The new Cabinet of Ministers of Mordovia. Can't cut short

Corresponding decree No. 212-UG on changing the structure of executive bodies state power The RM was signed by the head of the republic Vladimir Volkov.

The leader of the region spoke about the upcoming changes at the 16th session of the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova held on Friday.

IN last years much has been done to make the government in the republic more effective and concrete, and the interaction between its branches, including with federal structures- more productive. However, life does not stand still, - Vladimir Volkov stated. - Yesterday I signed a decree on a new government structure.

In accordance with the document, from now on the number of executive authorities will be reduced by a third - from 30 to 21. There will be 16 ministries, two state committees, two services, as well as a representative office of the republic under the President of the Russian Federation. Two regional ministries - trade and entrepreneurship, as well as energy and tariff policy - will be abolished.

Eight departments will also fall under the reduction: these are three state committees (on transport, as well as on labor and employment, organization of tenders and pricing policy), housing inspection and the Inspectorate for Supervision technical condition self-propelled vehicles, the registry office, the republican archival service and the regional state construction supervision. Their functions will be transferred to the relevant authorities. At the same time, the State Committee for Justice will be transformed into the Ministry of Justice. In addition, the Republican Tariff Service will be created: it will be given powers for state regulation of prices and tariffs, including in the field of electricity, heat and water supply, gas supply and disposal of solid household waste and all kinds passenger traffic citizens.

Previously, three ministries dealt with these issues, - said Vladimir Volkov. - For the organization of tenders and purchases, a republican center for tenders, subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, will be organized. We will also create special service to improve personnel work in the Republic of Moldova.

The head of the Republic of Moldova recalled that in his message to the deputies of the State Assembly, he set the task of reducing the number of employees of government bodies by ten percent this year.

As a result of the implementation of the decree, this task will be completed. The reorganization will make it possible to cut 80 positions, including six state positions and five positions of heads of government bodies, Vladimir Volkov summed up.

By the way

At the session of the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova, the candidacy of the chairman of the government of Mordovia proposed by the head of the republic was approved - Vladimir Sushkov again became it. The posts of First Deputy Prime Ministers were taken by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship Vladimir Mazov and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Vladimir Sidorov. Gennady Komusov, Galina Lotvanova, Alexei Merkushkin, Alexander Sedov, Alexei Simonov, Viktor Tsyganov and Igor Chadov have been approved as vice-premiers - he will head the Ministry of Housing and Utilities, Energy and Civil Protection of the Population of the Republic of Moldova.

Head of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov introduced significant changes in the structure of the regional cabinet of ministers. As a result, the government was reduced by 10%, and some of its members lost their portfolios. A number of heads of regional departments also fell under the “reduction”. Meanwhile, by decision of the Head of the Republic, Vladimir Sushkov remains the Prime Minister of Mordovia, and the Minister of Economy Vladimir Mazov receives not only the status of First Deputy Prime Minister, but also new powers - the body he heads "absorbed" the Ministry of Trade and Entrepreneurship. On September 22, all changes in the bureaucratic world of the region were agreed with the deputies at the regular session of the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova. How the executive power of the region was transformed - in the material of Irina Razina.

The radical change in the structure of the Mordovian government by Vladimir Volkov came as a big surprise to many officials and deputies. “Time does not stand still,” the Head of the Republic of Moldova explained the reasons for such personnel reforms. - Before us there are more and more challenging tasks. Their prompt solution depends on how the representatives of the authorities will act.” Now in Mordovia, instead of 30 ministries and departments, 21 remain. By decision of Vladimir Volkov, the Ministry of Energy and Tariff Policy was abolished - it became part of the new Ministry of Housing, Energy and Civil Protection of the Population. This also includes the functions of the state housing inspectorate. The Ministry of Trade and Entrepreneurship merged with the Ministry of Economy. The Ministry of Social Protection expanded to the Ministry social protection, labor and employment of the population, "absorbing" the labor state committee. The Republican Archival Service was included in the updated Ministry of Culture, national policy, tourism and archives. The abolished State Committee for Transport and State Construction Supervision became part of the renamed Ministry of Construction, Transport and Roads. Gostekhnadzor functions moved to the ministry Agriculture and food. The State Committee for Justice received the status of a ministry and the powers of the abolished republican registry office. Finally, instead of the state committee for the organization of auctions and pricing policy, a republican service for tariffs has been created, which will be subordinate to the Ministry of Finance. “The rest of the ministries and departments have been left unchanged for now, but this does not mean that their structure is frozen,” Vladimir Volkov warned, making it clear that news from this front could still come. "Bodies executive power reduced by 10%,” added the Head of Mordovia. “It wasn’t easy for us.” As a result, 80 officials received the status of unemployed.

