The project is the economy and ecology of the native land. Project work "I and the ecology of my native land". Relevance of research work

Ecology and us

Protection and rational use of flora and fauna.

Done: student

9th grade MOUOO

schools in Yusupovo

Tagirova Fluza

leader: teacher

Russian language MOUOO

Schools in Yusupovo

Nigamaeva E.A.


1. Live nature- the main asset of the Earth.

2. Flora and plant resources.

3. Relationship between flora and fauna.

4. Take care of nature!

Living nature is the main asset of our Earth; human society has developed in its bowels and exists at its expense. It satisfies our nutritional needs and provides the main conditions for the life of people on the planet - the composition of the air environment, protection from cosmic radiation, the purity of water, soil fertility, and climate mitigation.

For a person vegetable world acts as a plant resource. These resources, especially forests, are significant in Bashkortostan. Forests occupy about 39% of the region's territory. In neighboring Tatarstan, the area of ​​forests is only 17% of the territory. Timber reserves allow the development of forestry, wood-chemical and other industries.

The water protection role of forests is very important. They accumulate more snow, which feeds the rivers. Especially important for us are mountain forests that feed rivers and protect mountain slopes from erosion. If the forests are depleted, then irreparable damage can be done not only to Bashkortostan, but also to neighboring regions, since the rivers flowing to the plains will dry up.

Forests are the source of life for numerous herbivorous animals, in close connection with which there are also predatory animals.

From negative qualities, somewhat reducing the value of the forest resources of the republic, we note their uneven distribution. About 70% of the forest area falls on Gorny Bashkortostan, where the forest cover reaches more than 80%. As a result of intensive deforestation, the forest area of ​​Bashkortostan has halved over the past century. The steppe vegetation was damaged due to plowing. The steppe areas also suffer from excessive grazing.

Various animals inhabiting the territory of the republic represent animal resources for us. Like vegetation, animal world severely debilitated. Wild horses, saigas, beavers, and red deer have long since disappeared. The number of bear, otter, mink has decreased. It is sometimes believed that predatory animals bring harm.

Consider the opposite - the positive impact of man on the flora and fauna. This impact is expressed in the protection, rational use and replenishment of plants and animals. Much has been and is being done in this direction.

1. Three reserves have been created - Bashkir State reserve, Shulgantash and South Ural. These reserves are protected rare species animals and plants.

2. Organized 15 state hunting reserves and 12 reserves for the protection of medicinal plants. 148 natural sites have been declared natural monuments.

3. The protection and restoration of forests are being decided - field-protective forest plantations are being created, forest plantations are being carried out, work is underway to prevent forest fires, school forestries and green patrols are being created.

4. Much has been done to protect and replenish animals: valuable animals have been settled - American mink, red deer, muskrat, muskrat, river beaver. The elk population is growing.

5. Many animals are taken under protection, for example Brown bear, deer, roe deer, etc.

6. Stocking of lakes, reservoirs and ponds is carried out.

7. There is a fight against poachers who violate the terms and places of hunting, as well as fishing.

There is much more to be done. It is necessary to abandon the consumer attitude to forest resources. In this case, one should note the principle "as much as you need" on the other - "as much as possible". forest resources are called renewable and exhaustible. We can harvest wood only within the limits of the annual growth of forests, and not as much as you need. "Cut down a tree, plant two," foresters say, but, unfortunately, so far an average of 20,000 hectares are planted in the republic, and 27,000 hectares are cut down.

All our activities will help the wildlife of the region well only if each of us is firmly aware of the importance of caring for the forest, meadows, birds, and animals. Communicating with nature, convince yourself: "This is our common, and therefore my forest, my river, lake. I must protect all this. Who will save this world if not me."

Life practice itself suggests: the ecology of nature without the ecology of the soul is unthinkable. We are terribly destroying the vegetation cover of the earth, proud and independent animals, all the beauty that only holds life.

