Space simulators with landing on planets. The best

This page of the "site" portal contains an extensive list of open world games about space. Each open world game in this catalog has been carefully selected by us, and we are sure that all the games collected here are worth your attention! By reviewing the games in this category, you will definitely find the right game for you. Our list of open world space games combines some of the best and most memorable open world games of all time. Games are conveniently broken down by dates from 2017 - 2016, and early years. It is also worth paying attention to our TOP 10 open world games, for which we have selected only the best games of the genre.


The amount of information on games can confuse you, but we have worked it out as much as possible, and you will be able to choose the game you need with all the convenience by watching the video and screenshots, or by reading the information in detail on the corresponding page of the game. OnyxGame website collected a large number of variety of game genres and sorted them by games on PC and other platforms. Now you will definitely find only the best computer games for yourself!

Space simulators are not for everyone. This axiom does not depend on genre, release year, graphics or ease of control. The fact is that gamers treat game projects about space with some distrust and do not want to spend their time flying in outer space. Just look at the most popular games, whether it's online player ratings or digital copy sales, and you won't notice space sims there. We do not take into account Star Citizen, because this game is above all laws, rules and regulations.

The most popular games today are League of Legends, Dota 2, with their "Royal Battle" and all multiplayer products of this type. They gain their fame for a lot of reasons, but they certainly deserve it. Everyone wants to come home or to a computer club, sit down at the computer and fight. Somehow express yourself, splash out negative emotions, communicate with friends and receive moral satisfaction from this. Space simulators provide a slightly different experience, which makes them not so popular among gamers.

Plus, space simulators, and indeed space-related games in general, have two key problems that prevent them from becoming so massive and popular.

First reason- Difficulty in implementation. Creating a map for CS:GO or League of Legends is quite difficult, you need to think through a lot of details and moments, draw graphics, test and release. However, this is a certain set of elements that will be polished and will not be touched again. Now imagine how much effort and time it takes to create at least a solar system. Create planets, organize locations, textures, living creatures, vegetation on these planets, add some kind of activity or just make them more or less interesting.

Now let's add transport to the planets - we need a ground version, aircraft, different spacecraft and stuff like that. If the game is based on the study of the galaxy, then you need to come up with a lot of mechanics, details and graphic components. As a result, it is much easier to create a shooter than to develop a really good space game.

The second reason- Popularity below stamped shooters and MOBAs. Yes, now many fans of EVE Online will say that space simulators have a huge audience, but online even the coolest and longest-running EVE at its peak was 50 thousand people. For comparison, Dota 2 is now in decline and 400 thousand people online are considered a meager figure, while two million people enter PUBG every day. Naturally, the developers do not have much desire to create a heavy project about space, when it will still have ten times fewer players than the modernized version of the Warcraft mod. And, if there are few players, then it will be more difficult to get a decent profit.

Because of these two difficulties, there are really very, very few space-themed game projects on the market. There are various indie games where only the name remains of space, there are games from the 2000s, where the graphics were redone and now they play on the feelings of the older generation. There are quite a few powerful and interesting products that I would like to play. Today I will talk about five games that, in my personal opinion, are the best representatives of their genre.

Plus, after the main part of the article there will be a bonus for those who want to play something about space, but do not want it to be the basis of the entire gameplay.

EVE Online

I think even if you have never played EVE Online, then you have definitely heard about it. The network constantly flashes data about the cost of ships destroyed during the battle for some important resource, planet, or simply during the clan war. And it seems to me that a prime example a really good and complete game about space, with all the ensuing possibilities.

There are a lot of active players here who go about their business - they build the economy, extract resources, build ships, earn money, communicate, develop development strategies and even lead political battles. Yes, this game has its own politics, its own strong clans, and they are constantly fighting for resources, benefits, profitable locations and territories.

The game was released back in 2003. Just imagine - the game of 2003 is still played to this day, while online is even growing a little and players do not panic at all about moving somewhere. The number of active subscribers (about the subscription a little later) is 330 thousand people, from 15 to 50 thousand people are constantly online. And, most importantly, they all play on the same shared server. Imagine - 50 thousand people on one server. In 2016, the developer received $ 86 million in profit, which means that the project will develop and attract more and more new users.

The game is provided free of charge, but you will not be able to play for a long time without a paid subscription. The fact is that the free version has a number of restrictions on the level of the character and the equipment that you can use, so it will be unrealistic to play comfortably without a subscription. Here it is worth noting the price tag for an annual subscription - $131. And, most importantly, even paying $ 10 a month for access to the game, no one guarantees you success, victories in battles or a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bresources. You can explore space with an empty pocket all this year and pay the cost of two AAA games just for the opportunity to use all the features of the project.

However, this is the largest space game in history. A huge number of players, breathtaking ships, real economics and politics, plenty of opportunities for self-realization in various areas of virtual life. If you want to sit down seriously and for a long time at the helm of a spaceship, then EVE Online will give you everything you could wish for.

It should be understood that the game is quite complex and requires you to explore not only the game world, but also the mechanics, features of the economy, interaction with other players, and performing routine tasks. If you want to fly around the galaxy and fight a couple of enemies, close the game and go on about your business - this game is not for you. Absolutely not for you.

  • 15-50 thousand people on the server;
  • unimaginable size virtual world;
  • many ships;
  • politics, economics, society;
  • a serious, full-fledged game about space.
  • costs $131 per year;
  • it makes no sense to play for free;
  • to delve long and difficult;
  • even with a subscription, you need to plow like Papa Carlo;
  • a cool ship costs like a used car.
May not like:
  • the game takes a lot of time;
  • need to play for years;
  • politics and economics are more important than battles.

Elite: Dangerous

A game that deserved a very mixed reaction from users. The fact is that the developers promised gamers a lot of opportunities and a rich life in almost the entire Milky Way, but in reality only small areas of the overall map turned out to be really populated. Agree, when you are promised enemies, merchants and explorers on every planet, behind every asteroid and solar system, and you fly for a couple of hours in search of at least someone alive, the sensations deteriorate.