At the same session, Vladimir Volkov suggested that the deputies agree on the candidacy of Vladimir Sushkov for the post of prime minister of the region. “I understand the scope and scale of the tasks that the government and I have to solve,” the candidate assured the parliamentarians. “There is experience, knowledge, understanding of problems and a great desire to work in the team of the Head of the Republic.” The deputies had no objections - they voted for Sushkov by an overwhelming majority. And only one objected. “Well, we have as always! Tradition: one against!” - Vladimir Chibirkin, speaker of the State Assembly, sent a “hello” to an unknown oppositionist. Then we moved on to the approval of the vice-premiers. Here without major upheavals. The status of First Deputy Prime Minister was retained by Minister of Agriculture and Food Vladimir Sidorov. Vladimir Mazov, who heads the now renewed Ministry of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship, has risen to the same level. Gennady Komusov, who oversees security issues and the fight against corruption, and Galina Lotvanova, who deals with social policy. At the same time, Igor Chadov not only retained the status of Deputy Prime Minister, but also headed the reformed Ministry of Housing, Energy and Civil Protection of the Population. Minister of Targeted Programs Alexei Merkushkin, Minister of Industry, Science and New Technologies Alexander Sedov, Minister of Finance Alexei Simonov, and head of the renewed Ministry of Construction, Transport and Roads Viktor Tsyganov will continue to serve as deputy prime ministers.

At the same session, the deputies approved a new commissioner for human rights in Mordovia. They became 59-year-old deputy of the Saransk City Council Valery Levin. "Someone started his work biography at a factory or in agriculture, and before serving in the army, Valery Fedorovich worked as a loader for the Mordovian book publishing house, ”Vladimir Volkov presented the candidacy to the people’s deputies. Meanwhile, a native of the Ruzaevsky village of Boldovo, now in the status of a doctor of science, he works as the head of the department of constitutional and administrative law of the Saransk branch of the RANEPA and has the title of "Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Moldova." “He knows people and how to work with them,” the Head of Mordovia argued his choice. The deputies did not object and voted in favor. Valery Levin immediately took the oath, promising to "protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen," and received a certificate of commissioner from the hands of Vladimir Chibirkin. Meanwhile, the session was also attended by the former ombudsman Yuri Yastrebtsev, who served two of the possible five-year terms in this post. “My potential and performance are not exhausted! Please take this into account!” - the 67-year-old ex-commissioner addressed the Head of Mordovia.

On last week at the session of the State Assembly of the Republic of Moldova, the structure of the regional Government was changed. In connection with the election of Vladimir Volkov to the post of Head of Mordovia, the Republican Cabinet of Ministers resigned. And already on September 21, in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Moldova, almost a third of the republican ministries and departments were abolished, and their powers were transferred to other structures.

will remain16 ministries

“In recent years, we have done a lot to make the government in the republic more efficient,” said Vladimir Volkov, Head of the Republic, at the session. - Our successes in this regard are noted by the Government of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development. Based on the results of assessing the effectiveness of the activities of regional executive authorities, Mordovia has been among the leaders in the country for the second year in a row. Today we find complete understanding from the side federal center in solving problems in the republic. This, of course, is the success of the entire regional community; it is based on the high assessment of the activities of the authorities by the people.

But time does not stand still, new, more complex tasks appear. Their effective solution largely depends on how promptly, professionally and competently the heads and officials of ministries and other government agencies executive power.

In order to improve the work, a Decree was issued on introducing changes to the structure of the executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Mordovia. As a result, the number of executive bodies of the republic is reduced by almost a third - from thirty to twenty-one. As a result, there will be 16 ministries, 2 state committees and 2 republican services, as well as the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Mordovia under the President of the Russian Federation.”

All functions of the abolished services, ministries and departments Head of Mordovia Vladimir Volkov ordered to be distributed among the existing authorities. Apparently, the areas of activity will be divided as follows:

l The Ministry of Energy and Tariff Policy for the Republic of Moldova and the State Housing Inspectorate will be included in the structure of the new Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, Energy and Civil Protection of the Population.

l The functions of the Ministry of Trade and Entrepreneurship will be assigned to the Ministry of Economy.

l The State Committee for Transport and Gosstroynadzor will be part of the renamed Ministry of Construction, Transport and Roads. The State Transport Inspectorate will also be attached here.

l State Committee for Labor and Employment of the Population will merge with the Ministry of Social Protection.

l The State Archives will go to the renewed Ministry of Culture, National Policy, Tourism and Archives.

l The abolished Gostekhnadzor will transfer its functions to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

l The State Committee for Justice will receive the status of a ministry and, in addition, the function of a civil registry office.

l The State Committee for the Organization of Bidding and Pricing Policy will be transformed into a republican service for tariffs and will be included in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova. To perform the functions of public bidding and procurement, a state treasury institution " regional center trades".

