Is there an appointment of a Sobyanin to a new position. Sobyanin's office romance: what relationship does he have with his assistant? photo. Biography and personal life of Sergei Sobyanin

Sobyanin Sergey Semyonovich - this name is already inscribed in large letters in the history of not only Moscow, but also the Russian Federation as a whole. Its role in the transformation of the capital is difficult to overestimate. This statesman and public figure politician became the initiator of one of the largest urban development projects in the history of the Russian Federation, and all this against the backdrop of the global crisis.

It will take another decade to appreciate the program of "renovation of dilapidated housing in Moscow", started by Mayor Sobyanin, but the positive dynamics of this project is already noticeable today. She was appreciated by more than 70% of Muscovites, confirming this with their votes in support of Sobyanin in the mayoral elections in the capital in September 2018.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Sobyanin

Sergei Sobyanin is an exceptionally public figure. All his decisions and instructions are in full view of millions of Russians; managing the capital is not such an easy task. It requires the presence of a large number of comrades and like-minded people, and therefore Sobyanin himself, by the will of fate, must be open to everyone. After all, the people are interested in any questions about the head of the capital. In particular, the network is often interested in what is the height, weight, age, how old is Sergei Sobyanin, what is his nationality. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin celebrated his 50th birthday this year. At his venerable age, he weighs 73 kg, with a height of 175 cm. The media have repeatedly addressed the issue of Sobyanin's nationality, but they still did not find an exact answer. According to some sources, his roots go back to the Ural Cossacks, according to others, he belongs to the descendants of a few northern people"Mansi". Sobyanin himself usually answers this question that he is Russian, which, in principle, does not contradict both theories put forward.

Biography and personal life of Sergei Sobyanin

The future mayor of Moscow was born on June 21, 1958 in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KhMO). Graduated from the Kostroma Technological Institute, majoring in metallurgy and mechanical engineering. Later, he became interested in theories of statehood and the legal aspects of their existence and became a correspondence student at the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute.

In the early 80s, he worked in his specialty at the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant. Starting with a simple worker, he became a foreman, and then reached the position of site foreman, which once again speaks of his determination

The biography and personal life of Sergei Sobyanin are inextricably linked with the city of Kogalym. From there, he began his journey into big politics, where he met his wife Irina. And he went there in 1984 on the orders of the party in order to take the position of deputy chairman of the village council, later he headed the Kogalym housing and communal services department. In 1986 he married civil engineer Irina Rubinchik. In the autumn of 1986, he became the father of his daughter Anna. In 1990, he headed the tax office of the city, and a year later he became the mayor of Kogalym.

In 1991, Sobyanin entered the federal level, became the first deputy head of the district.

In 1999 he defended the title of candidate of legal sciences. The direction of his PhD research work became the territorial structure of the Russian Federation and the rights of autonomous regions. Further development of this issue should not only lead Sobyanin to the title of Doctor of Law, but could significantly affect the territorial structure of the country, but the defense of this work in 2007, for unknown reasons, did not take place. According to the official version, an unacceptable amount of borrowings from other analysts involved in the development of this issue was found in the work.

The beginning of the 2000s was marked by the rise of Sobyanin's career. In 2001 he was elected governor of the Tyumen region. In this post, Sobyanin became famous for large-scale reforms of housing and communal services, medicine and education. For the first time on the territory of the Russian Federation, in a test mode in the Tyumen region, teachers began to receive salaries based on the number of students, as a result of which small schools were liquidated, but the material and technical equipment in the remaining schools improved significantly. In 2005, he became the second governor in the Russian Federation elected under the new rules, at the suggestion of the President of the Russian Federation, his candidacy was approved by the local Duma.

The disadvantages of Sobyanin's rule in Tyumen were called the lack of freedom of speech, the suppression of any opposition, and the excessive powers of the center.

Since 2005, he has been closely cooperating with the top authorities of the Russian Federation, holding various positions, including such as: head of the administration of the head of the Russian Federation, the apparatus of the government of the Russian Federation, vice prime minister. In 2007, he was a confidant and head of the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Dmitry Medvedev

In the fall of 2010, according to the results of a vote by the Moscow City Duma, at the request of the President of the Russian Federation, he was approved for the post of mayor of the capital, according to the new rules. After 3 years, due to the ambiguous attitude towards his appointment to the post of mayor on the part of the townspeople and opposition forces, Sobyanin resigned. According to the current legislation, he was appointed acting president. mayor of the capital until the next elections. The fall of 2013 put everything in its place, Sobyanin was elected to the post of head of the city in accordance with the previously existing electoral procedure.

As mayor of Moscow, Sobyanin worked on many issues relevant to the capital, which at the time of his assumption of office had already become simply sore for hundreds of thousands of people, but came to grips with the transport interchange of the city, the problems of illegal immigrants, environmental situation in the city, as well as the problems of dilapidated housing. The housing renovation program in the capital has caused a lot of discussion and disagreement in government circles and among ordinary Muscovites. Sergei Sobyanin spoke rather restrainedly about the five-story building renovation program, stating that this is a necessary process, while the decision to demolish each concrete house should be taken into account the views of all its residents. Today it is too early to sum up the results of this project, but the fact that it has become the largest urban development project in the history of Moscow is already obvious.
In 2018, the term of Sobyanin's cadence ended. At the election, he was again elected mayor of Moscow for a third term, which indicates high level confidence in him on the part of the inhabitants of the capital.

Family and children of Sergei Sobyanin

The family and children of Sergei Sobyanin are the main values ​​​​in his life. Despite the divorce from his wife, he believes that the institution of marriage is one of the most important in building statehood. Sobyanin's parents were simple workers striving for something more, his father, Semyon Sobyanin, without even having a secondary education, was able to head the village council, his mother supported her husband in everything, mastered the profession of secretary and economist.

In 1986, Sobyanin married Irina Rubinchik. The marriage produced two daughters. In 2014, the Sobyanins announced a divorce, while no clear reason was announced. Evil tongues talk about the betrayal of Sergei Semenovich, but the official version is limited only to different views on the life of the former spouses.

Daughter of Sergei Sobyanin - Anna Sobyanina

The daughter of Sergei Sobyanin - Anna Sobyanina was born on October 2, 1986. She graduated from one of the prestigious schools in the capital. Her passion for drawing led her to the Art and Industry Academy of St. Petersburg, where she acquired the profession of “interior designer”. Today, Anna lives in St. Petersburg, works by profession, develops designs for apartments, is the author of design projects for many well-known St. Petersburg entertainment facilities, is fond of painting , married Alexander Ershov, happily married.

Daughter of Sergei Sobyanin - Olga Sobyanina

The daughter of Sergei Sobyanin, Olga Sobyanina, is the youngest daughter of the mayor of the capital. Today the girl is 21 years old. Her date of birth is June 3, 1997. She also grew up as an active child, was fond of drawing, studied at one of the Moscow gymnasiums and for a long time could not decide on her future. A scandal about incomprehensible sources of income, the acquisition of real estate, etc. is associated with her name. The incident was quickly settled with the assistance of her father, while what Sobyanin's youngest daughter, Olga, what she does for a living, remains unknown.

The ex-wife of Sergei Sobyanin - Irina Sobyanina

The ex-wife of Sergei Sobyanin, Irina Sobyanina, is in no way involved in the activities of her husband. In 1986, by distribution, she ended up in Kogalym, where she met her future husband. An engineer by profession, she, in fact, did not work a single day in her specialty, was engaged in teaching, floristry. According to the official version, it was the wife’s detachment from Sobyanin’s affairs, the unwillingness to support his undertakings, that became the reason for the divorce of the spouses in 2014. At the same time, after the divorce, they did not become enemies, they support friendly relations, pay attention to children, despite the fact that both daughters are already adults and live their own independent lives.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergei Sobyanin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Sobyanin are confirmed at the official level. On the Wikipedia page of a politician, it is fashionable to find comprehensive information about his life path, and on his Instagram profile, Sergei Semenovich regularly shares up-to-date photographs of his achievements as mayor of Moscow. In addition, Sergei Sobyanin is registered on VKontakte and Twitter, where he tries to express his opinion on the current problems of the capital and respond as quickly as possible to the appeals and comments of Moscow residents, thereby keeping abreast of events, and being aware of popular opinion about life in the capital. Thus, Sergei Sobyanin can be safely called a progressive politician who keeps up with the times and uses all the methods of communication available today with his voters.

Olga Elsakova

It so happened that the activities of the mayor of Moscow became a problem for the Arkhangelsk region. In a swampy area, in a water protection zone without design estimates, a repository for Moscow waste is being built. Placing a landfill there is impossible both in terms of natural indicators, and in the opinion of the population - sharply negative. I think they just seized the territory and started building.

