An unknown witness was found in the case of the murder of a Rosneft employee. Her eldest daughter was named as the person who ordered the murder of a Rosneft employee and three children “everyone is afraid of grandpa”

<...>. So a week passed, and I went back to see my doctor.<...>The ultrasound showed that nothing had changed in a week.<...>I was scheduled for vacuum cleaning on August 5th. This is not an abortion, i.e. I can have children after this. Mom said that she was already determined to have a baby, and I should get pregnant within 4 months.<...>

Dima's relationship with my parents. Dima and I started living together when I was a 2nd year student at Moscow State University, in 2010. Mom immediately liked Dima very much. At first, grandfather was worried that it was too early, but then he got to know Dima better and didn’t mind either. Over these 4 years, our families became very close friends. My mother communicated very closely with Dima’s mother, they were very close friends. Grandfather loved Dima very much and taught him everything.

<...>. Every day we called my mother on the phone, visited her once a week, helped, and looked after the children.<…>The kids were also drawn to us. Dimka helped his mother with the housework.<…>The three of us - me, Dima, Danila - often went to the cinema and roller skated. Danilka loved Dima very much and wanted to be like him.<…>Mom kept asking when we would get married. But we promised our grandfather to get married after graduating from university. Mom, grandfather, grandmother never quarreled with Dima and were happy for us.

Motive for the trip. After the vacuum cleaning, the doctors told me to stay in bed for several days, so Dima had to fly alone. On the morning of September 6, Dima went to the center to buy tickets for September 7 in Simferopol. Mom also asked him to stop by the “House of Pedagogical Books” to buy Danila textbooks on history, social studies and physics.<…>She said that she was waiting for him and that she had baked a cake for him.<…>He left by taxi at about 20-40. At 21-10 he called me and said that he was already in the village. Terekhovo. From 22-00 to 23-00 we called him, and he said that mom was putting the kids to bed and that he and Danila were watching some movie.

My relationship with my family. Mom and I were best friends and shared all their secrets. Mom always supported me in everything and was always on my side, and I supported her.<…>My dad is a very wise man, (...) very interesting person, with whom Dima and I really enjoyed communicating. I also never had any conflicts with my grandparents, we were very close.

The relationship between me and Dima. Dima and I lived very friendly. I truly loved him, and he loved me. (...) We had common hobbies: we snowboarded, loved to travel, did professional photography, loved to cook various exotic dishes, went to the movies. Of course, like any couple, we had quarrels, but we always quickly resolved them..<...>

Mom's relationship with Oleg Samartsev. She introduced Dima and me to Oleg only in the second half of March. (...) Oleg gradually moved to live with his mother in a house in the village. Terekhovo. Mom didn’t work at that time, she was in maternity leave. <…>After a trip to Turkey, Oleg began to have problems with his wife and daughter. Oleg’s daughter is the same age as me, she also graduated from Moscow State University in 2014, I think from the Faculty of Law<…>. According to my mother, about two months before the tragedy, Oleg’s wife and daughter hacked Oleg Samartsev’s email account, where they found out that he lives with my mother and wants to adopt twins. Samartseva was shocked and tried to bring Oleg back, threatened my mother through him, said that she would do everything to bring Oleg back, that my mother should be afraid of her.

Oleg filed for divorce. Lyudmila Samartseva refused, and the litigation. (...) Lyudmila turned her daughter against Oleg, which made him extremely upset and indignant. Lyudmila also changed the locks in the apartment. Oleg could not get into his apartment. Among other things, he started having problems with his travel company. (...)

August 1 was Oleg's birthday. His mother gave him a trip to the Maldives. On August 31, Oleg and his mother returned from vacation. In the evening they had a big fight because mom didn’t serve dinner on time, and Oleg left for a week, as he said, to his village.<…>On September 5, I talked to my mother, she (...) said that she wanted to break up with Oleg, that she was tired of his difficult character and constant quarrels.

