How to cook ginger with lemon and honey. Lemon-ginger drink with honey and cinnamon. Ginger and lemon juice

It should be carried out for every adult who is exposed to stress, colds, and who is often outdoors in bad weather. weather conditions. And doing this at home is quite simple using natural ingredients.

A recipe for boosting immunity with honey, lemon and ginger will become a real lifesaver for every person. A similar mixture can also be given to children to prevent viruses and infections.

Depending on the variation of the recipe, it may include others healthy foods, - for example, prunes or walnuts, dried apricots or raisins for sweetness. But the main benefits will come from honey, lemon and ginger.

Useful properties of ginger:

Beneficial properties of lemon and honey:

  • lemon contains essential oils and vitamins that slow down cell destruction;
  • lemon helps reduce fever;
  • honey smoothes out the effects of stress and calms the nervous system;
  • Honey supplies the body with an excellent set of natural vitamins, which are incomparable in quality to synthetic ones.

As part of mixtures, these ingredients cope well with other unpleasant symptoms of the disease, quickly restore strength and strengthen the human immune system.

Features of storage and preparation of mixtures

It is not recommended to store medicinal drinks containing honey, lemon and ginger for more than a day. If the recipe is for 3-4 servings, then you need to drink them a day.

When preparing hot teas and infusions with honey and lemon juice, you need to take into account that the beneficial components of the products begin to rapidly deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures, so honey and lemon juice should be added to the finished drink at a maximum of 35-40 degrees.

Vitamin mixtures are prepared from fresh, well-washed ingredients. They are stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time - at least 2-3 weeks, but it is better to prepare the composition without such a large supply.

To prepare a tasty and healthy mixture, you need to properly process the lemon. Place it in boiling water for 2 minutes, then leave to cool. The procedure will remove excess bitterness and make the skin soft, preserving valuable oils and benefits. lemon juice.

Before adding nuts to the mixture, if they are in the recipe, wash and heat in a frying pan for 10-20 minutes. This will eliminate harmful substances and enhance the benefits of the fruit. But dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins and prunes - are soaked in cold water for 1-2 hours before adding, and then washed with boiling water.

Choose to create delicious recipes ingredients that have not been treated with sulfur! They do not shine, dried apricots have a grayish or dark tint.

Contraindications to the use of mixtures

You cannot drink tea or take mixtures in too much large quantities, because they can cause allergies (all components are characterized as very strong allergens). This should also be taken into account if you are allergic to nuts, various fruits and other foods.

There are also direct contraindications to the use of vitamin mixtures:

  • gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • ulcers;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • stones in organs;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • heart diseases.

Some forms of illness allow the use of mixtures and drinks, but all this should be discussed with a doctor.

Natural formulas for children

Honey, ginger and lemon in combination can only be given to children over 5 years old. If for an adult the norm is 1 tablespoon per day, then for a child it will be 1 teaspoon. If ginger is removed from the mixture, it can be given to children from 3 years of age.

The most useful mixtures for immunity

There is a classic recipe for ginger-honey-lemon mixture that is easy to make at home. You can add cinnamon powder, a little crushed black pepper, and other healthy spices as desired.

Recipe one: classic

  • you will need 200 g of natural honey;
  • at least 120 g of fresh ginger root, grated on a fine grater;
  • 4 large lemons with beautiful and smooth peel without a hint of rotting.

The peel is removed from the ginger, the lemon is cut, and the seeds are removed. All components are crushed in any convenient way - a food processor, a meat grinder, a blender. Everything is mixed well with honey and ground spices. Shifted to glass jar and stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

You can put such a mixture in a sterile jar and roll it up, then it will last much longer, but due to the ease of preparation of the recipe and the availability of ingredients, this method of preparation is not relevant.

During the period of illness, ginger-honey-lemon mixture can be taken 2-3 tbsp. l., and to prevent various infections and strengthen the immune system, 1 spoon per day is enough, but just do not stir the product in a hot drink!

Recipe two: dried fruits and nuts

This version of the super-healthy mixture will require about 100 g of a mixture of dried fruits, or one type of choice (dried apricots, prunes, dates), as well as 200 g of walnuts - the most beneficial for the immune system - and 250 g of honey. Ginger is used here as desired, you can add about 100 g.

