How to open a nail studio. Low Start Business Idea: Open a Nail Salon

  • Where to begin?
  • What do you need to work?
  • Features of doing business
  • Last step

Nail salon - profitable business, because there has always been, is and will be a demand for beauty, and a bright, stylish manicure is an integral part of the image of a woman. But what do you need to know to open your own business in this area and make it successful? In this article, we tell readers of the Lady Business website how to open a nail salon from scratch and how much it costs.

Where to begin?

Always remember that any undertaking requires experience. In second place is the desire to create your own business from scratch. It should not be assumed that newfangled trainings and seminars conducted on-line will help increase motivation, prompt new idea and discovery nail salon will immediately begin to bring money after a snap of the fingers, because the main thing is the idea, the rest is secondary.

In fact, there is no need to reinvent the wheel or listen to those who are trying to do it. Everything has already been invented and works flawlessly. Main rule successful business- raise the fifth point and start learning something, because knowledge and success come only with experience. Therefore, the opening of a nail salon should start small - gaining experience and skill.

It is better to start training at home. Every girl or woman has the basics of nail care, now you should expand your knowledge and hone your skill. The Internet will become an effective assistant in this. There are a huge number here free videos, which contains step-by-step instructions from A to Z of various manicure techniques, methods, methods. It does not hurt to open an album or take a sheet of paper to sketch several manicure options. An example of training equipment can be viewed in the photo:

You should definitely study what equipment is needed to open a nail salon. But you should not immediately borrow money and take loans to buy expensive professional equipment. Suddenly it turns out that the soul does not lie in this business, the money will be lost, but the debts will remain. You should choose the best set of equipment for the budget in order to open a salon without significant financial losses. More details about how to make money doing nail extensions we have discussed in the corresponding article.

What do you need to work?

Opening a salon at home does not require impressive costs. On average, you will need about 50,000 rubles. What will these funds be used for?

  • Cutters and other tools.
  • Specialized lamp.
  • Hand baths.
  • Consumables: varnishes, creams, powders, antiseptics, wipes.
  • Manicure table. But at home, ordinary furniture is also suitable, so you can save money here.

The first customers will be acquaintances, friends, relatives. Their nails are a testing ground for honing their skills. When the skill appears, you can begin to attract customers. This moment is the opening of your salon.

Features of doing business

It is advisable to work privately at home for some time. This is necessary to study the specifics of the activity, because the nail salon will subsequently require the application of certain knowledge in practice:

  • How to communicate with clients. This can be quite difficult;
  • To be able to calculate the required number of consumables so that there are no interruptions in work and to satisfy the wishes of customers;
  • Supervise staff.

To know all this, you need to work at home for some time. In addition to experience, this will allow you to raise funds that will later become a significant help and help you open a manicure studio. According to estimates, on average, you can earn no less than 15,000 rubles a month.

The best way to promote a home business is to use word of mouth or social media. This will bring the desired effect - it will attract customers to an impromptu salon and will not require any cash costs.

When the confidence comes that the time has come to expand, you can safely proceed to the process of opening a nail salon. You should not immediately strive for a grand scale, rather, on the contrary, you should be modest. Today, small nail bars are in trend. These are cozy cabinets designed for 1 chair. It won't be hard to open them.

But there is one problem here - a high level of competition, so most likely you will have to promote a new place from scratch. Do not be afraid of this, as modern information Technology greatly simplify this process. In addition, the nail salon is popular not because it is located in a hyped place in the shopping center, but because professionals work there who are ready to implement any idea regarding nail design, give useful advice, keep up the conversation.

By the way, opening small manicure corners for 1 chair in a shopping center is not a very good idea. Most people come to shop and often plan their budget in advance. Therefore, the percentage of girls, women who carry out shopping, as they say, is small for the soul. And it’s not a fact that they decide to spend money on a manicure, rather than buy some other item or accessory.

