What documents are needed for regul. How can I quickly and free of charge get an extract from the register? What is an extract from the regula and why is it needed

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Together with our lawyers, I have prepared this article for you, after reading which you will no longer have questions about what an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is, how to get it, where to go and what it is for.

Not to say that often, but periodically this document is requested by certain bodies and organizations. If you are new to business, do not panic when, after registering a legal entity, someone will require an extract from you. For example, one of the first people who will need it is a representative of the bank where you decide to open a current account. So, when registering with the tax office, you were given a package of documents, we get it, we are looking for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE). It is still fresh and therefore suitable for presentation to the bank.

After some time, you may again request this statement. In this case, the previous extract is no longer suitable, you will need to order a fresh one. How to do this will be discussed further.

What is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and how to order it

Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities) - this is a document containing complete information about the legal entity, as well as information about all the changes undergone by the organization.

Here's what she looks like. First 2 sheets

The Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service starts a special Register. It contains all the data when companies go through the registration procedure. Form of ownership and legal status does not matter. This Federal Database reflects any information related to changes in organizations.

What information is containedin a regular extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

  • Actual data about the legal entity;
  • Full name of the organization;
  • Form of organization of a legal entity;
  • The size of the authorized capital;
  • Legal and actual address;
  • Information about the members of the organization;
  • OKVED codes, TIN/KPP, OGRN;
  • Availability of licenses for the implementation of a particular activity and the presence of branches;
  • Information about the termination of the activities of a legal entity;
  • Changes to organizational documents;
  • etc.

What information is contained in extended statements

Extended statement differs from regular topics, which provides much more information about one or another legal entity. The list is really extensive:

  1. Signature official along with the seal of the tax authority.
  2. Certificates issued to confirm the very fact of the existence of entries in the register.
  3. The entries themselves in the register, made on the basis of the documents provided.
  4. Information about the ban for a legal entity on registration actions.
  5. Information about registration in pension fund and other similar organizations.
  6. Description of the peasant farm, which served as the basis for the creation of an economic partnership, or a production cooperative.
  7. List of persons conducting the reorganization.
  8. Persons who have become successors.
  9. Data on the termination of the legal entity.
  10. Information on branches and representations.
  11. Quantity, types of economic activity.
  12. Formation of a legal entity.
  13. About the holder of the register of shareholders.
  14. Bank account information.
  15. The size of the authorized capital.
  16. Passport data of individuals.
  17. The name of individuals who have the right to represent the interests of a legal entity.
  18. Founders.
  19. Contact phones or fax.
  20. Legal address of the location.
  21. State registration number.
  22. Reason code for registration.
  23. Documents on the basis of which entries are made in the register.
  24. Applicant data.

Types of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

There are no other types of extracts! Don't beat yourself up. There are only 2 types of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and these are:

  1. Informational or Electronic. Free. Available to everyone. It can be obtained from the official website. tax service. Next, we will talk about this in more detail. The disadvantage of this extract is that not all state bodies accept it. She only gives general information about the organization.
  2. Extended or Paper with blue print. Paid. Extract with passport details of the participants of the legal entity. The term of delivery is 5 working days, the cost is 200 rubles, for the urgency of receipt - 400 rubles. Only a limited number of subjects can request it:
    — Authorized representatives of the organization itself (general director, accountant);
    — Bodies state power: courts, prosecutor's office, administrative and law enforcement agencies.

To get an extended extract, you must contact the tax office with an application. The application can be made in any form on the letterhead of the organization or download sample we have ! In the application, it is important to indicate the full name of the organization, TIN and OGRN.

The extract received in hand must be stitched and sealed with the seal of the tax authority.

When is an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities required?

