“The police are looking in the wrong place.” Local residents no longer believe that Maxim simply got lost. It became known whether the boy Maxim Markhaluk, who disappeared in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, was found. Was Maxim from Belarus found?

GRODNO, September 27 – Sputnik, Inna Grishuk. Maxim Markhalyuk, who disappeared in the Pushcha, was thinking about escaping from home, and had been thinking about escaping for a long time. Residents of the village of Novy Dvor are talking about this, in the surrounding forests of which they have been searching for a 10-year-old boy for the second week. Many are sure that the child was not lost, but deliberately left home.

Why go into the forest at night?

“I saw Maxim in the village on Saturday. About five in the evening. I was in the forest before. I went out, and then Maxim was coming. I told him: “Don’t be afraid, Maxim, Rex doesn’t bite.” And he said, “I and I’m not afraid,” says Valentina Aleksandrovna, a resident of Novy Dvor; Maxim was friends with her son and often came to visit them.

According to Sputnik’s interlocutor, her friend said that on the same day, but after 19:00, she saw Maxim riding in the center of the village. And then he disappeared into the ground, everyone said that he had gone into the forest. But the woman is sure that going into the forest so late is not like Maxim. After all, at eight o'clock in the evening at this time of year it is already dark, and the boy would not want to go into the darkness.

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“He was such a little cowardly. He was even afraid of my puppy. When he came to us, he usually stood near the gate and called: “Ilyusha!” or “Aunt Valya!” And I’ll go out and take him into the house. And to the forest It’s unlikely for him to go at night,” adds Valentina Aleksandrovna.

Many in the village agree that if the child had been in the forest that evening, he would have been found. After all, the search began immediately and continued even at night. And a child wandering through the forest at night could not get far.

I've been planning my escape for three years.

The villagers assume that the boy might have been very frightened of something. And not bison, but, for example, impending punishment for some offense. “Maybe he was scared of his parents?” - the neighbors reason and tell one telling example.

Last year, for some reason, Maxim went to the lake alone, without his parents, went for a swim and almost drowned. He was saved by people vacationing nearby. That day his parents punished him very much, they say they even beat him.

They say that then the boy, either seriously or out of resentment, told his parents: “I won’t live with you and I’ll run away anyway. Don’t buy me anything, everything for Sasha (older brother - Sputnik).”

In the village they pass on the words dear grandmother Maxima, who told how her grandson several years ago, when he was 7 or 8 years old, said: “I’m still going to run away from home.” Grandmother to him: “They will find you.” And he: “They won’t find me, I’ll go into the swamps.” And then he periodically said that he had such a plan.

Another resident of Novy Dvor, Tatyana Petrovna, said that the child was in Lately changed.

“Maxim has been friends with my grandson since he was five years old. We are always together when he is on vacation. And this year the grandson said that he would no longer be friends. That Maxim started smoking and behaved differently. Maybe it’s a teenage thing. I regret it.” “I didn’t tell my parents right away; my grandson really asked me not to tell anyone,” the villager recalls.

At the same time, the woman emphasizes several times that Maxim’s family is very positive, prosperous, and his parents are hardworking.

I could have left

The main version that residents of Novy Dvor tend to believe is that Maxim left for another area, and did so the same evening or the next morning.

The child most likely had money. Even local children say that it is very easy to earn money in the Pushcha. For example, you can sell berries or mushrooms.

And everyone characterizes Maxim as a very lively and purposeful boy. They say that he often went to the forest.

Tatyana Petrovna reasons: “We searched so many times with thermal imagers, walked with dogs, and so many people passed through the forest over the weekend. Ours are constantly walking. If the boy had been here, we would have found at least some traces.”

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Rumors that the different time they saw a child either in the forest or on the road, neighbors think it’s just fiction. And they immediately ask: “If they saw a child, why didn’t they catch up? They’re adults. But it turns out that they saw and allowed him to leave.”

Many locals constantly go into the forest on their own to look for Maxim.

“My soul aches for the boy and for the family. We also don’t sleep at night. Every day, both during the day and in the evening, I go to the forest, calling him. And now I’m going too, maybe I’ll find something,” adds Valentina Aleksandrovna.

Let us remind you that Maxim Markhalyuk disappeared on September 16 and was put on a nationwide wanted list. On September 26, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the disappearance of the child. Maxim has still not been found. The main version of the police is that the boy got lost in the forest.

In Belovezhskaya Pushcha they have been searching for the missing ten-year-old Maxim Markhaluk for the thirteenth day. Volunteers and rescuers have combed hundreds of hectares of forest and examined vast areas of swamps, but have not yet found any new traces.

