Maria Shushkina: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Maria Shukshina's husband Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages ​​- fate or coincidence

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina. She was born on May 27, 1967 in Moscow. Russian actress and TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia (2008).

Graduated from the Translation Department of the Institute foreign languages them. Maurice Thorez.

Regarding the choice of the institute, she explained: “My mother often told me:“ If you are lucky, you will marry a director - he will shoot you. And if not, you will be unemployed, you will hang out in limbo. "That's why I decided to choose a more stable profession - I entered the Institute of Foreign Languages. I worked as a secretary-translator, then as a stock broker. But the call of the ancestors turned out to be stronger."

According to Maria, she was not going to become an actress, but fate brought her to the set.

Since 1990 he has been acting in films. First there was the picture "Eternal Husband", then the film by Karen Shakhnazarov "American Daughter", in which she played a practical and not prone to sentimental business woman who ran away from her husband with her little daughter to America. Her shooting partner was.

I remember the small but expressive role of the beautiful Olya in the film by Pyotr Todorovsky "Which wonderful game» .

Maria Shukshina in the film "What a wonderful game"

In the 2000s, he regularly starred in TV series. In feed "People and shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater» her heroine is a passionate, fatal woman.

The series was even more successful. "Dear Masha Berezina" in which she played the role of Katya.

"Katya fights like a fish on ice and even resorts to help former lover. They were in love many years ago. But then she met her current husband and married him. The rejected man is monogamous and cannot forgive her. He starts mocking her. But Katya is an independent woman. She is trying to make a career in the most difficult business - modeling," she said about her character.

Maria Shukshina in the series "Dear Masha Berezina"

In the TV series "Brezhnev" the actress embodied on the screen the nurse Nina Korovyakova, who works for the KGB and whom Leonid Ilyich feels sympathy for.

It is also worth noting her work in the films “Take Me With You”, “I Love You”, “Terrorist Ivanova”, “Fashion Model”, “Leaving Nature”, “Your Alien”, “Call Husband”, “Yolki 5”, "Serebryany Bor".

"I really love experiments. I have repeatedly experimented in films. As an actress, this is very interesting to me, because the range is expanding. Without them, life and work would be boring. Each new role is a new character. I want to play in such a way that you are not only outwardly they did not recognize, but also in the manner of the game, "says the actress.

Also remembered general public as a TV presenter: from October 12, 1999 to December 19, 2014, she hosted the program “Wait for me” on Channel One.

The growth of Maria Shukshina: 180 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina:

She was married three times (including a civil marriage).

First husband - Artyom Tregubenko. She met him when she was a student at the Faculty of Translation at the Maurice Thorez Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages. He was her classmate. They got married in their fourth year.

Married in 1989, their daughter Anna was born. Anna studied at the production department of VGIK, has a son, Vyacheslav (born 11/21/2014).

The actress does not like to talk about her first marriage. Her first husband, at the request of journalists about the details of the marriage, replied: "To be honest, I do not feel the slightest desire to talk about that time."

Artyom Tregubenko - the first husband of Maria Shukshina with children

The second husband is businessman Alexei Kasatkin. Married in 1998, the son Makar was born.

According to the artist, businessman Kasatkin offended her greatly by stealing his little son Makar when the couple was on the verge of a divorce.

“You have to take any situation for granted. There is a marriage - good, no - also good. And looking at Makar, I often remember my dad. He dreamed that when he grew old and would appear everywhere with me under the arm, everyone around would gasp:“ What a beautiful young mistress Shukshin has!” So I dreamed about the same thing, so that my son would be born and that, when he grows up, he would walk with me by the arm, and everyone would admire: “What a beautiful young lover Shukshina has!”, - Maria said in an interview.

Alexey Kasatkin - the second husband of Maria Shukshina with children

The third husband (civilian) is a lawyer and businessman Boris Vishnyakov. On July 31, 2005, the couple had twins Foma and Foka.

After the break, Boris Vishnyakov accused Maria that she had stolen children from him.

"IN civil marriage with Masha, she immediately put me in front of a tough choice: either I continue my career in business, or I take care of children. I chose family. Fully engaged in children. From a businessman, I turned into a nanny. It was a sacrifice made by close relatives so that another relative, close, beloved person could achieve in life what he wants. Masha was engaged in a career. The kids were on me. After parting with Masha, our twins, they were one and a half years old, moved to my dacha. For four years they lived with me, not with her. Until she took them away," he said.