  • To confirm the existence of a legal entity;
  • In the process of liquidation of the organization;
  • Opening or closing a current account;
  • Filing a claim in arbitration;
  • Participation in an open competition, auction, ;
  • Participation in auctions;
  • To conclude a transaction, if the counterparty asks for it;
  • Performing any notarial acts in relation to a legal entity;
  • Obtaining license documents;
  • During inspections by third parties;
  • and in other cases

How to get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

There are two ways to get an official extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities:

  1. Get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online and for free
  • you can get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the official website of the tax service egrul.nalog.ru

  • Enter the input data: TIN or OGRN or the full name of the organization. Most often, it is easy to find the TIN of an organization in the public domain, therefore you can easily get an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by TIN absolutely free of charge.
  • The search result will give you an organization that matches your request and PDF file to download the extract.

Regardless of your region, the Federal Tax Service website allows you to get an electronic statement online quickly, simply and free of charge. You can not download an electronic document, but view an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the tax website through a browser.

  1. Get an extended extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

As mentioned above, only an authorized person can receive it.

  • To do this, you need to apply to any division of the IFTS. In the application, indicate the number of copies of the extract required to receive, the method of obtaining the extract (by mail or by hand), do not forget to stamp and indicate other necessary data presented in sample application.
  • Attach a power of attorney of an authorized person to receive an extract (for an accountant, for example) or an order on empowerment this person to receive an extract (order on the appointment of a director). Download power of attorney to receive an extract.
  • Passport.
  • Pay Mrs. duty.

Payment of the state duty for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in 2019 is 200 rubles. regular extract and 400 r. urgent. You can pay the state duty directly at the tax office in the payment terminal, by transferring from bank card or electronic payment. Don't forget to print your receipt.

  • At the appointed time, come for the document.

Ordering an urgent statement allows you not to wait 5 days, but to receive an official document within a day.

You will have to go through the same steps if you contact commercial organization. This service costs a little more, up to 700 rubles, depending on the region. But it frees you from standing in lines. But it is worth noting that you will receive an extract not much faster, and possibly even longer.

If you, as a representative of an organization, have certificate CryptoPro(digital signature). Then you can get an extended statement for your organization without leaving your office, all on the same website of the tax service.

This extract will be ready within a day from the date of application. And you can download it within 5 days.

This extract is legally binding and may be provided at any time. government agency. It is better to print it on a color printer so that the blue print is clearly printed.

Comparative table of ways to obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

How to obtain Regular statement Extended
Pick up time within 3 minutes Normal - up to 5 days.

Urgent - next day

Price For free Paid:

200 r. - ordinary.

400 r. - urgent.

informative Only basic information about the organization Extended information about the founders
Subject of receipt Anyone Authorized representatives of the organization
Where to get an extract On the website of the IFTS At the tax office
Minuses Has no legal effect Has legal force and can be presented in any organization

If there is no data on the requested legal entity in the register of the tax service, then you will be issued a corresponding certificate “on the absence of the requested information”.

How to order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with delivery to the office

Yes. But such services are not provided in public institutions.

You can apply through commercial companies if there is no time for personal visits to the offices of the Federal Tax Service. But such a service is more expensive, the cost can reach up to a thousand rubles.

The office can also receive an extract ordered on the official website of the service. But only if a hard copy is specified for receipt. With this option, you will have to pay less. But it takes more time to get it. PSRN and mobile number will help track the status of the parcel.

Have you ever come to a notary with an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and she does not want to accept it and says to go and get fresh?! It happened to me personally. Next, I will tell you about all the deadlines for extracting from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Within 3 working days, the legal entity must report to the tax office information about the changes being made.

For example. Changed the director or the size of the authorized capital. We inform the tax office, which makes changes to the register of legal entities.

Therefore, notaries ask for a fresh extract, because. within 5 days everything can change and new information will appear in the registry. The more time passes from the moment the extract is issued, the more likely it is that the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, in respect of which the extract was issued, has been changed, and the information contained in the extract no longer corresponds to the information contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at the current time.

