The hottest places on earth. The hottest spots on the planet. Fire Mountain, Tien Shan, China

IN winter months When the entire northern hemisphere of the planet is covered in a blanket of snow, it is difficult to imagine that anyone would want to live in such low temperatures. However, humans have always been distinguished by their adaptive abilities and, over the long millennia of their existence, have managed to populate some of the most extreme and inhospitable regions of the planet: from the scorching heat of the Sonoran Desert to the frosty north of Russia, Greenland and Canada. Below you can see for yourself what climatic conditions a person sometimes has to contend with.

The hottest places

10. Athens, Greece: +48 degrees Celsius

The capital and largest city in Greece, Athens is one of the hottest cities on the planet. Despite this fact, it is among ancient cities, and, by the way, this is where democracy was born. The temperature record for Athens was 48 degrees Celsius, recorded in 1977. In addition, in the 70s, Athens suffered from severe smog, which only aggravated the heat in the city. Protective measures environment have helped Athens reduce smog levels, but it is still quite noticeable during the hottest days of summer.

9. Catenanuova, Sicily: +48.5 degrees Celsius

The Mediterranean climate of the island of Sicily is famous for its mild winters and long, hot and dry summers. In summer, this island is a rather extreme place. The air temperature here on a fine summer day can reach 40 degrees Celsius. In 1999, a local temperature record was recorded in the town of Catenanuova, when the thermometer showed 48.5 degrees Celsius.

8. Jeddah: +49 degrees Celsius

Another Big City and, taken together, one of the hottest places on Earth is the city of Jeddah, located in Saudi Arabia. Summers here are usually long, hot and dry, and winters are much warmer than in other regions of the country. Summer temperatures here typically hover around 43 degrees Celsius, with a record high of 49 degrees Celsius recorded in 1961. Despite this extreme heat, this area has been a prosperous region for thousands of years. The city of Jeddah was originally a fishing village founded in 522 BC.

7. Cordoba, Argentina: +50 degrees Celsius

That in the desert regions reign elevated temperatures, there is nothing surprising, but the city of Cordoba in Argentina is located in the subtropics, where most of the time the climate is particularly mild. However, sometimes streams of hot air descend on the city from the foothills of the Sierra Chicas, which keeps the thermometer at 38 degrees Celsius for days on end. Moreover, over time, this heat continues to accumulate, and the air sometimes warms up to 50 degrees Celsius.

6. Oodnadatta, South Australia: +50 degrees Celsius

The small town of Oodnadatta, located in South Australia, is famous for its local ranch, where large cattle. This place is located near an arid desert, and the record temperature here reaches 50 degrees Celsius. In addition to the heat, it is one of the driest places in Australia, receiving just 174mm of rainfall per year.

5. Rajasthan, India: +50.6 degrees Celsius

The state of Rajasthan, located in the northern part of India, is located in the middle of the Thar Desert. Judging by the ruins remaining from the times of ancient civilizations, this place, despite the hot climate, has been inhabited by people for many millennia. In 1956, the Anwar settlement in Rajasthan recorded a record temperature in all of India when the thermometer rose to 50.6 degrees Celsius.

4. Sonoran Desert, United States and Mexico: +52 degrees Celsius

The Sonoran Desert extends from the southwestern United States to northwestern Mexico. In summer, this desert turns into a real inferno. One day in the region was recorded in 1966, when the thermometer in the Sonoran Desert in Mexico reached 52 degrees Celsius. Despite such high temperatures, the desert for a long time served as home to Indian tribes that lived in the territories of modern Arizona, California and Mexico.

3. Sulaybiyah, Kuwait: +53.6 degrees Celsius

Located on the coast Persian Gulf, an area in Kuwait called Sulaybiyah has the third highest recorded air temperature in the world. The thermometer here sometimes reaches 53.6 degrees Celsius, which is not surprising since Kuwait is hot country, located in the center of an arid desert. Summers here are hot and dry, and winters are short and warm. IN summer months Even in the shade, the air temperature here easily reaches 50 degrees Celsius.

