These African women amaze with their appearance. The most famous black actors The most beautiful black actresses in Hollywood

November 13 marks the 58th birthday of Whoopi Goldberg, Hollywood's most famous black actress. Today we decided to remember a few more artists with dark skin color who managed to gain popularity and love from the audience.

Whoopi Goldberg. Born in the black quarter of New York in a family with Jewish roots. WITH early childhood Whoopi was an active and mischievous child, and at the age of eight she confidently played on stage in children's plays. In the early seventies, Goldberg joined the hippie movement, became addicted to drugs and lived for several years on meager unemployment benefits. In order not to die of hunger, the future star learned many professions - she even managed to work in a morgue. Her duties included makeup, which Whoopi skillfully “applied” to the faces of the dead. A little later, Goldberg managed to get a job in one of the theater troupes. The black girl's first success came after Whoopi showed her own dress-up show. In just a few minutes, the talented actress managed to try on six completely different characters at once. In 1985, by chance, Goldberg was invited to the film “The Color Purple,” and after its release, Whoopi became not only famous, but also received an Oscar nomination. Goldberg received her coveted statuette for her role in the film “Ghost.” Now Goldberg is the most popular black woman comedienne world, and her fees exceed a million dollars per film. Whoopi has a very difficult character and is not very pretty, and she admits this, but this does not stop Goldberg from having affairs with beautiful and successful men! For several years, her life partners were Frank Langella and Ted Danson, but the most high-profile romance in Whoopi’s life was her relationship with Gerard Depardieu, who loved this dark-skinned actress madly.

Jada Pinkett Smith. Another black actress who managed to conquer Hollywood. Jada was born in 1971 in Baltimore, in the family of a director. construction company and nurses. However, Jada's parents soon divorced, and the girl was mainly raised by her grandmother, who discovered Pinkett's talent and enrolled the girl in ballet, piano and tap dance lessons. Jada has a very interesting origin- her ancestors were Jews, Portuguese and Creoles. In 1990, Pinkett decides to conquer Hollywood and moves to Los Angeles. At first he plays episodic roles in TV series, and Jada’s first big role goes to the 1994 film “Missing Millions.” The most famous film with Pinkett's participation is “The Matrix. Reboot". In addition, Pinkett is known for voicing a hippopotamus in the animated film Madagascar. The actress has more than twenty roles in films and TV series. 23 years ago, Jada met Will Smith at the casting of the series, but the romance between the actors began much later. Only at the end of 1997 did they get married. Now the union of Smith and Pinkett is considered one of the strongest in Hollywood. The couple has three children. However Last year Information often appears in the press that the couple is planning to divorce.
Halle Berry. Currently, Halle Berry is considered the most famous and most beautiful black actress. She was born in 1966 in Cleveland. Her father is dark-skinned and her mother is white; they worked in a clinic, where they met. Halle is the only black artist to win an Oscar for her leading role. female role. Berry's parents divorced when he was four years old, and his father did not take any part in raising Hallie. After graduating from school, the girl worked as a salesperson in a department store and participated in various beauty contests. In 1986, Berry participated in the Miss USA competition, where she took an honorable sixth place. The girl begins to be invited to appear in TV series, but in 1989, during filming, Hallie loses consciousness. After the diagnosis was made diabetes“Berry not only continues to act, but also develops her own nutrition system for diabetics and begins to actively engage in sports. Soon Berry was invited to main role in the film "Love fever", which brought her world fame. Hallie several times made it to the top of various ratings of the sexiest and most beautiful women in the world. As for the actress’s personal life, she married basketball player David Justice for the first time, and musician Eric Bene for the second time. From civil marriage Hallie had a daughter with model Gabriel Aubrey. In October of this year, the actress gave birth to a son from her third husband, Olivier Martinez. By the way, Berry is a distant relative of Ellen DeGeneres and Mark Wahlberg.
Queen Latifah. This versatile Hollywood actress was born in 1970 in Newark in the family of a police officer and a teacher. Queen is an Oscar and Emmy nominee, and has won Golden Globe and Grammy awards. Latifah not only appears in films, but is also considered one of the most popular singers in America. Quinn was very plump since childhood, which did not stop her from playing on the basketball team. After graduating from school, Latifa's musical career began. The girl gained popularity within a couple of years. In 1991, she starred with Halle Berry in the popular film Heat of Love. The actress's credits include: famous films, like Upside Down, where she starred with Steve Martin, "Very scary Movie 3", "Once Upon a Time in Vegas", "Last Holiday". In 2006, Latifah's star was laid on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Few people know what happened in this woman's life terrible tragedy. In 1992, she gave her brother a motorcycle, which she purchased with one of her first large royalties. A few months later, my brother was in a terrible accident and died on the spot. For many months Latifa blamed herself for her brother’s death, fell into depression and became addicted to drugs. In 1996, she was even detained by the police for possession of marijuana. Quinn managed to get rid of bad habit. Currently, Latifa is engaged in a solo career, acts in films, and also advertises clothes for obese women.
Zoe Saldana. One of the youngest and most successful black actresses in Hollywood. Zoe was born in 1978, in New Jersey, to a Puerto Rican and Dominican father. Saldana is of Jamaican, Libyan, Indian and Irish descent. When the actress was nine years old, her father died in a car accident, and her mother and Zoe went to the Dominican Republic. Saldana studied dance there and graduated from school, after which she and her mother returned to America. From the age of seventeen, Zoe performed on the stage of one of the Brooklyn theaters, and in 2002 she made her debut alongside Britney Spears in the film “Crossroads.” The actress gained popularity after the films “Terminal”, “Guess Who?”, “Pirates” Caribbean Sea. Black Pearl". However, Saldana's most stellar role is considered Navi in ​​Avatar. In the near future, Zoe will star in the sequel to the acclaimed blockbuster. This summer, Saldana married Marco Perego. The actress dated him for only a month, after which they held a secret wedding ceremony.

