realize its purpose.

One can even say that the Soul is a cosmic substance that either connects with the physical body, then separates again in order to summarize all the diversity of thoughts, changes, experiences, accumulation of knowledge and reach new level energy and self-reproducing life. The purity of the Soul is determined by which experience is greater - light or dark.

Here there is an identification of the physical image of a person with the Soul inhabiting him in this life. It has already been mentioned that the Soul is not omnipotent and uses the material shell of the body temporarily, because in our dimension it cannot exist and develop as pure consciousness.

She needs constant search, movement, development, and therefore is tied to the body that it has chosen for these purposes. But she does not determine the vector of this movement, she can only try to direct it and give the opportunity to choose. In addition to the Soul, there are thoughts, intentions, the desire for comfort and achieving a prosperous status, according to the norms accepted in a given society.

And not in every body the Soul can fully live and develop. For a complete spiritual development you need to learn to “hear” your Soul, listen to your inner voice (intuition) - have a connection with It. Thus, the Spiritual path of development is important for each of us and is not possible without real knowledge of oneself (one’s inner world feelings and thoughts).

What is the Spiritual path of development, read

What is the Human Soul from the point of view of philosophy?

Ancient philosophers initially viewed the human Soul as a physical substance consisting of fiery atoms, which are driven by other atoms emanating from external material objects. Further philosophical reflections consolidated the concept of the Soul as something ethereal, independent of physical existence. Meanwhile, the undoubted connection between the physical and the spiritual was emphasized.

The soul enters the human body to seek new experience and further improvement, but sometimes it falls into physical captivity and reduces its desire for development due to everyday, everyday life needs that overwhelm the body. Some of the philosophers gave it three abilities: 1-cognition, 2-reason, 3-will.

Today we will talk about the most important thing for all people, about the truth that lies at the core of every person. This truth is the Soul, and if so, it is necessary to define what the Human Soul is, what is the Essence of the Soul, what are its tasks, and also what is the Beauty of the Soul and its Content.

The Essence of the Soul or what is the Soul

So, what is the Human Soul? Often people use the word Soul without understanding what is behind it and what the great power of this word is. What is the Essence of the Soul?

The soul is a part or particle of God that exists in the heart of every person. In the vastness of all existence, which is NOTHING, there is always God or the Creator of all that exists.

You can imagine an infinite, vast NOTHING - and there is only Love.

And God has no beginning and no end - an Infinite Emptiness filled with Love. And every human being comes from there, from the Central and Single Source of Love, and everyone is connected by a silver thread to this Source.

What is the human soul? All Souls are one whole, since their origin is from the Source of Love or God.

Many people know the Big Bang theory, which simply indicates that God separated pieces of Himself from Himself, and it was Souls in the form of Spheres of Light that began the journey to gain the necessary experience during the creation of Universes and Galaxies.

When thinking about what the Human Soul is, about its essence, it is important to understand: all Souls are the roots of the One Soul, which is called God, Creator, Absolute.

God is present in every situation in life. When you were sad, He was with you, and when you were happy, He was also there and therefore knows about everything, about all the needs and tasks of every person.

Development of the Soul and Personality

Now let's talk about the development of the Soul and personality. Essentially, the Soul comes to Earth for spiritual development and improvement. And in the human Soul there is all the experience of its previous incarnations.

The Earth is a favorable place for human habitation and development of the Soul. And so the human Soul, having come to the planet, must develop according to its tasks, gaining experience.

Since the Soul is incorporeal in form, in order to undergo experience on Earth, She created a physical body, personality and psyche.

And so a person seems to live and do something in his life, but there is no desired result, there is no satisfaction from life and happiness. Instead, there are diseases, complexes, fears, discontent and many other negative things.

This just means that a person lives as a personality, serves a personality, which itself must be a servant of the Soul that created it.

And such a person simply does not fulfill the Tasks of his Soul. There is no connection between the personality and the Soul, and therefore there is no process of evolution for which a person was born on the planet, there is no development of the human soul.

Understanding what the human Soul is, you need to live in the tasks of the Soul - this is, in essence, living for good and for good, when the concept of “do no harm” is the basis.

