How to open a nail salon from scratch. Business idea: how to open a nail salon

Beauty services are a business that every second girl dreams of. But entering the entrepreneurial environment is accompanied by high capital investment and complex organizational issues. This is not available to every woman. In light of these circumstances, starting your own business with a small nail salon, organized right in your apartment, is the ideal solution. Manicure at home, as a business, does not require large investments and costs for renting premises. A detailed business plan will tell you where to start a business and how to achieve success.

Business registration

If we're talking about about a manicure business at home, then no permitting documentation not required. For particularly fastidious clients, you can take care of registering an individual entrepreneur and obtaining a medical record.

The individual entrepreneur form imposes some obligations on the entrepreneur, in particular he will have to report to tax service in accordance with the chosen form of taxation. If the owner of a home nail salon still prefers to register an individual entrepreneur for pretentious clients, then it is more profitable to issue a patent, since it does not require drawing up reports and paying additional taxes.

Selecting a room

You can skip this point of the business plan, since a manicure salon at home will not require a separately rented premises for any purposes. It is enough to have 2-3 free squares in your own apartment. The workplace should be neat appearance, this rule applies to the entire apartment; clutter risks scaring off clients.

Another option is to visit the client’s home. For mobility, a manicurist just needs to purchase a stylish suitcase that will accommodate materials and tools.


Before starting a nail business at home, you will need to purchase some equipment and supplies. You will need:

  • tools (tweezers, buffs, files, spatulas, etc.);
  • equipment (UV lamps, LED lamp for drying gel polish, sterilizer);
  • consumables and care products (nail forms, varnishes, gel polishes, nail removers, hand and nail care products);
  • furniture (table and chairs). This item can be omitted if suitable comfortable furniture is available in the house, or the master plans to work on call.


Where to begin manicure business at home? Experts advise starting with gaining education and experience. Training in nail service courses is just the basics; to provide more services you will have to constantly improve and improve your skills by taking master classes. As a result, an at-home manicure salon should include the following range:

  • manicure;
  • pedicure;
  • nail plate extension;
  • gel polish coating.

In addition, the salon at home must provide related services - removal of extended nails, correction, design, and so on. Some clients may be interested in hand and nail care services - scrubbing and baths. It's important to keep track modern trends in the field of beauty services, offering clients fashionable new items.


When creating a price list, you should focus on average market prices. Premium-level specialists have the right to offer services at a higher price; novice professionals or those who have few clients are forced to dump. As you gain experience and a constant circle of clients, the cost of services can be carefully raised.


Manicure at home, as a business, requires only one employee - an entrepreneur and a manicurist rolled into one. The master is required to have an appropriate appearance, and special attention to his hands. An ideal manicure will serve as additional advertising and convince the client of the professionalism of the specialist.

A good manicurist should be polite and sociable. The skills of a psychologist will help in this business, since clients at manicures prefer to share personal problems.

To confirm the professionalism of the master, it is recommended to take specialized courses and master classes. Periodic training will require additional costs, but will quickly pay off. Diplomas and certificates that are present on the wall behind the master are a plus for the reputation of an at-home manicure salon.

Advertising and customer acquisition

In this business, the main thing is to develop a customer base. In order to expand the circle of clients for free or at minimal cost, at-home manicurists use the following methods:

  • You can invite girls for a free manicure and use photos of the finished work for your portfolio. If the manicure is of high quality, then the free client will return for paid service. A portfolio will be useful for a catalog or for advertising on the Internet.
  • The popularization of social media provides opportunities for free promotion of manicure salon services at home. A group or public page with photographs of finished works (necessarily the author’s, not someone else’s) can attract many clients. Especially if you ask friends and acquaintances to distribute publications among their circles on social networks.
  • Creating business cards or leaflets will require a small investment. Finished printing can be left in the mailboxes of neighboring houses or at information stands. Flyers or leaflets should be distributed near the nearest shopping center.
  • Customers will be attracted by a system of discounts and promotions. At first, you can guarantee a free manicure for referring a friend and other tricks.

