Guf and Isa history. Isa Anokhina: biography, personal life, photo. Personal life of Aiza Anokhina

Probably everyone is familiar with the name of such a stellar personality as Aiza Dolmatova, who became famous as a journalist, TV presenter and designer. Guf's wife was born in the city of Grozny. While still a child, she and her parents moved to Moscow, where she had a very difficult time adapting to metropolitan life due to her specific name and Caucasian accent. The adaptation process was slow, which is why the parents decided to send the girl to the School of Health. Here, under the supervision of experienced specialists, Isa was able to overcome her fears and complexes.

As the girl herself notes, her biography is full of various stories and adventures. In her youth, Guf’s first wife could walk around the clock with her friends, attend various parties, one of which ended very controversially: waking up after a stormy night of adventure, Aiza found herself on the border of Finland, accompanied by a gay friend. This incident made the girl think about her lifestyle and begin to radically change it.

Guf's ex-wife Aiza Dolmatova photo

In Moscow, the wife of rapper Guf received a higher education in economics. However, she did not want to work in her specialty, since the profession she received seemed boring and gray to the girl. Isa chose the path where she could show her creativity, creativity and imagination - she took up designing clothes and jewelry. The girl, while still a teenager, showed special interest in what was connected with the world of fashion and beauty. She knew a lot about fashion trends and the latest news. It was this serious interest that allowed Isa and her friend to open a showroom, where they began selling products made according to their own sketches. This business soon began to bear fruit: the girls quickly acquired wealthy clients who began inviting them to social events. Into the society of the rich and successful people capital Aiza fits in harmoniously.

Personal life ex-wife Gufa was not easy. At another Moscow party in 2005, Isa met an already quite popular rapper. It was Alexey Dolmatov, better known under the pseudonym Guf. The young man was amazed by the showiness and dazzling beauty of the girl. Without hesitation for a long time, he invited her on a date. New love and, later, his wife and mother of his child, saved Guf from drugs. We can say that Isa revived Alexey Dolmatov to a new life.

First the story love relationship Guf and Aiza unfolded like on the pages of a beautiful women's novel: the rapper dedicated songs to his wife, carried her in his arms and simply idolized her. In 2008, Guf’s fans learned about the happy news - Alexey and Isa formalized their relationship. In 2010 they had an addition. Sami's son was born. Guf, his wife and son lived a full, happy family life.

The strong and solid foundation of an ideal marriage showed cracks after a few years. Beautiful married couple Guf and Isa were on the verge of divorce. According to one version, the reason for the collapse was Dolmatov’s return to drug use. Guf's wife could no longer fight this destructive addiction. Therefore, in 2013 the marriage was dissolved. Dolmatov’s wife took the break with her first husband very hard, reacting painfully to everything that was in one way or another connected with reminders of him.

Aiza Dolmatova's new husband

In 2015, Isa married for the second time. She met her new husband while on vacation in Bali. Her chosen one turned out to be Dmitry Anokhin, successful businessman. Less than a year had passed since the couple formalized their relationship and flew off to vacation on the beautiful tropical dream island of Bali, where they met.

According to the latest data from 2018, the Anokhin family lives in peace, harmony and love with each other. The couple are raising two children - a boy from Aiza Sami’s first marriage and common child Elvis. Isa continues to develop in the field of design, turning her creative plans and ideas into reality.

After the breakup, Aiza Anokhina and rapper Guf, no matter how hard they tried to maintain neutrality, still often caused scandals throughout the country. After Isa posted on Instagram joint photo Guf and her new husband Dmitry Anokhin, fans thought that the men had become friends, and the former spouses had left conflicts in the past.

Unfortunately, everything turned out to be not so rosy. After Guf left Aiza’s house in Bali, he published a post on Instagram in which he told how he really felt at that moment. The rapper claims that Isa looks unhappy, and Dmitry does not like their son Sam at all.


“I wish Isa only the best (God is my witness), she is mine dear person and it will always be so. Yes, we broke up. And now we are united only by our son. But while we were together, I did my best to keep her from being sad. I want to see her happy. Fuck it, this woman deserves to be happy. Maybe I’m wrong that I’m interfering where I shouldn’t and it’s all my fault, but this is the second time I’ve come to check like a little guy and I understand that everything is not very good... I fly away with a lump in my throat. I am absolutely not happy with what is happening there. God grant that she be happy with him, but I’m worried about my son. God forbid I hear that someone is hurting my son. Yeti doesn't have an insta. Aziz, tell him) a track about him has already been written) I thought that your guy would show himself and it wouldn’t be necessary, but during this trip he added another verse),” wrote Guf (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).