For the development of the soul, it is very important for a person to accumulate exactly the energy for which he came to the planet. And this means loving other people with Absolute love, and not for something or for some reason, but just like that, because in others there is the same piece of God as you have, and the same Soul.

You need to learn to love everyone who is hard and bad in this life, even the evil ones, and those who may be disgusting to you. This way you will develop spiritual matter in your life and improve the beauty of your soul.

And what does spiritual matter mean - this is what God wants, this is what will dissolve negative experiences and stop your illnesses.

Spiritual matter improves both your life and the life of all humanity, gives a state of inner joy and satisfaction - what the Soul of every person desires and what many people on Earth lack.

What happens in a person’s life is a reflection of his Soul, that light or dark experience accumulated in the past and present.

Therefore, a person’s life must correspond to the tasks of the Soul, then it will be joyful, financially secure, filled with health and well-being.

So, in this article we have defined what the Human Soul is, its essence and content. What is the beauty of the human soul, what is the relationship between the personality, the physical body and the Soul in its development - I tried to answer these questions.

A person is biologically designed in such a way that his brain perceives the surrounding reality through his existing senses, unambiguously considering only the visible, tangible and perceived by other senses part of it as real. Is there another, immaterial part of the Universe, another dimension, where the mind is present and the physical laws we are familiar with do not apply? And is there in the world we physically perceive a certain substance that connects both worlds, the existence of which is possible on both sides of existence?

Many have probably already realized that this element or substance is the soul, a metaphysical concept that has not yet been proven or refuted by anyone. We will talk about her dear, the human soul. Let's try to understand what the soul is, what its nature is, what the purpose and essence of the human soul is.

The human soul is a matter of faith

The hypothetical transcendental world that lies beyond the boundaries of earthly existence is doubtful for most people. It is worth noting that even theoretical physicists, who are mostly adherents of materialistic views, admit the multivariance of measurements and the presence of other forms of life. Among the learned brethren there are many who believe in God’s Providence. Therefore, dear skeptics, before you begin to categorically deny everything that does not fit into the framework of the logic so familiar to you, remember - everything is relative in this world! More than once, the most incredible assumptions have been confirmed.

In order not to somehow injure or offend those who believe in God, as well as those who do not believe in Him, with the subsequent reasoning, the reader is recommended to classify this story as a fantasy genre, which may have nothing to do with true reality.

Many people, striving for a realistically achievable momentary benefit, willingly follow the logic of well-known sayings: “Live here and now”, “Take everything from life”, which have already become the life credo of the majority, not only those who adhere to the atheistic worldview of people, but also those who only admit the existence God, whose faith was not formed into a concrete picture of the universe. They take more than they need, little, or at all without thinking about what will happen next. physical death and consider themselves realists, claiming to be wise men, confident in the truth of their vision of the world, which is essentially blind faith in Chance. Any other faith for them is the delirium of the weak-minded, but ask them: “Why is there no soul and God”? In response you will hear: “Because it’s unrealistic and that’s all!” They can be understood. For atheists it is convenient, simple, and most importantly understandable and pleasant to live like this. They are afraid of living life in vain, without taking from it what is considered valuable in their minds. They want to have a “bird in the hand” (earthly temporary paradise), and “pie in the sky” (heavenly eternal paradise) is just a myth for them. They prefer to consider themselves gods and the quintessence of the highest will, and not some mythical Supreme Mind. You can argue with this category of people on metaphysical topics just as forever and to no avail, as if you had to describe to a born blind person all the riot of colors in nature, which he is simply not able to see and can only believe or not believe in their existence. Atheists are children of the system who have absorbed materialistic views with their “mother’s milk”, which can only be changed by irrefutable facts, a miracle or emergency circumstances.

The values ​​of believers in God are not found in this life, but in the one that begins after death. In fairness, it should be noted that most of them are not fools at all, as some believe, and are far from angels, inflamed with pure, selfless love for the Creator and not expecting to receive anything in return for their love. They ordinary people, striving to obtain their main benefit, but only at the end of their earthly journey and in an infinite equivalent. The logic of their actions is dictated by the choice in favor of the eternal bliss promised by the Lord and the normal fear of losing this “heavenly bonus.” That is, each person has his own life strategy, but what “place” does he choose for her first of all? The answer is obvious - with the mind. And that's okay! Mind in danger physical world must play a decisive role, otherwise a person will not survive. And any sentient being strives for good and a safe existence. The whole point is that some choose a short-term life with an obvious end to everything, others rely on the Absolute - the immortality of the soul and immeasurable happiness.