Other expiry dates:

  1. When participating in a tender, an extract must be not older than 6 months.
  2. When submitting documents to the state. accreditation public organizations in order to grant them the status of all-Russian sports federations, an extract must be not older than 1 month.
  3. To perform notarial acts, not older than 5 days.
  4. When applying to the arbitration court, the expiration date of the extract not older than 30 days.

Advice! Check the expiration date of the statement directly with the organization that requests the statement from you.

On what grounds can they refuse to receive an extract

  • If there is no document confirming the payment of the state fee. Subject to the relevant condition.
  • The text in the request cannot be read for some reason.
  • The person who signed the request does not have the authority to apply to the tax authority, to obtain information about the applicant.
  • Lack of documents confirming the authority of the representative.
  • The absence of the full name of the company, or TIN and postal address in the request.
  • A violation is considered to be a situation where the document does not bear the signature of the one who represents the interests of the enterprise.
  • For individuals, the violation will also be the absence of a signature along with an indication of the initials, postal address.

About accounting service fees

There are no official explanations yet on how the fee for the provision of statements is taken into account in accounting and taxation. But the Ministry of Finance clarifies some issues.

If a company uses a simplified taxation system, it will not be possible to include the statement fee in the total expenses. Even if the object of taxation is income, reduced by the amount of expenses.

It's connected with closed character a list that describes the costs accepted for tax accounting when simplified system. And in this list there is no item that allows you to do as it was written above. This would be possible only if we are talking about state duties related to federal-level fees. But the fee for obtaining extracts does not apply to such.

But on general mode such a step is entirely possible.

This can happen when registering a legal entity. Therefore, carefully check the documents after their initial receipt at the tax office. Be attentive to the passport data, to the correct spelling of the full name of the legal entity, the address of the legal entity, etc.

An error can be made both by you (when submitting documents for registration) and by an employee of the Federal Tax Service (when entering data into the register). Everything inaccurately needs to be corrected, otherwise they will remain in the tax database and information about you as an existing legal entity will be difficult to find in the future.

In connection with the current negligence, it is necessary to contact the Federal Tax Service to correct errors in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Law! By law, the tax officer is not responsible for the mistakes made, therefore, all responsibility falls on the entrepreneur (financial and legal), even if this was not his fault.

If you do not correct the mistake in time, you can stumble upon a fine of up to 5,000 rubles.

If the mistake was made intentionally by the entrepreneur, then he faces administrative responsibility and a ban on employment entrepreneurial activity up to 3 years.

To correct errors in the register of legal entities, it is submitted.

Download Word

Download PDF

If the mistake was made not through your fault, but through the fault of the tax inspector, then the application must be attached covering letter written in free form. The application must indicate what exactly the mistake is, where and who made it, and indicate the number of the entry in the register of the legal entity. In addition, attach new documents with correct information about your legal entity.

We take this application and a cover letter to the office of the tax service. After the application is accepted, it goes to the tax authorities for consideration. The review period is quite long: from 30 days to 2 months.

But after such a long waiting period, it is not certain that your application will be granted.

Advice! So that you are not convicted of deliberate actions, it is best when submitting documents for registration of a legal entity, make all copies of the documents you submit.

After the correction is made, you will be issued a certificate of the changes made indicating the state registration number (GRN) of the record in which the correction was made and a new extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. This document is sent to the postal address of the legal entity.

The state registration number (OGRN) is assigned to each legal entity, information about which is present in the register. Usually such codes consist of 13 digits. And each has its own meaning. Let's decipher them.

  1. The first character is confirmation that the number refers to an entry in the registry.
  2. The second and third are the designation of the year when information about the company entered the database.
  3. The code of the subject of the Russian Federation is hidden in the fourth and fifth characters.
  4. The number of the entry in the register made during the current year is shown in characters from the sixth to the twelfth.
  5. Finally, the last digit becomes the control character. This is the result of dividing all previous digits by 11.

It is these numbers that become the main details for legal entities. The number is followed by full information about the company and its activities.