Grind everything thoroughly, mix it, put it in a glass container and close it tightly. . This mixture must be infused for 7-10 days.

Third recipe: tart garlic for quick help

The health benefits of garlic are enormous, as it is a natural antibiotic. Therefore, a mixture with garlic serves as an excellent disease prevention and improves the overall tone of the body:

  • take 3 lemons, process them and put them through a blender;
  • peel 2 heads of good garlic and add them to the mixture, blending a little more in a blender;
  • pour in 250 g of honey and stir again;
  • add 50 g of raisins and 50 g of fresh ginger, grated;
  • transfer to a jar and leave for a week, closing the lid;
  • product dosage - up to 1 tsp. per day for adults;
  • It is better not to give this mixture to children.

Drinks that are good for the immune system

When preparing tea with lemon, ginger and honey, you can show all your imagination - add a pinch of various spices or even throw in 2-3 peas of allspice, which perfectly stimulates the body:

  1. "Traditional" tea. To prepare it you need 1 tsp. ginger, a crushed slice of lemon and a glass of boiled water. Leave until completely cooled and add honey. It’s better to drink an hour before meals, but not before bedtime!
  2. "Drink with ginger". Mix 1 tsp. squeezed ginger juice and the same amount of lemon, diluted with 70 degree water (no more than 1 liter). When the mixture has cooled, add 1 tsp. honey. Leave for 15 minutes and drink throughout the day.
  3. "Super vitamin". Add 1 liter of boiled water to 100 g of chopped ginger and leave for 30 minutes. Add lemon slices and honey to taste into the cooled mixture and leave for about another hour.
  4. "Reusable" mixture. Add 1 chopped lemon to 100 g of peeled ginger. Pour honey and leave in the refrigerator for about 2-3 days. The mixture can be stored for about a month without losing its properties. A delicious tea is prepared from it by adding 1 tsp. for 250 ml of water (up to 40 degrees). You can decorate with this mixture and simple green or black tea.

Drinks and mixtures with ginger, lemon and honey have successfully proven their effectiveness: hundreds of blogs of women and men who monitor their health tell exciting stories about how they gradually managed to get rid of not only constant colds, but also feelings of fatigue, chronic depression and stress.

Ginger with lemon and honey - these three simple ingredients will help us in winter time support your immune system and stay healthy. I offer housewives to take note of my simple recipe on how to prepare a vitamin preparation for the winter that stimulates the immune system. folk remedies.

In my recipe, the proportions of ingredients are correctly selected and the mixture is not only healthy, but also very tasty. Ginger is used with lemon and honey both for colds and for weight loss. The step-by-step photos will become faithful assistants for cooks.


  • ginger root – 200 g;
  • lemon – 300 gr;
  • bee honey - 700 gr.

To prepare a vitamin preparation, I usually choose thin-skinned, medium-sized lemons. Such lemons usually have much fewer seeds than thick-skinned lemons. You can determine how thin the lemon peel is visually. Thin-rind lemons are less porous than their thick-rind counterparts.

Be sure to choose fresh ginger root, and in no case limp. A correctly selected root will give all its healing juice to our vitamin preparation.

Bee honey is better to take flower or May honey. But the main thing is that it has not yet had time to crystallize, otherwise it will be difficult to mix it until smooth with ginger and lemon.

Since the peel of the ginger root also contains a lot of useful substances, I will not peel the root to prepare our vitamin preparation. We need to thoroughly wash it under running water to remove any dirt. I do this very simply, using a toothbrush specially made for such purposes.

I will grind the lemons together with the peel, and so that the peel does not taste bitter, we need to scald our lemons with boiling water from a kettle.

Then cut the ginger root into small pieces.

We cut off the rough skin at the ends of the lemons, cut them into four parts and remove the seeds, if any.

Then add lemon to the blender and grind everything together.

Now, we can start assembling our vitamin preparation. Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well.

If your honey is too thick, then before adding it you need to melt it a little in a water bath (do not heat it too much, the honey may lose its beneficial properties).

You can store the vitamin preparation for 3-4 months, but usually my household eats it faster.

How to use ginger with lemon and honey

To maintain normal immunity in winter and spring period An adult needs to eat 2-3 tablespoons of the healing mixture per day, and a child needs 2-3 teaspoons. Also, our ginger-honey-lemon preparation is very tasty added to cooled (not hot) tea.