Boris Vishnyakov - the third husband of Maria Shukshina with children

Filmography of Maria Shukshina:

1969 - Strange people (short story "Brother") - Mashenka
1972 - Stoves-benches - daughter of the Rastorguevs
1974 - Birds over the city - Masha, daughter of Vishnyakov
1990 - Eternal husband
1995 - American Daughter - Mom Ann
1995 - What a wonderful game - Olya
1995 - Russian roulette - Galina
1998 - The circus burned down and the clowns fled - Lena, Nikolai's second wife
2001 - The perfect couple
2001 - People and shadows - Larisa Streletskaya
2002 - The Adventures of a Magician - the sorceress Katerina
2004 - My big Armenian wedding - Nadia
2004 - Dear Masha Berezina - Katya
2004 - Narrow Bridge - Natasha, ex-wife Vladimir
2004 - Not all cats are gray
2004 - I love you - Alexandra
2005 - Brezhnev - Elizabeth, nurse
2006 - Dad of all trades - Yulia Slavina
2007 - A bag with a bright future - Katerina Koltsova
2007 - Trust Service
2008 - Guilty without guilt - Taisa Ilyinishna Shelavina, friend Kruchinina
2008 - Take me with you - Margarita
2008 - Indigo - Irina Sergeevna Ardashnikova
2008 - Terrorist Ivanova - Polina Ivanovna Ivanova
2009 - Justice of the Wolves - Irina, Mika's mother
2009 - Bury me behind the plinth - Olga, mother of Sasha Saveliev
2009 - Roof - Tatyana Petrovna, director of the school, Lena's mother
2009 - Take me with you 2 - Margarita Karetnikova
2010 - Hokkaido Police. Russian department
2010 - Burnt by the Sun 2: Anticipation - Zinaida
2011 - Made in the USSR - Tatyana Fertman
2011 - Deli Case No. 1 - Zoya Platonova
2011 - My crazy family - Lydia Nikolaevna, Vika's mother
2011 - 20 years without love
2012 - Who, if not me? - Nina Berkutova
2012 - Fireplace guest - Eleanor, prosecutor
2013 - Village - Marina Nikolaevna Gorobets
2013 - Yolki 3 - Natasha
2014 - Fashion model - Vadim's mother
2014 - Leaving nature - Veronika Alekseevna, wife of Zvonarev
2014 - Goodbye boys! - Evdokia Matveevna, Kolya's mother
2015 - Own stranger - Alexandra Anatolyevna Marinets, police lieutenant colonel
2015 - Husband on call - Rimma
2016 - Yolki 5 - Natasha
2016 - Such work - Yana Kovaleva, TV journalist

Boris Vishnyakov recalls his meeting with Maria Shukshina as follows: “August 4, 2004 - the day we met - I remember like yesterday. It was raining and I had a thought, good luck. Masha came in company with Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina to see the suburban area, which they were allocated in the preferential queue from the Moscow government. And our company was engaged in the distribution of land. And I was going to help them find a suitable area."

The businessman claims that Maria was not easy to win. Once he called the actress with the words “I invite you to a restaurant. At the same time, we will discuss our affairs, ”and she agreed. Since that day, joint dinners have become a tradition.

According to Boris, Maria first came to visit him, a couple of weeks after their first meeting. Shukshina behaved with restraint, and Vishnyakov explained it this way: “Masha is simply afraid to open up. Bitter experience unsuccessful marriages makes you be careful." The businessman invited her to go on vacation to Germany, and she agreed.

Later, a trip to Prague took place, where Masha took Makar, her eldest son, with her. Describing that vacation, Vishnyakov says: “Masha then made me a lightning rod, onto which she dumped negative energy.” According to his stories, it was then that misunderstanding and alienation arose between them.

Maria reacted to Boris's decision to part ways casually, without emotion. She only said, "I think I'm pregnant." Vishnyakov describes his reaction: “I was ready to rush to her, hug, kiss ... But I stood still. Because he knew that Masha did not like such impulses.

Two children were born - Foma and Foka. Boris left the business and took care of the kids. Vishnyakov recalls that time with sadness: “I turned into a governess, a dishwasher and a housekeeper.” I wanted understanding and help, but Maria did not consider it necessary to delve into everyday problems. As a result, Boris packed his things and left home for Belarus, where he stayed for a month.

