Stars who turned to surrogate motherhood. Stars who used the services of surrogate mothers (11 photos). Sergey Lazarev: son

06.04.2018 |

Surrogacy is becoming an increasingly common procedure in Russia. Allowing yourself to become a parent in this way can be a very wealthy person who does not pay too much attention to public opinion, for example, the star of show business.

What is surrogacy

Surrogate motherhood means the birth of a baby by a woman who is not genetically related to him. The procedure, at first glance, is quite simple. A woman is “planted” into the uterus with a ready-made embryo. Her task is to carry, give birth and give the child to people whose germ cells were used for conception.

The future baby will have the features of his biological parents: health characteristics, type of appearance.

For carrying a baby surrogate mother, as a rule, receives a solid monetary reward. There are cases when a woman expresses a desire to bear someone else's baby for free. Between the biological parents and the woman chosen to bear the child, an agreement is concluded that clearly regulates the relationship between the parties.

Key points in the contract:

  • conditions of medical support for pregnancy (schedule of visits to the doctor, place of future birth, state of health of the woman);
  • requirements for the lifestyle of a surrogate mother during pregnancy (no smoking, alcohol, hair dyeing, sports, etc.);
  • monthly amount for current expenses (vitamins, medicines if necessary, testing);
  • the amount of the fee that the surrogate mother will receive after the birth.

The contract is drawn up by an experienced lawyer. It is important to prescribe and agree on all kinds of points, even little things, so that after the birth of the baby, there is no conflict between the parties. The agreement is strictly confidential.

Surrogate motherhood is feasible only in specialized clinics. It is conducted not by an ordinary obstetrician-gynecologist, but by a reproductologist.

In Russia, this medical technology is only gaining popularity. The close attention of the press is riveted to the children of famous people who decided to become parents in this way.

Children of stars born from surrogate mothers

The public is still hearing about the birth of children from Philip Kirkorov, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin. But not only the King and Primadonna Russian stage decided to use the services of a surrogate mother.

1. Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

Publication from Maksim Galkin(@maxgalkinru) Jan 27, 2018 at 3:50 AM PST

Star parents spend a lot of time with their children, and often publish on their official pages photos and videos on Instagram.

2. Anna Kournikova and Enrique Iglesias

In mid-December last year, the famous Russian tennis player and no less famous singer Spanish-born Enrique Iglesias. Happy parents named the girl Lucy, the boy - Nicholas.

Photo: Instagram @annakournikova

The public speculated that the children were carried by a surrogate mother. No official confirmation has been received from the couple, but throughout her pregnancy, Anna posted photos and videos on her Instagram, in which there was not even a hint of a change in the star's figure. Although Enrique's mother gave an interview where she said that the pregnancy of the former tennis player was easy.

Photo: Instagram @enriqueiglesias

According to Isabelle Preisler, Anna and Enrique were not going to hide the fact that they would soon become parents: “Anna is a domestic girl, rarely goes out. Therefore, you did not know that they would soon have children. Several nannies help the star couple in raising children.

3. Ingeborga Dapkunaite

At the end of January of this year, information appeared that the famous actress Ingeborga Dapkunaite became a mother. The celebrity's son's name is Alex, and he looks no more than two years old. Dapkunaite showed the heir on the occasion of her 55th birthday.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite with her son Alex

Various assumptions about the birth of Alex appeared in the press. Most journalists are inclined to believe that a surrogate mother gave birth to the son of an actress. Ingeborga Dapkunaite does not comment on these rumors. The actress rarely shares something really personal with the public.

4. Sergey Lazarev

For the Christmas holidays of the current year, the popular singer Sergey Lazarev posted a photo on his Instagram little boy. Fans have speculated that the Eurovision star has become a father.

A little later, Sergei confirmed this. It is known that the boy's name is Nikita. The artist even got a tattoo on his neck, which depicts the Latin letter N.

Sergey Lazarev with his son Nikita

Philip Kirkorov in the Secret for a Million program said that a surrogate mother gave birth to a son Lazarev. Sergei, after the Christmas picture, stopped hiding Nikita from the public, and often publishes photos and videos with his participation.

5. Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov immediately stated that. The daughter was born in November 2011, the son - in June 2012. Philip named the girl in honor of his mother and Russian pop prima donna - Alla Victoria. The artist chose the name for his son Martin-Christina spontaneously.

Kirkorov - caring father. In numerous interviews, Philip emphasizes that now children occupy the main place in his life. Alla Victoria and Martin often go abroad with their eminent dad.

