Thematic planning in the middle group “Travel along an ecological trail. Project "ecological trail" Organization of excursions along the ecological trail

Date ___________

Topic of the week: Ecological trail.

Final lesson: exhibition of children's works from natural material"Gifts of Autumn"

Goal: mastering basic norms of behavior in relation to nature, developing skills in rational environmental management in Everyday life, development of cognitive interest in the natural world.

Tasks: 1. Involve children in observing nature and the surrounding reality, developing cognitive activity.

2. Introduce new natural objects, develop attentiveness, observation, ingenuity, learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships, think, formulate conclusions, and defend your opinion.

3. Teach correct behavior in nature using the example of literary works by E. Charushin and V. Bianchi.

4. Cultivate interest in the world around you and love for nature, broaden your horizons.

OD of children and adults


Physical development

Organization of OA

based on motor activity in integration with cognitive activity.

Subject:Number 5

Target:Introduce number 5. Reinforce the idea of quantitative composition numbers 5 from units.

2. Physical development. (physical training on the street)

Subject:Exercise in alternating walking and running.

Goal: Practice alternating walking and running; develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball, dexterity in walking between objects.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation"The earth is our common home".

Reading "Forest Newspaper"V. Bianchi.

On a walk, bird watching in the area.

P\ and «Day Night".

Gymnastics after sleep “Birds”

Game - quiz“Earth is the planet on which we live”.

Environmental situations for children:

What would the Earth be like without water?

What is needed to keep the air clean?

Why is the forest dying?

What can you do to preserve and enhance nature? Etc.

Fairy tale dramatization"Fox, cat and rooster"

Enter the necessary attributes for the game.

Individual conversations and consultations at the request of parents.

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners


Speech development

Organization of OD based on speech activity in integration with motor and visual activity.

1.Physical development (physical culture).

Subject:Exercise children in walking and running with clear fixation of turns (landmark - cube or pin)

Goal: To train children in walking and running with clear fixation of turns (the reference point is a cube or pin); develop dexterity in exercises with the ball, coordination of movements in balance tasks.

2.Speech development (learning to read and write).

Subject:“Words and syllables” - consolidation. A syllable as part of a word, a graphic representation of the word (rectangle). Reading proverbs. Game exercise “Connect correctly”, “Who lives in which house”.

Target:Continue to introduce a variety of words.Encourage independent reading of proverbs.

3.Artistic aesthetic development(drawing).

Subject:Gold autumn.

Target:Teach children to reflect in a drawing their impressions of the golden autumn, to convey its color; consolidate the ability to draw a variety of trees using different colors for trunks.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation:“Garbage does not suit the Earth...”

Reading and memorizing A. Usachev’s poem “Garbage Fantasy”

View the presentation “Where does garbage come from and where does it go?”

On a walk, observing the trees on the site.

P\ and “Sunny Bunny”

Gymnastics after sleep “Birds”

Watching the film "The Most best planet in the Galaxy"

Goal: to generate interest in the problem ecological crisis on Earth and the consequences of human activities; to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around us, to understand its conditions from human actions; cultivate a love for nature.

Literary day “We read L.N. Tolstoy

Goal: To introduce children to the famous author of children's books and his works.

Individual work with Andrey N, Tanya - continue to develop and improve motor skills (climbing, crawling, landing in jumps).

Presentation “Where does garbage come from and where does it go?”

Video recording of the film “The Best Planet in the Galaxy.”

QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PARENTS"Environmental education in the family"

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners


Socio-communicative development.

Organization of OA

based on communicative activities in integration with cognitive, research and constructive activities.

1.Cognitive development(FCCM).

Subject:"Friendly family"

Target:Summarize and systematize children’s ideas about the family.

Expand ideas about the ancestral roots of the family; intensify cognitive interest in family and loved ones. Strengthen knowledge of the names and patronymics of parents, grandparents. Develop speech. Cultivate a sense of pride in your family, a desire to take care of loved ones.

2. Cognitive development. (PIPKD).


Target:Getting to know the word “transforms”, searching for transformations. Development of the ability to record the action of transformation based on the use of pairs of words: “was - will be”, “was - became (becomes)”, for example: the tiger cub was small, will (become) big. Formation of the action of transformation based on practical actions with plasticine and rubber.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation " What do we know about water?

Experimental activities: “Fluidity of water”, “Coloring of water”, “How to push water out?”

Goal: to introduce children to some properties of water

Watching the sun while walking.

P\ and : “Earth, water, fire, air”, “Higher than your feet from the ground.”

Didactic exercise "Guess by description"

Memorizing the poem by N. Grigorieva “Song of the Rain”

Conversation " Fire safety»

Looking at illustrations.

Drawing in coloring books.

Containers with water (cold and warm), paint, stirring sticks, measuring cups. A measuring container with water, pebbles, an object in the container.

Joint drawing of parents and children “Take care of the Earth”

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners


Cognitive development

Organization of OA

based on cognitive activity in integration with artistic and aesthetic activity.

1. Cognitive development (FEMP).

Subject:Number 6.

Target:Introduce the number 6. Learn to form the number 6 from ones.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (application).

Subject:Autumn carpet.

Target:Strengthen the ability to work with scissors. Practice cutting out simple objects from paper folded in half (flowers, leaves). Develop the ability to choose colors beautifully.

3. Physical development (physical culture).

Topic: Exercises for children in walking and running with clear recording of turns (the reference point is a cube or pin)

Target:Exercise children in walking and running with clear fixation of turns (the reference point is a cube or pin); develop dexterity in exercises with the ball, coordination of movements in balance tasks.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation "The forest is rich and beautiful! Take care of your forests!”

Did. game "Ecological traffic light"

While walking, observing the weather.

Labor activity.

Collecting sticks and broken branches.

Goal: to encourage the desire to work, to do the work cleanly and accurately.

P. game "Owl"; "Rope"

Gymnastics after sleep: “Birds”

Reading fairy tales about nature conservation “Grey Riding Hood and the Red Wolf”, “Once Upon a Time There Was a River”

Objectives: to introduce tales about nature; develop the ability to see and feel the beauty of native nature; awaken love and caring attitude towards native nature and to all living things; teach correct behavior in nature.

