Forms and methods of extracurricular activities in the subject “The World around us. Methodology for conducting classes in extracurricular activities in decorative creativity Extracurricular activities exercise with natural material pine cone

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation





Course work


in the discipline: Technology teaching methods

Novosibirsk 2013


Chapter 1. Technology and teaching methods for secondary school students

1 Psychological characteristics of the work activity of junior schoolchildren

2 Methodology for teaching technology in primary school

3 Methods of teaching schoolchildren to work with natural materials during technology lessons in primary school

4 Tools, devices and equipment for labor training lessons

Chapter 2. Methodology for conducting classes on artistic processing of natural materials during technology lessons in elementary school

1 Perspective-thematic plan for the section “Artistic processing of materials” in 1st grade

2 Detailed scenarios for lessons on working with natural materials


List of sources used



The relevance of research.

Forming interest and love for work is one of the main tasks of raising children. Various types of work of school-age children contain the origins of the early identification of abilities, personal gifts, and the correct choice of profession in the future. .

Labor training plays a special role. Although labor lessons are based on the application of didactic principles common to all school subjects, they are distinguished by a number of features, for example, students are engaged not only in cognitive, but also in creative activities; objects and labor processes act not just as objects of study, but at the same time are also a means of visualization , didactic material that serves to enhance the work of students, and technical teaching aids.

Children love labor lessons more than other lessons. After all, during labor lessons, the child is busy making toys that are dear to his heart, in which he sees his friends. The combination of intellectual and motor activity creates an atmosphere of meaningful work.

Issues of labor training and education of school students were dealt with by such prominent scientists as N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, A.V. Lunacharsky, S.L. Rubinstein. Modern scientists also pay attention to issues of labor training. Issues of familiarizing students with working with natural materials. These are scientists like N.A. Tsirulik, T.Ya. Shpikalova, N.M. Konysheva and others. .

Labor education is a mandatory condition and an integral part of the education, upbringing and development of a child at the primary level of a comprehensive school and is implemented through a variety of classroom and extracurricular activities of students. The purpose of labor training is to develop the personality of students based on the formation of labor activity. .

A special place in the labor training system is occupied by labor lessons on working with natural materials. Natural material is a storehouse for the development of children's creativity. Making toys and various crafts from natural materials is painstaking, interesting, unusual and very enjoyable work. In order for children to be able to do it willingly, it is necessary to develop the child’s imagination, and with mastery of the skill comes dexterity in work.

A.S. drew attention to the importance of using natural materials in a child’s activities. Makarenko. He pointed out that materials (clay, wood, paper, straw, dried plants) “are closest to normal human activity: from materials a person creates values ​​and culture... There is a lot of good realism in the material toy, but at the same time there is scope for imagination, not just imagination, but great creative imagination"

Meetings with nature expand children’s understanding, improve their ability to look closely at various phenomena, and maintain the integrity of perception when creating crafts from natural materials.

Making crafts requires a child's confidence, accuracy and dexterity. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed.

The entertaining nature of making crafts from natural materials contributes to the development of children's attention, curiosity, activity, hard work and, finally, contributes to the development of the child's personality and character development. It’s not so easy to make a craft from natural material. Its production requires special volitional efforts from the child. In this type of work, children have real opportunities to develop their control and assessment of their own activities.

The work of making crafts from natural materials can be either individual or collective. It is advisable to use various forms of collective work of children to develop their skills in planning their activities, taking into account a common goal, and the ability to distribute operations.

How much joy a child gets from a handmade toy made from acorns, nuts, and leaves! Making gifts and souvenirs for parents and friends is no less enjoyable. Skillful hands and imagination work wonders.

Based on the above, we consider the topic of this course work to be relevant and interesting in terms of further study.

Object of study: the process of labor training in primary school.

Subject of research: methods of artistic processing of natural materials in technology lessons in elementary school.

Purpose of the work: to study theoretical materials on this topic and develop a series of lessons reflecting the methodology of artistic processing of natural materials in a technology lesson in elementary school.

Hypothesis: labor training for junior schoolchildren in the artistic processing of natural materials will be effective if:

the teacher will be proficient in the modern theory and practice of labor education for primary schoolchildren;

a good material base has been created for the process of labor training;

work will be considered as a means of developing the child’s personality;

Research objectives:

Study scientific, methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature, and the work experience of practicing teachers.

Consider the age characteristics of a child of primary school age.

To reveal the features and significance of the work of younger schoolchildren with natural materials in labor lessons.

Create a series of lesson notes related to this topic.

Draw up a perspective - thematic plan, lesson plans for this section.

Research methods: analysis of psychological, pedagogical, special literature on the issue under study; observations.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the development of a system of work in technology lessons with natural materials, which can be used in the process of teaching students and concretizing the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

Practical significance: developed lesson scenarios that can be used in the work of primary school teachers and student trainees.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and an appendix.

learning schoolchild nature lesson

Chapter 1. Technology and teaching methods for secondary school students

1 Psychological characteristics of the work activity of junior schoolchildren

Teaching does not exclude other activities of children. A particularly important role belongs to labor in two forms characteristic of this age - in the form of self-service and making handicrafts.

Children are accustomed to self-care from preschool years. Consolidating and developing habits and self-care skills in the elementary grades is a good psychological basis for instilling in children a sense of respect for the work of adults, an understanding of the role of work in people’s lives, and readiness for prolonged physical stress. In the family and at school, it is important to create conditions under which the child must be acutely aware of his self-care responsibilities. For example, the requirement to be clean and tidy must be combined with the creation of conditions when the child is forced to independently (of course, within his own abilities) put his wardrobe and other things in order. In a classroom setting, it is advisable to systematically give children such instructions that have a certain meaning for everything team (sweep the floor, wipe desks, water flowers, etc.), and which at the same time have to be fulfilled, sometimes overcoming certain individual desires and interests, and sometimes fatigue. its organization is an important condition for instilling in younger schoolchildren the habit of participating in collective work, the desire to make a feasible contribution to it without direct external reminders (this shows the beginnings of hard work). Without such a habit, brought up from the early grades, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to form love of work in older children.

Of no small educational importance are those types of school self-service, during which children are involved in joint collective work. They learn comradely support and mutual assistance, begin to consciously relate to the common tasks of the team, and feel their personal responsibility for the timely and conscientious completion of work. .

Most younger schoolchildren love labor classes, where they can show, for example, ingenuity when cutting material and dexterity when gluing it, where, when completing a task, one type of action replaces another. Children receive deep satisfaction from the fact that they make necessary and useful things with their own hands (Christmas tree decorations made during labor lessons can be given to children from a neighboring kindergarten). All this contributes to the development of hard work and a sense of responsibility for the work done. Making handicrafts is also essential for the development of differentiated and coordinated movements, for the formation of control over them both on the basis of muscle sense and from vision. .

Labor classes have another significant psychological effect. The conditions for their implementation are most favorable in order to develop in children the ability to plan upcoming work, and then find ways and means of its implementation. Of course, this skill develops in other classes, but only during the purposeful production of any object does the child act in a system of the most detailed and outwardly expressed requirements. Once you skip even a minor operation or use the wrong tool, it all immediately visibly affects the results of the work. Therefore, in labor classes, the child intensively masters the ability to plan in advance the order of his actions and provide the tools necessary for their implementation.

1.2 Methodology for teaching technology in primary school

In the primary education system, work activity is one of the important factors in the development of a child: moral, mental, physical, aesthetic.

It is in the elementary grades that the foundations of a socially active personality are laid, showing interest in work, independence, respect for working people and other valuable qualities that contribute to the assimilation of the demands of life and establishment in it. .

The goal of the “Labor Training” course in primary school is the development of a creative, active personality with an interest in technical and artistic creativity and a desire to work. .

The labor training program in primary school provides for introducing students to various types of work, namely:

agricultural labor;

household work;

the basics of artistic processing of various materials;

self-care work;

technical labor and technical modeling. .

A special place in the content of the labor training course is occupied by the section “Fundamentals of artistic processing of various materials”, it includes students mastering the simplest ways and techniques of working with various materials, is aimed at introducing children to various types of folk crafts, developing creative abilities and aesthetic education of younger schoolchildren.

In this course work we are interested in the methodology of artistic processing of natural materials in labor lessons in primary school.

What are natural materials? There are a huge number of materials in the world that are commonly called “natural”. From the name itself it becomes clear that natural materials include everything that nature itself abundantly presents to us. These are objects that we sometimes don’t even notice, and everything that can be easily found as soon as you go out for a walk: twigs, twigs, flowers, leaves, cones, straw, acorns, pine needles, grass, etc.

