Tetra glass. Small and active tetra fish Tetra breeding

IN Lately lovers aquarium fish OK more and more often opt for tetrahedrons. These are very colorful and peaceful fish, it is interesting to watch them. This species is ideal for a beginner aquarist. The fins and tail are intricately curved and beautifully outlined. The tail of the fish visually represents two blades. The dorsal fin in most species is long and sharp, like a shark's.


Tetra aquarium fish is considered decorative look fish. Tetr belongs to the genus Characin. This is a small fish, has a diamond-shaped body, slightly flattened laterally. There are a wide variety of colors, there are also monochromatic fish. Often there are silvery fish, the body of which is crossed by black stripes. And there are also black fish with red rims around the eyes. Black fish also have blue eyes.

The gill covers do not protrude, the muzzle of the fish is small, the eyes are round and large. The forehead is convex. The scales play in the light, reflect the light and glare beautifully.

The most common are the following Tetra fish color shades:

  • olive;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • yellow-green;
  • light blue;
  • gray, with color splashes;

Types of tetras and their description

Today in nature there are dozens of types, most of which live in natural environment. IN wild nature This fish is found in South America.

for home, aquarium breeding breeders prefer the following types of fish:

  1. Amanda.
  2. Glass tetra.
  3. Lemon tetra.

Amanda is a small fish of a bright color. As a species, it was bred recently, in 1987, by the researcher Heiko Bleher. She was named after Heiko's mother. In its natural environment, it is found in Brazil, in the tributaries of the Amazon. It has an elongated, slightly flattened body from the sides, the color is predominantly red-orange. The eye rim is a rich gold color. The fins are unpaired, have a light red tint. The dorsal fin and tail are adorned with blotches of pale gray. The fish is tiny, only 2-3 cm long. They prefer plankton to eat, and they will not refuse special food from the pet store. By nature, active, mobile fish.

glass tetra so named because its body is almost completely translucent. Indeed, one can easily see it internal organs and spine. The shape of the body is elongated, flattened laterally. Head correct form, the forehead is slightly convex. The tail is painted in rich red. The dorsal fin is of medium length, as is the ventral fin. Very mobile, prefers to stray in flocks. In the natural environment, it is found in Brazil, Colombia, Peru.

lemon tetra has a beautiful, unusual color. If you look at the fish in the light, you can see its insides and even costal bones. The body has an oval shape, the fins seem transparent, but in fact they are a delicate light yellow hue. The tail is forked, the body is bright lemon color. The eyes are red, the eye rim is missing. Small fish, 3-4 cm long. It occurs in the tributaries of the Amazon, feeding on surface plankton.

red-nosed tetra also called rhodostomus. Very beautiful creature, with shimmering scales of pale lemon color. They called her the red-nosed one for her bright red head. On the head there is a lemon-colored diamond-shaped mint. The body is elongated, the tail is bifurcated, it has black and white oval spots. In addition to beauty and unusual color, the fish is famous for its peaceful disposition, able to get along with its beloved peaceful neighbors. Distributed in South America. It eats plankton and finely ground ready-made feed.

Breeders should remember that the brightness of the color of this fish depends on the quality of the content. With poor care, the fish noticeably fades. There are a few important tips, adhering to which the breeder can easily cope with the breeding of these types of aquarium fish:

  • The aquarium will fit the minimum volume. 30 liters will be enough.
  • Water must be clean and filtered. The temperature is 22-25 degrees, the acidity is not more than 5-6, the hardness is not more than 13-15. Every week it is necessary to add about 1/6 of the volume of settled clean water.
  • The filter is required. Lighting should be diffused, the light is soft and dim. It is recommended to leave one corner dark, plant it with plants. This corner will be considered a hiding place for the fish.
  • The soil is preferably dark in color. Suitable sand or smooth gravel.
  • This type of fish does not spoil plants, but their presence in the aquarium is mandatory. The aquarist is free to choose algae for the aquarium.
  • Driftwood, large smooth stones are suitable as decor.

Tetra nutrition

Tetras eat almost everything, in this regard they are unpretentious. Experts recommend feeding this species live, dry and even frozen food.