But, let's not talk about sad things. This project was released in 2014 and the developers are really working to make the game bring you more fun. Constant updates, patches, free add-ons and a cool storyline will bring you a lot of positive emotions literally in the first minutes of passage.

It is worth making a clarification - in the game there is an opportunity to play on your own, without other people; you can play in co-op with friends; you can play the multiplayer version of the project.

The first two options for passing are clear - you fly alone or with friends, fight, study planets, extract resources, enjoy open space and endless possibilities. But, sooner or later, you will want to plunge into online and the sensations will change dramatically. Yes, no one has been to the most distant planets, and if you fly a little farther than the main activity zone, then you will be looking for a live player for hours. If you stay in the sector of increased activity, you get a very vigorous space simulator.

You may be robbed. Or you and your friends can rob a loner, take all his goods and do nothing further until you catch the target again. You can explore the planets, descend to them (for this you need to pay for the DLC) and drive through the endless planets, collecting valuable supplies. You can just fly and watch beautiful landscapes, visit the most interesting planets for yourself and relax.

There are really a lot of activities, but online is noticeably lower and the game is not supplied by subscription. This is a significant difference from EVE Online - where players pay ten bucks a month and do not want this money to just disappear. Here, users are not so motivated for achievements, wars and the economy, since the game can be bought for ridiculous money on sale and receive content for many years in a row.

But the entry threshold is much lower here. They immediately give you a ship, give you a thousand credits, and then you fly through space, fight, complete tasks and develop, improve the ship, get more difficult tasks and create your own adventures.

  • low entry threshold;
  • on sale can be taken for $10;
  • no subscription;
  • three game modes;
  • there is no need to invest in donations.
  • the Milky Way is 95% empty;
  • there is no important social component;
  • the players are not so serious;
  • landing on the planet for $20 DLC.
May not like:
  • sandbox without a plot;
  • the planets are bare and boring;
  • new mechanics are introduced over the years.

no man sky

After the official release of the game, it became clear that No Man Sky is not what the developers promised us. Actually, because of this, such a storm of negativity arose, which can only be compared with the recent events around Star Wars Battlefront 2.

The fact is that the developers, as usual, promised a lot of things. In particular, they promised the players the vast expanses of the galaxy, where each planet will be unique, and its flora and fauna will not be repeated. The creators at each interview talked about a special formula that creates millions and billions of planets with a unique shape, color and features for the player.

And while Sean Murray lied in this regard, the two main lies lie elsewhere.

First lie - the game world will be so huge, diverse and multifaceted that two friends playing in the game will never be able to meet on, say, the same planet. It is because of this that the developers put pressure on the fact that it would be more interesting to play alone, because you will never meet your friend - the world is too big and huge distances separate you. In just two hours of play, players were able to get to the same planet, visit the same locations, and even chat with a non-player character who gave the same quests and dialogues. That is, not such a big world here.

Second lie - multiplayer game. It is because of this that the game was returned to the stores by thousands of users. It is because of this that the game will never be released on Steam at least for an average rating. It is because of this that the game is called the biggest deception in the gaming industry of the twenty-first century.

The developers in the interview repeatedly said that the game is multiplayer and although you will not be able to find your friend in a huge galaxy, you will meet other players and somehow interact too. It's just a single player game. There is not even a cooperative here, only a game for one person. Imagine that you have been waiting for the game for years, hoping that you are about to go with friends on a spaceship through the galaxy in search of adventure and wealth, and you are told that in fact this will not happen.

After such a negative start, you might think that the game didn’t get better for me and how it got into the top at all. However, if we discard all these speeches of the product creators, user expectations and criticism of angry fans, then the game is very cool.

We have a really big virtual world. It's not big enough for you to fly from planet to planet for hours, but you can't even fly through the galaxy in a couple of minutes, there are decent distances, solar systems and stuff like that.

The planets are large, inhabited, and more or less unique. It should be understood that all planets and flora and fauna were created according to a set of templates and a formula. If you play for twenty hours, you already notice the similarities between the planets, after a hundred hours nothing new will be shown. On the other hand, the planets are interesting, you can land on them, collect resources, look at the surroundings and fly further to explore wondrous worlds.

Let's not forget about tasks, various kinds of dialogues and stories, the possibility of upgrading the ship or buying a new aircraft. It's all there, it's implemented quite coolly, and if you didn't expect something like multiplayer from the game, then you'll like it much more than EVE Online or Elite: Dangerous. Still, flying between planets, exploring them, extracting resources manually, completing tasks and enjoying unrealistically beautiful landscapes is much more interesting than doing politics or wandering around deserted locations in search of opponents to fight.


  • huge open world;
  • inhabited planets;
  • assignments, dialogues, stories;
  • ship improvements;
  • the freedom of action.
  • developer lies;
  • disappointment of the century;
  • don't play with friends.
May not like:
  • gets bored in a hundred hours;
  • where are people?

Star Citizen

The Star Citizen project holds the record for raising funds for development, but many consider the game to be a scam. Actually, there are quite good reasons for this, but whether you believe it or not is another question. Fundraising for the development of this space simulator began in 2012 and continues to this day, only the developers have not shown a full-fledged product, there is only a tiny fraction of the promised content.

The fact is that on the Kickstarter platform, the developers requested a little more than two million dollars to create their incredibly cool project. Having collected more than four million, the team began to create the first module (part) of the game, along the way selling content on its website, by purchasing which you get access to the game immediately after the release. That is, the fundraising continued, although the collected amount was twice the required amount.

It was only in 2013 that the first part of the project was shown - the hangar module, in which you could watch your ship, upgrade it, and so on. Just think - for a whole year, the studio, consisting of two offices in Austin and Los Angeles with four million dollars on hand, created a hangar in which you can only look at the ship and repaint it, add some elements. In EA during this period, Need For Speed release a new one with hundreds of cars and tuning, for example.

At the beginning of 2017, the release of alpha version 3.0 was scheduled. The amount that the developers managed to raise exceeded $170 million. However, in the five years since the fundraising was launched, the game never left the alpha version and only four moons were provided to us from the promised galaxy.