Making toys and other crafts from natural materials is an interesting business, but at the same time it is work. Almost jewelry-like, painstaking, although fascinating and very pleasant, especially with its result. Working with natural plant materials is of great importance for the all-round development of a primary school student. Meeting nature invariably expands children's understanding of the world around them and teaches them to look carefully at various phenomena. When children bring acorns, cones, branches from a walk, and flowers and pine needles from an excursion, then the study of these treasures begins. The guys spend a long time looking at the collected material, sorting through it, feeling it and examining it. And this, in turn, helps to remember the shape, colors, and other properties of each type of material. For example, children learn that nuts come in shape - round or oblong, in color - brown or light yellow, and their surface is lumpy or rough. That acorns are oval, shiny, yellowish-brown; the needles are prickly and brittle. Of course, you can learn about all this by looking at the pictures in the book, but acquiring such knowledge yourself is much more interesting. .

The activity approach to building the process of teaching technology (labor) is the main characteristic feature of this educational subject. This contributes to the formation in younger schoolchildren not only of ideas about the interaction of man and the world around him, about the role of people’s labor activity in the development of society, but also allows them to develop initial technological knowledge, the most important labor skills.

Schoolchildren's education is structured taking into account the mastery of specific technological operations in the course of creating products from various materials (designer parts) and mastering the initial skills of design activities. The types of practical activities and the sequence of practical work are determined by the age characteristics of students and are built on the basis of a gradual increase in the degree of technological complexity of manufactured products and taking into account the possibility of students demonstrating creative initiative and independence. .

When selecting specific training content, the social and moral aspects of work activity and the personal and social significance of the products being created are of fundamental importance.

The characteristic features of the educational subject of technology are: practice-oriented orientation of the training content; application of knowledge gained from studying other educational fields and academic subjects to solve technical and technological problems; application of gained practical experience to perform household work duties.

In the process of teaching technology in primary school, the following goals are realized:

· development of sensory skills, fine motor skills of the hands, spatial imagination, technical and logical thinking, eye; ability to navigate various types of information;

· mastering knowledge about the role of human labor in transforming the world around us, initial ideas about the world of professions;

· mastery of basic technological knowledge, labor skills, practical experience in creating personally and socially significant objects of labor; ways of planning and organizing work activities, objective assessment of one’s work; skills to use computer technology to work with information in educational activities and everyday life;

· nurturing hard work, respectful attitude towards people and the results of their work, interest in information and communication activities; practical application of the rules of cooperation in collective activities.

In accordance with the federal basic curriculum of 2004, the academic subject “Technology (Labor)” is studied in all grades of primary school, thereby ensuring the integrity of the educational process and continuity in learning between the primary and main levels of education.

In the new federal component of the state standard on technology for primary general education, the following content lines are highlighted, which implement the concentric principle of study, make it possible to gradually deepen and expand the program material: general labor knowledge, skills and methods of activity, technology for manufacturing products from various materials (practical experience activities), housework, computer practice.

A special place in the content of the labor training course is occupied by the section “Fundamentals of artistic processing of various materials”, it includes students mastering the simplest ways and techniques of working with various materials (clay, sand, metal, wood, natural materials, leather, fur, etc.) , is aimed at introducing children to various types of folk crafts, developing creative abilities and aesthetic education of younger schoolchildren.

In the process of studying a technology course, children develop a concept of technology, how

skill, ability to perform interesting creative tasks;

the process of transforming unnecessary materials and raw materials into the desired product;

ways for man to transform what nature gives him for life;

ways to create conditions for a comfortable (convenient) life;

the science of converting materials, raw materials and energy into the necessary product. .

In primary school, students become familiar with the technological processes of manufacturing various products, learn to find a rational and shortest path to solving educational and practical life problems. This makes it possible to quickly move from reproductive to productive, creative learning, as well as to develop the skills and abilities necessary for further technological education.

In primary school, students are first introduced to a new type of work - project activity. The children complete their first creative project based on the example of a creative project given in the textbook.

3 Methods of teaching schoolchildren to work with natural materials during technology lessons in primary school

Working with natural materials has an impact on the mental development of the child, on the development of his thinking and the emergence of elements of creativity.

Usually, at first, children prefer to act after first examining the sample shown by an adult and carefully repeating it. For example, when making an applique from dried leaves, children are asked to first carefully consider what parts the finished work consists of, in what places small parts should be attached to the base and in what way. But then, after repeating the necessary actions and duplicating the method of making a sample, children already learn the sequence and the very course of actions, as well as manufacturing methods. Therefore, when the task becomes more complex, children can already divide the process of completing the work into several stages and complete the work in repetition after an adult or according to their own ideas. At this moment, elements of creativity arise in children’s activities.

The fun of doing work from natural materials helps students develop such qualities as attention, patience, and curiosity. It is significant that with this work there is no end to the improvement of work; in this work there is always novelty, creative quest, and the opportunity to achieve more perfect results. And all this happens against the backdrop of a favorable emotional mood of children, their joy of communication during work, and the pleasure they experience when creating appliqué work. .

In addition, performing work from natural materials cultivates children's skill, intelligence, hard work, and it is also an excellent school of aesthetic education, based on the formation in children of an artistic view of the world, on their search for details of beauty in the surrounding reality.

And children need to be introduced to the world of beauty as early as possible. To begin with, we should remember the words of the poet N.A. Nekrasov that “there is no ugliness in nature.” Therefore, each of us is concerned about the beauty of flowers, the fruits of various plants, the variety of colors of autumn leaves and fluttering poplar fluff, the unusual shape and color of flowers. Before making any natural material into a piece of your craft, let the child pay attention to its originality. After all, each plant has its own appearance - leaf shapes, colors, surface texture. And when creating a specific craft, all this is taken into account.

The process of transforming natural material into a craft contains considerable resources for “immersing” children in the world of their native nature, learning about its various aspects and, at the same time, nurturing a careful, caring attitude towards it, as well as the formation of their first work skills.

At every lesson and excursion into nature, it would be useful to remind children that they should treat nature in a responsible manner. And this means you protect flowers, shrubs, and any other plant from senseless destruction. Labor training lessons using natural materials should acquire an “ecological sound” and form in students a new, responsible attitude towards nature. “Nature and people are one whole”, “Nature is in danger”, “Nature is waiting for my help” - these are the most important conclusions that every child who performs practical work on labor training must make. .

At the same time, the labor that is necessary to perform work from natural materials contributes to the development of the child’s personality and the development of his character. After all, any, even the most primitive, is not so easy to make; the work of making it requires certain volitional efforts. When a child encounters difficulties, he tries to solve them on his own, even if the child fails to complete the necessary work the first time. But with the help of an adult, he learns to identify the reasons for his failure and, most importantly, to overcome it. As a result of such actions, students develop such qualities as perseverance, determination, and the ability to complete the work they have begun. .

Work with natural materials is also carried out outside of school hours. These could be exhibitions of children's crafts, various craft competitions, excursions, nature festivals, quizzes, creation and work in Handicraft Corners, etc. Thus, summarizing the above, we can conclude that the process of working with natural materials is a powerful source of the comprehensive development of a child’s personality.

1.4 Tools, devices and equipment for labor training lessons

Programs and teaching aids for labor training lessons take into account the diverse conditions in which teachers work; they offer a choice of options for products and work that can be done in regular classrooms. However, this to a certain extent limits the development of labor training, which would fully correspond to the age capabilities of students and modern requirements of scientific and technological progress.

In principle, the material equipment of labor training lessons should, on the one hand, satisfy hygienic standards and aesthetic requirements, and on the other, best contribute to the formation in children of ideas, skills, habits and the internal desire to independently fulfill the requirements of labor culture.

In practice, there are several directions in solving issues of acquisition and storage of tools, devices and materials. Some teachers store all the tools in special cabinets or on racks, completing each type for the entire class. Before a labor training lesson, depending on the type of work and the content of the work, the teacher, together with the attendants, lays out the tools and materials necessary for this lesson.

Natural materials are widely used for making crafts and in primary schools. Nature itself gives it to us in a bottle, the list is quite extensive.

Valuable materials for appliqué work made from natural materials are: dried leaves, tree seeds, vegetables, for example, maple or ash seeds, known as lionfish. You can use them to make ears for a hare, wings for a dragonfly, fins for fish, etc. they have a beautiful external shape, which allows them to be used for original crafts. The application made from maple seeds is very specific. Working with maple seeds requires a lot of imagination, creativity, and invention. Seeds are collected in the fall, but the seeds must not be curled, have color and shape. The collected seeds are freed from the branches and the lionfish is left in pairs. Lay them out between newspapers, place a small weight on top and leave until completely dry. They are neatly placed in a box. The shelf life of dry seeds is unlimited.

Let's consider some types of plant material that are most often used for various crafts when working with primary school students in labor training lessons:

Needles. Well suited for simulating hedgehog spines, spider legs, cat claws, butterfly antennae, doll skirts, etc. Needles are used: spruce, pine, fir. You can collect at any time of the year; it is better to use green pine needles. When working with pine needles, one should take into account its peculiarity - the needles of the pine needles are prickly, it must be stored in a box or jar.