To summarize the introductory part, we can summarize the following: some believe that an incredibly complex, accurate and beautiful picture of the universe appeared as a result of accidentally “spilled colors”, which in turn magically suddenly materialized and structured in the original Absolute Nothing, others are convinced of that the Universe is the Creation of an unknown Artist. In this regard, there is no point in convincing anyone in matters of faith. However, to speculate on eternal themes, using not only conjectures emanating from religious views, but also assumptions based on real technologies, it is possible.

So, surely no one will deny the obvious fact that a person is a biological carrier of an indefinite amount of information, an unknown percentage of which accounts for his consciousness and personality. In other words, the personal “I” can be expressed as information that is the core of our essence. The origin, formation and evolution of this “I-core” occurs in synthesis with some other substance, not from our existence, which presumably has an energy-informational nature.

“Everything is replaced by the brain,” you say. Not all! The human brain is just a biocomputer placed in the skull, a “logical machine” that excludes everything that cannot be sensed or has an irrational nature, many unknown variables. Our brain is undoubtedly a powerful tool, but we should not forget that it only gives us reason, allows us to think rationally and logically, but here are some feelings... it is doubtful that the brain can autonomously produce a reckless feeling of love, rage or the desire to save other people's lives by sacrificing at the same time, his own, etc. It seems that what makes a person human is not only the brain, but also something else. Maybe this is something like a program code that makes some kind of subconscious correction, as a result of which we become aware of ourselves and become intelligent, in the full sense of the word, living beings endowed with emotions, freedom, and the desire to create? You can call this code differently - “virus of the mind”, “free radical” or something else; in religion this mysterious substance is simply called the soul.

What is the human soul? What is the essence of the soul? From different sources, including from the biblical ones, it follows that the soul is a person. The definition of a person is understood not as biological, but as his moral, informational (spiritual) essence. The body is just a mortal shell, a container for the soul. The soul, in turn, is an information channel connecting this world and the higher one, the one from which we draw love, creative energy and where our consciousness moves after death. Or, the soul is an installed “package” of higher feelings and laws that make us human, and not biorobots with a cold mind, a kind of repository of life energy, the Word and Light of God, everything that can be attributed to the concepts of the divine category. The soul is a navigator indicating the highest path of development. Perhaps the soul is simultaneously a navigator, a repository and a bridge between realities.

A rough analogy arises with a computer operating system and a set of other system routines, as well as the electricity required to operate a computer. Without a soul and divine spirit, a person is like a “dead” computer without any digital data or power supply.

Science is not yet able to understand the structure of the soul and isolate it into a matrix separate from the body. It is not even clear where the soul is located in us. But despite the absence scientific knowledge, it is stupid in theory to deny its presence, as well as the potential opportunity in the future to learn to “pack” the human “I” into a certain “file”.

Of course, there are many skeptical citizens who will consider the analogy between a person and a computer to be incorrect or will categorically define everything described above as nonsense. Just in case, “smart guys” would like to remind you that everything stated in this article is just a fantasy that has the right to be. It is no more delusional than any scientific hypothesis about the random origin of the Universe, which does not bring us closer to an understanding of the truth. In science in general, versions regarding this issue often change.

Having accepted as true the idea that the soul is information, and the human body is its carrier, we ask the question: “Is it possible for our spiritual basis to move outside the body and the existence of a mechanism hidden in us that ensures this transaction, the activation of which is programmed and occurs, for example , at the moment of reaching the minimum permissible value of the working activity of the brain, when it is completely turned off or destroyed"? The question is essentially rhetorical. The answer is obvious - of course yes! The presence of such biotechnology is quite likely. After all, man has learned to transmit information “over the air” (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth technologies), although such a thing was not even thought of 100 years ago.