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The manicure parlor makes a profit mainly due to regular customers. And when one point is loaded with work to failure, you should expand - put more chairs or open new office 2 more masters and start its promotion. Thus, in a few years, you can create a whole network of small manicure, pedicure and other services.

An example is the Fingers brand, which today sells its franchise, although there is nothing supernatural and complicated in organizing such a business. All that is needed for this is the desire to succeed and the willingness to engage in self-study. And the above information is a step-by-step instruction, an indicator of movement towards success and in some way summary franchises. It will help to significantly reduce costs, because the opening of a nail salon from scratch under a franchise is estimated at 3-5 million rubles. It is quite realistic to significantly reduce this figure.

In order to find out how much it costs to open a manicure studio, you need to draw up a business plan that describes the cost of equipment, repairs to the premises and other initial costs. This will allow you to understand whether it will be profitable to organize such activities in your city. Download nail salon business plan with detailed calculations you can with our partners. The quality of calculations is guaranteed!

Last step

To legally register your business, you need to open an individual entrepreneur, which can later be transformed into an LLC or OJSC. Step-by-step instruction of this process is on the official website of the fiscal authorities. To obtain the status of an entrepreneur, it is necessary to collect a package of documents and pay a state fee. By time self-opening IP will take no more than ten business days.

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Initial business investment 470,000 rubles.

Time to break even - 4 months.

The payback period of the project is coming from 10 months.

Profitability of sales - 19%

2. Description of the business, product or service

The nail salon provides services for the care of the nails of the hands and feet of both the female and male half of the population. As a rule, a client comes to the salon not only to bring his appearance in order. Great importance has the atmosphere and communication inside the salon. It is important that employees treat each visitor with attention, meet with a smile and take into account every wish of the client. In addition, the convenience of the location greatly affects the attendance of the salon.

There are several options for the location of the nail salon:

  • In a place with high traffic of passing people (main street);
  • In a residential area;
  • In shopping and entertainment centers.

The latter option does not fit the concept of a cozy home salon, because. to create an atmospheric interior, you need a spacious room, and rent in shopping malls is very expensive.

The location in a residential area limits the target audience of the project to residents of the nearest houses. However, even at the present time, not all housewives make regular investments in their own appearance. And in order to purposefully get to the salon from different parts of the city, it is necessary to create a reputation and form a customer base.

The best choice would be to place the salon in the city center near office buildings and shopping centers. It is also worth paying attention to the proximity of transport stops and metro stations. Thus, it will be convenient for clients not only to enter the salon after work, but also to have the opportunity to “run in” for a manicure during the lunch break.

The total area of ​​the nail salon is about 30 sq.m.

Pedicure room - 9 sq.m. This area is enough to accommodate two workplaces. However, one pedicure chair will be installed for the first time in order to save on investment and given the low demand for salon services in the first 2-3 months after the start of work. Main hall - 15 sq.m. It is assumed that this area is sufficient to form two jobs and a comfortable waiting area. In the future, the waiting area can be attached to the reception, and the number of jobs in the main hall can be increased to 4. 2 sq.m. should be allocated for the bathroom, and 5 sq.m. will be enough to install the reception desk.

The manicure salon belongs to the business of beauty salons, however, it offers a highly specialized list of services that affects only the nail service. Now on the market there are a huge number of procedures for the processing, restoration and extension of nails. To begin with, you should focus on the most popular services. Firstly, salon masters will have the opportunity to hone the performance of each service to perfection. Secondly, it saves on the purchase of consumables.

In the future, you can expand the list of services, as well as raise prices. However, before mastering new services, salon masters must high level fulfill what is already in the price list.

3. Description of the market

Main competitive advantages salons are:

  • Convenient location;
  • Availability of parking;
  • Cozy atmosphere (comfortable waiting area, pleasant communication, unobtrusive background music);
  • High level of service (warm welcome, quality service, taking into account the wishes of the client);
  • Availability of a subscription system for regular customers;
  • High-quality maintenance of the client base, segmentation of clients by groups;
  • Convenient work schedule.

