Culture of communication and speech etiquette. Speech culture. speech etiquette

The totality of the achievements of human society in industrial, social and spiritual activities is called culture.

Communication is impossible without a culture of speech. The concept of speech culture includes the correctness of speech (that is, compliance with literary norms) and speech skills (that is, the ability to choose from existing options the most accurate in meaning, stylistically and situationally appropriate, expressive, etc.).

The culture of speech implies correct, corresponding to the norms of the modern literary language, oral and written speech; determines such a choice and such an organization of language means that, in a specific situation of communication, while observing modern language norms and ethics of communication, can provide the greatest effect in achieving the set communicative tasks (E.N. Shiryaev).

The culture of speech is a section in linguistics in which the norms of oral and written literary language are established and justified.

How scientific discipline the culture of speech studies the established language norms; its important task is to protect the norms of the literary language.

The culture of speech also includes the concept of "speech etiquette", without which it is impossible to do without communication.

But before talking about speech etiquette, it is necessary to consider what such a concept as "etiquette" means. Etiquette is the rules of behavior in society. The concept of "etiquette" is closely related to the concept of "politeness". Many etiquette manifestations are constantly present in our lives, they have become so natural for us that we don’t even think about it when we say hello, say goodbye, ask, apologize, congratulate, etc.

Facial expressions and gestures, movements and clothes have etiquette significance - all this was once called good manners, the ability to behave in society. But in all ages and times, a person "with good manners" makes a more favorable impression in society, because all people are very sensitive to etiquette signs of attention. Imagine if someone you barely know suddenly stopped saying hello to you: passing by, he didn’t even nod his head in response. You will probably feel somehow uncomfortable, and perhaps you will even want to find out what is the matter, if you have offended this person.

But the most important role in the etiquette treatment of people is played by our speech, which means that there is a special one - speech etiquette.

Speech etiquette- this is a system of rules, stable communication formulas that are adopted by society to establish contact between interlocutors, maintain and interrupt this contact. Etiquette in general and speech etiquette in particular is a kind of sign system by which relations between people are determined.

You will communicate differently with your close friends and with strangers, with your peers and people older in age and position, and even peers are divided into “us” and “strangers”. And all these Various types communication are created with the help of certain etiquette formulas, including speech ones.

Communication with “ours” is based on the personal qualities of people, on the nature of interaction with them. But there are also official, formal relationships that also occupy a certain place in our lives. For example, when you buy products in a store, the personal qualities of the seller are not important to you, it is important for you that the seller gives you the necessary products in exchange for money. The actions of the buyer and the seller are the actions of "strangers", they are limited to certain social roles, which nevertheless require observance of the rules of etiquette: in this situation, observance of elementary politeness towards each other. It is known that the lack of politeness or even rudeness shown in such situations is a cause for frustration and grief.

Usually people strictly observe all the rules of etiquette in formal, formal communication. For some reason, it is believed that it is necessary to behave decently with strangers, but in relation to one’s own it is completely optional: “He is his own, so why stand on ceremony with him!”

Such an attitude opens the door to impoliteness, rudeness, and sometimes just rudeness. After all, close people have the same, and perhaps even greater right to courtesy, courtesy, attention, just like strangers, strangers. Politeness is not just words and manners, it is, first of all, an attitude towards a person, and, forgetting or not considering it necessary to show respect, to be polite, that is, to follow the rules of etiquette, we most often upset those closest to us.

But nevertheless, one should distinguish between formal and informal communication and be able to determine the necessary distance in each specific case.