Conversation “Caring for living nature”

Goal: To introduce children to the rules of behavior in nature (prohibitory signs). Learn to treat all living things with care.

Independent motor activity of children with physical equipment: jump ropes, hoops, balls, skittles.

Equipment for work: dustpans, brooms, garbage bag.

For play activities: jump ropes, hoops, balls.

ConsultationForparentsontopic: « Ecologicalraising children in a family."

Priority types of children's activities

OD of children and adults

Educational activities in special moments for the implementation of educational topics based on the integration of various types of activities

Individual OD for children (types of activities and corresponding forms of work)

Design of a subject-spatial environment within the framework of the implementation of an educational topic

Interaction with parents/social partners


Artistic and aesthetic development

Organization of OA

based on visual activities in integration with musical activities.

1.Speech development (speech development)

Subject: Sound culture speeches

Target:Find out how children master the skills that were developed in the older group.

2. Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing).

Subject:Think about what a beautiful autumn holiday could beleaf"

Target:Strengthen the ability to convey the complex shape of a sheet. Develop associative connections. Practice neat, beautiful painting.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development (musical activity)

according to the music director's plan.

Reception of children.

Carrying out a UG (complex No. 2)

Conversation about nature conservation.

On a walkobservation of seasonal changes that have occurred in nature.

P\ and “Birds in their nests”, “Higher than your feet off the ground.”

Independent activity. Drawing on the sand

Readingecological fairy tale: “Who Decorates the Earth”, “A Mighty Blade of Grass”.

Gymnastics after sleep “Birds”

D/game"Make a picture"

Ecological quiz"Nature Experts"

Looking at illustrations of autumn forest.

Role-playing games.

Illustrations on the topic.

Replenishing the book corner.

Poster “Take care of this planet, because there is no other in the world”

PLAN of work for ecological trail:

“All seasons on an ecological path”

Children's age: preparatory group.

Location: ecological path on the territory kindergarten.

View points of the path:“Linden tree”, “Birch trees”, “Meadow”, “Alpine hill”, “Flower bed”, “Old stumps”, “Spruce”, “Chestnut”, “Pines”, “Stones on the ecological site”, “Mini- water".


1. Lesson “Hello, I’m Lesovichok”Introducing newly arrived children to the owner of the environmental

paths – Lesovichkom. Working with a map.

2. Sightseeing tour along the ecological trail.The task is to introduce the objects of the ecological trail,

show how to use the map.

3. Target walk “Trees and shrubs”.Comparison different plants, highlighting common and distinctive

signs of trees and shrubs, fixing namestrees (birch, linden, chestnut, spruce, pine) and shrubs

(lilac, fir).

4. Observation “Stump - teremok”.Study of insects and spiders - inhabitants of the stump.

5. Observation of trees and shrubs.Observing the change in color of tree leaves and

bushes, behind flowering plants (which plants bloomedin the summer, what now). Conversation about why blooming

plantsthere is so little left. Bird watching.Games “Run to the tree”, “Find a leaf according to the pattern”, “Find

shrub (tree, flower, grass) as described.”

6. Collecting seeds in a flower bed, transplanting annual flowers intopots (geranium).


1. Target walk “To Berezka”.The goal is to continue to introduce children to trees, their structure,

appearance, develop observation skills, tell aboutthe role of birch in human life (birch

sap, birchkidneys).

2. Observation of trees. What is leaf fall? Studyingleaves of trees with contrasting colors.

Long-termobserving birch, linden, chestnut - how color changestheir leaves. Study:

“Which tree will remain without leavesbefore others."

3. Bird watching: which birds remained for the winter.

4. Observing herbs: how they have changed.

5. Study of the dependence of sand characteristics on weather conditions (warm when sunny; cold and

hard during frosts; dry, crumbles in your hands when the sun shines; if you water from a watering can,

becomes wet, darkens).

6. Games for walks: “What first, what then”, “Which tree is the leaf from”, “Run to the tree”, “Chain of words”

(children name trees, bushes, birds, berries).

7. Work on walks. Collection of natural materials for crafts:

cones, chestnuts, leaves.


1. Cycle of observations “Visiting the Christmas tree.” Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the characteristics of spruce, introduce the concepts: “needles”, “evergreen”, “needles”, talk about the benefits of spruce.

2. Sightseeing tour along the ecological trail “Hello, winters - winter!” Getting to know winter phenomena in inanimate nature. Observing birds at feeders and feeding them.

3. Watching the snow. Snow exploration: cold, powdery, sticky, white, dirty. Conducting the experiment “How water turns into ice.” Making colored ice cubes.

4. Labor: clearing the area of ​​snow. Construction of snow slides and snowmen.

5. Games for walks: “Who is not afraid of frost”, “Describe it, and I will guess” (birds at the feeder), “Who knows, let him continue”, “Pathfinders” (bird tracks, cat tracks, dog tracks).


1. Comparison of spruce and pine (pine has longer, softer and lighter needles; cones are short, round; pine is taller than spruce, etc.).

2. Walk “Help Lesovich.” Goal: to consolidate the knowledge about nature acquired in the classroom in a playful way; develop strength, agility, attention, accuracy.

3. Observations on the properties of snow. During a snowfall, examine snowflakes through a magnifying glass, determine the shape, count the rays, admire the beauty of the snowflakes, and figure out what they look like. Listen to how the snow creaks, determine in what weather it creaks.

4. Observations of birds: sparrows, tits, crows, magpies. Compare the behavior of birds at feeders and their appearance.

5. Research “Where the snow melts faster.” Bring two cups of snow into the group, wrap one in a mitten. Observe where the snow melts faster.

6. Find and examine a spruce tree thrown away after the holidays, compare it with a living one growing on an ecological path. How can you save spruce?

7. Labor: feeding birds, removing snow, creating buildings from snow.

8. In heavy snowfall, “help” some trees by shaking off some of the snow from the branches.


1. Lesson “Wintering birds”. Goal: to summarize observations of wintering birds, to instill in children a caring attitude towards animals.

