Installation against smoking. Practical actions for smoking cessation. What impression does a smoker make? Parting word on the road

Listeners are invited to read the techniques on the slide for overcoming the desire to smoke, which may appear after quitting smoking in certain situations, and choose the 2-3 most appropriate and affordable. If necessary, use them.

Ways to overcome the desire to smoke:

Do not allow yourself to smoke "only one cigarette". This can destroy previous efforts and achieved results in quitting smoking.

· Repeat to yourself or aloud your setting to quit smoking.

Tell yourself: “I quit smoking and will not change my mind. No concessions or compromises. I will suppress my momentary weakness. I don't smoke anymore!"

Evaluate how much a cigarette will really help in this situation, try to suppress the desire to smoke.

Get up, change occupation or environment, go outside; call someone on the phone.

· Prepare in advance for yourself an alternative to smoking pleasant activity, which can be distracted by the thought of smoking.

· Learn the deep breathing technique, using it to overcome stress.

Deep breathing exercise.

Deep breathing, being an important part of relaxing procedures, is effective in quickly reducing stress of different levels. Once you have mastered the deep breathing technique, you can use it in any situation to release the emotional and physiological tension associated with stress. Deep breathing training helps control the physiological responses that occur in response to a stressor.

Invite the listeners to check what type of breathing is characteristic of them. To do this, they need to put the palm of one hand on their chest, the other on their stomach, take a deep breath. If the hand on the chest rises first, the type of breathing is chest; if the hand on the stomach rises first, the type of breathing is diaphragmatic.

To prepare for deep breathing training, you need to take a comfortable sitting position with your eyes closed, breathe through your nose. Place one hand on your chest, the other on your stomach. Breathe normally, noting the sequence in which the hands move as you inhale. Then try to inhale so that the hand lying on the stomach rises first, and then the hand located on the chest.

Deep breathing training:

Take a slow breath in through your nose. Fill with air sequentially first the lower sections of the lungs, then gradually the middle and finally the upper sections of the lungs. Inhalation should be carried out smoothly, as one movement. Hold your breath for a few seconds. · Gradually exhale through the mouth, slightly drawing in the stomach and slowly squeezing it as it is released from the air of the lungs. Shoulders need to be relaxed. At the end of the exhalation, the shoulders and collarbones should be slightly raised so that the lungs can again be filled with air to the very tops.

What gives up smoking:

Getting rid of daily intoxication of the body.

A multiple reduction in the risk of developing cancer, diseases of the heart, blood vessels and lungs.

Every year you will be much less likely to get flu and other colds.

Getting rid of bad breath, from hair, clothes, in the apartment and car.

Ability to climb stairs without shortness of breath.

Save money in your weekly, monthly and yearly budget.

Getting rid of the close environment from respiratory diseases.

Visibly smaller and later wrinkles on the face

Relief from morning cough.

Strengthening immunity, reducing the number of colds.

A significant reduction in the risk of becoming disabled and shortening your life by 10-20 years.

Control over your behavior and over your life.

Based on the reasons you have identified, formulate your intention to quit smoking and write it down. It should be relatively short and easy to remember.

An example of an attitude: “For the sake of my health, for the sake of the well-being of my children, I will do everything to get rid of tobacco addiction. I'm starting a new tobacco-free life! I don't smoke anymore!"

Remembering the installation, you should periodically repeat it to yourself in the process of quitting smoking, and, if possible, out loud.

Rules of psychological self-preparation for smoking cessation

Determine yourself to quit smoking. Avoid thinking that this is difficult to implement.

Announce your decision to quit smoking to family members, immediate family, friends, co-workers. Invite them, if they smoke, to join your decision. You can make a bet with one of them that you will fulfill your decision.

At home and at work, remove all items related to smoking (ashtrays, lighters, packs of cigarettes, pipes, mouthpieces) from your eyes.

Do not carry cigarettes with you.

Gather cigarettes left at home or at work, tear them apart and throw them away. This act will allow you to check how determined you are to quit smoking.

Increase physical activity. Start regular (at least 3-5 times a week) activities, such as brisk walking, swimming, running, cycling, or other forms of physical activity. The recommended duration is at least 20 minutes.

Try to make the most of your free time.

Set aside the money you would spend daily on cigarettes. Reward yourself - buy the things you wanted to buy as you accumulate money saved on cigarettes.

Have your outerwear cleaned to remove the tobacco smell.