On this moment players got access to some content, which, although very far from what the developers promised, but it already looks cool. We have four moons (not to be confused with the Earth's satellite - the Moon), there is a decent distance between them and you can move between objects by jumping into hyperspace. Yes, just like in Star Wars, when the stars around you stretch in lines and you overcome huge distances in a matter of moments.

In addition, upon arrival at the moon's orbit, you can explore it on your aircraft, fly around the space object and choose the most suitable place for landing. The dimensions of the moons are really impressive, and even to fly over the surface of one such satellite, you need to spend quite a lot of time. After exploring the landscape, you can land on the surface and go on a journey - for this there is a special vehicle with six wheels.

True, there are only a couple of interesting locations on the moon, while approximately 98% of the surface does not carry any interest at all. Desert locations with rare craters and hills that will get bored in ten minutes after the trip. You can search for secret locations and base with your population, NPCs and quests.

That is, today the project allows you to jump between four moons, drive on the desert surface of each of them, plus spend an unforgettable five minutes at the bases, there is nothing to do longer. There are also repair stations, but they are also not very interesting.

At the same time, you can play with adequate 30 frames per second only on an empty server. If two or three more people enter the server, then the FPS drops to 10-20 and does not rise any higher, even if your computer costs five thousand dollars. The problem is in the network code - it is not optimized at all for computers with current capacities.

The fact that caused distrust for the entire project as a whole was the change in the rules for the return of funds to users who bought ships and sets in Star Citizen. Previously, the rules stated that if the game is not released after 18 months after the specified release date, "contributors" will receive all their funds back. Now the rules have changed dramatically - funds cannot be returned until the team has completely stopped developing the game. Simply put, as long as the studio says development is underway, you can wait at least ten years for a refund.

Players are simply afraid that developers are deliberately delaying development and investing as much effort as necessary to further earn money from the sale of ships. After all, besides the modest and boring moons with a hangar for repairs, nothing else was implemented over such a long period and with such huge money on hand. Naturally, depositors are worried about their $45 (now the minimum amount to access the game) and too many factors indicate that they are worried for good reason.

However, if the game is still released in its full form, then this will be the end of absolutely all space simulators, and most online projects of other genres too. The developers have already shown a completely seamless virtual world with the ability to board a ship and explore space without barriers. In the future, we are promised the opportunity to land on any planet, collect resources or complete a quest, promise cities with characters, housing, entertainment and work. And I'm not talking about things like space battles, ships, modifications, and so on.

The game has a lot of ambitions, and if it is brought to mind, then it will be possible to explore space on your own, with friends, fight or trade, work and enjoy those activities that are not available in real life or other games. Only for the ambitions and what the developers show in their modules and videos for social networks, the game was called the best and most modern project.

Just imagine a game where you board your ship, fly through a dozen solar systems, fly up to one of the planets, land (without downloads and gaps), fight with other players for resources, fly away and move on. In outer space, where there are no barriers. Sounds pretty damn good if it was still optimized for a comfortable game and given a little more content.

  • the most ambitious game in history;
  • $170 million for development;
  • open space without loading screens;
  • hundreds of activities and hobbies;
  • many variations of ships and equipment.
  • for five years of development, only the alpha version;
  • 10-20 FPS;
  • four desert moons with no content;
  • buy a ship - let's play.
May not like:
  • we may not live to see the release version.

Space Engineers

The game Space Engineers for me is a kind of improved version of Minecraft - here you also need to build structures, extract resources, but building something sensible is really difficult. It is enough just to open the Internet and look at the projects of various kinds of aircraft that the players created in the game, and it becomes clear that the word "engineer" in the title is written for a reason. The designs are complex, they require an understanding of the schemes and features of some mechanisms, you need to calculate the engine power for the size of the ship and stuff like that.

The developers have taken on the very difficult task of creating a space simulator that will have a very detailed system for designing and assembling a spacecraft, a system for landing on planets and asteroids for resource extraction, plus a process of interaction between players. For a small development studio, this is quite difficult task, but they are gradually coping with it and it pleases.

Already, Space Engineers have optimized for you to play on your own not powerful computer and enjoyed it with a stable frame rate without drawdowns. At the time of the release of the project in the early access stage, it was almost impossible to play, and now even on a mid-range computer, a quite nice picture is obtained. An endless virtual world opens up before you with such a range of possibilities that it takes your breath away.

You can get confused and find projects of huge ships on the net, then repeat the idea in the game, somehow change the design of the aircraft or redo the design. Very popular in this game are copies of spaceships from Star Wars, for example, which are very interesting to collect and you can always come up with something of your own. If you are not interested, you can with friends on hastily collect a couple of ships and push them against each other, look at the beautiful destruction and laugh a lot.

The developers managed to create a project about space, in which it is equally interesting to spend time both on your own and in the company of friends or other users unfamiliar to you. In my opinion, this is the most important component, because when your pleasure does not depend on the popularity of the product or the number of users on the network, it is much more pleasant to play.

  • ship design;
  • manual assembly of aircraft;
  • mass of mechanisms;
  • open space with all the laws of physics;
  • the project is constantly updated and finalized;
  • there are hundreds of guides on the web for assembling the coolest ships;
  • you can collect the "Death Star".
  • optimization is not yet perfect;
  • not quite friendly interface;
  • complex mechanisms;
  • Building a ship takes a lot of time.
May not like:
  • there is no mechanic for fun;
  • there is no need to communicate with other players either.

Games closely related to space

Star Wars: Battlefront II
A game that received so much negativity at the start that now one can only hope that DICE will take on projects on this subject. Lootboxes have led to refunds for digital copies, hundreds of videos have been filmed online, and even more negative reviews have been written. All this has ruined the reputation of the game, which can give you a much more positive experience from the conquest of space than many products focused on this idea entirely.

I mean space battles - they are thought out very well and playing in space on a rebel fighter, or destroying everyone on an imperial ship, is cool enough and against the backdrop of these feelings you can even forget about the boxes. Indeed, the mode of battle between spaceships here it looks as cheerful as possible, players do unimaginable things with ships, and if you are a fan of all this and the theme of skirmishes in space is close to you, then Star Wars: Battlefront II will give you the best multiplayer space fighter battles on the video game market.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

Another game that has been shattered by negative comments from reviewers, users, and critics. Everyone expected the project to be something in the spirit of the old school, while the developers from BioWare decided to go the other way and show more mechanics, a new story. It is a pity that under the pressure of criticism Mass Effect: Andromeda failed in sales and now it is reliably known that the entire franchise is frozen indefinitely.