Natik Shvets

BY ORDER OF THE MAYOR OF MOSCOW SOBBYANIN S.S. dated February 18, 2011 N 133-RP, a criminal community was created The Committee of the City of Moscow for Ensuring the Implementation of Investment Projects in Construction and Control in the Field of Shared Construction (Moskomstroyinvest), headed by Timofeev K.P., which squandered tens of billions of money of participants in shared construction of Moscow and left a legacy of 30 unfinished facilities (the amount required for completion is estimated at 65 billion rubles). The problem of those who contributed money to shared construction has not yet been resolved. Muscovites are tired of the Mayor's annual promises to solve the problem and absolutely do not see the cases. Inaction, incl. Mayor of Moscow, with whose connivance the officials appointed by the Mayor plundered cash of citizens participating in shared construction, social tension was provoked, legally protected interests of society and the state were violated, irreparable property, physical and moral damage was inflicted on hundreds of thousands of citizens participating in shared construction, the authority of citizens to the authorities called in accordance with Article 45, Art .53 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to carry out state protection of the rights of citizens of Russia. Summing up the above: in the issue of solving the problem of deceived equity holders in Moscow, the head of the region works INEFFICIENTLY.

Anna Strueva

I write about personal pain, because everything else has been written more than once! On the adjacent territory of the house at Vostryakovsky proezd 25-1, an apartment high-rise building is being built under the renovation program, registered at Bulatnikovsky proezd, 16A, p.2. The house is the starting point. I report the following: our house was built according to the norms of 1970. (this year he is 46 years old). Then the distances from the residential building to the automobile and railway Paveletsky direction. Today, the norms have been revised taking into account the interests of the city, and new house will be located at a distance of no more than 20 meters from ours, i.e. window-to-window (In fact, the distance, in fact, to the excavated foundation pit is even less). When examining the house 20 years ago, a vertical crack was found at the junction of 2 buildings. The construction of a high-rise building will cause irreparable damage to the condition of the 25/1 house in terms of its integrity. The construction of a multi-apartment high-rise building will be carried out on the site where previously there were 2 children's and sports grounds. In this case, the interests of the residents of house 25-1 are infringed on the following aspects: 1. The residents of the house lost a large playground and one small one; 2. Residents of the building lost a sports ground, which was successfully mastered by the residents of the building, including pensioners, and for the equipment of which the city spent taxpayers' money; 3. For most of the residents of the house, the insolation regime is violated. Now the sun appears in apartments on the east side of the house for 2-3 hours, the new house will block it, it is not possible to live in apartments where sunlight does not appear. This affects both mental and physical health. Accordingly, the instructions of V.V. Putin about the "improvement of the population." In connection with the darkening of residential premises, we will significantly increase payments for electricity; 4. At the time of construction, the residents of the house lost direct access to the entrances, which will make it difficult for special equipment to pass; 5. Residents of the house and visitors to the children's polyclinic have lost parking spaces for personal vehicles, which will also make it difficult for special vehicles to travel and park. 6. During the construction of the house, noise standards have already been violated, work is carried out from 7 am to 9 pm, regardless of holidays and weekends. 7. In the area, which is already not particularly environmentally friendly, many trees were cut down, they were for us, residents of the 8th and 7th entrances, a natural fence from smog and dust from the Moscow Ring Road, the highway and the railway. At the same time, building dust and odors now freely enter our apartments. Appeals to all authorities, both local and city hall, even personally to SS Sobyanin before his elections in September, did not bring ANY result and construction was started! Thanks to Sobyanin for the inability to open the windows in his apartment, for the constant allergic attacks from building dust and dust from reagents!

Julia Smirnova

Ekaterina Kate

During the period of friendship with the head of the DOGM, correctional education was completely ruined. Disabled children are en masse transferred to inclusion due to lack of places in correctional schools. Children lose the proper level of rehabilitation, adaptation, habilitation, socialization. Who among them does not cope with the training in a broken class, those are sent home. As a result, neither mothers have the opportunity to work nor the children themselves in the future. Reduction of correctional teachers, school administrators, illiterate young managers. DOGM does not respond to complaints, praises directors who close correctional kindergartens (the basis of education!!!) and schools. Specialized colleges squeeze out in inhuman conditions with varying degrees of success. Special schools received children with diviant behavior, mentally retarded, deaf, blind, autistic, because there is simply nowhere to teach them!!! The results are deplorable - suicides among teenagers and just murders are increasing. Schools are no longer safe. Meals in schools with the light hand of Concord turned into school feed. Poisoning, lack of nutritional value and fresh food. Lack of protein and quality dairy products. There is no food system for allergy sufferers. Violation of sanitation norms. The MES project is already operating outside the legal framework. There are no conclusions and expert acts on safety interactive whiteboards. The documentation is hidden behind seven locks. It's a shame! The disgusting attitude of the MED towards children, towards the younger generation will have an effect on the economy of the city and on the general health of the nation. This criminal activity must be punished! To the fullest extent of the law.

Anna Stanyukovich

What do we, Muscovites, who live in the city have, and not periodically come to Moscow with some kind of opportunity. 1. Killing a small business. As a result - the inability to buy small things like a bottle of water, combs or newspapers on the run. 2. A sharp reduction in the throughput of streets not only for private cars, but also, as a result, for public transport. 3. The incompetent policy of building up human settlements instead of a well-thought-out development of a master plan. 4. Absolutely exhausted throughput the Moscow metro and the murder of surface public transport, if not in the center, then on the outskirts - for sure. 5. Endless tiling and curbing three times a year on the same street. That says at least about the misappropriation of funds. 6. The ruin of a part of the medium-sized business in the field of trade and catering due to a sharp reduction in parking space on the streets of Moscow. The final blow to this area is methodically dealt by the My Street program. 7. The absence of a barrier-free environment and the laying of tiles on the sidewalks, which makes them simply impassable in winter, turns the center of Moscow into an inaccessible place for the disabled. Adding to the general picture of inaccessibility is the virtual absence or full employment of wheelchair parking in the city center. Now it is impossible for a disabled Muscovite to get into any theatre, concert or exhibition hall or museum. 8. The murder of the historical architectural heritage of Moscow. 9. Constant public lies and unwillingness to communicate directly with the residents of the city of Moscow authorities. 10. The murder of Moscow medicine due to a sharp reduction in the number of hospitals and other medical institutions. 11. The merger of schools, as a rule, the strong with the weak, leads to the fact that the strong weaken, and the weak do not become stronger. 12. The practical impossibility for Muscovites to participate in the management of not only their own city, but at least their own courtyard (constantly kicking off complaints on the Our City portal). Complete disregard for the opinion of Muscovites on specific "renovated and improved" objects. 13. Unwillingness to repair the worn-out infrastructure of the city. Instead, Moscow constantly hosts endless celebrations at astronomical costs, which Muscovites also admire through the turnstiles and the backs of the police. 14. Uniform mockery of visitors to hospitals and emergency rooms in the city due to the lack of parking. The same is true for educational institutions. 15. Absolute contempt for fundamental human values, such as the right to property (from the evacuation of cars to forced eviction under the renovation program), freedom of speech and self-expression, freedom of demonstration; complete imitation of elections to government bodies, both local and federal. 16. The incredible corruption of officials, which no one dreamed of at any time. 17. Murder of local trade in favor of chain supermarkets with their dictate of prices not only for the end consumer, but also for product suppliers. 18. Overhaul by companies that won dubious tenders for these works, having neither the proper qualifications nor the relevant specialists. 19. The absolute connivance of the State Budgetary Institution "Zhilischnik" to road and other city services with their incredible violations of Moscow environmental and other legislation. 20. At best, an ill-conceived, but in reality - a criminal policy in the field of housing and communal services tariffs, fees for major repairs and other extortions from Muscovites. And finally, the point that I forgot to write, but it is the most important. 21. Never in the entire history of Moscow's existence did the Moscow authorities so disperse their citizens on different sides of the barricades. It never occurred to any Moscow leader to quarrel motorists with pedestrians, cyclists with motorists, supporters of "renovation" with its opponents, "hipsters" with "pensioners", etc. One can list for a long time. It is this quiet civil war that unfolded in the city that depresses me the most. Well, among other things, I have huge stylistic disagreements with the design of the mentioned holidays, but this is already taste and subjectivity. The rest of the points listed are completely objective. That's right, the first thing that came to mind. Although unsystematic.

Tatyana Grigorieva

Housing and communal services under Sobyanin died. Corruption is monstrous. Festivals are expensive and miserable. Spot development and demolition of historic buildings are gaining momentum. Millions of square meters of shitty concrete are being built, without conditions for people. There is nothing to breathe in the city, it often began to stink of who knows what. It's scary to think about renovation. Officials are impudent from impunity. Still write?

Marina Borisova

I am a pensioner. For me, the main thing is roads and medicine. With the advent of Sobyanin, the sidewalks turned into some kind of test in winter, first a shaft of snow at the entrance, through which you have to jump, then they fall asleep with a reagent, we walk on this vile slush, afraid to fall, then frost, again we can’t pass , slippery. Do not sprinkle with sand. The aftermath of a snowfall is removed for weeks. On TV, everything is removed on time. One show. I have not seen such a disgrace in Moscow since birth. Regarding medicine, the doctor has no time now for the patient, and the neurologist and endocrinologist are again unavailable, coupons for high-tech diagnostics are not given, despite the fact that there is an MRI in the clinic. I confess I am conducting a survey among patients whether there are lucky ones for free diagnostics. No, they all pay for it. So that's a lie too. Is it permissible to destroy squares and small parks? It's time for the prosecutor to intervene.