Use the service of dentists - professional teeth cleaning. Evaluate how your teeth will be cleaned from tobacco yellowness.

Try, if possible, to avoid, at least temporarily, contact with smokers, especially in situations where they smoke or may smoke.

Try to make changes in your life routine in relation to the moments that are usually associated with smoking (during the morning cup of coffee, after eating, in a traffic jam, etc.).

Try to keep your hands busy with something: you can hold a carpal expander, a rosary, a pencil, or other objects.

To reproduce the habitual behavior (interaction of the hand and mouth), instead of smoking a cigarette, eat caramel, fruits.

Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day (including first meals). This contributes to a faster removal of tobacco toxins from the body.

To get started, check out the motto under which the anti-tobacco campaign in the United States was going:
“Only the poor smoke!” (site administration)

When performing this stage, you should first analyze and, if necessary, clarify and discuss the patient's answers to the following questions: Do you feel harm to your health from smoking? Would you like to change your smoking habit? Why do you want to quit smoking? Have you tried to quit smoking? Taking into account the answers to these questions, the tactics and content of a brief conversation with the patient are determined to form or consolidate the attitude to quit smoking. If the patient answers that he does not want to change his smoking habit or doubts the advisability of such an act, the following main positions should be focused in a short conversation:

  • the true damage that smoking can bring to health, while noting the possible direct connection of the patient's complaints or diseases with smoking;
  • the hidden and delayed effect of the harmful effects of smoking on health;
  • the possibility of gradual recovery of health after quitting smoking.
  • Next, the patient should be asked to weigh together the pros and cons of smoking and write them down in two columns on a piece of paper. The patient first names everything “pros” himself - what smoking gives him, and then all the “cons” are written down together. In this case, again, first of all, the patient himself must formulate arguments against smoking, and the doctor, secondarily, helps or suggests, bearing in mind the following list of arguments for stopping smoking:
  • improving the body and improving overall well-being (getting rid of shortness of breath, coughing, pain in the heart, stomach and other symptoms). In this case, attention should be focused on the symptoms present in this patient;
  • improving performance;
  • multiple reduction in the risk of developing diseases associated with smoking (7 forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and others);
  • protect close relatives and friends, workmates from passive smoking;
  • to protect the patient's children from the possibility of "infecting" with a bad habit, the example of parents is the main one;
  • getting rid of a smoker's cough;
  • getting rid of bad breath, yellow teeth and fingers;
  • getting rid of addiction from a bad habit;
  • exemption from spending money on tobacco (it is recommended that the patient calculate his spending on smoking for a month, a year);
  • increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of comorbidities present in the patient.

When talking with a patient, it is desirable to speak as simply and confidentially as possible, avoiding patterns and reading morality. It should also be remembered that the more personalized the advice and attitudes of the doctor, that is, the more they take into account the individual characteristics of the anamnesis (health status, individual symptoms, family history), the nature of the patient, his social role, the more effective the patient's motivation to follow the recommendations. . At the end of the conversation, give the patient a memo "Basic data and facts about the consequences of smoking" and recommend that you come to the appointment again after reading it and thinking about the impressions of the conversation.

If the patient answers that he would like to quit smoking or smoke less, you should:

  • support him in this attitude by briefly listing the benefits of quitting smoking and emphasizing the possible positive effect on the patient's complaints and diseases;
  • explain that long-term smoking causes tobacco dependence, therefore quitting smoking is not a simple and easy matter and requires some advice and a plan of action;
  • give a task for the preparatory stage and set a date for the next visit in a week.
  • At the preparatory stage, the patient is given one week after his first interview with the doctor, during which he must complete the following tasks:
  • think over a list of all possible personal reasons and arguments for quitting smoking, make a list of them, reread it every day in the morning and evening and remember it;
  • fill in a smoking diary for two ordinary days, where all cigarettes smoked are recorded (time, situation, degree of desire to smoke);
  • identify the most “important” cigarettes for yourself and those that are not very significant, try to give up insignificant cigarettes in the following days;
  • identify those situations in which the desire to smoke occurs most often and strongly, consider how they can be avoided or smoking excluded in them;
  • try several times if you feel the urge to smoke do not take cigarettes until at least 3 minutes have passed. During this time, try to occupy yourself with something, make a phone call, get distracted by some other activity;
  • try not to finish smoking a cigarette (cigarette) to the end;
  • try on one of the days to halve the usual number of cigarettes smoked, on this day try to delay the moment of lighting the first and subsequent cigarettes as long as possible;
  • try one day not to smoke at all, monitor your well-being during this day, note how situations in which the patient usually smokes are tolerated. The patient is recommended to write down all his actions and impressions during the week of the preparatory stage by day in a diary. Based on the analysis of the experience of the preparatory stage, smoking cessation tactics are being developed.