Costs and profits

The main costs for organizing a nail business at home are the purchase of equipment and materials.

Table. Capital investments

As already mentioned, it is possible to reduce costs by using comfortable home furniture, if available. Saving on consumables and equipment is highly discouraged, as this will reduce the quality of services and may cost the client’s health. This will lead to scandal and the formation of a bad reputation.

Once a client base appears and services are provided at the average market price, the entrepreneur’s income will be about 25,000-30,000 rubles. per month.

Do you have serious intentions to start providing nail services (manicure, varnish, extensions) at home? All the cards are in your hands.

Competition among manicurists and prospects

Although the business is full of competitors, the latter will be happy to make room: even if all your girlfriends and housemates are already doing manicures, there will always be a client. Of course, if you try hard enough.

Don't be under any illusions, this is not entertainment.

This job is not for you if you don't like it. However, there is hardly anyone who will say: “How can you not like this kind of work?” After all, this profession seems uncomplicated, creative, almost at the level of entertainment, from which you can make money. In practice, it is a routine that squeezes all the juices and energy out of you. To earn money, you have to work like a draft horse.

Easy start

Manicure training

Congratulate yourself, because you don’t have to study for 5 years at university and then work as a slave for a low-paying job in one of the city offices. A couple of months - and you can start earning money. Express courses are cheaper (about 100 USD), and will take no more than 2 weeks (usually a week). Any reasonable courses will cost a little more (about 200-300 USD), will take at least a month, but will become a much more reliable foundation.

The ability to use a search engine will give you addresses and phone numbers, prices and descriptions of dozens of training centers ready to make you a professional. The ability to think soundly will allow you to make the right choice and will protect you from the risk of giving money to a “sharashkin’s office.” Practical training is a priority, pay attention to this.

Diploma, prestigious certificate training center? It's not fucking necessary, like grades at school and university. Your clients are not inspectors, they will not check you, otherwise, kick the arrogant bitch in the neck, away from you. Economy class cabins, if you want, will accept you with any piece of paper. Premium salons will not accept you with any diploma until you gain a couple of years of experience. There is no point in overpaying for nail service training courses.


The cost of training is an investment and, believe me, a pittance, but very profitable, especially when you consider the income potential of a manicurist, in comparison with the earning potential of those who studied for 5 years as an economist in order to work as a cashier in a bank for a salary that is almost below yours.

However, in addition to a manicure, you will have to invest in tools and consumables - an amount comparable to no more than the average monthly wages, or the cost of a budget smartphone, but unlike the latter - a useless device, a manicure tool is your main asset that will help you make money.


A couple of hundred dollars, a month or two of training, and you can start “chopping cabbage” by working from home. Still, not so fast. You can’t do without practice, and that’s what we’ll discuss now...


The practice gained in training courses is nothing. You need girlfriends. If you are a sociopath and you don’t have girlfriends, our compatriots are unlikely to refuse a free manicure; finding them won’t be difficult. Take money for materials and get better at it: many dozens of hours of practice are what you really need.

You can get a job at a nearby beauty salon for a pittance; money is not a priority for you at this stage. First of all, you need to learn how to do a manicure, at least so that the client’s hands after you don’t look like a bloody mess.

The option of getting a job in a salon is more preferable. Here you will gain experience and gain new knowledge that will allow you to subsequently work for yourself, providing services at home.

Organizing a home business

Official registration

Don't worry about it. You don't need registration. Tax office, sanitary and epidemiological station... Do you really think that they even care about you? They don't know about your existence, they are not interested in you. Your clients don’t care whether you have a state statement. registration as an individual entrepreneur. In the future, if you realize that you need this, contact any law office, they will help you register without unnecessary hassle for a nominal fee.


In your apartment - a good option if you have a couple of square meters of free space to organize a workplace. If you have the appropriate conditions and you don’t mind “strangers” at home, there’s no need to invent anything extra. Another option is to visit the client’s home. Tools and materials are placed in a small stylish chest.