Philip Kirkorov with Alla Victoria and Martin Christine

Philip often posts the daily life of his son and daughter in his microblog. Children go to sports and music clubs, actively study English.

6. Dmitry Malikov

At the end of January of this year, singer, composer and songwriter Dmitry Malikov confirmed that. A 25-year-old surrogate mother gave birth to a son to him and his wife. star couple attended the birth, which took place in a prestigious clinic in St. Petersburg.

Photo: Instagram @dmitriy_malikov

The name of the boy is still unknown. Elena and Dmitry Malikov emphasize that they did not want publicity for this issue, but "someone leaked the birth of their son to the press, and they had to comment." The boy is completely healthy and, as noted eldest daughter Malikov Stefania, extremely calm. Dmitry often sings to his son, whom he dreamed of long years, lullabies.

7. Alena Apina

Alena Apina was one of the first among the Russian beau monde to use the services of a surrogate mother. A healthy girl, whom the singer called Xenia, was born in 2001. Apina did not hide the fact that an outside woman and the achievements of modern reproductive medicine helped her become a mother.

The singer herself emphasized many times that she had dreamed of becoming a mother for more than 10 years. She had 9 miscarriages. “I was treated wherever possible. For a woman, this is a huge tragedy - not being able to conceive and bear her own child, ”said Alena Apina.

Alena Apina with her daughter Xenia

The singer has a great relationship with her long-awaited daughter. Ksenia has been studying at a music school since the age of 4, and dreams of following in her mother's footsteps.

8. Emmanuil Vitorgan

In March of this year, 78-year-old Emmanuil Vitorgan and his wife Irina Mlodik. The couple does not comment, but it is possible that they had to resort to the services of a surrogate mother.

9. Cristiano Ronaldo

In the world, surrogacy has been considered an accepted phenomenon for many years. World football star Cristiano Ronaldo used the services of a surrogate mother. In 2017, the athlete fulfilled an old dream - he became the father of beautiful twins. Ronaldo already has a 7-year-old son, who was also born by a surrogate mother.

In November last year, a constant girlfriend, a model from Spain, Georgina Rodriguez, gave birth to a daughter to the athlete. The girl is actively pursuing a career, so the athlete’s mother Dolores helps raise children to star parents. The kids spend most of their time with her. For younger sons and daughters, the athlete hired two nannies.

Cristiano noted that he did not tell his eldest child about his mother. “My sons have a loving father and many relatives who adore them. I will definitely tell my eldest son about his mother, but a little later. The younger ones are still small, and they perceive Georgie as their own mother.

How much does surrogacy cost in Russia

The information is hidden from the public, but according to the most conservative estimates, using the services of a surrogate mother will cost 1.5 million rubles. Each case is individual, and only by contacting the clinic, you can find out more about the cost of this service. It is known that the Malikov family laid out 2 million dollars.

About 500 of the 2 million Russian children who are born every year are born by a surrogate mother.

Surrogate motherhood has long been practiced in the world. and in Russia to pay attention to children born in this way. They are cute, funny and developed, just like children born in the traditional way. Couples who are not able to bear and give birth to a child on their own also have the right to the happiness of motherhood and fatherhood.

Surrogacy has become a salvation for many families who, for one reason or another, could not have children on their own. This service is often used by the rich and famous. Someone could not give birth for health reasons, and someone simply decided to save the figure.

Editorial "AWESOME" prepared a list of stars whose children were born from surrogate mothers. Everyone had their own reasons for this, sometimes even strange ones. Well, the rich have their own quirks!

Sergey Lazarev

The singer's personal life is almost under seven locks. After an affair with Lera Kudryavtseva, the artist allegedly had a mysterious girl whom no one had seen. And in 2016, Sergei was dumbfounded by the statement that in 2014 his son was born. As it turned out later - from a surrogate mother.

Dmitry Malikov

The fact that another child will appear in the family of Dmitry Malikov, the artist was silent to the last, therefore, when he called his friends to a celebration on the occasion of the birth of the heir, at first they thought it was a joke. The singer does not hide the fact that he and his wife used the services of a surrogate mother. The reason, apparently, was the age of the couple.

Philip Kirkorov

The pop king of the stage is one of the first among Russian stars used the services of surrogate motherhood. In 2011 Kirkorov became happy father Alla Victoria, and in 2012 - the boy Martin. Both babies were born in the USA, the names of surrogate mothers are not disclosed.

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

Follow the example ex-husband So did the prima donna. If until 2013, Alla Borisovna and comedian Galkin were accused of the fact that their marriage was just a successful PR move, then with the advent of twins, all doubts disappeared. Photos and videos with Lisa and Harry often appear on Instagram of stars.