Character and neighborhood

By nature, they are very peaceful, active and mobile fish. They love space, play catch-up with each other. They prefer to huddle in flocks.

In loneliness, the character of the tetra deteriorates very quickly. The fish becomes aggressive, attacks its neighbors, and can arrange a vulgar fight if someone invades its territory.

They coexist peacefully with fish that are the same size as tetras. It is not recommended to settle aquarium tetras with cichlids, goldfish. Cichlids are quite aggressive predators, so tetras can become prey for cichlids. They get along well with guppies, swordtails, congos and cardinals.


Reproduction in an aquarium in this species of fish is possible. At the 6th year of the life of the fish, these fish end their puberty, and they begin to look for a mate. If the fish exists in a flock, then choosing a partner will not be difficult. Tetra is able to lay about 150 eggs at a time. The breeder needs to take care of protection, as tetras can eat eggs.

As a defense, you can simply resettle the "pregnant" female before the end of the spawning.

Fry hatch from eggs for 3-4 days. Babies are fed ciliates and boiled egg yolk. The filter is required in an aquarium with fry, only the power will need to be set to the minimum. Tetra fry are weak, not all survive. Large fry must be separated from small ones so that the large ones do not cripple those who are weaker. At 3-4 weeks of life, the fry develop a color.

Should be remembered that the key to the health and normal development of your aquarium pets lies in proper care. If the care recommendations are not followed, the fish will not be able to breed, eat properly and eventually die.

Small in size fish that swim briskly throughout the aquarium are the most common choice for both hobbyists and experienced aquarists. That's right we are talking about the type of tetra, which includes several varieties at once. Moreover, all of them rarely reach a length of more than seven centimeters. The body itself is diamond-shaped or can be narrow, elongated in length.

Varieties of aquarium fish tetra

Under the single name tetra, several types of nimble fish are meant at once:

A beautiful and spectacular fish, the scales of which create a sparkling effect. Maximum size adult is 6 cm.

A fish with smooth lines of the body, with a small notch in its lower part. The size of an adult reaches 4.5 cm. The color of the fish is yellowish or gray-green with a silvery sheen. Not far from the gills on the body there are two oblong dark spots.

A small fish with small colorless fins. The color of the fish is grayish-silver, the abdomen is lighter, there is a dark strip on the sides. IN various parts body, you can see a black and golden-orange speck. The size of the fish is up to 6 cm.

One half of the calf is silvery white, the other is mirror brown. During the spawning period or during the flight, the body acquires a dark red color. In the lateral part there is a bluish speck on a yellowish background.

There are many more of its varieties, but they all have one thing in common. common feature- Tetra females have a discreet color, while the bodies of males have bright and colorful colors. Beautiful colors fade and disappear with the deterioration of the conditions of keeping the fish.

Also on the page of our website you can find out everything about the mollies aquarium fish: keeping, breeding and compatibility with other fish.
Also on the page of our site you can find out everything about the aquarium fish pecilia: keeping, breeding and compatibility with other fish.

Maintenance and care of tetra aquarium fish

Tetra fish are very peaceful, but at the same time they cannot stand loneliness. In one aquarium, ten or even twenty individuals should be kept at once (if the volume allows). Left alone, the tetra will become aggressive towards other inhabitants of the aquarium, annoying them and not allowing them to live in peace. She will guard her territory menacingly and attack any fish that will swim nearby. But in a flock, they coexist perfectly with other fish, the same peaceful neighbors as they are.

Tetra fish do not have the habit of undermining the soil and destroying algae. So you can safely plant an aquarium with expensive plants without worrying about their safety.

As for the amount of algae, the more the better. In dense vegetation, tetras make their own houses, so that a large number of greens will be to their liking.

Comfortable water temperature in the aquarium is 22-25°C. lower or high temperatures will adversely affect their well-being. The acidity of the water should also be within the range of 6.0-7.0.

Do not forget about filtering and aerating the water in the aquarium, changing a fifth of the total weekly.
As for lighting, tetra fish do not like bright light. Lighting should be diffused, with algae dimming in one corner.

