About e after the hissing suffixes of the exercise. Training exercises. Features of the pronunciation of hissing

Lettuce leaf mustard is a cold-resistant plant, ripening quickly, ready for use in 4-5 weeks. Grown in an annual culture. The leaves are strongly dissected, with wavy edges, very rich in vitamins, mineral salts of calcium, iron, trace elements. Try it in a salad or use it when preserving vegetables (cucumbers or tomatoes) and appreciate the delicate flavor of horseradish, mustard. The presence of mustard oil gives a slight sharpness.


Lettuce - 54 is the best variety, there is a very elegant variety Krasnolistnaya. For greenhouses, the Muravushka variety is sown, for open ground - Ladushka.

Mustard salad "VOLNUSHKA" is an early ripe variety, harvesting after 30 days, cold-resistant, with fast leaf growth.


Growing this crop is very simple, as it is unpretentious, although not very common among vegetable growers.

For the cultivation of leaf mustard, any fertile soils. For this, they dig up the bed, add humus up to 3 kg per 1 m 2, dig it up again and level it. After that, water with a solution of liquid fertilizer Ideal 1st. spoon on a bucket of water. Ratio: 2-3 liters for every 1m 2 .

Mustard seeds do not need special pre-sowing preparation, they are sown in a greenhouse or in open ground under cover material. Grooves are made with a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm and a distance between rows of 20 to 25 cm.

Sowing seeds is carried out in several terms -

In hot weather, leaf mustard is not sown, as the plant shoots.

Seedlings appear after 3-4 days at temperatures up to +20 degrees, this is the most optimal temperature for its growth. When shoots appear, thickened plants must be thinned out, leaving 3-4 cm between them. At the same time, they should be fed: for this, 1 teaspoon of urea is dissolved in 10 liters of water, and watered at the rate of 3 liters per 1 m 2.

When the mustard leaves grow up to 10-12 cm, then they start harvesting. look after leafy mustard simple: loosen the aisles and water as needed. Watering: given that the roots of this plant are superficial, and the mustard itself is moisture-loving, therefore, it is necessary to monitor and water at least 2 times a week, in dry times it is possible more often, since the lack of moisture will immediately affect the quality of the leaves, they will be rough and tasteless, and the plant itself will immediately go to the arrow.

Salad mustard can be used as a sealant.

Consume fresh leaves and young rosettes before the emergence of shoots. Raw - in salads with sour cream or vegetable oil, boiled or stewed - as a side dish for fish and meat dishes. Cooked mustard sandwiches are very tasty.

private school "Garant", Shkolnoe settlement, Crimea

Vowel Spelling
about her AFTER HISTS AND c

I just read an article by E.G. Shatova “Formation of generalized knowledge when teaching spelling in the lesson system. New Approach"(Russian language, No. 19/2001). I completely agree with the author of the article, since I have been working approximately on this principle (formation of generalized knowledge) for 20 years already. We just live in different countries(to my great regret), there is less joint methodical work. I constantly subscribe to your newspaper, but somehow I did not dare to write, thinking that you and your authors have enough. But now I took a chance: maybe my developments will come in handy.
I compiled my spelling card just on the basis of a generalization of the material. I won’t give it to you in full, although I have been working on it for about 20 years, now I can say for sure that with its help it is much easier to form writing literacy. My experience is summarized in the Crimea, and other Russian language teachers work on the card, and I systematically conduct seminars for them.
So, I offer my vision of the same topic - "Spelling of vowels o-e-e after hissing and c". Only this is not a lesson plan, but only a set of necessary tasks, and how to put them together is up to the teacher.

To begin with, I inform the students that there are only 4 hissing in Russian - w, w, h, w.
I offer warm-up exercises for the formation of phonemic perception and attention. (The number and necessity of such exercises is determined by the teacher.)

    These special exercises, perceived as games, are simultaneously aimed at developing attention, developing the skills of analysis, synthesis, classification and generalization, and phonemic analysis. 3-5 minutes of the lesson are allotted for this work.

After the children have learned to easily perform these exercises, i.e. phonemic perception and attention are activated, you can start working on spelling.

Exercise 1 . Dictate sentences at the pace of a school dictation. Write out all hissing.