13 executive authorities will not be affected by the changes. These are the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Target Programs, the Ministry of Industry, Science and New Technologies, the Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Nature Management, the Ministry of Informatization and Communications, the Ministry of Press and Information, the Ministry of Sports and Physical Culture, the State Committee for Youth Affairs , the State Committee for Property and Land Relations of the Republic of Mordovia, the Republican Veterinary Service, and the Permanent Mission in Moscow.

“But this does not mean that the structure of the mentioned ministries will remain frozen,” the head of the republic specified. - They can also change in accordance with the tasks that will be before us. In all ministries and departments, measures should be taken to streamline the structure, tasks and functions. It is necessary to organize the work in such a way that everyone knows the state and prospects for the development of the situation in their area of ​​responsibility. Undoubtedly, the responsibility of managers will be increased and officials for solving problems."

Prime Minister - with experience and knowledge

This year, the Head of Mordovia, Vladimir Volkov, set the task of carrying out a 10% reduction in government bodies. As a result of the reorganization of the Republican Cabinet of Ministers, this task was completed. “It was not easy for us,” admitted Vladimir Volkov. - A total of 80 positions will be reduced, including 6 state positions and 5 positions of heads of executive bodies who are not members of the Government. All this is done to improve public policy in the field of management. A system will be created to educate civil servants of the future, creative and progressive managers. President of Russia Vladimir Putin spoke about this at a recent meeting with elected governors.

“Dear colleagues,” the leader of Mordovia addressed the parliamentarians, “the main creative work is still ahead. I have outlined for myself and my team the main tasks for the next five years. A separate program has been prepared. We all must contribute to it, each in his place must do his job properly and conscientiously. And then we will definitely succeed!”.

Then Vladimir Volkov moved on to nominating candidates. Vladimir Sushkov was nominated for the post of Chairman of the Government of the Republic.

“I am fully aware of the great responsibility that is entrusted to us in the serious work that remains to be done. I have certain experience and knowledge, an understanding of the problems existing in the republic and a vision of ways and means to solve them. There is a great desire to work in a large team of the Head of the Republic, to serve the native Mordovia and benefit people,” said Vladimir Sushkov. Speaking about the current tasks of the Government, he put in the first place the successful completion of the year in all socio-economic indicators and the full implementation of the Government's program actions to implement the Address of the President of the country and the Head of the Republic for 2017. Among the priorities is the completion of the preparation of utilities, energy and other industries for the upcoming autumn-winter period, the completion this year of construction and installation works of all objects of the 2018 World Cup and interconnected objects - the stadium, airport, hotels, training grounds, railway stations Saransk and Ruzaevka, infrastructure facilities of the second stage of the Yubileyny microdistrict.

Perspective tasks - fulfillment of orders and appeals of citizens, primarily related to affordable housing, construction and repair highways, creating a comfortable environment, improving the work of housing and communal services, the implementation of large high-tech projects in the main sectors of the real sector of the economy. And especially the improvement of the quality of life of the population of the republic, including the growth of wages and real incomes.

Vladimir Sushkov also said that he would be guided by the results of a survey of residents of Mordovia, which showed that the first task assigned to the authorities, citizens consider improving the quality of medical services, improving housing services, solving problems in education, increasing wages and incomes, increasing jobs .

By secret ballot, Vladimir Sushkov was approved as Chairman of the Government of Mordovia with one vote against a formally unknown oppositionist. "As always! By tradition - one against," Chairman of the State Assembly Vladimir Chibirkin commented on the voting results.

No surprises

Then the deputies began to approve the candidates for deputy prime ministers. With an enviable unanimity (there were no more votes against), the parliamentarians agreed on the post of First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Moldova - Vladimir Mazov. For the post of First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Moldova - Vladimir Sidorov. Also, Gennady Komusov and Galina Lotvanova were approved as vice-premiers.

Other ministers also retained their posts (some with a noticeable expansion of the scope of activities) - Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance of the Republic of Moldova Alexei Simonov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Targeted Programs of the Republic of Moldova Alexei Merkushkin, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry, Science and New Technologies of the Republic of Moldova Alexander Sedov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Construction, Transport and Roads of the Republic of Moldova Viktor Tsyganov, Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Housing and Communal Services, Energy and Civil Protection of the Republic of Moldova Igor Chadov. The government was formed directly during the parliamentary session. The head of the republic, Vladimir Volkov, immediately signed a decree on the appointment of key executives.