There is a lot of evidence of the conscious “exit of the body” (into the Astral) of Indian yogis and people who were in critical condition. People who survived clinical death talked about preserving their consciousness and traveling through a mysterious tunnel, at the end of which a peaceful light was observed. The explanation of this phenomenon by hallucinations allegedly arising due to intoxication of the body with cadaveric poisons and so-called tubular vision does not stand up to criticism. It is doubtful that, as a result of poisoning with the same poison, in all cases the “dead” will experience the same “visual effect” (observe themselves from the outside), view their lives as a film, meet deceased relatives and “see” identical visions.

So why then are materialists so categorical in denying the soul and its movement after death to another world or dimension? This means that people can operate with Numbers in all sorts of ways, but Someone else, even theoretically, is not capable of performing similar operations with our soul? Is intelligent life really possible only in one form familiar to us? Or maybe we are the creation of a higher immortal race that exists outside of time and matter, and we are sent to Earth to undergo training, maturation of souls in the school of life, and those who have “studied” with dignity get a chance to eternal life? Let everyone answer these questions for themselves.

The path of the soul in eternity

Continuing to “paint” an imaginary picture, let’s try to imagine the afterlife world, where, according to believers, the soul ends up at the end of its earthly journey. We are not talking about searching for evidence of its reality - during life it is impossible to do this in principle (at least, science is not moving in this direction), as they say: “Until you die, you will not check whether there is heaven or hell.” All considerations regarding the “afterlife topic” are perceived by non-religious people as pure abstraction. However, any fantastic thought can turn out to be an objective reality. Moreover, it is possible that our reality is in fact only a pitiful, distorted copy of the real Ideal Being. How could it be afterworld, which after earthly life becomes the eternal refuge of the soul?

Let's start with the main thing. Everything has a root cause. Without it, nothing will arise on its own. Whatever operations you perform with zeros, without a unit the result will always be zero. That is, in the absolute primordial Non-existence, a “number” could not arise on its own; there had to be a root cause acting as a unit, some kind of force that made the particles move. Based on this premise, let us assume the existence of an Operator, Author, Supermind or Creator of all things. He has many names, but there is one generalizing, capacious concept - God. Let's take Him for granted. For what purpose did He create the World? Probably the same one as creative person creates his own creation, through which he expresses internal creative energy, love or some other experiences flowing from the soul. Perhaps the Creator wanted to create a semblance of that ideal, endless happiness, which He himself is and a small copy of this Original is not a material body at all, but other substances that are inside us and make up our essence - spirit, soul, mind. After all, if a human creator decides to create his own likeness, it will mean, first of all, a rational basis, closest to the original (artificial intelligence) and enclosed within the framework of human logic. The shell in which the created entity will be placed is secondary.

Let’s not get bogged down in understanding God’s Plan, which man will probably never understand. The theme of this story is an attempt to present the Path and essence of the soul.

Many religious sources say that in the next world there is eternal life. Why not. Man also strives for immortality, and one of the hypothetical concepts in this direction is the transfer of consciousness from a dying body to something new, ideally to the eternal. What is not destroyed by time? Only the immaterial is not afraid of time.

If the other world is immaterial, then a different logic reigns there, not subject to the physical laws of our existence. Probably there is no flow of time familiar to us; everything eternal excludes the need for this category.

Earthly life should be perceived as a school or testing ground where a person is tested. Only a person who passes the exam with honor and dignity enters the kingdom of God called paradise. How more soul at the “exit-entrance” she will retain in herself from God, the higher and closer to the Lord she will ascend. And vice versa - an individual who has accumulated a critical mass of sins (evil) during life, one in whom the distortion of the absolute standard (God) is too great, will go to hell. In other words, we all pass through a filter, the purpose of which is to prevent evil from entering heaven. The structure of this model of being from a rational position is quite understandable and explainable. In order to create and preserve an ideal structure indefinitely, everything in it must correspond to the idea, that is, the ideal, the drawing of the model. Any flaws are unacceptable. For example, to develop and implement a project, you will only need what corresponds to its idea. Everything unnecessary and potentially harmful is classified as garbage, which belongs in the trash bin. This is the principle of an antivirus program that protects operating system computer from malicious code. The “garbage bin” where dirty souls end up is hell. Evil is concentrated there, garbage, which has no place in heaven, in the kingdom of eternal happiness. At the very bottom of the "hell's basket" the greatest sinners are crushed under a heavy load of darkness. It can be assumed that the main hellish torments experienced by sinners, to which sinners condemn themselves, lie in the awareness of their fate to remain forever garbage in darkness and the absence of any bright prospect.