Developing an Individualized Smoking Cessation Plan

A smoking cessation plan is drawn up at the second, a week later, visit of the patient. The patient's arrival at the second scheduled visit is a kind of test for whether the smoker has sufficient motivation to quit smoking. When drawing up a plan, the doctor should take into account: the intensity and duration of smoking in a given patient; the severity of tobacco dependence; experience of possible past attempts to quit or cut down on smoking. If the patient has made such attempts in the past, it is necessary to analyze them together with him and explain why they were unsuccessful. Emphasize that smoking is not just a habit, but a nicotine addiction that requires some skill and help to overcome it. In addition, it is not always possible to overcome tobacco addiction on the first try. It should be under the supervision of a doctor to make another attempt to quit smoking already according to a specially drawn up plan. Such a plan is drawn up together with the patient and provides for the determination of the date and mode of quitting smoking. To start smoking cessation, it is preferable to choose a day that is somehow significant for the patient, or a day when the patient usually smokes less. There are two main options for quitting smoking, one-step (complete quitting smoking from a certain day) and gradual (every day reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day). More effective and psychologically acceptable for the majority is the mode of instantaneous failure. Gradual cessation of smoking is usually recommended for people suffering from severe forms of chronic diseases in order to prevent deterioration of well-being due to withdrawal syndrome. The patient is advised to inform his relatives (relatives, friends) about his decision to quit smoking. The patient should be warned about possible withdrawal symptoms (irritability, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, headaches, changes in appetite and stool, sweating, increased salivation or dry mouth). It should be explained that all these symptoms are temporary and easily eliminated with certain therapy. In conclusion, taking into account the characteristics of the smoking history and the status of the patient, an individual list and volume of preventive, maintenance and substitution care and therapy are determined.

Support and monitoring of patients after quitting smoking

As a rule, after quitting smoking, smokers experience a withdrawal syndrome with varying degrees of severity of psychological and somatic symptoms. Therefore, all these patients need monitoring and appropriate support for a period of 1 month to a year. After the smoker's appointment, at which the smoking cessation plan was determined, it is advisable to schedule the next visit 1-2 weeks after the start of smoking cessation. During the next appointment, it becomes clear how the failure plan is being carried out, what difficulties have appeared in its implementation, how the patient's well-being changes. In accordance with the information received, if necessary, certain adjustments are made to the smoking cessation plan, additional conversations and suggestions are carried out according to indications, supportive drug therapy is prescribed.

In the case of a relapse after quitting smoking, the patient should be explained that quitting is rarely successful on the first attempt, should be re-enforced in the intention and ability to quit smoking, and the date of quitting should be determined again, with possible correction of the previous quitting plan. You should first ask the patient about the circumstances under which there was a breakdown, a return to smoking. How did it happen? What was he doing at that moment? Where did he get the cigarettes from? Did he try to stop himself somehow? As a result of such a survey, it is important to establish the circumstances that contributed to the breakdown, discuss them with the patient and provide for future measures to neutralize them.

If the withdrawal plan is successfully implemented, the patient should be congratulated, his willpower and organization should be noted, and attention should be focused on possible positive changes in well-being. The next visit is scheduled in 1-2 months. During this visit, it is also clarified how the smoking cessation plan is being implemented and, depending on the results of the indications, the same methods of influencing the patient are used as at the previous visit.

Thus, the full course of treatment for tobacco dependence includes at least three visits to the patient at certain intervals, the first visit-questionnaire, examination, assessment of smoking history, readiness to quit smoking, additional motivation to quit smoking, assignment of filling out a smoker's diary and attempts to manage one's habit , 2nd visit - drawing up a plan of care, therapeutic appointments, 3rd visit - monitoring smoking cessation, the patient's condition, possible correction of therapy. Subsequent visits and monitoring of the patient are carried out according to individual indications. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the criterion for the relatively complete and effective elimination of tobacco dependence and smoking cessation can be considered to be at least 6 months since the last time the patient smoked a cigarette.