Nuts. When making crafts from nuts, you can use both shells and whole nuts - walnuts, hazelnuts, groundnuts, pine nuts, pistachios. Hazelnuts are used to make heads of toy men and animals.

Ripe hazelnuts should be collected in the month of August along with a hat, which can also be successfully used in making toys. The nuts are dried on boards and then stored in a box in a dry place. Hazelnut shells are quite hard. It is difficult to cut with a knife or pierced with an awl. It is difficult to work with overdried nuts, so it is advisable not to use them in your work.

Pine nuts can be useful in making animal paws, fists, and forest creatures. The nuts are easily pierced with an awl and stick together well.

Walnut shells are used to make crafts such as boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. You can split the nuts into proper halves using a knife. Only the teacher can crack the nuts; children use ready-made halves for their work.

Groundnuts are very easy to work with - they are easy to pierce and cut, their shell is thin and quite fragile. Peanuts are used to make original animal figures. You need to store nuts in a dry room, because their shells do not harden when dried.

Acorns. Oak fruits - acorns - come in different shapes and sizes. Acorns ripen in the fall, in September-October. It is recommended to pick the fruits when they are ripe and falling from the tree. At the same time as the acorns, their cups, on which they are held, are also collected. Pluski are a very good material to complement acorns and are often used for various crafts. Acorns should be collected in different sizes and sizes. It is advisable to use fresh acorns for making crafts, as they last longer and are easier to work with. This material, unlike chestnuts, is widespread throughout almost the entire territory of our country. Collecting and storing it is not difficult. putting acorns together is not difficult. Store acorns in a cool and damp place.

Seeds. Seeds of watermelon, melon, sunflower, large seeds of flowers such as weed, nasturtium, azure flowers. From these seeds you can easily make eyes for animals or humans.

Branches. When making toys from bulk natural materials - pine cones, acorns, chestnuts - individual parts are made from branches: most often these are arms and legs of various shapes. The branches can convey the craft in almost any position: running, sitting, with arms raised, etc. and all these parts can be made from one small twig. The elbow and knee parts are where the branches fork, the length is cut in proportion to the size of the craft. In your work you can use branches of pine, spruce, and lilac. Their branches are elastic and do not break easily when dry. Collecting branches is a job that requires time, patience and accuracy. It is necessary to constantly remind children that trees need to be protected and for crafts they need to collect branches lying on the ground, from cut trees, and in places where trees are pruned.

Corky. Craft crusts can be used depending on the shape, which can resemble different animal shapes or parts of their body. Here, imaginative vision and observation skills, which need to be developed in children, are especially important. .

Leaves. They are an interesting and necessary addition to the making of crafts; they can be used to make beautiful appliqués. The leaves are very diverse in shape and color. Leaves can be used from different trees, shrubs, and flowers.

From the leaves you can make butterfly wings, fish fins, all kinds of patterns. It is better to collect leaves in the fall, when they are especially beautiful.

For preservation and subsequent use, they must be properly prepared and dried. Drying of leaves is done by placing them between sheets of porous dry paper. On it, the plants are carefully laid out in one layer; Each layer on top is also covered with paper. A stack of natural plant material prepared in this way can be placed in a special press or simply pressed down on top with a heavy object. You can iron the leaves through a newspaper with a hot iron.

To prevent dried leaves from turning black and retaining color, sheets of newspaper should be changed daily. It usually takes three to seven days for the leaves to dry completely. It is best to store dried material in a special folder, in which it also makes sense to arrange individual copies with sheets of paper. Dry leaves are very fragile and brittle.

Straw. Straw has been used as an ornamental material for a long time. Straw is the stem of cereal plants, hollow inside, an easily processed material. Products made from straw are very attractive and beautiful. They provide great scope for the creative development of children. They use straw from rye, wheat, oats, barley, and wild plants.

Straw is harvested after the plant has matured, when it acquires a golden color. The middle and lower parts of the cereals are suitable for work. The straw is cut together with the nodes or cut into pieces at the nodes - this makes it more convenient to store the material. Treated straw is not suitable for work, as its stems are broken or crumpled. It is better to use fresh, flat, not crushed by a combine, not rotten straw. Straw is collected by hand on the side of the fields or at the school site.

To work, the straw must be prepared from the tubes into flat ribbons. First, select round, even stems, cut off the nodes and place the straw in a wide vessel with hot water for steaming for 1.5-2 hours. When the straw becomes soft, the tube is cut lengthwise and smoothed with a hot iron on newspaper folded several times. The material can be prepared for future use.

Bird feathers. You can use bird feathers of different sizes, shades and any size in your work. Before work, the feathers are washed, dried, and combed to restore their natural appearance.

Seashells. On the banks of rivers, seas, and lakes you can find shell houses that are interesting in appearance and original in shape. Collecting shells can be done with children during excursions. After collection, the shells are washed, then laid out and dried. Animal figures can be made from shells, or as additional material.

To summarize the above, it should be said that during labor training lessons, a variety of natural materials are used during appliqué work, which can always be found based on local natural conditions. Each of these materials has its own properties, specifics of preparation and storage. Natural material should be prepared in advance, sorted by type and stored either in folders or boxes. This makes it easier to find during work and contributes to better safety. Well-chosen material helps to consolidate positive emotions in children, stimulates the desire to work, create, and enriches knowledge about nature.

Chapter 2. Methodology for conducting classes on artistic processing of natural materials during technology lessons in elementary school

2.1 Perspective-thematic plan for the section “Artistic processing of materials” in 1st grade

The variety of topics and types of work provided for in the labor training program requires the teacher to pay special attention to thematic and long-term planning of lessons. The planning process is divided into two stages: - long-term planning and scheduling. Long-term planning involves developing an overall strategy for the entire academic year or half-year. First of all, the so-called division of hours into quarters is carried out: from the total number of program hours allocated for studying the section, it is determined how many hours are allocated for each quarter, for each type of work. When starting this work, the teacher turns to Labor Training Programs in primary schools. Currently, a teacher can use different programs when planning labor training for younger schoolchildren, including both original and traditional ones. Let's take a brief look characteristics of one of them.

One of the author’s programs for labor training of junior schoolchildren is the “School of Masters” author T.M. Geronimus. This program is designed for a 4-year primary school, educational work activity is considered in it as a means of understanding the world around us, and the child in it as a transformer of this world. The goal of labor training will be achieved if the child takes the position: “I want to do it myself. I’ve already done something similar, you don’t need to help me, I’ll try to guess.” .

The Konysheva technology program was developed taking into account the requirements of the New Generation State Educational Standard for the general objectives of the course. System-activity, health-preserving, humane-personal, cultural approaches were used as the conceptual foundations of this educational subject. .

The main goal of studying this subject is to deepen the general educational training of schoolchildren, the formation of their spiritual culture and the comprehensive development of the individual based on the integration of conceptual (abstract), visual-figurative and visually effective components of cognitive activity. Its study contributes to the development of the creative potential of the individual, creative abilities, ingenuity, intuition, as well as creative self-realization and the formation of motivation for success and achievement based on subject-transforming activities.

The next of the author's Programs for labor training of junior schoolchildren is the program recommended by the Department of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. This is the Program Tsirulik T.N. "Smart hands". Its goal is to develop intellectual abilities, increase interest in learning new things, and broaden the horizons of students. .

Based on studying the content of the programs, the teacher carries out long-term planning, i.e. derivative of the allocation of hours into quarters: from this number of program hours allocated for studying the section, determines how many hours are allocated for each quarter. After this, the sequence of origin of the material is determined within a specified time frame.

As an example, we are conducting a perspective-thematic work plan that we have developed for working with natural materials for 1st grade students. The plan was drawn up based on the content of the “Smart Hands” Labor Training Program by N.A. Tsirulik.

2.2 Detailed scenarios for lessons on working with natural materials

Topic: Techniques for gluing parts without markings

Class: 1st class

Lesson objectives:

Educational: Teach children to work with natural materials; teach the technique of gluing dried leaves and seeds onto a paper base.

Developmental: Develop associative thinking, the ability to create an image by association with the shape of an object.

Educational: To cultivate neatness, discipline, and aesthetic taste.

Equipment: natural material, cardboard, PVA glue, oilcloth, apron, hand cloth.

Didactic material for the lesson: sample product, natural material, blank for the base;

During the classes. Organizing time.

Greeting students. Checking students' readiness for the lesson. Motivational stage.

Guys! I have glue, cardboard, oilcloth on my table. And you?

And also some folder with something!

What is this folder?

For natural material.

What is she with?

With dried leaves.

Do you have it?

Introductory conversation.

Guys! What do you think, why do we need dried leaves?

To make a craft.


Which one do you know? To find out, guess the riddle!

Gray animal

Leap across the shelf,

Long legs,

And the tail is short.

(The teacher hangs up a sample of the product.)

Today we will make the application “Cheerful Bunny”.. Preparation for practical work.

Product analysis.

Guys! Look at the bunny. What parts does it consist of?

Ears, body, head, paws, cheeks, eyes, nose.


