When not to go on a long journey. Folk signs and superstitions on the road

The sign about rain on the road is quite common, but still many people are confused in its interpretation. For a correct interpretation, it is important to consider at what point in the journey you were caught by bad weather and other significant details.

Rain on the road - is this a good sign?

If on the road it's raining- most often it is favorable. This is especially true of short-term warm showers. Do not be afraid to leave the house when there is a knocking outside the window with might and main rain drops is a sign that the journey will be successful. To further believe in the successful outcome of the event, wet your hand in the rain or catch a few drops on your tongue. A little worse, if bad weather is accompanied by thunder and lightning, you are warned of upcoming difficulties along the way. But you shouldn’t worry too much, it’s possible that everything will end with wet feet and a small cold. Very bad sign, if during your journey you see lightning strike a tree or structure. In this case, you should think carefully and turn back or interrupt the trip for a while. The sign portends you an injury, serious financial losses, and even. It is also a bad omen when the rain does not subside for several days - this is a sign that you have had some kind of trouble at home and you better go back.

If the rain passed in front of the road - why this sign?

It is also possible to interpret the fact in different ways when the rain disrupts your plans and starts just before leaving the house. If the downpour passed quickly, was heavy, but left behind the smell of ozone, bright sun and a rainbow - you should rejoice, because an easy and pleasant road awaits you. The water washed away all the negativity, which means you can certainly get real pleasure from traveling. If bad weather broke out the day before departure, this is a warning that the trip should be postponed a little.

Man is always on the road. And life itself is nothing but a path. It is not for nothing that the beginning of any journey, and even more so leaving your home for a long time, has always been perceived as a serious and responsible enterprise. The road, the tolls are overgrown with beliefs. That's just a few clues on the road.

Before heading out, check the calendar. Not all days are favorable for starting any business. Not every day, according to folk signs, it is worth going on the road. Unfavorable for this is Monday. Don't do it on Friday. But if you really need to go, keep in mind that it’s good to leave in the rain.

When leaving the house, do not look back and do not wave your hand so as not to “smack” trouble.

It is not good to return halfway, it is better to somehow manage without a forgotten thing. If this thing is still necessary, then when you return, sit down and count to ten or look in the mirror, otherwise the road will be unsuccessful.

Do not say goodbye and do not say hello on the threshold - to a quarrel. Do not sew anything on the road, otherwise you will not see good luck! As you travel, don't look back. The mourners should also not look after the departing person until he disappears in the distance - you may never see him again.

In addition, going on the road, you should remember some signs. You can’t swim or wash your hair before the road - by doing this you deprive yourself of a part vital energy so needed on the go! Do not sweep or mop the floor before someone close to you leaves - you will sweep, wash it off forever! You can clean the traveler's house no earlier than he arrives at his destination, if the road is long - only after 3 days. If the traveler himself cleans up the house before his departure, his road will be easy and “clean”.

Meet on the road a janitor with a broom - good luck, but you need to bow to him three times; a person with a full capacity (not necessarily with a bucket - with a can, jar, basket) - good luck, good news; and with empty - vice versa.

A wedding on the way promises failure, but if you pat yourself on your pockets, in which there is at least some money - to profit.

The woman who met the first on the way - to failure (the omen can be turned into a good one if the unwitting culprit is slightly unfastened with a twig), and if a man meets - on the contrary, the road will be easy.

Crushing a holly berry along the way is a failure. And in general, you need to carefully look under your feet, do not pick up other people's things that you meet, especially if it is a knife or a cross!

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The practice of “sit on the path” has not lost its relevance and importance, so as not to encounter obstacles along the way. They sit down literally for a minute or two, sit silently, and then get up and always say: "With God blessing!"

Just before leaving the house, you need to hold on to the edge of the table. The table symbolizes the native shelter, and thus the connection with it is maintained. Sometimes they also kissed the edge of the table, asking for blessings from their home on the way.

To make the journey successful, they used to take dry wormwood on the road, which, it was believed, protects from evil spirits. Modern magicians add that other plants can be used as the same amulet: dill, oregano, violet, thyme, cumin, mint.

Before a long journey, it is not recommended to wash your hair so that trouble does not happen. concentrated in the hair great power, which is very necessary on a journey, and soapy water washes away this force, and individual hairs remain in the bath or on the comb, and with them - a share of vitality. It is better to wash your hair a couple of days before departure.

