What does the shape of the lips mean. What does the shape of your lips reveal about your personality? Closed or open

Large mouth, lips well-defined, wide in the center and tapering to the edges, the corners are raised.

He: open, self-confident, loves to be the center of attention. He needs a relaxed partner, capable of any experiments in bed. Sex for him is a performance where he plays leading role. He will publicly make tender confessions to you, but get ready for the fact that this may be followed by a public scandal.


Full, large, not very well-defined lips.

He: vulnerable, emotional, indecisive. If you fall in love, then head over heels. Likes stability and comfort in relationships. In sex, she prefers classic positions, but loves long kisses and oral sex. Its potency directly depends on mood and situation.


Lips "bow", plump, rounded.

He: loves comfort, pleasure and attention to his person. He is demanding of his companion: at any time of the day, she must look stunning and be ready for love. Likes sex without frills and frequent changes of position.


Lips thin, pale, pursed.

He is the leader. Lights up like a match, but cools down just as quickly. If the relationship breaks, then forever. Often the strength of his feelings at a particular moment is determined by the depth of the neckline of your dress. He prefers active sex to flirting.


Lips well defined. The hollow in the center of the upper lip has slightly pointed edges.

He is: uninhibited, easy-going and always ready for adventure, but at the same time not too emotional. Making him fall passionately in love is not so easy. He can take the initiative in a relationship, but will not insist on his leadership.

The main role for him is played by trust and similarity of thinking. Can't stand the limits, restrictions, obligations regarding sex. Values ​​freedom and spontaneity. She loves sex in the most inappropriate places for this: in a fitting room, in a dark corner of a park, on an airplane.


Lips of medium size or rather large, clearly defined. The upper lip is shaped like a hunting bow.

He is: passionate, ambitious, loves to effectively joke and switch attention to himself. Such a guy is the soul of any company. In love often haunts sports interest, loves to turn someone's head at the first opportunity. In sex, he does not like long foreplay, he is ready to experiment.


Lips of medium size, even, in the form of a leaf. The upper lip is equal in width to the lower lip or slightly wider, almost without a bend in the center.

He: in love will rule. Such men strive to completely own the object of their desires, to keep everything under control. He is jealous, touchy, hot and vindictive. As a rule, tender feelings are associated in his life with stormy experiences and fatal turns. In sex, he adheres to two extremes: either he is prone to extreme sports, or he is very conservative.


The lips are medium, clearly defined. The lower lip is even, straight, tapering at the very edges, the upper one rises towards the center.

He: loves to flirt, flirt, build eyes, make hints. Counter initiative does not reject, but can be passive. In sex, the main thing for him is aesthetics, he enjoys the beauty of the body. And physical satisfaction appears, as it were, by the way.


The lips are thin, not too defined, the mouth is large.

He: considers himself an unusually romantic guy, but his intellect prevails over emotions. He is restrained in feelings, does not like manifestations of increased attention to his person.

An intellectual's love relationship is somewhere between attending corporate events and cleaning the apartment. But sex as a wellness procedure is quoted very highly. Great importance he attaches to the technical side of the issue. She loves new poses, experiments and all sorts of surprises.

plump lips - a recognized symbol of sexuality and sensuality. Isn't that why we try in every possible way to draw the attention of the stronger sex to this part of our face, highlighting and emphasizing the mouth with lipstick, pencil, lip gloss, silicone injections and other methods?

narrow mouth speaks of the heavy and gloomy nature of their owner. Such lips are most often found in people who are closed and gloomy. Even if your lips are not like that, it is quite possible that your mouth becomes tense and narrow in those cases when you find yourself in a conflict or simply uncomfortable situation for you. Watch your facial expressions so as not to create the impression of a “buki” about yourself.

Bulging or simply puffy lower lip - a sign of selfishness and intransigence of its owner. With a person whose lower lip is much larger than the upper one, it is difficult to communicate on an equal footing, he will always try to defeat you. And, again, such a lip can also appear in a person with a normal mouth, if he disrespects you or simply shows dislike and disagreement with your position. Coaxing someone whose lower lip is too protruding is a bad job, you don't even have to try.