I have a herbarium on my table, I need to make a drawing from it.

One student comes to the board and selects parts for the workpiece.

What do you think should be taken for the eyes, nose and paws?


Guys! Did we get a funny bunny?

What needs to be done to make him cheerful. Let's move the details.

Glue it.

Drawing up a work plan.

) Let's select the necessary leaves and seeds.

) Let's lay out the parts on the workpiece.

) Let's move them.

) Let's glue it.

Remember! Herbarium is a very fragile material, and you need to work with it and glue it very carefully and carefully.. Practical work.

(The teacher walks around the class and helps the children individually.). Lesson summary.

What did you do in class today?

What material?

What else can you call this material?

Did you like this work?

Well done! Everyone did a good job. We are cleaning the workplace. The lesson is over.

Program section: Artistic processing of natural materials

Topic: Leaf applique. Butterfly

Class: 1st class

Lesson objectives:

Educational: learn to make an applique from tree leaves - a butterfly and measure its parts;

Developmental: develop fine muscles of the hands, thinking, imagination; develop the desire to make the applique beautiful.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to promote children’s knowledge of the beauty of their native nature;

Lesson type: combined


Equipment: bouquet of autumn leaves; herbarium of autumn leaves of different shapes; tree leaves; rosehip berries; twigs; plasticine; glue; scissors.

Didactic material for the lesson: reproduction of a painting by I.S. Ostroukhov “Golden Autumn”; cards with poems about leaves, about autumn, about acorns;

During the classes

I Organizational moment.

Greeting students. Checking students' readiness for the lesson. Learning new material.

Teacher's story about the painting “Golden Autumn” by I.S. Ostroukhova.

Ilya Semenovich Ostroukhov belongs to a remarkable generation of Russian artists of the second half of the 19th century. He was a prominent painter. An important aspect of his activity is his long-term leadership of the Tretyakov Gallery. From 1905 to 1913 The artist’s work “Golden Autumn” is on permanent display at the Tretyakov Gallery. The painting by its nature represents a forest or park landscape. In the thick grass on the right there are two large trees. Golden foliage, among which the broad orange leaves of the maple stand out, hangs to the ground. Numerous shoots, already beginning to turn yellow, rise from the grass to meet her. On the left you can see a path, and behind it is a group of trees with gnarled trunks and large crowns. The richest range of golden-orange tones of foliage contrasts with dark, lush grass. The transparent lace of the foliage is rendered without unnecessary detail, but behind each spot one can feel the exact shape of the leaf and branch. The landscape is warmed with great feeling. There is a breath of life in the green grass and the golden thickets of trees.

A conversation about the beauty of autumn leaves. Examination of bouquets of autumn leaves, herbarium. Music and poetry help you get into the mood of the autumn landscape.

Reading poems about autumn.

Children read poems written on cards.

Card 1

The leaves are circling above. path,

The forest is transparent and crimson...

It's good to wander with a basket

Along the edges and clearings!

We are walking and under our feet

A golden rustle is heard.

Smells like wet mushrooms

It smells like forest freshness. A. Blonsky

Card 2

Between the thinning tops And, flickering with its tail, a squirrel

Blue appeared. The light one makes the jump.

The spruce began to rustle at the edges of the forest,

Bright yellow foliage. Protects dense shade.

You can't hear the birds. The last small boletus will crack

A broken twig pushed his hat on one side.

A. Tvardovsky

Card 3

There is a bit of aching sadness in the pictures of Russian autumn. But this is a bright sadness, without which great love is impossible. In autumn we see better with both our eyes and our hearts. Transparent distances. The water in the lakes is clean and transparent. The rare voices of birds sound clearer and more subtle. Everything settled down and froze in order to collect my thoughts and admire my reflection in the blue water. This is the state of nature. This is the state of the soul of a person who has seen the autumn festival of color and silence. On such a day, you feel especially acutely that you are alive, that you are a part of this earth and that this earth belongs to you.

Guessing riddles.

The wind drives him out of the forest,

And, as if on wings, he flies.

And he himself will not drown in the river,

And it won’t muddy the waters.

Carried away by the autumn stream

Fallen yellow...

Falling from a branch

Gold coins.

III. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

The topic of today's lesson is “Applique from leaves. Butterfly".

Purpose of the lesson: to learn to make an applique from tree leaves - a butterfly and to measure its parts;

Look at the product we will be making today)

IV Demonstration of working methods.

Teacher. All parts of the butterfly are made from a certain natural material: for the body, an acorn separated from the cap is used; small and large leaves of any tree are taken as butterfly wings, which will make it possible to make butterflies with wings of various shapes and colors, but the size of the acorn and wings should be measured. Having laid the leaves in the form of butterfly wings, they are tightly compressed at the base and attached to the body, for which a thin layer of plasticine or glue is applied to the side edges of the acorn. The butterfly's head is made from rose hips. Tendrils made from branches are inserted into it and connected to the body.

If leaves from different trees are selected for the butterfly’s wings, the butterflies will turn out different, and all the students’ crafts can be combined into a collective work called “Round Dance of Butterflies.”

V Independent performance of work:

The dots indicate the location of the applique detail.

Remove the applique piece.

Lubricate the part with an even thin layer of glue.

Apply the part to the designated points.

Cover with a clean sheet of paper.

Wipe carefully with a cloth. Remove a sheet of paper.

Performance evaluation is carried out in accordance with the assigned tasks. Particular attention is paid to the originality of their design. I Summary of the lesson.

Reading the proverb and explaining its meaning:

“Skillful hands are not afraid of work.”

What have you learned?

What new did you learn?

Topic: Product “Autumn Bouquet”

Class: 1st class

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to instill in students knowledge, skills, and practical abilities in application work with natural materials; consolidate students' knowledge about colors;

Developmental: develop aesthetic feelings; develop fine muscles of the hands, imagination, thinking.

Educational: to cultivate responsibility for the assigned work, accuracy, mutual assistance.

Lesson type: combined

The main method of conducting a lesson: verbal, visual, practical

Equipment: PC, “Flowers” ​​slides, samples, background, colored paper, fabric with table markings glued to paper (not glued strip, 1 cm wide for fringe), dry leaves, scrap of fabric for experiment, writing paper for exercises, glue, scissors.

Didactic material for the lesson: samples made from natural materials, illustrations of flowers.

Venue: class

During the classes

Organizational stage:

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson:

Today we will make an “Autumn Bouquet” from dried leaves

Questioning students on the material studied.

What time of year is it now? We walked in the autumn park, the leaves fell from the trees. We collected them, dried them, and turned them into a painting. And the picture is a sight for sore eyes, to the surprise of all friends.

(showing a sample) -What trees were the leaves collected from? What colour? What did they do with them? (some were dried, and some of the leaves were placed in a vase with water)

IV Introductory briefing;

Today we will make leaves for a bouquet, for this we need to select a dry leaf, cut it in half and stick it on colored paper. You can paste a whole sheet, but when cutting the colored paper around the leaf you need to leave a strip around it (show). Running multiple leaves

Now, let’s cut out a vase from paper according to the markings.

Then you need to glue the bouquet so that it seems that the flowers are in a vase.

V Independent practical work of students;

VI Summing up the lesson;

What did you make today?

Did you have any difficulties at work? Which?

Program section: Artistic processing of natural materials

Topic: Application from leaves “Into the forest to pick mushrooms”

Class: 1st class

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to instill in students knowledge, skills, and practical abilities in application work with natural materials - leaves; give basic information about mushrooms, teach to distinguish mushrooms;

Developmental: develop the ability to make applique from natural materials; develop fine muscles of the hands, imagination, thinking.

Educational: to cultivate neatness, frugality, hard work.

Lesson type: lesson on improving and developing knowledge, skills and methods of action.

The main method of conducting a lesson: verbal, visual, practical

Equipment: cardboard, natural material, glue, scissors, sheet for rough work, cloth for hands.

Didactic material for the lesson: illustrations of mushrooms, cards with printed names of mushrooms.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage;

II Motivational stage;

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson, we will go on an interesting journey. To find out where we are going, guess the riddle:

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house -

You will see miracles in it!

Children, what is this green house? (This is a forest)

So guys, we're heading into the forest!

The theme of our lesson is “Into the forest to pick mushrooms.” We will go into the forest and make many, many mushrooms from dried leaves.

IV Preparation for the task;

Guess what, guys?

A funny riddle:

Under the pine tree by the path

Who is standing among the grass?

There is a leg, but no boot,

There is a hat, but no head. (Mushroom)

Teacher: Let's go mushroom hunting

Highway. Forests. Ditches.

Road pillars

Left and right.

From the wide highway

Let's go into the darkness of the forest.

Ankle-deep in dew

We wander in all directions.

Here we are in a forest clearing.

(Prepared children ask riddles, the class guesses, and a drawing depicting a mushroom is posted on the board)

On a thick pale leg

Brown hat.