So, mentally and physically you are ready to rush into battle. Perhaps you already have some clients. If not, it’s time to address this issue and the arsenal of tools for this is more than sufficient. The scheme is classic...

First of all – your loved ones, friends, acquaintances. It's time to start charging money for your time. Any work must be paid!

The second is the Internet. Notice boards, city websites and forums. Oh yes, social networks are a great source of finding clients.

All this is absolutely free, does not take much time and... this is quite enough, there will hardly be a need to resort to other methods of attracting clients. However, there are also leaflets on lampposts, entrance doors, mailboxes, etc.

Regular customers

You do not grocery store. In order to make a profit, you don’t need thousands of buyers every day, and your main resource, time, is limited. Of course, the basis of a nail service business is loyal regular customers.

If your hands grow from the wrong place, you will very quickly earn a reputation as a master from whom you should stay away - it will be quite difficult to find clients. Otherwise, having once used your services, a satisfied client will probably stay with you for many years and begin to recommend you to his girlfriends.


There is hardly any point in writing about pricing. There is an average market price - you should focus on it. If you consider yourself a high-class professional, we take it more money; If you are not confident in your abilities or cannot find a client, we dump.

Your income depends on the level of your skill and ability to sell yourself, on how much you are willing to work. With a sufficient level of persistence, in the long term, earning money from providing manicure services at home may be enough to provide for yourself or even your family at a good level along with your clueless and unemployed slacker husband.

How to make money at home from manicure services. Step by step plan actions of a home master.

Manicure services at home have always been in demand - both women and men think about the beauty of their nails. Not everyone can afford to visit salons, so even a novice master can make good money in this niche. Do you want to know how to make money doing manicures in order to make this activity your main source of income and your profession? Take this mini-plan and start taking action.

Planning a Home Business

Even in a small town there are many manicurists offering their services at different conditions and with different prices, so it is important to stand out and make a statement.

Important: providing quality services and doing your job perfectly should be the main priority in the work of a manicurist.

On the way to stable income it's not all that difficult if you follow a few steps simple rules in organizing a home business and act according to plan:

  1. Learning a new profession.
  2. Organization of work space.
  3. Purchase of equipment and tools for manicure.
  4. Selection of tools and materials.
  5. Maintaining sterile cleanliness and order.
  6. Search for clients and advertising.

There is no need to delude yourself and count on instant profit; you will need to invest some money in yourself, but the return will be appropriate.

How to learn a new skill

If you already have the appropriate profession and are only looking for information on how to make money as a manicurist at home, you can skip this section.

Any work must be done well, so there can be no talk of learning from YouTube videos or, even worse, watching how another master works and trying to reproduce his actions.

To learn how to do it professionally different types manicure needs to be completed special courses, where they will teach not only the technique of performing manicures of varying complexity, but also show how to properly handle the tool, talk about the structure of the nail, its diseases, and teach the rules of communication with clients.

The cost of courses varies, as does the number of classes. Mostly teachers offer intensive courses with maximum number practical classes and a certain load per day.

For initial training you will have to spend from $40 for five 8-hour classes, the upper limit of prices depends on the skill level of the teacher, the level of materials and the class of manicure. In a situation where you are interested in the question of how to make money doing manicures at home, to get started it will be enough to take a basic training course. It is important to obtain a diploma or certificate of completion of training that will confirm your qualifications.

Arrangement of the workplace

When you decide to work from home, you need to worry about a workplace that is convenient for yourself and your client. Here you will have to spend money, you should not save on an orthopedic chair for yourself and a soft, comfortable one for the client. Home chairs and stools will not work; hard and uncomfortable seats will tire the client and create additional stress for the master. There are no special requirements for the table; it is enough that it is stable and without partitions.

The intangible side of workplace arrangement is very important. If you do not live alone, then the client should not intersect with relatives and pets. You shouldn’t set up a home “salon” in your kitchen; it’s not entirely aesthetically pleasing. If possible, then it is better to select a non-passable room with good lighting for work.
If you arrange manicure salon home, you can save on renting premises, heating costs and electricity at inflated prices.

