Comparative characteristics of the heroes of the fairy tale the snow queen. "Snow Queen" characterization of heroes

Andersen is famous children's writer. I love reading his stories. They tell about brave and brave children. This is also a little mermaid who is not afraid to leave home for the sake of her love. This is the brave Gerda, who went to the ends of the world for her friend Kai.

Gerda is a small, fragile girl. She lived with her grandmother and had a brother named Kai. They have been friends since childhood. When Kai was taken away by the Snow Queen, she went to look for him. For the sake of her named brother Kai, she went through many trials. Everyone Gerda met on her journey helped her. The surrounding people and animals admired Gerda's courage. Her desire to save Kai helped her defeat everything. She did not stay with the good old woman. She felt good there, but she remembered Kai, her grandmother. Gerda leaves in autumn in a summer dress to save her brother. Gerda befriends Raven.

He took her to Royal Palace. There she met the Prince and the Princess. They gave her warm clothes and horse-drawn carriages to keep her warm in the north. Gerda was not afraid of the robbers. She was kind to the animals and the deer told her about Kai. Gerda was able to defeat the spell of the cold and beautiful Snow Queen. She destroyed her palace, rescuing her named brother Kai from trouble.

All difficulties were on the shoulder of this small but brave girl. After all, faith, hope and love lived in her heart. She managed to go where, perhaps, even an adult would not pass. When Gerda returned home with Kai, she was met by everyone who helped her. People and animals rejoiced with her. They admired Gerda's courage and were proud to know her. I also admire the courage of little Gerda. After all, she was ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of friendship. It seems to me that H.-K Andersen wanted to tell us that even the small and weak will always be able to achieve their goal, especially if they believe in their own strength and loyalty to the chosen goals.

The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" was published in 1844. It is interesting that this characters of this work had real prototypes. So, the prototype of the Snow Queen with an icy heart was the opera singer Jenny Lind, with whom the storyteller was madly in love. And Gerda was embodied from a little childhood friend Lisbeth, with whom Hans Christian was friends in early childhood.

The main characters of Andersen's fairy tale The Snow Queen»:

Evil troll- the embodiment of all evil. He created a mirror that reduced the good and increased the evil to an incredible size.

Gerda is the central character. A little girl who lived with her parents. When Kai disappeared, Gerda was sad for her little friend for a long time and cried. She had a big strong heart that conquered people and forest animals. A heart that was warmed by love. It's huge loving heart melted the ice in Kai's heart.

Kai- boy, close friend Gerda, lived opposite Gerda, also with his parents. He was a kind boy who loved his parents, roses, Gerda, picture books until a shard of the devil's mirror created by Troll hit him in the eye. After this incident, Kai has changed a lot. He began to mimic acquaintances and neighbors, flaunting all their shortcomings, mimicking his grandmother, in the actions of people, in the objects surrounding him, he saw only the bad. He didn't like everything. When he was sledding with his children, he was kidnapped by the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen- negative character. A woman made of ice and snow. Beautiful and cold. With her icy kiss, she froze Kai's heart, and he forgot all his loved ones.

An old woman who knew how to conjure- a kind old woman, rarely conjured, for her own pleasure. She was very lonely and wanted to keep Gerda at home.

Prince and Princess - young spouses, not devoid of justice, generosity. They generously endowed Gerda and wished her a happy journey.

Little Robber- wayward girl, spoiled, stubborn. In her heart, in a strange way, cruelty and generosity coexisted.

Lapland old woman- a resident of Lapland, who met Gerda and a deer on the way. She was poor, lived in a dilapidated shack.

finca- a small fat woman. She loved warmth, it was hot in the house. She was smart. A Laplander sent Gerda to her.

Gerda found Kai. The little brave girl was helped by people, animals and birds. With her kisses, Gerda melted the ice in Kai's heart, he burst into tears, and the shard that was sitting in his eye flowed out along with his tears. Kai has changed. They returned home and noticed that they had grown older during their absence.

"Snow Queen" characterization of heroes - Kai, Gerd, Snow Queen

"Snow Queen" characterization of heroes


Gerda is the main character of the story.

Description of Gerda:

“... her hair curled, and curls with a golden glow surrounded her sweet, friendly face, round and ruddy, like a rose.”

Gerda is kind, affectionate, brave. She loves Kai like a brother and goes to long and long way to save him. A warm heart prompted Gerda to take such a step. Gerda believed that Kai was alive, and she must help him.