I will not say my opinion about the product as a whole, it is not important anymore, but the implementation of space research here is fantastic. You find a new system, manually scan each planet, find the information you need, and progress further in the storyline. Sometimes we are given the opportunity to go to the planet itself and explore its territory on an all-terrain vehicle, look for resources, enemies and secret places. Plus, there aren't many games where you can have a relationship with a girl of alien origin.

This is the third AAA-class project that has experienced a mountain of negativity, not entirely deserved, as it seems to me. Still, when you look at the storyline, game mechanics and graphics, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare seems to be even more attractive than Call of Duty: WWII. But, now the conversation is not about that.

This part of the famous franchise has some of the best space combat I've seen. Of course, Battlefront II goes far ahead here, but COD also has something to answer. Well-designed controls, peppy skirmishes with dozens of opponents, dangerous turns and huge maps with a lot of small objects in open space. Yes, it’s worth saying that these battles are implemented only in the storyline and some tasks seem to be drawn out, but, in general, in terms of space battles, this part of the shooter directly pleased. I think no one expected such a good implementation of this gameplay element from the project.

EVE: Valkyrie

The article ends with one of the most advanced games in general on the gaming market, not only in the space simulator genre. The EVE: Valkyrie project was not initially perceived by the players as something serious and exciting, and this is a VR game, that is, you also need to buy a helmet for it.

Now we can say with confidence that this project is the reason why a gamer will buy a virtual reality helmet. Very colorful, bright and juicy implementation of space battles, with almost complete immersion on the part of the player, allows you to completely forget about the usual games with a mouse and keyboard / gamepad.

This game is the future of the industry, a prime example of how we will play in five years. If you really wanted to look at virtual reality, but did not notice worthy games for which you could buy an expensive toy, then take a closer look at this simulator. It will satisfy even the most sophisticated users.

Kerbal Space Program

I can't call Kerbal Space Program just a game. This is a vivid example of how the virtual world can be as close as possible in terms of the laws of physics to the real world, and how a game about little green men can motivate to study science more than the educational system. The developers give you so incredible scope for imagination and engineering ideas that it’s simply impossible to explain it in a nutshell.

However, I will try. Why is this game so interesting? We have a team of carbonauts and the task is to get to some planet, conduct our research and return home. Moreover, throughout this chain, success will depend solely on you and no one will land a rocket or take off for you. It is necessary to fully design the aircraft, design its take-off module, take off from the Earth (this is not always possible) and go into space. Let's add to this the calculation of the flight trajectory to the desired point and the trajectory of returning to the home planet. And, of course, landing.

Sometimes it takes hundreds of takeoff attempts to implement one successful rocket. A lot of mistakes, failures and problems force you to read thematic literature, watch photos of real rockets, watch videos about the launch of real shuttles into space. The study of physics and astronomy, technical knowledge helps a lot. This is not just a toy for those who want to shoot at enemies in the evening, here you need to think, study and enlighten. Agree, there are not many games you know where you need to learn something from the real world and read books.

Interesting Facts:

  • In schools in Europe and the USA, the game is used for scientific projects in astronautics and physics.
  • NASA contacted the developers of the project directly and asked them to familiarize the players with the program for 2020 to capture extraterrestrial bodies.
  • Mod developers for the Kerbal Space Program have created a ton of content and continue to do so.
  • On the net you can find detailed diagrams of a variety of rockets and assemble everything yourself.

A good game often involves the process of exploring certain locations, levels, rooms. Sometimes developers limit our movement in the game universe: you need to complete some tasks or reach a certain level in order to go to the next location. This is not always bad and sometimes it is appropriate. But in other cases, the whole map is open before us at once, and we are free to go anywhere. Such projects are called "open world". Below you will find a selection of the most notable of them.

Aion - planet Atreya

The large open world MMORPG Aion attracts attention not only with its size, but also with a serious study of the flora and fauna of its various parts. The universe is divided into solar Elios and gloomy harsh Asmodeus. Regardless of which of the two races you play, you are free to go to any part of the car. But be careful - being on a land alien to your people can be dangerous.

ArcheAge - seas, islands and continents

The world of Archeage is also open and huge. The project was Russified in 2014 and at that time the game had by far the largest map, with an area of ​​approximately 900 square kilometers. But the most important thing is that all this space is filled - on the continents, islands and even on the high seas, you will always find someone to fight with, what to get, and what to admire.

Blade and Soul - a map that is interesting to study

Astro Lords - Adventures of the Little Princes

Star Conflict - open space

In addition to exciting session battles, Star Conflict can offer you exploration of various sectors of the Galaxy. By switching to a special open space mode and using the Gates, you are free to go anywhere and search for valuable minerals, fight pirates and biomorphs, or simply explore the world. There are currently 8 sectors available.

R2 Online - hardcore classic

The world of R2 Online is open for movement and exploration. It is not the largest, especially when compared with the latest MMORPGs, but there is where to turn around, and there are quite enough living creatures for extermination. Also an interesting feature is the fact that there are almost no zones safe from PvP attacks in the game: the project is imprisoned for the PvP component and there is no place for weaklings.

Wild Terra - explore and inhabit wild lands

Tera Online - two continents

The world of Tera Online was formed many thousands of years ago. According to legend, two continents arose from the bodies of ancient giants (Arun and Shara), who fell asleep in the waters of the oceans. The lands got their name from the names of the titans. Now they have numerous villages, majestic cities, forests, mountains and fields. Each location is special and unlike any other.

Black Desert - many locations and cities

Karos Online - classic MMORPG

Revelation - graceful universe

Bless - fantasy MMO

At the beginning of the development of online games, a large open world was impossible to create for technical reasons. Then the power of graphics engines and computers did not allow this. In our time, every large-scale project certainly declares the presence of a rather large map available to the player for exploration, while having all kinds of landscapes, flora and fauna. Sometimes these promises are kept, and sometimes they are not. In this list, we have collected MMOs with really interesting game maps.