Alena Apina

pop singer for a long time tried to get pregnant, went through artificial insemination 9 times, but the embryos did not take root. Alena was treated for infertility, but everything was useless. In 2001, a surrogate mother gave birth to the singer's daughter Ksyusha, who was named after the song of the same name Apina.

Ricky Martin

In 2010, the singer came out, which surprised his fans very much, because for a long time the press was buzzing about his relationship with TV presenter Rebecca de Alba. In 2008, he and he had twin boys born by a surrogate mother.

Nicole Kidman

In 2008, the actress and Keith Urban had a daughter, Sandy. When a couple of years later the couple became parents for the second time, it became news even for loved ones. Despite the fact that the last time the birth was successful, Kidman did not want to bear the child on her own and spoil the figure.

Sarah Jessica Parker

The actress did not dare to bear children for the second time. She told reporters that her health condition did not allow this, but colleagues said that Parker simply did not want to refuse the role.

Kim Kardashian

When socialite Kim bore the first two children, she recovered by several tens of kilograms! The most popular of the Kardashian family has repeatedly said that she does not consider pregnancy a wonderful period. However, she could not give birth to a third child on her own for medical reasons.

Elton John

Two children to the British singer and his chosen one David Furnish were born by the same surrogate mother. Moreover, the men said that they were not going to stop at two children. It is possible that they will turn to the same woman again, as she is ideally suited to their requirements: healthy, non-smoking, with her own children.

Surrogate motherhood is already practically. Alas, not all mere mortals can afford this procedure, as it is not cheap.

Today, surrogate motherhood has ceased to be something out of the realm of fantasy. More and more more people who cannot have a child naturally, find the joy of motherhood and fatherhood with the help of the latest medical technologies. As for the stars, for them surrogate motherhood today is the same trend as adoption.

Michael Jackson

One of the first stars who resorted to the services of a surrogate mother was the singer - it was in this way that his third child, Prince Michael II, was born. It happened in 2002, after Jackson's divorce from his second wife, Debbie Rowe. The name of the woman who carried the child to the king of pop was not disclosed, it is only known that the main criterion for Jackson was not the state of health of the applicant (although this, of course, was taken into account) and not nationality, but the presence of an outstanding intellect. Apparently, the main analysis for the surrogate mother was not medical indicators, but an IQ test.

Linked to this Jackson baby scandalous story- shortly after the birth of Michael Prince II almost died through the fault of ... his own father. Showing the child to the fans, Jackson staggered and almost dropped him, only at the last moment the singer managed to keep his offspring. Now custody of him, however, as well as of other children of the pop king, was received by his mother Katherine Jackson.

Nicole Kidman

That's really whose motherhood has suffered not only in the physical, but also in the moral sense of the word, so these are the stars of "Moulin Rouge" and "Stepford Wives", actresses.

At first, being married to Tom Cruise, she was never able to get pregnant, so the couple were forced to adopt two children - Isabella Jane and Connor Anthony. Having married musician Keith Urban, Kidman unexpectedly for everyone - and first of all for herself - gave birth to a daughter, Sunday Rose. Encouraged by their success, Keith and Nicole began working on the birth of their second child, but all their efforts, including the help of medical professionals, were in vain. And the couple had to resort to the help of a surrogate mother, who on December 28, 2010 gave birth to their daughter, who received the name Faith (in translation - "Faith") Margaret Kidman Urban. After her birth, the actress made a press statement in which she said that she was grateful to everyone who helped her during this period, for the joy and happiness that she had experienced, but especially to the surrogate mother.

Elton John

For obvious reasons, his marriage partner David Furnish also used the services of a surrogate mother. According to the spouses, who have been living together for a long time, they only needed a child for complete happiness. During a visit to Ukraine in 2009, the singer even wanted to adopt an HIV-positive boy, Lyova from Makeevka, but the guardianship authorities opposed this. Returning home, John and Furnish turned to the services of a surrogate mother, who in one of the clinics in California gave birth to a boy, Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John. The couple were present at the birth and claim that the boy looks like both of them. “He inherited Elton’s nose,” Furnish says in an interview, “and he took his hands from me.”

Ricky Martin

With the help of a surrogate mother, he received children - twin boys Matteo and Valentina - and another gay, famous. In his book "I", the pop singer says that he always wanted to have offspring, but the idea of ​​​​the need to create a family and even just live together under the same roof with a woman, to put it mildly, did not delight him. Surrogate motherhood in such cases - perfect option, so Martin decided to resort to it.