Psychotherapist I.V. Tukhtarov
"Tobacco addiction (clinic, diagnosis and treatment)" - manuscript (fragment)

What are the stages of quitting smoking and what should be done at each stage? The question is common, because the once smoked Indian pipe of peace actually turned out to be a pipe of war that mankind has been waging for three centuries, since the 17th century. Tobacco was a curse, a life-shortening addiction. The famous Russian doctor S.P. Botkin bitterly stated: “If I hadn’t smoked, I would have lived another 10-15 years.”

Sooner or later, a person comes to the realization of the need to part with this habit. Doctors have recorded that there are stages of quitting smoking. There are four in total.

Stage one - motivational, or precontemplation and reflection

There is a motive, a desire to give up a habit that interferes with a full life. The reasons for the appearance of this desire are different: concern for health, beauty, weakening of libido, frigidity in women, the desire to have healthy offspring.

What happens after quitting smoking at this stage? The smoker or smoker will have the feeling that something is missing. An acute desire to give up a cigarette struggles with an equally acute desire to smoke. Irritation boils, depression is felt. This is a signal about the beginning of the restructuring of the body. Conjunctivitis, colds may begin: the immune system reacts to the absence of nicotine in the body. Dreaming about cigarettes. There is a shake-up of the whole organism, which requires another portion of nicotine. In terms of duration, this stage is the shortest: 1-3 days. In the tissues of the body already at this stage there is an increase in the level of oxygen. The amount of carbon monoxide is reduced.

The cough may increase as the lungs begin to clear. The amount of mucus in them decreases, on the second day the mucus in the stomach also decreases.

What to do to resist the temptation to smoke:

  1. Put cigarettes away. Rejection must be abrupt.
  2. Ask smokers not to take cigarettes.
  3. Hang up reminders in all prominent places why you decided to quit smoking.
  4. Do not take alcohol, as it provokes the desire to smoke.
  5. Do not take coffee, spicy food.
  6. Avoid stressful situations, suppress outbursts of aggression by willpower.
  7. Increase the number of water procedures with cool water.
  8. Go out for walks more often. All non-smoking activities are good.
  9. Review the diet, include oranges, parsley, beef liver and kidneys. Drink kefir, yogurt, eat foods containing vitamin A. Introduce herbal teas into the diet: oregano + tricolor violet + linden.

Stage two - volitional, actions

The process of quitting smoking should be accompanied by education of the will.

What happens after quitting smoking in the second stage? Irritation increases, headaches, spleen may appear. So the body needs nicotine. The sense of smell is sharply aggravated, even the smell of tobacco causes irritation. The desire to smoke intensifies many times over. To have dreams in which the one who quit the cigarette smokes.

The emotional picture of this period is motley. On the one hand, the joy of overcoming, on the other - depression, confusion. Sleep disturbing, unstable. It is especially difficult by the 5th day of refusal. At this stage, cigarettes will definitely come across intrusively. Tempting thoughts arise, which must be suppressed by an effort of will.

By the 14th day after quitting smoking, painful thoughts fade into the background, but internal motivation dries up, so support is needed not only from relatives, but also from like-minded people.

What to do:

  1. Avoid places and companies where people smoke.
  2. Continue walking and water activities.
  3. If necessary, take anti-smoking drugs, although they do not always help.
  4. Switch to a vegetarian diet if possible, meat products increase the craving for smoking.
  5. Set yourself up for a long term fight habit. The initial result will be visible no earlier than after 4 weeks, or even more. It depends on your smoking history.
  6. If there are no contraindications, visit a steam room, take a steam bath with a birch broom, which helps to cleanse the lungs very well.
  7. Seek support and help from relatives or like-minded people.

What happens to the body during this period? Despite the negative emotions of this period, after quitting smoking, the heart and lungs are the first to “come to life”. The latter begin to intensively cleanse, oxygen enters the heart, which enriches the blood. The whole body begins to breathe. Shortness of breath disappears, morning expectoration of sputum too, cough decreases or disappears altogether. The eyes become clearer, enlightenment sets in in the head, headaches subside, in most cases blood pressure returns to normal, but it can also be unstable. You need to know this and be prepared. Recovery continues. It is necessary to pay attention to the work of the intestines, as constipation may occur due to a decrease in its mobility. To eliminate this trouble, you need to eat more greens, salad, vegetables. Take an infusion of buckthorn. The use of medications is undesirable.