Igor Sokalski

It seems to me that only 33 out of 971 "read" reviews and the fact that the last review was "read" in March speaks quite eloquently of both S.S.'s activities and his desire to listen to people's opinions. Fuck him, these people did not give up. And his activities are absolutely perpendicular to the interests of these people. And he himself understands this perfectly, but his own interests are so tasty for him that he is simply not able to tear himself away from the trough.

Alexandra Bulava

Failure to comply with technological processes during repair and construction work. Huge amounts of money are spent, and the quality of work is extremely low. Reconstruction projects from the point of view of engineering are developed illiterately. This leads to the need to re-allocate budgetary funds for the same work. The lack of slopes and the necessary slope leads to the accumulation of water on the surface of the roadway, and engineering communications and storm drains are not thought out. Extremely poor quality paving slabs. Unreasonable and unjustified colossal expenses in the presence of more important unresolved issues increasing social tension. The renovation program with an increase in the number of storeys of houses and their number will lead to a densification of the population in an already overcrowded city. When implementing the program, mass cutting of large-sized trees is inevitable, which will worsen the already bad ecology of the city (no bushes will fix this). A clear lack of geoecological analysis. Lack of qualifications among designers - the epileptic colors of the houses presented at the exhibition under the program will not lead to an improvement in the external appearance of the city. Layouts are intimidating, do not interfere with houses with 4-meter kitchens with houses with high ceilings and wide rooms. The program included non-emergency houses with a quality higher than the planned development (large-block houses with half-meter walls). Violation of constitutional human rights, forced eviction of dissenting tenants by the decision of the "majority". The catastrophe with parking, the introduction of paid parking outside the central ring, the lack of free spaces in the yards. Traffic on the roads is paralyzed during rush hour and difficult at other times, except at night, in such conditions, building compaction is contraindicated.

Dmitry Shirshov

The actions of Sobyanin and his team (especially Marat Khusnullin) are highly questionable. The strangeness has been since the reconstruction of the territory of the Torpedo stadium, when they wanted to build up commercial real estate there and remove the football fields, and close the stadium itself with a dome. When this issue was being resolved, local residents were not informed and people were quietly brought on buses, who, surprisingly, all supported this undertaking, and then Khusnullin himself spoke out that everyone was looking forward to this development. Later, such a story will be repeated in Nekrasovka, when the issue of arranging the park was being decided, and if someone has never been in this area, then there is nothing for walking there, you can count the trees on the fingers of one hand), but then mysterious people appear and they suddenly asked to build up the free territory with residential buildings, and these are not the only cases. During the renovation at meetings with the heads of administrations, all the places were also occupied, oddly enough, by unknown persons, and the residents of the district were sitting in the corridor, while those who managed to get to the meeting and opposed, immediately fell under a flurry. This shows the attitude of the authorities towards the opinion of Muscovites, and this is not the only problem. With an increase in the population of Moscow, green areas are shrinking at lightning speed, Moscow has already lost 636 hectares of trees in recent years, now they have decided to implement a renovation program in which the area of ​​green areas will be reduced in many areas by 25%!!! At the same time, the population will increase further and the already deplorable transport problem, on which huge funds are spent, will worsen, but the situation has become even worse. Again, the same residents of Nekrasovka have recently only inhaled the smells of the Rudnevka WTP, surprisingly a site that tracks the degree of pollution environment the city was closed for reconstruction, while they also gathered to build a landfill in New Moscow and this is in the year of ecology !!! It seems that their desire to poison the whole of Moscow. In polyclinics, the quality of service has also decreased, there are more doctors from Central Asia, making an appointment with whom you then run to a private clinic. Tiles are also a separate issue, a huge amount of money from the city budget has been poured in with the promise that it will last for centuries, but what we see is that it is already dancing, there are no drainage systems on Myasnitskaya Street and it turns into a pool at the slightest rain, and we, the residents of Moscow, are paying for these mistakes . About renovation is also a separate story, we are being deceived about 10-15 years of service life of five-story buildings, while the real life is 60-80 years, while they are an unbearable series, the architects presented a large number of projects on how to decorate their appearance and preserve the green area, but the authorities need to compact the city and build everything up, worsening the already deplorable situation. This is the policy of Sobyanin, who has not the slightest desire to listen to the opinion of Muscovites, and having a huge budget, he managed to reduce it to a deficit, spending inadequately large funds on such expenses as decorating trees. And we must continue to go to low-quality polyclinics and look at closing schools.

Natalia Bodrova

It became uncomfortable to live in Moscow. On the way to the Vodny Stadium metro station, there was fine asphalt, which was replaced with crooked tiles of disgusting quality, apparently in order to load the work of traumatologists. At the subway, all parking spaces were made paid, and even those are a meager amount. Medicine is ugly bureaucratized, apparently to force people to seek paid medical care. They demolished a beautiful shoe center, to which people came from all over Moscow. The impression that the mayor's team is fighting with the residents.

Yakov Ivanov

Rogachieva Natalia

I want to draw attention to the problem! If it is not solved, then a collapse will come for the inhabitants of our district! I live at the address Ak. Anokhin d.6. Our region is on the brink of a social catastrophe. People are in despair. When a field was built up in an already inhabited area, according to the plan there were 2 kindergartens, a school stadium, and an elementary school building. They were not built then, because "there was not enough money", but only a few multi-storey residential buildings and a school were built. Due to the fact that until recently a residential complex was built nearby at Pokryshkina St., 8, the load on our old polyclinic number 8 has greatly increased. People wait for the opportunity to get to a specialist for months. There is only one kindergarten in our neighborhood. Do not get into it. People take the children on the bus for several stops, although by law it must be 300 meters maximum. Due to some mistake, the construction of two kindergartens near EAS in Nikulino, 2a (ZAO), which is so necessary for residents, was canceled. The project was changed and instead of them the commercial construction of three high-rise buildings is planned. According to the project of 2002, kindergartens were to be built along with residential development for the migrants. On this moment according to approved in 2015 by Sobyanin S.S. The new planning project in the microdistrict canceled the construction of social facilities that were previously included in the construction program and for which land was allocated. Instead of social facilities on this land, the illegal implementation of commercial projects of the JSC "Administration of experimental development of microdistricts" is planned. The area is now fenced off. Representatives of the developer, using raider methods and threats, without providing adequate compensation, are demolishing garages built in the mid-90s by order of the Moscow City Executive Committee. After the privatization of the State Unitary Enterprise, the newly created JSC "Administration of experimental development of microdistricts" free of charge, without a tender, land was transferred for commercial development. Justifying the actions of UEZ JSC for the demolition of garages and the start of construction work in the microdistrict. Nikulino 2A, the authorities of Moscow, the police department and the prosecutor's office refer to the Short-term lease of a land plot dated November 29, 2002 No. M-07-505969 between the city of Moscow and UEZ JSC. Meanwhile, the decision to lease land to SUE "UEZ" was canceled back in 2002 before the state registration of the contract, and according to the law in force at the time of its expiration, the contract has not passed. How to do so to avoid disaster? Our district simply cannot stand a few more high-rise buildings instead of social educational facilities! Kindergartens help people improve the demographics in the country. I hope Sergey Semenovich will reconsider the project. People, advise! Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

Elena Fedotova

Under Luzhkov, there was no such lawlessness, such a frank drank of budget funds. Either tiles with asphalt are laid directly into the snow, then the parks are rolled into concrete, the park of the 50th anniversary of October has been completely disfigured, all the streets have been dug up, in winter the snow is not cleared at all either on the roads or on the sidewalks, the snowplows glonas with raised buckets, no one controls, with regard to "Sobyanin's struggle with traffic jams, he considered it best to deprive people of parking (neither hospitals nor children's institutions have parking lots), people are forced to walk a kilometer on crutches, MADI is generally insolent, behave like robbers on the roads, take away even disabled cars.Moscow has never had a worse mayor.Sobyanin, please resign.

Anna Adamova

Worst mayor ever. I spent so much money for snow removal and reagents that you can clean the floor of Yakutia, but the city is a mess, the snow is not visible at all. I pay for parking - the snow is not removed from it. Parking - mosparking, it belongs to the city. What am I crying for?

Alexander Antonov

Hatred of Muscovites in everything. Solid slogans and deceit. In the name of the next construction of a multi-storey "cash cow" - the destruction of parks, courtyards, kindergartens, clinics, educational institutions, etc. I will never forgive my mutilated street.