2. Target walk “Visiting the trees.” Signs of winter.

3. Observations of snowdrifts. Where do they come from? (In a blizzard, the wind blows snow, which lingers on high places).

4. Observation of the wind (winter wind is angry, icy, prickly, cold, fierce).

5. Bird watching. Conducting the study: pour grain, seeds, pieces of lard into one feeder, and only bread into the others. Observe what birds will fly to these feeders.

6. Games for walks: “What has changed”, “Pathfinders” (compare the tracks of a crow and sparrows), “Find by name”, “When it happens”.

7. Work on walks: clearing paths of snow, feeding birds.


1. Study “How to recognize a plant.” Comparing a tree and a shrub, identifying them distinctive features. Study of plant parts.

2. Excursion along the ecological path “Hello, spring!” (in the end of the month). Search for the first signs of spring (snow settling near tree trunks, buds on lilacs, icicles on sunny sides of roofs, etc.).

3. Observation of snow: sometimes it comes with rain, the snow cover has become gray, warm weather snow is sticky. What is present.

4. Observation of icicles. Comparison of icicles on the sunny side of the building and on the shady side.

5. Observation of trees. Why did craters appear near tree trunks?

6. Bird watching: the voices of birds that feel the approach of spring are increasingly heard.

7. Research: place your palm under the sun's rays to find out whether the sun has become warmer.

8. Research: touch the water dripping from the icicles (the water is still very cold, so the plants are just beginning to wake up after winter, but are not growing yet).

9. Collecting branches broken off by the wind. Observation in a group of branches placed in water and tree branches on the site.

10. Games for walks: “Run to the tree”, “They fly - they don’t fly”, “Pathfinders”, “Find by description”.

11.Work on walks: removing snow from the area, sprinkling sand on the paths.


1. Target walk. Goal: to teach to see the beauty of nature, enjoy it, strive to preserve it.

2. Study “What happens to the kidneys.”

3. Observation of the drop. What does the expression “drops ring” mean? Why is this natural phenomenon called “drops”?

4. Observation of buds on trees (birch, linden). How do they change?

5. Research “Where the icicle grows faster.” Place two identical icicles in different places(in the sun and in the shade).

6. Games for a walk: “Find a tree by description”, “Riddle - we will guess”, “Edible - inedible”, “Birds”.

7. Earth Day holiday.

8. Competition for parents: “The birds have arrived” (making birds from natural material).

9. Children's drawing competition “Portrait of the Earth”.

10.Environmental action “To make trees big” -cleanup with the participation of parents, whitewashing

trees,digging up the earth around the trees, watering the trees. Childrencollecting garbage on the site.

1. Excursion along the ecological path. Searching for signs of spring (Changing the color of the sky, the amount of sunlight, melting icicles, drops, the appearance of thawed patches, swelling of buds on trees and shrubs).

2. Observation of puddles and streams. Where do they come from? (Note the increase in temperature during the day, which leads to melting of snow, and consequently to the formation of puddles and streams).

3. Bird watching.

4. Observation of lilacs. Why do lilac leaves bloom earlier than other trees? Observation of lilac flowers.

5. Observation of insects. How do they move? In which places are there more of them?

6. Target walk “To the meadow”. Observing herbs and flowers in the meadow.

“Flower Day” - preparing flower beds, loosening the soil, plantingflower seeds into the ground.

"May Bouquet" - growing tulips and daffodilsVictory Day, cleaning the area near the Memorial



1. Observing a dandelion.

2. Cycle of observations “Pine in summer”. The relationship of a tree with other plants and animals; medicinal properties wood, research of resin - oleoresin.

3. Holiday “There was a birch tree in the field.”

4. Labor: cleaning up garbage (candy wrappers, pieces of paper) on the ecological path; watering flowers on an alpine hill.

5. Games during walks: all nature history games are repeated.


1. Observation of the linden tree - a honey plant. Studying linden flowers, observing the insects that visit them.

2. Observation of the leaves of trees and shrubs. Comparing them by color and shape.

3. A series of observations of ladybugs.

4. A series of observations of soldier beetles.

5. Observations “Who lives in the pond” (the inhabitants of the pond).


1. Talk about insects and observe them.

2. Excursion along the ecological trail “Visiting Summer”.

Looking for signs of summer.

3. Observing the sundial.

4. Observing the behavior of ants before the rain.

5. Nature games for walks.

6. “Clean Morning” - cleaning the territory of the kindergarten

Verzunova Yulia Viktorovna

Calendar planning for the middle group for 2016 – 2017
Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account integration educational areas Organization of a developmental environment for independent activity
Educational activity in restricted moments Directly educational activity Educational activity in restricted moments Educational activity in restricted moments morning (group, subgroup) walk 2 half day May
Week 3 theme “Travel along an ecological trail”
1 2 3 4 5
Goals: To promote the child’s further knowledge of the natural world, to introduce the signs and properties of plants as living organisms (they eat, breathe, grow), to expand understanding of seasonal changes, the simplest connections in nature, to consolidate knowledge about the rules of safe behavior in nature, to educate careful attitude to nature, the ability to notice the beauty of spring nature.