But it's not just about size and space. An important component is the ability of the player from the very beginning to go anywhere and do whatever he wants. In some projects, the developers severely limit the hero and force him to move through the story gradually, opening up new locations and tasks along the way. Such games definitely cannot be classified as "open world". Freedom of action is a necessary condition.

Open world MMORPGs allow the player to have more control over what is happening and thus immerse themselves deeper in the gameplay. You yourself are free to choose where to direct your character, but at the same time you must be prepared for the consequences: in conditions open card you can easily stumble upon opponents that are significantly superior in strength to you. But that's what makes exploring the gaming universe so interesting.

Another big plus of any sandbox has always been the possibility of a variety of interactions with objects and other game characters. Therefore, many of the above games offer a wide range of professions and skills: you can become a blacksmith, merchant, craftsman, and so on. Also, the opportunity to complete quests is welcomed not only with the help of brute force, but, for example, through negotiations.

Choose the project you like and go in search of adventure!

Although it is common to think that there is a huge gap between fifth and first place, in fact, many space games from this rating are equally good and it is quite difficult to put everything in its place so as not to humiliate some worthy product with an insufficiently high place. However, let's try.

10 best space games

10th place did not immediately find its owner. Quite desperate, I was ready to agree to give it to Spore. But in time I remembered Beyond Good & Evil, which once gave a lot of positive emotions.

Why is "On the Verge of Good and Evil" only in 10th place? Because the space theme is just a background and is often lost during the game. But still, flights on a spacecraft and travel to nearby satellites (the Moon, for example) are present. The game is really cool, but the project was not commercially successful - the sequel is out for a long time remained in question.

In 2008, Ubsoft finally announced the development of the second part, and in May of that year a very promising trailer was released. But the release to this day has not taken place.

UPD. At E3 2017, the release of Beyond Good & Evil 2 was announced. Ubisoft showed the gameplay of the game, which will be released in early 2018.

9th place. Space Engineers

"Space Engineers" made it to our top list for the specific purpose of satisfying those looking for believable space exploration simulations. Building stations and ships, extracting resources, exploring the universe - the possibilities of the game are quite extensive, and fans of sandboxes will like the non-linear passage.

A great option for those who want to feel like a real astronaut, build their own ISS, without any "piu-piu" and futuristic monsters. Space Engineers is an amateur game. For those who crave action and dynamics, it will seem boring, but many others will like it.

8th place. home world 2

In Homeworld 2, you have to try on the role of the commander of the space flagship. The atmosphere of this space game will allow you to fully immerse yourself in epic space battles.

It's nice that the graphics are made at a decent level (and this is in 2003). The developers took the sound accompaniment no less seriously - the peals of explosions subside or grow depending on the degree of remoteness of the camera. The tactical component is also quite thoughtful and dynamic.

7th place. Halo

Although Halo has a rather mediocre popularity here, abroad this franchise is comparable to Star Wars. The history of the struggle for the survival of human civilization in the Universe has turned into an extensive series, which currently has 9 releases and spin-offs.

The first and second parts of Halo, due to their antiquity, are not recommended for people obsessed with a beautiful and high-quality picture. The most kosher games in the series are Halo: Reach And Halo: Combat Evolved. Rich deserves separate likes for excellent multiplayer - for a network game this is the best part of all. In 2012, the fourth part of Halo was released, which also did not disappoint fans. The release of the fifth part is currently expected.

The main characters also play Halo 3. In one of the episodes, their procrastination is played up in a game that turns out to be more attractive to them than the company of pretty girls.

6th place. starcraft

When there was nothing yet, there was already. This is a classic, which it was impossible not to mention in our TOP. StarCraft was born in 1998 and caused a real sensation among gamers from all over the world. For a long time there was no more modern version, until the release of StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty in 2010.

The sequel turned out to be quite successful and relished the fans. In 2013, StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm was released, which has received mixed reviews so far. That didn't stop "Igromania" from giving it the second place in the "Best Strategy of 2013" nomination.

5th place. X-COM Enemy Unknown

Think StarCraft is an old game? What do you think of UFO, which came out in 1993? Of course, the first parts have classic dos graphics, but even they boast interesting and consistent gameplay. "Ufoshki" has always been quite different a high degree difficulties. In 2012, the turn-based strategy X-COM: Enemy Unknown was released, and in 2013, the third-person shooter The Bureau: X-COM Declassified was released.

X-COM: UFO Defense - just gorgeous graphics and gameplay for 1993

But in fact, no one has been able to repeat the success of the very first part, X-COM: UFO Defense. Although the closest to this was X-COM: Enemy Unknown in 2012 and, of course, it is she who is most playable in harsh reality. The secret to its success is on the surface: for a long time, the X-COM series abandoned the canonical turn-based combat system that fans loved so much in the first part. Enemy Unknown has returned to its roots and brought back turn-based tactics in battles against alien invaders.

4th place. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

How many Star Wars games are there? Offhand - about 20. But the championship crown can be given to SW: KOTOR without any torment. The game does not feature many of the canonical heroes of the stellar saga, because the action takes place thousands of years before the appearance of Luke Skywalker and company. In order not to deviate far from RPG canons, ordinary swords made of special steel are left in the world of SW, which can withstand lightsabers, and special skills require mana.

Despite all the aforementioned platitudes, Biowar did their best and gave out a good game that regularly claims the title of the best space-themed game, and in 2003 was named the game of the year by ten different publications. Not bad came out and the subsequent sequel, Star Wars: The Sith Lords.

3rd place. Space Rangers: Dominators

This is truly one of the best domestic games! A space saga with exclusively "our" humor: during the course of the game, the player will meet references to many films, books ... and everything!

The game is made with everyone in mind: action fans will enjoy planetary battles with robots, others will like text quests where they have to think hard, and still others will enjoy completing various secondary quests, rushing around the universe and along the way saving the galaxy in massive arcade battles. If you want - take the slippery path of a space pirate, try on the role of a real warrior, a free mercenary or a peaceful merchant. A variety of possibilities and options for passing leave considerable freedom of choice.