Eat healthy raw jam their ginger with lemon and honey with pleasure and be healthy!

With the increasing popularity of ginger root, it has become used more often than garlic when we're talking about about strengthening the immune system and preventing colds. This product has a more pleasant taste and aroma, and even children can use it without any particular whims or tears. How exactly does ginger boost a person's defenses?

Ginger ─ immunostimulant

A fresh and young root is a whole basket of useful substances. It contains such well-known and proven immunity aids as:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • herbal antibiotics and antimycotics.

This is a small percentage of all compounds and trace elements isolated in the root. Ginger for immunity is a stimulator of metabolic processes, an activator of antibody production, a supplier of disinfectant antibacterial and antifungal substances, and an aromatherapist. It can be used all year round, without fear of overdose, and give to children from three years old.

Ginger works to increase the body's defenses, gradually gaining momentum. This means that after drinking a cup of root tea, you should not expect instant results. It is better to prepare the body for the cold season in advance, starting in the summer.

Dried fruits, berries, fruits and ginger are the best natural foods for immunity

In 2-3 months, along with drinks, teas, and healthy mixtures, the body will receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, which will start the processes of cell renewal and regeneration, cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol, improve blood flow, and make the body as a whole more resistant to viral and bacterial attacks, temperature changes and worsening weather conditions.

How to use ginger correctly

To properly use ginger to strengthen the immune system, it must be combined with honey, lemon, tea, herbs, dried fruits - no less powerful immunomodulators.

To prevent the root from losing its beneficial properties, store it for no more than 3 weeks in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film, and peel the desired piece only before use.

The skin is cut as thin as possible, since underneath it is the most fragrant layer, saturated with essential oils.

Root slices can simply be thrown into black or green tea, crushed ginger is brewed as an independent drink, tinctures and vitamin mixtures with honey, citrus and other ingredients are made from it. If the root is boiled, this is done for no longer than 15 minutes, if brewed in a thermos, then no more than half an hour. The spice can be consumed fresh, chewing small slices to disinfect the oral cavity.

Recipes for immunity

To prevent colds and strengthen general immunity, you can brew it every day. To do this, add crushed root in the proportion of 1 tsp to a teapot with green or black tea. for 250 ml of water. Two cups a day is enough. You can enrich the taste of this tea with a slice of lemon and a spoon of honey.

Honey, lemon and ginger - a tasty and healthy combination of foods to improve health

A ginger-lemon mixture, prepared according to the following recipe, is considered more effective:

  • 2─4 lemons (200-300 grams);
  • 400 grams of fresh ginger;
  • 250 grams of natural honey.

The lemon is washed, the root is peeled, and the honey is melted in a water bath if it is candied. Ginger and lemon, along with the peel, are passed through a meat grinder, placed in a glass container, poured with melted honey, closed and placed in a dark place for a day to combine all the ingredients. Next, the mixture is placed in the refrigerator for another 6 days.

You need to take the vitamin mixture in the morning before meals, 1 tablespoon. For children, the dosage is reduced to 1 teaspoon. The course of immunity enhancement is 1 month, then the same break and new course before the cold season.

Recipe for a drink for immunity: put 1 tablespoon of crushed root in a container, add a liter of water and boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Let cool a little, add the juice of half a lemon and honey to taste.

Drink ginger drink you need 200 ml 2-3 times during the day. The recipe will be especially useful for those who already feel signs of a cold and malaise.

Ginger tincture to increase the body's defenses is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • 100 grams of fresh root;
  • 1 liter of water.

The root is crushed to a pulp, poured with boiling water and left for 1 hour. Next, filter the tincture and drink 150 ml per day with the addition of honey and lemon. This recipe is suitable for both children and adults.

Alcohol tincture of the root is the most powerful healing agent used in the minimum dosage

A more valuable extract from the root can be obtained using alcohol or vodka. For the tincture, grind 400 grams of young ginger root, place it in a container with dark glass and pour in 500 ml of vodka (40 degrees). Keep in a dark, cool place for 5-7 days, shaking the liquid periodically. Next, filter the tincture and drink 1 tsp. twice a day before meals. This is a very good cleansing and restorative agent that stabilizes the functioning of all systems and organs, including the immune system.

