The smartest parrot. Your bird is smarter than you think

Parrots are chosen as pets for their cheerful, mischievous, restless disposition, ability to learn speech and tricks. By purchasing a parrot, you get not only a bright exotic bird, but a full-fledged family member who can socialize and communicate with you. However, the intellectual ability different types parrots vary, so if you want to get a really smart pet, you will be interested to know which of these birds is considered the smartest.

The smartest parrots

Next, 6 varieties of birds from the Parrot family are considered, which really have outstanding intellectual abilities and a talent for learning. They will be able not only to memorize a few dozen words, but also to analyze them, skillfully applying them in everyday life. Understanding what this or that breed is capable of, it will be easier for you to make the right choice.

Important! Representatives of large breeds have the most outstanding communication skills and intelligence, so when choosing, you need to focus on them.


The gray African parrot, or Jaco, rightfully takes first place in the ranking. Jaco is recognized as the most talented and intelligent among parrots for the ability not only to memorize and reproduce human speech, but also to associate words with the objects that they denote.
They can even understand the concept of shape, serial number, color. It is believed that the most gifted representatives of the species can memorize up to one and a half thousand words. Under natural conditions, Jacos constantly copy the sounds around them - various screams, whistles, squeals and clicks that other animal species make.

Did you know?A gray parrot named Alex (1976-2007) was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most intelligent of the parrots. He learned about 150 words, 7 colors, 5 types of shapes. The researchers claim that the parrot understood what he was talking about, and 80% of his answers in the course of the studies were logically sound.

In captivity, the bird will also obey instinct and repeat everything it hears: intercom sounds, calls mobile phone, hum washing machine, door creak. The pet will also imitate the emotions of the owners: joy, irritability, and so on.

Get ready for the fact that the bird will constantly create a sound background of different volumes, will often try to shout over the TV, interfere with your telephone conversation. Sometimes the owners of the Jaco joke that it is more difficult to silence this bird than to speak. A well-trained Gray may even become a teacher for another species of parrot.
It is necessary to train a pet every day for several minutes. Words to remember should be appropriate to the situation and be spoken with emotion. The advantage of this bird is that even in the absence of special conversational training, the bird will still sooner or later begin to communicate with you.

Jaco can be described as independent, wayward, self-confident birds and even a little self-centered, as well as very social and jealous. They are strongly attached to family members and require a lot of attention, endless patience and strength from the owner.

It is very important to buy a feathered one at an early age (up to 4 months) or an adult well-bred pet. If you are unlucky enough to buy a bird caught in adulthood and brought illegally, it can be extremely difficult to find an approach to it - detachment, isolation and even aggression are possible on its part. Therefore, you need to buy these birds in nurseries.


Indefatigable merry fellows with an endless supply of energy, optimism, cheerfulness and artistry - this is how you can characterize the second parrot from our rating, cockatoo. In addition to high intelligence, parrots have an excellent sense of rhythm, due to which they love to sing and dance.

They can learn a couple of dozen phrases and words, they begin to speak very quickly, they are extremely sociable by nature. But this feature also has a downside - birds require human attention so much that they can be very intrusive.
Speech training should be carried out daily, in short lessons of 10 minutes in the morning and evening. A couple of times a week (on weekends) you can work with a parrot for longer, up to half an hour. The bird has a strong innate curiosity, loves to explore the world, in most cases tactile (beak, claws).

In order not to let the cockatoo get bored, it must be provided with a sufficient number of toys, puzzles, a mirror - during your absence, the bird will talk to its reflection. However, leaving a parrot alone for a long time is highly discouraged, since even a day without communication with the flock (with its owner) will be a severe stress for the pet.

Important!It has been proven that learningbetter goes with women and children, since high voices are perceived by parrots better than lower ones.


These parrots are the most major representatives families, possess extraordinary beauty and equally outstanding intellectual abilities.
The success of training will directly depend on the age of the bird and your attitude towards it: if you take a young pet, treat it with patience and care, pay a lot of attention, it will begin to communicate quite easily and quickly.

But with the manifestation of cruelty or indifference, the pet may respond with counter aggression, and in some cases even become dangerous. The macaw's communication skills are somewhat lower than those of the two previous species, but experts often compare its intelligence with that of cats and small dogs.

There are gifted representatives of the breed who are able to remember 50-100 words and a few sentences, as well as learn funny tricks. Therefore, it is very important to observe the parrot before buying and study its character, habits and willingness to make contact.

Having once accepted its owner, the parrot shows strong affection for him, but shows distrust and hostility towards other family members.
With regular training and an attentive, affectionate attitude, macaws can be taught very interesting things:

  • eat with a spoon
  • pretend to be dead
  • play hide and seek and ball,
  • climb a rope
  • roll a miniature cart,
  • and even ride roller skates designed specifically for birds!


These parrots are ranked fourth in terms of intelligence, but their onomatopoeic abilities are truly outstanding. In addition to imitating animal sounds, musical instruments, human words and songs, they can also be taught simple tricks.