Volunteers are looking for traces of Maxim

At about 11 a.m., the headquarters near the village council is practically empty. There are two volunteer girls and a coordinator on the site. After the weekend, the number of volunteers in Novy Dvor decreased significantly. That is why the day before the Red Cross folded its tent and left, promising that it would return as soon as people began to arrive en masse.

Now the headquarters is deserted. The coordinator is responsible for sending everyone on the search and for bringing lunch on time.

Now the “Angel” search and rescue squad must take care of preparing lunch itself, and, if necessary, provide medical care those who return from the forest.

On September 27, 46 people gathered for the search. They came from Grodno, Minsk, Brest and even Gomel regions. Three search groups were organized from them.

While combing the forest, people line up in long chains and walk slowly, inspecting the territory.

As in previous days, the guys went to comb the forest to the areas indicated by the headquarters leadership. The task has not changed - you need to look for any signs of the boy’s presence in the forest. Corn cores, corn cobs, mushrooms and suspicious objects.

Each search party receives such a card.

In the forest, everyone must wear bright vests.

“Each group has an experienced coordinator, the rest line up in a chain, go into the forest and follow the commands of the elder,”- explains the principle of work of search groups by a volunteer of the “Angel” detachment Anastasia Saltykova.

Wrapper in the forest - big jamb

If at least someone from the living chain sees something suspicious, they immediately say “stop”. Then the leader of the group should inspect the place. Volunteers say that even buried soil worries them.

“I know that village boys know how to build underground hiding places and dugouts. They are extremely difficult to detect. I always looked closely to see if the moss was raised,”- says volunteer Olga.

A living chain can stretch for a kilometer or more.

While moving, volunteers are reminded to look not only at their feet, but also up, and also to look back. After all, you can walk by and not notice something behind a tree or a tall stump. When the group is coming through the forest, candy wrappers, water bottles, cigarette butts must be taken with you.

“If you leave it, it’s a big mistake. This is strictly prohibited. If they are found during a repeated combing of the area, the question will arise as to whose they are. They can become a false trail."- the girl adds.

Mine as deep as a multi-story building

“Tell me, maybe they found the boy Maxim”?- heard from the walkie-talkie. The guys sigh sadly and answer: “I really want to, but not yet.”

It’s almost 16:00, and lunch has just started at headquarters. Volunteers pour soup and make sandwiches.

The search group begins to have lunch not strictly according to schedule, but after it has examined the assigned territory.

“We went out to chew and immediately returned,”- the man quickly explains to someone on the phone. The guys nearby are discussing the trip: “We were working on a military mine. 12 floors down. We dropped to six, but didn’t go further - we realized that there was no point in going deeper.”

The guys look exhausted, they smoke nervously, but they ask headquarters to quickly allocate them a new search square.

Ilya, Egor and Alexander are looking for the child almost around the clock during the week.

“It’s already the seventh or eighth day here. Already confused. We spend the night in the car. We slept for a couple of hours and then went on to look,”- says Ilya, who came from Minsk.

Everyone admits that they won’t be able to sleep peacefully until Maxim is found. In order not to interrupt the search, many took time off or vacation.

How to search in a swamp

At the morning meeting, the headquarters decided that it was now necessary more people head into the swamp. Neither volunteers nor journalists are allowed into such difficult areas.

The swamps in Novy Dvor are such that you can’t do without fishing boots.

These works are performed by experienced rescuers. But a small group of volunteers agreed to show how they explored the swampy area. They have already managed to study the local forests quite well. They admit: during the search, sometimes they had to go into a quagmire.

“The swamp here is such that you can sink up to your chest in the water. And this is three kilometers from Novy Dvor,”- says Ilya when we arrived at the point.

Before departure, the guys put on high fishing boots, some - rubber overalls. They say that this is not the most difficult section. Emergency Situations Ministry employees are also exploring more unstable swamps.

Even very close to the road there are deep and swampy places.

Walking through such a forest is really difficult. In one place there is a hummock, and next to it there is water. The group moved no more than 50 meters from the road, and in the swamp they began to encounter places where the water reached an adult’s waist or higher. The guys say: “We are up to our waists, but what about the child? But we believe that Maksimka did not come here.”

Local resident: it’s impossible to get lost here

Meanwhile, the residents of Novy Dvor also do not stand aside and, whenever possible, go into the forest. Some are with the Angel group, and some are on their own.

The question of where Maxim might be is answered differently. But every day there is less and less support for the police version that the boy got lost in the Pushcha. A rumor spread throughout the village that the child could have run away from home and left in an unknown direction.