You should pay attention to the presence of a heavenly hierarchy in the next world. It is natural and absolutely necessary. When there is no hierarchy, there is no structure, and this gives rise to chaos. Without hierarchy, the order that ensures the strength of the system is unattainable. At the top of the pyramid, at the Throne of God, there are those closest to the Lord - Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones, and below, in descending order, each takes its place according to the degree of godlikeness. “Zero Horizon” is the place of waiting until the Judgment of the White Throne, where apparently the souls of the dead initially end up (according to the Catholic version, they undergo purgatory, filtration or purification), below which the seven levels (circles) of hell “go into minus”.

This may be the essence of the human soul and its thorny path in eternity. Personally, to me, the author of this essay, the above version of the world order does not seem crazy at all. On the contrary, the conviction in the absence of a Supreme Mind or the Cause of all things is perceived as a much greater delusion. Be that as it may, it is much more humane to live in compliance with moral laws, to be the master of your spirit, and not a slave to animal passions, and then, after life, suddenly happiness will smile on you, and may you abide in an eternal blissful world of goodness and love. The choice is yours!

The assertion that a person is something much more than a physical body is no longer questioned by anyone today.

Regardless of whether a person considers himself to be a member of any religion or not, each of us sooner or later thinks about what the soul is.

If we do not take into account church ideas, then we can give a more realistic definition of the soul, as a product of the work of the brain, consciousness, but where does it come from?

It is very difficult to accept that everything for which we live, cultivate in ourselves, create - will go nowhere. But what about “thought is material”? It's stupid not to be afraid of death. But you have to live, if not in anticipation afterlife, then at least so that people remember you with warmth, and not with disgust. We come to Earth with a specific mission. Someone enriches their soul, while others waste and burn through their earthly life. Maybe that’s why some people’s souls become smaller and thinner, because they haven’t found their meaning and purpose in this life...

Is the human soul an energy field?

The soul is an ephemeral shell of a living person, however, there is a theory according to which it can be measured in completely earthly units of measurement.

Let us assume that the soul is a product of the radiation of the brain, the stream of consciousness. This means that this is some kind of energy field. But every field, from the point of view of physics, is determined by its parameters, which can be measured.

For example, light is measured in quanta, and the electromagnetic field is measured in power and other parameters. Not all elementary particles that make up fields have a rest mass, but have scientists learned how to measure, for example, the flow of electrons or gamma radiation?

“There are many things, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of.”

Just because we don’t know something yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist or can never exist. This means that there is a high probability that over time they will learn to measure the “mental” quantum!

In the end, if any energy field has energy (and the soul has a very powerful potential), then sooner or later it will be possible to isolate it for measurement. As for the soul, this energy can have a flow that is both positively and negatively directed.

Yes, now there is no definite data convincingly indicating that the soul exists. But this does not mean that there is no soul! Once upon a time, people could not “see and touch” the electromagnetic field or infrared radiation - there was no technical possibility.

Over time, perhaps people and strength will learn human soul measure not only by sensations, by the impact on others, but also with precision instruments. Progress does not stand still!

But, to be honest, when talking about the soul, I somehow don’t want to think about it from such positions, almost turning a person’s feelings and attitude towards living things into kilograms and meters. inanimate world. Let's try to prove its presence (or absence) with more human (that is, spiritual) arguments.

Let's turn to the classics. Lomonosov's conservation law says: “Nothing appears from nothing and nothing disappears without a trace.” This means that a person’s soul also does not appear out of nowhere, and after death does not die with him.

What is a person’s soul, and where does it go after his death?

Ideas about the human soul in different theories

For example, the theory of reincarnation of souls. That is, after the death of a person, the soul does not disappear completely, but moves into another body, living or non-living. If the soul enters the human body, then in some cases “gene memory” may be triggered.