Amazons are relatively well tamed, easily make contact, show their talents without hesitation even in front of a large audience. Amazons can memorize up to a hundred words.
Training should be carried out daily 3-4 times, at the same time (preferably before feeding), the duration of one lesson is within 40 minutes. Silence should be ensured in the room as much as possible during the session. After completing the parrot, you need to praise, give a treat and scratch your head.

It is believed that male Amazons are more capable of onomatopoeia, although females can be very capable learners. When training, get ready for the fact that the bird will remember the first words with difficulty, but when the first ten words have already been learned, further training will become much easier and more effective.

Important! Amazons are especially active in their conversational skills in the early morning and evening. When buying a pet, you need to be prepared to wake up to the sounds of a barking dog, violin or siren, which the bird loves to imitate so much.


The monk parakeet (quaker or kalita) takes an honorable fifth place in the ranking of the most intelligent birds. Like his other relatives, he is curious, energetic, smart.
With constant training, patience, effort and positive reinforcement of the results, he can learn to reproduce human speech, as well as perform tricks.

The monks perfectly adapt to the conditions of captivity and quickly become attached to the owner. Can easily learn a dozen words and phrases. However, before buying this species, you should definitely listen to its voice: for many, the cries of a monk's parrot are very sharp, hoarse and loud, almost unbearable, while for others they are comparable to the gentle chirping of birds.

The advantage of this species is in the completely non-conflict, friendly and peaceful nature of these birds. They easily get used to all family members, quickly learn names, get along well with other pets.


Separately, it is worth mentioning the kea parrots, which, although they are not domestic, have very high intellectual abilities. This bird can be called unceremonious, overly curious and even arrogant.
In the homeland of kea parrots, in New Zealand, they have earned a very bad reputation due to their excessive curiosity, the need to actively explore the world around them (including the contents of cars, houses, garbage cans and landfills), and also because of the huge harm caused by parrots to livestock and agriculture. au pair.

That is why the birds for a long time were shot, as a result, their numbers catastrophically decreased. In 1970, the extermination of kea was banned, and now the birds are listed in the International Red Book.

Did you know?Kea parrots are excellent predators. In exceptional cases, experienced and strong birds can attack sheep, as they love to feast on sheep fat. The bird bites into the back of the sheep's body, and if the animal takes flight, the parrot pursues it to the point of complete exhaustion. After the death of a sheep, the whole flock flocks to feast on a fresh carcass.

But it is a great pleasure for tourists to watch inventive birds, which is why they were even nicknamed “mountain clowns” (this species lives at an altitude of 1500 m).

Budgerigar: smart or not

Many are interested in the intellectual abilities of the budgerigar - a very popular feathered pet. Different individuals will have different intelligence and abilities, but in general, all representatives of this species have a good memory.

Unlike larger counterparts, the budgerigar behaves less aggressively, it is much more calm, friendly and affectionate. His speaking skills and onomatopoeia are very well developed.

It was the feathered of this breed named Pak that got into the Guinness Book of Records as a parrot with the largest vocabulary of 1728 words, which corresponds to the full vocabulary of a 5-year-old baby and far exceeds the average number of words used by a person in everyday speech.

It is also worth noting that budgerigars are among the five most talkative types of parrots. However, the pet is unlikely to communicate meaningfully with you - several dozen learned words and phrases will most likely be pronounced without a logical justification.
Speaking lessons are more successful with young males - teaching females to speak will be much more difficult, as well as adult non-speaking individuals. Thus, parrots are not just beautiful chirping birds, but smart, intellectually developed birds, whose ingenuity is sometimes comparable even to the abilities of a chimpanzee.

All this makes them full-fledged family members who will need high-quality communication and spending time together.

When planning to have a feathered friend at home, you need to think about who to choose from all the representatives. bird world because there are so many of them, and each one is remarkable for something. If there are children in the house, then most often the choice is made towards parrots. This is not accidental, because it is precisely these birds that have very high intelligence and can learn human language in a way that no bird has ever done so well as a parrot. Representatives of these birds are the most diverse in color, size and other characteristics, but each of them is somewhat unique.

Since parrots are very intelligent birds, it will be interesting to determine which species is the most intelligent.

The best

The smartest parrot to date is Pak. This parrot is the most intelligent of all existing ones, because he did not just memorize words mechanically, he was also able to comprehend them, truly understand them. The vocabulary of this feathered friend is one thousand seven hundred twenty-eight words. Puck didn't just say single words or phrases like most parrots, he put them together correct sequence and in meaning, so that sentences of different meanings and volumes were obtained. Pak was a member of the budgerigars and lived in the Americas. It was this parrot that was entered into the Guinness Book of Records, due to its intelligence and quick wit.

What are the smartest breeds out there?

It has been scientifically proven that large parrots are the smartest.

The Amazon breed has more than twenty species, the most popular are: blue-fronted, Cuban and Venezuelan parrots. These representatives of birds have a very beautiful and bright appearance. Another advantage is their intelligence and trainability. The Amazon breed has a unique ability to memorize a large number words, with this quality they are ahead of almost everyone. In addition, these birds speak with very clear diction. The disadvantage is the poor transmission of timbre and intonation. These birds have a pleasant character, fit well into any family and adapt. They are very good with children, so you can't go wrong with this species.