“I don’t believe that Maxim could get lost in these forests. We checked every meter of forest around the village and found nothing. Don't you think this is strange?- says 22-year-old resident of Novy Dvor Vadim.

The guy has been looking for Maxim since the first day in his free time with volunteers and volunteers. He was one of the first to know about the boy's disappearance. He recalls that then, on September 16, literally in half an hour the whole village rose up to search. Some walked through the forest, others drove around all the roads in cars and motorcycles, and every 100-150 meters they stopped and called the boy.

“We would definitely find him. If Maxim had been in the forest and wanted to respond, he could have gone out to the people. Here, no matter which way you go, you will definitely end up either on a road or in some village. If he had been wandering through the local forests all these 12 days, he would have left long ago or given himself away,” the guy adds.

The boy could have run away

Vadim shows the so-called base, near which the boy’s bicycle and a basket of mushrooms were found on the first day of his disappearance. A base is a hut made of boards that serves as a gathering place for village boys. No one can even remember who built it.

Near the hut where Maxim often visited. Vadim shows where Maxim’s bike was found.

According to Vadim, the found basket did not belong to Maxim. This was confirmed by the child's parents.

“She always stood here. On the evening of September 16, my mother was returning from the forest, passed by the hut, and saw her. It was the so-called common fund, the boys collected mushrooms in this basket together, and then handed them over to the procurement point,”- Vadim explains.

He doesn’t know where the kids spent the money. But he gives approximate prices: for three kilograms of chanterelles you can get 12 rubles.

The guy is sure that the most plausible version is that the boy left home on purpose. You need to look for it not in the forest, but in other villages or even cities.

“Angels”: looking for a living boy

To date, the police report only two pieces of evidence. This is Maxim's bicycle, which was standing near a hut in the forest about 800 meters from the village. A little bit later a witness was found, who on the evening of September 16 saw Maxim or a boy similar to him in the forest south of Novy Dvor, who was sitting near a tree and then ran away.

“If Maxim had stayed in the forest, they would have found at least something else. The police are looking in the wrong place. I think he reached the road and drove off somewhere,”- two women talk at the post office door. They are also sure that there is no child in the Pushcha.

"Where is he? Who knows? Maybe someone took him away, or maybe he ran away himself,” I hear in response.

The Angel search and rescue team said that they are still considering two main versions - Maxim got lost in the forest or ran away and is hiding.

“We are not considering the criminal version. The Investigative Committee is working in this direction. We are looking for a living boy."- emphasizes the “Angel” volunteer Yuri Azanovich.

According to him, rescue and search activities will continue until the child is found.

Let us remind you that 10-year-old Maxim Markhalyuk went into the forest to pick mushrooms on September 16 and has not returned yet. Three days later he was put on a nationwide wanted list. On September 26, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the boy’s disappearance. As of 09:00 September 28, Maxim has not been found.

Ten-year-old Maxim. He disappeared a week ago. About two thousand people comb every meter of the forest day and night. The search was complicated by rain. There is also a version that Maxim could have been frightened by wild animals and ran away into the thicket, reports MIR 24 correspondent Evgenia Nazarova.

“I saw a herd of bison - we saw fresh tracks not far from the bicycle. This probably provoked a fright and he ran away somewhere, but in what direction (is unknown),” says Stepan Goncharevich, a participant in the search operation.

The search perimeter for the missing child has been expanded to 40 kilometers. They are checking the surroundings of the village of Novy Dvor, where in last time saw Maxim. We made a flyover using helicopters from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but from the air it was very difficult to see the child in the dense forest.

“A lot of forest has been felled, very a large number of a windbreak where a child can hide. Therefore, we make the chains as tightly as possible in order to work out every square,” says the head of the Svisloch District Department of Internal Affairs, Valery Romanchuk.

In the search for Maxim, every minute counts. Rescuers say there is a chance of saving him. It is not yet very cold in the forest at night. Another hope was given by a service dog that followed the trail from the dirt road onto the asphalt. “It’s difficult, but we don’t give up. We all hope we find this boy.", says Denis Nechepa, an employee of the Berestovitsky District Department of Internal Affairs.

There are hundreds of such stories. 14-year-old Yana, when there was almost no hope left. Yana from the village of Chindat has already been nicknamed "Krasnoyarsk Mowgli". The schoolgirl spent a whole week in the impassable taiga. Together with my mother and sisters I went into the forest to pick berries and got lost. We searched for a long time. They shouted and fired flares. Several times dogs followed Yana's trail. Rescuers found the beds where the girl was sleeping. However, Yana was not there - she was constantly moving, trying to get out of the taiga on her own.