Surely, any mushroom picker

Dreams of finding... (Borovik)

I don't argue, I'm not white

I, brothers, am simpler,

In a birch grove. (Boletus)

They wear red berets

Very friendly sisters.

Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer,

Golden... (Chanterelles)

I'm growing up in a red cap

Among the aspen roots.

You'll recognize me a mile away

My name is... (Boletus)

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these,

Adults and children know.

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on your nose. (Honey mushrooms)

Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,

Poisonous... (Amanita)

V Checking the readiness of workplaces; Independent completion of tasks by students;

Students are divided into groups. Each group makes an applique of dry leaves according to the templates they propose: boletus, fly agaric, boletus, aspen, honey mushrooms, chanterelles)

VII. Summing up the lesson;

Program section: Artistic processing of natural materials

Topic: Product "Peacock"

Class: 1st class

Lesson objectives:

Educational: teach how to use a teaching aid - a textbook; teach children to work with natural materials, to do the work carefully, following the rules of safe work with scissors, glue, and plasticine; learn to solve riddles; teach to see beauty, introduce the bird, the peacock listed in the Red Book,

Developmental: develop fine muscles of the hands, imagination, thinking.

Educational: to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; open the mind;

Lesson type: combined

The main method of conducting a lesson: verbal, visual

Equipment: natural material: small shells, large shells, bird feathers, rose hips, moss, dry tree twig, plasticine, cardboard, PVA glue, glue brush, colored paper, scissors, hand cloth

Didactic material for the lesson: a sample of a peacock made from natural material; illustration of a peacock.

During the classes. Organizing time

Greeting students. Checking readiness for the lesson. The stage of updating knowledge.

Introductory part.

a) Guessing riddles, the answer is accompanied by illustrations.

The palm tree looks into the lake,

And under the palm tree there is a miracle bird.

The tail is like a painted fan -

Blue, red, gold,

Yellow color, green color -

A bouquet of all forest flowers.

b) Conversation.

How many of you have seen a peacock?

Where can we see a peacock?

What is a zoo?

What animals can you find in the zoo?

Look at the illustrations of a peacock. Describe this bird.

Additional material

Peacocks are decorative birds of the pheasant family. The common peacock is 1.2-1.3 m long. In India, these birds are domesticated. Peacocks are listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Rare and endangered species of plants and animals are included in the Red Book. The collection of information for the Red Book was started by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1949. In the USSR, the Red Book was established in 1974.

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Today in the lesson you will make a peacock with your own hands using natural materials.. Learning new material.

Sample Analysis

Open your textbook to pages 68, 69. Look at examples of natural material.

What will you need for the job?

Take a close look at the peacock specimen.

What materials will you need for the job?

What tools will you need to do this job?

Open the textbook to page 76. Look at the step-by-step map of the work.

Which textbook pages should you use and why?

Safety regulations:

Children repeat the basic rules for safe work with scissors, glue and plasticine. Gymnastics for fingers

They quickly raised their hands up -

Waved - waved:

Let's clench our fists now,

And then we’ll unclench them.

Work progress.

Plan for phased implementation of work

Draw the base of the clearing on cardboard.

Cut out the base of the clearing.

Apply PVA glue to the cut base and glue the moss.

Peacock body

Take two large shells and fill them with plasticine.

Feather decoration.

Cut out the details from page 79 of the textbook.

Glue the patterns onto the feathers.

Making the tail

Take two small shells and fill them with plasticine

Glue the shells together.

Insert the feathers into the plasticine between the shells.

Making a peacock head

Take a rose hip

The teacher determines the time for physical education based on the efficiency of the class.

Are you probably tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together:

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted

Bend lower to the right.

Lean to the left too.

They twisted and turned.

And everyone sat down at their desks.

Gymnastics for the eyes.

We close our eyes tightly,

We count to five together.

Let's open it. Let's blink

And we continue to work.

Children perform actions according to the content of the quatrain:

Practical use of the work.

Using crafts as a souvenir. Lesson summary.

What work did you do in class?

What materials did you need?

Describe your peacock - how did it turn out?

Exhibition of works.

Program section: Artistic processing of materials

Topic: “Mosaic from shells”

Class: 1st class

Lesson objectives:

Educational: to give the necessary concepts about mosaics, its types, technology of execution and application, to familiarize with the technological conditions and skills of making mosaics from shells.

Developmental: develop skills in making mosaics, teach how to select materials for its implementation; develop hard work and mental activity.

Educational: to form and develop students’ artistic taste, accuracy and precision, attention and creative exploration.

Lesson type: lesson on learning new material

The main method of conducting the lesson: verbal

Equipment: drawing - sample, shell, gouache, brush for applying PVA glue, PVA glue, technological glass, device for making a mosaic.

Didactic material for the lesson: mosaic samples, instruction cards.

Venue: class

During the classes

I Organizational stage;

Prepare the necessary tools and materials.

II Motivational stage;

“The art for which Apelles was famous

and to whom Rome has now lifted up her head,

since Glass has gained great benefits,

prove that Finifti, Mosaics,

who for centuries preserve the heroic cheerfulness of faces,

tender pleasantness and beauty of maidens,

after many centuries they see their own kind

And they are not afraid of the squabbling of ancient antiquity...”


Mosaic is a common type of decorative and applied art. It is used to decorate wall panels, decorate fountains, and create paintings.

Mosaic (from Latin “application”) - the creation of artistic images by gluing pieces of any material onto a certain surface (base); also - an image, a pattern created in this way.

Using mosaic techniques, you can create thematic compositions on various subjects.

III Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson;

And today in the lesson we will make a mosaic from eggshells.

IV Stage of updating knowledge;

Depending on the material used, mosaics can be divided into the following types:

· Shell mosaic;

· Mosaic of cereals;

· Paper mosaic;

· Glass mosaic;

· Mosaic made of polymers, etc.

Based on the method of execution, shell mosaics are divided into two types:

· connecting mosaic;

· bulk mosaic.

In this lesson, we will acquire the first skills of making mosaics from shells. Samples are in front of you. (demonstration of samples on a slide presentation)

V Learning new material;

Shell is an interesting natural material that provides great opportunities for the development of creative activity, intuition and imagination. Its white surface gives us a huge opportunity to choose the color scheme when shading.

The history of mosaic making goes back centuries. Listen to how Victor HUGO talked about the mosaic: “...Notre Dame Cathedral is a remarkable example of this type. Each side, each stone of the venerable monument is not only a page in the history of France, but also in the history of art... Inside the cathedral it was dark and gloomy. The side lengths were shrouded in darkness, the lamps flickered like stars. So deep was the darkness that enveloped the vaults, only a large rosette of the facade. The multi-colored glass of which was bathed in the sunset rays. It shimmered in the darkness, like a pile of diamonds, casting its spectrum to the other end of the sky..."

Each nation is looking for its own material, its own ways of working. For example, in the cities of Central Asia, mosaics made of bricks covered with gray-yellow, blue, white, and dark blue glaze are very common. They richly decorate ancient mosques, mausoleums, and palaces.

Laotian artists make colorful mosaics from pieces of colored mirror. This mosaic, sparkling and shimmering in the sun, creates a joyful, triumphant mood.

For work, fragments of various materials are used: glass, ceramics, stone, polymer, paper and others.

Decorative properties of mosaics: variety of materials, colors.

When carrying out work, it is impossible to comply with safety regulations: when working with tools for laying mosaics, technological glass.

VI Stage of application of new material;

Sequence of creating a mosaic:

Select a pattern

Material preparation - cardboard, copy paper, shell, brush. PVA glue, mosaic device, gouache, glass of water.

Transferring the drawing to cardboard

Shading the shell, depending on the color in the picture

Making a mosaic, start with small fragments of the picture

Pre-coat a small area of ​​cardboard with PVA glue using a brush

When creating a mosaic, you must strictly adhere to the color scheme shown in the figure.

The size of shell fragments depends on the size of the drawing; within one work, several sizes of fragments can be used

When the work is completed, you can shade it again with gouache.

Place the work in a frame.

In addition to beauty and diversity, there is another important quality of a mosaic: its inextricable connection with the place for which it is intended. People will never do it where it will be difficult to see or where it will get in the way. It is very important. “Do not thresh bread with carved chains, do not decorate mill houses...”

Practical work of students. (Mosaics made from shells by children)

Current briefing. Checking the correct organization of the workplace, performing work according to the instruction sheet.

VII Summing up the lesson;

What types of mosaics have you learned?

Name the types of mosaics based on the method of execution.

What material can be used to make a mosaic?

VIII. Homework. Cleaning workplaces.

Complete a fragment of the drawing. Bring the same tools and materials for making mosaics to the next lesson.

Program section: Artistic processing of materials

Theme: River pebble mosaic

Class: 1st class

Lesson objectives:

Educational: introduce a new type of mosaic using river pebbles; expand and deepen knowledge, as well as master techniques for making decorative panels; develop the ability to work in a team.