1. Conversation on the questions: “What insects appear with the arrival of spring? What do insects do in winter? What benefits do they bring to people?
2.D/game “Tell about an insect” Purpose: to teach how to compose short story according to the picture.
3. Duty in a corner of nature:
watering plants and wiping the leaves of large plants
4.Individual work with: ________________________________
Learning the poem “Birch” by A. Prokofiev
5.Learning the text by role: “Beetle, beetle, buzz, where are you hiding, tell me?”
6. Physical exercise “On the floor, eight pairs of flies danced...”
7.Task “Show the butterfly how you are on duty”
8.Reading of I. Tokmakova’s poem “Sleep-grass”:
The distant forest stands like a wall,
And in the forest, in the wilderness of the forest,
An owl is sitting on a branch.
Sleepy grass grows there.
They say sleepy grass knows sleepy words... 1.Cognition (ecology)
Topic: “Journey to the spring forest”
Source: O.A. Voronkevich
welcome to
ecology", page 127
2.Physical education

1. Observation of the cockchafer. Goals: expand understanding of insects, continue to introduce them to their diversity; develop an interest in the life of insects; cultivate observation skills. [Organization of children's activities during a walk. Average group/automatic-composition T.G. Kobzeva, I.A. Kholodova, G.S. Alexandrova. p.238]
2.Acquaintance with signs: a large number of May beetles - to drought; There are a lot of mosquitoes - it will rain tomorrow.
3.Individual work with: ________________________
Ecological game “Children from the Branch”
4.D/game “Riddle, we will guess” Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about insects; the ability to name their signs, describe and find them by description, and develop attention.
5. P/game “Beetles” Goal: coordination of speech with movement 2 block:

Outdoor games/Lego construction
Lesson with a speech therapist teacher
1. Conversation about the caterpillar, its structure, coloring.
2.Looking at illustrations depicting caterpillars.
3. Study “Caterpillar” (silent film)
Cribble-crabble-boom, turn into caterpillars!
This strange house without windows
People call it "cocoon"
(children lie on their backs with their feet in the center of the circle)
Having twisted this house on a branch,
The caterpillar sleeps in it.
(turn on your left side, hands under your cheeks)
Sleeps without waking all winter,
(turn on your right side)
But winter rushed by.
(lie on your back, stretch)
March, April, drops, spring (slowly setting)
“Wake up, sleepyhead,” (stretch while sitting)
Under the bright spring sun
(stand up, stretch while standing)
The caterpillar has no time to sleep,
She became a butterfly!
(run in a circle, flap their “wings”)
4. Individual work with: ______________________________
Ball game “Choose the word” Exercise “Butterfly” (laying out a mosaic of a butterfly silhouette according to a pattern)
Game V.V. Voskobovich "Miracle Honeycomb"
Children riding and swinging on swings.
P/game “Bees and Swallows”
Modeling on the theme “Caterpillar” (team work) C: learn to roll plasticine into a thin rope, roll it into a circle, roll a small ball.
Reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD
1.Developing educational situation “Ecological trail in spring”
Goal: to expand children’s understanding of seasonal changes in nature; give basic ideas about the relationship between man and nature.
2.Reading of A. Prokofiev’s poem “Birch”
3. Observation of objects on the ecological trail: birch trees, flower beds, birdhouses on trees, bird feeders, stumps.
4.Task: “Teach Lesovich to wash himself”
5.P/game “Beetles”
All children participate in the game - a child representing a bird is selected in advance.
Children, moving freely around the hall or clearing, sing along with the teacher:
- On the road there is a beetle - a beetle, on the road there is a black one

Look at him, how agile he is.
(If the celebration takes place in the hall, the children lie on their backs, raise their legs, and quickly move them; if outside, they simply squat down, moving their arms in front of them)
- He fell on his back, moved his paws (perform movements),
He flapped his wings (stand up and wave his arms)
Jumped merrily (jumping on the spot),
He flapped his wings and jumped merrily (repeat the movements according to the text)
There's a beetle on the road, there's a black beetle on the road,
Look at him - that's how agile he is
Look at him - that’s how agile he is (they run on their toes in a loose pattern)
- Bird! (children - beetles run to their places, trying so that the bird does not catch them).
6.Individual work with: ________________________________
P/game “Ball up” 1. Speech development
Topic: “Summer. Flowers in the meadow"
N.V. Nishcheva Subgroup notes... in middle group
2. Music
(according to the music director's plan)
1. Observation of plants. Goal: to develop the ability to establish connections between changes in inanimate nature and the life of living organisms. [Organization of children's activities during a walk. Average group/automatic-composition T.G. Kobzeva, I.A. Kholodova, G.S. Alexandrova. p.257]
2.Acquaintance with sayings and proverbs about summer, riddles about summer.
3.D/game “Which one, which one, which one?”
4.P/game “Butterflies and Birds”
Four players are selected, holding hands, they represent a bird. The rest of the children are butterflies. To the words “Butterflies, butterflies have flown to the meadow,” the butterfly children run easily, flapping their arms.
To the words: “Birds are flying,” the bird children, holding hands, try to catch a butterfly: surround it by joining their hands. Children who are caught are eliminated from the game. You can only catch one butterfly at a time.

Exercise “Travel by car”
6.D/game “Who can name the most actions?” Goals: learn to select verbs denoting actions, develop memory and attention. Progress of the game: The teacher asks questions, the children answer with verbs. What can you do with flowers? (pluck, smell, look, water, give, plant) · What does the janitor do? (sweeps, cleans, waters, clears snow from paths)
· What can the wind do? 2 block:
Games, leisure, communication and activities based on interests, preparation for meals, afternoon snack, dinner
"Child on the City Street"
Games in the yard
Looking at illustrations.
Conversations: “We play in the yard,” “And cars drive in the yard.”
Acting out and discussing situations.
Productive activity: designing “Our Yard”.
Didactic games at the request of children.
Role-playing games based on traffic rules.
2.Individual work with: ________________________________