And don't forget about the framed diplomas! The client will definitely pay attention to the fact that you are not an amateur, that you are constantly improving your skills. You can make posters with samples of your work, it will decorate workplace and will attract attention.

The art of looking great is a skill that probably every woman tries to master. Well-groomed and beautiful nails are not only an element of an attractive appearance, but also a woman’s status. According to statistics, 50% of beauty salon services are manicures and nail design. Therefore, today highly specialized nail salons are becoming widespread. At the same time, experts believe that the niche in this industry is not yet occupied enough and there is room for further growth. You will learn about what is needed to open your own salon from scratch by reading our article.

Choosing a nail salon format

  1. Classical nail salon- a common format. Possible opening concept: positioning of a brand or name, for example, an option in which a “star” works - a chief master with a large list of merits and high qualifications.
  2. A manicure salon can be opened on the basis of an existing beauty salon, massage parlor or a fitness center on a premises rental basis. The advantage of this option is the already existing base of potential clients. Disadvantage - the client base is limited to visitors to the establishment where the office is open.

    Manicure room in a beauty salon

  3. Nail design studio. Positioned on various options nail design, involves the use of all kinds of coating and painting techniques, requires high professionalism and artistic abilities of the masters, and, accordingly, significant costs for finding personnel, paying for highly qualified labor and training.
  4. An island in a shopping center or a nail bar. Lately it has become increasingly popular. It is assumed that a woman shopping at a mall is psychologically more motivated to look good and may get a manicure even if she did not initially plan to do so. The advantages also include relatively low opening costs. The disadvantages are the lack of a stable client base and conditions for proper processing of tools, which creates additional difficulties for the master and can be a stopping factor for the client.

    Walking past a nail bar in a shopping center, a woman can hardly resist getting a manicure.

  5. Home manicure salon. The cheapest option for opening a manicure salon. Income is limited to the maximum workload of one master. Additional difficulties in attracting clients. Not every woman will agree to get a manicure at home from an unknown specialist. That's why effective way attracting clients for this option - recommendations from friends.
  6. Non-standard options for opening manicure salons:
  • Nail bar in a restaurant, cafe. The originality of the idea lies in the fact that while the spouse or friend is having lunch, the companion will have time to give herself an express manicure;
  • Mobile nail salon. Involves a technician visiting your home. Works independently or as an option for other nail salon options.

The option of opening a nail salon as a franchise is becoming widespread today. Today on Russian market there are 10-15 offers for nail salon franchises.

The choice of opening option depends on the state of the market in the city/region, the size starting capital and personal preferences of the entrepreneur.

Advantages and disadvantages of business


  • An excellent startup option for aspiring entrepreneurs. Opening a nail salon does not require serious knowledge in the field of business or finance, therefore it is a good springboard for a future businessman.
  • Does not require large investments. There is an option for opening a salon for any budget. In addition, it is possible to develop in stages: first home business, then a nail salon, then a nail salon or nail design studio.

Start small - alone in your apartment, and if there are so many clients that there is nowhere to go - then you can think about premises and hired workers.


  • The developing market for nail services. The culture of not doing your own manicure has not yet become firmly established in our lives. This opens up additional opportunities to expand the market.

In large and medium-sized cities, about 20% of women and 5% of men use the services of nail salons.

It is interesting that in Moscow there are about 250–300 nail salons, and in New York there are about 1300. The nail salon market in Russia, indeed, has great opportunities for further development.


  • Nail salon clients are often tied not to the place, but to the master. This creates serious risks for the owner in terms of losing his client base if an employee leaves.
  • The choice to develop a business related to nail care imposes serious requirements on the entrepreneur in the field of compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. This requires not only knowledge and special equipment, but also a high level of employee discipline. It is obvious that the risk of loss business reputation if any, the likely consequences associated with non-compliance are enormous.
  • High level of competition. Despite the fact that the market has a potentially high capacity, the level of competition in it is high. To be in trend, you need to constantly take into account and implement modern technologies in the field of nail services, use all possible marketing channels.