Tetra fish feeding

Tetra feed on everything that is offered to them. However, you should not get carried away with compound feed, it is preferable to use live feed. It is important to remember that the tetra prefers to feed in the upper layers of the water, closer to the surface. Feed that has fallen to the bottom will go unnoticed. Over time, this can lead to an overgrowth of bacteria. This can only be avoided by breeding tetra fish together with other aquatic inhabitants or by timely cleaning the aquarium.

As for the latter, cleaning the aquarium is beyond the power of amateurs. Only a professional approach practiced by Aqua-Sto specialists will allow you to qualitatively remove contaminants from the aquarium and provide your fish with comfortable conditions existence.

In this article, I will consider a type of fish, under the common name - tetra, belonging to the haracin family. I'll tell you about popular varieties, the characteristics of each breed, the intricacies of keeping, compatibility with other types of fish, reproduction and other interesting facts.

They were found in rivers and reservoirs South America in the 30s of the 20th century.

Tetra fish are social creatures and keep in flocks, it is rather problematic to meet single individuals in the wild.

Such individuals are aggressive, shy and do not allow their relatives to enter their territory. These factors must be taken into account if you all decide to populate the aquarium with them.


The color of these animals varies greatly. There are both modest and unsightly fish, as well as bright and luxurious, both monochrome and multi-colored. In their colors, the differences between the sexes are well expressed - the females are gray and plain, and the males are bright and colorful. The severity of these features, in particular, depends on the quality of the habitat.


The size range of the fish is from 4 to 7 centimeters in length. On average, most species have a size of 5 to 6 centimeters.

Tetra - a small fish 5-6 cm long

Life span

The average lifespan of tetra fish is 5.5 years. But there are species with a long lifespan, up to 7 years.


Tetras live, as a rule, in clean and transparent water bodies, abundantly overgrown with dense vegetation, with high level oxygen content. They prefer dark places, with a large amount of food, consisting of a variety of insects and plants.

Popular varieties


Grow up to 5 cm in length. The temperature is from 23-25 ​​° C, the degree of acidity is 6.5, the level of hardness is 4-11 degrees. Before spawning, it is recommended to diversify the diet.



Size - 4-5 centimeters. Temperature range 21-23 °C, with water hardness not higher than 15°, and acidity 6.0 - 7.0.



Up to 5 cm in size. Water temperature 23-27 °C, pH= 5.0 - 7.5, water hardness 25 dGH. Adapts well, unpretentious in food. One of the best for keeping in the community aquarium.



It grows up to 7 cm. It prefers temperatures from 24 to 28 ° C, pH from 6 to 7, water hardness 5-15 °. Recommended for beginner aquarists.



The size of the fish is 3.5 cm. The temperature is 22-26 degrees Celsius, pH = 5-7.8, hardness is not more than 10-25 degrees. To maintain the red color, it is necessary to periodically feed daphnia, and preferably cyclops, as well as use various supplements.



Fish size in aquarium conditions is 4 cm. The water is not too hot 22-25°C, water hardness dH 4-8°, water acidity pH 6.2-7.5. They do not like bright light, it is better to use dark soil.



It is better not to use large feed.

Creature size 4-5 cm. Preferred aquarium temperature 22-26°C, water hardness dH 4-10°, pH 6.2-7.5. They eat live, frozen and dry food. They like to eat off the surface of the water.


Conditions of detention and care

The water must be the following characteristics: water hardness - 17 dGH, water acidity pH = 6.8-7, temperature in the range of 22-26 ° C. The bottom of the aquarium is laid out with sandy or dark soil and decorated with small stones, as many plants as possible are needed, but free space should be left for swimming. Low lighting is recommended, otherwise the fish will fade.

Careful filtration of the aquarium is necessary. Poor water treatment will shorten the lifespan, and sometimes, can lead to the death of the fish. Water changes should occur once a week, up to 20% at a time. It is also desirable to saturate the reservoir with oxygen.


In food, tetra fish are unpretentious, they are completely omnivorous fish. Tetras feed on vegetable, dry, frozen, as well as live food. In nature, they feed on tiny living creatures that live in rivers. It is necessary to feed in small portions, they feed from the surface of the water, they do not touch the food settling to the bottom. Feeding at least twice a day.. They do not spoil ornamental plants placed in the aquarium and the ground. So, be calm about the flora and landscape of the aquarium.