3. Conversation on the questions: “Where have you been today? What did you see, what did you learn about? What do you remember most about the excursion about the ecological trail?”
4. Coordination of speech with the “Moth” movement
Vitilek moth (run in a circle with arms out to the sides)
Bring us the breeze:
From the gate - turn (turn; run in the opposite direction)
Drive the boat into the stream.
Wey, wey, breeze, (stop, turn their faces in a circle; wave their arms,) Pull the sail, (stretch)
Chase the shavings (they run in a circle, holding hands)
From west to east.
Construction of garages, sheds, houses from building materials.
HRI “Let’s treat insects”
Games with small insect toys.
Wednesday Reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD
1. Search and cognitive activity “How can insects hide?” Goal: find features appearance some insects, allowing them to adapt to life in the environment.
2. Individual work with: ______________________________
Exercise “Decorate the wings of a butterfly”
3.Exercises: “Who is the odd one out?” Why?"; “How are all butterflies alike and how are they different?”
4. A conversation about what helps butterflies hide from birds; multi-colored colors help them “turn into flowers”) 5. Finger gymnastics “Bee”:
Flew to us yesterday (waving palms)
Striped bee.
And behind her is a bumblebee (for each name of an insect and a cheerful moth, bend one finger) Two beetles and a dragonfly,
Like lantern eyes. (make circles from fingers and
bring it to the eyes)
They buzzed, they flew, (waving their palms)
They fell from fatigue. (put palms on table)
6. Conversation on the topic “What can disturb a child’s sleep?”
7.Reading of V. Bryusov’s poem “Lullaby”
1.Mathematical and sensory development
Topic: “Summer. Flowers in the meadow"
Development of maternal representatives at preschools with OHP p.192
2.Physical education
(according to the plan of the physical education instructor)
1.Bird watching. Goals: to deepen and consolidate knowledge about birds, their characteristic features; cultivate a caring attitude and cognitive interest in birds; develop observation skills. [Organization of children's activities during a walk. Average group/automatic-composition T.G. Kobzeva, I.A. Kholodova, G.S. Alexandrova. p.258]
2.Acquaintance with signs about birds.
3.D/game “What kind of bird?”
4.Labor: assisting the janitor in removing debris from the path around the garden.
5.Individual work with: ______________________
Repetition of calls about the ladybug.
6. P/game “Butterflies” Purpose: To develop children's intelligence, spatial orientation and rhythmic movements. Exercise children in running and squatting. Children - "butterflies" stand on the edge of the playground wherever they want. To the music or to the words of the teacher: “butterflies, butterflies have flown into the garden,” children move their arms to the sides, run in different directions, running around one another. The teacher continues: “Everyone sat down quietly on the little white flower.” Children squat near the flowers of the named color. At the teacher’s signal: “oo-oo-oo,” which means howling wind, storm, butterflies run away from the garden to the edge of the playground. The game is repeated with the words: “butterflies, butterflies, they flew into the field.”
2 block:
Games, leisure, communication and activities based on interests, preparation for meals, afternoon snack, dinner
1. Experiences and experiments
“Plastic, its qualities and properties”
Program content: To promote the accumulation in children of specific ideas about properties: to recognize things made of plastic, to determine its qualities (surface structure, thickness, color) and properties (density, flexibility, melting, thermal conductivity). Game material: Plastic cups, water, alcohol lamp, matches, algorithm for describing material properties.
2. Role-playing game
"At the doctor's"
Goals: To teach children how to care for the sick and use medical instruments, to cultivate attentiveness and sensitivity in children, to expand their vocabulary: introduce the concepts of “hospital”, “patient”, “treatment”, “medicines”, “temperature”, “hospital”. Equipment : Dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and cap for a doctor. 3. Individual work with: ________________________________
Game “Come up with words with sounds [s], [w].
4. Game “We went to a clearing and found insects”
5. Physical exercise “Bee” (coordination of speech with movement) Making a butterfly from a plastic bottle.
Game "Let's give the butterfly tea"
P/game “Bees and Swallows”
Looking at pictures of insects, comparing insects.
Thursday Reception of children, games, communication, morning exercises, duty, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, activities after breakfast, preparation for OOD
1.Coloring images of insects, designing the collective composition “Spring Meadow”
2. Game “One-Five” (task: name and count insects from 1 to 5.)
3.Individual work with: ______________________________
Game with cut pictures"Fold the flower"
4. Conversation on the topic “What is there a lot in the spring meadow?” ( beautiful flowers and various insects.)
5. Making riddles about insects, flowers; memorizing the poem by Z. Alexandrova “Dandelion”
6. Coordination of speech with the “Vesnyanka” movement:
Sunshine, sunshine, (they walk in a circle, holding hands)
Golden bottom.
Burn, burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
A stream ran in the garden (they run in a circle)
A hundred rooks have arrived (“flying” in a circle)
And the snowdrifts are melting, melting, (slowly squat)
And the flowers are growing. (stretch on tiptoes, hands up)
1. Visual activity (drawing)
(according to the plan of the DO specialist)
(according to the music director's plan)
1.Observation of trees and shrubs. Objectives: to continue to form the idea that a tree and a shrub are plants, they have common essential features; cultivate interest in plant life; develop analytical thinking. [Organization of children's activities during a walk. Average group/automatic-composition T.G. Kobzeva, I.A. Kholodova, G.S. Alexandrova. p.259]
2. Experimental activity “Properties of sand” (we make paths and patterns from sand). 3.Acquaintance with signs about trees.
4.D/game “Choose similar words” Objectives: to develop auditory attention; learn to pronounce polysyllabic words clearly.
5.Individual work with: ______________________
Exercise “Magic insects”: laying out the outline of insects of your choice from any material.
6.P/game “Mousetrap”
7.Exercise “Flashlight”
2 block:
Games, leisure, communication and activities based on interests, preparation for meals, afternoon snack, dinner
1.Acquaintance with fiction
Topic: Introduction to the fairy tale “The Picky One” (Dahl’s model)

The presence of an ecological trail on the territory of the kindergarten involves various excursions to the points of the ecological trail. These excursions are planned according to the seasons: autumn, winter, spring, summer. The excursion plan is designed for four ages of children: junior group, middle group, senior group and preparatory school group.

In our kindergarten there are the following points of the ecological trail:

Dot "Big Birch" , dot "Swamp" , dot "Water" , dot "Garden" , dot "Bird cherry" , dot "Rowan" , dot "Weather station" , dot "Alpine slide" , dot "Shrubs" , dot "Corner of the Forest" , dot "Medicinal bed" , dot "Health track" , dot "Insects" , dot "Greenhouse" , dot "Bird's Dining Room" , dot "Bird Pillar"

Autumn excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “What grew in the garden bed?” - excursion to the garden - observation of the collection of vegetables.
  2. "Golden Birch" - excursion to the big birch tree" - observation of the tree in autumn time of the year.
  3. "Beautiful clearing" - excursion to the flower garden - admire the beauty of autumn flowers.
  4. “We are strengthening our health, we are all walking along the path” - excursion to the health path - strengthening children's health.