What parrots can compete with the Amazons? First of all, this is Kakadu. These birds have a very cheerful disposition, and will always give their master joy and fun. Their ability to talk appears early enough, they manage to memorize quite a few words, speak them correctly and clearly, and even repeat intonation after people. Another feature of this species is the ability to sing, Kakadu can hum melodies and, in addition, they feel the rhythm of the music well. These parrots love their owners, always and everywhere with them in the home. Such attention is very pleasant, although it can be too intrusive. The cockatoo is an original bird, it is very demanding of human attention, and cannot live without it, all its enthusiasm and positiveness disappears if it is ignored for a long time, this can lead to lingering sadness and melancholy, and even illness. Kakadu, this is undoubtedly the most smart parrots, but other than that, they have the lightest and most positive character, which distinguishes it from other birds.

The next parrot will be Aru, this species of birds is considered the most developed in terms of communication and conversation. This bird does not have a large set of words, there are about twenty of them, but she speaks them very clearly and correctly, but the main thing is that speaking is meaningful. Representatives of the Ara breed are able to understand a person and say what they think about this. These are not memorized phrases, not guessing, but a conscious perception of information and a full-fledged answer. In addition to such magnificent speech skills, Macaws also look great, they are bright, colorful and just very beautiful. These parrots are comfortable to keep, they are quiet, do not fuss, and are quite careful. This parrot has no drawbacks, but the price for it is quite high, and not everyone can buy it.

The next smart parrot to be discussed will be Jaco, or a gray parrot. Outwardly, this bird is not catchy, not noticeable at all, but is the smartest of all parrots. Jaco's vocabulary can contain about a hundred phrases, small sentences and words. This parrot manages to clearly imitate the intonation of a person, his timbre. This parrot also sings beautifully, he can remember a large arsenal of songs and skillfully sing and sing along with him. Despite all the pluses, Jaco also has some minuses, namely his character. This bird is touchy, sometimes vindictive and noisy, it loudly declares that it is in bad mood. In order to make friends with this feathered one, it is important to choose the right key to the parrot's character traits. This feathered friend is also in the Guinness Book of Records. The name of the parrot was Alex, he knew all the colors, listing them without errors, counted, and said what shape the object was in front of him. This unique parrot could even read in syllables. The bird understood how letters and numbers are written. Mental development Alexa was equated with a five-year-old child, and emotional development corresponded to a two-year-old child. Such indicators are very significant, but scientists say that this is not the limit.

The next parrot whose intelligence level is high will be the budgerigar. These birds have their characteristics. Males love to talk, but females, on the contrary, are silent, although everyone understands. The pronunciation of human speech in budgerigars is not clear, it is avian, although these birds know quite a lot of words. The vocabulary of this species can reach up to one hundred and fifty words. Despite the fact that the pronunciation is not clear, but the imitation of intonation they get is wonderful. The budgerigar can sing a tune, or even chirp like another bird, imitating it.


Another type of smart parrot is Corella. These birds have an original appearance. Their body is not too bright and not colorful, in contrast to the head, on which there are bright spots, and on the most naked one there is also a crest. This species loves to communicate. The parrot does not know too many words, but pronounces them more clearly. But even despite this, the bird sound is still very audible, if the presence of chirping and overtones during speech. But these birds can sing and hum melodies. This type of parrot belongs to those who do not understand what they are talking about, and if they understand, but do not answer what is needed, they answer with any set of words or phrases. Thus, it can be noted that Korella clearly has a mechanical memorization of words and phrases, but without comprehending them, in view of this, they are clearly inferior in intelligence to the previously listed individuals of the bird world.

The next parrot to mention is Rosella. These birds can take root in any family, even if they often change owners. Birds are easy to keep, caring for them is not difficult. The Rosellas speak little, they remember about ten words, no more. It is difficult for a person to imitate them, but they rehash the birds simply amazingly. This parrot can even imitate the sounds of nature. The parrot remembers the name of him and the owner, these are the words that most often sound from his beak. If there are already other birds or parrots of other species in the house, then it is better not to plant Rosella with them, because she does not like such a neighborhood. This parrot behaves aggressively with those he does not like. If these parrots live with representatives of their own species, then everything is quiet and calm with them. Pale-headed, yellow-cheeked, motley, black-headed, yellow-bellied Rosella is considered popular.

Thus, we can summarize that large breed parrots are the smartest, each of the species differs in some way. characteristic features that make it stand out from the mainstream. When choosing a parrot, you should look at the goals and objectives for which the bird is bought, it is precisely because of them that you can choose the right parrot. Working with a feathered friend, you can expand the accepted framework and add your parrot to the Guinness book as the smartest.

A bird in a cage is a symbol of captivity. But not all birds perceive such a neighborhood with a person in this way. Many keep canaries at home, wonderful singers who prefer solitude. Popular as pets and finches. These birds are unpretentious and quickly become tame. But out of competition, of course, parrots. What are the smartest parrots? This is what we will try to find out.