Skype. Periodically (after the murder of Elena and the children - V.Ch.) someone went to Dimin’s Skype and the VKontakte website, and someone also went to Danila’s Skype. I assume that Dima’s MacBook Pro computer and Danilin’s iPad were taken from the crime scene. It is almost impossible to find out the “ID” or password with a login. Considering that after the fire, almost nothing remained at the crime scene, we can assume that the iPad and MacBook Pro were taken before the fire.”

Version No. 5 - mother of Dmitry Kolesnikov

“We told the investigator that someone was on Dimina’s VKontakte,” says Kolesnikova’s mother, Elena. - I have screenshots. The investigator replied: “This cannot be,” but refused to double-check.

Elena Kolesnikova says that her son is not a conflicted person. “And Lena (Pereverzeva - V.Ch.) was absolutely non-confrontational. We met her a year after our children started living together. I have always been very wary of wealthy families, because we lived on average income. When he met Dasha, I asked him why you need this. He said: “Mom, she is a simple girl and her family is simple.” When I crossed the threshold of this house, I realized: Dima was telling the truth. Lena and I immediately found mutual language. She was very friendly, but by nature... it seemed to me that she lacked love, care, some kind of peace in this life. Before the twins were born, she wanted to adopt a girl. Her father didn't allow her. Then she decided to go for IVF. She was happy with the arrival of the twins and gave herself completely to them. And in March 2014, she got a man. But when we went to the zoo with the children in July 2014, she said that Oleg was very Difficult person. I didn't ask any unnecessary questions. But I saw: Lena was worried. And she was happy for Dasha’s pregnancy.”

About the tragedy. “Dima said that he did not want to take advantage of Dasha’s grandfather’s job offer. He wants to achieve everything himself, so that later they don’t say: “Here, I arranged for you...”. But in the end he did not dare to contradict his grandfather. I remember calling and saying that he was going to buy tickets to Simferopol and that “Aunt Lena also asked me to buy textbooks for Danila.”

When he was released from the police on the first day, he cried and said that he and we, his family, could be killed. He smelled of cognac - they poured it on him there to calm him down... In the morning we were told to come to the Investigative Committee for additional interrogation. He ate calmly, got dressed, and we left. He then told me: “I don’t understand why they killed Aunt Lena. In my head I can hear the wheezing of dying Aunt Lena and the crying of children.”

I didn't see him again. I sat at the door of the investigator’s office until nightfall. I was asked to bring Dima's panties. They checked him for rape. But when Dima went to shower at home, we threw them out - they were soaked in smoke. I went home and started looking in the trash, but it turned out that my husband had thrown out the bucket in the morning. What prevented him from taking the underpants the day before, when he was sitting in the police station? And why didn’t they immediately flush or cut their nails?

And only the next morning they asked: “Did you wash your hands?” Certainly! And I took a shower! And then, if he had done this, would he really have sat quietly at the headquarters of the Investigative Committee, waiting for someone to call him and close him down?
The lawyer was not allowed to see Dima. There was an opera at the door. Investigator Kalugin interrogated his son. When Dima was taken to the toilet, I shouted to him: “Son, don’t sign anything without a lawyer!” On the way back from the toilet he became hysterical. Then the lawyer was allowed in.

Soon I went to another investigator - Polkin - for permission to transfer. In Polkin’s office, Elena’s father, Ivan Chernov, called me in front of me. I don’t know what he said, but Polkin was nervous: “Let you not interfere in our work, and I will do what I have to do!”

Daria Pereverzeva with her sister. Photo from personal archive

The mother of the only survivor of a fire in an elite village gave "KP" exclusive interview

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Dmitry Kolesnikov celebrated his 24th birthday in the detention center. He is a suspect in the murder of four people.

It's a big deal. On September 7 last year, in the elite village of Terehovo near Khimki, Rosneft accountant-economist Elena Pereverzeva was strangled and her three children were killed. Danila was 12, twins Masha and Vanya were only 3 years old. To cover their tracks, the house was set on fire. The main witness is Dima Kolesnikov, who spent the night in the cottage that night. Five minutes to Pereverzeva’s son-in-law, the fiancé of her eldest daughter Dasha. The girl herself remained in her Moscow apartment that night, and Kolesnikov had to fly out for work in the morning and decided to get to Sheremetyevo from Khimki...