Returning to Moscow, the first thing he called Maria: “It's me. He went to the wilderness to recover. Forgive me. I miss the kids and love you." And I heard the answer: "Come." New Year they met together, and after a couple of months they parted again. There were no quarrels and scandals, they just realized that it would be better for the children first of all. Maria hired a nanny for them, and Vishnyakov came to visit the kids on weekends.

Later, Maria herself called Boris and asked him to come to Foma and Fock. They had to be taken to sections, circles, and Shukshina, due to her busy work schedule, could not cope with this. Vishnyakov again gladly took over the childcare function.
Boris is sure that the disagreements between him and Maria resumed at the moment when he volunteered to lead the construction of a joint house outside the city. Shukshina allocated money for building materials and gave them to the foreman, who sometimes allowed Vishnyakov to borrow some of these funds for a certain period of time. If he returned these 600,000 rubles on time, Boris believes, Masha would not accuse him of stealing. He remembers her speech verbatim: “You are a thief! Stole money from children!

Gradually, relations with Masha improved. Boris apologized, began to pay more attention to children. Foma and Foka love their parents equally and are very happy that they have finally reached harmony in their relationship.

The daughter of the famous couple from the cinematographic environment, Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseyeva-Shukshina, Masha could not choose any other path than acting. But, realizing how unpredictable he can be, the girl first tried to get a far from acting education. After school, Maria entered the translation department of the Mores Torez Institute of Foreign Languages, became a translator and worked by profession for several years. But the proximity of the bohemian environment and the opportunity to engage in acting work still forced her to turn off the intended path. In the 90s, Maria was invited to the cinema, where she remains. But he never ceases to be interested in learning languages. In the arsenal of the actress today - English, German, French and Italian.

wedding story

In films and TV shows, Maria Vasilievna plays a variety of roles. In her interviews, talking about the heroines, she admitted more than once: the most interesting thing is to play a type that is completely not close in spirit. It's great when you need not only to be outwardly different from Masha Shukshina, but also to change the plasticity, facial expressions, get used to the role completely, so that it would be impossible to recognize her by the manner of the game.

But in her personal life, Masha does not like to play. She said that she loves - so it is. She said that she had enough marriages - you won’t get married.

Maria's first serious love happened back in student years. Masha married a classmate Artem Tregubenko. About that marriage, neither the actress nor her ex-husband do not apply. Only one is known interesting fact: the future, second husband of Mary was a witness at that wedding. They say that even then Alexey Kasatkin was passionately in love with the future star. The whole evening the bride danced with the witness, and not with the groom.

From her first marriage, Masha will have a charming daughter, Anya, but after a few years, the couple will divorce. The intelligent Artem never admits what happened in their family then?

"I loved her very much"

Almost ten years later, Masha marries a second time. A non-random meeting took place in 1995, at an exhibition of dinosaurs. Alexey later admits that it was enough to meet his former classmate's eyes for the gears of the internal clock to turn back time. I remembered the sweet student days, and for young people everything started spinning by itself.

At that exhibition, Alexei was with his second wife, but in the near future he was forced to confess to her that he fell in love with another. With Masha, they only went to a restaurant a couple of times, and then moved in together. For a year and a half, Kasatkin showered his beloved with diamonds, gave fur coats, and took her to resorts. They were happy and in love. From such a union, the second son of Maria Makar was born. They signed without a magnificent celebration on the same day when they processed the documents for the newborn Makarka. Grandmother Lida stayed with the baby at that time. Until now, Alexey admits ex-wife in love.

kidnapped a child

In total, the newlyweds have been married for about four years. This couple suffered many mutual grievances, many serious scandals. The parents of Shukshina's second husband are still offended by her, allegedly because she deprived them of the opportunity to communicate with her grandson. And Alexey Masha idolizes, tells how they loved each other and does not even exclude the possibility that something similar could happen again.

According to her husband's relatives, the discord in the relationship of lovers began because of the machine's jealousy. She constantly accused her husband of cheating, and her mother-in-law was sure that her daughter-in-law was making scandals and provoked a divorce on purpose. Because I found someone richer. But fatal in the relationship of already divorced spouses was the case that Shukshina cannot forget to this day.