The subscription system involves the provision of 10 manicures with a 20% discount. The subscription period is 1 year. The subscription is for the bearer. Thus, the one who purchases a subscription becomes your regular customer. In addition, he attracts new customers through a one-time transfer of his subscription.

After working in the salon will bring a stable profit, you can think about developing a network of salons throughout the city. It's another one effective way reducing competition.

4. Sales and Marketing

If we consider the impact on the traffic of people passing near your salon, then the main way to attract attention will be bright signboard.

You can distribute printed materials in the next shopping malls or in crowded places. If there is a cafe or some kind of entertainment facility near the salon, then arrange for the placement of your business cards.

An important role in sales is played by the courtesy of the staff and the ability of the administrator to communicate on the phone. It is necessary to pay attention to the communication skills of the administrator/manager before hiring him.

As for working with regular customers, they need to hold private events (bachelorette parties), organize special promotions and gift certificates for holidays. Retaining a customer is an art. Therefore, when allocating a budget for marketing, you should distribute it between potential customers and real ones.

5. Production plan

For this type of business, it is necessary to register an IP. The whole procedure, together with registration with the tax authorities, will take 2 weeks. The chosen system of taxation is UTII. A nail salon fits into the category of "household services", the main indicator in calculating the tax is the number of employees employed in the business. The corrective indicator is set separately for each region.

After completing the registration, you need to start looking for a room.

There are a number of requirements for the premises of household organizations (including hairdressing salons, beauty salons), which are regulated by Resolution SANPIN Including:

  • Cabinets for manicure and pedicure should be located separately;
  • The workplace must be at least 4.5 sq.m;
  • The cabin should have a separate place for disinfection of instruments, equipped with a sink and cold / hot water supply;
  • The pedicure room should have a foot bath, as well as a separate sink for washing hands. Be sure to supply hot and cold water.

6. Organizational structure

7. Financial plan

This business plan provides a detailed list of equipment and furniture needed to start the salon. However, there are many companies on the market that offer complete manicure and pedicure equipment at a discount. This saves time searching for individual suppliers for each type of equipment.

The amount of investment for this type of business is 469,500 rubles, taking into account initial investments and current expenses for the first month of operation.

Initial investment in opening a nail salon

Current expenses

The maximum production capacity is 15 procedures per day: 12 manicure services (6 for each master) and 3 pedicure procedures. With a daily load, this amounts to 450 procedures per month. However, this level of employment is achieved only after a year of constant work of the salon.

The time to reach the breakeven point is 4 months.

The payback period of investments is equal to 10 months.

Calculation of investment efficiency, sales plan for 24 months and main economic indicators presented in the financial model.

8. Risk factors

chief internal factor risk is the dishonesty of employees. Some masters come to work in the salon in order to form their own client base, and then continue to work at home.

In order to prevent such fraud, you need to:

  • ensure close contact between the client and the administrator (timely reminders, congratulations on holidays, warm welcome);
  • enter corporate culture aimed at long-term work with each employee;
  • maintain a friendly atmosphere within the team, hold joint events;
  • maintain a stable level wages employees, constantly expand the sales market.

The concept of a small nail salon (also called nail bars) has become popular due to the lack of space for rent and due to the fact that many women often need a procedure urgently. As a rule, small nail salons can also do a pedicure and offer a cup of coffee to the visitor while waiting.

There are several chains of nail salons in Moscow and other cities that offer to purchase their own franchise. So, for example, the franchise of the network of Lena Lenina will cost 3 million rubles, the franchise of the Fingers salons, taking into account the first installment and investments in the opening, will cost about 2.7 million rubles. A large partner will relieve you of the need to select equipment and materials for the salon (you will work with a wholesale network supplier), help with promotion and search for customers. On the other hand, opening your own salon, you can, firstly, save money, and secondly, you will not be bound by numerous obligations and instructions.

According to H&F estimates, opening a small nail parlor can cost around 500,000-800,000 rubles, which can pay off in about a year.