Protruding upper lip - a sign of stubborn, purposeful people. These people know their worth, are not afraid of difficulties and are always ready to listen to the other side. However, if you catch such a person for a living, you risk losing his favor forever. Your opinion will mean nothing to him anymore. Such people, although very tolerant, are still in the depths of their souls quite sincerely sure that they are right.

Bulging mouth with well-defined lips - features inherent in "earthly" people who do not experience unnecessary illusions at their own expense, unpretentious and undemanding. They do not build castles in the sand and do not hover in the clouds, their destiny is ordinary things. Distinctive feature people with a clear contour of the lips - low self-esteem and a tendency to depression. But they have enough strong character to cope with yourself and get on with your life, no matter what.

It is not for nothing that a Japanese proverb says that a person’s lips can sometimes speak much more eloquently than their eyes. The fact is that in reality the shape of the lips and the character of a woman are connected. Knowing how, you can find an approach to any representative of the fair sex and learn a lot about her.

How to determine the character by the shape of the lips?

Do you think that only especially gifted individuals can read the character's lips? No matter how! Anyone who wants to get acquainted with such a science as physiognomy can do this. Scientists-physiognomists not only determine by the shape of the lips, but are also able to tell about the life - present, past, future - of a “readable” person. The latter, of course, is more difficult to master, but if desired, anyone can do this too. The main thing is assertiveness and purposefulness.

Lip shape and character

Scientists and psychologists have long understood how the shape of the lips and the character of a woman are connected. Research on this topic is already underway. for a long time. Thanks to this, the science that was mentioned above appeared. In the modern world, the essence of how the shape of the lips and are connected has become even more popular and has even begun to be successfully used in medicine, legal practice, and personal growth training.

Lip size

Not only the shape is connected, the size of the lips and the character of the woman are also interdependent:

  1. regular size indicates that you have a balanced person who is used to a sensible approach to solving various problems, who knows how to listen and extract useful information out of conversation, stress-resistant, unwavering and cheerful.

  1. - a symbol of sensuality and impressive sexual energy. Bright representatives of this category are Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe. Women with such lips love to live to the fullest. Most are even guided by the motto "you need to get everything, here and immediately or never in your life." At the same time, they have strong willpower and self-control. Some plump-lipped women are calculating but self-critical.

  1. Thin lips a woman emphasizes a vicious character. At least, many would like to think so. But small lips do not always symbolize an envious and malicious character. More often, representatives of this group are restrained and charming, assertive, stubborn and witty, a little reserved, but insightful. The main drawback of the majority is the inability to demonstrate their own willpower.

Upper lip

You also need to pay attention to the ratio of the lips. It matters. Suppose if the upper lip is larger than the lower, then this person is a bright personality. Almost all members of the group are charismatic and unrealistically cheerful. In addition, if the upper lip is larger than the lower one in women, this indicates high self-esteem and the ability to win people over. The ladies from this group love to be in the spotlight and always behave with dignity - the funniest jokes, the most sparkling sayings, funny scenes always come from them.


Another thing is when the lower lip is larger than the upper one. Such people are simply not made for monotonous work in any office, because there are so many interesting things in the world that it is unforgivable to waste your time within four walls. Owners of lips of this size know a lot about real fun, and for good spirits they need to constantly feed on new acquaintances, places, impressions - they are very inquisitive and, in addition, have leadership qualities.

Corners of the mouth

The location of the corners of the mouth affects the visual impression and plays important role in character definition:

  1. Raised corners optimistic people who are almost always in a good mood. Such women never remain alone for a long time and attract everyone to them like a magnet. Great news - representatives of the category definitely expect well-being in life.

  1. If the corners of the lips are turned down, the character it demonstrates is pessimistic and dull. Such women are accustomed to take everything to heart and masterfully dramatize. Some ladies are arrogant, but more often the representatives of the group suffer from an inferiority complex.

Features of the location of the lips

Another important factor able to tell something about the interlocutor, friend, relative, acquaintance. Here are some of the features:

  1. It is believed that symmetrical lips they talk about the character of a deceitful and unpleasant human nature. Of course, this is not always the case - many are simply scared away by curved lines. Although sometimes the theory works flawlessly, in most cases, asymmetry on the face symbolizes a kind and cheerful disposition.