Four days after the tragedy, the young man went from being a witness to becoming a suspect and was arrested. Another day later, the Investigative Committee reported that he confessed to everything, told in detail how he strangled his girlfriend’s mother, how he killed the children, and how he set the house on fire. For what? He says he quarreled with Pereverzeva because she allegedly did not want to see Dima as a future son-in-law and even called him a “rogue” in the heat of the quarrel.

Then Kolesnikov refused this testimony, saying that he had incriminated himself under pressure. Since then, his arrest has already been extended twice. An investigation is underway.

Everything seems to be clear here. There is a crime, there is a “reinforced concrete” suspect. But there are still a lot of details that still raise doubts...


Immediately after the murder, one of Pereverzeva’s friends wrote on her social network page: “Dear Elena! They talked to you three days before the murder! This is a contract crime. As is clear, love triangle. Just as you told me a lot when we met...” She doesn’t believe that Kolesnikov killed the woman and children. But he doesn’t want to talk about the love version either.

But there really was at least one love triangle in the life of the deceased. For the last six months, she had been close to a businessman named Oleg; he often stayed overnight in the house. Oleg's wife is a top manager of a large bank. Another friend of Elena Pereverzeva admitted to KP that she Lately complained: she was being threatened on behalf of some woman.

Elena Pereverzeva’s father, Ivan Chernov, worked for many years in high positions at Rosneft, in last years headed one of its departments. The family is wealthy. The investigation has a version that Kolesnikov could have planned the murder of his future mother-in-law with Dasha because of her grandfather’s large inheritance. So Ivan Chernov’s son Evgeniy told the police that the young man tried to enter their family solely because of money. But then what is the logic? After all, Kolesnikov had not yet become Dasha’s husband, removing the heirs, and did not lay claim to any houses, apartments, or accounts. In general, a tangle of mysteries.


Kolesnikov’s mother, Elena Petrovna, has not given any major interviews to anyone since Dima’s arrest.

In 2010, Dima broke up with his girlfriend and about six months later I found out that he was dating Dasha,” the woman says. “We met Dasha’s family about a year later; her mother invited us to her place outside the city. We somehow immediately got along with her. Elena was a very pleasant woman, soft and homely, she adored all her children. Sometimes we met in a large circle, although I won’t say that we gathered for any family holidays. Still, everyone there is afraid of Ivan Nikolaevich and will not contradict him. We first met him in March 2014. He invited me and my wife out of town for a picnic. Although they had known Dima for quite some time. You know, Dima always spoke very enthusiastically about him, he respected him very much. For Dima, he has always been an unquestioned authority. My son and Elena also had very a good relationship. He often came to her house to help with some housework and to play with the kids.


- It is known that Dima and Dasha have lived together for several years. Did you rent an apartment?

We lived on Chistye Prudy. That apartment belongs to Dasha’s family, but I don’t know who exactly. When they had to move, they wondered where they should live now. Dima has his own three-room apartment in Mitino, 80 square meters, his father gave it to him. Dima's dad left the family a long time ago, but he always helped us financially. Dasha also has her own apartment, on Lavochkina Street. They eventually moved there. Still, the area is better, and closer to the center.

- Dima studied at Baumanka, Dasha - at the history department of Moscow State University. Who kept them? You and Pereverzeva?

No, they themselves. Dima rented out his three rubles, and they lived on this money. Sometimes I worked part-time. I know that I was both a courier and something about computers. Maybe Dasha’s grandfather helped him, but I don’t know about it.


According to Elena Petrovna, on that ill-fated evening, her son came to Terekhovo because Dasha’s mother asked to buy and bring some books for her son Dani. Plus, as we remember, he had to go on a business trip.

Chernov (Dasha's grandfather - Ed.) got Dima a job in one of the companies with his close friend. The interview took place back in July. And on September 7, Dima was supposed to fly to Simferopol for several days. He had to make a decision at which facility he would work - in Crimea or in Astrakhan. The children planned that when their son made up his mind, Dasha would fly with him and rent an apartment. They do not have any lofty goals or desire to live in Moscow.