The Rangers universe develops on its own without the direct participation of the player. On easy difficulty levels, the Coalition forces can rid the universe of the dominator threat on their own. To what extent and in what way to support the just cause of the fight against the rebellious robots, each ranger decides for himself.

Various "Revolutions" and "Reboots" are worthy mods, with their own number of bugs that cause conflicting feelings. It makes no sense to review fashion, therefore we will not.

Another plus of the game is the minimum requirements for hardware.

2nd place. Portal 2

Another contender for the title of the best. The first part was released in 2007. It was a first-person indie puzzle game, a kind of trial project - and this trial went with a bang. Therefore, the development of a full-scale sequel began in speed, the release of which took place in 2011.

Can Portal be called a space-themed game? With some stretch, but you can - in the course of the story you can see for yourself. The only drawback that is often mentioned is that Portal 2 is too short. Not as short as the first part, but still. On the other hand, for busy guys, this minus may well be perceived as a plus.

Another quality product from BioWare (KOTOR - remember, right?). Of course, in the game you can find a bunch of jambs and copy-paste: many elements are borrowed, the plot is rather pretentious and straightforward (although with each subsequent part they try to make it more and more twisted and varied). But all the minuses absolutely do not spoil the pleasure of passing the game for thousands and millions of gamers.

An important component of Mass Effect is the possibility of multiple passage. To do this, BioVar remained true to themselves and stuffed into the plot a variety of options for performing the same tasks, as well as freedom of choice in relationships with other characters in the universe. As a result, fans are ready to go through all the parts over and over again, just to see all the options for replicas, the behavior of the characters and the passage. According to the plot of the game, an animated series is already being filmed, and not so long ago, the rights to the film adaptation of the story were bought out.

Hi all! Below is a selection of 33 of the best space and spaceship games for PC. The selection was collected for more than 3 years and was first stored on my computer, now it is here. Games are constantly monitored and the most delicious is regularly added here.

Separately, I made a selection only. Here are more games of other genres.


Release date: 2003

Genre: space simulator

Far from new, but truly Great (yes, exactly since capital letter) is a space simulator that many modern developers still look up to. Easy to learn and thought out to the smallest detail, Freelancer has become an icon of space sims for many years to come. The premise of the game is quite simple - the young pilot Trent loses his ship and takes on any orders, retraining the campaign of the game from an errand boy to the savior of all mankind ...

Players are waiting for a huge, lively and believable world with its own political life, a wide variety of ships with unique upgrade options and weapons, an interesting and original storyline, and even a free game that you can start after completing the main campaign. In addition, today there is a great variety of various mods that significantly expand and improve various aspects of the game.

EVE Online

Release date: 2003


An online multiplayer game set in space. The player here acts as the captain of his own spaceship and almost from the very beginning of the game is free to act as he wants (to extract resources, trade, fight, piracy and much more). Distinctive feature project is that the players themselves influence both the economic and political situation in the game world.

Four playable factions, 7 thousand star systems, countless ships, upgrades and leveling options, and just endless possibilities on playing their own role in this truly monumental game will not leave you indifferent. It is worth noting that the game is paid (a monthly subscription is paid), but there is a free mode with certain restrictions on character development and payment of a subscription for in-game currency.

Space Empires: Starfury

Release date: 2003

Genre: space strategy

Space Empires: Starfury- a space strategy that opens up the endless space for the player.

In this game you have to create your own empire and develop it as best as possible. Surf the cosmic expanses, assign new territories, destroy enemies, develop diplomacy, because you are a stellar general. It remains only to choose the path of development and, adhering to it, reach the victorious end.

X2: The Threat

Release date: December 2003

Genre: simulator

X2: The Threat- an exciting and very realistic space simulator with elements of research, trade, construction and military battles. Extensive space worlds, an intriguing plot, an abundance of spaceships to choose from (about 70 types), the ability to create your own intergalactic cruiser to achieve your goals, a lot of objects and mysteries - all this is appreciated by players who are able to spend many hours at the helm of a starship.

Space space is divided into sectors, of which there are more than a hundred in the game. Between sectors there are gates called hyperpassages. There are hostile, peaceful and unknown sectors. The player is given complete freedom of action, he can develop as he pleases. For example, to build stations and factories, earning money on it. Or, for example, engage in piracy. Or even easier - just follow the plot of the game.

Space Rangers 2: Dominators

Release date: 2004

Genre: Combines so many genres that you just download: RPG, text quest, real-time strategy, action and arcade

People who play and love games have known what Space Rangers are for quite some time. For many Russian and not only Russian players, the game has become a cult. Many spent more than one day playing this game. The game takes place in space in the year 3400, where interaction takes place between five civilizations: Maloki, Pelengs, People, Feyans, Gaalians. The player can choose the race, character appearance. The game is on the all time list.

After that, the player can travel through space performing various quests, battles, trade, resource extraction, and so on. The world in Space Rangers is open and lives its own life around it. There are other rangers who, just like you, earn credits (game currency) and carry out their missions. Pirates can attack you at any time in the game.

There is humor in the game, often one or another joke can be heard in the dialogues of the characters. As you develop and earn credits, you can improve the equipment of your spaceship, improving its performance.

X3: Reunion

Release date: 2005

X3: Reunion- space simulator with trading elements. The game was created for true connoisseurs of endless space, major intergalactic battles, freedom of movement, diplomacy, construction and trade. The game has its own storyline, but this does not limit the user's freedom of exploration and action. The plot is built around the warlike and aggressive civilization Khaaka. Khaaki society has a rigid hierarchy, where they obey a single leader. Their war fleet attacked Earth and massacred millions of people. The player must unravel the weak point of the warlike race and save humanity from destruction.

The game world is represented by a huge universe, in which there are 162 sectors. Each of them has a gate-portals through which you can quickly move from sector to sector. Representatives of eight different races live in the universe, among which there are friendly and enemy. Of great importance in the passage of the game is the development of the system industrial production and trade relations. The construction of new plants and factories, the establishment of trade relations will help in the development of intergalactic business, improve your ship and much more.