Mikhail Stiopin

I understand that you do not have the courage to publish my review. Well, at least read it. Maybe. and let your employer read it. So, about Sobyanin. This Mr. hates Moscow and Muscovites, does not understand Moscow and Muscovites. He sees in Moscow and Muscovites only own source income and a means to satisfy their unhealthy ambitions. People like him and his appointees have no right to lead our city. Therefore, in any election, in any polls, I spoke, I speak and will speak out against the fact that this team remains in the leadership of Moscow.

Safronova Natalia

I am not surprised by such a volume of critical reviews towards Sergei Sobyanin - most of the reviews are always negative. Nevertheless, I will not be like the rest and I will note the good things that are noticeable to me personally: 1) The growth of tourism and the number of hotels - more than 17 million tourists in 2016. This indicates that Moscow is becoming a more attractive city. 2) Huge work to optimize the transport network. There are fewer traffic jams compared to Luzhkov's times. The metro has become better, more convenient. 3) The appearance of the center has improved markedly. Paid parking drove out junk and other arrogant class of motorists who think only of themselves, it became convenient to walk - thanks for that. 4) Support for orphans. Apartments for orphans are something. 5) Support for physical education and sports. There are really more sports grounds and support for a healthy lifestyle pleases. Without paid parking, I couldn’t even think about running in the center before. Previously, it was simply uncomfortable to live in the Central Administrative District. Now it's radically better.

Tatyana Belyakova

Thank you for your work, keep it up! Moscow is becoming more and more beautiful and this cannot but rejoice) If you also settle all the five-story buildings, as promised, we will generally consider you best mayor all time)

Kornilov Denis

I didn’t read all the reviews to the end, and it’s clear that no one expressed positive emotions towards this person. We all live in our city, we were not born yesterday and we are full of more than one TV. I support all those who expressed dissatisfaction with this Varangian, imposed on us in the best traditions of the current electoral system. Sergei Sobyanin is not a Muscovite, not a resident of a metropolis at all, he does not understand our city, because he did not grow up here. I think that he does not like Moscow, and certainly she did not become his own. Hence these greedy and heartless activities. Powerful and soulless. I, a native Muscovite, feel uncomfortable in the same city with this random person. I am exactly the protest electorate that voted for Navalny, not really believing that Navalny is a bigger business executive than Sobyanin. And in the next elections I will go to vote "ONLY NOT FOR SOBBYANIN." I suggest that you, who have the courage to publish your opinion on this page, do not sell out, do not buy into, do not succumb to temptation when you come up to the ballot box with your ballot.

Alexander Grashenkov

How will Sergei Semyonovich be remembered by Muscovites? Constant repairs of roads and sidewalks, metro stations and underpasses. Slippery for pedestrians poorly laid tiles. The demolition of old kiosks and stalls and the "graveyard" style of new ones. Tasteless design of the streets and squares of the city, along with inflated costs for it. Cancellation of minibuses stopping "on demand". Traffic jams, paid parking and generally problems with parking in the center, next to medical or educational institutions. Reduction of trolleybus routes. The growth of utility bills, the introduction of the maximum payment for overhaul in the country. The questionable work of a number of management companies "Zhilischnik". On the positive side, I can name only two things: 1) the creation of a new transport route network "Magistral"; 2) round-the-clock operation of the metro on New Year's holiday.

Horse Horses

The infrastructure laid down by our fathers and grandfathers is being systematically destroyed. IN economic activity a huge number of violations. The law is applied unilaterally only for those who are against this lawlessness. The transport structure is being destroyed, the number of electric vehicles is rapidly decreasing. Any "beautification" is carried out only for the sake of profit, for the sake of kickbacks, through the so-called tender, the contractor chooses either a structure owned by friends and relatives, or another subsidiary structure. All work is done to a very low standard. For example, a million tree program, after six months less than one percent of planted trees remain, the rest die due to improper planting and care. Accordingly, Sobyanin's entourage corresponds to him, for example, Biryukov buys reagents for billions of rubles and has already pickled all the lawns that he can. Bodies controlled by Sobyanin point blank do not see violations. And who needs them, the main thing is to master the allocated amount!

Egor Truthful

The feedback on the activity is as follows: Sobyanin is a cunning, mercantile, and shameless type, who has only money in his eyes and in his head. He sees Moscow exclusively as a source of his personal enrichment. There is absolutely no dialogue between the authorities and the inhabitants of the city! Huge funds from the budget of the city of Moscow are allocated for cloning Any lousy city office has its own website, on which Sobyanin's activities are first of all promoted! This is a huge mechanism for PR and brain fog for people. How many departments, GKU, administrations, prefectures and other organizations?!!! A huge number of sites simultaneously write about what a fine fellow this mayor is. This news is automatically picked up by the main search sites, then it’s a matter of technology, you don’t even need money, this news will be the first! But in fact? We were born and live in Moscow and we see all his deeds directed precisely against the inhabitants of the city! I agree with the previous comment - Moscow has become a garbage dump, decorated with flashing lights !!!

Larisa Vertepkina

In general, the activities of Sobyanin S, S. as mayor can only be assessed as unsatisfactory. The mayor of the capital must be able to maintain a balance between the earnings of citizens, the preservation of cultural heritage and the development of the city. Coordinate the direction of the city's development with us, the citizens, taking into account the needs of different social groups, including the indigenous population of the city, and not just our narrow circle of newcomers. Unfortunately, this does not happen under Mayor Sobyanin. The economic policy of the Moscow authorities is aimed at withdrawing money from the wallets of citizens in the form of fines, taxes, fees, and directing budget funds to various "improvements", many of which are, if not completely harmful, then very, very controversial, and even more so cannot be considered vital in times of economic crisis.

Anatoly Trubnikov

Sobyanin is controversial. Gives with one hand, takes with the other. He opens new metro stations, launches MMZhK, builds new overpasses, but at the same time he does everything so that Muscovites ride the metro. But when everyone goes down there during peak hours, hell begins there! He cancels minibuses, so familiar and so comfortable. Shortens routes. Trying to solve the problem of transport, onyx exacerbates. Under Sobyanin, the rent increased by more than a 2 times. The issue with traffic jams has not been resolved, traffic jams have moved to where they never were. He decorated the whole of Moscow with hateful 3.27 signs, imposing a parking tribute on motorists. For pedestrians, he drowned Moscow with rain. He is building a shopping center and residential complexes in the center, although he promised not to do this. In general, the result of his reign causes a lot of criticism, Sobyanin is contradictory. He makes Moscow a city for hipsters, not for people. Of course, hipsters are people too, but not all people are hipsters. A couple of dozen blocks would be enough for hipsters, and a whole metropolis, but the Mayor is relentless. In difficult, crisis times in the country, Moscow thoughtlessly spends billions on landscaping. They lay expensive tiles, buy expensive trees. Hundreds of billions are thrown into the wind. Ball during the plague. But if the money is spent, then someone needs it. So the issue of corruption is very relevant. Through the efforts of Sobyanin, his party in the State Duma gained about 30%. I hope that in 2018 he will gain the same number and we will have a new Mayor who will listen to ordinary Muscovites.

Olga Petrovskaya

I want to say a special "thank you" to Sobyanin for the "destruction" of the Moscow healthcare system. Mr. Mayor, have you traveled to different clinics with a sick child? Did you pass the quest "call the doctor to the house"? Try it, you will like it.