1. Above the rye field, rustling with hard rye ears, the air is hot and motionless (w w w w w w w zh).
2. Hot sunbeams and the whisper of the sea surf call vacationers to the beaches (f h h w w zh).
3. In the forest, there is more often silence, only the bees over the flowers of rosehips and chirp in the embroidery of trees restless birds (Ch.
4. There are miracles:
Already stung by a wasp,
She stung in the stomach
It hurts terribly.
Here. (wh w w w w w)

5. And Dr. Ezh said to Uzh:
“I don't find anything.
But still I think
What is better to crawl on your back,
Until the stomach heals.
Here". (w f h f f h h w f f)

6. There are miracles in life:
Already stung by a wasp,
She stung in the stomach
It hurts terribly.
Here. (Wh w w w w w)

7. And Dr. Ezh said to Uzh:
“I don't find anything.
But still I think
What is better to crawl on your back,
Until the stomach heals.
Here". (w f h f f h h w f f)

Task 2. Indicate the part of the word ( To oren - To or h A To ornemzk), which has the spelling "Oeyoafter hissing andc". Set an exception:excl, and verbs and verbal forms -G.

Sample: Yellow fluff - to, zk.

Black, seam, baked, sleepover, yellow, walked, chocolate, twine, flows, wallet, liver, hare, comb, river, girl, gooseberry, highway, lye, cut, bear cub.

Answer:k, excl, g, g, k, g, excl, k, g, k, k, zk, k, zk, zk, excl, excl, k, g, zk.

Get to know the spelling "about her after hissing and c".

a) write at the root under stress yo, if the word can be changed so that it is written e (and yo fluffy - well e fly); other words that are spelled with O at the root, let's call exceptions;
b) behind the root (in the suffix and ending) under stress - O, without stress - e;
V) yo- in verbs and verbal forms, i.e. words that are formed from verbs: baked - bake, overnight - spend the night, stew - stew, condensed milk - thicken;
d) words with a suffix -yor conductor, trainer, But dancer.

Task 3. In Russian, there are several dozen roots in which, after hissing, there is yo. Write the words using the roots below. Make up phrases with them.

Task 4. To better remember the exception words, at the root of which, after hissing, is written O, read a humorous story that contains 24 such words. Draw an illustration for this story.

By highway the car sped by. Sitting in the cab chauffeur and shaking in the back prim Scot, former majordomo, Zhora-glutton, jockey, juggler And saddler. Everyone was busy with their own business. Zhora ate chocolate and washed down hood, juggler juggling gooseberries by stringing it on ramrod. The jockey and the saddler agreed on new blinders for a horse. Scot stiffly was silent, pulling over his eyes hood. Everyone was in the mood major. As if they were going on a fun show. Suddenly I heard rustle. It burst the seam on shorts Gluttons. All were shocked what happened.

Add to the story words such as slum And thicket.(With them, the children themselves will willingly come up with the last sentence.)

    The previous tasks prepare students for practicing this spelling. The drawing is done by the students on the blackboard along with the teacher reading the story. The story is not read in advance. After the drawing is completed, the teacher reads the story again, the drawing is erased from the board, and the students write the exception words from memory. Then we determine who remembered the words more, which words were not remembered. All this makes it possible to repeat them again. The method of drawing allows you to "turn on" the emotional memory of the student. This is generally a very good technique, I use it when working on bugs.

Now let's move on to writing. about her after hissing. We repeat this spelling. We draw students' attention to the fact that for this rule you need to be able to see the composition of the word and distinguish verbal forms and verbs from other parts of speech.
(The term "verbal forms" refers to words that are formed from a verb. These are participles, and verbal nouns, and adjectives. The need to determine the part of speech is eliminated, which simplifies the implementation of actions.)

Task 5. Complete the table using the words listed below. What words did you not include in the table? Why?

Behind the root under stress

At the root of the stress

In verbs and verbal forms

Exception words

Suffix -yor

bear cub

Chocolate, glutton

Training apparatus

Check yourself:

1st column: 6, 9, 10, 19, 26, 27, 31, 32, 37.
2nd column: 13, 23, 29, 38.
3rd column: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 16, 18, 20, 22, 25, 34, 35, 36, 42, 44.
4th column: 7, 40, 41, 43, 45.
5th column: 4, 24, 30.
Words with spelling are not included anywhere e(but not yo) after hissing, words with an unstressed suffix and an adverb more(excl.).

This exercise helps to form a conscious approach to working with the spelling rule (orf. No. 14), singles out the stages of mental activity of students when choosing a vowel.

If the student has made many mistakes, he can be asked to complete any exercise from the textbook or manual, and then fill in the same table with the words from the exercise. The table clearly shows typical mistakes each student: if there are more errors in one column than in another, this means that the student did not learn this stage of the rule for some reason. For example, many words are incorrectly entered in the first column or the verbs are not in the first column, which means that the student forgets or does not know how to highlight suffixes, does not see the verbs.