Russia is home to several tens of thousands of people with African roots. During the 2010 population census, more than 13 thousand people indicated their nationality as Russians / Afro-Russians, several thousand more registered as representatives of specific African countries and peoples, of whom the nationalities most often indicated were Nigerians (651 people) and Angolans (457 people).

15th place. Cornelia Mango - singer and artist. Born in Astrakhan on April 24, 1986. From an interview with Cornelia: “My mother is a Nogai by nationality, she grew up in a religious family. The Nogais are a small Turkic-speaking people, related to the Tatars. Oddly enough, my relatives did not condemn my mother for loving an African. My grandmother was generally very attached to her son-in-law. "By the way, he's not particularly dark, because his mother is Spanish. But his father is African from Guinea-Bissau." Now her father lives in Portugal.

14th place. Elena Hanga(born May 1, 1962, Moscow) - TV presenter. Her father, Tanzanian Abdul Kassim Hanga, was the prime minister of Zanzibar (now part of Tanzania), was repressed after the coup d'etat and died in prison. The mother has African-American and Jewish roots.

13th place. Tina Ogunleye (Charles)(born May 17, 1979, St. Petersburg) - DJ, singer, former member of the group "Slivki". Father is Nigerian, mother is Russian. VK page -

12th place. Liberzh Kpadonu(born December 17, 1987, St. Petersburg) - participant in the television project House 2. Her father is from Benin, her mother is Russian. Liberge Kpadon VKontakte page -

11th place. Elizabeth Martinez(born November 10, 1986, Moscow) - actress of the Satyricon Theater, also appears in films and TV series. Father is Afro-Mexican, mother is Russian.

10th place. Nkeiruka (Kira) Ezekh(born October 17, 1983, Moscow) - Russian curler, three-time European champion (2006, 2012, 2015). Her father is Nigerian and her mother is Chuvash by nationality.

9th place. Emilia Tourey(born October 6, 1984, Astrakhan) - Russian handball player, 3-time world champion, silver medalist at the Beijing Olympics as part of the Russian national team. Emilia Turei's father is from Sierra Leone, her mother is Russian.

8th place. Judite-Flores Yalovaya(born June 9, 1987, Ryazan) - Russian volleyball player, bronze medalist of the 2010 Russian Beach Volleyball Championship, silver medalist of the 2010 Russian Open Cup (with Natalya Stepanova). Father is Angolan, mother is Elena Pisnyuk. Before her marriage, Juditte-Flores bore the surname Pisnyuk, then she took her husband’s surname - Yalovaya. Her first husband, Dmitry Yalovoy, a military man, died in Abkhazia during the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict in 2008. Now she is married for the second time, to a master of sports in powerlifting, Kirill Baev. Page on Odnoklassniki -

7th place. Alice Edun- singer. Born in St. Petersburg. Father is Nigerian, mother is Russian. Now lives and works in Italy. Facebook -

6th place. Victoria Pierre-Marie- blues and jazz singer. Born in Moscow on April 17, 1979. Her father is Cameroonian, her mother is Russian. In 1996, Victoria was awarded the title of “Russian Queen of Blues” by the President of the Association of Jazz Musicians, Yuri Saulsky. Victoria's height is 167 cm, weight 87 kg, figure parameters 120-100-120. Victoria Pierre-Marie's website -

5th place. Victoria Castro(born December 5, 1986) - actress and journalist. She hosted the talk show "Girl's Tears" on STS in 2003. She starred in several films and TV series, as well as in Dima Bilan’s video “Mulatto”. Her father is Afro-Cuban, her mother is Russian.