You have to decide how many masters will work for you, and, based on their number, look for a room in the calculation of 8-10 m 2 per workplace for one nail technician. Pay attention to non-standard options - pavilions in shopping centers and premises on the first floors of business centers. It is in these buildings that your clients often spend time. Sanitary regulations forbid working in basements. Renting a room of 30-60 m 2 can cost 40,000-90,000 rubles per month.


For lamps for building and drying nails, as well as for various cutters, you will have to make several additional sockets for each workplace. Your salon should be clean and comfortable, but there are no special requirements for the repair of a nail studio.


You do not need to obtain a special license for the operation of a nail salon, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur and issue SES documentation. Employees of Rospotrebnadzor will help with the latter when they come with a check. All tools used by the craftsmen must undergo a sterilization procedure, departments can talk about this and the procedure for conducting it. You will also need to conclude a contract for the disposal of fluorescent lamps.

Other expenses


As a rule, masters in a nail salon work for a percentage of the cost of the procedure. Depending on the agreements, the salon itself may receive less than 50% of the price of each manicure. Everyone wants to get famous masters with an established client base so that they don’t have to call clients from the street. Meanwhile, the manicurists themselves are reluctant to get a job at an unknown salon. The staff costs should include the payment for the work of the administrator (or two) and the cleaning lady.

Small equipment and fixed costs

The price of a manicure table ranges from 3,000 rubles to 50,000 rubles. Finding tables even more expensive is also easy. To the table you will need to purchase cutters, lamps for nail extensions, hand baths, a variety of coasters for varnishes, creams and tools, and you may also need a manicure trolley to store other cosmetics. The cost of large equipment can rise to about 100,000 rubles.

You have to agree with the masters about who will buy small consumables: varnishes, hand creams, oils, powders, antiseptics, napkins and nail files. If they want to work with your funds, their purchase will cost almost 100,000 rubles.


Thank you for your help in preparing the material:, the network of nail salons "Fingers" and the company Nail bar

Illustrations: Natalia Osipova

When a girl decides to own business, then she is often faced with the fact that it is difficult for her to make a choice in favor of a particular case. When the choice is made, the business very often turns out to be too expensive or difficult to implement.

However, there are a number of options available primarily beautiful ladies, easy to implement and giving good income. Among them - manicure business at home. Manicure is the very thing that brings girls not only money, but also pleasure and creative self-realization, and you can organize it literally at home. If you are interested in this idea, then now we will tell you how to start a manicure business.


Before opening a nail salon at home, you need to calculate the pros and cons. And decide what you need to open a manicure room and.

Let's start with the positive:

  • Popularity among men and women;
  • Opportunity to develop creativity;
  • Availability and ease of implementation;
  • Profitability.

The disadvantages of this business also lie on the surface:

  • Huge competition;
  • The need for special education: at least courses;
  • The problem of competition can be solved either by quality or by interesting offers and discounts.

Business plan

Even if you plan to work at home, it is simply necessary to draw up a business plan for a manicure parlor with calculations. In this way, you can spend your funds in the most wise way. Proper distribution of finances is very important, because if you do not plan to take large loans or sell an apartment, then you are unlikely to have a very large budget.

In addition, a business plan for a manicure parlor is needed in order not to miss a single detail. Start by registering your business. Some craftswomen work from home without registering. Most often, before that they worked in the salon, and now they host former clients and women / men who came by acquaintance.

If you still want to collect all required documents, you will need to obtain a certificate of self-employment and a certificate of completion of the relevant courses. It is good if you also have the necessary permits and a medical book. Not for reporting, but simply to increase customer confidence in you.

The space is the most important part of the business plan, but you won't need to write it out since you're working from home.


Equipment for a manicure parlor is not very numerous and expensive.

First of all, you need furniture:

  • Table for direct manicure;
  • Two manicure chairs - for you and the client;
  • Armchair and coffee table - for guests waiting in line;
  • Cabinet or shelves - two storages of varnishes, washes, lamps and other equipment.