Required documents for opening

In order to open a nail salon, you must first register entity. For small business It makes more sense to register as individual entrepreneur. The advantages of opening a salon as an individual entrepreneur compared to an LLC include: no need to have an accountant, the ability to freely dispose of revenue.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs takes place at the tax office or with the help of a multifunctional public services center. The state duty will be 800 rubles.

An important point is the choice of taxation system. There are 3 options available for the salon: UTII, simplified tax system and patent system.

Under the simplified tax system, the tax base will be 6% of the salon’s income. With UTII, the tax base is fixed - and this is a positive aspect of this accounting system. The patent system also applies to certain types activities, requires payment for a patent for a specific period (from 1 month to 1 year).

The choice depends on the region where the salon is opened, on the nature of payments (cash, using an account) and some other factors. Before opening an individual entrepreneur, you need to calculate each of the options and choose the optimal one.

Also, when opening a salon, you need to obtain a conclusion from the SES (sanitary and epidemiological service) on compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. Another document is the conclusion of the fire service, if we are talking about renting a separate room or working in your own premises, and not about working in an office in a shopping center.

SanPiN 2.1.2. 2631−10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the placement, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and beauty services.” You should carefully study the requirements before opening a salon.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the procedure for sterilization of instruments and conclude a disposal agreement fluorescent lamps. And of course, all salon employees must have medical records.

How to choose a place?

When choosing a location, you need to consider the following points:

  • Analyze the places with the largest or target concentrations of people. These can be shopping and office centers, fitness centers, children's development centers. Ideally, the purpose of finding people near the place where the salon is opening is to take care of themselves: purchasing clothes, playing sports, attending training courses, psychological seminars, etc.
  • You should not open a salon in residential and industrial areas, places where cars are sold, auto repair shops, hardware stores, etc.
  • The idea of ​​opening a salon near a competitor has pros and cons. Pros: the ability to attract some customers to yourself, cons - the need to use additional and more interesting means of attracting customers compared to a competitor.
  • Opening a nail salon in a beauty salon or hair salon is also a good idea. In this case, a targeted flow of customers will be ideal for building a customer base.

Before you open, decide on the location - this is the main component. Determine the target audience (who the salon will be aimed at - wealthy middle class, youth, etc.). Look at how many salons there are in the area, walk around them, note the advantages and disadvantages, and analyze your concept again. Be sure to look at how busy the salons are. Try to sign up for them, see how much free time the masters have. And look further.


Premises requirements

For the work of one master, 6-10 square meters are required. meters of area, you also need space for the office manager’s desk, a toilet and, if desired, a room for staff meals and storage of materials. With 3-4 craftsmen working, the area of ​​the room will be on average 40–50 square meters. meters. Rental cost 1 sq. meter ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles (depending on the city, region) in office centers, on the first floors of buildings. On average it turns out to be 35-60 thousand rubles. A manicure room can occupy an area of ​​about 30 square meters. meters. The cost of renting an island in a shopping center per square meter will be more expensive, but the area required will be smaller - no more than 7-10 square meters. meters. Accordingly, the rental cost will vary greatly depending on the prices set shopping center, and will be very averaged from 30 thousand rubles to 100 thousand rubles.

Master's workplace

According to SanPin, the workplace of one master must have at least 6 square meters. meters.

The room does not necessarily have to undergo expensive designer renovations, but it certainly should be clean, tidy, bright and consistent with the chosen style of the salon. A small cosmetic repair will cost another 50-150 thousand rubles, calculating 1,500 rubles per 1 sq. m. meter.

The premises must meet the requirements of fire protection and SES. To obtain a conclusion from the SES, an officially concluded rental agreement for the premises is also required.

Purchase of equipment, furniture and materials

Minimum set of equipment and furniture for a nail salon:

Determination of the list of services provided and their cost

A nail salon usually provides the following list of services:

  1. Hand and nail care services: various types of manicure, paraffin therapy, scrubs, hand masks, wraps, nutrition, moisturizing and protection.
  2. Modeling and strengthening of nails with acrylic, gel, etc.
  3. Nail design: coating with varnish, gel polish, using various techniques, including artistic painting.
  4. Pedicure.