Developmental: Develop skills and abilities to work with various decorative materials; development of imagination and a creative approach to doing work.

Educational: To develop accuracy and precision.

Lesson type: combined

The main method of conducting a lesson: verbal, visual

Equipment: pencil, marker, brushes, brush and sponge, hammer, scissors; paper for sketches, hardboard for the base, river pebbles, gouache, bronze paint, PVA glue, varnish, nails, containers, a glass for water, a large sieve.

Didactic material for the lesson: technological map, decorative panels made of river pebbles

Venue: class

During the classes

I Organizational stage;

Checking readiness for the lesson. Greeting students.

II Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson;

What is mosaic?

The topic of today's lesson is “River Pebble Mosaic”

And today we will make a collective panel from river pebbles.

III Survey of students on the material studied.

What are river pebbles?

Where can it be collected?

How do you imagine our future craft?

IV Presentation of new material;

Mosaic (French mosaique, Italian mosaico, from Latin musivum - literally dedicated to the muses) is one of the types of monumental art. In mosaics, images and ornaments are made up of pieces of multi-colored natural stones, glass, ceramics, wood and other materials. The most ancient (antique) and simplest type of mosaic is a mosaic made from river pebbles. Despite the simplicity and accessibility of the material, the result exceeds all expectations. (Demonstration of the work “Russian tricolor”).

V Introductory briefing;

When making panels, a certain sequence must be followed. Sift river pebbles; sort the stones by color and size. Draw a sketch. Connect the frame to the base (the frame is made in advance by the school carpenter). Paint the frame with bronze paint. Apply the design to the base and trace the outline with a marker. Apply PVA glue along the contours of the design and line it with stones. We choose the color of the pebbles in accordance with the sketch. Cover the space inside the outline of the design with glue and fill it with pebbles. Dry the painting under pressure. We tint the picture in accordance with the sketch. We cover the work with varnish. When working, we will be guided by the technological map. (The teacher demonstrates the technological map to the students, hanging it on the board)

VI Independent practical work of students;

The practical part of the lesson is taught in the complex form of collective artistic creativity, i.e. Students are divided into groups and each group performs a specific task or operation. Students are divided into groups in accordance with the range of their knowledge and skills. This form of work is the most educational and allows children to reach a creative level.

All practical work is carried out in accordance with the technological map.

VII Lesson summary

What did we make today?

Has anyone had difficulty working with river pebbles?

Was it interesting for you to work in the lesson?

VIII Homework

Make a mini panel from river pebbles on any theme.


Labor training in primary school aims to develop in the child the ability to independently navigate any work, i.e. educational work activity is considered as a means of understanding the world around us and our role in it as a transformer.

The teacher’s task is not so much to help the child understand or make a product or craft, but to provide conditions under which the student’s potential will be fully used. To do this, the teacher needs to remember the characteristics of the student’s activity in the labor lesson, which includes both equivalent intellectual and motor components. That is, the lesson should have an organized part aimed at ensuring an understanding of the essence and procedure for performing practical work, and properly equipped independent activity of the child to transform the material into a craft, and three times less time should be allocated for the theoretical part of the lesson than for practical actions.

The relevance of this problem is especially significant in the activities of primary school teachers, who are largely responsible for the spiritual, mental, moral, and aesthetic development of students, without which personal activity is unthinkable, the need for which is so acute in the era of modern socio-economic and cultural transformations.

In the process of research work on this issue, an analysis of literary sources by such authors as Geronimus T.M., Konysheva M.I., Prosyakova P.K., Tsirulik T.N. was carried out, on the basis of which we can conclude that Quite a lot of time is devoted to students working with natural materials in each grade in primary school. The following types of work have been most studied: compiling various compositions of appliqués and mosaics from natural materials, etc.

Based on an analysis of the literature and the practical experience of teachers, a system of lessons was developed, which reflects the features of application work with natural materials in the 1st grade in labor training. The lesson system includes various topics on types of appliqué work with natural materials, for example: making an applique from dried leaves, shells, pebbles, etc.

As a result of practical work, it became obvious that the process of performing work from natural materials is very exciting. The child develops a special vision of the natural world, its study and his own transformation.

The methodology for working with natural materials in elementary school has its own peculiarity, specificity in the selection of technologies and tool materials. Knowledge of the basic theory and practice of this type of work by a teacher allows him to competently plan, creatively and excitingly build the pedagogical process.

List of sources used

1. Belyakov, N.D. Pokrovskaya, A.I. Tseitlin, N.E. "Skillful Hands" club at school. [Text] /N.D. Belyakov, A.I. Pokrovskaya, N.E. Tseitlin // - Moscow: Education, 1957. - p. 158.

Viner, A.V. Materials and techniques of mosaic painting. [Text] /A.V. Wiener // Moscow: Education, 1953. - p. 95.

Geronimus T.M. Labor training program for grades 1-4 “School of Masters”. [Text] // Moscow: AST-PRESS school, 2011.

4. Gusakova, M.A. Application. [Text] /M.A. Gusakova // - Moscow: Education, 1987. - p. 153.

Gulyants, E.K. Bazik, I.Ya. What can be made from natural materials. [Text] /E.K. Gulyants, I.Ya. Bazik // - Moscow: Education, 1984. - 185 p.

Konysheva, N.M. “Methods of labor training for junior schoolchildren.” Tutorial. [Text] / N.M. Konysheva//- Moscow: Education, 1999.

Krylova, O.N., Samsonova, L.Yu. Lesson developments for labor training. 1 class. Tutorial. [Text] / O.N. Krylova, L.Yu. Samsonova//- Moscow: Exam, 2006. - p. 86.

Mayorova, I.G. Labor training in primary school. [Text] /I.G. Mayorova // Moscow: Pedagogy, 1978. - 147 p.

Makarenko, A. S. Works in 7 volumes, vol. 4. [Text] / A.S. Makarenko // Moscow: Pedagogy, 1957. - 399 p.

10. Makhmutov, M.I. Modern lesson: Theory issues. [Text] / M.I. Makhmutov//Moscow: Education, 2003. - p. 92.

11. Nemensky, B.M. The wisdom of beauty. On the problems of aesthetic education: A book for teachers. [Text] /B.M. Nemensky // - Moscow: Education, 1987. - p. 210.

12. Ogerchuk, L.Yu. Labor technology in primary school. Working with glue and scissors. (Library of the magazine "School and Production". Issue 6.) [Text] / L.Yu. Ogerchuk. //M., School-Press, 2001.

Petrovsky, V.S. Developmental and educational psychology. [Text] /V.S. Petrovsky // Moscow: Education, 1973.

14. Samorodsky, P.S. Didactic foundations of special training for teachers of technology and entrepreneurship. [Text] / P.S. Samorodsky // - Bryansk: BSPU Publishing House, 2000. - p. 68.

15. Solovyanyuk, V.G. Basic concepts of technological education. Educational and methodological manual. [Text] /V.G. Solovyanyuk // - Biysk: Pedagogy, 2007. - 114 p.

16. Tregubenko, B.N. Labor training. 1-4 grades. (Library of a primary school teacher). M., Vlados, 2001.

Fedotov, G.M. Obedient clay. [Text] / G.M. Fedotov // M., AST-PRESS, 1997.

Tseitlin, N.E. Demidova, A.P. Handbook of labor training. [Text] /N.E. Tseytlin, A.P. Demidova // Manual for teachers. M., Education, 1983.

Tsirulik, N.A. Pronyakova, T. N Labor training program “Smart Hands” [Text] / N.A. Tsirulik, T.N. Prosnyakova //- Moscow: Education, 2012.

Shvedova, I.F. ABC for children and adults. Issue 1. [Text] /I.F. Shvedova // M., East-West, 1992.

Annex 1

Safety precautions in technology lessons

During labor training classes, children have to deal with cutting tools, the improper handling of which is associated with cuts and wounds. Injuries are possible not only when cutting and piercing materials, but also when performing a number of other labor operations, for example, when boiling glue, sawing, and other strict compliance with safety regulations serves as a reliable guarantee of preventing accidents. Therefore, knowledge of the rules for handling tools and devices is a prerequisite for teachers and students. From the first lessons, it is necessary to familiarize students with safety rules and require their strict implementation. Safety rules can be divided into general, relating to any work, and specific, relating to individual work.

General safety instructions:

Start work only with the permission of the teacher. When the teacher speaks to you, pause your work. Don't get distracted while working.

Do not use tools whose handling instructions have not been studied.

Use tools only for their intended purpose. Don't use scissors to drill holes. Do not use nail cutters or pliers. To remove nails, use pliers rather than wire cutters.

Do not use faulty or blunt tools.

When working, hold the instrument as the teacher showed.

Store tools and equipment in the designated place. Tools and equipment should not be stored in bulk.

Keep your work area clean and tidy.

Place tools and equipment in the order indicated by the teacher.

Don't talk while working.

Do your work carefully and don't get distracted.

Appendix 2

Rules for handling scissors

Use scissors with rounded ends. Store the scissors in the specified place and position.