4th place. Camilla Ogun(born May 7, 1999, Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region) - Russian basketball player, 6-time Russian champion, European champion among girls under 16 years old as part of the Russian national team. His father is from Nigeria, his mother is Russian. Camilla is the younger sister of model Julia Ogun. VKontakte page - Odnoklassniki page -

3rd place. Julia Ogun(born March 20, 1991, Stary Oskol, Belgorod region) - Russian model. Height 181 cm, body measurements 84-60-89. His father is from Nigeria, his mother is Russian. Julia - elder sister basketball player Camille Ogun. VKontakte page - Odnoklassniki page -

2nd place. Carolina Kabacuala(born August 11, 1988) - Russian actress and model. Height is 182 cm. Caroline's father is Congolese.

1 place. Caterina Keyru(after marriage - Novoseltseva) - Russian basketball player, attacking defender of the Dynamo team (Moscow) and the Russian national team. Born on December 4, 1988 in Rostov-on-Don. Height - 182 cm, weight - 70 kg. Catherine's father is a native of Sierra Leone. Katerina's brother Victor Keyru is a basketball player who played for the Russian team at the Beijing Olympics. Katerina Novoseltseva's VKontakte page -

Mestizos are descendants of interracial marriages. Mestizos are present in almost all countries of the Western Hemisphere, including in the world of stars.

Day.Az offers a selection of mixed-race celebrities.

Adriana Lima: The beauty owes her beautiful appearance to her French, Portuguese and Caribbean ancestors.

Milla Jovovich born on December 17, 1975 in Kyiv. Father - Bogdan Jovovich, doctor, Serbian by nationality, originally from Montenegro; mother - Galina Loginova, Russian.

Angelina Jolie acquired the blood of several peoples - Czech, English (on the father's side), French-Canadian (Iroquois) and Greek (on the mother's side).

Nicole Scherzinger, place of birth: Honolulu, Hawaii, June 29, 1978. Nationality: Hawaiian, Russian, Filipino.

Megan Denise Fox born May 16, 1986 in American state Tennessee. Her ancestry includes Irish, French and Native American roots.

Shakira. Her Arab Lebanese father and Colombian mother with Spanish and Italian blood gave her a name that means “grateful” in Arabic and “goddess of light” in Hindi.

Beyoncé. Knowles' father is African-American, and her mother is of Creole descent (the family included African-Americans, Native Americans and French). Knowles was named after maiden name mother.

Salma Hayek born in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico. She is the daughter of Diana Jimenez Medina, an opera singer of Spanish descent, and Sami Hayek Dominguez, a Lebanese man.

Charlize Theron.On her mother’s side, the actress has German roots, and on her father’s side, French and Dutch roots.

Cameron Diaz. The parents are of mixed blood, the mother is half German, half English and the father is Cuban, born in the USA. He also has Indian roots.

Kate Beckinsale was born in London in the family of theater and television actress Judy Law and famous television actor Richard Beckinsale. Beckinsale's great-grandfather was from Burma.

Mariah Carey. She is the third and most youngest child Patricia Hickey, a former opera singer of Irish descent, and Alfred Roy Carey, an aeronautical engineer of Afro-Venezuelan descent.

Jessica Alba was born on April 28, 1981 to Catherine (née Jensen) and Mark Alba. Jessica's mother is of Danish and French Canadian descent, and her father is Mexican American.

Natalie Portman born June 9, 1981 in Jerusalem. The actress's ancestors on her mother's side are Jews from Russia and Austria, and on her father's side - from Romania and Poland.

Christina Maria Aguilera. Christina's mother, Shelly, is Irish and a professional violinist and pianist. Her father is a native of Ecuador.

In continuation of our column “The most beautiful women in the world”, we decided to make a selection of the most beautiful girls with chocolate skin color.

Black women have always amazed us with their beauty: plump lips, velvety skin, athletic figure and ideal proportions. But it’s no secret that their path to the top of fame was not easy, and even today a girl with a dark skin color can be met at a modeling agency with the words: “We already have one dark-skinned model.”

41 years old, supermodel and TV presenter

One of the first African-American women to conquer the catwalks of Paris. She began her career at the age of 15 and became the first black woman to appear on the covers of GQ, Sports Illustrated and Victoria's Secret catalogues. She is also the creator and producer of one of the most popular shows, America's Next Top Model.