It is most advantageous to receive extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities via the Internet, as they save a lot of time. Such extracts contain information identical to that provided on paper. But it is more attractive, because it contains all the latest changes related to the activities of a particular enterprise. Information on the Web is always updated quickly. The only negative is that the electronic form does not always acquire official legal force on a par with paper versions.

Certificates from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities are useful in that they provide an opportunity to fully verify your future partner. Solid monitoring of counterparty companies is carried out regularly large enterprises. As a result, there are much fewer problems associated with reliability. This, for example, will allow you to know in advance about the appearance of new founders.

Any leader is interested in learning some details that relate to the existence of his competitors. In this case, it is recommended to use automated services that allow you to obtain certificates at minimal cost.

An extract from the USRIP is an extremely important document for an individual entrepreneur. Like a general civil passport - an identity card of an individual - it contains basic information about the individual entrepreneur and his activities. It is required when conducting transactions, obtaining loans, opening accounts, participating in government contracts and tenders, etc.

An extract for an individual entrepreneur has the right to request not only the entrepreneur himself, but also all interested parties: information from state registers is in open access. This is used by businessmen to check potential partners, customers and competitors. In the first case, an officially certified document on paper is required; in others, a copy of it will suffice. How to proceed to obtain an extract from the USRIP for individual entrepreneurs in different situations?

Extract from USRIP

There are 3 types of statements:

  1. V paper form with a blue seal of the tax service and the signature of an official. Such a document has legal significance. Upon request, it may contain information about the registration of the individual entrepreneur and his bank accounts;
  2. V in electronic format with enhanced digital signature FTS. Has legal force;
  3. information copy of the document from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Has no legal significance.

The first two documents are accepted in financial and government organizations: banks, funds, etc. The second will be useful for assessing a client, competitor, employer.

You can get an extract from the USRIP in different ways:

  • visit the branch of the Federal Tax Service or the MFC;
  • request online on the website of the tax service, the portal of public services or through other services integrated with the USRIP;
  • order from an intermediary company.

The document has no expiration date. But since changes in the state register are displayed 5 days after they are made, the specified information is relevant during this period. Many financial and state organizations require that no more than a month elapse from the date of receipt.

Obtaining an extract through the IFTS or MFC

A paper extract from the USRIP for individual entrepreneurs is issued by tax inspectorates (local branches of the Federal Tax Service) and the MFC. To receive a document, you must prepare:

  • an application and a copy of it to put down the date and mark the employee on acceptance;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • a simple written power of attorney, if a representative acts on behalf of the individual entrepreneur and an extended extract is required indicating the place of residence of the entrepreneur and the numbers of his settlement accounts.

The application is made in free form to the address of the Federal Tax Service. In the "header" the full name of the individual entrepreneur, passport data, place of residence and e-mail are prescribed. In the main part, indicate the OGRNIP and TIN of the entrepreneur, the purpose of the document and special wishes: urgency, number of copies, method of receipt (in person or by letter):

"In the IFTS No. 24 in Moscow

From Sergeev Ivan Sergeevich

Russian passport XX XX XXXXXX, issued ...



I ask you to provide 2 (two) copies of an extract from the USRIP of Moscow for an individual entrepreneur Sergeev Ivan Sergeevich indicating the place of registration of the IP for filing a claim with the arbitration court. Please send the completed documents to<…>. I enclose the original receipt for the payment of the state fee in the amount of 400 rubles. (for two copies).



Signature, date.

When contacting the IFTS, documents are submitted at the registration window or receiving correspondence. The duty officer will notify when the extract is ready, put the date and number of the request on the copy of the application.

In many inspections, applications are accepted at a precisely defined time, often not the whole working day - this must be clarified by phone or on the website.

In addition to INFS, you can submit a request for an extract from the USRIP at the MFC. This is a kind of intermediary between entrepreneurs and the tax service. At the end of 2016, 113 centers operate in Moscow. Working on the principle of "one window", the MFC helps to avoid long queues. The procedure for applying and obtaining an extract is standard.