Mind or beauty?

What are the most intelligent and talkative parrots called? If you are attracted by beauty, brightness, then take a closer look at aratingas. They do not shine with intelligence, but they are beautiful and quickly get used to their owners. Just keep in mind that if you are a quiet person, their loud voice will soon become annoying. Don't be afraid big birds, start an ara. Very bright, with a powerful beak. In handling such a pet, caution will not hurt. Amazons are much smaller, affectionate and more sociable. Plus, they never mind talking. These parrots are easy to train, and in the event of a move, they will quickly get used to a new habitat. If you need a feathered companion for life, check out the cockatoo. With good care, he will live with you for decades. Cockatoo is an intellectual, and besides, it can be capricious, so do not be lazy to educate him. The more you talk to him, the more words he will remember, and on occasion he will be able to amuse the guests. But if intelligence is the main thing that interests you in a parrot, you need a gray.

Talented "smuggler"

This parrot is a talent. There is such a genre on the stage - sound imitation. So, the smartest parrot (breed - Zhako) here can compete with any artist. He is able to remember up to one and a half thousand words, not counting other sounds. One of them became known to the whole world for making sentences in different languages. Others were seen singing songs that were often played around the house. Such abilities did not play the most positive role in the fate of this species of parrots. Despite the rather nondescript appearance, this is perhaps the most popular parrot for keeping in captivity. This led to a decrease in the population in nature. Now it is possible to trade Jacos taken from their natural habitat only with a special permit. In Russia, there are few people who would professionally breed them, so most parrots are smuggled to us.

Raising a parrot

The smartest parrots in the world don't just mindlessly repeat the sounds they hear. Studies have shown that they can understand what subject in question, distinguish colors, shapes and even serial numbers. In nature, you will immediately realize that you are approaching their flock. Whistling, screaming and squealing can be heard from afar. At home, a phone call or an alarm clock can be added to this. This will have to be put up with. Try not to show next to Jaco that you are in a bad mood, annoyed or offended. The parrot will copy your behavior. This is the element of education. They need to do it right away.

Lovely family man

For some reason, it is believed that Jaco is a loner. But if you leave it to yourself, it will not lead to anything good. The parrot may even become depressed. To avoid this, he needs to provide a sufficiently large cage, and regularly "walk". It is advisable to equip a space for your pet that he could consider his own. Ropes, some wooden objects, things to play with. And one more thing: from time to time, a parrot needs to “spread its feathers”, that is, at least a little fly. They are very sociable in nature. In addition, Jaco is a wonderful family man. But if you regularly work with him, you don’t need to start a couple. He will be quite enough human communication. And for the owner, such a bird can become not only an interesting living toy, but also an interlocutor. It has been noticed that the words that the parrot knows do not use randomly, but to the point.

Jealous Jaco

Jaco is the most intelligent among parrots. Among animals, Alfred Brehm found only one match for him: a monkey. Sometimes his level of intelligence is the same as that of a three-year-old kid. Such a high opinion of the bird is also based on many years of observations of its habits in nature. So they show highly intelligent behavior not only at home. But when communicating with a person, it, of course, manifests itself more. With proper upbringing and care, the owner is perceived by the parent, and subsequently as family partner. Therefore, such a Jaco can “take hostility” to another parrot. Yes, and people too. Therefore, if guests have come to you, chat with the parrot for a few minutes first. Such conclusions are made on the basis of thousands of years of experience in keeping them in captivity. According to the legends, it was the favorite poultry of the pharaohs. ancient egypt. But if you decide to become like the rulers of the Nile, then first compare their living conditions with yours. A cramped apartment for such a tenant is not suitable. In addition to the fact that there will be nowhere to equip a "living corner", he simply does not have enough space for a flight.

Capricious pet

It is well known that Jacos are very talkative. But not the fact that yours will be just that. You can read “Ruslan and Lyudmila” around him as much as you like, and he will remember the obscene expression that escaped in his hearts or the snort of a motorcycle that a neighbor starts every morning under your window. These parrots are very attached to a person, but at the same time they are very difficult to train. They need to spend a lot of time on themselves. And they demand - in the truest sense of the word. They are capable of being offended, just like people. Keep this in mind if you are planning to get yourself exotic friend. Well, if you decide, then first learn about Jaco as much as possible.

Expensive pleasure

You already know what the smartest parrots are called. And male or female? In the case of these parrots, this is unprincipled. On mental capacity gender is not affected. But if for some reason this is important to you, then keep in mind: to distinguish between a boy in front of you or a girl is not easy. The most reliable thing is a veterinarian, and even a DNA test. It's not cheap, of course. Yes, and the Jaco itself costs a lot of money. Be prepared to shell out several tens of thousands of rubles. Subsequent content will also cost a pretty penny. Still, it's not a budgerigar. And how much you have to pay depends on where the foreign guest came from. Caught at home is cheap, but at first you will be very afraid. But health, like a hero. The most expensive thing is a zhako, which was started by parents to raise and feed, and finished by people. He is accustomed to people, affectionate and sociable. But the health of such a fosterling must be monitored more closely.