Nature appears before us in all its beauty and grandeur. We admire her, she disinterestedly gives us joy.

But why, then, are there guys who destroy bird nests, clog springs or rivers, break trees? And then they brutally deal with a cat or a dog ...

How should we educate the current rising generation, the generation of the 21st century? How to develop environmental consciousness, careful attitude to nature? This difficult task. It is not so to develop ecological habits in a person. After all, we do not understand the behavior of those who pluck a flower and do not think about the fact that this flower is dying. What needs to be done so that forests, fields, rivers, our smaller brothers, animals and birds, do not suffer from the cruel hands of poachers? How to stop from ill-conceived actions? In the end, the human being, a part of nature, will suffer.

What ways, forms and methods are used to educate a person who is not indifferent, who will be a real watchman and master of the natural riches of our planet?

Those who forgive should receive answers to questions: why you can’t throw garbage wherever you can light a fire in the forest, why you need to plant flowers and why you can’t break tree branches, and others.

Dear children and guests! Our conference is dedicated to one of the most topical issues of our time, the relationship of man with nature. (tell 1 sheet and abstract).

Your attention is invited to speak on the following topics: Ecological state oil industry in our region, Protection and rational use of flora and fauna, Environmental problems of our region, Protection of the ecological environment is everyone's business.


1. V.N. Kuznetsov. "Ecology of Russia" Reader. JSC "MDS"

Page 4-5.

2. Khismatov M.F., Sukhov V.P. "Geography of Bashkortostan". Textbook for 9th grade. - Ufa: Kitap. Page 41-43.

Ecology and us

Protection and rational use of flora and fauna.

Done: student

9th grade MOUOO

schools in Yusupovo

Tagirova Fluza

leader: teacher

Russian language MOUOO

Schools in Yusupovo

Nigamaeva E.A.


1. Wildlife is the main asset of the Earth.

2. Flora and plant resources.

3. Relationship between flora and fauna.

4. Take care of nature!

Living nature is the main asset of our Earth; human society has developed in its bowels and exists at its expense. It satisfies our nutritional needs and provides the main conditions for the life of people on the planet - the composition of the air environment, protection from cosmic radiation, the purity of water, soil fertility, and climate mitigation.

For humans, the plant world acts as plant resources. These resources, especially forests, are significant in Bashkortostan. Forests occupy about 39% of the region's territory. In neighboring Tatarstan, the area of ​​forests is only 17% of the territory. Timber reserves allow the development of forestry, wood-chemical and other industries.

The water protection role of forests is very important. They accumulate more snow, which feeds the rivers. Especially important for us are mountain forests that feed rivers and protect mountain slopes from erosion. If the forests are depleted, then irreparable damage can be done not only to Bashkortostan, but also to neighboring regions, since the rivers flowing to the plains will dry up.

Forests are the source of life for numerous herbivorous animals, in close connection with which there are also predatory animals.

Of the negative qualities that somewhat reduce the value of the republic's forest resources, we note their uneven distribution. About 70% of the forest area falls on Gorny Bashkortostan, where the forest cover reaches more than 80%. As a result of intensive deforestation, the forest area of ​​Bashkortostan has halved over the past century. The steppe vegetation was damaged due to plowing. The steppe areas also suffer from excessive grazing.

Various animals inhabiting the territory of the republic represent animal resources for us. Like vegetation, the animal world is significantly depleted by man. Wild horses, saigas, beavers, and red deer have long since disappeared. The number of bear, otter, mink has decreased. It is sometimes believed that predatory animals bring harm.

Consider the opposite - the positive impact of man on the flora and fauna. This impact is expressed in the protection, rational use and replenishment of plants and animals. Much has been and is being done in this direction.

1. Three reserves have been created - the Bashkir State Reserve, Shulgantash and Yuzhno-Uralsky. Rare species of animals and plants are protected on the territory of these reserves.