From the point of view of speech etiquette, there are various forms for such communication situations as greeting, appeal, farewell, gratitude, request, apology, congratulations, and depending on WHO, WHEN, WHERE and FOR WHAT PURPOSE you are communicating, you will choose "hello!" or “hello”, “bye” or “goodbye”, refer to YOU ​​or YOU, call by name or by name and patronymic. We usually address older people with "you", but you can also address your parents with "you"; True, this is far from being accepted everywhere, since speech etiquette also has national specifics. For example, in a situation of address, a feature of the Russian language is the presence of two pronouns - “you” and “you”. The choice of one form or another depends on social position interlocutors, the nature of their relationship, from the official or informal situation. In an official setting, Russian speech etiquette recommends addressing “you” even with a well-known person. The same treatment should be used in relation to an addressee who is senior in position or age, an unfamiliar addressee. When talking with a well-known person in an informal setting in relation to a younger addressee (by position, age), the form of address “you” is allowed in Russian speech etiquette. In other languages, in particular in English, where the pronoun “you” is absent, abbreviated names are used much more often than in Russian, they are characterized by addressing only by name, without patronymic.

[?] Questions and tasks

1. Define the concept of "speech culture".

2. What is etiquette?

3. What is speech etiquette?

4. What rules of etiquette and speech etiquette do you know?

5. Read an excerpt from the poem by N.V. Gogol " Dead Souls". Does Nozdryov's communication comply with the rules of etiquette? What rules were broken?

“Ba, ba, ba! Nozdryov suddenly exclaimed, spreading both arms at the sight of Chichikov. "What fate?"

Chichikov recognized Nozdryov, the same one with whom he dined together at the prosecutor's, and who in a few minutes got on such a short footing with him that he already began to say "you", although, for his part, he did not give any reason for this.

- Where did you go? - said Nozdryov and, without waiting for an answer, continued: - And I, brother, from the fair. Congratulate: blown into fluff! Do you believe that you have never been so blown in your life. After all, I came to the philistine! Look out the window on purpose! “Here he bent Chichikov’s head himself, so that he almost hit it against the frame.”

5. Do you follow the rules of etiquette in communicating with your loved ones?

6. Prepare a message on the topic "The role of etiquette in modern life."

3. Culture of speech and politeness today

Be mutually polite - inscriptions in stores call us. You have to be polite - the parents of the children teach ... What does it mean to be polite, why are we taught to do this with early childhood, why is it needed? To answer these questions, we first of all consider the relationship between such phenomena as etiquette and politeness. Recall that etiquette and culture of speech are rules adopted in a particular society, a circle of people, norms of behavior, including speech behavior (in accordance with the distribution of social roles in an official and informal setting of communication), which, on the one hand, regulate, and on the other hand, discover, show the relationship of members of society along such lines: one's own - someone else's, superior - inferior, senior - junior, distant - close, familiar - unfamiliar and even pleasant - unpleasant. Here the boy came to the circle, he said to his friends: Great, guys! In this case, he chose such signs of speech behavior that put him on an equal footing with others, demonstrate the rudely familiar tone of communication so characteristic of adolescents, these signs tell others: "I am my own, close." To the head of the circle, even the young one, he cannot say: Great, guy, because in this case the norms of role relations will be violated - after all, the senior in position must be given signs of attention corresponding to seniority. If you don't do this, you'll show impoliteness. This means that impoliteness is such a manifestation when the addressee is assigned a role lower than that which belongs to him in accordance with his characteristics. Consequently, violation of the norms of etiquette always turns into impoliteness, disrespect for the partner. Well, what about courtesy? Since this is one of the concepts of morality, let's turn to the Dictionary of Ethics, which defines politeness as follows: "... moral quality characterizing a person for whom respect for people has become a daily norm of behavior and a familiar way of dealing with others. So politeness is a sign of respect. Politeness is both a willingness to provide a service to someone who needs it, and delicacy, and tact. And of course, timely and appropriate speech manifestation - speech etiquette - is an integral element of politeness. Since politeness is a form of showing respect for another, respect in itself implies recognition of the dignity of the individual, as well as sensitivity, delicacy in relation to another. If you look at the example we started with from this point of view: Hey guys! - in relation to familiar teenagers from a peer, it can be noted that in this greeting and address there is no special reflection of respect, there is only a sign of entering into speech contact of "one's own", "equal" in relaxed, familiar relationships. So, there is no special politeness here.