Middle group:

  1. "The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing"
  2. “Here is our garden, carrots grow there!” - excursion to the garden - fixing the names of vegetables.
  3. “We’ll go to the forest, we’ll find trees there.” - excursion to a corner of the forest - fixing the names of the trees.”
  4. “On a visit to Mother Cheremukha” - excursion to the bird cherry - fixing the names of the parts of the tree.

Senior group:

  1. “We’ll go to the swamp, we’ll find a frog there.” - excursion to the swamp - observation of the frog.
  2. "Our green helpers" - excursion to the medicinal bed - expanding and consolidating knowledge about medicinal plants.
  3. “Getting to know the long-lived tree” - excursion to a large old birch tree - in order to gain knowledge about the age of the tree.
  4. "Bloomed the red grapes" - excursion to the mountain ash - observing the change in color of the leaves in autumn.

Preparatory group:

  1. "Wind, wind, you are mighty" - excursion to a weather station - observation of wind direction.
  2. “The flowers in our garden are beautiful” - excursion to a flower garden - clarifying children’s ideas about flower beds and diversity flowering plants.
  3. "We want to know" - excursion to a medicinal bed - teach how to collect and dry medicinal plants for use in winter time of the year.
  4. “The harvest is ripe, help me gather” - excursion to the garden - helping adults in harvesting vegetables.

Winter excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “Birch is good at any time of the year” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of the tree in the winter season.
  2. “Birds, sparrows, tits have arrived” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- watching the birds flying to the feeders.
  3. "Snow like a cap on the branches" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the snow lying on the branches of trees.
  4. "Excursion to the greenhouse" - examining the ficus.

Middle group:

  1. "The Artful Crow" - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)" - observing a crow.
  2. “We know all the trees, we can guess them” - excursion to a corner of the forest - fixing the names of the trees.
  3. “Berezonka, berezonka, why are you standing so white?” - excursion to a large birch tree - viewing the tree trunk.
  4. "Excursion to the greenhouse" - comparison of ficus and balsam flowers.

Senior group:

  1. “We want to know about the forest, there are many miracles living in it” - an excursion to a corner of the forest - fixing the names of trees, their structure, external signs.
  2. “Is wind good or bad?” - excursion to the weather station - observation of the wind.
  3. "Shrubs in Winter" - monitoring changes in bushes in winter.
  4. “Birds are our friends, we cannot abandon them in winter!” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- for the purpose of putting the feeders in order.

Preparatory group:

  1. "Weather in different time of the year"
  2. "Fir-trees - pine trees" - excursion to a corner of the forest - systematize ideas about coniferous and deciduous trees.
  3. “All the guys should know that birds need to be helped” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- observing the birds flying to the dining room and writing a story about them.
  4. “Are you a tree or a bush?” - excursion to bird cherry - fixing the name of the bush, systematizing knowledge about bird cherry.

Spring excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “Oh, yes, birch tree, white trunk!” - excursion to the birch tree - observation of the tree in the spring season.
  2. “Golden dandelion - dear son of the sun” - observation of primroses (dandelion).
  3. "Excursion to the vegetable garden" - monitoring the digging of beds.
  4. "Butterfly - cabbage" - excursion to the alpine hill - observation of the first butterflies.

Middle group:

  1. “I let down my braids, White birch» - excursion to the birch tree - to diversify children’s knowledge about the birch tree and its appearance.
  2. "Spring came" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the changes in trees in spring.
  3. “The snow is melting, the streams are flowing” - excursion to the reservoir - observation of streams.
  4. "The bird cherry blossomed" - excursion to the bird cherry tree - observing the color of the bird cherry tree.

Senior group:

  1. "We'll plant a garden" - excursion to the garden - all possible assistance in planting vegetable seeds.
  2. “The buds have blossomed on the big birch tree” - excursion to a large birch tree - observing the appearance of leaves.
  3. "The grass is turning green" - an excursion to a corner of the forest - observing the appearance of the first grass.
  4. “A swallow flies towards us in the canopy with spring” - excursion to the gazebo (bird canteen)- conversation about migratory birds.

Preparatory group:

  1. “The starling, the singer of spring, has arrived” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of starlings in a birdhouse.
  2. “We will plant beets and carrots deftly” - excursion to the garden - assistance to adults in preparing beds and planting vegetable seeds.
  3. “We will plant flowers here of amazing beauty” - excursion to the flower garden - with the purpose of clearing flower beds for planting flower seeds.
  4. “Bird cherry, bird cherry, why are you standing so white?” - excursion to bird cherry - observing its flowering.

Summer excursions:

Junior group:

  1. “How beautiful it is all around!” - excursion to the flower garden - give children the pleasure of watching flowering plants.
  2. "We'll relax by the pond" - excursion to the reservoir - observation of aquatic plants.
  3. “Our birch tree has a white sundress” - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of the tree in summer time of the year.
  4. "Buzzing and Crawling" - excursion to a corner of the forest - observation of crawling insects.

Middle group:

  1. “A bug runs through the water, moving its legs funny” - excursion to a pond - observation of insects living on the surface of the water.
  2. “Our legs ran along the path, along the path” - excursion to the health path" - strengthening the health of children.
  3. “We came to the garden, dill is growing there” - excursion to the garden - viewing dill and onions (comparison).
  4. “We will dance around the birch tree” - excursion to a large birch tree - playing games near the birch tree.

Senior group:

  1. "Nature has no bad weather» - excursion to the weather station - monitoring the weather conditions.
  2. “Excursion along the entire ecological trail” - fixing the names of points.
  3. “Field chamomile, so useful” - excursion to the medicinal bed - introduction to medicinal properties daisies.
  4. “In the swamp, look, suddenly the flowers have bloomed!” - excursion to a mini-swamp - viewing plants growing next to the swamp.