Breeding and reproduction

Tetras mature after 6-12 months of life. Reducing water hardness to 4 degrees encourages fish to spawn. In aquarium conditions, they lay eggs almost every month. After 3 or 5 days, cubs will appear from the eggs, which are able to swim and feed on their own. Feeding - 3 times a day, food - ifusoria and nauplius crustaceans.

Parental instincts in tetra fish are underdeveloped, very often adults eat their eggs and offspring, which to a certain extent is compensated by high fecundity. Therefore, if your goal is to breed your pets, the eggs should be transferred to a separate tank, with identical conditions.

Tetra fish are a popular and easy to care for type of small, but at the same time beautiful and undemanding animals. If you do not know what kind of fish you should have as decorative pets or add to existing ones, then the tetra will great option. Also recommended for beginners.

Aquarium fish Tetra of the haracin family is rightfully considered the most popular representative of domestic aquariums. This is a numerous species that not only novice aquarists, but also amateurs with extensive experience and experience, are happy to start. Such love can be explained by such outstanding qualities as:

  • unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention;
  • good adaptation;
  • indiscriminate to feed;
  • calm peaceful character.

Tetra habitat

IN natural conditions Tetra fish are ubiquitous in clear and clean forest reservoirs and rivers of Central and South America. As a rule, in such reservoirs, it keeps near the bottom snags, in dense vegetation and fallen leaves from trees. The water in such reservoirs is not only clean, but well saturated with oxygen. All this is very important to consider when keeping these beautiful fish.

Everything in the natural environment types of Tetra fish trying to stick together. Their social nature determines their flocking lifestyle. It is almost impossible to meet single individuals in nature. Therefore, they are not recommended for home aquarium keep alone. Such individuals begin to show not their best features:

  • Aggressiveness;
  • Annoyance.

A lone individual tries not to let anyone into its territory. Even randomly passing neighbors can become the subject of a surprise attack. Given this, it is worth populating at least 10 fish in an aquarium.

Types of aquarium fish Tetra

talking about the types of Tetra fish, it is worth noting that they began to be imported to our continent for aquarium breeding in the second half of the 20th century. At the same time, several more varieties of representatives of this living in the natural environment were discovered. For a short period of stay, breeders bred interesting varieties of these beauties. Today, at pet markets and pet stores, you can find the following types of these cute fish:

  • Golden Tetra - the owner of a golden yellow color with small light spots at the base of the tail and on the head. The lateral line on the body has a dark green tint that widens towards the tail. At home maintenance their golden color acquires a slightly greenish tint. The body length of the fish, depending on the volume of the aquarium, can be from 3.5 to 5 centimeters.
  • The Copper Tetra, referred to as the Hasemania fish, got its name from the characteristic coloration of the males. The copper shade covers the entire body of these individuals. And only their lateral line has a rich silver color. But the tips of the dorsal, ventral and caudal fins of this species are painted milky white.
  • The species of Tetra Von Rio fish is no less attractive and beautiful. These small, up to 4 cm, individuals have a unique color. The head and chest part of the body has a silvery color, which, as it approaches the tail part, acquires a bright and rich red hue. In addition, each barrel has three dark vertical stripes.
  • Fish Royal Tetra is one of the longest (up to 6 centimeters) representatives of this species. Their diamond-shaped body, elongated in a horizontal plane, has a yellow-white abdomen, dark olive or brown back. And separates the upper part of the fish from the lower, a dark saturated horizontal stripe running throughout the body. The translucent fins of the fish are pointed at the ends.

In addition to these types, there are also such types:

  • Flashlight;
  • Firefly;
  • bloody;
  • Colombian;
  • Pink;
  • Blue.

In a home aquarium keep tetra fish not difficult at all. Therefore, they can be safely recommended to beginner aquarists. Since all varieties prefer to stay in flocks, it is best to purchase fish from 6 pieces. The volume of a home reservoir for these pets is best taken from 50 liters. In length, it must be at least 40 centimeters. Only in this case it will be possible to truly enjoy the behavior of these calm and lovely beauties.