The specific list of nail salon services depends on:

  • availability of equipment (for example, some pattern application techniques require additional equipment);
  • suppliers of consumables offering special options for nail care and design;
  • level of professionalism of personnel (the main factor);
  • entrepreneur's imagination.

The best pricing option in this case would be a comparative approach. It is necessary to carefully study the price lists of competing salons. At the first stage, to attract clients, you can set prices slightly lower than those of well-promoted competitors, or, conversely, if there is reason to believe that the level of professionalism will allow you to immediately offer services at high level, offer higher prices, and thereby declare yourself as an elite class salon. In any case, this question is strictly individual and requires thought.

One master can serve on average 4-5 clients during a working day. Average bill per client - 1 thousand rubles. IN major cities maybe higher. The daily income of one master is about 4-5 thousand rubles. Monthly revenue per master will be about 80 thousand rubles - 100 thousand rubles.


The issue of choosing the right personnel for a nail salon is even higher than choosing the right location. After all, it depends on the skills of the employees whether the client will come back. You can spend a lot of money on advertising campaign and attract customers, but this money will be worth nothing if you cannot retain these customers.

Options for attracting employees

  • Luring masters from other salons, the advantage of this option is the accumulated experience and client base, the disadvantage is that it is necessary to offer more favorable working conditions.
  • If you yourself have the relevant experience, you can attract craftsmen with little experience and train them additionally.

Regardless of the chosen option, it is important for a nail salon that its employees undergo training and improve their skills on an ongoing basis. Nothing decorates the walls of a salon and inspires confidence in clients like education certificates. Therefore, the cost of personnel training must be included in the budget.

Personnel costs

  • The master’s salary, as a rule, is 30–40% of his revenue.
  • Administrator salary - from 10,000 rubles, 2 administrators in shifts.
  • The cleaning lady's salary is from 4,000 rubles.

At the first stage, you can do without an administrator and a cleaner, combining these functions between yourself and the craftsmen.

The master’s salary will be about 25-30 thousand rubles.

Salon advertising and promotion strategy

Salon promotion channels include:

  • distribution of flyers and leaflets;
  • placing business cards in places where the target audience gathers;
  • creating an attractive website, advertising on the Internet;

Yulia Evtikhova, founder of a nail salon

  • holding various promotions and free master classes;
  • creating a group in in social networks and its active promotion;
  • communication on women's forums;
  • participation in various competitions and competitions;
  • creation of an incentive system;
  • using customer-oriented policy techniques: holiday greetings, gifts and surprises for regular visitors. In the salon itself, you can offer the client a cup of coffee or tea, magazines, that is, to brighten up the time spent in the salon as much as possible. And, of course, nothing can replace polite treatment, a sincere approach and scrupulous compliance with the requirements of sanitary standards: disinfection of tools, use of disposable files, a clean fresh towel for everyone, etc.

These promotion channels do not require serious expenses, and some are completely free. However, the main channel for promoting a nail salon will be word of mouth. High professionalism of the craftsmen and an impeccable reputation will over time become one of the main ways to promote the salon.

When opening a salon, you can hold a grand opening ceremony: decorate the facade, invite guests, organize master classes, prepare refreshments. Post photos and a report about the event on social networks. Opening costs will be at least 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

Investment calculation and payback forecast

The level of investment for opening a salon varies greatly depending on financial opportunities entrepreneur, the minimum expenses are presented below.

Table: initial investment

The initial costs of opening a nail salon or office will be at least 275,000 rubles. The table shows the lowest possible cost values. Any desires in terms of, for example, a more comfortable and attractive manicure table or beautiful furniture, will entail a significant increase in the cost of the estimate. Using the table above, you can calculate the level of investment for each specific case. Actual costs, as a rule, are always higher than planned, even in the case of a very methodical approach to planning. It is necessary to take this point into account when forming the input budget.

Table: monthly expenses

The data is also given for a nail salon with an area of ​​45 square meters. meters with the work of four craftsmen.