Dangerous maverick

Jaco is an individual, and he chooses for himself the one with whom he will be more willing to communicate. This person may well be not you, but another family member. And if you still make friends with him, know that on his part it will be "love to the grave." If you are leaving, there should be someone at home with whom the parrot communicates no less willingly. And don't stay away too long! Everything is like with a child. Only this "baby", in addition to the usual whims, can be dangerous. Pecking, pinching, biting - in his nature, nothing can be done about it. Just be careful. And in no case do not let him sit on your neck. Previously, it was not in vain that education was mentioned. The parrot must have a regimen and rules of behavior that he will get used to adhere to. But it still won’t save you from bruises and bites.

Get ready, if you decide to get a Jaco, for another change in life. If you like to soak up in bed, he will quickly wean you from this. The first ray of the sun can cause joy in a bird, which will be revealed in a loud cry. The same manifestation of emotions can be caused by many reasons. Boredom, if you forgot to communicate with your "tenant", hunger or thirst. Constantly hearing such screams, think about whether you have installed the cage correctly. The wrong place can cause stress.

In nature

Jaco is the only one of his kind. Distinguish only brown and red-tailed. The only difference is the color of the feathers. Of course, it is interesting to keep such a bird at home if you are ready to work with it for several hours a day, but it is no less interesting to watch them in nature. Their nests are in the hollows of trees. They live in packs, but still pair up. And one family can be for life. They leave for feeding early in the morning and return in the evening. They can fly tens of kilometers. You can’t get a pair of parrots without mating dance. This can go on all day, for several minutes. If a whining puppy is heard from a pack of Grays, then this is not a dog at all. So gray womanizer lure females. And those at this time pretend as if they are asking for food. Then their chicks will seem to behave. But first, the female sits on the eggs for about a month. And then she does not immediately leave her kids. The father provides protection and feeding. Everything is almost like people.

IN natural environment, in their flock, are very sociable, it is simply necessary for them, like food and drink. Getting into an alien space, into an unfamiliar world, which for a bird, in most cases, is limited to a cage and a room where it is located, in this way they create an atmosphere familiar to themselves, make up for the lack of communication. Over time, he begins to consider the human family as his flock and makes attempts to communicate with this flock, thus getting used to it, becoming part of it. The ability to speak is influenced not only by the breed of the bird and its natural talents, but also by the atmosphere in the house, the attitude of others and a sense of absolute security.

The most "talkative" breeds of parrots

Before buying, it becomes important, of course, the question of which is the best. Each breed of these birds is good in its own way, in some ways superior to its fellow tribesmen, in some ways inferior to them. For example, macaws perfectly imitate only sounds, and creaking or grinding is best for them. Birds of this breed accurately reproduce the sound of old door hinges, the cough of an elderly person, with pleasure they repeat the barking, mooing of cows and even the sounds of a machine-gun fire! In imitation of human speech in macaws, unfortunately, success is not so good.

But the cockatoo is able to remember more than 4 dozen words and gladly demonstrates its conversational abilities in the early morning or late evening, and in a very loud voice to attract the attention of its owner. Excellent and acting skills cockatoo breeds - wanting to please a person, he takes the most bizarre poses that are difficult to repeat even for a professional acrobat.

Jaco parrots are considered the most capable. Cases are described when individuals of this breed learned more than 2000 words, pronounced them with different intonation, corresponding to the situation and the topic of the “conversation”. But Jacos are able to learn only while they are chicks, and it is no longer possible to teach an adult bird to speak.

Amazons are no less capable, but they are less popular due to excessive silence and seriousness. The thing is that these birds do not tolerate captivity and living in an environment alien to them and, moreover, in a cage.

Jaco or brown-tailed parrot

Recently, it has become important to start a Jaco (brown-tailed parrot) in the house. These are the most capable of the talking parrot breeds, they are incredibly quick-witted and talkative. Jaco will easily remember 200 words, and this is just the beginning. Even composing a dialogue with a person or another Jaco is not a problem for them. And with other pets - for example, with cats, these wonderful birds often behave dominantly, they feel like masters of the situation. Experts even say that these parrots have some intelligence. But they can’t stand loneliness - they definitely need a couple. They can live in the city up to 60-80 years.

Keeping birds at home is becoming more and more popular. Parrot breeds differ in appearance, habits and cost in pet stores. There are several types of domestic parrots that are most often bred.


This is the most popular breed. They are unpretentious and easily get along with people. Due to their small size, these birds do not need large cages. A wavy friend can be released to fly around the room. He can learn to eat with his hands. In addition, the price of such a pet is low. It can be words and even whole phrases. The disadvantage of this type of parrot is its noisiness. He is non-stop all day long. But it is easy to calm him down by covering the cage with a dark cloth. Budgerigars live 10-20 years.