Parkan 2

Release date: 2005

Genre: Space simulator, shooter

An old but very exciting space simulator from, which is a continuation of the game Parkan: Chronicle of the Empire, however, very different from its predecessor. And although the main features of the two games were similar, the second part has made significant progress in terms of graphics, the physics of battles and the overall beauty of what is happening on the screen. A number of innovations have also been added, such as combat robots for planetary attacks.

In general, the second part of Parkan is a solid simulator with more than 500 different star systems. You have a space, a ship and you yourself, unlimited by any framework. The player can explore galaxies, land on planets (and even capture them!), fight, trade, communicate, fight again ... The surface of the planets, by the way, is randomly generated, which greatly increases the replay value of the project. In a word, Parkan 2 is better to try it yourself once than to read reviews about it.

STAR WARS Battlefront II

Release date: March 2005

Genre: First and third person shooter

A tactical team-based shooter set in the Star Wars universe, which is a sequel to Star Wars: Battlefront. The second part is not fundamentally different from its predecessor, and the closest project with similar game mechanics can be called the Battlefield series. The game features a variety of Star Wars, almost all the key characters, recognizable locations, as well as some important battles of the saga.

The second part of the Battlefront - has a larger number of different modes (compared to its predecessor), many maps, 4 opposing armies (two for each of the eras presented in the game) and several classes of fighters for each side. Battles take place both on planets and in space, which greatly diversifies the gameplay. A definite must-play for both Star Wars fans and fans of games like Battlefield.

Release date: 2006

Genre: Spaceship simulator, open world

Space simulator with non-linear gameplay and first person view. The player takes control of a spaceship capable of moving between neighboring planetary systems using wormholes that create the spacecraft's propulsion systems. Each of the systems has only one inhabited planet, around which the orbital station circles. Based on the name of the habitable planet, the player chooses a destination. While it is possible to make a wormhole anywhere within the system with enough fuel, the player still has to navigate the ship to the station through open space.

On his way, he may meet other ships, with some of them he will have to engage in a deadly battle. Space wanderer vehicles in the game are armed with missiles and lasers. Most fights take place at close range from the enemy. However, in open space, the forces of gravity and inertia do not act. This makes the combat system very unpredictable.

Darkstar One

Release date: March 2006

Genre: space simulator

A good space "flying game" with extensive features and a strong well-developed plot (only 3D videos here will be enough for a good 50 minutes). According to the plot, our protagonist gets a unique spaceship of his father, on which we begin our adventure. And although the game is not considered the standard of the genre, fans of space sims will definitely like it.

At your service: more than 200 various improvements to the ship and its systems, endless expanses of space completely open for exploration, many unique races (each with its own characteristics), various opportunities for earning money (trading, smuggling, escorting, bounty hunting, killing pirates and etc.). It is noteworthy that "good" and "bad" roleplaying does not affect the plot, but slightly changes the style of the game.

Space Force: Rogue Universe

Release date: 2007

Genre: Simulator, open world

Space Force: Rogue Universe- space simulator. The game features realistic graphics, dynamic space battles, exploration and trading. You have to be transported to open space with picturesque planets, hot stars, comets, asteroids and black holes. In this simulator, in addition to military affairs, you can do trade, intelligence activities, diplomacy and earn money to improve your skills.

The player's choice is one of 14 types of spaceships, which can be classified into three categories: heavy, medium and light. Starships are amenable to improvement, according to the main characteristics: protection, weapons, cargo compartment volume, speed, etc. The game world is inhabited by ten unusual civilizations. The main focus of the creators of Space Force: Rogue Universe was on the development of the spacecraft, as well as the free exploration of space. There really is something to explore - the game contains 46 star systems of the Milky Way. Each of them has its own characteristics, including asteroids, black holes, hostile races, etc.

Mass Effect Series

Release date: 2007-2017

Genre: Third person shooter

Mass Effect has branching dialogues and many side quests, an element of space exploration and the worlds you visit, thoughtful pumping, great action and much more! The decisions made by the player during the game affect the further development of the plot, while some of the choices made in the first part of the trilogy will be reflected, for example, in the final part. If you have not played this masterpiece, then urgently correct the situation, because this project gained fame as one of the best games of all time.

Dead Space Series

Release date: 2008-2013

Genre: Survival Horror, third person shooter

Dead Space is a series of games in the Survival Horror genre that tells about the adventures of engineer Isaac Clarke. A simple, it would seem, mission, confronts him with bloodthirsty necromorphs (monsters into which dead people turn under the influence of a certain Obelisk). Throughout the three parts of the game main character trying to survive and along the way to understand what is happening around the devilry.

For fans of atmospheric games in general and horror movies in particular, this game is highly recommended, because it skillfully plays on the player's emotions, causing him feelings such as: fear, panic, loneliness, fear of enclosed spaces, etc. The gameplay of Dead Space is something reminiscent of such games as Resident Evil and Silent Hill, but differs from them in the original setting and some game design "chips".


Release date: March 2009

Precursors is a project that combines elements of such genres as Action, RPG and space sim. People have long conquered space, and the meeting with extraterrestrial civilizations was surprisingly peaceful. In the end, the evil aliens became the people themselves, who split into several opposing factions.

The main game events take place on the planets. Here the hero takes quests, performs certain tasks, fights, trades, etc. Gradually, the hero gains experience and acquires all sorts of perks. Once you get your first starship, the game begins to feel like a Freelancer-style sim, with the player free to travel through different systems, each with planets available to land with a new set of missions to complete. Some quests are solved in several ways. The plot is somewhat banal, but non-linear, and a couple of times the player will have situations with a choice, on which further events will depend.

Evochron Mercenary

Release date: 2010

Genre: space simulator

Evochron Mercenary- space simulator, which is based on the principle of free search by the player of their own tasks and goals in the game world. At the start of the game as a user, it is possible to decide on the game style, on which the features of the gameplay depend: the roles of the merchant, mercenary, soldier and racer. Thanks to the simulation of the real behavior of bodies in outer space taking into account gravitational forces, the player gets an unsurpassed feeling that he is on a spacecraft. The game supports single and multiplayer modes.