When we were leaving home after the interrogation, Dima began to cry,” continues the suspect’s mother. “He then told me: “Mom, maybe I shouldn’t go home? Let me stay with the police. I’m a witness, THEY will kill me...” Already from the pre-trial detention center, Dima wrote in letters through his lawyers that he was threatened. They said: your mother is under our control, we are watching her. But now the son has become stronger in spirit. He writes complaints and went on hunger strike twice against the actions of the investigator. He wants the real killers to be caught.

- After the tragedy, did you communicate with Elena Pereverzeva’s relatives?

I know that Ivan Nikolaevich Chernov is convinced that Dima is guilty. I tried to contact him. For a long time he did not pick up the phone, and then a short conversation took place. He said: “Why did he give such testimony, if he is innocent, why didn’t he shout that he was being pressed?” I tried to explain how everything happened. But it's no use.


Where did the daughter of the deceased go?

But Daria Pereverzeva, as in the first days after the murder of her mother, brothers and sister, still does not believe in Dima’s guilt. According to our information, the girl herself is now abroad. She sometimes goes to her social network page. And I didn’t even think about changing my status, it still says: “Married to Dmitry Kolesnikov.”


“He promised to adopt children...”

Absolutely all people who knew her remember the deceased Elena with respect. There was never any meanness about her; she was a non-conflict, reasonable woman. But in family life she didn't seem to have much luck. Dasha's father left the family shortly after the birth of the girl; Elena gave birth to Daniila from another man. Vanya and Masha were born after IVF, artificial insemination.

I probably didn’t know her as well as many of my friends, although we communicated and shared some of our women's secrets, says Elena Petrovna. “I know that even before the twins appeared, she wanted to adopt a child. She chose a girl from an orphanage in the Odintsovo district, but her father did not allow her. After that she went for IVF.

- How were her relationships with men?

When we met, in 2011, Elena was talking with the owner of some nightclub. Then there was another man. And in March last year she told us for the first time about Oleg Samartsev. As I understand it, they met while on vacation abroad.

As KP ​​managed to find out, Oleg Samartsev is the owner of an insurance company, ex-deputy director of Sokolniki Park, and until recently, general secretary of the Russian Rugby Federation. Friends of the Pereverzevs say that during the funeral he remained standing at Elena’s grave, even when everyone else had left. However, the man flatly refuses to communicate with journalists.

I don’t know Samartsev personally, but Dima and Dasha talked to him,” says Kolesnikov’s mother. - He's much older than Elena, almost twenty years old, but very attractive, judging by the photo. I know that Samartsev offered Lena to adopt her children. This was very important for Lena; she did not want the children to be without a father.



So what happened that night at the Pereverzev cottage? What did Kolesnikov say during interrogations after he retracted his confession?

In the evening, Kolesnikov and the girl’s mother talked and discussed issues of a future wedding, says lawyer Nikolai Burnevich. - Then we went to our rooms to sleep. And in the morning he woke up from screams. I jumped out of the room and saw that Elena Ivanovna was lying on the floor, a man was standing over her, showing a tablet from which a woman’s voice was coming. Then another man appeared and Dmitry ran away in panic. He stumbled on the stairs; Daniel’s body lay there. He didn't understand whether the boy was alive or dead. Here Kolesnikov was caught up by a man, and after that he no longer remembers what happened next. I woke up in a bathtub filled with water on the second floor. Hands are tied. The rooms were already filled with smoke; something was burning on the first floor. Kolesnikov managed to get up and began screaming out the window. People came running to the scream, set up a ladder, and pulled him out.

Burnevich was present at Kolesnikov’s confrontation with the man who was the first to come to the rescue.

He said that Dmitry even then told him that there were killers in the house. And then the guy rushed to the house, shouting that there were children there. They pulled him away because smoke was already pouring out of all the cracks. This worker ran along the first floor, trying to open the windows. According to him, one of them was covered, but not closed. Maybe it was through him that the real killers left the house? Then, in an attempt to get into the house for the children, a window was broken with a shovel. A reverse draft arose and what had only been smoldering inside all this time began to burn with open fire...

- Why did he confess to the murder? - we ask the lawyer.