When setting off and traveling, one should not step over the threshold with the left foot, so as not to be under the influence of evil forces. Returning halfway is also very bad. If you still need to do this, be sure to look at yourself in the mirror and show your tongue to your own reflection - in this way you will scare away the evil spirits that made you return.

On the day of departure, none of the traveler's relatives should wash the floor and sweep - there is a great danger of sweeping the road for the departing person and making it extremely dangerous.

And on the day of departure, you don’t need to sew anything up - there will be no luck. By the way, this sign belongs to the category of often come true.

Don't let your keys fall before you leave the house. This will lead to failure. If suddenly, just before leaving, someone from the household brings a thing you have forgotten, there will also be no luck on the road.

On the road, try to bypass all the sticks and other objects that are lying around and in no case step over them - otherwise there is a risk of encountering various obstacles. And on the way it is better not to pick up anything, especially coins or sharp objects.

If on the way you meet a friend who asks where you are going, the most correct answer is: "On the Kudykin mountain." Previously, such an answer was not considered rude, but was a special magical excuse. The fact is that, having learned your plans, a person can jinx you, even unwittingly. Nowadays, you can replace " kudykiny mountains» more relevant and neutral wording - "on business".

Advice to the mourners - if you want the person to return faster, then, when leaving the station, be sure to turn around and look after the person leaving.

Signs on the road

There are a lot of road signs that can be useful to travelers - they will make them cautious and attentive on the way. Such signs are signs that fate sends, warning of danger and problems along the way.

  • For example, to see on the way an earthworm crawling across the street - good sign. He promises success in the proposed business and good news.
  • But if the first person you see when you leave the house is an elderly woman or a priest, you won’t see good luck on the road. In this case, you need to fold the fig in your pocket to neutralize the trouble.
  • We noticed a coin on the road, fortunately, and if a nail or a button - to trouble and even trouble. It is also considered unfortunate to lose a glove on the road.
  • To meet a person with a full bucket, bag or package on the way - the road will be fruitful and successful, but if with something empty, then the road will turn out to be empty, useless.
  • To meet someone immediately on the threshold or porch is a bad omen and prophesies an unsuccessful road.
  • If it suddenly started to rain - rejoice. This sign promises that your journey will be successful.

Conspiracies for a safe and successful road

We also bring to your attention several special road conspiracies aimed at ensuring that the road is safe and successful. As a rule, these conspiracies are read before leaving the house.

  1. Before leaving, you need to throw a few coins to the side and say: “All traces, all misfortunes, everything is left behind, and to me, the servant of God (name), is a happy road.”
  2. This plot is read three times before exiting: “I will stand, blessed, go, cross myself, meet two angels. The Lord is on the way, Nicholas the Wonderworker, shine the way. Amen".
  3. And you can turn to your guardian angel: “My angel, come with me, go ahead, show the servant of God (name) the way and remove all enemies from the road.”

If you see that there are some obstacles and obstacles along the way, sudden delays, then you should stop and think carefully about whether you need to go to the intended place, whether you forgot to take anything with you, whether you thought out the way well. It is possible that all annoying misunderstandings on the way - these are warning signs of fate.

In Rus', at all times, a person who sets out on a long journey has faced considerable dangers and various surprises.

Therefore, in order to protect himself as much as possible, he paid attention to signs, many of which had magical meaning. As practice shows, even in the current "enlightened age" these signs have not lost their significance.

In order for the path to be successful, before a long journey you need to sit down and be silent. And standing up, say: "With God." In the old days, this was done so that the departing person and those who were seeing him off could all together mentally ask God for good luck in the upcoming journey. Nowadays, this custom helps to focus and check again if a person has forgotten something important.

Before a long journey, when you are ready to leave the house, you need to hold on to the corner of the table. Previously, the dining table was considered a symbol of the home. Therefore, going on a journey, a person kissed the edge of the table, asking the house for blessings for good luck on the road and a safe return. Later, this rite was limited only to touching the table.

If you are going on a long trip and suddenly it starts to rain, it promises good luck. In pagan times, rain was perceived as heavenly milk, feeding the earth and everything growing on it. Later, it was believed that rain is divine water that washes away all sins, illnesses and sorrows. Hence the belief was born: if at the time of departure it started to rain, it means that God favors the wanderer.

So that an accident does not happen on the road: the mourners need to splash water after the departing person.