The emotional picture of this period is also variegated: the joy of overcoming and depression, confusion at the same time. The dream is disturbing.

The processes in the lungs, which began at the first stage, will continue for at least six months. And if the experience of smoking was significant, then longer. The immune system continues intensive recovery.

Stage three - uncontrollable

After quitting smoking, this is the culminating stage. Either progress will continue or regression will come.

What happens after quitting smoking in the third stage? Bad sleep returns, irritability, aggressiveness increase, in women - tearfulness. A frantic search for cigarettes begins. There is a feeling of emptiness.

It is especially difficult to be near smokers at work, in public places.

A breakdown can occur due to external influences: conflicts at work or at home. The weaker the motivation, and it is weakening by this point, the sooner a person will take up a cigarette.

What happens to the body? There is an increase in sweating, thirst, frequent urination, appetite is reduced, bitterness appears in the mouth, although the body continues to recover.

What to do? Actively confront negativity. Here it is important not to retreat, not to succumb to weakness, to try to remember what the smoking period was like, the most negative states. Refusal motivation and self-persuasion become effective again.

Stage four - regression

Negative stage, characterized by a return to addiction. The most unpleasant result is that the body of smokers begins to catch up and the number of cigarettes smoked may increase.

The taste of victory disappears, all efforts are in vain, a person is angry at himself for not holding out and breaking down. Any troubles at this time can convince you that a cigarette is the only help.

The breakdown has occurred, but this is not the end!

Before you start again, you need to try to answer the question of why you are drawn to smoking. You can use the questionnaire of D. Horn. Horn distinguishes the following types:
  1. "Stimulation". Nicotine addiction is high. The smoker thinks that the cigarette will help to remove physical and emotional fatigue.
  2. "Game with a cigarette." Low degree of nicotine dependence. For a smoker, the objects of smoking and the environment (company) are important. Cigarettes are smoked in small quantities.
  3. "Relaxation". Nicotine addiction is high. Tobacco, the very process of smoking is a pleasure. Quitting a cigarette is hard.
  4. "Support". Nicotine addiction is high. Cigarettes are used to relieve nervous tension.
  5. "Thirst". Nicotine addiction is high. The body is literally planted on a "nicotine needle". As soon as the level of nicotine decreases, a cigarette is smoked.
  6. "Reflex". Very high degree of nicotine dependence. They smoke unknowingly and a lot, more than a pack a day, especially with physical and mental stress.

Secrets of successful smoking cessation

The body overcomes the addiction itself within 3-4 days, a feeling of lightness appears.

Most people who smoke eventually come to the decision to give up the bad habit once and for all. But the decision to quit smoking does not always coincide with the psychological capabilities of a person in order to completely abandon habitual cigarettes at one moment. Therefore, many men and women are wondering how to gradually quit smoking?

Indeed, there is a method that allows you to gradually quit smoking and it is the "easiest" method in the fight against addiction.

Probably every smoker has tried many times to quit smoking. But not all of them succeeded the first time, to take and immediately give up the craving to smoke. Our brain is designed in such a way that it is always looking for something that helps it out in difficult situations. Therefore, the habit of smoking, like a lifesaver, is always at hand in difficult situations: during conflicts or boredom, with nervous tension, at times when you need to fill time with something or somehow defuse the situation, for example, awkward silence in the company. The brain knows how to cope with these moments, so the hand unconsciously reaches for a pack of cigarettes for the already familiar “sedative”.

And yet there are people who are able to take and quit smoking in one day, such people inspire others to try to give up a bad habit. Why can't you quit smoking? The fact is that you need to give up not the habit itself, but you need to find the reasons that caused the habit of smoking. It is necessary to fight not with the consequence, but with the causes, just as the treatment of any disease begins with the discovery of the causes, so the process of quitting smoking should begin with the discovery of negative factors that break your willpower.

There are two types of addiction in smoking: the physiological type and the psychological type.

Psychological type of addiction are the psychological traits that bring us back to addiction. Most often, smoking on the part of the psychological type is a signal that a person is unconsciously trying to light up some of his problems or life difficulties.