Isa couldn't leave her post ex-husband without comment and wrote on Instagram that she was sure that all the scandals were behind her, but Guf again begins to add fuel to the fire.

“Am I unhappy???)) no one has ever seen me like this! I don't cry, I don't feel sad, I don't complain! I am a girl, a woman and the most important object in this life! And all this thanks to Dima! Sam! Oh! Sam is the rope that everyone is tug-of-war with! But essentially a rope that not everyone needs! But the image has been created! The image of a good dad who takes a lot of photos! Do you wish happiness? God is my witness??))) you can see how you wish for happiness) the whole Internet sees how you wish) poor Dima, he accidentally fell under the distribution. But he has the most strong weapon! He doesn't give a fuck about songs, albums, do as you please! But to say that Sam is being bullied? How is this possible? I could easily blame Sam on my parents and build my personal life like yours did, but I would never do that! And my man is a mature, loving and caring person, capable of accepting someone else’s child as his own! And instead of thanking him, you blame him here! Not in person, but here!!” - Isa answered.

What upset Anokhina most is that Guf accuses her husband of having a bad attitude towards their son Sam. Isa published a photo of the boy with his stepfather and said that they love each other very much. According to the businesswoman, Dima spends a lot of time with Sam, prepares him breakfast, plays, puts him to bed, pays all his expenses and always takes care of him.

« Photo about how Dima doesn’t get along with Sam! And there are thousands of them! Dima doesn't get along with Sam so much that he wakes up at 6-7 in the morning because Sam wakes up early. Cooks Sam breakfast and Sam counts Chewie the best cook! Dima doesn’t get along with Sam so much that every day he spends two hours studying with him, reading, teaching him! Dima doesn’t love Sam so much that he pays for all the plane tickets, food, clothes, doctors and nanny for Sam! He doesn’t like it so much that he plays with him from morning to night, only when he’s not surfing next to Sam! When Dima and I return home, Sam runs first not to me, but to Dima! Dima can punish, he can tell where Sam behaved badly! And Sam only obeys him! Respects Dima and considers him the strongest! Sam falls asleep in his arms. And Sam knows that Dima can teach him a lot, because Dima is educated, well-mannered and has read so many books that I, who consider myself well-read, get shy when he starts discussions about his next work! Dima is calm, balanced, kind and family-oriented! He never left us for a minute, I always know where Dima is, Dima doesn’t correspond with chicks and doesn’t lie! He is always there! She brings food, fixes what’s broken, assembles Furniture and doesn’t let me do anything heavy, I’m a woman! And he is a man! Dima doesn’t love Sam so much that Sam can’t live a minute without Dima!” - said Isa.

Guf has not yet responded to his ex-wife’s messages. It looks like they won't be able to avoid another scandal.

The ex-wife of performer Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​entrepreneur and rapper Aiza Anokhina, made a video called Supreme (Guf R.I.P.), in which she responded to his attacks against her new husband. She promised to deprive the rapper of communication with her son and threatened that her husband, Dmitry Anokhin, would knock out his teeth. Guf laughed, and fans advised ex-spouses stop behaving like the participants in the show “Dom-2”.

Isa and Guf divorced in 2015, after living together for several years (they were married from 2008 to 2013), after separations and reunions. Isa began to live with surfer Dmitry Anokhin, and Guf’s five-year-old son named Sam stayed with her. Since then, the relationship between the rapper and his ex-wife has left much to be desired.

In early October, Guf recorded a diss track against Isa’s new husband. The reason was their personal conflict over Guf’s desire to communicate with his ex-wife and son. In, during which the rapper dissed, it seems, everyone, he talked about it like this:

My friendship with this Aizin guy didn’t work out, excuse the expression, who writes to me: “*** [woodpecker], don’t write to my wife.” Fuck you too! This is my child's mother, idiot. I only write to her about Sam, I don’t fucking need her after you, *** [nonentity].