Recipes for children

Children can be given ginger and lemon for immunity if they are not allergic to these products. First, you should evaluate the child’s reaction to this drink. To do this, add a thin slice of fresh ginger to a cup of regular tea. This is repeated for several days in a row. If everything is fine and the child does not refuse such a drink, you can prepare a vitamin mixture, as in the recipe above.

Ginger cough drops are the most delicious form of medicine for children

Ginger candies give very good results. They are used not only to improve immunity, but also as a disinfectant for the oral cavity and for coughs. They are very easy to prepare.

  1. Place an enamel container on low heat and add 1 tsp. honey or brown sugar.
  2. When the sweetness begins to melt, add 1 tbsp to the container. l. lemon juice and 1 tsp. ginger juice.
  3. Boil the ingredients slightly until the contents of the container begin to thicken.
  4. Forms for caramels are greased vegetable oil and pour the mixture to harden. In a few hours the lollipops will be ready.

In the autumn-winter period, you can give your child freshly squeezed ginger juice with honey. Daily juice volume ─ 5 ml. You can dilute it in water or tea.

Ginger in combination with honey and lemon has not only immunostimulating properties. This is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants that fights cell aging, neoplasms, skin and mucous membrane problems. This is a combination of the richest foods in vitamins and microelements that should be included in the diet of children and adults.

Lemon, ginger, honey - even individually, the ingredients of this miraculous mixture have the properties of protecting the body during the spread of colds.

Ginger warms, relieves coughs, and has antibacterial properties. A small piece of this root can help the body fight infection and improve immunity. Although the healing properties of ginger do not end there.

Lemon is the fruit that first comes to mind when a person begins to feel a cold approaching. Indeed, how nice it is to drink a cup of tea with lemon on a damp autumn day. Saturated with vitamin C and phytoncides, lemon helps cope with harmful viruses and bacteria.

Honey is a natural antibiotic. There is nothing better to boost immunity weakened by disease. The most effective is linden honey, which is known for its diaphoretic properties. But you should not add honey to hot tea - this will significantly reduce all the healing properties of this product.

What happens if you combine all these wonderful products into one mixture? The result will be a medicine that is more effective than any fancy pill from the pharmacy for boosting immunity.

Why treat yourself chemicals When can you buy the ingredients of a miracle mixture in any store and prepare a delicious and healthy vitamin cocktail?

How to prepare a vitamin?

Prepare a mixture that enhances immunity and general state body, very simple. It doesn’t really matter in what proportion to mix the components, it’s just a matter of taste preferences. We present only the most common version of the recipe.

For approximately 300 grams of the finished composition you will need:

  • 250 grams of ginger root;
  • 1 large lemon;
  • 100 grams of honey.

Typically, ginger in culinary dishes is first peeled, but in the case of preparing a “health mixture” this is not necessary. You can grind the root in any available way: grind it in a blender or grate it on a fine grater. It is better to remove the root fibers, this will make drinking the cocktail much more comfortable.

Lemon, before adding to the vitamin composition, is doused with boiling water. Lemon zest contains many health benefits, so you need to grind it together with the peel. To make this easier, cut it into small pieces. It is better to remove the seeds, they will add bitterness to the mixture. Some recipes suggest not grinding the lemon in a blender, but simply cutting it into thin slices. This is a matter of taste; the quality of the composition will not deteriorate.

It is better to take honey from trusted producers. The one that arrives on supermarket shelves does not always have the same qualities that are inherent in real honey. If you find honey that is too thick, you can melt it in a water bath to the desired consistency. As mentioned above, ideally it is better to use linden honey, but any other is quite suitable for healing the body.

Having prepared each of the ingredients of the mixture separately, all that remains is to mix them, and the delicious medicine is ready. There is no need to rush to try this miracle remedy for yourself. Let the cocktail sit, it will be much tastier.

You can store the mixture in a cool place, keep it away from sunlight so that it retains its beneficial properties for as long as possible.

Is it possible for everyone?

People who are allergic to the components of the mixture are not advisable to consume this cocktail.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, unfortunately, it is also not recommended to increase immunity in this way. Lemon has a negative effect on people with high acidity; heartburn and painful reactions in the stomach are possible.