When you go on business and someone asks you: “Where are you going?”, you need to answer: “For the Kudykin mountains.” It's not rude at all. In the old days, people believed that if your plans were known to another, he could jinx you and prevent their implementation. To prevent this from happening, you need to return the “unlucky” word “where” to the questioner, keeping the upcoming path a secret.

Before a long journey, you can not wash your hair. Otherwise, you will invite trouble. Once upon a time, people believed that the life force contained in the hair, which is very necessary for a person on a long journey. And after washing the head, part of the hair remains in the water, part - on the comb, and with them his life force. However, this belief also has a purely everyday explanation: if the hair does not have time to dry, it is easy to catch a cold on the road. But psychics claim that hair is antennas that help a person receive important information from the surrounding world. Wet hair loses this ability until it dries.

If you want to see the person leaving as soon as possible, then, when leaving the station, be sure to turn around after him.

If you really want to return to some place, you need to throw a coin into the nearest body of water. It was believed that water was of heavenly origin, having been sent down to earth by God. A coin thrown into it meant a request to the almighty deity not to interfere with the return of a person. Nowadays, this custom is followed by many of those who have a rest by the sea and visit foreign cities, where tourists leave hundreds of kilograms of coins in fountains.

If you forgot something and because of this you returned halfway, before leaving the house again, look at yourself in the mirror and show your tongue. This magical omen, widespread today, comes from the fact that the evil spirit made a person forget the right thing. To scare her, you need to look in the mirror, because at that moment she will look out from behind her left shoulder.

To meet a man first in the morning - to good luck, a woman - to failure. It was believed that a woman, especially an old one, can jinx you much more often than a man who is busy with his own affairs and does not pay attention to others.

To make the path safe, you need to take wormwood with you. Previously, people believed that wormwood protects from the evil eye, and its pungent smell has a cleansing effect, as it repels evil spirit. For the same purpose, other plants with a pungent odor are also used: dill, oregano, violet, mint, cumin, thyme. And all of them, as experience shows, really have the ability to scare away evil spirits.

If you step over the threshold with your left foot, there will be no way. This belief is based on the fact that behind a person’s left shoulder there is a devil-tempter who will follow him if he steps over the threshold with his left foot. Behind the right shoulder is a guardian angel. He will not allow the unclean to slip out after the person if he steps with his right foot. The ancient roots of this belief are connected with the fact that when a person prayed to the rising sun in the morning, the cold north, that is, evil forces, was to his left, and the warm south, the forces of good, was to his right.

On the day of departure of someone close, do not sweep or mop the floor, so as not to block his way home.

Finding a nail or anything sharp on the road is in trouble. When a person wants to protect himself from the evil eye, he throws a charmed nail, knife or something sharp where the alleged enemy walks, warding off damage from himself. When such an object is found by an unsuspecting traveler, it can become an accidental victim. Therefore, it is better not to pick up anything along the way.

Beware if someone is following in your footsteps. To avoid trouble, 60 you need to stop and let this person go ahead. Since ancient times, it was believed that the trace and shadow of a person have magic power. According to the trace left, one can not only find out the innermost secrets of the past, but also, following the trail of a person, bring damage to him. In addition, when someone's footprints are deliberately trampled, that person's life force is taken away. And, by the way, the most common conspiracy is a conspiracy on the trail.

Signs and signs on the road.

If you correctly interpret the signs that fate sends us literally on the doorstep of the house, then many problems can be avoided.

Before leaving the house, you can’t sew anything up - there will be no luck. You also need to sit down so as not to encounter obstacles along the way.

If, upon leaving the house, you are immediately faced with old woman or meet a minister of the church coming towards you - you will not see success in the proposed business.

If a friend meets you along the way and asks where you are going, then it’s better not to answer him, or say: “On business.”

To see an earthworm crawling across the road means you will see or hear something unusual and interesting that day.

You can not step over a stick lying on the road or any other object, otherwise the road will be with obstacles.

If you step over a burnt log, you can get gynecological diseases. If you stepped over the hat, then you or the owner of the hat will have a headache. And if through a fishing rod, then fish will no longer be caught on it.

To find a nail on the road - to trouble, a button - to trouble, a coin - to happiness. Pick up a handkerchief - to tears.

Losing a glove on the road is unfortunately.

If you forget something at a party and return for this thing, you will soon meet with the hosts again.

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