As a result, a diss track called Line Up was posted on VK. In it, Guf threatened Anokhin with violence, demanded not to interfere with his communication with his son and boasted of “two highest”, and family conflict described with the words “my relatives are in captivity.” Now Isa has written down the answer.

Alexey Dolmatov with his son

On the first day, October 25, the video for the Supreme diss track (Guf R.I.P.) came out on top in Russian YouTube trends. The chorus goes like this:

I don't need beef, I don't need a hit, I don't need a new Supreme/Louis Vuitton collab
I don't need to make peace with you, no one needs you like your new album.

Isa further explains that Guf “touched mine and crossed the line, you won’t get away with this dirty song.” She threatens him with reprisals from her husband, promises to deprive him of communication with his son, has a low opinion of Guf’s personal qualities, calls him a coward and finally wishes him to “give him a golden injection with a rusty needle.”

Do you remember, in a dangerous mess on Kuz, you hid behind my back?
The wife gets punched in the face, and the husband hides behind her like a beast.
Get away from us, get off your son! I won't have anything in common with you.
Get drunk and go back to heroin, give yourself a golden injection with a rusty needle.

This is what it looks like:

Guf reacted to his ex-wife's diss with irony.

Some even decided that he wrote this seriously. But the rapper dispelled doubts.

Most viewers did not like Aiza’s position.

Others remembered that Guf sang Aiza in the popular track Ice Baby.

The top comments under the clip on YouTube are also not in Anokhina’s favor.

And on The Flow the comments are also unflattering for her.

But there are also those who support the former Gufa.

Who no one likes is her new husband.

But most fans believe that Aiza and Guf “arranged Dom-2” in vain, as stated in Aiza’s diss track. And they urge the former couple to come to their senses.

The trend for battles in Russian rap reached new heights when Oxy. But the question arose - why is someone there fighting with Oxy when he became Purulent? Maybe it's because?

Aiza Vitalievna Anokhina (nee Vagapova; after her first husband - Dolmatova). Born on December 10, 1984 in Grozny. Russian media person, designer, fashion designer, presenter, blogger.

Aiza Vagapova, who later became known under the names of Dolmatova and Anokhin, was born on December 10, 1984 in Grozny.

Father - Vitaly Vagapov, retired FSB general.

She told me about her father: “I could, of course, scream before when I was stopped driving for violations, “My dad is a general!”, but that was a very long time ago. And he himself is such a person that when he was deprived of his license for violation , didn’t bother getting any ksiv, just gave up the license. They’ll return it later with cognac anyway. Previously, I asked him to make some documents so that they would be allowed everywhere, but he said that his daughter wouldn’t engage in such posturing... Although he born in Grozny, not a Caucasian despot at all."

Regarding nationality, Isa herself said that she was “not entirely Russian,” without specifying details. According to some sources, she is a Tatar, according to others, she is a Chechen.

Soon after her birth, the family moved to Moscow. She grew up in the capital and graduated from high school in 2000.

However, she did not work by profession - she became interested in fashion design, creating jewelry and accessories. She also became an active party girl.

According to her, since childhood she dreamed of becoming a designer and began drawing her first sketches in the 6th grade. Her dream became a reality when, together with a friend, she opened a showroom, where they began creating handmade jewelry. Isa also started producing her own clothing line.

She gained wide fame after meeting the rap artist Guf (Alexey Dolmatov).

In Guf’s second solo album “At Home,” Isa was mentioned many times, and the song Ice Baby dedicated to her became one of the main hip-hop hits of 2010.

In November 2013, she became the host of the music “Neformat Chart” on the MUZ-TV channel.

In the summer of 2016, she took part in a television project on the Friday channel called “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman.” As part of the program, she exchanged lives with a simple girl Karina and went to a small village near Orenburg.

Isa Anokhina. Star Love Story on MUZ-TV

Aiza Anokhina's height: 162 centimeters.

Personal life of Aiza Anokhina:

Isa herself noted that she sympathizes with Victoria Beckham: “I adore her! And her goals in life. She is cool. But I care about her like I care about Everest.”

Participant name: Aiza Anokhina

Age (birthday): 10.12.1984

City: Grozny (Chechnya), Moscow

Family: married to Dmitry Anokhin

Height and weight: 162 cm

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Maiden name Aiza - Vagapova, but after the official marriage the girl changed to Dolmatov, now she bears the surname of Anokhin, Dmitry’s second husband. The future beauty blogger was raised in a family of a hereditary military man.