At the beginning of the game, you will have only one spaceship at your disposal, consisting of a “frame” (the main part) and additional modules: stabilizers, fuel tanks, engines. Having saved a little money, you can buy more advanced modules and frames. The types of available frames depend on the role that the player has chosen at the start of their career. You can also purchase and install new specialized equipment on the ship. It includes, for example, building mechanisms that allow equipping stations in undeveloped space locations.

A player can hire several additional crew members on his ship, which will increase the characteristics of his starship.

Starpoint Gemini 1 and 2

Release date: 2010

Genre: space strategy,

Starpoint Gemini is a great space strategy that contains all the components of a true hit. Events take place in free galaxies, the expanses of which are trying to capture different game sides. It all starts with small ore miners and scouts. Subsequently, it is possible to qualitatively develop technologies by bringing large spaceships - frigates and battleships - to the battlefield. The pinnacle of military power is cruisers. Having accumulated sufficient military force, the player can make a massive attack on the enemy ship.

Events in the game Starpoint Gemini unfold in a three-dimensional world, so you can fully immerse yourself in what is happening. One of the foundations of economic prosperity is the development of trade routes. First of all, this is a high-quality game, playing which you can isolate yourself from boring reality for long hours and be transported to the fascinating world of space battles. Perhaps you will be the next ruler of the Galaxy?

Starpoint Gemini 2

Release date: March 2014

Genre: space simulator

Starpoint Gemini 2- the gameplay is presented in the form of a classic space simulator, in which the player gets used to the role of the captain of a large space ship. The player is given a choice of one of 70 spaceships. You can choose between free mode and campaign. In the game world, you are allowed to do whatever you want. To do this, the game has various game professions: miners, merchants, space pirates, research scientists and keepers of the law. There are 3 classes in the game: Commander, Engineer and Shooter. The Commander's specialization lies in the control of the entire fleet, the Shooter has developed attacking abilities. The Engineer is a mixture of these two classes and has special abilities support.

Spaceship weapons are placed on turrets, the number of installed weapons, their position and the angle of attack of the turrets depend on the type of ship. During the game, you can increase or decrease the number of turrets on your ship.

The weapon system includes light weapons (rail, beam, plasma weapons) and heavy weapons (missiles). The protective system is also non-standard - instead of complete system it consists of 4 parts of the shield. The player is allowed to use special equipment that affects his combat abilities and up to four skills, depending on the class of the hero. Thanks to all this, fast and tactical gameplay is achieved.

FTL: Faster Than Light

Release date: 2012

Genre: strategy, simulation, RPG

FTL: Faster Than Light is a space simulator with RPG elements. It describes the fantastic events of the distant future. Federation is in a state civil war. The evil rebels are attacking from all sides. Only one small Kestrel-class ship managed to break through the rebel outposts and take important data. The player's task is to get to the star system, which is under the control of the federation. You become a brave captain of a spaceship with dedicated crew members.

Land on the surface of planets, explore space, board your opponents - in war, all means are good! The main thing is to get out of the cordon and get to your allies. Perhaps your heroism will play a key role in bringing peace to a war-weary galaxy. But this will not be easy to do, because on the tail of a small boat there is a whole fleet of rebels.

Kerbal Space Program

Release date: 2013

Genre: Space simulator, open world, sandbox

KSP is a multi-genre game in which the player needs to build a rocket or a spaceship capable of delivering people into space. At your disposal are numerous components from which you can build a starship. Each of the parts has its own functions and affects the flight characteristics of the vessel. There is also a hangar where orbital and conventional aircraft are assembled. The ships are controlled by "kerbanauts", the inhabitants of the planet Kerbin. The main navigation device in the game is the navball, an analogue of the artificial horizon, which displays the vector and antivector of speed, the course of the ship and its speed. The cockpit also has a radar altitude indicator.

In research mode, the player needs to conduct scientific experiments and earn "science points" for this. They can be used to unlock new devices and parts in the development of the "technology tree". When choosing a career mode, in addition to accumulating science points, you will also need to fulfill contracts, for which the money necessary to build devices is issued.

The Swapper

Release date: March 2013

Genre: Platformer, puzzle

An indie puzzle platform game in which the player takes control of a female astronaut stranded aboard an abandoned space station. At this station, the heroine discovers a device that allows her to create her own clones and transfer her consciousness into one of them. With this device, the player will have to solve many puzzles and learn about the fate of the missing inhabitants of the station.

The game has original mechanics, excellent visual style and quality atmosphere. Levels become more difficult gradually, while the player also gradually opens up new ways to use the cloning device. It should be noted that the project received many positive feedback and even won a number of awards, including "Best International Game" at Freeplay 2011.

Space Engineers

Release date: March 2013 In Early Access

As for the gameplay itself, it is very diverse. The field of activity in the game is extensive. Organize the extraction of resources, build and upgrade starships according to the blueprints obtained, occupy enemy territories and, of course, engage in battles with other users. The weapon system of the ships is well thought out in the game. It is recommended to equip your warship based on your own needs and skills. Install plasma cannons, super-powerful rockets, catapults for combat robots, automatic miners on the spaceship.

Star Conflict

Release date: 2014

Genre: MMORPG, arcade, open world

Star Conflict- is a new fast-paced MMO action game created by StarGem Inc in collaboration with Gaijin Entertainment. The game allows you to sit at the helm of a space starship and take part in massive battles of stellar armadas! Dozens of different ships are at your disposal, from swift scouts to heavy frigates armed with guns and missiles. Each ship can be prepared to perform various tasks: reconnaissance, hunting for the enemy, support for allies, powerful attack, support with long-range sniper weapons.


The player controls combat spaceships different types and roles. The game has PvP and PvE game modes, as well as (starting with the Open World sandbox version. There is also a “Battle for the Sector” mode, in which only corporations (clans of players) participate. The game is positioned by the developers as a team game, where the interaction of players in battle and tactics are crucial to victory.Participation in battles brings players synergies and income in the form of in-game currency and items that are used to upgrade ships and buy new ones.On average, a session PvP battle lasts 5-10 minutes and involves from 6 to 32 players The duration of the session in the Open World is not limited.

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