This composition is useful for children if they are not allergic to honey or ginger. But it is advisable not to give it to a child under two years of age, since it is still difficult for a small body to digest ginger.

If you have chronic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor before use for any contraindications, because in addition to the benefits, any product can cause harm.

What is the best way to use this miracle remedy?

As you wish! If you want, you can add it to tea and enjoy the taste of the drink at any time during the day.

I would just like to warn you about a couple of points that are worth paying attention to:

  • Boiling water kills most vitamins, so you should add the mixture at warm water. Can also be used cold water, but not excessively - after all, you want to boost your immunity, and not add problems to yourself in the form of a sore throat.
  • Every good thing must have its measure. Despite the fact that the resulting cocktail has a unique aroma and is very tasty, you should not consume it in jars. Otherwise, the medicine can become an enemy and cause more harm to health than good. A couple of teaspoons per day is enough to strengthen the immune system and improve health.

You can eat a teaspoon of the mixture early in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with warm water.

How else to combine honey, lemon and ginger

To improve well-being during a cold or viral infection, doctors recommend supplementing drug treatment supporting folk remedies. This is where you should pay attention to the mixture of ginger, lemon and honey, but in a different form. This is the so-called ginger milk, which is based on a traditional Chinese medicine recipe.

To prepare medicinal ginger milk, you need:

  • bring a glass of milk to a boil;
  • put 3-4 thin slices of fresh ginger root in it;
  • let it brew for 3-4 minutes;
  • add honey to taste and 1 tsp to a warm drink. lemon juice.

The drink must be drunk warm, after which they cover themselves with a blanket and rest. Ginger milk not only warms you well, it the main role– in the treatment of respiratory organs. Milk and ginger contain natural mucolytics - substances that affect the bronchi and stimulate their clearance of mucus. Honey helps thin mucus, so when taken together, this remedy helps relieve coughs and cure bronchitis.

Lemon juice in this drink is not only a source of vitamin C. It improves the taste of the drink, has a disinfecting property, and therefore helps to quickly relieve a sore throat.

Honey can be added to a cup of milk, or you can eat it as a bite. In this form it will be much more useful, since the contact of the beekeeping product with the hot liquid will be minimal.

Ginger milk has far fewer contraindications

Milk itself neutralizes the irritating effect of ginger, which means that discomfort in the stomach or intestines from the spice will be felt much less in those people who are prone to these symptoms.

This remedy is not contraindicated for the treatment of childhood colds accompanied by coughing and the formation of sputum in the lungs. There is only one important cautionary factor - this is the presence of an allergy to honey, milk, ginger or citrus fruits. In addition, when high temperature such a drink is contraindicated, as it can contribute to a further increase in blood pressure.

Adults can drink 2 glasses of ginger milk a day, and children can drink half a glass 2 times a day. This regimen, repeated for 3-4 days, will allow the patient to quickly get back on his feet, strengthen the immune system and be less susceptible to respiratory diseases in the future.

Lemon with ginger in combination with honey is just the basis for a remedy to boost immunity. According to reviews, you can add dried apricots, raisins, and walnuts to this composition. The mixture will not lose its healing properties, and perhaps it will acquire new flavors.

A drink made from ginger, lemon and honey was invented in time immemorial Tibetan healers. Then it was believed that scalding tea with a pungent taste and spicy aroma gave strength and warmed the blood. Modern research has confirmed the correctness of the ancient healers. Let's talk about the benefits of this drink and recipes for its preparation.

Beneficial features

Ginger tea drives away illnesses thanks to the combined power of three components - ginger, or horned root, lemon and honey. Let's look at the composition of each of them.

Hot ginger is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements, essential oils and essential amino acids. A phenol-like compound, gingerol, was also found in it. This substance speeds up metabolism, helping to lose unnecessary pounds. But the list of healing properties of the plant is not limited to helping obese patients.

In terms of the spectrum of effects on the body, the horned root is similar to garlic. Like the latter, when eaten, ginger destroys harmful microorganisms, improves immunity, and has a positive effect on digestion. Horny root tea is indicated for dry cough, poor appetite and even potency disorders.