Dmitry says that during the first interrogation by the police they poured him cognac, supposedly to relieve stress, says Burnevich. - He was interrogated in the same state. Lawyers were not allowed to see him. They put people in the cell who even had a knife. Psychologically they put pressure on him and beat out a sincere confession... Yes, Dmitry was allowed into the house. But here it is necessary to check not only him, but also everyone else. These are Pereverzeva’s relatives, her work colleagues, and the men around her. By the way, according to Dmitry, the late Elena Pereverzeva mentioned that she had some kind of financial affairs with Oleg Samartsev.

Further. The victim almost always fights and injures his killer. Why didn't Dmitry receive any damage? We were not provided with the results of the examinations, although, as far as I know, they have been ready for a long time. It is still unclear why and how the house in Terekhovo caught fire, and how and in what order its inhabitants were killed. And one moment. Kolesnikov had a laptop with him, to which some programs were linked. Someone has logged out of his social network accounts several times in recent months. Modern technologies allow you to track who uses this laptop and where. We contacted the investigator, but he refused to conduct this check!


The investigation is underway, the press secretary told KP. Investigative Committee in the Moscow region Olga Vradiy. – Is Dmitry Kolesnikov the only suspect? All other versions have been worked out. Previously, Kolesnikov gave confessions and they coincided with the circumstances that were established by investigators.


Some readers may think that KP came to the defense of suspect Dmitry Kolesnikov and his family. We tried for several months to talk with Pereverzeva’s relatives and her acquaintances. Alas, to no avail so far. Probably, after this publication, someone from Elena’s circle will want to answer at least some of the questions asked by Kolesnikov’s mother and his lawyer.

On Monday, the Moscow Regional Court sentenced 25-year-old Dmitry Kolesnikov, who was found guilty of the brutal murder of four people. The victims of the criminal were Rosneft employee Elena Pereverzeva and her three young children. The remains of the victims were found in a burnt country house, where Dmitry was included as the groom of Elena’s eldest daughter. According to investigators, Kolesnikov acted in conspiracy with the victim’s daughter, who wanted to receive an inheritance and spend it on trips abroad.

According to the court's decision, Dmitry Kolesnikov will serve a life sentence in prison. Moreover, he will spend the first 10 years in prison, and then will be sent to a special regime correctional colony, the official website of the Moscow Regional Court reports.

The sentence was imposed based on the verdict of a jury delivered on March 6, 2017. Kolesnikov was unanimously found guilty of all charges and not deserving of leniency.

It was established that Dmitry Kolesnikov, from 2010 to 2014, was in a close relationship with the daughter of the victim and his peer Daria Pereverzeva. She is also accused of killing her mother and is wanted.

According to investigators, it was Daria who planned to kill Elena, as well as one of her brothers G. Then the attacker intended to adopt the rest of the children, inherit her mother’s fortune and go traveling, they explained in court. For help in implementing her plans, Daria promised to give Dmitry a three-room apartment in Moscow that she owned, as well as the opportunity to use other property inherited from her mother. Kolesnikov agreed to play the role of a killer.

On September 6, 2014, Dmitry arrived at the two-story house of the victim Elena, located in cottage village Terekhovo in the urban district of Khimki. During the quarrel, he hit the 43-year-old owner at least once on the head with a glass bottle, after which he began to strangle her with his elbow. Having found a suitable rope, the young man strangled the victim.

The next victim was Elena's 12-year-old son. Having knocked the boy down with a blow from his fist, Kolesnikov squeezed his neck with his elbow until death occurred, reports the official website of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

Fearing that the other children (a three-year-old boy and a girl) who were sleeping in the house would betray him, Kolesnikov set the house on fire, “which caused significant damage to the victim Elena and killed two young victims,” the court press release says.

Having taken off his clothes, Kolesnikov laid them on gas stove and set it on fire. The younger children died from combustion products poisoning.

“Kolesnikov himself, in order to create an alibi for himself, went up to the bathroom located on the second floor of the house, opened the window and began to call for help,” the Prosecutor General’s Office added.