The name of the woman who carried them is kept secret - according to rumors, it was cousin singer. Like many single mothers, this single father justifies raising a child in an incomplete family as follows: “Many people think that without a mother, children grow up inferior. But, in my opinion, the main thing is that children grow up in love, and where they get it from - dads, moms or grandma, it doesn't matter." As for love and care, the father from Martin seems to have turned out to be exemplary: while the children were very young, he himself fed, bathed and swaddled them. Now that they have grown up a bit, he spends all his free time with them.

The singer intends to be honest with children regarding his sexual orientation. “I don’t want to live a lie with them,” says Martin, “and I want to raise them so that they don’t have any prejudices and they would be proud of their gay father.” By the way, the singer is not going to stop at twins - soon he is going to adopt one or even several children.

Sharon Stone

The second son, Laird Vonn, who was considered adopted for a long time, was also born with the help of a surrogate mother. His birth is surrounded by the strictest secrecy: neither the name of the woman from Texas who gave birth to him in May 2005, nor whom Stone chose as a sperm donor, is known. But the fact remains: the actress subsequently adopted not someone else's child, but her own son.

Sarah Jessica Parker

Twin girls - Marion and Tabitha - for the star of the series "Sex in big city"and her husband Matthew Broderick endured and gave birth to 27-year-old American Michelle Ross from Ohio. It soon became clear that the publication of the name and place of residence of the surrogate mother was a big mistake - journalists literally did not give Michelle a pass for several months, hoping to find out some details about how herself, and about babies. And only the happiness that the actress experienced from communicating with children overshadowed all the troubles associated with press harassment. When asked why the actress and her husband resorted to this particular method of gaining heirs, she replies that he seemed them "most successful".

In the family of Sarah Jessica and Matthew, there is also the eldest son, James Wilkie, whom the actress gave birth to herself. However, in all interviews, Sarah Jessica declares that she is not going to stop at three children, intending to either adopt or give birth to several more with the help of a surrogate mother.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Despite love relationship With Russian model, for the birth of a child, the star of Real Madrid, one of the highest paid football players, took advantage of the surrogacy program - in June 2010, his son Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. was born.

True, evil tongues claim that the boy was born after a one-time sex with an American waitress, who subsequently informed the midfielder about her interesting position through his agent. Raised in a religious family, Ronaldo took a paternity test and received positive result decided to take the baby. On the other hand, according to the English weekly "Sun", a surrogate mother for a football player's child was found in a specialized Florida clinic, and the process itself cost him 12 million euros. True, why Ronaldo needed such an exotic method, on which the first beauties from all over the world hang themselves, it is not clear, apparently, the rich, indeed, have their own quirks.

Ronaldo turned out exemplary father, who - of course, in his free time from football - takes care of the child himself, even changes his diapers, although he admits that this is not his favorite pastime. When Ronaldo is busy, the child is taken care of by his mother and sisters.

The football player admits that the appearance of his son changed him - made him more serious and responsible. Ronaldo also assures that he will do everything so that his son does not need anything, and dreams that the boy will follow in his footsteps.

Philip Kirkorov

The birth of Philip Kirkorov's daughter in November last year made a lot of noise. The girl was born in Miami, and the first three months of her life were accompanied by unprecedented secrecy measures. No matter how hard the journalists tried, they never managed to take photographs of the singer's daughter or find out who the surrogate mother was. After the joke of the former Ukrainian TV presenter, and now producer Oleksiy Diveev-Tserkovny, who told the press that the winner of the Miss Ukraine-Universe contest almost broke out into an international scandal, Philip Bedrosovich had a child. The fact is that the journalists rushed to figure out who it could be, and the candidate who was chosen - Lyudmila Bikmulina (supposedly only she was seen pregnant at that time) stated that she had nothing to do with Kirkorov's daughter, and threatened to file for Diveev-Tserkovny and all the journalists en masse to the court.

Now, when Philip Bedrosovich moved Alla-Victoria to his house near Moscow, the passions somehow subsided. Although the singer and his daughter still appear in the news, as it was, for example, recently, when the media reported that the priests refused to baptize the girl - either because of the double name uncharacteristic for Orthodoxy, or because she was born unnatural - in the eyes of the church! - by. True, soon the priests themselves denied this message, saying that they had no right to refuse the child the sacrament of baptism.

Rumor has it that he is going to resort to the method of Kirkorov and his ex-wife, Alla Pugacheva, who, for complete happiness with her current husband, Maxim Galkin, lacks only a child.