Preparatory group:

  1. “Flowers grow on the stones, a miracle - a slide - look!” - excursion to the alpine hill - to provide knowledge about the constituent parts of the alpine hill, about the combination of objects of animate and inanimate nature.
  2. "Don't hurt the ant" - excursion to a large birch tree - observation of ants, deepen knowledge about ants, their way of life.
  3. “Marigolds and plantain will help us when we are sick” - excursion to the medicinal chest - in order to continue acquaintance in medicinal plants and ways of their application.
  4. "Flower round dance" - excursion to the flower garden - in order to consolidate the names of flowers growing in flower beds.


Considering that the state puts the issue of protecting environment, environmental literacy, careful and loving relationship to nature have become an analogue of human survival on our planet. Thus, environmental education is a relevant and main task.

Environmental education for children preschool age is important, since during this period the child goes through the most intense spiritual and intellectual path of development. During this period, the fundamental principles of ecological thinking, consciousness, and ecological culture are formed.

Most modern children rarely communicate with nature. Environmental education begins with familiarization with the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day. In any city or town you can find interesting things to watch natural objects: trees, grass, insects, birds.

Practical, research activities V natural conditions. Indeed, in the process of childhood research, the child acquires specific cognitive skills: he learns to observe, reason, plan work, learns to predict the result, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations, in a word, develops cognitive abilities.

Project participants

Children of the senior, preparatory to school group



Project type

Cognitive and research

Dates: 2014 – 2015 academic year

Objective of the project

Implementation environmental development children through the implementation of a practice-oriented system excursion activities on the ecological path, which is the leading means of forming the foundations of a holistic “ecological” picture of the surrounding world.

Project objectives

  1. Formation in children of elementary ideas about the relationships and interactions of living organisms with their environment, caring for natural objects.

  2. Development of children's sustainable interest in nature, its living and inanimate objects And natural phenomena, the need for knowledge of the surrounding world, a thoughtful and caring attitude towards natural objects.

  3. Formation of a system of practical skills for studying and improving the condition surrounding nature, the ability to see the cause and effect of a particular phenomenon, draw conclusions, make logical judgments, that is, lay the foundations of ecological thinking, knowledge of basic laws, interconnections and interdependence in nature.

  4. Fostering a caring attitude towards nature, developing the ability to care for plants and birds, the desire to observe the life of plants, insects and birds, highlight characteristics their appearance, methods of movement, nutrition, adaptation.
Project stages

Stage I – preparatory: setting goals and objectives, determining directions, objects and methods of research.

Stage II is actually cognitive and research.

Stage III – generalizing: summarizing the results of the work, consolidating the acquired knowledge.

Expected Results

  1. Children will show a pronounced interest in objects and natural phenomena.

  2. The children will develop a desire to study natural objects, they will learn to draw conclusions and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

  3. Many children will learn to conduct simple and complex experiments, study natural objects, and will benefit from searching activities.

  4. The children will learn a lot of interesting things from the life of plants (trees, shrubs, grasses), explore experimentally the conditions necessary for plant growth; They will learn how to properly care for plants in a corner of nature, in a flower garden in a kindergarten (loosening, watering, weeding).

  5. Children will learn to observe objects of living and inanimate nature, explain connections and chains in nature, and implement the Laws common house nature.

  6. The children will take care of nature and strive for correct behavior in relation to the natural world.

  7. TO environmental project Parents will be involved. Environmental education of parents will be a big plus in environmental education children.
Project implementation forms

  1. Development of an ecological trail, design of a map of the ecological trail.

  2. Ecological trail activities.

  3. Use of fairy tale characters.

  4. Experiments, experiments, solving problem situations.

  5. Practical activities.

  6. Observation of living and inanimate nature.

  7. Role-playing, didactic, environmental board games.

  8. Productive activities (drawing, crafts made from natural materials, etc.).

  9. Reading fiction about nature, looking at encyclopedias.
Ecological trail

  1. Beginning of the trail “Meeting with the owner of the trail” Florik

  2. Stop “Vegetable Garden” (what crops grow: vegetables, medicinal herbs; that needs care)

  3. Stop “Bird Yard” (for those who live in the yard, get to know poultry and how to keep them)

  4. Stop “Nature Corner” (introduction to flora and fauna: plants, butterflies, ants and other insects) Stop “By the pond” (introduction to flora and fauna: plants, inhabitants of the reservoir)

  5. Stop "Alpine Hill" (observations)

  6. Stop "Halt" ( environmental actions, observations, study of mushrooms, edible - inedible mushrooms)

  7. “Bird Canteen” (bird watching, feeding cold period time)

  8. End of the “Flower Garden” trail (gatherings in the flower garden – visiting Florik)
Project Implementation Plan




Preparatory stage


Selection methodological literature on organizing an ecological trail



Development of an ecological trail route and observation objects.

Design of a map (scheme) of an ecological trail


Cognitive and research stage


Laying out the flower garden



Planting seeds and seedlings

Give an idea about life cycle plants

May June


Excursion and practical classes with children on the ecological trail:

    “Journey along an ecological path” (spring)

  1. "Tree of Wisdom"

  1. "Guests in the Flowerbed"

  1. "Little gardeners"

  1. Collecting seeds in a flower garden

  1. “Journey along the ecological trail” (autumn)

  2. “Where did the snowman go?”

  1. “Journey along the ecological trail” (winter)

  1. "Bird's Dining Room"

  1. “How snowmen searched for spring”

  1. "Primroses"

Expand children's understanding of diversity flora, learn to navigate according to the plan of the ecological trail.

Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards a long-lived tree - birch

Please note that some indoor plants can live in the warm season in open ground.

Get kids interested amazing information about cucumber, tomato, and introduce basic rules of care.

Learn practical actions with objects of observation

Summarize children's ideas about autumn.

Learn to establish elementary connections in inanimate nature: changes in the state of water depending on air temperature.

To form children's ideas about the condition of trees and grasses in winter.

Expand children's understanding of wintering birds.

Consolidate knowledge about the main signs of spring.

Form an idea of ​​one of the primroses - coltsfoot












Experiences, experiments:

- “Tops-Roots”

- “Sunny bunnies”

- “Evaporation of moisture from

plant leaves"

- “Why do flowers wither in autumn?”