Yuka Pamirova

The work of the non-resident appointee Sobyanin as mayor of Moscow is assessed by the majority of Muscovites and our IVOV family as disgusting, worthless, and in general - ostentatious! Municipal housing in the Central Administrative District is rented out for IVOV with a significant underrepair, uncomfortable, in violation of the rights of citizens and the current legislation. A significant under-repair is NOT permanently eliminated in the manner prescribed by law. Such uncomfortable housing at the MVK of the CAO prefecture, in accordance with the established procedure, is NOT recognized as unsuitable for safe living and NOT subject to overhaul in order to restore the lost operational characteristics through the joint fault of GUP DEZ, (GBU Zhilishchnik), the head of the Presnya Administration, the head of the CAO prefecture, the Inspector of Housing Supervision for CAO M. Ryzhova and others. The holding of the International Exhibition Complex is a secret with seven seals, it is absolutely closed from Muscovites, it is NOT possible for Muscovites to come to the International Exhibition Complex and take part in an open mode, they simply put up barriers and do not let them in. As if the MVK of the prefecture of the Central Administrative District is a Masonic lodge, and not the open government of Moscow. It is absolutely impossible to get to a personal reception to solve the problem either with the prefect of the Central Administrative District or with the mayor of Moscow. This is the “OPEN GOVERNMENT” created by Sobyanin in the administrations and prefectures of Moscow, in the context of the position of our President of Russia. Decisions at the MVK of the prefecture of the Central Administrative District are taken secretly, corruptly, in collusion, with violations of the procedure and regulations established by law, in the interests of third parties affiliated with the authorities and guilty of significant underrepair of municipal housing and cutting the budget of Moscow. At the same time, targeted budget funds allocated for the 65th anniversary of great victory for the overhaul of municipal housing IVOV, as for a person with a special legal status arising from services to the Fatherland, are used inappropriately for other purposes NOT provided for by the Moscow Budget Code and uncontrollably, which causes significant damage to the city, budget and municipal housing stock during a crisis, rights and the legitimate interests of the honored IVOV in old age and members of the IVOV family. Meanwhile, Sobyanin easily, unanimously allows spending hundreds of millions of Moscow's budget funds on endless, glamorous festivals, thoughtless decorations, which causes justified dissatisfaction among Muscovites, leading to social tension in society. Moscow Mayor Sobyanin has been inactive since 2010 and encourages numerous violations committed by his subordinate structures with duplicating functions - the odious head of the Presnya Administration A. Mikhailov, deputy for housing and communal services K. Kravtsova, Prefect of the Central Administrative District V. Goverdovsky, housing supervision inspector for the Central Administrative District M. Ryzhova, corruptly accepted into operation housing with a significant underrepair and not well-maintained. A SHAME to the authorities, who do NOT want and are NOT able to maintain, preserve their own housing stock and hear the opinion of Muscovites! At the same time, the government requires other owners of the housing stock, ordinary Muscovites who have privatized housing, to strictly comply with the current legislation regarding the payment of contributions for the KR OI in the MKD. Many Muscovites recognize such a worthless work of the mayor of Moscow Sobyanin and his deputy Biryukov, the structures responsible for the housing stock of Moscow, NOT satisfactory, aimed at its destruction, which creates social tension, undermines the confidence of Muscovites both in the city authorities and in the Russian government as a whole. Enormous money is withdrawn from the Moscow budget, while Moscow residents are told that there is no money to increase pensions, and funds for health care, education, and social assistance are significantly reduced. Quite recently, another Moscow mayor, Y. Luzhkov, convincingly, in figures, argued that the budgetary funds of the city of Moscow are quite enough to carry out a major overhaul of the entire housing stock of Moscow according to the formula of 95% + 5% and refused to inject funds from the federal budget. Meanwhile, when the nonresident mayor Sobyanin was appointed, the previous decisions were abandoned - the overhaul of municipal housing is NOT carried out at all, and the overhaul of the OI in the MKD is completely shifted to the shoulders of Muscovites who privatized housing in an abnormal state, requiring before privatization a major overhaul not performed by the former landlord. While our President V. Putin in his message calls for intensifying the fight against corruption and social tension in society, in Moscow Sobyanin initiates directly opposite events, actions, measures and decisions. Yu.I. Voishcheva, a member of the IVOV R.I. Voishcheva family, a graduate of the 1940 Armored Academy named after. I. Stalin, participants in the defense of Moscow, the defense of Leningrad, the Battle of Kursk.

Head Shtan

Mikhail Barbotkin

During the period of Sobyanin's post, the city of Moscow was subjected to total destruction. For the sake of commercial development, architectural monuments are being destroyed, parks having the status of national parks or objects of cultural heritage or being monuments of landscape art are being destroyed. During the reconstruction of the streets, a huge layer of the cultural heritage of Moscow was destroyed, with which archaeologists had to work. There is a complete violation of human rights in Moscow when, for the sake of the construction lobby, people who are trying to protect the law and the heritage of the city are detained and fabricated administrative cases. The city is changing from a city for residents to a city for tourists. Full destruction of the concept enshrined in the Constitution, a favorable environment.

Boris Netrin

What to write a review about Sobyanin? If it were really a person who at least cares about the city, who would order the heads of the council to walk from the metro to work in order to see what is happening in the territory for which they are responsible, who would order the head of the department of transport to inspect the work personally at rush hour OT and the state of stops, which he himself would not mind driving in a traffic jam along Leninsky, and not rushing along it when everything is blocked for the sake of their excellencies .... what to write about? About the fact that bots will now run in and raise the rating of this weak-willed appointee for budget money, by the way? He can write about the fact that under Luzhkov, for some reason, the overhaul of houses was at the expense of the city budget and was enough. Write about the fact that you are unlikely to publish this comment. Personally, I rate his work only as one with a minus! Where is my city? Moscow is no more, there is a garbage dump, decorated with some kind of stupid lanterns and lights! I want to write a lot of angry bad words about this impostor, but I don’t feel like wasting my time on it.

Ahmed Dodov

Of course, during the years of the reign of Sergei Semyonovich Sobyanin, much has changed in Moscow. Pedestrian zones have been expanded and landscaped, more than 40 new hotels have been built in the last 5 years alone, including the Kievsky complex, more than 400 objects social value, built and reconstructed more than 100 km of new lines and 55 metro stations, as well as numerous road interchanges and much more .... And abandoned industrial zones that do not correspond to the concept of the main city of the country are comprehensively landscaped with residential sectors with all infrastructure, including sports facilities, education and business. One can talk endlessly about the positive dynamics taking place in Moscow, according to my personal analysis, since 2005..

Sergei Melnik

According to the reviews, you can immediately see the paid "fans" of Sobyanin, who can only write false - "Thank you for the work, a lot has been done ...", and people who describe their claims to Sobyanin and pain for Moscow for a long time and in detail.

Igor Leonov

Anton Travel

I can only write negative feedback. Sobyanin set a course for the destruction of the capital. Nothing new and good was brought into the life of the city during the work of Sobyanin. The opening of new metro stations or sections of roads would have taken place under a different head of the city. Closing clinics, mediocre reform school education, paid extensions, reduced funding for school meals, paid parking that fills the pockets of officials, will soon introduce paid entry into the city, the destruction of architectural monuments, and so on. There is not enough space here to list all the insanity of the city's leadership. The streets are dirty. Snow is not removed even on the Garden Ring and adjacent territories. There was no such disgrace even in the early nineties. Moscow has been turned into one of the dirtiest and most uncomfortable cities to live in. Of the positive, only asphalt paths in parks can be noted. I am sure that under a different leader, these paths would also have appeared. Well, why do we need such a Sobyanin? Return Luzhkov to the capital!

Irina Sinitsyna

Why does Sobyanin use reagents in Moscow?. Salts are supposedly harmless, but why doesn't grass grow in those places along the roadsides where it was densely poured directly onto the ground? Why do healthy trees dry recently? Why do boots lose their appearance after a month, and after three they are not suitable for wearing, they become so corroded? White salt stains endlessly have to be washed, shoes are always damp from this greasy abyss, which is by no means melted snow. What does your reagent do with snow? What does this chemistry turn ordinary water into? In some places it is poured so thickly that it seems - these are grains of ice. And sometimes even mini-drifts. The paws of animals are covered with ulcers. Car bottoms rot. You can’t ride a child on a sled either. Bare asphalt, on which skids strike. Do not drag the sled and the child by the hand to get into the park. City children will grow up and will not know how great it is - Russian winter...

Natalya Zykova

I never would have thought that I would remember Luzhkov with a kind word. At least this one didn't make the theft public. And the disrespectful Mr. Sobyanin only has time to report to Putin about how good life has become in Moscow. Probably they, when in power, graze and became. Only Moscow is not for Muscovites now. - terrible transport policy, decisions are made and it is openly said: "Paid parking to replenish budgets." The glorious rhetoric about unloading the center is forgotten - we are cutting the loot. Effective manager Liksutov sees and hears nothing but himself and his idiotic thoughts. Cutting forest parks for roads is possible only in our city. In other cities, they are shaking for natural forests. The lack of parking where they are needed, for example, near schools, where even landing / disembarking is prohibited, paid hospitals and tow trucks right there to steal a car from people who are not concerned about parking at that moment. - Unbelted Khusnulin, who has no idea about the urban environment and the catastrophic harm of infill development. - Accomplishment rvachnoe, from which you want to cry. Lindens for 250,000 rubles on the Garden Ring, kilometer-long shops on the Arbat, this tile, on which queues to emergency rooms are replenished, and about decorating the city for the holidays - can I write a separate treatise on what these people smoke? - KILLED healthcare, there are no more queues, because to get to the profile doctor you need to go to the therapist twice, and for this you need to get an appointment ticket twice. It’s just that no one is treated in city clinics, because you can die there from waiting for the appointment of tests. Key hospitals are being closed for the sake of plots of land, for the sake of buildings. Dissolved unique specialists in free swimming, destroyed the reputation of doctors who tried to go against the system. Do you understand what this threatens? Population extinction, or mass exodus. - PZZ!!! Did everyone read? If it is accepted, then skyscrapers of 30-40 floors will legally appear in our quiet areas. Parks and squares will be destroyed!!! Such sealing construction will be carried out, which this city has not yet seen. And this is all your Moscow government, Sergei Semyonovich! Do not disgrace yourself, resign, you, as a mayor, are worthless, and it is a pity for him. What are you doing with your team? Are you planning to live in this city? Or maybe you do not see the future of your children in this country? Then it is quite understandable that you want to destroy the city, expel the Muscovites, so that those who come to their place silently dance to your tune. WILL NOT WORK!