There are types of domestic parrots created specifically for romantics. Lovebirds are always bought in pairs, because the male chooses his female for life. Such monogamy is unique to this breed. In the wild, birds live a long time, in a cage they can live a maximum of 20 years. Lovebirds are distinguished by their bright specific coloration and funny habits. Birds constantly "flirt" with each other and play. But teaching them to speak is almost impossible. They are more for observation.

Very often, the parrot does not pronounce the first word in the presence of the owner, but looking at himself in the mirror. This is because he is trying to get the attention of another reflected bird. So hang a small mirror in the cage and let the parrot play with it when you are not practicing.

The signal to end the lesson should be the behavior of the bird. As soon as your parrot begins to lose interest in you and is distracted by something else, stop the activity. Do not try to get the bird's attention with your voice or by tapping on the bars of the cage, this will push him away from the lessons in the future.

Be sure to praise the bird and treat it with some treats to encourage further activities.

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The more you talk with your pet, denoting each of your actions with words, the more words your parrot will remember, and the more meaningful his speech will be. If you leave the parrot to listen to the radio or TV, he will remember and play these sounds, only as a kind of song. See also: How to teach a parrot to speak?

Helpful advice

Your own pet parrot who can speak, what could be better. However, in order for your beloved parrot to start talking, you will have to work hard. parrot is flocking bird and very sociable in nature. In this case, it means that once having said a phrase, he can remember it forever. How to teach a parrot to speak? To do this, you will need: the parrot itself, patience, a computer.

Parrots are rightly considered the only talking representatives of the animal world, and that is why the most different people happy to have parrots as pets different breeds. If some birds easily learn to pronounce words, then it is not so easy to teach others to speak. But, with some effort, you can even teach lovebirds to speak.


Be patient and persevere in learning - it will take time, but in the end your efforts will be rewarded. In order for the training to be effective, train the parrot to speak from the very beginning. early age- preferably, from the first day the bird appears in your house.

Let the baby parrot understand that he is a full-fledged member of your family, and he himself will want to master human speech in order to approach and imitate them. Warm the parrot, feed it, help it so that it accepts you as part of its flock.

Remember also that males are easier to master speech than, but with both of them you can succeed in learning. You will spend more time training the female, but the words spoken by the female will be clear and beautiful.

Knowing about such an ability of parrots as imitation of sounds, including human speech, many, choosing for themselves, want to have just such a pet. Indeed, in this case, apart from pet, you can also get a funny and smart interlocutor. The majority have the ability to imitate sounds, however, this can manifest itself in them to a greater or lesser degree. lesser degree. We have selected 10 for you best breeds.

We will start our review with the breed gray jaco(lat. Psittacus erithacus). Its representatives have two primary colors in plumage: gray (body) and red (tail). The beak is black, the eyes are yellow.

Adult sizes: length - 30-35 cm, wingspan - 65 cm.

Birds are native to West Africa.

There are two types of birds:

Did you know? Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records tried to find out which parrot speaks the best, and came to the conclusion that the Jaco bird is the smartest. A parrot named Alex, who died in 2007, had a vocabulary of 400 words, could repeat entire sentences and imitate different languages..

Scientists conducted studies that proved that birds of this breed not only reproduce words, but also associate them with the objects they denote, have an idea of ​​​​shape and color, and can be considered ordinal numbers. This confirms that Jaco parrots have intelligence and are smartest.
Birds should be trained from the age of eight to nine months. In addition to duplicating human speech, they love to memorize and make sounds. household appliances. They can also repeat their behavior after the owners: irritation, joy, etc.

Grooming is easy. However, you should be prepared that he is very noisy, with a complex character, touchy. Strives to be a leader. It is better to take such a pet small, co adult agreement is almost impossible.

The life expectancy of a Jaco is about 50 years.

An already trained young parrot will cost about a thousand dollars. Still unintelligent can be purchased for a price two times lower.

An overview of parrots and finding out which one speaks better, we continue with a description amazons(lat. Amazona). They are loved to be kept at home due to the fact that, unlike their other counterparts, they are quick and easy to learn. These birds are sometimes referred to as "personification of the mind and masters of the word."

These are rather large birds - their length is 25–45 cm. They usually have a green color, sometimes with slight red, yellow, blue patches. Their distinctive feature is a strong beak.
The homeland of these birds is Central and South America, Antilles, forests on the banks of the Amazon. The Amazon genus includes 32 species. The apartment most often contains white and yellow-headed, as well as yellow-winged.

Birds can learn from 50 to 60 words, but they cannot reproduce intonation and demeanor, as Jacos do. They love to sing, imitate the sounds of musical instruments. They learn simple tricks, like bringing a small ball in their beak or collecting scattered matches in one place.
Their advantage is that they easily adapt to new conditions. They get used to a person quickly, become attached and remain faithful until the end of their lives. These birds love to scream, communicate a lot.

They wake up early, so you should be ready to either adjust to the rhythm of the parrot's life, or arrange a long night for him, covering the cage with a dark cloth. Birds love to get their way, sometimes behaving persistently and arrogantly. Subject to frequent and abrupt mood swings. The life span of Amazons is 40–45 years.