“No one expected that she could go 15 kilometers away. And in the end we were lucky that she came out into a clearing and there were swamps and a river around. Rescuers walked along the river and shouted. She was already getting ready to sleep, but she heard them, responded, and they found her,” says Yuri Yakushev, deputy head of the regional headquarters of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Eight-year-old Kirill Petrukhin was luckier. His rescuers are much quicker, after three days of wandering through the forest. It's all because of the ice cream. The child went to a neighboring village to buy sweets and lost his way. “He drove towards the store. He was in the store. The sellers said that he bought ice cream and candy.", says Kirill Petrukhin’s brother Vladimir.

Rescuers, police and volunteers were involved in the search. First they found a broken bicycle, and not far away they found Kirill himself.

For the second month now, law enforcement officers and volunteers have been searching for a schoolboy who disappeared in mid-September. Maxim Markhalyuk went to Belovezhskaya Pushcha to pick mushrooms and did not return home. The internal affairs bodies of Belarus sent information about the missing boy through Interpol, but there is still no information about the child.

AiF recalls cases where missing children were found alive even after a long time.


The disappearance of 5-year-old Yakov Ziborov became known in March 2016. Unknown people took the boy from an apartment in Moscow, where he lived with his grandparents. Russian law enforcement officers suggested that the disappearance of the child could be criminal in nature.

For more than a year, the boy was searched all over the world, including with the help of Interpol. As a result, he was found alive and well in June 2017 in the Mogilev region and handed over to his grandmother.

Representatives Investigative Committee Russia was told that members of a radical religious community were involved in the kidnapping of the boy. Moreover, according to one version, the child’s mother belongs to this community.

In 2010, a resident of the Kyiv region, 10 years later, found her daughter, who was kidnapped at a train station in the Ukrainian capital in 2000 at the age of 4 years. The mother saw her daughter in one of the Internet episodes of a program dedicated to the search for missing children. When we met, the girl couldn’t even recognize her. The woman had to undergo a DNA examination and prove her relationship with her daughter for two years.

In 2008, in Daugavpils, Latvia, 16 years after his disappearance, a boy was found who had been abducted at the age of one and a half months. As it turned out, all this time he lived next door to his real parents. The case of the missing child was solved by accident: the woman with whom he lived all these years ended up in a pre-trial detention center, the teenager was handed over to social service employees. When officials began collecting documents for the boy, they discovered that he did not have a birth certificate. After lengthy inquiries, the woman admitted that the child was adopted. DNA analysis fully confirmed the relationship of the lost child with the parents who had been searching for him all these years.

Most of the missing people in Belarus are found within ten days. If by this time the person has not been found, he is put on the wanted list. In addition, according to paragraph 2 of Art. 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Belarus, a criminal case is initiated into the disappearance. Moreover, even if a person disappeared more than twenty years ago, the criminal case is not closed, but only suspended until the moment when it becomes known where he is.


In March 2017, three children from Vitebsk went to school for classes, but never returned home. They took passports and money with them, but left Cell phones and a note saying they were leaving home.

A week later, the missing children were found almost 9 thousand km from their home in Khabarovsk, Russia. The schoolchildren were removed from the train on which they intended to travel to Vladivostok.

In 2015, a mother and daughter were found in Russia, who disappeared in 2001 and were considered murdered since 2006. It turned out that the residents of Grodno decided to sever all relations with their relatives and left for permanent residence in neighboring country without telling anyone about it.

In Russia, mother and daughter lived without registration. Identity documents were not reissued.


In 2007, two girls from the Moscow region, who attended the Young Biologist club, came to the Urals with a group of ecologists. The girls got lost in the area of ​​the nature reserve in the Sverdlovsk region.

Children in the taiga ate berries, drank water from springs and streams, and slept on cedar branches. Wandering through the forest, the girls walked tens of kilometers. The girls were prepared for survival in nature through classes in a circle. A foot rescue team found the children alive and well after more than a week of searching.

Since the disappearance of Maxim Markhaluk, a ten-year-old resident of A.G. New yard of the Svisloch district of the Grodno region - 20 days have already passed. In means mass media Various versions of what happened are still emerging, but there is still no information about his whereabouts! That is why this case interested our research organization. As practice shows, cases in which there are virtually no clues or evidence can be solved only using unconventional, from the point of view of orthodox science, methods.

First, let's look at the overall picture of the incident.

On Saturday, September 16, 2017, at about 19.00, Maxim gets on his bike and heads to the “base”. This is what local boys call a hut in the forest, located about 300 meters from the agricultural town.