Svetlana Nikolaevskaya

Sobyanin made Moscow unsuitable for life! The quality of life of Muscovites has fallen below the plinth! The endless development of new residential microdistricts and the resettlement of the entire USSR in them led to a terrible overpopulation! Hence: -transport collapse, crush in the subway and public transport, the dominance of migrants, rampant crime, a dead ecology, the inability to get a job, high prices for everything, a complete lack of quality of goods and services, paid parking, etc... Paid parking for Muscovites , including pensioners - complete chaos! We did not create a transport collapse in our city, but a thoughtless policy of resettling migrants from all regions of the Russian Federation and abroad! The trillions spent to fight traffic jams did not improve the situation on the roads, because the construction is thoughtless, not where the problems are, and enthusiasts have been dug up for more than 8 years !!! The accession of another 2.5 territories did not give up to us at all - in Moscow there are already a lot of unresolved issues! He canceled the resettlement of Muscovites from Khrushchev, making them unbearable, pensioners completely impoverished, the primary medical link was killed (polyclinics are staffed by low-skilled migrants), etc. ..Give us Moscow doctors back! Ugly work of housing and communal services at exorbitant prices, low-quality overhaul!..... The list of good deeds is very long and constantly reduces the quality of life of Muscovites!!!

Elena Shatrova

I have only one negative from Sobyanin's activities. Dirty yards have become, how many have applied for help to the Prefecture, the Municipality, to carry out the improvement of the yard, they answer that there is no funding or it is not provided. But there was money for spraying water with tractors 3-4 times a day without any need in any weather. But housing and communal services are growing by leaps and bounds. Almost all of Moscow has been dug up simultaneously in many places so that it is not only problematic to drive a car, even walk around on foot, continuous trenches, everything is blocked off. Endless shifting of asphalt, curbs, tiles in the same places several times, why? Why can't you do it right once? Many trees have been cut down and many have been planted again, and in winter time. What happened to healthcare and education? How and on what now to be treated, if the salary, the pension is meager. Paid parking has been introduced, now it is not clear how relatives will now come to me, pay for parking every time? It also strains small salaries and pensions.

Oksana Kurtsua

In Moscow, with the advent of Sobyanin, chaos is happening with parking lots. First you need to build parking lots, and then start up tow trucks and fines. Tow trucks steal cars. Crush in the subway. In ground public transport, people stand in line for 40 minutes. Why are you pushing people into public transport????? People should have a choice. Shameless. Conscience in this world has not yet been canceled. Mr. Liksutov is doing everything to start a mass exodus of tenants from Moscow.

Alex Mozhegorov

Ksenia Kuleshova

What is happening in my area right now is nothing short of deliberate and well-paid extermination. Parks and protected areas are freely cut down, construction is underway on every unoccupied square meter, streets are forcibly expanded by demolishing retail outlets and green spaces necessary for the area so that chords and flyovers from all over Moscow can be stretched along them, instead of lawns there are parking pockets, instead of adjacent squares are paid parking. Hospitals, emergency rooms are closed and merged with the nearest institutions so as not to interfere with development. Everything is being demolished, since there are very few unoccupied square meters, but you want to build up and make money. Therefore, the Serebryany Bor bakery was artificially bankrupt, a part of the Oktyabr park (21, Zhivopisnaya St.) was cut down for construction, near the Moskvoretsky SPNA, even sites of the Kurchatov Institute with an increased background radiation were selected, and landfills are artificially spawned in the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain in order to reduce the quality of SPNT and withdraw land through a dummy environmental review. A separate nightmare of the district can be called the uncontrolled and senseless waste of budgetary funds for continuous improvement, the process of which is elegantly tuned in such a way that everything bought with this money from seedlings planted in the cold to lawns bald from mowing in the heat and paths covered with dusty crumbling lasts no more than a year. So that in the new year you can again spend money on this article with impunity. And, finally, a personal thank you from me personally to Mr. Sobyanin for his beloved Serebryany Bor, which was repeatedly crippled by landscaping, and for the cancellation of minibuses, which, with the current frequency of public transport on the horizon, means for me up to half an hour of standing in the cold waiting and more than an hour's journey to work by bus. a route that can be traveled by car in twenty minutes. I sincerely believe that you will not hold your post until the end of your current term, Mr. Mayor.

Maria Bushmeleva

Moscow has turned into a city that is absolutely inconvenient for life. Money is constantly being pulled from Muscovites: Zhilischnik, EIRTs, MFC, DEZ ... And the mayor's office with its crazy paid parking projects throughout Moscow and false assurances that this is only an "experiment and only in the center"? Constant re-laying of curbs with the replacement of "eternal" granite ones with marble ones? Paving first with "eternal and safe for health" tiles, in fact crumbling after the first winter and slippery like a skating rink, and then laying on a granite sidewalk? Who needs it? Muscovites? No! And what about sawing healthy trees at night, and then planting "large-sized trees" for big money? Who benefits from this? To all Muscovites' complaints, replies are sent in the style of "In the elderberry garden, in Kyiv, an uncle." The police do not work, the prosecutor's office does not work - this is the question of security. The streets are dirty, the yards are covered with impassable snowdrifts - and there are 5 times more janitors than in Soviet times. The mayor's office does not follow its own rules. And public hearings on the PZZ are the "legitimization" of illegally allocated land plots. Evaluation of the work of the mayor Sobyanin S.S. - a complete inconsistency with the position held, along with his entire "team"!

Maria Kozlova

I join one of the previous speakers! There is no nursery, the kindergarten, located in our yard, was closed, the building was transferred to the property department. I am a single mother, I get 50 rubles for everyone. per month + another 1000r. due to my status, I can’t go to work, because there is no one to sit with the child. In addition, an allowance of 50 rubles. (one and a half loaves) I think it's just insulting. If you do not want to pay benefits up to 3 years - do not pay. And so the benefit seems to be there, and at the same time it is more likely not. Further, the roads in the city are in a monstrous state. Every summer they are repaired (partially paralyzing traffic in the city), and with the onset of the first frosts, the asphalt begins to fall off in pieces, forming holes in which it is easy to leave not only rubber and wheels, but also the suspension. Snow from the sidewalks is thrown onto the roadway, as a result of which a mess forms on the road, which causes pollution of cars, as well as accidents (firstly, the mess is slippery, and secondly, holes are not visible in it). And finally, parking. Not only is parking paid, but their number has also been significantly reduced. And if earlier it was possible to come to the center, quickly do everything you wanted and leave, now you have to wind circles for half an hour in search of a free place. (If this is such a way to discourage travel to the center, then it would be much better to remove office buildings from there and prohibit high-rise construction there. Believe me, people go there by car for a reason, they go to work, on business or home.) Further, public transport. I use it infrequently, so I have to buy tickets every time from the driver. It is not very clear how this can be done if you are traveling with a child in a stroller, when you go not through the front door, but into the middle ones. Why did they stop selling tickets at bus stops? Why does the driver only have tickets for 1 trip? Next, landscaping. In general, landscaping is good, but: 1) It is not very pleasant when asphalt is laid in the courtyard of residential buildings at night, especially several nights in a row. 2) Paving slabs are very slippery in wet weather, and especially in winter (and we have it for half a year), and it’s quite difficult to walk on heels on it, it’s impossible to roller skate (special thanks to those who decided to lay Ostankino Park with tiles), it is unpleasant to ride a bicycle, and the child in the stroller is shaking. 3) It is not clear for what purpose practically new curbs are changed to completely new ones. It is also dangerous when the curbs are changed a few weeks before the replacement of the asphalt on the same section of the road. All these few weeks, there are quite deep pits along the new curbs, which are practically invisible in turns, at night, and after rain they generally hide in puddles. It is also unpleasant when the markings on the roads are drawn a month and a half after the asphalt has been replaced. This creates problems, especially on roads with 2 or more lanes in the same direction. 4) In our yard, asphalt was completely re-laid this summer, while the problem of flooding of one section of the yard was not only not solved (despite repeated complaints from residents), but it was even aggravated (earlier, there was a hole in the old curbs, where not very quickly, but still - the water was still leaving, now the curbs are solid and the water is on the entire width of the entrance to the yard). I think the problems of flooding became much more urgent last summer, not only here. For example, on Station Street, a storm sewer grate magically moved from the sidewalk almost to the middle of the roadway, a slight slope was made to the grate, that is, a completely man-made pit was created on the road. Next, cyclists. The bike is good. It is not convenient for everyone to use it as a transport, not everyone likes to ride in principle, but those who are going to ride a bicycle around the metropolis MUST know the traffic rules regarding cyclists. The media actively agitate residents to switch to bicycles, while no one says that a cyclist is also a road user and must comply with traffic rules. I believe that if the city leadership wants to transfer residents to bicycles, it is necessary to somehow familiarize the population with traffic rules, unless of course they want to reduce the number of residents. So far, unfortunate cyclists who are not familiar with traffic rules interfere with both pedestrians and motorists. In general, the ideas of the head of the region are good, but in some places such a monstrous execution that the positive moments are lost. I hope that in the end it will still be possible to live in the city.