Her father is a general Federal service retired security. Even though he oriental man, never scolded or beat his daughter, even when she took advantage of his official position. The father always explained to his daughter that she needed to be responsible for her actions on her own.

Childhood dreams

Having moved to Moscow, Isa went to a regular school, where she studied until the 9th grade. Then, she moved to a specialized educational institution health. After graduation, Vagapova entered the capital’s university at the department of economics and law.

The girl did not plan to work by profession, because she was fond of fashion and created designer jewelry and accessories. Isa was a regular at nightclubs and various events in the capital.

Vagapova’s childhood desire to become a famous designer has not disappeared over the years. The first step towards this dream was opening a fashion showroom together with my friends.

There the girls created stylish jewelry hand-made. In parallel with this activity, Isa began creating her own clothing line.

Fatal acquaintance with Guf

Isa gained popularity after meeting the rapper of the Centr group, Alexei Dolmatov.. The young people met by chance at the “Sorry, Grandma” nightclub, in the company of mutual friends.

After this evening, they constantly crossed paths in the most unexpected places, but snowboarding became fatal. From that moment, real, sincere feelings flared up between the rapper and the girl.

Guf decided to show Aiza the seriousness of his intentions in an unusual way, he arranged an acquaintance with his grandmother, whom he calls Original Ba. He was very worried because the experienced woman had repeatedly kicked her grandson’s friends out the door. This time, two women dear to him were able to find a common language.

After the approval of the rapper’s grandmother, Aiza and Guf decided to live together, and three months later, Dolmatov proposed marriage to his beloved. This happened late in the evening, in the middle of the avenue. The girl agreed without hesitation, and the young people got married in the summer of 2008.

After 2 years, a happy event occurred in the Dolmatov family - their son Sami was born.

The good news about the birth of a son was overshadowed by the rapper's admission of drug use. Isa courageously accepted this news and said that the three of them could overcome everything. So, thanks to his wife, Alexey temporarily got rid of his addiction to heroin.

Alexey Dolmatov shared his love for the oriental beauty in his second solo album “At Home”.

Almost all of Guf’s tracks were dedicated to Isa, and the single “Ice Baby” became a real hit in 2010. The couple also took part in the filming of the crime film about the life of rappers “Gazgolder”, main role in which he performed.

For a long time scandals between spouses became a reason for gossip and in 2013 Guf and Isa officially divorced their marriage.

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Beauty blogger's new family

After her divorce from Alexei Dolmatov, Isa began to build a new relationship with surfer Dmitry Anokhin.

The couple did not delay the wedding, and in 2015 they solemnly exchanged rings in one of the famous churches in Los Angeles. From that moment on, Isa bears her husband’s surname - Anokhin.

In October 2016, the flamboyant brunette gave birth to her second child, who was named Elvis. It is noteworthy that the entire process of labor was broadcast online on one of the domestic channels.

Anokhina has repeatedly appeared on the front pages of glossy publications in the scandals section. So, experienced social network users discovered the account socialite on one of the famous pornographic sites. After this information was made public, Isa did not deny that she took part in a nude photo shoot and agreed to publish the photo on this site for a large sum money.

Not long ago, Tatyana Mingalimova, editor of the popular video blog “vDud,” invited Guf’s ex-wife to her show “Tender Editor.” In it, Isa shared the romantic story of the birth of her relationship with her current husband Dmitry Anokhin (whom she sweetly calls Chuvi) and commented on the recent scandal with her ex-husband.

I not only spoke for myself, I spoke for all women with inadequate exes. Aiza and Guf have been gone for a long time. It’s hard when such responsibility is being the first hip-hop couple in the country. I didn’t have any fairy tale with Guf, the fairy tale happens with my husband. These are sunsets, these are romantic moments, everything like in the movies happens to me with Dima, and not to him.

Previously, Dolmatov spoke negatively about Aiza’s new husband, the girl did not tolerate insults and released a video under the pseudonym Aziza, in which she says that no one needs Guf as a rap artist anymore.

Photo of Aiza

The social media star and businesswoman has a very family-friendly Instagram. Photos of Isa’s children and husband are found there even more often than stylish photos in the mirror, but the girl also does not forget to pose in new outfits and share pictures from her travels.

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