2. Kebili, Tunisia: +55 degrees Celsius

The city of Kebili in Tunisia ranks second in the world for the highest recorded air temperature on the planet: in 1931 the air here warmed up to 55 degrees Celsius. Located in the south of Tunisia, Kebili is a local oasis and historic town. Despite such a hot climate, people lived here for almost 200,000 years.

1. Death Valley, California: +56.7 degrees Celsius

Death Valley is the hottest place on Earth. An absolute temperature record was recorded here, amounting to 56.7 degrees Celsius. Temperatures were recorded at Furnace Creek Ranch in 1913. This desert area is located in the Mojave Desert in California, which is famous for its dry and hot climate. Furnace Creek has been regularly exposed to extreme temperatures throughout its existence. This is due to the fact that the valley is almost completely devoid of vegetation and is surrounded by mountains, which allows the sun's heat to easily penetrate here and accumulate, reflecting from the mountains. But such high temperatures did not stop local residents, 500 of whom still live in this inhospitable corner of the planet.

The coldest places

9. Norway: -50 degrees Celsius

Norway is a Scandinavian country with fairly cold polar winters. There is a small mining town called Røros with a population of 5,000 people, which is famous for its low temperatures. Quite often here you can feel temperatures of -50 degrees Celsius. On average, winter temperature its surroundings are -40 degrees Celsius.

8. Dras, India: -50 degrees Celsius

India is usually associated with warm tropics, but in reality it’s not quite like that. In the Indian district of Kargil is the city of Dras, which, in fact, is one of the coldest places on the planet. The reason for such low temperatures is the altitude at which it is located. The average minimum temperature here in winter is -22 degrees Celsius, while the all-time minimum temperature recorded here was -50 degrees Celsius.

7. Lapland, Finland: -51.5 degrees Celsius

Lapland is one of the coldest regions in the world. The community of Kittilä in Lapland had the highest recorded low temperature region, which amounted to -51.5 degrees Celsius. Despite such harsh winters Kittilä boasts a population of 6,000 people and a wealth of local attractions and recreational options, being a popular ski resort Finland.

6. Sweden: -52.6 degrees Celsius

Although most of Sweden has temperate climate, its northern regions are located quite high altitudes relative to sea level and are influenced by a subarctic climate, which is reflected in extremely low temperatures in winter. The lowest recorded temperature ever in Sweden is -52.6 degrees Celsius. Despite such a harsh climate, the northern regions of Sweden are also popular with tourists.

5. Riverside, Wyoming: -54.4 degrees Celsius

Riverside is one of the coldest communities in the continental United States. In 1933, a temperature of -54.4 degrees Celsius was recorded here. It is not surprising that only 52 people live here.

4. Alaska: -62 degrees Celsius

Prospect Creek, Alaska is one of the most beautiful places in the United States and the world. The local record was recorded in 1971, when the thermometer dropped to -62 degrees Celsius. This settlement was founded by those people who worked on the construction of the trans-Alaskan oil pipeline.

3. Canada: -63 degrees Celsius

Like Russia, Canada extends all the way to the Arctic, so it's no surprise that some of the coldest temperatures in the world have been recorded here. According to official records, in 1947, the village of Snag in the Yukon recorded a temperature of -63 degrees Celsius.

2. Greenland: -66.1 degrees Celsius

Greenland has an arctic climate and corresponding temperature ranges. As a rule, even in warm summer days The temperature here rarely rises above 10 degrees Celsius. Thanks to the fjords present in some regions of the island, the temperature there can be a little warmer than the rest of the country, however, overall it is quite cold country. The local absolute temperature minimum was recorded in 1954, when the thermometer dropped to -66.1 degrees Celsius. Share the positivity with your friends! Thank you! :)

While our football players are heating up at the World Cup, warm temperatures have settled in the central part of Russia. summer weather, it's time to show you what real heat is. I've been there twice in the last 12 months.