Naomi Campbell

44 years old, supermodel

An icon of the 90s: not a single fashion show, not a single fashion party and the next scandal could be done without her. Naomi became the first black model to receive one of the highest paid contracts with a modeling agency. And now, 10 years later, she looks amazing and hasn’t changed a bit.

33 years old, singer and actress

A girl from Houston (Texas) became the most popular pop and r"n"b singer in the world. She has 20 Grammy awards to her name and made history as the only woman to be nominated for the award 52 times.

26 years old, singer

The singer from Barbados was noticed by an American agent, and soon she signed a contract with the production center of rapper Jay-Z (45). Today she is the highest paid singer, and her single Umbrella became the best-selling hit in the world.

Lola Monroe

28 years old, rapper and model

The American performer was born in Ethiopia, but moved to Washington as a child, where she grew up. Her debut single Boss Bitch was the first step on the path to popularity.

Dorothy Dandridge

1922−1956, actress, singer and dancer

One of the first black women to achieve recognition on the American stage. She also became the first black woman to be nominated for an Oscar.

Whitney Houston

1963−2012, singer and actress

American singer, performer of the most touching love song I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston entered the Guinness Book of Records as the woman with the most awards. She won the hearts of the 90s generation by starring in the film Bodyguard.

48 years old, actress

In 2002, Holly received an Academy Award for Best Actress. We know her from the film “X-Men” and as a Bond girl in the film “Die Another Day.”

Diana Ross

70 years old, singer, producer and actress

The singer of the hits Ain’t No Mountain High Enough and Love Hangover was one of the most beautiful women of its time. She entered the Guinness Book of Records as the most successful performer in history.

Iman Abdulmajid

59 years old, model, actress and businesswoman

Iman, originally from Somalia, began her career as a model, but then opened the world's first cosmetics company with a line of foundation for dark-skinned women. Iman is married to David Bowie (68).

Vanessa Williams

51 years old, singer and actress

She made history as the first African-American woman to win the Miss America pageant in 1983. She can be recognized from her roles in the TV series “Ugly Betty” and “ Desperate Housewives" She also performed the song “Colors of the Wind” in the Disney cartoon “Pocahontas”.

Janet Jackson

The sister of the legendary Michael Jackson (1958-2009) Janet in her youth was very similar to her famous brother, but at the same time did not remain in his shadow and made a significant contribution to the music industry.

Rissikat Bade

22 years old, model

The Congolese-born model gained recognition by moving to Britain and winning the Miss London pageant in 2011. As a child, the girl lived in Ukraine, so she speaks fluent Russian and Ukrainian, and also learns French.

Alek Wek

37 years old, model

Born in Sudan and from the Dinko tribe, the stunning model with skin the color of black coffee hit the catwalk in 1995 at the age of 18.

Lupita Nyong'o

31 years old, actress and director

The Mexican-Kenyan-born model grew up in America and received higher education at Yale University. Success came to her after her role in the film “12 Years a Slave,” for which Lupita received an Oscar as “Best Supporting Actress.”

Agbani Darego

31 years old, model

She became the first woman African descent, winner of the Miss World competition.

Fatima Siad

28 years old, model

The model is from Somalia. The participant in the 10th season of America's Next Top Model intends to prove to the whole world that she is not just another participant in the popular show. The girl actively works on world catwalks and participated in shows of Herve Leger, Hermes and Dries Van Noten.

Alicia Keys

34 years old, singer, composer and producer

Her debut album Songs In A Minor sold 12 million copies, making her the most successful emerging artist of 2001. She starred in such successful films as “Smoking Aces” and “The Nanny Diaries.”

Noémie Lenoir

35 years old, model and actress

The model, originally from France, became popular, appearing in Elle and Sports Illustrated magazines. She also collaborated with such fashion houses, like Gucci, L'Oréal, Tommy Hilfiger, Victoria's Secret and Marks and Spencer. She is known for her role in the film Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra.

Zoe Saldana

36 years old, actress and dancer

Her debut films were “Proscenium” and “Crossroads”, but her cameo role in the film “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” brought her worldwide popularity.

Melody Monrose

22 years old, model

Melody began her career at the age of 18 when she was discovered by an agent in her hometown on the island of Martinique. The girl was invited to New York and Paris, and she has already modeled for Vogue Italia and Harper’s Bazaar.

Anais Mali

24 years old, model

A French model, her father was from Chad and her mother from Poland. The girl's career began in 2009, and in 2011 she participated in the Victoria's Secret show.

Naomie Harris

38 years old, actress

The British actress, known for her role as the voodoo witch Calypso in the film Pirates of the Caribbean, also starred in the film 007: Skyfall and took part in the continuation of the James Bond story 007: Spectre.

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