Task 6(for self-test). Insert the missing letters, indicate the number and letter of the spelling.

Shch_gol, bech_vka, zh_vany, resh_tka, zh_forehead, seamless_vny, zh_rdochka, carcass_nka, camel_knock, came_l, baked, credit_t, gluttonous, ch_rtochka, girl_nka, our_to spit, korch_vka, sh_kovy, ch_porny, oven_nka, galch_nok, zh_ky_kіy_kіv_vіv, zushchnka, zh_nka, zh_nka hot_, conductor_r, hut_m, knife_m, frog_nok, zh_ngler, zach_lka, uch_ba, sh_roh, kryzh_vnik, sch_t, zh_rdochka, river_nka, night_vka, zhzh_t, rasch_ska, sh_loch, ch_tky, sh_se, kosh_lka, poshch_china, slum_by, sh_lkovy, ch_lkovy_ny.

Calculate the coefficient of assimilation of this spelling: each correctly spelled word = 2%.


Enough level.Insert the missing letters.

Bull, barrel, night, paper, ivy, smoked, knife, tense, granddaughter, garage, liberated, stove, thickening, girl, long, candle, zh_ngler, zh_ludi, crossed, zh_rdochka.

Average level. Write the text under dictation. Designate spelling number 14.

On an early spring morning, when the sun was not yet hot and the air was fresh, the guys, led by a probationer, fought in the old garden against the leaf beetle on pear and cherry plum trees. A watchman is waiting for the children in the reed hut. Kuzmich's head is covered with a hat, a linen shirt peeks out from under his jacket, and a red scarf is around his neck. Kuzmich shows the children home-made brushes and rattles, then treats everyone to ripe gooseberries. And the guys offer him chocolates.

(From the book: D. Rosenthal, I. Golub. Russian language. M.: Iris, 1999.)

High level. Find and fix bugs. Explain the spelling of words with orph. No. 14, indicating the letter next to it (14a, 14b ...). See the table at the beginning of the section.

Grandfather tells how he caught a bear cub in the thicket and taught him to dance. Imitating a bear cub, he acts either as a dancer or as a conductor. Then we put a keg instead of a table and sit down to dine. From the bags we get the carcass, condensed milk, pies with the liver, smoked meats. The girls are making tea. From behind the nearest bushes, a rustle is heard and a hare is shown. Carried away by dinner, we do not pay any attention to it.


1. Write down the words in which mistakes are made for this rule.
2. Figure out why it was necessary to write the word that way.
3. Work with the table again, filling it in using the words from any exercise on the topic.
4. Make up a similar task for a classmate yourself.
5. Write down words with orph from a literary work. No. 14, explain graphically their spelling (highlight part of the word, emphasize or indicate: excl.).

At the control stage, you can use other tasks that involve complex work with spelling and punctuation.

P.S. I subscribe to your newspaper with pleasure, although it is almost beyond my means. In addition to being - good helper at work, it is also a thread that connects me with Russia. Yes, the Russian language is not in honor in Ukraine now, like everything Russian.

Guide Slides 2 - 4 "Algorithm" and "Labyrinth" and instructions for their use Slides 5 - 6 "Play solitaire" and instructions for its layout Slides 7 - 8 "Duel" and instructions for its implementation Slides 9 - 11 "Simulators" and instructions for their use

The Algorithm and the Maze The following slides will help you practice how to apply the rules. Using the algorithm, choose the correct spelling for the words at the bottom of the slide. Swipe through the maze of words located at the bottom of the slide. Check out the answers (click to call them up)

Algorithm 1.Sh_k 2.Kumach_vyy 3.Forgive_nny 4.Knife_knife 5.Shoulder_m 6.Pech_m in suffixes in endings without stress will help the algorithm noun, denomination adj., adverbs under stress without stress OE E, Yo n., adj. verbs Ё under stress without stress EO still verbal (verbs, adj., ex. adj., figurative noun from them) in roots under stress In which morpheme is the spelling 1.Shock 2.Kumachovy 3.Forgiven 4.Hacksaw 5. Shoulder 6. Bake

Is this spelling in the root? Is it a noun with the suffix -ёr? Is this word a verb or derived from it? The word can be changed so that E stands in this place? Is it a noun derived from a verb with the root -zheg-? Is it a noun with the suffix -ok-? Spelling in a stressed syllable? o ё/her/eeooё/her/eoe L a b i r i n t L a b i rin t entrance no no yes o no yes no Grush_vka 1. Hare 2. Cloak 3. Doomed 4. Uprooting 5. Pear 6. Pear

Play solitaire As you work on the next slide, click to select a word. Decide which letter to insert. In case of difficulty, refer to the presentation “O - E (E) after hissing and C”, to the labyrinth, to the algorithm. Check: call the correct answer with a mouse click. Repeating these steps, expand the "solitaire" to the end.