Death Valley is located in California. This intermontane depression has long been considered one of the hottest places on the planet. In addition to its harsh climate, Death Valley is also famous for its Badwater Depression, which is 86 meters below sea level, making it the lowest point in the world. earth's surface V North America. Moreover, just 136 km from the depression is the highest point in the continental United States - Mount Whitney (4421 m above sea level).

1. The highest temperature in Death Valley (56.7°C) was recorded on July 10, 1913. This is the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth. There are discussions about this, since there is another place on the planet, in Libya, where the temperature rose to 58 degrees Celsius. However, the measurements were not made in accordance with the conditions of the official recording of the record.

The name of this national park, as it were, warns tourists in advance that they can expect a difficult journey. Severe and very hot desert, whose daytime temperatures sometimes simply become deadly for all living things. Many compare Death Valley to a real hell on earth. Indeed, almost immediately one gets the impression that this ascetic, lifeless and frightening place has stepped out of the pages of the Old Testament.

You should get here either by car or as part of an excursion group. It's very convenient to plan a day trip from Las Vegas like we did. The distance from Vegas to Death Valley is about 200 km.

2. Death Valley from above resembles a frozen white valley. Salt deposits give it a white tint. The thing is that there used to be an ancient salt Lake Manly, later it dried up, but the salt marsh remained:

2. As I said, Death Valley is now a US National Park. All safety measures have been taken here, but to this day it has not been safe to be here for a long time. There are recorded cases of death and mysterious disappearance of people. Some associate this with mysticism, others with violation of the rules for visiting this extreme park:

3. Various signs They urge you to be careful and not visit these places in the heat of the day:

4. In addition to the valley itself, the hills and mounds that surround this place are popular with tourists. In addition, the elevated views offer impressive views and it’s a little cooler here:

5. Not a bad place for photo sessions:



8. We descend into the valley itself. One of the interesting points is called “Devil’s Golf Course”. In fact, this is the bottom of a long-vanished lake:

9. The field consists of pointed salt crystals, so you should walk on it very carefully and watch your step, because if you fall you can get seriously injured:

10. Another interesting stopping point in Death Valley is Badwater:

11. In this place there is a pool that accumulates water from several small springs, but the accumulation of salts in this place is so great that the water does not have time to completely evaporate:

12. If you look up, you can see the sea level mark on the rock. Yes Yes. This is where the lowest is located geographical point USA:

13. This is one of the most popular tourist spots. People don't come here just for the small pool and grade level. They walk across the hot salt deep into the valley to see something more impressive:

13. Having walked about a kilometer to the center of the valley, we find ourselves in a futuristic reality:

14. The valley is cut by salt polyhedra. There are so many of them that they merge towards the horizon:

15. If you decide to visit this place, be sure to stock up on water and sunscreen and nerves of steel. Don't forget about Sunglasses and a headdress. This is real hell:

16. I have never seen anything like this before. Other planet. It is not surprising that episodes for various science fiction films, such as Star Wars, were filmed here:

17. It is best to finish exploring the Death Valley National Park in the late afternoon. At the exit there is a point with real sand dunes. Sunset light will help you take great shots:

18. In conclusion, I suggest you take a look at the unusual accumulation of clouds over Death Valley. What is this?

If there is a true traveler in you, then this interesting and unusual photo selection is especially for you.

We present to you the Top 10 most extreme places in the whole world.

In the top five you will find a selection of the coldest places on Earth, where unrealistically low air temperatures were recorded, from which even the blood in the veins runs cold. Only one like “ The Snow Queen” may consider these places favorable for living.

You could easily cook something for yourself in these hot spots without resorting to lighting a fire.

In these places such conditions have been created that no one Living being won't last even a week.

Vostok Station, Antarctica

Located in the region of the South Geomagnetic Pole, at an altitude of about 3,500 m above sea level. Belongs to this research station Russians, there is always a terrible cold there, but on July 21, 1983 there was a particularly severe frost, when the lowest air temperature on the planet was recorded: -89.2 ° C. The station is located in the area of ​​​​Lake Vostok, one of the largest lakes in the world, which is under ice cover, 4 km deep.