On the appointed day, you should go to the INFS or MFC with a passport.

Extract in electronic form from UKEP

Electronic statement - a pdf-document with an enhanced digital signature of the Federal Tax Service. To get it, you need to make a request:

  • through Personal Area taxpayer-IP on the service website ();
  • using the service of the Federal Tax Service, which requires registration only by e-mail;
  • on the portal of public services.

How to get an extract from the USRIP for individual entrepreneurs using the free service of the Federal Tax Service:

  1. Register in the FTS service using your e-mail, then log in.
  2. Click on the "New Application" link.
  3. In after the form, enter the OGRNIP IP (if it is unknown, you can find it by TIN, full name on the same site).
  4. The generated statement will appear in the "List of applications" section.

Depending on the employment of the FTS service, preparation may take up to several hours. The file will be available for download for five days. To open it, special CryptoPro software version 3.6 and higher must be installed on the computer.

Terms and cost of issuing an extract

The cost of extracting from the USRIP depends on the speed of receipt. State duties are regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 462 dated May 19, 2014:

The fee can be paid at any branch of Sberbank using the details of the IFTS or by bank transfer using a money transfer.

The original receipt of payment of the state duty is provided at the request of the applicant. The Federal Tax Service receives the necessary information about payments made from the Federal Treasury upon request. However, the receipt will shorten the preparation time for the statement.

Information extracts

An information extract from the USRIP can be requested on the website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation at the link "Business Risks" - https://egrul.nalog.ru/. Registration is not required in this case. On the page that opens, select the legal form of the counterparty (IP), enter the TIN (OGRIP or full name and address) and captcha.

As a result, a pdf-file will be generated - a copy of the statement. It is not legally binding and can be used to verify contractors, business partners or competitors.

Services for the provision of extracts from the EGRIP are provided by many intermediary companies. The largest of them are "Kontur-Focus" (and its official partners) and "Kommersant Kartoteka". In addition, such organizations offer their clients wide range services: constant access to services, competitive environment analytics, partner assessment, etc.

Intermediaries draw up an extract from the USRIP on their own behalf, signed by the tax service, then deliver the prepared document to the client. It will not contain information about the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur, his bank accounts (this information can be included at the personal request of the entrepreneur or his representative). Ordering an extract with delivery is convenient: it saves time waiting in lines. However, the cost of the document in 2– 3 times higher than the state duty.

According to forecasts, in 2017 it will be possible to submit an online application for an extract from the USRIP in paper form with the ability to pay for the service remotely, receive the document by letter or pick it up at a convenient time for the entrepreneur from the nearest MFC.

Unified State Register of Legal Entities - Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In this organization, you can get an extract - an official document that contains basic data about a legal entity. It can be useful when opening a bank account, real estate transactions, certification of documents by a notary, when participating in auctions, etc.

To obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you need to write an application for its receipt, pay the state fee, and submit documents to the tax office. You can get this extract from the territorial tax inspectorate or from the registering tax office (if the functions of registering individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are assigned to one body). The application is made in free form, since there is no single sample. Be sure to indicate the name of the legal entity, its TIN, OGRN. In addition, you should write the name of the tax office to which the application is submitted, certify the document with a seal, signature, date. If possible, list what information should be included in the statement. The main information is:
  • name of the enterprise, organizational and legal form;
  • actual, legal address;
  • OGRN;
  • information about the founders;
  • date of establishment of the organization;
  • types of economic activity;
  • information about the documents provided during registration;
  • the size of the authorized capital;
  • data of persons entitled to represent a legal entity without a power of attorney (position, last name, first name, patronymic, TIN, passport data);
  • license data (if any);
  • information about the presence of branches, representative offices.
If the person who applies for an extract is not one of those who can represent a legal entity without a power of attorney, he must have a power of attorney signed by the head of the enterprise, with a seal. The cost of the state duty may differ significantly in various cases: if an extract of own organization, which will be prepared for 5 days, the service will be absolutely free; an extract for a counterparty costs 200 rubles, and an urgent statement costs 400 rubles (for both your organization and the counterparty, it will be ready on the next business day). You can pay the state duty in cash at a branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, knowing the details of the tax office. In addition, you can transfer money from the current account of the company.