Gerda's character traits: strong, courageous, loyal, courageous, sincere, purposeful, persevering

Scientists helped her find her crows , the prince and princess, who gave Gerda warm clothes and mittens , little robber girl and deer.

During her long wanderings, Gerda manifests herself only with better side. She is sweet, friendly, kind and this attracts not only various people but also animals and birds. She is brave, patient, persistent, and this helps her not to lose heart from failures and not to lose faith that she will find Kai. She is loyal, loving, reliable, and this helps her cope with the spell of the Snow Queen herself and melt the ice in the boy's heart. If Gerda was a real, not a fairy-tale girl, she would have a lot of friends. I don't doubt it one bit.

The Snow Queen enchanted Kai's heart and turned it into a ball ice . But Gerda's hot tears and her love saved the boy.

Gerda was stronger than the Snow Queen. because the Snow Queen has a cold heart, and Gerda has a hot one. Gerda is the embodiment of the best human qualities. Therefore, she defeats evil, wins Kai back from the Snow Queen.

"Snow Queen" characteristic snow queen

Description of the Snow Queen:

- “She was so charming and tender, but made of ice, ..., and yet alive! Her eyes shone like stars, but there was neither warmth nor peace in them.

Gerda and the Snow Queen are strong personalities.

Gerda and the Snow Queen: similarities and differences

Characteristics of Kaya "The Snow Queen"

At the beginning of the tale, this is a kind and sympathetic boy. After Kai enters the Snow Queen's palace, his heart turns to ice - he is now a rude, angry and emotionless boy. Kai does not understand that one cannot live without true feelings - such an existence is meaningless. Gerda his true love saves Kai from the ice captivity.

In the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, the main character, the girl Gerda, is the personification of goodness and light.

Gerda has an unusual character, combining kindness and tenderness with courage, determination and masculinity.

Going in search of Kai, Gerda could not imagine what trials she would face. But she was guided by the belief that her friend was alive, and for the sake of his salvation, it was worth forgetting weakness and fear.

Thanks to her kind nature, the girl found many friends and helpers along the way. The princess and the prince were fascinated by the story of Gerda, so they equipped her for the journey with warm clothes and a golden carriage. And the little robber, herself distinguished by remarkable strength and courage, was so impressed by Gerda's courage that she saved her from death and gave her her beloved pet, the Reindeer, to help her. Although, it is worth noting that Gerda did not immediately manage to win the trust of the robber, but she was able to show her that love and kindness are stronger than anger and aggression.

Even animals and nature help Gerda. The river and the rose suggest that Kai is alive, the raven and the crow help to get to the princess's palace, and Reindeer accompanies to the possessions of the Snow Queen and does not leave until the girl returns with a victory.

The Lapland and the Finn selflessly provide shelter and help find the way to the snow castle.

Only the old sorceress did not want to help Gerda, and even then, not out of malice, but because she was too lonely, and was used to thinking only about herself.

The biggest evil in the way of a little girl is, of course, the Snow Queen. All life freezes under her gaze. Her prickly army is invincible. But true love impossible to destroy. Gerda's faith is so strong that the army retreats, and the evil spell is dispelled by her hot tears.

Gerda saves Kai only on her own, because he himself does not understand that he is in trouble and has long forgotten not only Gerda, but also simple human feelings - love, friendship, affection. This speaks of her generosity and ability to forgive insults.

The main lesson that many generations learn from this tale is that love and faith endow a person with incredible strength. And if even in difficult circumstances a person continues to love the world and treat it with trust, then the world helps him achieve his goal.

Composition on the theme of Gerd

The place of one of the main characters of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" was taken by a little girl Gerda. This desperate girl seems to have everything positive qualities that one can only imagine. She is not afraid possible dangers went to save her friend Kai, who was like a brother to her, who was in trouble. For his sake, she was ready for anything and did a lot of brave deeds. Gerda is the owner of an exceptional character, which has absorbed boundless kindness and brave masculinity.

Going to look for Kai, Gerda did not even imagine what difficulties she would face. But she was driven by determination, hope and faith that her close friend was alive, and for the sake of getting him out of danger, it was necessary to forget all fears and fears.