There are different ways to be polite or impolite. V.E. Goldin writes: “...politeness and impoliteness have numerous degrees and shades. In Russian, they are denoted by such words as polite, impolite, correct, courteous, gallant, arrogant, arrogant, rude, arrogant, mannered, ceremonial, etc.”

Gallant is exquisitely polite and amiable towards a woman; the correct one behaves with restraint in full accordance with the rules, without deviating a single step from them; a courteous person is always respectfully polite ... Well, we will mention the manifestations of impoliteness below. Here we will draw a conclusion that we will need in further reasoning: impoliteness is the assignment of a role to the addressee below that which he can count on, disrespect for him; politeness is respect for the addressee, assigning him the role that corresponds to his characteristics, and maybe a little higher, when he is courteous or gallant.

The inherent politeness of a person is evaluated by others as his positive quality. Each of us has heard something similar: What good man- always congratulates me on holidays; You have a nice daughter - she always greets everyone, etc. Or here is an example: “Ivan Kuzmich Belomestnykh, having come out late into the courtyard flooded with dawn, saw a note on a nail: “Thank you for your hospitality. S. Lachugin "- and thought about the geological guy well and reliably:" Respectful. Not like some. You also need to be able to say goodbye ”(E. Yevtushenko. Berry places).

Health magazine reports: “Psychologists who study interpersonal relationships, attach great importance signs of attention that can calm, provide a kind of psychotherapeutic action. And isn’t everyday thank you, please, excuse me, isn’t this what their power over our mood is hidden in? It's nice to receive signs of attention, in fact, "thank you" many of us are ready to work great! So, for example, as the hero of a newspaper article: “No high-profile deeds are committed by the Komsomol member Pavel Galyshev. He carries feed to the farm by car. Another will give a ride and everything - he did his own. And Pavel will always help and unload. Zelenka went - takes a scythe, he mows the grass himself. The birds are overjoyed: “Thank you, Pasha!” He doesn’t need any other award besides this “thank you.” They do not give us such signs of attention - and the mood deteriorates, resentment arises, sometimes bitter. Here is what Nadezhda Mullina writes to the newspaper: “Today I received my passport - it seems to be a solemn day in my life, but I have tears in my eyes.

It is difficult for me to write about it, but this day will be remembered for a long time, unfortunately, not from the best side. Of course, I hoped that the person who would hand over the passport would say: “Congratulations! Now you are a citizen of the USSR,” and feel a strong handshake. And I heard: "Give me 2 rubles, here's your passport, go."

A person who violates the elementary rules of communication deserves the most severe assessments from those around him, at least the following: “... she walked away, recalling Prikhodko with the voluptuousness of habitual contempt. As in the morning, the deputy’s prominent belly crawls into their letter department, and only then does he himself, and instead of the time-honored “hello,” breathlessly dictates his sovereign will ... ”(L. Belyaeva. Romance with the champion).

Speech etiquette is so important for us that, look, “magic words” are included in the set of signs by which extraterrestrial civilizations recognize us (I want to believe that they exist). In the article "Are We Alone in the Universe?" we read: “Our conversation began to the sounds of an “unearthly” melody - a cassette with its recording is now flying somewhere near the borders solar system aboard the spacecraft. The cry of a rooster and the sound of a waterfall, the barking of dogs, peals of thunder and many other sounds familiar to us are “packed” there. And finally, the same phrase, spoken in several languages:

Hello, welcome!” (From the newspaper). The "magic power" of speech etiquette is that it reflects a special level of information that we exchange in communication. But first, about the experience described by A.B. Dobrovich in Communication: A Science and an Art. The author talks about a biological experiment, with the help of which the researchers wanted to find out whether touching, licking, searching, etc. are in the animal community. only a hygienic need, or is it also a "social" need of animals. Two groups of rat pups were taken, one of them was stroked by the staff. These rat pups grew up to be larger, smarter, disease-resistant animals than the unpetted ones. Scientists have concluded that the need for touch, affection in animals is as significant as other vital needs.