All information contained in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is publicly available. Anyone can order an extract about any organization, but for third parties, bank accounts and passport data of the enterprise will not be indicated in the extract.

The most difficult: Make a request for an extract so as to obtain complete information from the inspection. It will be easier if: Follow the instructions given in the instructions and use the application form.

For an accountant, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or EGRIP is the document that helps to prove the due diligence of the organization. It can come in handy during the inspection if the inspectors have questions about the validity of expenses or VAT deductions. The opposite situation is also possible: before signing the contract, the counterparty requires an extract from your company in order to verify its integrity.

An official extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about your company or supplier can be obtained from the tax office, on paper. Such a document will have the seal of the inspection, as well as the signature of the IFTS officer, confirming the accuracy of the information indicated in the extract.

Of course, it’s worth going for an official statement if the issue of a deal for a large sum or significant amount of VAT deduction. To check the basic information about small counterparties, the FTS website is enough.

So, the registration data of an organization or entrepreneur (TIN, KPP, OGRN, dates of making changes to the register, etc.) can be.

If more is required detailed information, the Federal Tax Service offers to use its paid service. However, this service is quite expensive. It is much cheaper to get information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities online from private companies with access to databases.

Let's say a company plans to sign a major contract. Having checked the details of the counterparty via the Internet, the management decided, just in case, to request an official statement from the tax office about the future partner. Consider what needs to be done for this.

If your company is on the "simplified"

Step #1

Submit an application for a release

There is no approved application form for obtaining an extract from the register. The request is written arbitrarily, but it is necessary to indicate the name of the organization, information about which you would like to receive, as well as its TIN or PSRN (a sample is presented below). If you need to check a businessman, you must write his full name in the request. and registration number. This data is sufficient to obtain information.

Also, do not forget to provide the address to which you want to send the extract. Or mark that you want to receive an extract personally at the inspection.

In the application, you can not indicate the data that you want to receive about the counterparty or your company. In theory, inspectors should by default provide an extract with a complete list of information that is contained in the registry and is available. However, it is possible that the IFTS employees will miss some column when generating an extract. As a result, the company will receive an extract in which there will be no data that is just important for it.

Therefore, it is better to list the information that should be in the statement. Of course, within the limits permitted by law. This is all the basic data: legal address, method of formation of the organization, etc.

As well as information about the founders (shareholders) of the organization, who can represent the counterparty without a power of attorney, full information about the current licenses of the company, about its branches and representative offices.

A complete list of information that is available to any organization is contained in Appendix No. 2 to the Rules for Maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP (approved by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 438 of June 19, 2002 and No. 630 of October 16, 2003, respectively).

It will not be possible to request only passport data, information about bank accounts and the place of residence of individual entrepreneurs.

Sometimes inspectors require you to indicate the purpose of obtaining an extract. For example, for submission to the court, inclusion in the tender documentation, verification of information about a potential supplier. But to refuse to issue an extract just because the purpose is not clear, the controllers are not entitled.

By the way, the number of requested documents also does not matter. That is, you can immediately request 30 copies of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Of course, if the fee is paid for each of them.

Step #2

Pay for the service

IN general order information about yourself in the form of an extract can be obtained free of charge. If information about counterparties is requested, you must pay 200 rubles. for each document. Any urgent statement, even about your company, already costs 400 rubles. Such prices are established in paragraph 23 of the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and paragraph 31 of the Rules for maintaining the USRIP.