Duel To work with the next slide, challenge your opponent to a duel. Determine the sequence of moves - "shots". The first participant calls the word on the screen with a mouse click and decides which letter is missing. Correctness is checked with a mouse click. The right to "shot" gets the next participant. The duel can continue until the first "wound" - an error. The duel can continue until the entire scoreboard is revealed. The winner is the one who made the fewest mistakes.

Simulator O - E (E) after sizzling and C 14.general_ 15.life_ga o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o o e o e o o o o o o o 16.sh_mpol 17.wireless 18.hook_to 19.camel_knock 20.night_time 21.carcass 22.crushed 23.saving 24.porch_ 25.kumach_vy 26. key 27. plush 28. hare 29. hot 30. lit

Simulator O - E (E) after sizzling and C 14.shock_loch 15.cloak_m o o o o e o e o o e o o 16.cheap_venky 17.hook_n 18.tongue_k 19.dog_nka 20.demarcation_in 21.replaced 22.installation_r 23.guard_t 24.shoulder_ 25.sample_out 26. fox 27. key 28. blanket 29. on foot

Exercise #3.

Explain the spelling of prefixes.

Satiate, overcome, pretense, transform, seaside, successor, feigned, throne, come up with, dress up, break.

Exercise number 4 *.

Write the words in two columns: with prefixesat- , pre-.

Right ... gate, pr ... connect, pr ... refuge, pr ... protect, pr ... conduct, pr ... syaga, pr ... overcome, pr ... gatekeeper, imper ... false truth, pr ... give dust to the earth, pr ... claim, stone pr ... weaving, pr ... vilegia, pr ... creative, succession, pr ... to think, pr ... to cook, pr ... notorious, pr ... to river, pr ... to help, pr ... to start work, pr ... people, pr ... miracles, pr ... adherent, pr ... parat, pr ... inclusion, pr ... neglect.

Control exercises

Insert the missing letters.

Option 1

1. Meanwhile, the humpbacked beggar silently approached and fixed his bright black eyes on the generous gentleman. 2. The beggar looked at them (the servants) with eyesight. 3. Where virtue is hidden, there can be hidden and transgression. 4. She looked him intently in the eyes, as if pr ... remembering something long, long past. 5. Under various excuses, neglecting the wrath of her mistress, Olga left her boring work. 6. He was adamant ... inclined: he knew how to divert the conversation to another subject. 7. In an instant, he jumped up to the clerk and knocked him to the ground with one blow. 8. People, when they suffer, are usually submissive; but if once they managed to throw off their burden, then the lamb turns into a tiger; pr...the oppressed becomes a pr...oppressor and pays a hundredfold - and then woe to the vanquished. 9. She pr...teared an unpleasant silence. 10. He laughed at him: from that moment an irreconcilable enmity began.

Option 2

1. She really guessed it: great souls have a special property to understand each other. 2. My life, my destiny belongs to you. 3. In a word, he did everything he could to get ... to gain power of attorney. 4. He didn't know that by getting too attached to a dream, we lose our essentiality. 5. At this time, eleven struck on the wall clock in the reception room. 6. His love in itself in the blood is alien to any vanity, but if imagination interferes with it, then woe to the unfortunate. 7. Clouds called my imagination to their air wings. 8. Then he pr ... thought. 9. For a long time I wandered without shelter and other ... camps. 10. Your hopes withered from my touch. 11. A month ago, he, with a pilgrim whom he met on the road, sent ... a letter, announcing his imminent ... existence. 12. He approached ... he was cold. 13. “How do you like my hunchback! Boris Petrovich said. “Re…hilarious.” 14. Such was Macbeth's horror when, ready to sit down on the royal table, he saw the bloodied shadow of Bankuo on it... 15. Olga's mysterious answers, sometimes her t...creative coldness inflamed Yuri more and more. 16. But that is the beauty of love; she turns us into children, gives us golden dreams.

Spelling -o-e-e- after hissing and c

Spelling O, E, Yo after hissing can present a certain difficulty. This is due to the fact that this choice depends on a number of conditions: what part of speech the word belongs to and in what part of the word is the spelling.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.