Then, you should have all the necessary tools:

  • Manicure set;
  • Sterilizer;
  • UV lamp for quick drying gel polish;
  • Fraser;
  • Special brushes for drawings on nails and French manicure;
  • Acrylic, gel polishes, regular polishes different colors, foundations, cuticle softeners, manicure and shellac removers and other cosmetic chemicals;
  • Tips, false nails, nail stickers, etc.;
  • Baths.
Of all the above, furniture will be the most expensive purchase. A table, for example, can cost between $70 and $200. The lamp will also cost you up to $200. Although, in online stores it can be bought starting from 3 USD. e. The Fraser will cost between $10 and $150. If you do not really understand the difference between equipment for 3 and for 300 USD. e. - find a consultant and ask him to help with the selection.

It is good to buy consumables in bulk. Try to negotiate mutual advertising and discounts, look for good and cheap options on websites and in stores. Hint: last season's collections or almost sold out lines are the most discounted.

Don't save. A half-dollar lacquer from the market will peel off in a day, and your reputation in the eyes of the visitor will fail. And the instruments, in general, should be crystal clear: no one has canceled the introduction of unpleasant diseases.


It is clear that in the home salon you are the master. Appearance and behavior should be appropriate so that the client does not doubt for a second: this specialist is a real professional.

For starters, your appearance and especially your nails should be very well groomed. This serves as an additional advertisement for the services, because you most likely do the manicure yourself. If you have at least one (or rather several) courses and a couple of certificates on the wall behind you, this will also raise the prestige of the manicurist. In addition to all of the above, the master must be polite and creative. If the client does not know what pattern she wants to see on her nails, it is you who will have to come up with it and execute it so that the girl is satisfied.


In addition to the master, you may also need an administrator. This person will answer calls, negotiate with clients, record them, keep records, control the financial part of the issue, maintain Internet resources, constantly update them and communicate with users.

It is good if this person is your relative, whom you can trust. This will save you several thousand rubles a month. The administrator is, first of all, a responsible, attentive, accurate person. He must be “on you” with a computer, be able to work on the Internet, enter clients into the database, know all necessary information and be able to answer questions.


It makes sense to launch advertising when everything is ready to receive visitors. Make yourself a website and groups in in social networks create an Instagram page. The main thing that should be on all these pages is a portfolio and a price list. There should be a lot of photos so that clients can fully imagine how professionally the craftswoman works.

Establish partnerships with other craftsmen or shops. If an advertisement of their services is displayed on the website and pages of your manicure parlor, they will respond with mutual advertising. very popular in Lately began to offer their services almost for free in order to develop a portfolio.

The client girl pays only for consumables, gets a free manicure, and you get a photo for presentation and advertising. This always works flawlessly and soon you will line up with this girl's friends. If the manicure, of course, is good. Very interesting view collaborations with photographers.

If your name appears under a photo of a girl with cool nails, this will again serve as an attracting factor. Make yourself business cards, give yourself a link on special forums. In principle, you can even write reviews for yourself (or entrust this to copywriters). Just be careful.

  1. Follow the trends in the fashion world. You must have a few options from the latest trends that you can offer to the client. If at the same time you can say, “But Angelina Jolie had such a manicure on the red carpet on last week”, then even the most expensive design will be approved unconditionally;
  2. Always keep a lacquer chart and a couple of glossy editions or photos with examples on the coffee table. Have your guests leaf through them while they wait their turn;
  3. Before opening manicure parlor at home, work in the salon. Experience in the beauty industry is always greatly appreciated;
  4. Create a system of bonuses and rewards.
  5. Provide additional services, for example, you can offer clients, in addition to manicures, also haircuts.
  6. A home beauty salon is a profitable business, if only because you don’t have to share the proceeds with anyone. It is easy to organize such a business, and it is pleasant to do it. Competition can destroy your business only if you are not good enough in your profession. If you are truly a master, then no one and nothing will prevent the business from flourishing. About others

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