You need to transfer money according to the details of the inspection where the request is submitted - either at the place of registration of the applicant, or to a special tax registration office (if there is one in the region). As a rule, details can be found on the website of the relevant IFTS.

Please note: it is better to pay statements from a current account on a payment order. Instructing one of the employees to transfer money using a regular receipt at Sberbank is fraught with the fact that tax inspectors will refuse to issue information from the state register. According to officials from the IFTS, the information should be paid for by the company, and not by an individual.

If a company requests several statements at once, tax inspectors allow you to pay in total. Then in the field "Purpose of payment" you need to specify the number of statements.

Step #3

Send documents to the inspectorate

The application together with the payment document (if according to the rules it was necessary to pay for the extract) must be sent to the inspection. As we mentioned above, this may be a special tax office that registers companies and entrepreneurs. In Moscow, in particular, this is Interdistrict IFTS No. 46.

At the same time, you can take the documents to your inspection at the place of registration. It does not matter if there is a registering inspection in the city or not.

Documents can be sent by mail, preferably by registered mail. However, most often you need to get an extract as soon as possible, so the director should personally take the papers to the inspection. Or entrust it to a trusted person. But then a power of attorney must be attached to the application. Otherwise, the documents will not be accepted.

Step #4

Pick up an extract

In accordance with the approved procedure, inspectors must issue an extract no later than 5 days after the company received an application. If the organization paid 400 rubles. for urgency, an extract can be received on the next business day after the request is submitted.

By the way, it may happen that there is no information about the counterparty in the register. Then the inspection staff will issue a certificate of absence of the requested information. The company will also receive such a paper if the request provides insufficient information about the legal entity or entrepreneur in order to recognize it in the database.

If in the request the applicant did not ask to send him an extract by mail, anyone can pick up the paper authorised representative from company. The main thing is not to forget about the power of attorney.

Interdistrict IFTS No. 46 for Moscow
Petrov Ivan Ivanovich

TIN 7715123489, KPP 771501001
Address: Moscow, st. Basmannaya, 34

on obtaining an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

I ask you to provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in respect of the legal entity Velcom LLC TIN 7704156254 containing the following information:
- OGRN (main state registration number);
— address (location);
— information about the founders (participants);
— the name and details of the documents submitted for state registration;
— the size of the authorized capital;
- information about a person who has the right to act on behalf of a legal entity without a power of attorney (last name, first name, patronymic, position, details of an identity document in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, TIN (if any));
— information about the licenses obtained (name of the licensing authority, license number, date of the decision to grant a license, license validity period, name of the territory where the license is valid, licensed type of activity);
— information about branches and representative offices.

The purpose of obtaining an extract is to present to the court.

I ask you to give the extract personally to the representative of VESNA LLC.

CEO LLC "VESNA" Nikolaev E. G. Nikolaev 12.04.2010

How to get information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and EGRIP via the Internet

To the information of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the EGRIP about any Russian organizations and businessmen can get paid access for a year through the website of the Federal Tax Service in electronic form. So, for 50,000 rubles. the full database will be opened to the user once, and it will be possible to access it in this form for a year. If later the company wants to update previously received information, it is necessary to pay another 5,000 rubles. Or you can immediately buy annual weekly updated access to registry databases for 150,000 rubles.

The procedure for obtaining online information is prescribed in the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 31, 2009 No. MM-7-6 / 148@. First you need to fill out an application, the form of which is approved by the same order of the tax service. Also send money. Then the application and the original payment order are sent directly to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Within 10 working days, the company will be able to receive e-mail the attributes of access to the database assigned to it - login, password, digital certificate.

It remains only to go to the website of the Federal Tax Service and activate the certificate. This must be done within 6 months from the date on which the decision to provide information was made. After activation, you can use the password and other data for a year. Then the right of access can be extended by paying again and sending documents to the Federal Tax Service.

The article was published in the magazine "Glavbuh" No. 9, 2010

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