Oksana Polishchuk

Moscow has ceased to be a city suitable for human life, and has become a pump for pumping money out of both people and the city. Ugly road policy - unreasonable from the point of view of common sense and the convenience of people, but justified from other points of view. Much has been written and said about this, it makes no sense to repeat it. Moreover, the city authorities act according to the principle "and Vaska listens, but eats." Paid parking, which went to the sleeping areas - this is generally a frank deprivation of money from the population. With one stroke of the pen, the city authorities deprived Muscovites and guests of the city of normal transport system, discarding Moscow in the 90s of the last century. The abolition of the fixed-route taxi system and the introduction of pseudo-minibuses led to the fact that people using surface public transport began to take on average 30-60 minutes more time to travel than before. New metro stations are being opened, but the subway is already "overcrowded" so much that on some branches people can only enter the 3-4 train. Parking and parks, which were first promised, are not being built, and now the authorities say that they do not see the need for them. But they see the need for paid parking! As for small business. In the districts (it doesn't matter whether it's the center or the outskirts), "illegal squatting" was cleared up, along with shoe and clothing repair shops, newsstands, and so on. It is about the basic amenities of the residents. Now the search for a clothes repair shop and buying a familiar newspaper with a TV program turns into a real quest. In short, everything is being done to ensure that Moscow becomes a city with a serious social stratification population. In fact, the authorities see their main tasks as clearing the roadway from the cars of citizens, paving all free spaces with tiles, installing all kinds of monuments, initiatives to put residents on bicycles, etc. At the same time, for some reason, non-Russian firms are engaged in the "improvement" of the city. Orders for design solutions for various projects are placed mainly with Western contractors. The conclusion, in my opinion, is obvious.

Victor Blyudov

The capital has become famous throughout the country for its savage approach to families with children. My son is a year and 10 months without one day. At the age of three, a mother needs to return to work from parental leave. We turn 3 years old on January 11, 2018. But they promise us a kindergarten (and then, if the turn comes up) only on September 1, 2018. When asked, what to do, we are answered that we do not need a kindergarten, since we go in the short stay group. This is a savage deception worthy of the most dangerous sadists. We went to the so-called short stay group because we were assured that there were no places in the nursery, since 95% of the nurseries were closed. In groups of short-term stay, babies are not fed, they stay in these groups from 8-30 to 11-45 without food. Naturally, none of the employers will hire for 2 hours a day, and if they do, then it is impossible to earn money for the baby and a little for yourself in 2 hours of work. And what about families with children if you can’t live on one salary, and it’s impossible to get a second one due to the lack of a nursery? Since the age of one and a half, we have been receiving an allowance for our son from our generous state of 50 (Fifty) rubles, not thousands, but rubles! What if there is only one parent? How to call it? Sadism, if not more, at the state level! And for families with children! Destruction of the weakest, those who cannot answer! Shame on Sobyanin! As a former senior investigator of the prosecutor's office, I assess their actions as at least negligence, which led to the starvation of children, that is, violated the rights of children. Moreover, throughout Russia, except for Moscow, everything is in order with the nursery. Earlier, I turned to Putin about a nursery in Moscow, and I addressed him with a specific proposal to return the garden illegally transferred to housing, located right in front of my window, to a nursery. But I received an answer from Sobyanin's people about how good everything is in Moscow, and about the fact that there are no problems with the nursery in Moscow. CONCLUSION: how do you need to hate your citizens to treat them like that? How much will we endure? As they say in that parody, he wrote to the UN, and received a response from the head of the ZhEKA with a message to all sides of the horizon. And what are the kids to do now? Starve? You can't eat on one paycheck! I propose to put Sobyanin and his family on an average salary of 30 thousand rubles, take away all the benefits from him and see how he will live and work in such conditions so that he understands people.

Mayor of Moscow since October 2010. Previously - Deputy Prime Minister and Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation (2008-2010), Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin (2005-2008), Head of the Administration of the Tyumen Region (2001-2005), First Deputy authorized representative President in the Ural federal district(2000), Chairman of the Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and Head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation and Judicial Legal Issues (1996-2000), Deputy Head of Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (1993), Head of the Administration of the city of Kogalym ( 1990-1993). Member of the supreme council of the United Russia party since 2001. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Channel One OJSC since February 2009.

Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin was born on June 21, 1958 in the village of Nyaksimvol, Berezovsky District, Tyumen Region. In 1975 he moved to Chelyabinsk. He worked at the Chelyabinsk pipe-rolling plant and studied at the correspondence department of the mechanical faculty of the Kostroma Technological Institute. In 1980 he graduated from the institute, headed a team of turners, became a foreman. In 1982 he went to work in the Leninsky district committee of the Komsomol.

In 1984, Sobyanin was sent to the village of Kogalym of the Khanty-Mansiysk District of the Tyumen Region (since 1985 - the city). In 1984-88 he headed the housing and communal services service of Kogalym, in 1988-90 he was deputy head of the organizational department of the Khanty-Mansiysk District Committee of the CPSU. In 1990, he headed the tax inspectorate of Kogalym. In 1991, by order of the head of the administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, Alexander Filipenko, he was appointed head of the administration of Kogalym.

In 1993, Filipenko made Sobyanin his first deputy, and in 1994 ensured his election as speaker of the district Duma. In January 1996, Sobyanin became a member of the upper house of the Russian parliament - the Federation Council. In October of the same year, he was re-elected speaker of the Khanty-Mansiysk Duma. In June 1998, he headed the Federation Council committee on constitutional legislation and judicial and legal issues. In July 2000, he was appointed First Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District Petr Latyshev.

January 14, 2001 Sobyanin was elected governor of the Tyumen region, receiving more than 52 percent of the vote. In December 2001, he was elected a member of the supreme council of the All-Russian party "Unity and Fatherland" - United Russia, later renamed the All-Russian political party "United Russia".

In January 2005, after the law on the abolition of gubernatorial elections came into force, Sobyanin ahead of schedule raised the question of confidence in himself before Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the same month, Putin approved his candidacy and submitted it to the Tyumen Regional Duma for consideration. In February, the Duma unanimously voted for Sobyanin. In October 2005 Tyumen Governor joined the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of priority national projects.

On December 14, 2005, Putin appointed Sobyanin as head of the Russian presidential administration. In this post, he replaced Dmitry Medvedev, who became the first deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation.

In March 2008, Medvedev won the presidential elections. On May 7, 2008, his inauguration took place, and Sobyanin became acting head of the presidential administration. In the same month, he was appointed deputy prime minister and chief of staff of the government headed by Putin.

Since February 2009, Sobyanin has served as chairman of the board of directors of Channel One OJSC.

In October 2010, at the suggestion of Medvedev, the deputies of the Moscow City Duma approved Sobyanin as the new mayor of Moscow instead of Yuri Luzhkov, who was dismissed in September due to a loss of confidence.

Sobyanin is married and has two daughters.

Sobyanin Sergey Semenovich is a famous Soviet and Russian political and public figure. He managed to get through career ladder from an ordinary official to the mayor of Moscow.

Sobyanin has a huge number of adherents and opponents who do not like his tough policy.

At the same time, strange and sometimes ridiculous rumors constantly circulate around the head of the city, which, however, do not spoil his life at all, since Sergey Semenovich is ready to accept any criticism, be responsible for his actions and walk through life with a big smile on his face.

Height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Sobyanin

As a rule, after a political and public figure begins to hold a high position, his voters begin to be interested in everything, including his height, weight, age. How old is Sergei Sobyanin can be clarified in open Internet resources.

It is worth noting that the future mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin, was born in 1958, he recently celebrated his fifty-nine birthday. According to such a zodiac sign as Gemini, he is distinguished by inconstancy, indecision, and a high intellectual level.

According to the eastern horoscope, Sergey Semenovich is a devoted, reliable, purposeful, friendly, faithful and honest Dog.

Sobyanin's nationality has always been controversial, as he claimed to be Russian. However, he is ranked among the small indigenous peoples of Russia - the Mansi, but Sergey says that this is not so and claims that he also had the Komi-Zyryans.

Sobyanin's height reaches a meter and seventy-five centimeters, and the weight is set at around seventy-three kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Sergei Sobyanin

The biography and personal life of Sergei Sobyanin are carefully hidden from the public, however, some facts from it nevertheless became public domain. It is worth noting that Seryozha was born far from the capital in the distant village of Nyaksimvol KhMNO.

The boy did not boast of a high-ranking father, he studied at an ordinary rural school. After its completion, the guy moved to older sister in Kostroma and entered the Institute of Technology, which he graduated with honors.

Later, the young man received a higher legal education in absentia in Ulyanovsk, is a candidate of legal sciences.

Sobyanin held on to party work until 1990, and already from 1991 he headed the tax office of Kogalym, and then the city itself. He constantly got into the district Duma of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, and then headed the committee on local government RF.

In 2001 he headed the Tyumen region, and already in 2004 he became a member of the supreme council of the United Russia government party. Since October 2010, he has become the mayor of Moscow, a position he still holds, and with his policy, the majority of the population of the capital and the region agrees.