  1. Owners soft lips very impressionable. It is easy for them to cause tears, they can easily be touched, offended, offended.
  1. Hard lips characterize a strong, strong-willed, decisive personality. Such representatives of the fair sex easily endure all difficulties, and those around them may not even guess about their problems.

Incredible Facts

A woman may not say anything, but her lips immediately betray her character.

Physiognomy experts say that lips are one of the main features that bear the imprint of our personality.

When we are happy, angry or sad, lips primarily express these emotions through both words and facial expressions.

According to the ancient Chinese art of face reading, the shape of the lips can also indicate deeper psychological features and character traits.

They can tell you how you behave in a relationship and tell you how responsive you are.

Now look at your lips, and find out everything about your character.

The character of a person in the form of lips

Full upper and lower lip

An evenly full upper and lower lip speaks of a woman with a strong parental instinct who knows how to empathize.

People with this lip shape, for example, Angelina Jolie, have an innate instinct to protect and protect others. These are caring and selfless individuals who are not indifferent to others and take great pleasure in helping others. They tend to have a narrow circle of friends and value relationships highly.

Thin upper and lower lip

Women with thin lips like Kirsten Dunst tend to be loners and a bit shy. Being introverts by nature, they are used to relying on their own strength. Loneliness does not frighten them, and they are quite satisfied with the thought of maintaining their independence.

Although they are not as well versed in relationships as people with full lips, this does not mean that they will be bad partners. For a successful relationship, they need a person with a clear direction in life with their own interests and hobbies.

Lips fuller in the center

Women with a fuller lip center like Chrissy Teigen love to be the center of attention and can be natural actresses. They prefer to surround themselves with people rather than being alone. Such women are the real soul of the company.

In relationships, they tend to be dramatic, but in general they love entertainment and thrills, trying to get everything out of life.

Determine character by lips

Cupid's pointed bow lips

Women with a pronounced Cupid's bow, like Taylor Swift's, are creative people. They constantly strive for self-expression in any form, and can be very artistic.

They know their strengths and weak sides have an excellent memory and are able to communicate with different people. Lips with a bow speak of the intelligence of their owner, as well as a tendency to overreact, spontaneity and impulsiveness.

Cupid's rounded lips

The rounded bow of Cupid, like that of Amanda Seyfried, speaks of responsiveness and kind nature.

Such a woman is sensitive and easily upset by injustice or failure. She loves to help others and is very attentive to those around her.

Lips missing Cupid's bow

Women with a flattened Cupid's bow, like Julia Roberts very responsible and reliable. They can be too selfless and often lack emotional boundaries.

They often seem stronger than they really are and may forget about themselves. Nevertheless, they can deal with any problem, are able to complete work on time and know how to manage time.

Although they make excellent employees, their personal lives may not be all that smooth.

Medium lips

Women with not very thin and not very full lips with an unexpressed Cupid's bow, like Emma Stone, are balanced and able to solve any problems in advance.

They are endowed common sense and developed logical thinking. One of the most strengths such women - the ability to listen to others. Despite the fact that they radiate calmness and seem reserved, they love to laugh and can open up on occasion.

In relationships, they are unobtrusive and avoid scandals, but they need a deep relationship.

Lip augmentation

Artificially enlarged lips

According to Chinese physiognomy, changing your natural features leads to interference in your destiny, changing the path that you are destined to go through.

It is believed that each facial feature represents a part of our personality, which together affect your well-being. A change in some element breaks this synchronicity. If a woman decides to increase her lips artificially, this indicates her emotional dependence and selfishness.

The emotional instability of the owner of such lips can lead to quarrels and problems in a romantic relationship.

At the same time, the fuller the enlarged lips of a woman, the more she seeks pleasure or tends to scandal in a relationship.

An enlarged upper lip emphasizes a tendency to drama, and an enlarged lower lip speaks of a thirst for pleasure.

Look at the lips of a loved one and find out everything about his character. © Shutterstock

The lips of a loved one can tell you about many traits of his character. Moreover, to tell not only in a literal sense, but according to the laws of physiognomy - the science of reading a person's character by his face.

website advises, take a closer look at the lips of your beloved - their shape will tell you how generous a man will be, whether he can be faithful to you and whether he will obey in family life.

Big lips and wide mouth

Such traits are a sign of a reckless person, prone to rash and spontaneous actions. Although the law is the same for both women and men - the wider the mouth, the better character person. But a mouth that is too large, which does not close tightly, betrays the careless and indecisive character of a man.