When working, carefully monitor the direction of cutting.

Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinges.

Do not hold scissors with the blades facing up.

Do not leave scissors with open blades.

Don't cut with scissors as you go.

Do not approach your friend while working.

Pass the closed scissors to your friend, rings first.

While working, hold the material with your left hand so that your fingers are away from the scissor blades.

Appendix 3

Rules for safe work with glue

When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage.

Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

Wash your brush and hands well with soap after use.

Medvedeva Larisa Alekseevna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: Municipal educational institution secondary school
Locality: Oktyabrsky village, Balashovsky district, Saratov region
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Technology lesson "Working with natural materials. Making compositions based on fairy tales"
Publication date: 13.12.2015
Chapter: elementary education

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school in the village of Oktyabrsky, Balashov district, Saratov region. Lesson notes on technology topic:
“Working with natural materials.

Making compositions based on fairy tales

4th grade

UMK "Harmony"

(textbook by N.M. Konyshev)

Primary school teacher

Medvedeva Larisa Alekseevna

Continue to work on developing students’ creative abilities, imagination, and invention - learn to work collectively, independently distribute responsibilities - remember the safety rules when working with an awl and scissors
: Consolidating and deepening ideas about the relationship between reality and fantasy in human products. Formation of ideas about techniques for stylizing natural forms in decorative and artistic products. Improving techniques for processing natural materials. Development of imaginative thinking, creative imagination, fantasy. Expanding the techniques of creative experimentation. Fostering respect for nature, hard work, and accuracy. Cultivating interest in the world around us. Equipment: Textbook by N.M. Konysheva, grade 4, multimedia system, presentation. Acorns, chestnuts, cones, plant branches, seeds, plasticine, awl, scissors, napkins, boards, treble clef
During the classes

1. Organizational moment.
Today in the lesson we will continue to work with natural materials. And the topic of our lesson is “Making compositions based on fairy tales.” (Slide). During the lesson you will show your imagination, invention, and show your ability to work together and independently. In your work you will use natural materials that you tried to prepare in previous lessons. If last year you and I carefully examined dried leaves, cones, acorns, guessed who was “hidden” in them, and with the help of our imagination turned these natural materials into various animals, now we will try to do a more difficult job: ourselves
let's create

let's compose
compositions. In our lesson we use elements of the game “What? Where? When?" We have already divided into 3 teams - brigades. Each team must choose a captain. (The captains come out and are awarded the “wise owl” insignia.)
2. Communication of new technical and technological data.
-What is a natural material? (Slide) - How to behave correctly when collecting natural material? (Slide) When collecting natural material, you must not harm nature; you only need to collect dry and fallen fruits and branches.
Cones and needles

The fruits of coniferous trees - cones - are an excellent material for voluminous toys and entertaining crafts. In shape they resemble parts of the body of animals and humans. For making crafts, it is better to use unopened cones, as they are easier to work with. It is advisable to collect cones on moist soil so that they retain their shape longer. Needles. Pine needles are suitable for making toys, such as a hedgehog, spider legs, cat claws, butterfly antennae, and a doll skirt. They can be collected at any time of the year. It is better to use green pine needles in your work.
Nuts and chestnuts
When making toys, you can use hazelnuts, walnuts, groundnuts, pine nuts, and pistachios. Hazelnuts are used as a material for making the heads of toy men (for example, a “cheerful man”) and animals (the head of a cockerel, a hare, etc.). Walnut shells (in the form of halves) are used to make boats, carts, turtles, beetles, etc. Chestnut fruits are a good material for making simple toys. They have a beautiful shiny surface and bright brown color. Whole chestnut fruits can be used to make the heads and torsos of dolls. It is advisable to store chestnuts in a cool place.
Oak fruits - acorns - come in different shapes and sizes. They are recommended to be collected when they are ripe and fall from the tree. At the same time as the acorns, their cups (pluses), on which they are held, are also collected. Acorns should be collected in different sizes and shapes. Acorns are very convenient for making figurines of funny people, animals, and various parts for toys from other natural materials. From oblong acorns they make a giraffe, a heron, a horse, a donkey, and the body can be made from a large oblong acorn, and the head from a small, round one.
Branches and roots
Various branches are used in the manufacture of certain parts of the craft: arms, legs, necks, etc. It is necessary to constantly remember that trees must be protected and for toys, only dry, but not too dry, branches should be collected and used. Roots can also be used for crafts. With their bizarre shapes, they sometimes resemble various animals or parts of their bodies. The collected roots should be washed and stored in a room with moderate humidity.
Leaves are an interesting and necessary addition when making toys. They can come in a wide variety of shapes and colors. Leaves can be used to make butterfly wings and fish fins (these toys are made from cones and leaves). It is better to collect leaves in the fall, when they are especially beautiful.
A valuable addition to toys made from natural materials can be seeds of trees, flowers, and vegetables, for example, maple and ash seeds. They are known as lionfish. You can use them to make wings for a dragonfly, ears for a hare, fins for a fish, and linden seeds make good antennas for astronauts and animal paws; You can make eyes from the seeds of watermelon, melon, and sunflower. It is better to collect seeds in the fall.
3. Sample analysis.
- Guess the riddles and find out which fairy tales we will perform compositions for. I was just walking along the road and found a pretty penny,
I bought myself a samovar and gave tea to all the beetles. Who is the young lady's mistress? This is (fly - clatter). Here is my definition: The old man diligently rescued the Bunnies during the flood. Can you name the lifeguard? (Grandfather Mazai) What kind of fairy tale: a cat, a granddaughter, a Mouse, and also a dog, Bug, helped Grandfather and Grandma, and collected root crops? (Turnip) - What is composition? (Sketch with several acting characters) How do you understand: create a composition for a fairy tale? (First you need to remember the fairy tale, its characters, then select the material and carry out your plans.) - What fairy tales do you know? We talked about them in extracurricular reading lessons. Here are drawings from some fairy tales. (Slide) Of course, even the most fantastic human creations are based on images of nature, and the more carefully you examine it, the more interesting the works will be. Therefore, when creating your own images of fairy-tale characters (animals, insects, people), try to remember the plot of fairy tales, the features of their behavior, you can combine several of the most interesting details in one image.
4. Work planning
- Your captains must choose a task for the team. (The top rotates, the captains read the tasks in their envelopes) ENVELOPE 1 1 Name the safety precautions when working with an awl 2 Make a composition for the fairy tale “Turnip” ENVELOPE 2 1 Safety precautions when working with scissors 2 Make a composition for the fairy tale “The Cluttering Fly” ENVELOPE 3 1 Rules for working with plasticine 2 Make a composition for the fairy tale “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares” (Children answer safety questions) (Slide)
5. Step-by-step execution of work
- Together with the captains, correctly distribute responsibilities among each other.

(Slide) Select a composition for a fairy tale Take the necessary material Select the necessary tools Make an initial selection of parts Perform the necessary work to make the part Place on bark, branches, a sheet of cardboard. Carefully attach the details, beautifully design the work Prepare your composition for the exhibition. -When working, help each other. Don't forget to follow safety rules. - Please close your eyes and imagine what your composition will be like. Before we get to work, let's do some physical exercise.

6. Independent work.
Carrying out work according to the planned project. Individual assistance. (During the lesson, the drum spins and stops at the treble clef - this means a musical pause.
(Children perform to music)
7. Result of the work.
Analysis of manufactured crafts. -Did you manage to convey the image of fairy-tale characters? -What means of expression did you use in your work?- I suggest moving your crafts to the exhibition hall. Let our guests come and look at the works, and during breaks, invite friends to view the exhibits. Lesson summary. Evaluation of work.
Textbook by Konysheva N.M. 4th grade 2009 Stepanov V.V. Fairytale riddles for kids. M., 2007. Pereverten G.I. DIY crafts M.2007 Pereverten G.I. Homemade products from natural materials M 1985
Description of work

Medvedeva Larisa Alekseevna Balashovsky district Municipal educational institution secondary school in the village of Oktyabrsky Primary classes of educational complex “Harmony” 4th grade Topic “Working with natural materials. Making compositions based on fairy tales"

Plan - lesson notes

extracurricular activities in the general cultural direction “Kingdom of Creativity”.

Class 1 "A"

Teacher Dmitrieva M.V.

Topic: “Beauty around us (collection of natural materials).”

Form of lesson: excursion.


1. Create conditions for consolidating knowledge of natural materials for crafts, developing knowledge of the rules for collecting natural materials - leaves, the ability to collect autumn leaves for crafts, replenishing and activating the vocabulary.

2.Promote the development of auditory perception, observation, attention, thinking, perception,

Development of oral speech based on the ability to answer questions and compose simple sentences.

3. Contribute to the formation of motivation for learning, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Formed UUD:

Personal: motivation of educational activities (educational and cognitive interest in activities), reflectively self-evaluate one’s activities, success in the lesson; get ready for work.