At the same time, Sergei Semenovich directed all his efforts in order to create automatic system which will manage public transport. In addition, his plans indicate a constant increase in the gross domestic product of the capital and a rise wages Muscovites by four percent.

Sobyanin is not afraid to take on more global problems, including the fight against traffic congestion, corruption, and trade in unidentified places. Sergei Semenovich specified that he was not going to condone the destruction of buildings that are architectural monuments. He restores their facades and protects them from illegal demolition, which earned the respect of Muscovites.

Sobyanin carried out the demolition of unauthorized commercial buildings, which long years located near metro stations. Sergei Sobyanin repeatedly gave an interview about the renovation program of five-story buildings, in which he said that he was going, starting in 2017, to renovate the housing stock of the capital. At the same time, almost all small-sized "Khrushchev" buildings will be demolished, however, almost all residents of the houses will have to vote for these actions and resettlement.

You should not be afraid that all houses of this type will be demolished immediately, since the program is designed until 2034.

The personal life of the mayor of Moscow is transparent, he calls his wife Irina his only woman. At the same time, he prefers not to comment on rumors about a connection with his assistant Anastasia Rakova at all. He says that he took the woman with him to the administration only because of her business and professional qualities.

Family and children of Sergei Sobyanin

The family and children of Sergei Sobyanin are his pride and support in life. Sergei Semenovich was born in working family in which everyone achieved everything on their own. At the same time, there were even centenarians in it, for example, Sobyanin's grandfather lived up to a hundred years in a sober mind and clear memory.

The Sobyanin family had heroes who took part in the First and Second World Wars. At the same time, out of the five Sobyanin brothers on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War two died, only Sergei's father, Semyon, did not fight, because at that time he was small.

Father - Semyon Sobyanin - could not even finish high school, but headed his native village council.

Mother - Antonina Sobyanina - followed her husband inseparably, she worked as a secretary in the village council and an economist at the same butter factory.

In addition to Sergey, two daughters Natalya and Lyudmila grew up in the family. The eldest became a housewife and went to Kostroma for her husband, and the youngest worked all her life in the construction department.

Sobyanin officially has two daughters from his wife Irina Sobyanina, but evil tongues indicate that there is another girl. Her mother is allegedly Anastasia Rakova, his party comrade and comrade-in-arms. The woman has been working with Sergei Semenovich since the nineties, which is why there are rumors that there was an affair between them that led to the birth of a daughter in 2010. There is unconfirmed evidence that a kindergarten was created for the baby in the city hall building.

Daughter of Sergei Sobyanin - Anna Sobyanina

The daughter of Sergei Sobyanin - Anna Sobyanina - was born in the year of her parents' wedding in 1986, while she was a welcome and beloved baby. Anna has always been an incredibly delicate and beautiful baby.

Anya was simultaneously educated at an elite gymnasium, and also at an art school, because she loved to design and draw. After graduating from the gymnasium, she became an ordinary student at the State Art and Industry Academy of St. Petersburg.

By profession, Anna Sobyanina is an interior designer, including entertainment venues and restaurants. Anna's husband is Alexander Ershov.

Daughter of Sergei Sobyanin - Olga Sobyanina

The daughter of Sergei Sobyanin - Olga Sobyanina - was born in 1997. She has always been an active and athletic girl, while Olga played music and painted.

The youngest daughter received a secondary education in an ordinary metropolitan school, while no concessions were made to her. For a long time she did not know who she wanted to become, but she did not aspire to a career as a politician or civil servant.

At the same time, a scandal erupted around the name of Olya, since in 2010 a huge apartment of 308 squares, located not far from the White House, was registered to her. However, the case was hushed up as soon as possible, since Sobyanin gave plausible explanations for this fact.

The ex-wife of Sergei Sobyanin - Irina Sobyanina

The ex-wife of Sergei Sobyanin - Irina Sobyanina - appeared in the fate of the politician back in 1986 in Kogalym.

Irina moved to the capital, marrying Sergei Semenovich. She never worked as an engineer, but worked as a florist, taught college floristry and worked in kindergarten. Irina's big passion is collecting ceramics.

Irina Sobyanina had nothing to do with politics or business, trying to become support for her husband. At the same time, the couple could not stay afloat, even for the sake of the children, so the marriage broke up in 2014.

Instagram and Wikipedia Sergei Sobyanin

Instagram and Wikipedia of Sergei Sobyanin are official and are available to him for communication with the citizens of Russia. However, on the page consecrated life policy on Wikipedia, it is possible to find up-to-date and reliable information related to childhood, education, family, personal and family life Sobyanin. A lot of data is available about career growth, political views and social activities.

More than 140,000 people have subscribed to the politician’s Instagram page, who can appreciate the photos and videos that are related to Sobyanin’s activities as mayor of Moscow.

To communicate with the public and timely inform the population, Sergei Semenovich uses Twitter and Vkontakte. At the same time, Sobyanin tries to post all the news in a timely manner, giving comments and reacting to the slightest remarks.

Sergei Sobyanin has been Mayor of Moscow since October 21, 2010. Former Deputy Prime Minister of Russia and former Head of the Presidential Administration Sobyanin took office after Yuri Luzhkov, who led the city for 18 years and was fired in 2010 by President Medvedev due to "loss of confidence". Luzhkov was heavily criticized, in particular, for helping his wife, Elena Baturina, the owner of the construction company Inteco and the third largest in the world richest woman profit from construction projects in the city. Ironically, Sobyanin's wife Irina is also engaged in construction business, although she never appeared on the Forbes list.

anarchist blood

Little is known about the roots of Sergei Sobyanin. According to some reports, Sobyanin's ancestors belonged to the Ural Cossacks. The cavalrymen were famous for their participation in the peasant uprising of the 18th century in Russian Empire led by Yemelyan Pugachev, one of the pretenders to the Russian throne, whose resistance inspired anarchism in Russia. Other sources claim that the Sobyanin family could come from the "Mansi", a disappearing northern indigenous people of hunters, fishermen and reindeer herders.

In all major and respected Mansi encyclopedias, Sergei Sobyanin is named among the honorary representatives of this people. But in an autobiography written for the election campaign of the governor of Tyumen in 2001, Sobyanin denied his origins from the Mansi tribe and attributed his own personality to Russian nationality.

The grandfather of the politician, Fyodor Sobyanin, was a fan of the Old Believers, he lived a long time and when his age was over a hundred years old. Its over later years were held in the tiny village of Nyaksimvol, in northern Russia, where Sobyanin's father Semyon was born. Grandfather of Sergei Sobyanin, Alexander Ulanov, was a famous military man. He served in the Russo-Japanese War and World War I, receiving the St. George Cross, the highest military decoration in Russia.

After the 1917 revolution, he served as a prominent Soviet marshal, Semyon Budyonny, then simply as the head of a cavalry division, and then returned to his homeland in a small village in the Chelyabinsk region in the Urals. There he built a large and beautiful two-story house, which played a sad role in his life: the Soviets called him the family "fist" or rich peasant and exiled him to the village of Nyaksimvol in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug in Russia in the Urals. Here the lines of two families intersected to eventually give birth to three children: two daughters (Natalia and Lyudmila), as well as a son, Sergei.


The career growth of Sergei Sobyanin took place in close unity with his family on the path of life:

  • In 1967, the family of Sergei Sobyanin managed to move to the regional center of Berezovo, where both of his parents worked at a local dairy.
  • In 1975, after leaving for local school, Sergey entered the Institute of Technology in Central Russia to Kostroma, one of the ancient cities of the Golden Ring. After graduating from university, he went to Chelyabinsk to work in a large factory for the manufacture of pipes and other building materials. Initially, he served as an apprentice, and after a year and a half he became a master.
  • In 1989 he received his degree. His doctoral dissertation was entitled "The Legal Status of the Autonomous Regions as Federal Subjects of Russia".
  • In 1982, he began working for the Chelyabinsk Komsomol, a Soviet youth association.
  • Two years later, as a promising member of the organization, he was sent to Kogalym in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. There he worked for the "village council" at the lowest level of administrative unit in the countryside - in municipal government economy and local tax administration.

Wife Irina Sobyanina grew up in Tyumen, a northern region rich in oil. Having received a diploma in construction engineering, she was sent to Kagalym, where she met her future husband.

The Sobyanins have two daughters. Anna, born in 1986, studies art in St. Petersburg. Olga, born in 1997, lives in her mother's hometown of Tyumen.

Computer man

A colleague of Sergei Sobyanin called him " an absolute technocrat, for whom the achievement of his goals is the most important thing; very tough and demanding manager; 100 percent "statesman", not liberal." Another colleague called Sobyanin a "human computer", emphasizing his ability to do several things at the same time.

Sobyanin was awarded the Medal of Honor in the field of education and the Medal of Honor of the French Republic in agriculture. He is also the 2003 Russian Person of the Year award winner in the Politician category. The list of his achievements in social and political life can be continued indefinitely.

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