Afterwards, the deputies approved one more appointment - a new candidature of the commissioner for human rights in Mordovia. They were 59-year-old deputy of the Saransk City Council Valery Levin (a native of the Ruzaevsky village of Boldovo, Doctor of Science, works as the head of the department of constitutional and administrative law of the Saransk branch of the RANEPA, has the title of "Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Moldova"). He replaced Yuri Yastrebtsev, who served two terms in this position. During the session, the new ombudsman took the oath, after which he was presented with a certificate.

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The sixteenth session was held today in Saransk State Assembly Republic of Mordovia. On it, besides the current one, a number of issues related to fundamental changes in the executive power of the region were discussed. In accordance with the last elections of the Head of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir Volkov was elected the head of the region. His inauguration took place this week, and Vladimir Dmitrievich officially took office. The government of Mordovia resigned its powers, it was dismissed. On September 21, by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Moldova, the structure of the regional Government was changed. A third of the republican ministries were abolished, and their powers were transferred to other structures

At the beginning of the session of the republican parliament, Vladimir Dmitrievich substantiated the expediency of such a decision. IN Lately much is being done in Mordovia to make the work of the authorities in Mordovia more effective. Now much depends on how promptly, competently, and productively the leaders of local authorities work. Executive power in Mordovia has been reduced by a third, 7 ministries have been reorganized, leaving 16 ministries, 2 state committees and 2 republican services. 10% of the republican apparatus, 80 units of state posts have been reduced. More changes are expected, but this is a matter for the future. Do not think that this is a frozen structure. It is necessary that each structure is aware of its area of ​​responsibility. It is necessary to determine a plan of action for yourself and your subordinates. Everyone must do their part in their place.

The first issues of the session were the coordination of candidates for appointment to the positions of Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, First Deputies and Deputy Prime Ministers of the Republic of Moldova. They were introduced by the Head of the Republic of Moldova. The candidacy of Vladimir Sushkov was submitted for approval to the post of Chairman of the Government of the region. Vladimir Mazov was proposed for approval for the position of First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Moldova, and Vladimir Sidorov - for the position of First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Moldova. Accordingly, other candidates were submitted for approval: Gennady Komusov - for the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Galina Lotvanova - for the post of Deputy Prime Minister, Alexei Merkushkin - for the post of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Targeted Programs of the Republic of Moldova, Alexander Sedov - for the post of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry, Science and New Technologies of the Republic of Moldova, Alexei Simonov - for the position of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance of the Republic of Moldova, Viktor Tsyganov - for the position of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Construction, Transport and Roads of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Chadov - for the position of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Housing and Communal Services, Energy and Civil Protection of the Population.

All applicants spoke to the deputies of the parliament, told about what had been done, about the tasks that have yet to be solved, about understanding the current situation in the republic. The plans of Vladimir Sushkov include the successful completion of the current year, the fulfillment of the tasks noted in the Addresses of the President of Russia and the Head of the Republic of Moldova, preparation for the autumn-winter period, the commissioning of facilities dedicated to the World Cup: a stadium, an airport, hotels, the second residential area of ​​the Yubileyny microdistrict . By the way, a survey was conducted among the inhabitants of the republic, and the first task assigned to the authorities was to improve the quality of medical services, then came housing services, education problems, wage and income growth, and an increase in jobs.

The deputies spoke, who are quite well acquainted with the presented candidates by joint work, talked about them and offered to support the submitted candidates. Parliamentarians supported. The government was created directly at the session. The head immediately signed a decree on the appointment of key executives.

Another appointment took place at the session - a question submitted by the Head of the Republic of Moldova. It was about the commissioner for human rights in the Republic of Moldova. It should be recalled that the institution of ombudsmen in our republic arose ten years ago, in 2007. All this time - 2 terms in a row, the post of commissioner was held by Yuri Yastrebtsev, an experienced lawyer with experience in law enforcement agencies. But this post cannot be held for more than two terms. Yuri Alekseevich Yastrebtsev was thanked for the work done, and a candidate for the position of Commissioner for Human Rights was proposed - Valery Levin, Doctor of Law, a great professional, for a long time head of the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev. His candidacy was approved by the Commissioner for Human Rights of Russia. Valery Levin immediately takes the oath and takes office.