Living with a movie star is difficult, and when Kasatkin got married, he should have understood that Maria would not be able to pay much attention to her family. And so it happened. A month and a half after the birth of the baby, Masha had to fly to another country. She left Makar with the nanny during Vladimir region, in a house on the lake. Upon learning of this, Shukshina's mother-in-law immediately rushed to "save" the child and took him away with her. The excited nanny called Maria Vasilievna, and she understood: the baby was kidnapped!

They took Makar with the police. The horror that Shukshina had to endure, who was in another country, and simply unable to understand the situation and influence her, will remain in the mother’s heart forever and will affect her future fate.

There will be no third marriage!

In the middle of the 2000s, a lawyer begins to court Maria Boris Vishnyakov. The man sincerely fell in love with the beauty, called her to marry, tried to please, but Maria, taught by two unsuccessful relationships, protested. Even when she realized that she was pregnant, she refused another stamp in her passport.

Meanwhile fate has brought good news: Shukshina and Vishnyakova had twins! The names for the boys - Foka and Foma - were suggested by the confessor of the Shukshins. The twins were supposed to get their father's surname, but Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshina intervened in the registration and insisted that the grandchildren should bear the famous grandfather's surname.

But the quarrels between lovers began even before pregnancy. Masha, according to Boris, always remained cool to him, behaved arrogantly and dryly. She did not believe that he truly loved, demanded to fulfill the promises that the enamored Vishnyakov gave her while courting. Namely, to throw the whole world at her feet, to make sure that she does not need anything.

But when the boys were just born, their father's business began to dive down. He fell apart and couldn't get himself together. Instead of supporting the mother of many children Masha, unable to withstand the numerous scandals of the exhausted Shukshina, he left for the Belarusian wilderness. For a whole month Masha did not know what to think.

Eternal swing

Then she will make a statement that she is used to relying on herself in everything, that she does not tolerate weak people nearby, and that she is ready to raise the kids alone. Nevertheless, Boris, having recovered from his failures, returned. He took care of the boys, spent all his money on them, so much so that there was nothing left for them. Once he admitted to Masha that he even had nothing to pay the nanny, after which Shukshina, who had long been disappointed, forbade him to communicate with children.

After a while, Boris nevertheless found the strength to pull himself together, began to lead a long-term project, and reconciled with Masha. The sons moved to live with him, and he did not leave attempts to return, although difficult, but beloved woman.

But after a while, they quarreled again. The children migrated to the Shukshins. Then - a new truce ...

Their relationship is still like a swing. Boris can only guess whether he likes or does not love, forgives or does not forgive. Recently they are in judicial order dealt with child custody. And in breaking news talks about how great Shukshina and Vishnyakov spent a week in sunny Turkey ...

Maria Shukshina is a Russian film actress and TV presenter. The popularity of the actress was brought by the international program “Wait for me” on Channel One, which is broadcast in the format of a talk show combined with a search service for missing people.

Maria Shukshina was born in May 1967 in a family famous people. Mom was already a recognizable actress then. Father is a famous writer, actor and director throughout the country. In addition to Mary, two more daughters grew up in the family. The eldest by 7 years, maternal Anastasia Voronina and younger by 2 years Native sister.

Maria Shukshina, as they say, was doomed to become an artist. She hit the screen when she was barely a year old. She appeared in the anthology "Strange People", which was filmed by her father. The audience saw little Masha with her mother in the short story "Brother". After 3 years, both daughters of Vasily Shukshin starred in his film "Stoves and Benches". At the age of 6, Maria Shukshina again appeared on the screen, this time in the full-length film "Birds over the City".

Thus, creative biography Maria Shukshina began almost in preschool age. But her mother, who knew the inside of the world of cinema well, warned her daughter that not all actresses, even talented ones, have a happy fate. Therefore, after graduating from school, Masha decided to acquire a profession that would give her stable work and means of life. She entered one of the capital's institutes of foreign languages.

Having received a university diploma, she worked as a translator for several years. Disappointed in the work, she tried herself in the brokerage profession. But the soul did not lie in these duties either. Parental genes demanded to return to the cinema.


In the mid-90s, Maria Shukshina starred in several sensational films. In the film American Daughter, the actress played a practical and not sentimental business woman who ran away from her husband with her little daughter to America.

The role of Shukshina in the melodrama of another famous director was something similar. In the melodrama “What a wonderful game,” Maria played a beautiful student who, without a shadow of a doubt, handed over her classmates to the state security agencies.