Thanks to her sensitive nature, Gerda found many good helpers on her way to Kai. The prince and princess were delighted with the story of Gerda, so they provided her with everything necessary for long journey, they gave her warm clothes and a golden carriage. The kind heart of Gerda even subdued the evil robber, who constantly walked with a knife.

The conquered robber saves Gerda from death and gives her her dear Reindeer to help her. Natural forces also help the little girl in everything. A river and a rose assure that Kai is alive, a raven with a crow helps to get into the princess's palace, and the Reindeer delivers Gerda to the queen's icy possessions and waits until the girl turns around with Kai. Only the old sorceress did not want to help Gerda, not even out of anger, but from her own loneliness and the habit of thinking exclusively about herself. But the biggest danger on the way of Gerda was carried by the Snow Queen, who could freeze all living things with one glance. But the great love and hot tears of the little girl managed to melt the icy forces of evil.

Gerda, on her own, rescues Kai, who did not even realize that he was in trouble and in a short time was able to forget his girlfriend.

Throughout the tale, the image of Gerda runs as the opposite of the soulless queen. This image is able to serve as a worthy example of disinterested friendship and exemplary behavior.

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The fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is an extraordinary story about a boy Kai and a girl Gerda. They were separated by a shard of a broken mirror. The main theme of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is the struggle between good and evil.


So let's start retelling summary"Snow Queen". One day, an evil troll created a mirror, looking into which all goodness decreased and disappeared, while evil, on the contrary, increased. But, unfortunately, the troll's students broke the mirror in a dispute, and all its fragments scattered around the world. And if at least one tiny piece fell into the human heart, then it froze and became a piece of ice. And if he got into the eye, then the person stopped seeing the good, and in any act he felt only malicious intent.

Kai and Gerda

The summary of the "Snow Queen" should be continued with information that friends lived in one small town: a boy and a girl, Kai and Gerda. They were brother and sister to each other, but only until the moment when the fragments got into the boy's eye and heart. After the accident, the boy became embittered, became rude and lost his brotherly feelings for Gerda. In addition, he stopped seeing good. He began to think that no one loves him and everyone wishes him harm.

And then one not very good day, Kai went sledding. He clung to the sleigh passing by him. But they belonged to the Snow Queen. She kissed the boy, thereby making his heart even colder. The queen took him to her ice palace.

Journey of Gerda

Gerda grieved for the boy for the rest of the winter and waited for his return, and, without waiting, went in search of her brother as soon as spring came.

The first on the way Gerda met a woman-sorceress. She put a spell on the girl that deprived her of her memory. But when she saw the roses, Gerda remembered everything and ran away from her.

After that, on her way she met a raven, who told her that a prince very similar to Kai had wooed the princess of his kingdom. But it wasn't him. The princess and the prince turned out to be very kind people, they gave her clothes and a carriage made of gold.

The girl's path lay through a scary and dark forest where she was attacked by a gang of robbers. Among them was a little girl. She turned out to be kind and gave Gerda a deer. On it, the heroine went further and soon, having met pigeons, found out where her named brother was.

On the way she met two more kind women- Lapland and Finnish. Each helped the girl in search of Kai.

The Snow Queen's Domain

And so, having reached the possessions of the Snow Queen, she gathered the remnants of her strength and went through the strongest snowstorm and the royal army. Gerda prayed all the way, and angels came to her aid. They helped her reach the ice castle.

Kai was there, but the queen was not. The boy was like a statue, all frozen and cold. He did not even pay attention to Gerda and continued to play the puzzle. Then the girl, unable to cope with her emotions, wept bitterly. Tears thawed Kai's heart. He also began to cry, and the shard fell out along with the tear.

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". Gerda

There are many characters in the story, but they are all secondary. There are only three main ones: Gerda, Kai, the queen. But still, the only truly main character of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" is only one - little Gerda.

Yes, she is very small, but also selfless and brave. In the fairy tale, all her strength is concentrated in a kind heart, which attracts sympathetic people to the girl, without whom she would not have reached the ice castle. It is kindness that helps Gerda defeat the queen and unfreeze her named brother.

Gerda is ready for anything for the sake of her neighbors and is confident in decisions taken. She does not hesitate for a second and helps everyone who needs it, not counting on help. In a fairy tale, only the most best features character, and she is the embodiment of justice and goodness.

The image of Kai

Kai is a very ambiguous hero. On the one hand, he is kind and sensitive, but on the other, frivolous and stubborn. Even before the fragments hit the eye and heart. After the incident, Kai is completely under the influence of the Snow Queen and follows her orders without saying a word against. But after Gerda frees him, everything is fine again.