More familiar questions awaited the deputies of the Mordovian parliament. For example, changes to the republican budget for 2017. They became possible in connection with the additional allocation of interbudgetary transfers to our republic. The total amount of gratuitous receipts for 2017 was increased by 87 million rubles. As a result, taking into account the proposed changes, the revenue part of the republican budget was approved in the amount of 43.2 billion rubles, and the expenditure part - in the amount of 45.5 billion rubles.


The sixteenth session of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mordovia took place today in Saransk. On it, besides the current one, a number of issues related to fundamental changes in the executive power of the region were discussed. In accordance with the last elections of the Head of the Republic of Moldova, Vladimir Volkov was elected the head of the region. His inauguration took place this week, and Vladimir Dmitrievich officially took office. The government of Mordovia resigned its powers, it was dismissed. On September 21, by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Moldova, the structure of the regional Government was changed. A third of the republican ministries were abolished, and their powers were transferred to other structures

At the beginning of the session of the republican parliament, Vladimir Dmitrievich substantiated the expediency of such a decision. Recently, much has been done in Mordovia to make the work of the authorities in Mordovia more effective. Now much depends on how promptly, competently, and productively the leaders of local authorities work. Executive power in Mordovia has been reduced by a third, 7 ministries have been reorganized, leaving 16 ministries, 2 state committees and 2 republican services. 10% of the republican apparatus, 80 units of state posts have been reduced. More changes are expected, but this is a matter for the future. Do not think that this is a frozen structure. It is necessary that each structure is aware of its area of ​​responsibility. It is necessary to determine a plan of action for yourself and your subordinates. Everyone must do their part in their place.

The first issues of the session were the coordination of candidates for appointment to the positions of Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, First Deputies and Deputy Prime Ministers of the Republic of Moldova. They were introduced by the Head of the Republic of Moldova. The candidacy of Vladimir Sushkov was submitted for approval to the post of Chairman of the Government of the region. Vladimir Mazov was proposed for approval for the position of First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Economy, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Republic of Moldova, and Vladimir Sidorov - for the position of First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Moldova. Accordingly, other candidates were submitted for approval: Gennady Komusov - for the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Galina Lotvanova - for the post of Deputy Prime Minister, Alexei Merkushkin - for the post of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Targeted Programs of the Republic of Moldova, Alexander Sedov - for the post of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry, Science and New Technologies of the Republic of Moldova, Alexei Simonov - for the position of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance of the Republic of Moldova, Viktor Tsyganov - for the position of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Construction, Transport and Roads of the Republic of Moldova, Igor Chadov - for the position of Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Housing and Communal Services, Energy and Civil Protection of the Population.

All applicants spoke to the deputies of the parliament, told about what had been done, about the tasks that have yet to be solved, about understanding the current situation in the republic. The plans of Vladimir Sushkov include the successful completion of the current year, the fulfillment of the tasks noted in the Addresses of the President of Russia and the Head of the Republic of Moldova, preparation for the autumn-winter period, the commissioning of facilities dedicated to the World Cup: a stadium, an airport, hotels, the second residential area of ​​the microdistrict "Yubileiny" . By the way, a survey was conducted among the inhabitants of the republic, and the first task assigned to the authorities was to improve the quality of medical services, then came housing services, education problems, wage and income growth, and an increase in jobs.

The deputies, who are quite well acquainted with the presented candidates for joint work, spoke about them and offered to support the presented candidacies. Parliamentarians supported. The government was created directly at the session. The head immediately signed a decree on the appointment of key executives.

Another appointment took place at the session - a question submitted by the Head of the Republic of Moldova. It was about the commissioner for human rights in the Republic of Moldova. It should be recalled that the institution of ombudsmen in our republic arose ten years ago, in 2007. All this time - 2 terms in a row, the post of commissioner was held by Yuri Yastrebtsev, an experienced lawyer with experience in law enforcement agencies. But this post cannot be held for more than two terms. Yuri Alekseevich Yastrebtsev was thanked for the work done, and a candidate was proposed for the position of Commissioner for Human Rights - Valery Levin, Doctor of Law, a great professional, who for a long time headed the law faculty of Moscow State University named after N.P. Ogarev. His candidacy was approved by the Commissioner for Human Rights of Russia. Valery Levin immediately takes the oath and takes office.

More familiar questions awaited the deputies of the Mordovian parliament. For example, changes to the republican budget for 2017. They became possible in connection with the additional allocation of interbudgetary transfers to our republic. The total amount of gratuitous receipts for 2017 was increased by 87 million rubles. As a result, taking into account the proposed changes, the revenue part of the republican budget was approved in the amount of 43.2 billion rubles, and the expenditure part - in the amount of 45.5 billion rubles.

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