2. Organized 15 state hunting reserves and 12 reserves for the protection of medicinal plants. 148 natural sites have been declared natural monuments.

3. Protection and restoration of forests are being decided - field-protective forest plantations are being created, forest plantations are being carried out, work is underway to prevent forest fires, school forestries and green patrols are being created.

4. Much has been done to protect and replenish animals: valuable animals have been settled - American mink, red deer, muskrat, muskrat, river beaver. The elk population is growing.

5. Many animals are taken under protection, for example, brown bear, maral, roe deer, etc.

6. Stocking of lakes, reservoirs and ponds is carried out.

7. There is a fight against poachers who violate the terms and places of hunting, as well as fishing.

There is much more to be done. It is necessary to abandon the consumer attitude to forest resources. In this case, one should note the principle "as much as you need" on the other - "as much as possible". Forest resources are called renewable and exhaustible. We can harvest wood only within the limits of the annual growth of forests, and not as much as you need. "Cut down a tree, plant two," foresters say, but, unfortunately, so far an average of 20,000 hectares are planted in the republic, and 27,000 hectares are cut down.

All our activities will help the wildlife of the region well only if each of us is firmly aware of the importance of caring for the forest, meadows, birds, and animals. Communicating with nature, convince yourself: "This is our common, and therefore my forest, my river, lake. I must protect all this. Who will save this world if not me."

Life practice itself suggests: the ecology of nature without the ecology of the soul is unthinkable. We are terribly destroying the vegetation cover of the earth, proud and independent animals, all the beauty that only holds life.

Nature appears before us in all its beauty and grandeur. We admire her, she disinterestedly gives us joy.

But why, then, are there guys who destroy bird nests, clog springs or rivers, break trees? And then they brutally deal with a cat or a dog ...

How should we educate the current rising generation, the generation of the 21st century? How to develop ecological awareness, respect for nature? This is a difficult task. It is not so to develop ecological habits in a person. After all, we do not understand the behavior of those who pluck a flower and do not think about the fact that this flower is dying. What needs to be done so that forests, fields, rivers, our smaller brothers, animals and birds, do not suffer from the cruel hands of poachers? How to stop from ill-conceived actions? In the end, the human being, a part of nature, will suffer.

What ways, forms and methods are used to educate a person who is not indifferent, who will be a real watchman and master of the natural riches of our planet?

Those who forgive should receive answers to questions: why you can’t throw garbage wherever you can light a fire in the forest, why you need to plant flowers and why you can’t break tree branches, and others.

Dear children and guests! Our conference is dedicated to one of the most pressing issues of our time - the relationship between man and nature. (tell 1 sheet and abstract).

Your attention is invited to speak on the following topics: Ecological state of the oil industry in our region, Protection and rational use of flora and fauna, Environmental problems of our region, Protection of the ecological environment is everyone's business.


1. V.N. Kuznetsov. "Ecology of Russia" Reader. JSC "MDS"

Page 4-5.

2. Khismatov M.F., Sukhov V.P. "Geography of Bashkortostan". Textbook for 9th grade. - Ufa: Kitap. Page 41-43.

Ecology and we Protection and rational use of flora and fauna. Completed by: a student of the 9th grade of the Yusupovo school, Tagirova Fluza Head: Russian teacher

MKOU "Soldier's Basic Comprehensive School"

Fatezhsky district Kursk region

Extracurricular activity on the topic

"Ecology native land»

Target: formation of a responsible attitude to the nature of the native land.


  • To bring up a careful attitude of students to the nature of their native land;
  • To form an ecological culture of students;
  • Replenish students' knowledge of ecology;
  • Raising a sense of love for one's small homeland and a sense of self-consciousness.

Equipment: Presentations, computer, newspapers on environmental theme, physical map Russia, a globe, an exhibition of books, a memo "Rules of conduct in nature", prohibition signs.

The course of the classroom.

Student: Cutting the ice, we change the course of the rivers

We repeat that there is a lot of work,

But, we still come to ask for forgiveness

These rivers, dunes and marshes.