Valery Leontiev

Valery Leontiev always dreamed of an heir, at one time he was even going to adopt a boy from an orphanage, but then he abandoned this idea, deciding that the child should still be native. The press often wrote that famous singer has long been looking for a woman who could become a surrogate mother for his unborn child. But Valery Yakovlevich was in no hurry to make a final decision, fearing that the candidate, having turned out to be morally unscrupulous, would subsequently be able to sue him and claim his property.

Obviously, the desire to have a child still outweighed, because in November 2010, a message appeared in the media that a surrogate mother, a Spaniard by nationality, gave birth to a daughter to the singer. Leontiev named her Ekaterina - in honor of his mother - and officially registered her in Moscow.

Alena Apina

Star of the 90s, singer Alena Apina turned to a surrogate mother for help after several unsuccessful attempts to first get pregnant and then bear a child. “I understood,” the singer admits in an interview, “that a real marriage cannot be only two, and I really wanted a child.”

The ordeal—in the form of medical consultations and painful medical procedures—continued for ten years. Desperate, Apina and her husband, producer Alexander Iratov, decided on surrogate motherhood - so, in 2001, their daughter Ksyusha was born (the singer named the girl in honor of the song that brought her fame about the girl Ksyusha in a "plush skirt"), which the spouses they just love it. The mother of two children from the province, who was in a difficult financial situation, became a surrogate mother for the girl, thus both sides solved their pressing problems. After the birth of Ksyusha, Alena began to dream of a son, whom she planned to endure and give birth to herself, but so far, apparently, she is not succeeding. Who knows, perhaps the couple will again turn to a surrogate mother for help.

Taisiya Kondratieva

In 2013, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin amazed everyone with the news that they had become parents: the twins, Lisa and Harry, were carried by a surrogate mother. In an interview star spouses admitted that they had long dreamed of becoming parents, so Pugacheva's eggs were frozen 11 years before the birth of children - Alla and Maxim were not even married yet. Lisa and Harry were born at the 35th week of pregnancy, Alla Borisovna was present at the birth to immediately take them in her arms. Now the children have two nannies, but parents spend all their free time with them.

Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov from the very beginning did not hide that he became a father with the help of surrogate motherhood: his two children, Alla Victoria and Martin, have an unusual age difference of 7 months. The singer admitted to the press that he is committed to traditional family values, so both parents bring up children - just the mother of the kids is a non-public person.

Olga Slutsker

Olga Slutsker became one of the first celebrities who frankly shared with the press information that, for health reasons, she could not bear a child herself, so she resorted to the help of a surrogate mother - this is how her older children, Anya and Misha, were born. Two years after the court decision forbade her to see children, Olga again became a mother. She kept the birth of twin girls a secret for more than a year, and still does not share with fans any information about them or about younger son who was recently born.

Alena Apina

The singer has become a real pioneer in alternative parenthood: she is sure that her example helped other women decide to have a child with the help of a surrogate mother. Alena was treated for infertility for seven years to no avail, survived nine unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant - until, finally, the long-awaited daughter was born.

Nicole Kidman

The movie star already had two adopted children and independently born daughter, when she and Keith Urban became parents again - but this time their biological daughter was carried by another woman (the couple hides her name). By the way, in order to keep the secret of the birth of baby Faith, in the medical center where the birth took place, the star couple had to book the entire floor!

Cristiano Ronaldo

In 2010, Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. was born: they say that his famous father spent more than 10 million euros on the process of acquiring a son with the help of a surrogate! In fact, there were two “moms”: one provided her egg, the other carried the baby. The football player admits that he is planning more children.

Sarah Jessica Parker

One of the fans of the actress gloatingly noted that she used the services of a surrogate mother only because she did not want to spoil her figure and interrupt her career, but Sarah Jessica Parker said in an interview that she simply could not bear children herself - for medical reasons. Twins Tabitha and Marion were born by a professional surrogate mother from Ohio.

Elton John

The British singer and his wife David Furnish have two sons, Elijah and Zachary. The age difference between the brothers is two years, and both of them were born from the same surrogate mother, who was found for the couple by a special agency. By the way, both fathers donated genetic material for the fertilization of a donor egg, and they don’t know exactly whose spermatozoa worked.

ricky martin

When the first news appeared in the press that the singer had become a father, the fans rushed to look for a happy mother - to whom did Ricky Martin give his heart? But it soon became clear that the singer would raise the twin sons himself, and under the terms of the contract he did not even meet the woman who carried them and gave birth.

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