Tetr can be kept with almost all peace-loving. They are compatible with Guppies, Mollies, Swordsmen. The fish Cardinals, Neons, Congo, Ternetia can also get along with them. It is very remarkable that this type of pets can be safely placed in an aquarium with rare plants. They hardly touch them. Do not touch the fish and the ground. Therefore, you can be calm for the standing of the bottom landscape.

As for water and its indicators, when keeping Tetr fish in an aquarium, the following values ​​\u200b\u200bshould be adhered to:

  • Temperature range - 23 o C ... 28 o C;
  • Acidity index - pH 5.5..6;
  • Range of general hardness - should not exceed 17 about.

Fish are quite able to tolerate a drop in temperature. environment up to 18 ° C. But it is best to avoid such drops. To do this, you should get an automatic thermostat.

If you decide to start Tetr photos, which are presented on this page, in your aquarium, then you should remember that the fish need pure water. To ensure its high-quality filtration, the installation of a two-way filter and a weekly replacement of 1/5 of the total volume will allow. It will be very nice if the water is saturated with oxygen through a small compressor.

To the design of the aquarium, where they will contain Tetra fish there are no specific requirements. It is preferable to lay sandy soil on the bottom and decorate it with small smooth stones. You can also use artificial grottoes and boiled driftwood. In order to emphasize the beauty of the fish and highlight the decorations themselves, experienced aquarists plant moss on them.

An excellent addition to the scenery will be aquatic plants: cryptocoryne, vallisneria, ludwigia. Tetras love them very much. However, planting the entire aquarium with vegetation is not worth it. The fish need to leave a place where they can frolic freely. Therefore, there are several options for placing plants:

  • In the background of the aquarium;
  • On the left and right walls.

When choosing any of them, the scenery placed in the aquarium will look good. But in general, the landscape will emphasize the beauty of the fish.

As seen on photo Tetra fish loving soft diffused light. A water mirror will help create it. Here it would be appropriate to place a duckweed, or some kind of fern. In general, the saturation of the color of your pets will directly depend on the quality of the created conditions.

Reproduction of aquarium fish Tetra

Continue your kind of aquarium Tetra fish able from 6-7 months of age. For breeding healthy and active producers are selected and placed in a prepared spawning aquarium. Either a nylon mesh with a mesh diameter that allows only eggs to pass through, or Javanese moss is laid on its bottom.

Throughout the week, manufacturers selected for breeding, should be fed with live food (Motyl, Cyclops). After that, in the spawning area, the water temperature is gradually increased by 3 ... 4 degrees and the hardness index is reduced by adding distilled water. Such manipulations serve as a signal for females to spawn. After the spawning process, to preserve the eggs, male and female Tetras are placed in a common aquarium.

In the future, care for the offspring is reduced to the removal of unfertilized eggs, which become cloudy and feeding the fry. It is best to feed the fry with ciliates and live dust. Not bad juveniles eat brine shrimp, crustaceans and nauplii.

What to feed adult tetras

Adult Tetra fish are completely unpretentious to their diets. However, their appetite is very enviable. They are happy to eat both live food and canned with dry food. In the course of their life, they can pinch ground leaves in small quantities. aquatic plants. That doesn't hurt them in the slightest. It is almost impossible to overfeed this species of the haracin family. Their natural activity and excessive mobility does not allow them to gain excess weight.

WITH big hunt fish are able to eat crushed vegetable food. As a prevention of vitamin deficiency, tetras can be fed crushed yolk chicken egg hard-boiled. Since their mouths are slightly upturned, they cannot eat the food that has fallen to the bottom. Given this feature, to maintain the purity of the water in the aquarium, it is better to purchase a bloodworm.

Tetra glass



International scientific name:

Prionobrama filigera.

Water parameters for keeping a glass tetra in an aquarium:

Temperature: 23 - 27°C (73 - 80 0 F);

Acidity, pH: 6.0 - 7.5;

Hardness: up to 30°H;

For a small group, a 70 liter aquarium (60cm x 37.5cm x 30cm) will suffice.