With revenue of 240 thousand rubles (each master - 80 thousand rubles) and expenses of 188 thousand rubles, the monthly profit will be 52 thousand rubles. With an initial investment of 275 thousand rubles, payback can be achieved in 6-7 months. But given that it will not be possible to reach optimal load immediately, a more realistic forecast would be to achieve payback within 8-12 months.

Possible problems and solutions

When running a manicure business, an entrepreneur may encounter a number of problems. Here are some of them:

  • Lack of qualified personnel. Find suitable trained personnel - a big problem to date. It will take a lot of time and effort to select and train staff to suit the needs of your salon.
The biggest difficulty I encountered was the selection of craftsmen. Good masters did not want to go to the newly opened salon. I had to persuade, inspire, almost put on a performance before each one.

Masha Koroleva, owner of a chain of nail bars

  • The risk of losing the client base due to the dismissal of the master. As noted above, despite all the efforts of business owners, the client’s connection often goes not to the salon, but to the employee. Possible solution: through various loyalty programs, motivate customers to visit this particular salon; encourage employees to collaborate for a long time through an effective bonus system, including for length of service, and create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere in the team;
  • High competition amid a growing market can also lead to loss of customers. Possible solution: competently and effectively use technologies to attract and retain customers.
  • The need to always be on trend. The growing market in the field of nail design requires participants to constantly monitor trends and continuous development, which often entails financial costs.
  • The risk of loss of business reputation in the event of a mistake by the master. Anyone has the right to make a mistake, but poor quality work by a nail salon technician can lead to negative reviews, because, as you know, negative word of mouth works many times better than positive word of mouth. And given the development of social networks and other means of communication, the consequences can be truly catastrophic. Possible solution: monitor the employee’s impeccable performance of their duties as much as possible, pay special attention to staff training, as well as compliance with the requirements for disinfection of instruments.

It's nice to do something that brings not only income, but also pleasure. A nail salon is an ideal choice for starting your own business. Minimum investment will amount to 275 thousand rubles, payback - up to a year.

When a girl decides to get involved own business, then she often faces the fact that it is difficult for her to make a choice in favor of one thing or another. When the choice is made, the business very often turns out to be too expensive or difficult to implement.

However, there are a number of options available mainly lovely ladies, easy to implement and giving good income. Among them is a manicure business at home. Manicure is the very thing that brings girls not only money, but also pleasure and creative self-realization, and you can literally organize it at home. If you are interested in this idea, now we will tell you how to start a manicure business.


Before opening a nail salon at home, you need to calculate the pros and cons. And decide what you need to open a manicure salon and.

Let's start with the positive:

  • Popular with men and women;
  • Opportunity to develop creativity;
  • Availability and ease of implementation;
  • Profitability.

The disadvantages of this business are also obvious:

  • Huge competition;
  • The need for special education: at least courses;
  • The problem of competition can be solved either through quality or through interesting offers and discounts.

Business plan

Even if you plan to work from home, it is simply necessary to draw up a business plan for a manicure salon with calculations. This way, you can allocate the funds you have in the wisest way. Proper distribution of finances is very important, because if you do not plan to take out large loans or sell an apartment, then it is unlikely that you have a very large budget.

In addition, a business plan for a manicure salon is needed so as not to miss a single detail. You should start by registering your business. Some craftswomen work from home without registering. Most often, before this they worked in a salon, and now they host former clients and women/men who came as acquaintances.

If you still want to collect everything necessary documents, you will need to obtain a certificate of private entrepreneurship and a certificate of completion of relevant courses. It will be good if you also have the necessary permits and a medical record. Not for reporting purposes, but simply to increase customer confidence in you.

The premises are the most important point of the business plan, but you won’t need to write it down since you are working from your home.


Equipment for a manicure salon is not very numerous and expensive.

First of all, you need furniture:

  • Table for direct manicure;
  • Two manicure chairs - for you and the client;
  • An armchair and a coffee table - for guests waiting in line;
  • Cabinet or shelves - two storage areas for varnishes, removers, lamps and other equipment.