At the gigantic sunrise

At the smallest fry,

As long as you don't feel like thinking about it,

We don't have time for that right now... not yet.

Airfields, piers and platforms,

Forests without birds and lands without water,

Less and less nature

More environment.

Teacher: Man is not alone in this world. There is an environment around it. The environment is the water that we drink and of which we are made, this is the air we breathe, this is the soil on which we grow plants, this is the animals that live in nature.

All this existed long before the appearance of man, and with the advent of man, this whole set of objects changed.

The most terrible of catastrophes is man-made, i.e. destruction of man by man. Even at the dawn of the 20th century, V.I. Vernadsky said that humanity is becoming ecological and even cosmic force. And everyone living on Earth can be convinced of the correctness of these words: humanity shakes the earth, changes its appearance. And nature takes revenge on people for such a victory. Land is not a state, it cannot be divided. It is impossible to separate nature. It lives according to its own laws: birds, fish, animals, insects, winds and waters move across the Earth, as they moved hundreds and even tens of thousands of years ago, without asking permission.

There is a lot of water on Earth, but it is necessary for life - fresh water- about 3%. But high yields, human life, all living things and much more depend on prosperity clean water, quality. And for this it is necessary to drill wells, deepen wells, dig channels, build expensive purification systems and, despite this, people suffer without water.

(Appendix No. 1 The value of water Babukhina Anastasia.)

Teacher: The forests are the guardians underground water. Amazing Ability living tree - evaporate moisture, 1 hectare of birch forest evaporates 47 thousand liters of water per day.

The role of the World Ocean is great. We call it "limitless", inexhaustible. But today the ocean is powerless against human activity, and not only because millions of tons of oil during transportation cover the water surfaces of the ocean with an iridescent film.

Clean air is becoming scarce on our planet. Taking oxygen for his needs and throwing out huge clouds of carbon dioxide and other gases, man destroys the man in man. In Belarus, thyroid disease in children has increased 100 times due to environmental pollution. After all, you can't put the whole of humanity in gas masks, you can't pass the entire atmosphere through filters and you can't fence off one area from another. Atmospheric contamination Chernobyl nuclear power plant reached Chita. On the indivisible Earth, the most indivisible thing is the atmosphere, and its pollution is the universal misfortune of mankind. The earth is not only our breadwinner, it is our home, it is the place where we live, relax, and experience the world. This is the secret of the UNIVERSE. The rhythms of our planet are inextricably linked with the rhythm of life of all living things. And if we, people, do not remember the main thing - the biosphere is an integral formation, and we, with our pride and reasonableness, are only a part of it. And if we want to preserve humanity, we must preserve the nature of the Earth.

It is our duty to remember this. Remember and get involved in the work of protecting nature. This work is in the name of humanity and humanity.

Student: Earth, what is it?

The earth gives birth to transparent streams and streams, millions of stems and ears of corn, sends birds into the clouds, animals into the forests. The earth takes into itself all the rains, snows, fogs, shaggy seeds and smooth grains.

Mighty Volga smooth open spaces,

Not knowing the edge of the expanse of the steppes

Forests, fields, valleys, rivers, mountains,

The whole bright face of my homeland.

Our planet is called earth by misunderstanding. Water accounts for 4/5 of the territory, but it is unevenly distributed on the planet. And it is necessary for people, plants, enterprises. But fresh water is getting scarce.

80% of diseases are associated with the use of poor quality water. The water of rivers, seas, oceans will contain tens of thousands of tons of various harmful salts, toxic substances, oil products.

Teaching: black spots .

The gray-haired ocean rattles the alarm,

He harbors resentment in the depths.

Black spots sway

On a steep, angry wave.

People became strong, like gods,

And the fate of the EARTH is in their hands,

But terrible burns darken

At the globe on the sides

We have long mastered the planet

The new age is marching on.