For example, a little girl who has lived all her life in the Russian outback suddenly has dreams in which she sees herself as an English lord, and a man swimming like a fish has a dream in which he, being in female body, drowning in a shallow river.

There is a theory that explains not only the presence of the soul, but also its “cycle”, that is, its state in each period of time, starting from the moment of birth.

Suppose there is some place in which souls live without bodies. It doesn’t matter their origin: cosmic or divine, or whatever - the important thing is that this place exists (and maybe more than one, according to religious teachings), and the number of these souls is finite. The state of the soul at any given moment in time can be different (again, based on religious teachings):

  • Located in paradise
  • Located in hell
  • Found in the human body
  • Found in any other body, living or nonliving
  • Is in a state of ordeal, testing or awaiting a decision for his sins in earthly life

Since over the many millennia that have passed since the birth of souls, the population of the Earth has increased many times, it is natural to assume that some people “did not get the human soul”, and they live either with some other soul (for example, the soul of a tree or a fish), or completely without a soul. And this can be confirmed by ancient definitions that remain quite modern today: “stone soul”, “soulless man”, “wooden man”, etc.

Some human souls have “worn out” and become smaller; some, on the contrary, have become larger. Why is this happening? Can a soul disappear completely, and can souls multiply?

Where does the soul go after death, and where do new souls come from?

Let believers forgive people for invading such shrines - but in the end, this is only an attempt to confirm the theory of the presence of a soul in every living and inanimate object!

Like any energy field, the soul can also be destroyed, that is, go into some other state. By doing bad things, acting against the laws of God and man, a person hurts his soul. The matter of the human soul is thinning, tearing into pieces, and decreasing.

These wounded souls can and should be treated and integrity restored. But, if this does not happen, these fragments of souls either die, or, if they are viable enough, begin their own existence, going through the path of purification and restoration.

Or, on the contrary, two spiritually close people enrich and perceive each other’s souls so closely that, merging in a single emotional impulse, they give birth to a new soul, which also has the right to exist.

Why can some souls pass from one human body to another quite often, while others have to wait forever to live a second time? earthly life? Why do some people, by doing good deeds, enrich their soul, generously distributing it to others, while others, on the contrary, just as generously share their attitude towards life and people, but only negative, and also feel in spiritual comfort? Maybe the fact is that these are initially different souls? And can the soul be reborn?

Humanity does not yet have answers to these questions. But anyone who has a soul can think and reason about this, that is, who is not indifferent to humanity as a whole and to the awareness of their place in this world.

Share your soulfulness generously - enrich your soul!

Let everyone try to give their own answer, which will be close and understandable to them. The main thing is that the question is not in a specific definition, but in the understanding that everyone has a soul! And you can’t forever test its strength, subjecting it to endless torture in the form of offenses that go against your conscience, you can’t step over yourself and break your soul.

But you can generously share your soul, because the more you give, the more you receive in return attention, kindness and simply positive attitude, and the soul, instead of decreasing from division, miraculously increases.

We must protect and enrich our soul, and not waste it. We are only carriers of the soul, its guides on Earth, and knowing this, it is simply unacceptable to live in such a way that the soul decays. It seems like he rented a house and destroyed it.

Then you will need to answer, first of all, to yourself and your conscience. If there is no way to check whether the answer for this is held “there”, where everyone goes after death.

We must remember that the soul is eternal, and even after the death of the bodily shell continues to live, accumulating earthly life experience. You don't want to be a source of negative experience, do you? Then live according to your conscience, do not desecrate your soul!

Regardless of whether there is a soul or not, whether there will be a resettlement or not, I want our descendants to remember us with a kind word, not only because they don’t speak badly about the dead. The memory that our children, grandchildren and future generations will judge us by our actions is a serious motivator to “behave well”.

The song “Mysterious Russian Soul” has a deep meaning. Perhaps it will bring us closer to understanding what the human soul is?