The cost of one trained individual is in the region of a thousand dollars. An untrained parrot is usually half the price.

Did you know? In Australia, there are special schools where parrots are taught to talk. They are quite popular, because not all owners have the time, knowledge and patience to do this on their own..

Another intellectual among parrots- this is a macaw (lat. Ara). In addition, he is also handsome - he has bright plumage of all kinds of colors and shades. Macaws reach sizes up to 50 cm. They have the strongest beak among the representatives of all parrots. He is strongly bent.

The macaw is native to Central and South America. Their genus includes 36 species. Unfortunately, seven of them no longer exist.
Macaws may not learn as many words as, for example, Jacos or Amazons - usually about 20. However, they always insert them on business, which gives a person the impression that he really is having a conversation with a bird. In addition to words, macaws perfectly copy various sounds, for example, those belonging to natural phenomena- rain, murmur of water, or to the animal world - barking, howling, mooing, etc.

Macaws are unpretentious in care. They are calm in nature, reasonable. Usually they do not shout, only if necessary. Their voice and the cry of some people are very annoying, so before you buy such a bird, you need to listen to how it screams. The average life expectancy of a macaw is 60 years.

The cost of adults ranges from 1.5 to 3 thousand dollars.

Important! It is forbidden to feed parrots with chocolate, avocado, salt and alcohol. It is considered poisonous to birds..

Large breed parrots cockatoo(lat. Cacatuidae) are also excellent imitators. They grow from 30 to 60 cm. They have a massive curved and very strong beak, which can split wooden things, including cage bars and furniture. Even rods made of thin wire can do it.

Kakadu has two distinctive features:

  • a large beak that covers the mandible like a bucket;
  • the presence of a crest.

The crest differs in color from the rest of the plumage. When a parrot is excited, its crest is fluffy. The plumage can be of various colors, except for blue and green.

Homeland cockatoo - New Guinea, Indonesia, Philippine Islands, Australia. There are 21 species of these birds, among which most popular:

Cockatoo does not have a good memory, can learn about 10 words and a couple of phrases. His breeder can also teach the bird tricks. But he learns a variety of sounds on his own and with pleasure.

cockatoo is great companion for a person, easily attached to him, betrayed. He gets bored if they do not pay attention to him or leave him at home alone for a long time. Long trips of a beloved owner can be a real stress for a feathered one. There have been cases when parrots in such situations refused to eat and drink, plucked their feathers, and then died. Therefore, for those whose work involves business trips, it is better not to start such a bird.
It is also important to know that cockatoos bite painfully, up to a broken finger to the person who offended him. The bird is touchy and vindictive. For the same reason, you should not take her into a family where you plan or already have Small child. Cockatoos are usually not friendly with children.

It will be useful to know that these birds are noisy and can be quite aggressive if they don’t like something. However, they can be taught the word "no". With due care, attention and affection, the pet will pay the same. The life span of a cockatoo is 30–40 years.

The cost of adults of these talking parrots is 1–2.5 thousand dollars.

Did you know? Parrots have been kept as pet birds for three thousand years. The first to tame them were the ancient Egyptians.

(lat. Loriinae) are capable parrots - they can learn up to 70 words. In this case, a person in training may not even take part. But their main characteristic is: "screamers and sluts." When eating liquid food, they scatter it around the cage and very often scream piercingly in a raspy voice. Litter will have to be cleaned daily.
In addition, these birds are selective in food and require a room temperature of around 20 ° C.

Loris grow from 18 to 40 cm. They have a beautiful variegated plumage color with a predominance of green and red flowers. Their beak is small and weak, red.
IN wild nature loris live in the forests of Indonesia, Australia, New Guinea, and the Philippines. There are 62 species of Loria.

Loris are usually very friendly birds. They love and get along with small children. Aggression is unfamiliar to them. Loris live up to 20 years.

The cost of such a parrot is about $ 500.

Bright exotic eclectus(lat. Eclectus roratus) has a large size - 29–37 cm in height. This is a capable parrot, easily trained, however terse. Its advantage is that it is accommodating in everyday life, has an even character, and is not aggressive. It is also often referred to as the noble parrot.

Males tend to have blue-green plumage, females are red. The beak of both sexes is large and shiny. In males, it is yellow or red. The females are black. They have long wings and a square tail. In general, the body is well developed and strong.
Unlike other parrot breeds, these birds are not monogamous.

The habitat is quite wide - eclectus can be found on many islands: the Moluccas, Salamonov, Tanimbar, as well as in Australia and New Guinea.

The parrot easily gets used to home conditions. He becomes attached to a person so much that he can even pay more attention to him than to his partner. He is affectionate, loves attention and communication. He has an extraordinary mind and ingenuity. Girls are more difficult to contact, they are also not as easy to tame as males. The love of a female will need to be earned. These parrots rarely cry.
In addition to a few words, eclectus can also learn cleanliness, such as returning food that has fallen out of a plate back or putting small toys in a box.

The life expectancy of eclectus is 30-40 years.

The cost of adults is $500.

Did you know? Parrots do not have vocal cords. They imitate speech with their tongue and beak..