There are no white spots on the EARTH,

Black. Will you erase, man?

Teacher: The problems of rational use of the resources of the world's oceans can be solved only if all states cooperate closely.

Seas and oceans, rivers and lakes make up 80% of the land surface. Marine plants enrich the air with oxygen more than land plants. Ocean heat affects the Earth's climate. The ocean is the kitchen of the weather.

Student: I dream of a mute as a stone Earth,

And the sky, naked, without a bird,

And the sea without fish and without a ship, Dry, empty eye sockets,

Teacher: The scale of human impact on nature is constantly increasing.

Where is the exit?

Scientists propose to create non-waste production in order not to dump dirty water into the rivers, at the enterprises to build treatment facilities.

Student: A cry for help.

And nature is again extremely simple,

That is dressed in colorful feathers ....

It's not her beauty that surprises me,

Her patience is amazing.

And when through the asphalt of the petals five

Breaks after midnight, I do not rejoice in the power of the EARTH.

For me, this is first and foremost a cry for help!

Teacher:"Cleanliness is the key to health." And we are scared to imagine what our planet with its streets and cities would have turned into if we had not taken out the garbage. In 10-15 years, it would cover our planet with a layer 5 meters thick. It is impossible to burn waste, because. while soil, air, water are polluted and a lot of toxic gases are released. Speaking of environmental protection, we should also be aware of the health of our apartments, where we spend most of our lives.

(Annex No. 2 The health of our apartments Igin Nikta.)

Teacher: More expensive than gold, more expensive than silver is the nature surrounding us, and the future of our Earth depends on us!

We are under responsibility

And the whole Earth and the whole country.

The future of our planet EARTH, oceans, fields, seas, lakes, rivers is in our hands.

(Appendix No. 3 Research work. Environmental protection from household waste. Gribanova Marina)


Revolving in space in the circle of its orbit,

Not a year, not two, billions of years,

I'm so tired, my flesh is covered

Scars of wounds, there is no living place.

Torments the pitch of my sick soul,

And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers.

All that I had and have

A person considers his good,

I don't need rockets and shells

But my ore goes to them.

And what does the state of Nevada cost me?

His underground explosions are a series,

Why are people so afraid of each other?

What have you forgotten about your Earth?

'Cause I can die and stay

A charred grain of sand in a smoky haze.


Teacher: Attitude towards living things is a continuous contradictory act of consciousness, mind, feelings, will of a person. And only in human soul there is a place for beauty. A person becomes more moral due to the fact that he is seized by the desire to preserve and protect the environment.

Save Nature wonderful creations

From careless extermination,

Such is the call! This is our law.

But still he achieves little,

As long as there is no striving for consciousness,

Bringing only destruction into nature.

But we are the masters of our Earth.

Correct use found

By knowing the NATURE of our dear.

From time immemorial, nature has faithfully served man.

Today, the joys and wisdom of nature turn into pain, wealth - loss, kindness - harshness. There is such an expression "flowering land". This is the name of the land where the knowledge, experience of people, their attachment to nature truly work wonders.

Being in the forest, on the river, follow the rules fire safety, do not allow the breakage of shrubs, felling trees, clogging the area, ruining anthills, nesting birds.

Student: Just take care of this earth

Save the EARTH! Take care!

Butterfly on dodder leaves.

On the path - sun glare,

On the stones of a playing crab.

On the grave, the shadow of the baobab,

The hawk hovering over the field

Crescent above the river expanse,

A swallow flickering in the field!

Take care of the Earth, take care!

Teacher: Guys, now we turn to you. When you are in the forest, fishing, on vacation, in the field, take care of our nature, the nature of our native village.

We will decorate our land, protect it,

Our land will be prettier, flourish.

On vacation (scene)

We came to the river to spend Sunday,

They sit here and they sit there, they rest as they want,

Hundreds of adults and children.

We walked along the bank and found a clearing,

But in a sunny clearing here and there empty jars.