Then, you should have all the necessary tools:

  • Manicure set;
  • Sterilizer;
  • Ultraviolet lamp for quick drying gel polish coating;
  • Fraser;
  • Special brushes for nail designs and French manicure;
  • Acrylic, gel varnishes, ordinary varnishes different colors, foundations, cuticle softeners, manicure and shellac removers and other cosmetic chemicals;
  • Tips, false nails, nail stickers, etc.;
  • Baths.
Of all the above, the most expensive purchase will be furniture. A table, for example, can cost anywhere from $70 to $200. The lamp will also cost you up to $200. Although, in online stores you can buy it starting from 3 USD. e. Fraser will cost from 10 to 150 dollars. If you don’t really understand the difference between equipment for 3 and 300 cu. e. – find a consultant and ask him to help with the selection.

It is good to purchase consumables in bulk. Try to negotiate mutual advertising and discounts, look for good and cheap options on websites and in stores. Tip: last season's collections or lines that are almost sold out have the biggest discounts.

Don't save money. A half-dollar varnish from the market will peel off in a day, and your reputation in the eyes of the visitor will collapse. And the tools, in general, must be crystal clear: the introduction of unpleasant diseases has not been canceled.


It is clear that in a home salon you act as a master. Appearance and behavior must be appropriate so that the client does not doubt for a second: this specialist is a true professional.

To begin with, your appearance and especially your nails should be very well-groomed. This serves as an additional advertisement for the services, since you most likely do the manicure yourself. If you have at least one (or better yet several) courses behind you and a couple of certificates on your wall, this will also raise the prestige of a manicurist. In addition to all of the above, the master must be polite and creative. If the client does not know what pattern she wants to see on her nails, it is you who will have to come up with it and execute it so that the girl is satisfied.


In addition to the wizard, you may also need an administrator. This person will answer calls, negotiate with clients, record them, keep records, control the financial part of the issue, maintain Internet resources, constantly update them and communicate with users.

It's good if this person is your relative whom you can trust. This will save you several thousand rubles a month. An administrator is, first of all, a responsible, attentive, and careful person. He must be familiar with a computer, be able to work on the Internet, enter clients into a database, know everything necessary information and be able to answer questions.


It makes sense to launch advertising when everything is ready to receive visitors. Make yourself a website and groups on social networks, create a page on Instagram. The main thing that should be on all these pages is a portfolio and a price list. There should be a lot of photos so that clients can fully imagine how professionally the craftswoman works.

Establish partnerships with other artisans or stores. If advertising of their services is displayed on the website and pages of your manicure salon, they will respond with mutual advertising. Very popular in Lately began to offer its services almost free of charge in order to develop a portfolio.

The female client pays only for consumables, receives a free manicure, and you receive a photo for presentation and advertising. This always works flawlessly and soon a line of this girl’s friends will line up for you. If the manicure is good, of course. Very interesting view cooperation – with photographers.

If your name appears under a photo of a girl with cool nails, this will again serve as an attractive factor. Make yourself business cards, give yourself a link on special forums. In principle, you can even write reviews for yourself (or entrust this to copywriters). Just be careful.

  1. Follow trends in the fashion world. You must have a few options in store from the latest trends that you can offer to your client. If at the same time you can say “But this is the manicure Angelina Jolie had on the red carpet at last week", then even the most expensive design will be approved unconditionally;
  2. Always keep a map of polishes and a couple of glossy publications or photos with examples on your coffee table. Let your guests look through them while they wait in line;
  3. Before opening a nail salon at home, work in a salon. Experience in the beauty industry is always highly valued;
  4. Create a system of bonuses and incentives.
  5. Provide additional services, for example, you can offer clients, in addition to manicures, also haircuts.
  6. A home beauty salon is a profitable business, if only because you don’t have to share the proceeds with anyone. It’s easy to organize such a thing, and it’s a pleasure to do it. Competition can ruin your business only if you are not good enough in your profession. If you are truly a master, then no one and nothing will stop your business from flourishing. About others

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