After extinguishing the fire, the remains of the victims were found in the ashes. The fire was extinguished using a helicopter, but the house was almost completely burned down. Dmitry Kolesnikov got out of the burning house at the last moment and claimed that the residents of the cottage and himself were allegedly attacked by a gang of robbers.

Let us add that the deceased Elena Pereverzeva was a hereditary employee of Rosneft. In the same company long years her father Ivan Chernov worked. Since 2006, 76-year-old Ivan Chernov has served as director of the Department of Strategic and Foreign Projects of Rosneft.

During the investigation, a version was also put forward that Dmitry asked Elena for her daughter’s hand and heart. But a Rosneft employee rejected the marriage proposal, calling Kolesnikov a “rogue.” This quarrel allegedly led to the murder.

The version about the murder of his daughter because of conversations about the wedding was refuted by Ivan Chernov. In his opinion, Elena could not offend Dmitry by hinting at his material troubles. Besides, she wasn't against him love story with daughter Dasha, which lasted several years.

The press also drew attention to the inconsistency in the main version of the murder due to inheritance. Daria, it is believed, could not have known that it was not sole heir with living grandparents.

Dmitry Kolesnikov was found guilty under paragraph “a, c, f, h, j”, part 2 of Art. 105 (“Murder of two or more persons, including minors, committed in a generally dangerous manner, for mercenary reasons, in order to hide another crime”), Part 2 of Art. 167 (“Deliberate destruction of someone else’s property, resulting in significant damage, by arson”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. During the preliminary investigation, the young man repeatedly changed his testimony. IN last word in court he declared his innocence. “I didn’t kill anyone. I have nothing to do with this crime,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes Dmitry as saying.

Daria Pereverzeva has been hiding from investigation in Thailand since 2015, where her father organized a diving school. The girl was charged in absentia, the press previously wrote.

On December 22, 2016, Daria Pereverzeva appeared independently to testify at the trial of her accomplice. The girl was detained and arrested the next day. She categorically denies her guilt, Interfax reports.

She was charged with Part 3 of Art. 33, paragraph "a, c, z" part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Organization of the murder of two or more persons, including a minor, committed for mercenary reasons”), TASS reports.


The Khimki City Court of the Moscow Region authorized the arrest of Dmitry Kolesnikov, who is suspected of the brutal murder of four people. According to investigators, the man's victim was his mother. common-law wife with own children. The deceased worked for the large energy company Rosneft.

“The court granted the investigator’s request to select a preventive measure against Kolesnikov in the form of detention for two months, that is, until November 7,” the press service of the Khimki City Court told ITAR-TASS.

Let us remind you that a fire broke out in a two-story cottage in the village of Terehovo in the urban district of Khimki on the morning of September 7. It was extinguished using a helicopter, but the house burned down almost completely. However, a man managed to get out of the fire, who turned out to be Dmitry Kolesnikov.

After extinguishing the fire, the bodies of 43-year-old housewife Elena Pereverzeva, who worked at Rosneft as a chief specialist, and her three children were discovered in the ashes: three-year-old twins (a boy and a girl) and a 12-year-old son.

During the inspection of the scene and the bodies of the victims, a synthetic rope tied with a double knot was found on the woman’s neck. Apparently, the victim was strangled.

Dmitry Kolesnikov, who cohabits with the daughter of the deceased, 22-year-old Daria (the girl was in Moscow at the time of the tragedy), immediately put forward a version of an attack by robbers. According to the man, the attackers snuck into the house at night, and then killed his mother-in-law and children and set the house on fire.

Dmitry himself allegedly woke up with his hands tied “from the smell of carbon monoxide,” after which he was able to get out of the burning house with the help of a neighbor. Then Kolesnikov began to say that he heard a conversation between two criminals who were actually killers and acted on orders. One of them allegedly wanted to finish off Dmitry, but the other said that they had received instructions to kill only the owner. At the same time, he added that the man “will burn anyway.”

Due to the abundance of contradictions in Kolesnikov’s testimony, investigators declared his versions unfounded, and he himself became the main suspect. The village guards also testified that no outsiders entered the inner territory at night.

The young man is charged with Part 2 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Murder of two or more persons”), the maximum penalty for which is life imprisonment.