Physiological type of addiction- This is the mechanism of addiction of the whole organism to nicotine. Nicotine eventually penetrates into all vital processes of the body and if you stop smoking abruptly, the production of certain hormones in the body slows down, which leads to a depressed state of health (weakness, drowsiness, etc.). Therefore, the best way to quit smoking is to gradually give up cigarettes. In order for the body to be able to adapt to a new "style" of life without nicotine. Over time, the body will receive less and less nicotine, therefore, during the refusal of cigarettes, the metabolic processes in the body will begin to recover and the stage of giving up cigarettes will not be so difficult.

If you try to quit smoking in one day, the whole body raises a rebellion, the entire nervous system will signal that the metabolic chain has lost one of its usual links, in our case, the nicotine link.

The step-by-step method of quitting cigarettes includes a scheme to slowly transition from daily smoking of cigarettes to a life without smoking, while not falling into a depressive state. In any case, even if you quit smoking gradually, you should understand that without the application of willpower to the fight against smoking, the progress of quitting cigarettes will be impossible. But the main thing is not to lose hope, today it didn’t work out, it means it will work out tomorrow, in any case, you can no longer step back and you need to fight to the end. Will in a fist and gradually stop smoking.

Step by step guide to quit smoking

Step #1 Gradual Rejection

Gradual cessation should begin with giving up strong cigarettes. You need to switch to light cigarettes, which contain no more than 1 mg of nicotine. The fact is that light cigarettes have a double filtration system (two filters). Therefore, such cigarettes cause harm in a minimal amount.

Due to the fact that nicotine in such cigarettes is much less than in strong ones, a person may begin nicotine starvation from unaccustomed. The body in this case will require the usual "dose" of nicotine. You will be tempted to smoke another after smoking a light cigarette. In this case, it is very important to control yourself and be strict about how many cigarettes you smoke. It is better to calculate a certain number of cigarettes per day (5-10 pieces) and forbid yourself to smoke more than this amount.

After a short period, about 1-2 weeks, your body will adapt to the minimum amount of nicotine on its own. The main thing is to start and at first restrain yourself from taking and smoking one more cigarette and one more and so on. The first step is the hardest, but if you get past the first step, the next step will be much easier for you.

Step #2 Don't finish your cigarette

A common mistake all smokers make is smoking a cigarette all the way to the filter. Not only is it incredibly harmful to human health, but it also slows down the entire process of quitting cigarettes. In order for the phase-out method to work effectively, you should split the cigarette into two parts, smoke only half and throw it away. Over the course of 7-10 days, the body will wean from the increased dosage of nicotine. After that, you can move on.

Step 3 Reduce the number of cigarettes gradually

The main thing in the desire to quit smoking is action and endurance. You should mentally set yourself up for something that will be difficult, but you can handle it. After all, your desire to live and be healthy is stronger than the desire to smoke tobacco leaves and get sick in the future. Set yourself a strict target - I do not smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day, and every day reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke by 1: today 10, tomorrow 9, the day after tomorrow 8, etc. Until you reach 1 cigarette a day.

The first days of such a “strict” smoking regime can cause some panic. It may even seem to you that you will not cope with this negative habit. And the desire to smoke a couple more cigarettes will appear more and more often. And only after 21 days your psychological and physiological state will begin to return to normal. And after 2 months you will be able to smoke 1-2 cigarettes a day (up to half) and at the same time catch yourself thinking that you have an aversion to smoking.

Step #4 Quitting Smoking Completely

Only after incredible efforts and collected will into a fist, you can reach the finish line. And the finish in this situation is a complete rejection of cigarettes. This must be done abruptly and immediately, in one day and at one moment. Complete denial. Once you start going outside to fill your chest with fresh air instead of inhaling cigarette smoke, you know you have won!

  • Ask your loved ones to support the idea of ​​quitting smoking, let all your smoking acquaintances support you and try not to call you for a smoke break, not to offer or give you cigarettes.
  • Keep all lighters, ashtrays, and anything reminiscent of cigarettes out of sight, and throw the pack of cigarettes in the trash.
  • Instead of an ashtray, put a candy box (nuts, seeds, tangerines, etc.).
  • Try to avoid cigarette stalls and kiosks.
  • If you are depressed or your work is stressful, try not to use cigarettes as a sedative. In moments of nervous tension, pick up a pen or any object that will allow you to calm your nerves a little.
  • Do not believe the inner voice "this is the last", "this is the last puff." It's not true, it's not your mind talking, it's nicotine addiction talking.
  • If you are in a smoking area, try to be a passive smoker, or better yet, go to a non-smoking area.
  • Do not comfort yourself with the thought that it is very easy to quit smoking. You need to understand that the gradual and complete cessation of smoking requires a lot of strength and patience from a person who has decided to give up the habit of smoking cigarettes.
  • Set a goal for yourself to quit smoking because I want to have perfect health and rosy-cheeked children without diseases.