Eureka, Canada

Eureka is a research station located in Canada, near Ellesmere Island, often called the coldest locality in the world. It was established in 1947 as a meteorological station. Average annual temperature air is around -20°C.

In winter, temperatures drop to -40 ° C. But the cold is not the main obstacle for visitors and tourists to Eureka, because of which they may refuse to travel here. To get to Eureka station you will have to shell out about $20,000 for air travel.

Oymyakon, Russia

Located in the Republic of Yakutia, 350 km south of the Arctic Circle. In 1926, a record low air temperature in the northern hemisphere was recorded here -71.2 ° C. In honor of this, a memorial plaque was installed in the village in memory of this event.

Denali, USA

Denali, or Mount McKinley, is the highest peak in North America and has long been considered the coldest mountain on Earth, with winter temperatures reaching -40 ° C. The mountain is 6,194 meters high.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar is located in the Mongolian steppe, at an altitude of 1,300 meters above sea level. Ulaanbaatar is often called the coldest capital in the world. In January, the air temperature rarely rises above -16 °C.

These were the five coldest places on Earth, and now the hottest:

Al Azizia, Libya

A 40-kilometer drive south of Tripoli brings you to Al-Aziziya, where the world experienced its hottest days on September 13, 1922, with a temperature of 57.8°C. The city of Al-Aziziya is less than an hour's drive away. Mediterranean Sea.

Dallol, Ethiopia

Dallol is located in Africa, this area lies at a depth of 116 meters below sea level. Dallol has the highest average air temperature in the world - 34.4 ° C. There is nothing living here, as it is a volcanic area covered with salt.

Dashti Lut, Libya

In 2004 and 2005, this desert recorded the highest surface temperature of 70 ° C. Dashti Lut rivals the Atacama Desert in Chile for the title of the driest place in the world; not a single creature on Earth, not even bacteria, can survive here. But here you can look at the most beautiful dunes in the world, they reach 500 meters in height.

Death Valley, USA

The California desert called Death Valley is the second most high temperature on the surface of the earth. The air temperature was recorded here at 56.7 ° C.

Temperatures average around 47°C in midsummer, making it the driest place in the United States. It is unlikely that among the most avid tourists there will be those who want to pave the way through this desert. Surrounded by mountains, Death Valley is located 86 meters below sea level, which explains the heat.

Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok is rightfully considered one of the hottest cities on the planet. The World Meteorological Organization recorded an average annual air temperature of +28 ° C in Bangkok. The hottest months occur from March to May, when the city average temperature is 34° C and this is at 90% humidity.


The title of the hottest place on Earth is often given to the city of Al-Azizia in Libya, where the highest temperature on the planet was recorded, but satellite studies show that the honor of being called the "hottest place on the planet" actually goes to different places year after year.

Al-Aziziya recorded a record temperature above zero on September 12, 1922. The thermometer showed +58 degrees Celsius. This unprecedented temperature was a consequence southern winds, which carried hot air from the Sahara Desert. The unprecedented heat in Al-Azizia that year broke the 1913 record in Death Valley, where a temperature of +56.6 degrees Celsius was recorded.

According to new research by scientists from University of Montana, who used data obtained from satellites, no place on Earth can literally be called “the hottest place on the planet.”

Steven Running and his colleagues spent 7 years studying the data infrared sensors, American artificial satellite Landsat, which show the temperature. They found that for 5 years in a row the hottest spot on the planet was the Dasht-Lut desert in Iran.

The reason why the Dashte Lut desert was not named among the hottest places, however, like other deserts - the Sahara, Gobi and Sonoran, is that temperatures in these places are not recorded due to their remoteness and very difficult climatic conditions for the work of meteorologists. Most of the hottest places on the planet are not explored and their temperatures are not measured using ground stations.