A lot has been written about what the Soul is, there are constantly disputes and debates, there are even scientific conferences. But now, much more important is that most people and progressive scientists already recognize the existence of the Soul. After all, without the existence of the soul, absolutely everything, life itself and the very existence of man, would be meaningless. Read about some evidence and justifications in favor of the existence of the soul.

Let's consider spiritual and esoteric Knowledge about the Soul.

What is the Human Soul? Only the most important things

Soul– this is Consciousness , the immortal part of a person that develops, gains its experience by incarnating on Earth in the human body and learning in.

Soul (Consciousness) – consists of 12 main chakras, doubles (central and additional), information channels, energy flows, subtle bodies, the spiritual being and the spark of God (in the heart of the spiritual being).

Soul is created with the help of the gods () from the highest, strongest and fastest divine energies for approximately 50,000 years, and it is created, as it is said in the Bible, in the image and likeness of the Creator.

In the image and likeness– means that the human soul contains practically unlimited potential, and the possibility in the future, having undergone evolution on Earth, then in Space, to become the Creator of Universes (to create universes, their worlds and creatures).

Because of its high purpose, the soul has the opportunity to gain immortality, which was originally inherent in its nature. But it must be said that not every soul, going through evolution, receives such a right. If the soul, at a certain stage of the path, does not choose the Path of Light (entry into the Hierarchy of Light and Service to God), but chooses the dark path (service), and after multiple attempts Higher Powers to return a person to the true path, the soul still chooses the path of Evil - it is deprived of immortality and completely destroyed (when a critical amount of evil accumulates in the consciousness and the chances of returning and healing the Soul become zero).

Life in the body necessary for the Soul for accelerated development, due to the ability to accumulate large volumes of energy (thanks to the physical body). Development can thus be accelerated hundreds of times.

Who else has doubts about the spiritual principle and the existence of the soul - read carefully.

Illusions and misconceptions about the Soul - debunking

1. No souls!

It is not true! 95% of people on earth, including advanced scientists, believe in the existence of the soul. Tens of thousands of phenomena have been recorded confirming the existence of the Soul, which materialistic science is unable to explain. Hundreds of spiritual qualities that Man possesses and which have no place in the physical body are direct confirmation that the soul exists. Read more about this.

2. The soul is a formless energy cloud that cannot be measured or defined in any way, since it has no structure!

That's bullshit! Absolutely any energy has its own structure. The human soul even more so. The soul has a very clear and complex structure (energy structure), mechanisms of formation and development. The soul can be perceived, seen in all details and studied in as much detail as the anatomy of the human physical body (only the soul is several orders of magnitude more complex in structure than the body). Its study is the next stage in the development of society in the knowledge of Man.

3. That the soul is incarnated once, and then goes somewhere irrevocably, becomes impersonal (it completely dissolves in the energy of the universe or God), etc.

This is wrong! Read more about soul incarnations. The soul never loses its individuality (personal form and essence), even when it unites with the Creator (reaching a spiritual, absolute level of development and higher). Each soul has its own special individuality (purpose) by birth (from the moment of its creation), and has its own predetermined place in the cosmos, where it will have to fulfill its purpose after evolution on Earth.

Main characteristics of the Human Soul

  • Soul - created by God (the Absolute) in the image and likeness (potentially has the same structure as the soul of God)
  • The soul is immortal, indestructible and indestructible (unless destroyed by God for Serving Evil, read above)
  • The soul is initially pure and bright in nature (created from light divine energies)
  • The Human Soul has a clear, precise structure, which can be known
  • The soul has almost infinite potential for development and the opportunity to one day become the Creator of Universes
  • The soul is subtly material , that is, invisible to physical eyes, but clearly visible with the help of astral vision
  • Each Soul has its own individuality , which is determined by the special purpose inherent in the creation of the Soul
  • The soul develops on Earth through the physical body at an accelerated rate, but can develop without it in (much slower)
  • Every soul has all abilities and super abilities, which were manifested in at least one person (which is in one, that is, in everyone)
  • Soul – can become dark and be destroyed (lose immortality), through a very long accumulation of evil by man (many incarnations in a row

The human soul can be described endlessly, we have said only the essence, without details. Believe in your immortal Soul and do everything to learn to hear it! Do everything in the interests of your Soul, and never act against it!

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