A successful start in cinema was followed by a 2-year hiatus. Maria Shukshina went on maternity leave.

In the 2000s, a new return to the world of cinema followed. First, the artist appeared in a small role in the comedy film The Perfect Pair. But soon followed the main role in the TV series “People and shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater. The heroine of Maria Shukshina is not like her. This is a passionate, fatal woman, a certain energetic vampire. With her performance, the actress demonstrated that she is quite capable of playing in different roles and easily transform into images that are alien to her.

Since the mid-2000s, Maria Shukshina has appeared on the screen regularly. The only thing in which her on-screen heroines are similar is a strong, strong-willed character. This role went to the actress in the melodrama "Dear Masha Berezina". Her Katya makes her way in a difficult modeling business without descending to dirty games and intrigues. And in the Brezhnev series, Masha reincarnated as a nurse, Nina Korovyakova, for whom Leonid Ilyich had romantic feelings.

The range of roles played by Maria Vasilievna Shukshina is very wide. She is organic in the image of a business woman, a circus performer and even a homeless woman. The actress is tall for a woman (180 cm), so she also looks good on the screen as strong, fighting women.

Often the artist plays women with a difficult fate. Such are her Maria Karetnikova in the film “Take Me With You” and Alexandra in the melodrama “I Love You”. Psychologically complex and multifaceted image went to Maria Shukshina in the drama film "Terrorist Ivanova", which was released in 2009.

From recent projects Maria Shukshina's films, "The Departing Nature" and "Own Alien" can be called the most striking. The audience first saw these pictures in 2014 and 2015. At the same time, the premiere screening of the detective series "Own Alien" was held as an Internet release, then the series was shown in Latvia, on the First Baltic Channel, and only then on Russia-1.

In this crime series, Maria Shukshina played the main role of police lieutenant colonel Alexandra Marinets. The heroine of the actress is appointed head of the St. Petersburg police department, for which the investigator is transferred to a new location from Moscow. The chapter is thrilled by the news that an outsider from out of town will be taking on such an important post.

The second wave of indignation begins when the police get to know the new boss personally, because the name of Alexandra Anatolyevna does not reveal the gender of the owner. Now the heroine faces hostility both because she is a woman and because she is an outsider, but already the first solved cases show that the candidate is ideal for this job.

TV projects

After maternity leave Maria Shukshina thought about what to do next. The time was not easy, the end of the 90s. Cinematography was not in the best condition. The offer to become a TV presenter was unexpected. Interestingly, it came from several channels at once. The actress successfully passed the audition for the new talk show "Two". But then another proposal was received, which seemed closer to Maria Shukshina. She was offered to host the program "Looking for you." The purpose of the project is to search for people, dramatic destinies. Soon the program changed its name to "Wait for me."

As Maria Shukshina admitted, the work in this project turned out to be very difficult. But the result, hundreds happy people who found their relatives and friends, fully paid off all the difficulties. Maria Shukshina was the host of the program from October 1999 to December 2014.

Personal life

A strong and strong-willed woman is rarely happy in her personal life. In any case, the personal life of Maria Shukshina was not easy. For the first time she married a classmate Artem Tregubenko. But after the birth of Anna's daughter, a crack appeared in the relationship. After several years life together the couple broke up.

The second husband of the artist was a former wedding witness and friend of Artem - Alexei Kasatkin. They met after 10 years. At that time, Maria Shukshina was already divorced from her first husband. Alexei had civil wife, from which he immediately left when he realized that he had lost his head from the beautiful actress.

A son appeared in a marriage with Kasatkin. Unfortunately, the couple soon divorced as well. After their divorce, the press relished scandalous story about the kidnapping of the son by the father. Makar was 2 years old at that time. After Shukshina's appeal to law enforcement the boy was returned to his mother.

The third marriage of Maria Shukshina was civil. Probably a woman family life which did not work out twice, having experienced the abduction of a child very painfully, did not want to step on the same rake. Therefore, she flatly refused to register relations with lawyer Boris Vishnyakov. The couple in 2005 gave birth to the charming twins Foma and Fock. But 4 years after their birth, Maria Shukshina left her husband, taking the children. Soon a scandal broke out in the press, similar to the one that happened with the eldest son of the actress. But this time, their father announced the abduction of children.