And as if we are evil - even broken glass.

We walked along the bank, found a new place,

But here, before us, they also sat, drank, also ate,

They burned a fire, burned paper, littered and left.

We passed, of course.

"Hey guys!" - shouted Dima, -

Here's a place anywhere

Spring water,

Amazing view, beautiful beach

Unpack your luggage.

We bathed and sunbathed

They burned a fire, played football,

They drank kvass, ate sweets,

They sang songs in a round dance,

And they stayed in the clearing by the extinct fire

Two banks we broke

Two wet donuts

In a word, a mountain of garbage.

We came to the river to spend Monday,

But there is no free place near the river.

And only in the human soul there is a place for beauty.

Nature demands a reward

For precious fruits

And only one thing nature needs

For people to be kind to her

Student: Cry from the heart

I love you big time

But please, listen to me

Don't kill the last bear

Let him walk in the dark depths.

Do not destroy the last swamp

Have mercy on the hunted wolf,

To leave something on Earth.

What hurts in my chest.


What is ecology?

Which ecological problems exist in our area, village?

What measures can you suggest to protect the nature of our village?

What measures are being taken to eliminate environmental problems in our village, district?

What rare and protected plants are found in our village, region?

What protected animals of the Kursk region do you know?

What protected animals can be found in the forests of our village?

What are the specially protected areas of the Kursk region?

What can each of us do to improve the ecological condition of our village?

Used Books

1 Encyclopedia "Wikipedia"

2Red Book of the Russian Federation.

3Red Data Book of the Kursk Territory

4 Nature and people M., education 1990

"I and the ecology of my native land"

(environmental project)

Stage I - preparatory

    nature and me

    Ecological problems

II stage - research

Stage III - generalization of materials

I stage - preparatory

Project object- forest plantation, park, trees.

Project subject– excursions to the park, forest plantation, cleaning the territory, protecting trees, maintaining cleanliness and order.

Project Hypothesis- thanks to excursions, cleaning of territories, protection of trees, it is more effective to form research skills.

The goals of the project are to form ecological consciousness, to study the impact of conducting excursions, cleaning the territory, protecting trees on the formation of research skills.

Project objectives:

1) Find out the state of the park, forest plantations.

2) Study and analyze the literature on this issue.

3) Research work "I and the ecology of my native land."

    nature and me(Soothing music playing).

Hello, my native land,

With your dark forests

With your great river

And boundless fields!

For each person, the concept of "Fatherland" is inextricably linked with nature. River, bank, grain fields and Birch Grove, taiga and steppe - all these pictures familiar from childhood merge into a single big image Motherland. To educate in the younger generation responsibility for the fate of nature and love for it and one of critical tasks today in performing multiplication natural resources. We must preserve and beautify our land.

It is impossible not to love your land, its unique nature, which is not only an object of admiration, creative strength and health, but also of great importance natural resource- the source of wealth of our Motherland.

The words noted by D.K.Ushinsky: “Wouldn’t the freedom, and the open space, the beautiful surroundings of the town, and these fragrant ravines and swaying fields, and pink spring and golden autumn, be beautiful.”

    Ecological problems

The study of nature cannot be imagined without direct observation and study of objects and natural phenomena; it is rather difficult to study without excursions. Is it possible to form conscious knowledge, for example, about the forest without direct access to nature? No!

We decided to conduct an ecological excursion to the park, to the forest plantation.

Ecological excursions has its own specifics. It lies in the fact that during the excursion, in addition to educational tasks, environmental problems are also solved.

During this excursion, we paid attention to the issue of nature conservation. We already knew that plants should be handled with care, not to break branches of trees and shrubs, not to uproot flowering plants, do not pick flowers from them. We were told about the Red Book and explained that everything in nature is interconnected and harmonious, and our task is to preserve this amazing and multifaceted world. We were entrusted with the performance of some useful work aimed at identifying disturbances in nature.