The bright red color of the lips gives out a domineering character. Such men usually become good husbands because they are faithful, responsible and fair to people.

Small mouth

A neat small mouth indicates a peaceful character. A person with a small mouth is usually wise and calm. If a man has a small mouth, which, as it were, does not open well, it means that its owner is always busy fighting for existence. And such a mouth can be a sign of a weak character.

A small mouth with thin lips is a sign of a shy character, an indecisive person, unable to take responsibility. But if a small mouth opens wide, it means that a person has wide views and a shy character.

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Thick lips

A lover of luxury and a passionate man will have just thick lips. Such lips, as Chinese physiognomists say, indicate a sensual man capable of big love. Also, these people tend to have a methodical mindset.

Thin lips

Do you want to calculate the eloquent boyfriend? Just thin lips indicate the eloquence of a man, as well as his quick wits and ingenuity in love. But a guy with such lips is prone to arbitrariness, that is, he will not blindly obey a woman.

"Fish Mouth"

A well-defined mouth with corners down, the so-called fish mouth, happens in people with a strong will, unshakable and not amenable to other people's influence. IN critical situation such a man can cope alone, without anyone's help. Sometimes the "fish mouth" happens to inveterate gossips.

Convex or flat, straight or curved

If closed lips fold into a straight line, then their owner is thoughtful, scrupulous, albeit a little petty. Men with such lips are usually at the top of society.

If this line is slightly or strongly curved, this is a sign of great energy and boundless enthusiasm. Rough lip lines indicate resourcefulness and ingenuity.

When you look at a man in profile, you can see if his lips are protruding or retracting. A protruding mouth is inherent in people who are decisive, active, and have a quick mind. A drooping mouth is a sign of a prudent person.

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special lips

Lips that seem to twitch are a sign of a nervous and emotional personality. The upper lip is wide and firm, meaning longevity. And if one lip is much thicker than the other, then this person is prone to slow-wittedness, it is not very easy for him to analyze life situations.

Constantly pursed lips betray a secretive and insincere person. But always a slightly open mouth happens to people with an open character, honest and incapable of tricks.


Lips - "heart". They say that only the most feminine and sensual ladies have such a lip shape. Women with lips folded like a heart are coquettish, charming, but for all that, frivolous and sometimes even treacherous. Men with such a feminine lip shape are usually frivolous and. Owners of lips with a heart love to be in the spotlight, to shine. At the same time, very often they are gentle, do not carry stones in their bosoms, and are ready to help those who need it.

Juicy large lips. Such appetizing lips are characteristic of good-natured people and. Although they are impressionable natures, they are superbly in control of themselves. The owners of large juicy lips, as if pushed forward, are incorrigible optimists and the soul of any company.

A small mouth with small lips. A small mouth and softly contoured, delicate and graceful lips of small size, the presence of a remarkable mind in its owner. At the same time, the owners of short lips and a small mouth are distinguished, according to physiognomists, by a weak character. They are, as a rule, indecisive, unsure of their abilities, constantly looking for approval of their own actions from others.

Large lips and a large mouth. A large mouth and scarlet shiny lips are characteristic of public natures. They are successful, often quite domineering, prone to and greedy at the same time. Their goals are unclear, vague; their plans are rarely brought to completion; their lives are spent in search of pleasure.

Thin and narrow lips. Hard thin lips are evidence of emotional coldness, even callousness of their owner. People with thin lips are stubborn in achieving their goals, prudent, scrupulous natures with a logical mindset. At the same time, they are able to clearly and eloquently argue their point, doing it with great persuasiveness. Very often, a thin mouth with pursed lips, as it were, is evidence of a person's acting talents. To see this, just look at the photos of Clint Eastwood, Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore, as well as many of the "stars" who shone on the screen before the invention of lip augmentation techniques.

Disproportionate lips (larger and fuller upper or lower lip). A pushed forward, more plump upper or lower lip is a sign of vain and frivolous people, who, however, are prone, due to their own indecision, to compromises. But, being cornered by circumstances or when everything is at stake, the owners of disproportionate lips are able to despise all their fears and risk themselves, bravely rush towards dangers. Or opportunities.

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