Regulatory: determine the goal of the activity (with the help of the teacher), accept, save and solve the educational task, exercise control, learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

Cognitive: answer simple questions from the teacher, classify objects according to given parameters, be able to determine the practical significance of the activity performed, be able to determine the external signs of objects and correlate them with the necessary parameters, develop aesthetic taste.

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others, the ability to construct phrases, answer the question posed; comprehend oral speech meaningfully; when perceiving tasks - carry them out.


1. Cards for individual and differentiated work.

2. Dummy vegetables in a bag.

3. Tablets with vocabulary on topics: vegetables and fruits, colors, geometric shapes, size, names of lessons, what we will do, what we did.

4. Multimedia presentation with tasks, eye exercises, physical exercises. just a minute.

5. Necessary technical equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer.



1)Organization of attention.

2) Emotional mood.

Checks students' readiness for class.

Organizational phrases to hear.

What do we do?

Ask me.

We will study, listen carefully, complete tasks, and play.

Repetition of the rules of behavior during the excursion.

* you need to walk along the street calmly, without jostling;

* during observation, position yourself so that everyone can see;

* listen carefully;

* take care of nature;

* select a controller. He will monitor nature conservation.

P/n technique - exercise “Sunshine”:.

Look how nice it is outside!

Breathe in. What air! (Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. As you sigh, slowly raise your arms up, gradually “stretching” your entire body: starting with your fingers and ending with your toes without tension. We held our breath - “reaching for the sun.” Exhale, lowering your hands, relax.)

How does the sun shine in winter?

(Fingers gather into a pinch.)

How does the sun shine in spring?

(The palm muscles are tense, the fingers are bent).

How does the sun shine in summer?

(Spread your fingers wide, stretching all the muscles well


Smile at the sun, and now at each other.

Children go to the school site, taking with them notebooks to collect leaves.

They perceive phrases by ear and auditory-visually, repeat them, and give answers to questions.

Personal: get ready for work, organize activities.

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others, answer the question posed;

Regulatory: accept and solve a learning task,

2. Updating knowledge.

- What time of year is it now?

What month is it?

Name the autumn months.

In autumn you can collect a lot of natural materials for crafts.

Assignment: choose a natural material from a picture of various craft materials and name it.

Answer questions (weak

studying using a dictionary).

Everyone chooses natural materials. Oleg calls him, the rest repeat 9pronounce with dactyl)

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others, answer questions posed.Regulatory: accept and solve a learning task.

Cognitive: be able to classify objects according to given parameters.

3. Preparatory.

Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Exercise to develop attention.

Find all the leaves in the picture and count them.

Subject message.

- What do you think is the topic of the lesson?

What will we do in class?

The topic of the lesson is “Autumn leaves for crafts.”

We will collect leaves for crafts.

Complete the task.

Oleg names which tree the leaves come from.

Guess the topic of the lesson. They answer the questions asked.

Communicative: be able to express your thoughts orally.

Regulatory: be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher.

4. Main stage.

1) Formation of knowledge.

    Phys. just a minute

2) Practical part.

Familiarize children with the rules for collecting autumn leaves.

Before collecting leaves, familiarize yourself with the rules for collecting them.

1. Collect only fallen leaves.

2.Check the quality of the leaves:


    No dark spots

    Beautiful in shape and color.

3. L The information must be placed between the pages of the notebook.

4. At home, the leaves need to be covered with newspapers and placed under a press.

The teacher shows examples of high-quality and low-quality leaves.

Outdoor game "Forest". The teacher invites the children to use their movements to depict how the tree reacts to:

* light warm breeze;

* Hurricane;

* powerful cold gusts of wind;

* shower;

* scorching sun;

* freezing.

1. The teacher invites the children to collect beautiful fallen leaves for crafts.

2. Carrying out quality control of collected leaves.

They accept the teacher's explanations.

Participate in the game.

The children disperse around the area, collect leaves, and check with each other the quality of the collected leaves.


Personal: educational and cognitive interest in the task.

Communicative: listen and understand the speech of others.

Regulatory: accept, save and solve a learning task,

Regulatory: accept and maintain a learning task, exercise control, learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

Cognitive: be able to identify the external signs of objects and correlate them with the necessary parameters, develop aesthetic taste.

5. Summing up stage.

1.Poll - result».

What did you do in class?

Practical use:

Why were the leaves collected?

2. Performance assessment.

Did you complete the task?

How did you work in class: good or bad?


Did you like the lesson?

Students stand in a circle. Do the exercise “The Color of My Mood”

End of the lesson: organizational phrases for listening.

The teacher thanks the children:

Thank you for the lesson.

With the help of the teacher, they evaluate activities in the lesson.

Correlate their attitude to the lesson with symbols and depict them.

They perceive phrases by ear and comprehend them. They respond if necessary.

Communicative: be able to answer questions and express your thoughts orally.

Cognitive: be able to determine the practical significance of the activities performed.

Personal: summing up the lesson, self-assessment of activity and success in the lesson.

Methodology for conducting classes in extracurricular activities in decorative creativity.

The main goal of modern education is the education and development of the child’s personality. Achieving this goal is impossible without the implementation of the tasks facing the educational field of “Art,” of which fine art is an integral part.

In addition to creative activities in fine arts lessons, at the present time, within the framework of the Federal State Standard, classes on extracurricular activities have been introduced.An analysis of school programs in fine arts and technology showed that not all programs provide for introducing schoolchildren to decorative arts. In-depth study of the basics of decorative arts by schoolchildren is most often carried out not in class, but in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. In elementary schools, a block of hours is allocated for creative subjects; each school, at its own discretion, chooses the focus of extracurricular activities. At our school, from 1st to 4th grade, classes on decorative creativity are held once a week.

Extracurricular activity classes adhere to the same goals and objectives as academic classes, while at the same time they allow you to study the material more broadly and deeply and go beyond the traditional educational framework. Taking into account the fact that during the lessons the teacher is obliged to work according to the program provided by the school, during extracurricular activities, the program is compiled taking into account the inclinations and interests of the students. Of course, this does not mean at all that the teacher should be guided in his work only by the desires of the children. Here, the level of preparedness of students and the possibility of implementing a particular course (material support for the classroom) are taken into account. In his work, the teacher has the opportunity to realize his full creative potential.

Classes on extracurricular activities “Decorative creativity” are attended only by those children who are attracted by aesthetic orientation. In the first grade, up to 100% of students attend classes; by the fourth grade, the number of students drops to 40%. This is due to the involvement of children in clubs and other activities. A drop in the percentage of attendance in this case has a positive effect on the results of the remaining students, because allows for an individual approach to learning.

Extracurricular activities include such important tasks as:

    deepening and expanding the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in fine arts classes;

    introducing children to new types of work in the field of fine arts;

    development of aesthetic perception of objects, phenomena of the surrounding world and emotional attitude towards them;

    formation of an understanding of beauty, harmony of color richness of reality;

    development of color vision, artistic and figurative memory, creative activity, artistic abilities, imagination and fantasy;

    training in practical skills and skills in working with paints, familiarization with the theoretical foundations of decorative creativity.

    acquaintance with the work of outstanding artists of the past and present.

Classes in decorative creativity can enhance the effectiveness of aesthetic education of schoolchildren, expanding their cultural and intellectual horizons.

Young children draw with great pleasure, and if they are involved in creative life from an early age, their passion for fine arts can continue in high school, that is, the main aspect of extracurricular activities is career guidance. More often they talk about career guidance for technical professions. However, in the field of art it is also necessary.

In children of primary school age, personal orientation is aimed at the external objective world; visual-figurative thinking and emotionally sensitive perception of reality predominate; for them, play activity is the most relevant. The specificity of art, its artistic and figurative nature, perfectly meet the personal needs of younger schoolchildren. This determines the pedagogical potential and significance of subjects in the educational field “Art” at the primary school stage.

By fully carrying out the tasks in this educational field, teachers can successfully achieve the realization of the fundamental goal of primary education - the development of the child’s personality. Decorative creativity influences the integrity of a child’s perception of the world around him.

The moral and aesthetic education of a child is an important element of raising a child. Emotional and sensory perception is most developed in children of primary school age, which is the key to the further development of interest in the inner world of a person, the ability to become self-aware, the ability to empathize and relate to other people.

For decorative arts classes, it is necessary to show the student the relationship between art and his personal worldview. Therefore, an important link in the learning process is the local features of the national culture: trades and crafts.

Thus, it is possible to solve the problem of introducing a child to art using an artistic example of his native land that is personally significant for him.

The teacher needs to take into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren in his work and, in decorative arts classes, use active-creative methods to a greater extent, and verbal-informative methods to a lesser extent.

Another important task of the educational field “Art” is the focus on harmonizing the child’s abstract-logical and figurative thinking, which is especially important at the initial stage of education, when the child is just getting involved in educational activities.

Decorative arts classes relieve students of neuropsychic stress caused by other lessons, helping to maintain their health.

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