It is assumed that the murder was preceded by a domestic conflict that arose out of personal hostility.

As Moskovsky Komsomolets writes, the father of the deceased woman, 76-year-old Ivan Nikolaevich Chernov, has also worked for Rosneft for many years. And his daughter worked there as an accountant and economist. Since 2006, Chernov has served as director of the Department of Strategic and Foreign Projects of Rosneft.

Ivan Chernov lives in another cottage village, not far from Terekhovo. He often visited his daughter and children.

Investigators also have questions for the daughter of the deceased, Daria Pereverzeva. Investigators are checking whether there is any connection between the fire in Terekhovo and her status, which appeared at the same time on the social network VKontakte: “But life is cruel game. And everyone here is a little crazy!”

At 2:30 a.m., the deceased 12-year-old boy also visited his Internet page, NTV reports. However, he did not have time to leave any comments. The eldest of Elena's children was searched for the longest time in the ashes. Perhaps he was hiding before his death.

The Moscow Regional Court sentenced Dmitry Kolesnikov to life imprisonment. in the monstrous murder of Rosneft employee Elena Pereverzeva and her three children. The tragedy occurred in September 2014 in Khimki. The bodies of the victims were then found in a burnt cottage. Suspicion immediately fell on the eldest daughter's fiancé. The investigation considers the girl herself to be the mastermind of the crime.

Dmitry Kolesnikov prudently put on a jacket with a hood to prevent cameras from capturing himself. I tried not to look into the hall. On Kolesnikov’s conscience are the lives of 43-year-old Elena Pereverzeva and her three children.

The murder was committed in September 2014 in the elite village of Terekhovo. There was a severe fire in the mansion of Rosneft employee Elena Pereverzeva. Under the rubble, rescuers found the body of the owner and her children. Danila was 13 years old, twins Masha and Vanya were only 3 years old.

Forensic experts established that Elena was strangled before the fire. Different versions were developed, in the end it was established that the massacre was organized by the fiance of Pereverzeva’s eldest daughter, 23-year-old Dmitry Kolesnikov.

“Having developed an action plan in advance, Kolesnikov arrived at the victim’s house on September 7, 2014. Choosing an opportune moment, he first strangled the woman with his hands, after which he strangled her 12-year-old son with a rope. After that, he brought a highly flammable liquid into the house and doused his things with it. ", which were covered in blood, and then set it on fire. Subsequently, he broke the window. A fire started from the flow of air entering the house. At the same time, in the room on the second floor of the house there were two children - three-year-old twins, whose death was caused by carbon monoxide poisoning," - explained Elena Fokina, senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region.

During interrogations, Kolesnikov became confused. But, in the end, he admitted his guilt. Then, however, he refused the initial testimony and continues to insist on his innocence.

“I am not involved in this crime,” he declares.

According to Kolesnikov, the murder was committed by two strangers. He managed to escape miraculously. But investigators were not convinced by this option. Moreover, they received evidence of involvement in the murder of Elena Pereverzeva’s daughter, Daria. It turned out that she was the customer. The motive is to receive a huge inheritance in the future. In December 2016, she was arrested.

Daria's grandfather and Elena Pereverzeva's father, Ivan Chernov, is a former high-ranking employee of Rosneft. He also attended the sentencing. He himself, according to some sources, considers Kolesnikov guilty, and not his granddaughter.

He declined to comment.

The case of Dmitry Kolesnikov was considered by a jury. On March 6, the board issued a unanimous verdict - guilty.

“He did not commit this crime. The trouble is that he remained alive,” notes Dmitry Kolesnikov’s lawyer Nadezhda Stupkina.

“The prosecution presented irrefutable evidence of guilt, as evidenced by the guilty verdict of the jury, which was unanimous,” noted Ekaterina Vorozheikina, senior prosecutor of the department of public prosecutors of the criminal justice department of the Moscow Region prosecutor’s office.

The judge’s decision was not influenced by Kolesnikov’s initial frank confession, nor by his lack of a criminal record.

“The court considers it necessary to sentence him to life imprisonment,” the judge read out the verdict.

Separated into separate production. The investigation into it is still ongoing.

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