We found out the state of green spaces, the degree of trampling down of park sites, forest plantations. Such work aroused great interest in us, the desire to do something useful, helps to cultivate a careful attitude towards nature.

II stage - Research

Both in the park and in the forest plantation one of the most beautiful trees - birches - is planted.

On the meadow, on the hill,

By the window, among the fields

Blond birches - a symbol

My motherland!

The birch is a symbol of Russia, because we have so many of them. A symbol of youth, beauty, poetry. Sweet, simple, eternally young Russian birch.

In our country, birch is the most common hardwood. We have up to forty species of birch. And in the first place - warty birch. Well-known and birch - fluffy. They are very similar.

And how amazingly good a birch is in spring in a green dress. The light she studies can warm a chilled soul. How many songs have been composed about her, how many poems have been written! And everything seems small! For example, V. Musatov has a poem "Birches".


The yellow leaf in the forest is spinning

And birch trees lie at the feet ...

Having met very coldy

With bare head

Birches won't catch a cold

Legs hidden under the leaves.

No other country has as many birches as we do in Russia. Birch and in songs, and in riddles, and in fairy tales. And how many rivers, villages, villages are named after our cheerful birch.

A birch grows in Volgograd, grows on the land that has survived 200 fiery days. She remembers the ruined city, the bomb explosions, the rivers of blood, the moans of the dying. Here stood to die soviet soldiers, survived and won.

For me, birch is a part of Russia.

She is, and will be, and was.

Knowing about the beauty and usefulness of birches, people do not think about their protection, they release cattle, tear them for brooms, some boys break branches, in early spring they hurt birches to extract juice. And we, with the whole class, also connected our parents to take patronage over the park and forest plantation. We often visit our sponsored places, take care of trees, remove garbage, make sure that people do not drive cattle into the park. We examine small wounds on a birch. The birch wound was healed with Garden Var glue to heal faster. After the end of juice secretion, the wound was smeared with oil paint. Seeing how the kids diligently take care of the trees, and the population of our village has already begun to litter less, let out livestock. We understand that everything in nature is interconnected, I would like to end with B. Zakhoder's poem "About everyone in the world."

Needed in the world.

And midges are no less needed than elephants

You can't do without absurd monsters

Even without evil and ferocious predators!

Everything in the world is needed!

Everything is needed -

Who makes honey and who makes poison.

Bad deeds for a cat without a mouse,

A mouse without a cat is no better off.

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone

We all really need each other.

And if someone seems superfluous

That, of course, would be a mistake.

III stage - Generalization of materials

In order to have something to remember, we decided to plant a birch each in the spring.

We already know the rules for planting trees: first, we dig holes to such a depth that the roots of the seedling fit in the hole; then, one holds a birch stalk by the stalk, and the other fills the hole with soil; we form a hole so that the water does not flow down the sides when watering. We all love planting trees.

All people should take care of the trees, water them every day. If people pollute the air, there will be fewer trees. People, do not pollute the Earth!

At the end of my speech, I turn to all the guys.

There are a lot of us guys

May each of us

Even a bush for the garden

Will plant now.

May it be better and more beautiful

Itself, like spring,

Becomes our

Ecology and us

Protection and rational use of flora and fauna.

Done: student

9th grade MOUOO

schools in Yusupovo

Tagirova Fluza

leader: teacher

Russian language MOUOO

Schools in Yusupovo

Nigamaeva E.A.


1. Wildlife is the main asset of the Earth.

2. Flora and plant resources.

3. Relationship between flora and fauna.

4. Take care of nature!

Living nature is the main asset of our Earth; human society has developed in its bowels and exists at its expense. It satisfies our nutritional needs and provides the main conditions for the life of people on the planet - the composition of the air environment, protection from cosmic radiation, the purity of water, soil fertility, and climate mitigation.