Yes, on the one hand, Kai is a positive character, but his inaction and passivity prevent the reader from falling in love with him.

The image of the Snow Queen

The Snow Queen is the embodiment of winter, cold. Her home is an endless ice space. Just like ice, she is very beautiful in appearance, as well as smart. But her heart does not know feelings. That is why she is the prototype of evil in Andersen's fairy tale.

History of creation

It's time to tell the story of the creation of Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen". It was first published in 1844. The tale is the longest in the author's bibliography, and Andersen claimed that it was connected with the story of his life.

Andersen said that the "Snow Queen", a summary of which is contained in the article, appeared in his head even when he was little and played with his white-headed neighbor friend Lisbeth. To him, she was practically a sister. The girl was always next to Hans, supported in all games and listened to his first fairy tales. Many researchers claim that she became the prototype of Gerda.

But not only Gerda had a prototype. Singer Jenny Lind has become the living embodiment of the queen. The author was in love with her, but the girl did not share his feelings, and Andersen made her cold heart the embodiment of the beauty and soullessness of the Snow Queen.

In addition, Andersen was fascinated Scandinavian myths, and there death was called an ice maiden. Before he died, his father said that the maiden had come for him. Perhaps the Snow Queen has the same prototype as the Scandinavian winter and death. She also has no feelings, and the kiss of death can freeze forever.

The image of a girl made of ice attracted the storyteller, and in his legacy there is another tale about the Snow Queen, who stole her lover from his bride.

Andersen wrote the fairy tale in a very difficult time, when religion and science were at odds. Therefore, there is an opinion that the confrontation between Gerda and the queen describes the events that took place.

In the USSR, the tale was remade, since censorship did not allow the mention of Christ and the reading of the Gospel at night.

"The Snow Queen": analysis of the work

Andersen in his fairy tales creates an opposition - the opposition of good and evil, summer and winter, external and internal, death and life.

So, the Snow Queen has become a classic character of folklore. Dark and cold mistress of winter and death. She is opposed to the warm and kind Gerda, the embodiment of life and summer.

According to Schelling's natural philosophy, Kai and Gerda are androgynes, that is, the opposition of death and life, summer and winter. Children are together in summer, but in winter they suffer separation.

The first half of the tale speaks of the creation magic mirror capable of distorting good, turning it into evil. A person injured by its fragment acts as an enemy of culture. On the one hand, it is a myth that affects culture and breaks the connection between man and nature. So Kai becomes soulless and rejects the love of summer and the beauty of nature. But he begins to love the creations of the mind with all his heart.

The fragment that ended up in the boy's eye allows him to think rationally, cynically, to show interest in the geometric structure of snowflakes.

In a fairy tale, as you know, there can be no bad ending, so Andersen contrasted Christian values ​​with the world of technology. That is why the children in the fairy tale sing psalms to the rose. Although the rose fades, but the memory of it remains. So memory is a mediator between the world of the living and the dead. This is how Gerda, having got into the garden of the sorceress, forgets Kai, and then her memory returns to her again, and she runs away. It is roses that help her in this.

The scene in the castle with the false prince and princess is very symbolic. At this dark moment, Gerda is helped by ravens, symbolizing the powers of the night and wisdom. Climbing the stairs is a tribute to the Platonic myth of the cave, in which non-existent shadows create a representation of a false reality. Gerda needs a lot of strength in order to distinguish between lies and truth.

The further the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" advances, the summary of which you already know, the more often peasant symbols are found. Gerda, with the help of prayer, copes with the storm and falls into the domain of the queen. The atmosphere of the castle was created by the author himself. It emphasizes all the complexes and failures of the poor writer. According to biographers, the Andresenov family had some mental disorders.

So the powers of the queen can symbolize actions that can drive you crazy. The castle is motionless and cold, crystal.

So Kai's injury leads to his seriousness and intellectual development, and the attitude towards relatives changes dramatically. Soon he is completely alone in the ice halls. These features characterize schizophrenia.

Kai meditates over the ice, showing his loneliness. Gerda's coming to Kai suggests his salvation from the world of the dead, from the world of madness. He returns to the world of love and kindness, eternal summer. The couple is reunited again, and the person gains integrity through a difficult path and overcoming himself.

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