Any bad habit has its causes, but it also has many reasons to stop poisoning your body. Giving up cigarettes is much easier than treating lung cancer. Quit smoking and may your health be strong!

This setup helps. I have been holding on for a day and 6 hours. Lord, help me never start smoking again

Elena Pupkina

Really helps! I watched the video at work, everything is as stated in the video. Arms and legs became heavy, warmth spread throughout the body, I wanted to close my eyes. I woke up, cigarettes were stolen + dismissal ...


Cigarettes are the devil's piss. That's the whole setup for you.

Danniella Katc

Quitting smoking is very easy. It's hard not to start again.

Old Soldier

paused. I'll check after the break


I have been smoking for 32 years. I quit at one moment. It was unbearably hard. But I haven’t touched a cigarette.

Olga Kudinova

I read the comments and wonder. Those who write negative, why the hell are you even listening to meditation? Are you sure that smoking is high for you, smoke for your health and be happy🙏🏻 and those who are really looking for a way to get rid of nicotine addiction, looking for any way. You should be happy for those who it really helped😇 I listened to it half an hour ago, I'm sitting asking myself why the hell I've been ruining myself for 30 years. At first it was for fun and now nothing cool, just a passive lifestyle. Therefore, whoever has little experience, give up this thankless job😍

Tatyana Mashukova

While the comments were reading the video, the mother was over


I don't smoke at 11 o'clock. This is a nightmare, thoughts constantly arise about a cigarette. Why did I just start smoking. I never thought that it would be so difficult to get rid of shit. People, watch your children so that they do not fall into this trap. I also thought that I would indulge and that’s all, I won’t smoke. Never start, especially teenagers.

Elena Pupkina

I want to say thank you so much!!! What you are doing is priceless. Quitting smoking was not just a problem for me, but a real disaster. The difficulty was that I liked to smoke (I think some smokers will understand me). What I just didn’t try ... As a result, I waved my hand and smoked. Initially, I listened to a session for insomnia and it helped me a lot. I was skeptical about the smoking session. But I decided it couldn't get any worse. I don’t have the opportunity to watch the video several times a day, and I reformatted the video into audio, turned it on at night (quietly, so that it was comfortable to fall asleep). Two weeks passed (listenings), I treated the session as a session for calming and sleeping. But one morning I woke up, lit a cigarette and after smoking half a cigarette I realized that I didn’t want to smoke. I didn’t connect it with anything, I thought that I just didn’t feel like it, but after an hour, having smoked half a cigarette again, I realized that I didn’t want to smoke. And... I don't smoke anymore. I don't feel like it, I'm indifferent to cigarettes. For me it was such a surprise. (Smoking experience - 20 years). My husband always said that all these sessions are nonsense, but also thanks to you I quit smoking. Now, when he can't sleep, he says: "Well, where is your doctor? Turn it on." I turn on a session for insomnia or for relaxation, and after 5 minutes he is already sleeping sweetly.))) Thank you for helping to get rid of this addiction. Thank you for the other, equally wonderful sessions (now I'm listening to the recovery of the spine). Few like you. I wish you prosperity, endless energy for new achievements and, of course, good health! Looking forward to your new videos. You are my favorite doctor! ;))

Olga Silence

I didn't believe it, I just decided for the sake of experiment to listen and try to follow my instincts with the thought = A SUDDENLY = ... I was very surprised when the next day after the first morning cigarette I almost threw up. Maybe it's a placebo effect, maybe not. I am pleased with the result because I have not smoked for a month. Do not pull, do not want to. One problem is excessive dislike for the smell of cigarettes, if someone smokes 5 meters away from me, then I will feel exorbitantly and I will become crappy, not much, but there is a slight feeling of nausea. Otherwise, I'm happy with the result.


I don't smoke myself, but I'm very happy for those who want to give up this stupid and unnecessary habit!

Ainura İstanbul

I forgot to write that I have not smoked for 1 month and 4 days.

Olga Sobetskaya

It really helped, I have not smoked for 5 minutes after the session! It's super!

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