Aggressiveness: not aggressive 10%;

Filtration is weak. Weekly 30% water changes.

Habitat Tetra glass

They are found in various parts of the Amazon River in Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.

Description Tetra glass

The average size of Tetra glass is 6 cm. The fish has a slender, elongated, transparent body. The skin is transparent, and through them you can easily see the spine and internal organs. The color of the body of the Glass Tetra is pale blue or bluish-gray. The fish has a small head, which cannot be said about the eyes, they are of a solid size. The lateral, ventral, and anal fins of the Glass Tetra are transparent; the dorsal fin is either yellowish or transparent. But the tail fin has a bright red color. Sexual maturity is reached at the age of 5 to 7 months. Like most small characins, adult glass tetra females are noticeably fuller in the abdomen, especially during the spawning season.

Tetra Glass Compatibility

What to feed glass tetra?

The inverted mouth and slightly keeled body shape suggest that this species feeds primarily on small invertebrates on the surface of the water in nature. In the aquarium, this fish prefers any live food, such as daphnia, bloodworms, cyclops. However, do not give up dried food good quality. Remember that only with a varied diet will your fish feel good, showing you the most saturated colors.

Feeding any aquarium fish should be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotus. The article talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regimen for fish.

In this article, we note the most important thing - feeding fish should not be monotonous, the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include food in its diet either with the highest protein content or vice versa with herbal ingredients.

Popular and popular food for fish, of course, are dry food. For example, all the time and everywhere you can find on the aquarium counters the food of the Tetra company - the leader Russian market, actually and the range of forages of the given company strikes. Tetra's "gastronomic arsenal" includes both individual food for a certain kind fish: for goldfish, cichlids, loricariids, guppies, labyrinths, arowans, discus, etc. Also, Tetra has developed specialized feeds, for example, to enhance color, fortified or for feeding fry. Detailed information about all Tetra feed, You can find out on the official website of the company -

It should be noted that when buying any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy feed by weight, and also store food in a closed state - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.

Conditions for Tetra glass

An active pelagic fish species that prefers to live in the middle and upper layers water, so the aquarium should have enough free space for swimming. It is most effective when the fish is kept in a group in an aquarium rich in vegetation. Floating plants favorably affect the well-being of the fish. Fish will be grateful for decorative elements that imitate them. natural environment habitats, such as beech or oak driftwood and beech and douma leaves that have fallen on the substrate, giving a very natural look to the composition.

Breeding and reproduction Tetra glass

Breeding a Glass Tetra is not difficult at all, however it will be necessary to purchase a separate spawning tank if you are interested in raising a good percentage of fry. It should be dimly lit and contain a group of thin-leaved plants such as Java moss. Such plants serve good place for laying eggs. However, there is an alternative, you can stretch a net at the bottom of the aquarium through which adults cannot reach the eggs that have fallen to the bottom. In a spawning aquarium, the water should be soft and acidic with ph6.0 - 7.0 and gH 1 - 5, temperature in the region of 27 - 30 0 C. Filtration and aeration are necessary, which is well organized using, for example, an internal filter Tetratec Brilliant-Filter by Tetra.

There is also a method of breeding in pairs. With this technique, males and females are kept in groups in separate containers. For spawning, they take the fullest female and the brightest male. They are placed in a spawning aquarium in the evening. The spawning process begins in the morning.

The fry hatch after 14 - 36 hours and swim freely after 3 - 4 days. Feed with infusoria or special fry food until the fish can eat bloodworms and brine shrimp.

All of the above is just the fruit of observing this type of aquarium fish and collecting various information from owners and breeders. We would like to share with visitors not only information, but also lively emotions, allowing you to more fully and subtly feel the world of aquarism. Register on, participate in discussions on the forum, create profile topics where you will talk about your pets in the first person and firsthand, describe their habits, behavior and content, share your successes and joys with us, share experience and learn from experience others. We are interested in every bit of your experience, every second of your joy, every realization of a mistake that makes it possible for your comrades to avoid the same mistake. The more of us, the more pure and transparent droplets of goodness in the life and life of our seven billionth society.

Beautiful photos with a glass tetra

Video about glass tetra

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