Satellites have the ability to record temperatures even in the most remote and inhospitable places on the planet, as they scan every inch of the Earth. Satellites record the so-called “temperature of the surface layer of the planet,” which shows the amount of heat that the Sun, atmosphere and other heat sources bring to a particular area. Weather stations do not actually measure the surface of the planet, but the temperature of the air a few meters away from it.

The highest temperature near the Earth's surface was recorded by satellite in the Dasht-Lut desert in 2005: it was 70.7 degrees Celsius! The highest temperatures on the planet were in these places in 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2009.

Although the highest temperatures change locations from year to year, the conditions under which they occur remain the same. Dry, rocky lands that are dark in color absorb heat well, while lighter sand reflects sunlight. When scientists compared the color of rocks in the Dasht-Lut desert area, they found that temperatures were higher in the darker zones.

Incredible facts

Mother Nature has made sure that we feel quite comfortable on this planet, but there remain places where harsh natural conditions take over human endurance. You probably won't want to go there as a tourist, but perhaps by learning about these places, you will be able to appreciate the charm of your native place more.

The coldest places in the world

Vostok Station, Antarctica

Located near the south geomagnetic pole, and at an altitude of about 3,500 m above sea level, the Russian Vostok research station is in constant cold. In July 1983, the lowest temperature on earth was recorded here, namely -89.2°C. Near Vostok station there is Lake Vostok - the most big lake planet, buried under 4 km of ice, which Russian scientists recently drilled through.

Eureka, Canada

The Eureka research base on northern Ellesmere Island in Canada is often called the coldest inhabited place in the world. It is located at the 80th parallel and was established as a weather station in 1947. The average annual temperature here is about -20°C. In winter it drops to -40°C.

Oymyakon, Russia

About 350 km south of the Arctic Circle, Oymyakon in Yakutia was plunged into unprecedented cold in 1926 when temperatures dropped to -71.2°C, becoming the coldest temperature in the northern hemisphere. Oymyakon is a place of continuous extremes. In winter, a day lasts about 3 hours, and in summer the sun can shine for 21 hours.

McKinley, USA

Denali or Mount McKinley is the most high peak in North America and has long been considered the coldest mountain on Earth. The air temperature here drops to -40°C. To climb the 6,194 meter peak of Alaska you need to be a climber, but you can walk on a little more warm places nearby, in national park Denali.

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Located in the Mongolian steppe, about 1300 m above sea level, Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital in the world. In January, the temperature rarely rises above -16 °C, and the winters themselves are quite long and harsh.

The hottest places in the world

Dasht-Lut Desert, Iran

In 2005, a NASA satellite recorded the highest surface temperature ever, exceeding the 70-degree barrier. Combined with the heat, the Dashte Lut Desert rivals the Atacama Desert in Chile for the title of driest place on Earth, and across the entire surface of central Dashte Lut no creature, including bacteria, will survive. This desert is proud of its unique natural phenomena, including sand dunes whose heights reach 500 m due to strong winds.

Al Azizia, Libya

40 km south of Tripoli is the city of Al-Aziziya, where the highest temperature recorded in September 1922 was 57.8°C. The city is located just an hour's drive from the Mediterranean Sea, where you can cool off from the unbearable heat.

Death Valley, California, USA

At 86 meters below sea level, the famous stretch of the Mojave Desert can rightfully be called Death Valley. An extended and thin depression traps hot air, which leads to crazy heat. Death Valley holds the record for the highest temperature in the Western Hemisphere. So in 1913, a temperature of 56.7 °C was recorded here. In midsummer, the average temperature is 47°C, making it the driest place in the United States.

Dallol, Ethiopia

In Dallol, located in the Afar Basin, Africa plunges to a depth of 116 m below sea level, and temperatures begin to go through the roof. Dallol has the highest average annual temperature in the world, namely 34.4°C. If that's not hot enough for you, you can visit the Dallol volcano located nearby.

Bangkok, Thailand

The World Meteorological Organization has named Bangkok the hottest city on the planet, with an average annual temperature of 28°C. The months from March to May are the hottest, with temperatures reaching 34°C and 90 percent humidity.

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