- “Why do they need wings?”

Experiments and experiments take place before, after or during classes on the ecological trail, so the goals of the experiments correspond to the goals of the classes.

According to the lesson plan



- “Help nature” ( work activity: caring for trees and shrubs, pruning dry branches, removing leaves and debris)

- “Gift for the Birds” (making bird feeders together with parents)

Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Develop the ability to care for natural objects.

Throughout the project

December - January


Keeping a diary of observations of living and inanimate nature

Throughout the project


Learning poems, songs, and riddles about nature with children


Conducting environmental games


Reading fiction about nature

To develop children's sustainable interest in nature.

Throughout the project


Productive and artistic activities

Consolidating and generalizing children’s ideas

Throughout the project

Generalization stage


Quiz "Lucky chance"

To identify the nature of children’s ideas about objects of living and inanimate nature and their interdependence



Diagnosing the level of environmental development of children


Analysis of the project activities carried out in summer period allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

Participation in project activities has become a way for children to satisfy cognitive activity;

By participating in the project, children not only gain new knowledge, but also acquire the skills of a caring, creative attitude towards the world around them.

Joint productive and artistic activities of children and adults

  1. Making a sketch map “Ecological trail”

  2. Exhibition of children's drawings and making a map “The Tree of Wisdom, or how we saw our birch tree at different times of the year”

  3. Making a map “Ecological ABC, or what, or who we saw on the ecological trail”

  4. Making the card “Mushroom Basket, or why they are called that”

  5. Making crafts by children together with their parents from cucumbers.
    Exhibition "Cucumber Country"

Annex 1

Sample notes for activities with children on the ecological trail
Lesson No. 1

“Planting seeds and seedlings of flowers” ​​(stop “Flower Garden”)

Goal: to develop a caring attitude towards the natural environment; interest in nature, growing ornamental plants; give an idea of ​​the life cycle of a plant, considering the structure of the root system of sprouts; to form a desire to provide passive assistance to adults in environmental activities; establish the rules for caring for plants during planting and watering.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Appears fairy tale character– “Florik”, brings a basket with gifts (it contains an illustration of a snowdrop, seeds and flower seedlings). "Florik" asks a riddle about a snowdrop.

Questions for children:

Why was he called that?

What other flowers can be called snowdrops?

“Florik” invites children to create a miracle on their plot - to plant many, many flowering plants.

I I. The teacher, together with the children, repeats the plant growth algorithm, recalling the previously conducted experiment “Tips - roots”. Using for this purpose a sketch made during the experiment (first a root will appear from the seed, then a stalk will appear; the roots will grow, the upper shoot will increase).

I I I. Practical activities for children and adults:

Prepare a ridge - a house for seedlings - dig up the soil (the work of the teacher);

Trim the edges of the ridge so that the water does not drain, but remains for asthenia (children pat down the soil with small shovels so that it becomes hard);

Carefully examine the sprout, where its root is, what it looks like; if the sprout does not have a root, then the flower will not survive and will die, so you need to take the plant very carefully and carefully so as not to damage it (children take one plant at a time and examine it);

For each sprout, you need to make a hole, plant and water your own flower (children take turns approaching the seedling and, together with the teacher, plant flower seedlings).

IV. The children thank “Florik” for the gift, promise to take care of the plantings, say goodbye to “Florik”, and put all the tools back in place.

Lesson No. 2

"Journey along the ecological trail"

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the diversity and significance of plants in the kindergarten; learn to navigate according to the plan of an ecological trail; generalize children’s ideas about spring (the leaves on trees and shrubs are young, green, the grass is turning green, the first flowers have appeared, people are working in the garden - planting vegetables, etc.), to cultivate interest in natural history observations, the ability to admire the beauty of nature, emotional responsiveness.

Progress of the lesson:

I. "Florik" offers to go to amazing trip along one very wonderful path, traveling along which children will learn how the nature around us lives and feels. “Florik” really wants each of the children who walk along the trail to strengthen their desire to preserve and protect nature.

What is a trail? What is an ecological trail? (children's answers)

The ecological path consists of certain stops and at each stop natural creatures live - plants, insects, birds. You can walk along this path more than once. We will travel along it in spring, summer, autumn and winter and try to learn a lot of new, interesting and surprising things.

Look, our centenarian has dry branches. What do you think should be done with them?

If you take care of a tree and take care of it, it will live for many, many more years and will delight us with its beauty, hiding us from the summer heat in the shade of its crown.

I I I. Experiment “Evaporation of moisture from plant leaves.”

IV. Look, there is a note hanging on a branch.

“Guys, come visit me in the fall, winter and spring, I will be very pleased. Birch"

Let's say goodbye to the tree, go up to the birch tree, press your palms against it, give it a little of your warmth, show it your love.

Lesson No. 4

Experiment “Guests in the Flowerbed” (stop “Flower Garden”)

Goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about indoor plants, their living conditions, draw children’s attention to plants that can live in open ground; develop observation skills, activate cognitive activity children.

Progress of the lesson:

I. How much time we spend outside in the summer! We play, frolic in the sun, water the flower beds. But the indoor flowers growing in our group’s premises are somewhat sad. They are probably worried whether you have stopped loving them? Maybe you even forgot what they are called and how to care for them? No? Now we will check it:

I ask you to try

You can't be inattentive.

We're starting a quiz

"My green friends."


1. Who can name more indoor plants?

2. Game “Find out by description”.

3. Questions about the living conditions of indoor plants.

I I. Well done, you know a lot about indoor plants. But it seems that I know their secret dream: in the summer they want to see you outside more often. Do you think this dream is feasible?

I propose to walk along our path to the “Flower Garden” stop and see if there are any “guests” there - indoor flowers and how they feel there.

I I I. The results are recorded in the “Observation Diary”.

Children draw “guests in the flowerbed” from life.
Lesson No. 5

“Little gardeners” (stop “Vegetable garden”)

Goal: to interest children interesting information about cucumber and tomato, consolidate children’s knowledge about the basic rules of caring for vegetable plants, develop skills in joint child-adult activities, develop creativity and imagination.

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