It is known that now former spouses found mutual language and the father participates in the upbringing of the sons. But the couple could not live together.

In November 2014, Maria Shukshina became a grandmother. Her daughter Anna gave birth to her grandson.

In 2017, a scandal erupted around another grandson of the actress. Former sister-in-law Maria Shukshina Freya said in the program "Live" that her pregnant woman was kicked out into the street. The girl met with Shukshina's son from her second marriage, Makar Kasatkin. Makar himself disappeared during this period. Some viewers came to the defense of the pregnant Freya, others are sure that the girl deceived Makar. So far, the question of recognizing a grandson remains open.

Maria Shukshina now

Today, the actress continues to regularly act in films. Fans are surprised to note that for 10 years the appearance of the artist has not changed. Shukshina emphasizes that she has a negative attitude towards the plasticity of actresses, and calls appearance care a professional necessity.

In 2016, Maria Shukshina joined the film crew of the crime series Such a Job.

For the first time, the heroine of the actress, TV journalist Yana Kovaleva, appeared in the 82nd episode of the series called "Forced Measure" and has since appeared in the story after one or two episodes. A number of sites about cinema indicate the heroine of Maria Shukshina among the main ones.

In 2017, Maria Shukshina played the main role in the family saga. The actress played the role of Tatyana Mikhailovna Arkhipova, the editor of a literary newspaper and the wife of a general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a teacher high school militia.

The action of the melodrama takes place in the 70s and 80s, and the family of the main characters is considered elitist. The well-being of the family is threatened by external, social and political factors: the case dies, the case becomes a precedent, attempts to investigate corruption cases among high-ranking officials begin.

In January 2018, Maria Shukshina will again return to her own role as a TV presenter. In January 2018, a new TV show will be aired under the working title "Recipes for Happiness" on Channel One, which is also Shukshina. The actress personally shared this news with fans in her own Instagram.

Also in 2018, the premiere of a new film with the participation of Maria Shukshina will take place. The actress will appear in the two-episode melodrama Japanese Love, in which she will play Lilya, a woman going through a family crisis. Together with her husband, the heroine celebrates a silver wedding, but at the celebration, the spouses realize that they have already become strangers.


  • 1995 - American Daughter
  • 1995 - "What a wonderful game"
  • 2001 - "The Perfect Couple"
  • 2004 - "Dear Masha Berezina"
  • 2004 - "I love you"
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2008 - "Take me with you"
  • 2009 - "Terrorist Ivanova"
  • 2016 - "Such a job"
  • 2017 - "Silver Forest"

Maria Shukshina is filming today leading role in the British-American series about the Russian mafia "McMafia". She and Alexei Serebryakov play a Russian couple who have been living in London for many years. And their son on the screen was 21-year-old James Norton, an English actor known for his role as Andrei Bolkonsky in the BBC mini-series War and Peace. According to the plot, he dreams of getting rid of the echoes of the dark past of his mafia parents and is trying to create a legal business.


Maria spoke about filming in London in the Evening Urgant program. "Masha, explain to me this strange current of thought of English producers: how does a person who looks older than you in the frame play your son?" Ivan Urgant was surprised. “Do you mean incest?” Shukshina laughed. “I don’t know, I probably conquered something.”

Ivan Urgant did not raise issues of personal life - the actress does not like to discuss this. As you know, Maria's first marriage to a former classmate Artem Tregubenko broke up shortly after the birth of her daughter Anna. Shushkina's second husband was businessman Alexei Kasatkin, who was a witness at her first wedding. New romance, as the gossips said, turned into a nightmare - the husband tried to take away their common son Makar from Mary. Well, the third husband of the actress was the lawyer Boris Vishnyakov, from whom she gave birth to the twins Foma and Fok.

Makar, who is now 19, dreamed of becoming a sailor, but eventually chose the profession of an international lawyer, now studying at the university. The twins, who were famous for their pranks as children, grew up and wised up. According to the actress, 11-year-old Foma is thinking of becoming an architect - he draws well. And Foka wants to become president since childhood.

The daughter of the actress Anna - she is 28 years old - received the profession of a producer, but now she has a more important task - the upbringing of her two-year-old son Slavik. Maria is not embarrassed by the role of a grandmother. “I am both a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law, in my opinion, wonderful, very democratic. I never get involved in anything, children must make independent decisions when choosing a companion,” Shukshina assures.

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