(lat. Agapornis) are small birds reaching a height of 10–17 cm. They have a large head. Their body is mostly colored in green color, however, some of its parts may have other colors: blue, pink, yellow, red, etc. These birds have a strong and very curved beak. Despite their small size, the owners of such a beak can easily injure a person.
Lovebirds are quite agile - they run fast and actively climb trees or other vertical surfaces.

Lovebirds are native to Africa and Madagascar. Their genus includes eight species. They have such a name due to the fact that it is believed that if the birds live in pairs, then after the death of one partner, the second also soon dies, unable to withstand loneliness and longing.
It is important to know that if you keep lovebirds in a pair, then they will not be able to talk. The fact is that they establish communication with each other and they do not need voice communication with a person. And even if the owner wants to train such a bird 10–15 words, then it will not be easy to do: lovebirds are bad and hard to train.

Only a well-tamed parrot and one that feels constant attention on itself is able to speak. Training should begin when the bird is one month old, but not later. The feathered one does not tolerate boredom and a long absence of the owner. The life expectancy of lovebirds is 15-20 years.

The cost of adults is 20-30 dollars.

(lat. Platycercus) - also quite popular among parrot breeders. They have a beautiful variegated plumage with the inclusion of almost all colors. They are compact in size - they grow up to 35 cm. Rosella can be recognized by pronounced cheeks, depending on the type they are white, yellow or blue.

The habitat of rosella is Australia.
Rosella speakers are average - can learn up to 10 words and a couple of phrases. But they love to sing. Moreover, the song performed by them, as a rule, is melodic and pleasant to the ear.

Representatives of this breed can be attributed to smart birds, friendly. If the owner finds with such a feathered mutual language, then he will receive a wonderful companion, who will constantly attract his attention. However, a feature of birds is their aggressiveness towards other brothers - it is better not to keep budgerigars in the same cage with them.
Anyone who is going to get such a bird for himself should know that she does not tolerate a change in living conditions and food, is prone to stress - even harsh sounds can provoke it. Therefore, they do not accept raising their voices. You need to be gentle and affectionate with them, and then they will repay the same.

Since rosella requires constant attention and taming, they are not advised to buy for those who have not yet had experience with parrots. Rosella do not live very long - about 20 years.

The cost of one individual starts at $ 100.

(lat. Nymphicus hollandicus) - medium bird about 30 cm high. It is easy to recognize by the crest on the head and long (14-16 cm), pointed tail. Usually the plumage of males is somewhat brighter than that of females. Their body is dominated by grey colour, the front of the head is yellow, the cheeks are orange. However, breeders have bred other colors that are gaining more and more popularity.
Homeland is Australia.

Their conversational ability is average - up to 10 words and phrases. They repeat the sounds well, including the household objects surrounding them. They need to be taught speech from an early age. Only tamed chicks can be trained.
Corella is an excellent companion, he loves when the owner picks him up, is affectionate with him, devotes a lot of time to his training and games. Grooming for this breed is minimal. The bird can express its displeasure with a piercing cry. The owner of this feathered creature should also know that it is not difficult for him to open locks. Corella live - up to 20-25 years.

The cost of adults is from 100-150 dollars.

Important! When buying a parrot, you need to understand that regular communication and learning tricks are indispensable for the normal existence of a pet. This must be done by mutual agreement and if there is Have a good mood both participants in the process. If during the day you are often not at home, then you can turn on the radio or tape recorder for your pet.


We want to finish the material about which parrots talk with a description of one of the most popular pets - wavy(lat. Melopsittacus undulatus). In addition, it can be safely attributed to the list of smart parrots.

They can distinguish colors and 150 images per second, hear sounds in the range of 400-2000 hertz. They can be taught to count to three and speak about 100 words.

Although, unlike their large relatives, budgerigars do not speak very clearly. The owners can teach them to tell simple children's quatrains. They can tell them exactly, or they can change phrases in places. Boys learn words better than girls.
It is practically not necessary to care for budgerigars. They adapt well and quickly to the new environment. They have a good, good-natured character. Easy to learn, love to fly and play. They are cheerful, always sweetly chirp, love communication. Friendly with a person.

Budgerigars grow to a height of up to 19 cm. Their plumage is completely diverse - about 200 colors have been bred. The base color is green with a yellow head and throat. The back of the head is covered with dark wavy lines.
Budgerigars have a powerful beak that can carry various objects.

This breed is native to Australia.

The life expectancy of these pets is 10-15 years.

The cost of a budgerigar starts from $20. So, now you know which parrot is the most talkative. And if you are still not afraid of the noise and feathers in the house, and you are serious about acquiring a pet, then you should take care of decent living conditions. If you have not previously had experience in communicating and caring for birds, then we advise you to opt for cockatiel or budgerigars- their content is not difficult, they are excellent students and wonderful imitators.

In the event that you have already learned how to care for birds, you can consider the option of larger birds, such as Jaco, Macaw, Eclectus, Rosella. However, be prepared that the cost of these birds will also be much higher.

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