The boy's mother, having prepared dinner, begins to call her son home, but does not find him anywhere. By calling his school friends, she finds out where he went. It also turns out that before leaving, Maxim invited his comrades to pick mushrooms, but they refused. This fact automatically excludes the version of a pre-planned escape.

Immediately the parents run into the forest and find their son’s bicycle neatly standing on the step near the hut, but the boy himself is nowhere to be found. Two hours later, the relatives contact the police. Neighbors, acquaintances and fellow villagers immediately join the search, and later - employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Starting the next day, volunteers from all over the republic come to the agricultural town to participate in search activities, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and even riot police are involved, divers and specialists with dogs are working. The territory is inspected from the air by helicopters with thermal imagers on board and unmanned aircraft. The result is negative!

Main versions: escape or kidnapping.

In turn, we are starting to monitor the media and social networks for information that could help solve this case. An important fact is revealed: according to the director local school, when service dogs were working in the forest, one of them took the scent and confidently ran along a dirt road, then went out onto the asphalt, spun around and lost its scent.

It should be understood that if the guy had simply left this place on a ride, the driver who gave him a lift would have long ago reported this to the law enforcement agencies, but that did not happen. The kidnapping version is also very controversial. Kidnapping a child is a serious crime that is carefully prepared for. It is difficult to imagine that everything could have happened spontaneously, although such a possibility remains.

October 1, 2017 in the comments to one of the thematic news posted in the group of the Grodno search and rescue team "CenterSpas" in social network VKontakte, a video recording of the session appears regressive hypnosis, as a result of which accurate and very plausible information was obtained explaining what happened. Here is the video:

The group administrators considered the information received “nonsense” and deleted it. We began to analyze it. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that we're talking about not about some fantasies of psychics, but about information obtained through the use of techniques for connecting a person’s consciousness to the so-called. information field. In the USSR, similar techniques were taught to closed military officers. military units to obtain intelligence data, and the term "information field" was used by the military as part of the educational process. Unfortunately, to an ordinary person, who does not have the appropriate information training, knows nothing about this.

Let's consider the picture that emerges from the analysis of the above-mentioned video recording.

Conditional picture of the incident

On the evening of September 16, 2017, Maxim Markhaluk gets bored and goes on a bicycle towards the forest. For a reason known only to him, he leaves vehicle near the hut and continues walking along highway. It’s already dark outside, and the guy’s clothes may not have reflective elements.

Outside the agricultural town, a dark-colored car is moving at high speed. Behind the wheel is a young guy named Leonid (dark hair, short haircut, large bald patches in front). On the right in the passenger seat is also a young guy named Kirill (bald or with a haircut, a jacket with a hood, presumably Brown), apparently lives in Grodno. There is a fresh air freshener in the shape of a (painted) green apple hanging in the cabin.

The driver does not notice the person walking on the side of the road little boy and allows a collision, in the area of ​​which there should be traces of blood, and nearby there is a reinforced concrete pillar, a lantern is shining. Very frightened, the guys load Maxim, who is unconscious, into the back seat of the car and head to the hospital.

Having passed a populated area (which one is not known), the guys check the pulse and realize that Maxim is no longer there. Nearby is a field. The body is taken to a forest plantation and covered with a little earth. In addition to the field, there are pillars located not far from this place (no details). Searchers walked near the body. During the hypnosis session, information was leaked that the location of the body was 30 kilometers from settlement(meaning the agricultural town of Novy Dvor), but there is reason to believe that this information is unreliable.

Please note that the information was not obtained during a regression hypnosis session by us, so we cannot be 100% sure of its reliability. At the same time, we do not have the moral right to ignore the information received, as representatives of search and rescue groups do.

  1. Searchers need to focus not on finding a living person, but on finding the possible burial place of his body. Despite moral standards, ignoring this version means playing for the audience, and not engaging in a real search.
  2. The search area can be narrowed to roadside areas (for specialists with dogs) and forests no more than 30 meters deep, thereby expanding the geography of the search. Pay special attention to the areas on the map highlighted in red, and first of all - on the right side of the road.

P.S. In parallel with working out the version of the accident, we began working with individual psychics. Analysis of the information received showed some differences with the above version, but at the same time there were very precise details that coincided with it. According to psychics, one of whom gave very accurate information in the case of Sonya Chetvertnova, a five-year-old girl from Kalach on Don (Russia), who disappeared the day before Maxim and then was killed, his underage “comrades” with parallel cover-up were involved in the disappearance of our guy one of the adults. By the way, one of Maxim’s friends’ name is Kirill, as a passenger in the car according to regressive hypnosis. Work in this direction continues...

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