For humans, the plant world acts as plant resources. These resources, especially forests, are significant in Bashkortostan. Forests occupy about 39% of the region's territory. In neighboring Tatarstan, the area of ​​forests is only 17% of the territory. Timber reserves allow the development of forestry, wood-chemical and other industries.

The water protection role of forests is very important. They accumulate more snow, which feeds the rivers. Especially important for us are mountain forests that feed rivers and protect mountain slopes from erosion. If the forests are depleted, then irreparable damage can be done not only to Bashkortostan, but also to neighboring regions, since the rivers flowing to the plains will dry up.

Forests are the source of life for numerous herbivorous animals, in close connection with which there are also predatory animals.

Of the negative qualities that somewhat reduce the value of the republic's forest resources, we note their uneven distribution. About 70% of the forest area falls on Gorny Bashkortostan, where the forest cover reaches more than 80%. As a result of intensive deforestation, the forest area of ​​Bashkortostan has halved over the past century. The steppe vegetation was damaged due to plowing. The steppe areas also suffer from excessive grazing.

Various animals inhabiting the territory of the republic represent animal resources for us. Like vegetation, the animal world is significantly depleted by man. Wild horses, saigas, beavers, and red deer have long since disappeared. The number of bear, otter, mink has decreased. It is sometimes believed that predatory animals bring harm.

Consider the opposite - the positive impact of man on the flora and fauna. This impact is expressed in the protection, rational use and replenishment of plants and animals. Much has been and is being done in this direction.

1. Three reserves have been created - the Bashkir State Reserve, Shulgantash and Yuzhno-Uralsky. Rare species of animals and plants are protected on the territory of these reserves.

2. Organized 15 state hunting reserves and 12 protection reserves medicinal plants. 148 natural sites have been declared natural monuments.

3. Protection and restoration of forests are being decided - field-protective forest plantations are being created, forest plantations are being carried out, work is underway to prevent forest fires, school forestries and green patrols are being created.

4. Much has been done to protect and replenish animals: valuable animals have been settled - American mink, red deer, muskrat, muskrat, river beaver. The elk population is growing.

5. Many animals are taken under protection, for example, brown bear, maral, roe deer, etc.

6. Stocking of lakes, reservoirs and ponds is carried out.

7. There is a fight against poachers who violate the terms and places of hunting, as well as fishing.

There is much more to be done. It is necessary to abandon the consumer attitude to forest resources. In this case, one should note the principle "as much as you need" on the other - "as much as possible". Forest resources are called renewable and exhaustible. We can harvest wood only within the limits of the annual growth of forests, and not as much as you need. "Cut down a tree, plant two," foresters say, but, unfortunately, so far an average of 20,000 hectares are planted in the republic, and 27,000 hectares are cut down.

All our activities will help the wildlife of the region well only if each of us is firmly aware of the importance of caring for the forest, meadows, birds, and animals. Communicating with nature, convince yourself: "This is our common, and therefore my forest, my river, lake. I must protect all this. Who will save this world if not me."

Life practice itself suggests: the ecology of nature without the ecology of the soul is unthinkable. We are terribly destroying the vegetation cover of the earth, proud and independent animals, all the beauty that only holds life.

Nature appears before us in all its beauty and grandeur. We admire her, she disinterestedly gives us joy.

But why, then, are there guys who destroy bird nests, clog springs or rivers, break trees? And then they brutally deal with a cat or a dog ...

How should we educate the current rising generation, the generation of the 21st century? How to develop ecological awareness, respect for nature? This is a difficult task. It is not so to develop ecological habits in a person. After all, we do not understand the behavior of those who pluck a flower and do not think about the fact that this flower is dying. What needs to be done so that forests, fields, rivers, our smaller brothers, animals and birds, do not suffer from the cruel hands of poachers? How to stop from ill-conceived actions? In the end, the human being, a part of nature, will suffer.

What ways, forms and methods are used to educate a person who is not indifferent, who will be a real watchman and master of the natural riches of our planet?

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