Lemon is not inferior to ginger in terms of the content of valuable substances. The fruits of this citrus tree are recommended for hypo- and avitaminosis, atherosclerosis, headaches and migraines.

In addition, lemon has a bactericidal effect - it destroys up to 12 different bacteria. Lemon juice is an effective remedy for pharyngitis and tonsillitis.

The third component of the drink, honey, does not need a detailed introduction. This beekeeping product effectively destroys harmful microorganisms, gives strength, and relieves anemia. In addition, the sweetness of honey softens the excessive acidity of lemon juice and the heat of ginger.

A little advice - do not add honey to a freshly brewed infusion. Boiling water kills the beneficial substances contained in honey, so let the tea cool slightly.

Health Recipes

Now you know the benefits of ginger with lemon and honey. All that remains is to find out how to prepare this healing drink for various ailments. Here are recipes for ginger tea for weakened immunity, obesity and vascular problems.

A mixture of ginger, lemon and honey for immunity

Peel a quarter of the root and grate it on a fine grater (alternatively, cut into translucent slices). Wash the lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice out of it.

Boil 0.5 liters of water. Place ginger mixture in a teapot and pour lemon juice on top. Pour boiling water over it. Cover the kettle with a flannel heating pad and leave for half an hour. Add 1 tablespoon of honey and a little cinnamon to the prepared infusion.

Drink 3-4 times a day to combat vitamin deficiencies and strengthen the immune system. This remedy also helps with the first signs of an emerging cold and flu - sore throat, dry cough, weakness, headache and slightly elevated temperature.

Recipe for weight loss

Prepare a remedy from 30 g of fresh root, juice of 1 lemon and 0.5 teaspoon of honey. Pour the crushed ginger mass into 0.3 liters of water and bring to a boil. Keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Drain the broth and let it cool to 40C. The last step is to pour in lemon juice and add honey. Drink the product 20-30 minutes before each meal.

A tincture of ginger, lemon and honey is also suitable for combating obesity. Take 1.5 l mineral water with a high iodine content, always non-carbonated, 400 g of crushed root and 0.5 liters of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in an enamel container. Place the liquid lemon-ginger mixture in the refrigerator for a day - the product should be properly infused in the cold. Drink 1 glass 1 hour before meals, straining immediately before drinking.

Ginger, honey and lemon to cleanse blood vessels

With age, cholesterol deposits appear in blood vessels. Due to impaired vascular patency, fingers and toes are constantly freezing, headaches often occur, increased fatigue and even chronic fatigue are observed. Clean the vessels and return wellness A remedy made from 1 large lemon, a small ginger root (up to 300 g) and 3-4 tablespoons of honey will help.

Grind the unpeeled lemon and ginger root. Mix both ingredients, pour liquid honey. Mix the mixture thoroughly again. Transfer the finished potion into a jar and hide it in a cool place. Eat 1 tablespoon traditionally three times a day before meals.

Recipe for colds

Read on to learn how to prepare ginger with honey and lemon for colds. Take 3-4 teaspoons of chopped ginger, 5-6 tablespoons of lemon juice, 5 tablespoons of honey, a sprig of mint or lemon balm and 1.5 liters of water. Bring the water to a boil, add grated ginger and lemon juice. Turn off the gas and wrap the pan in a towel. After 10-15 minutes, add honey and a sprig of mint to the broth. Wait another 20 minutes and drink hot.

Ginger tea for cough

All of the above recipes help with dry cough. If the cough is wet, brew the grated root in milk and add one honey, without lemon juice. Thanks to this recipe, phlegm will be removed faster.


With all my beneficial properties a drink based on horned root has a number of contraindications.

Tea with ginger, lemon and honey should not be consumed if you have hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, cholelithiasis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, any bleeding or a tendency to hemorrhage.

Using ginger tea at a temperature above 38.5C, you risk raising it even higher, so until the fever subsides, it is better to abstain from this remedy. Also, this drink is not recommended for gastritis, colitis, enteritis and stomach ulcers.

Other restrictions for the use of this remedy are the second half of pregnancy, skin diseases, and individual intolerance.

If there are no contraindications, feel free to drink lemon-honey-ginger infusion every day. It is useful for everyone - both adults and children. When you have a cold or just for prevention, use one of the recipes, and you will immediately feel a surge of strength.

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