What about a person? Psychiatrists and psychologists have repeatedly observed cases where the lack of affection on the part of adults caused in infants a severe lag in development and even a serious illness. Therefore, what the mother does intuitively is talking to the baby, smiling at him, picking him up, stroking him, etc. - absolutely necessary for the child.

But for adults too! Here is the wife for the umpteenth time asking her husband: Tell me, do you love me? Men laugh at this, and sometimes get angry, but women (the most emotional part of humanity) seek to satisfy their thirst for “strokes”. And how men flourish from praise, approval (although they often try to hide it)!

Linguists thought about all this and found that the language responded to such a need, created a system of verbal “strokes”. An important place belongs here to speech etiquette. After all, all greetings, information about life, health, deeds, all thanks, apologies, congratulations and wishes have no other purpose than to serve as “strokes”.

Hi, how are you?

Everything is fine! And you?

Nothing too. Well, everything!

Bye! - so they exchanged "strokes"! The thing is that speech etiquette is realized in a situation of direct communication, when “here” (at the meeting point) and “now” (at the moment of meeting) “I” and “you” openly exchange “strokes”. That is why the expressions of speech etiquette touch us personally (it pleases “performance” and upsets “non-performance” in relation to us). Thank you! - in the phrase, in its structure, grammar, semantics, “I” and “you” are reflected, the phrase is equal to a good deed “here” and “now”. And the transmitted information is of a social nature, such as “I notice you, respect you, make contact with you, wish you well ...” It is not for nothing that the expressions of speech etiquette in their origin (in their etymology) mean goodwill: hello - be healthy, the same Congratulations; thank you - thank you (for your service); I'm sorry - I admit my fault and ask for forgiveness; thank you - God save (for good deeds), etc. An article in the newspaper under the heading "They didn't say "thank you"" - about a conflict at work. Article in another newspaper Magic word"thank you" - about the elimination of the conflict. " TVNZ”Told about how the students of the 10th grade of one of the schools were at enmity with each other throughout the school year: some were on the side of the young man who offended the girl, others were on her side. Finally, they decided to end the matter amicably. “And Olya said:“ I forgive him. And then, through tears: “Yes, I would have forgiven on the same day if he had come up and apologized in a good way ...”

The "magic" of speech etiquette is that it really opens the door to our human interactions. Try to say, for example, in transport: Move over! Your recipient will most likely interpret this as a rude demand and will have the right not to perform the action: why on earth do you ascribe to yourself the role of a demanding “boss”, and assign him the role of a subordinate?! After all, they demand something higher! And add the magical please - and the imperative form already expresses a request, and only a request that is respectful enough, directed to an equal partner. And there are many more ways to “stroke” in this situation: Is it difficult for you to move?; If it doesn't bother you, move over, please, and more. others

Once in a cafe, I met with a colleague to have lunch, and at the same time discuss some professional matters. The waitress came over and we ordered. She brought everything at once: fish in aspic, and a hot second course, and tea and cake. We ate something, laid out our manuscripts, and engaged in a lively discussion. Half an hour later, the waitress said: I work here from the tables, and you read your notes. Let's eat and go. I said that, in my opinion, she was wrong, and now I will find out from the cafe management. The waitress dangled behind the heavy curtain, and when I entered, four women in white coats looked at me as if they were shooting me. Naturally, I understood what role and speech expectations my opponents had. And I decided to destroy them, saying: Hello, comrades! Sorry, maybe I'm wrong, but please help me to understand the situation. I would be grateful to you, etc. Look what happened: instead of the expected swearing on my part, to which my partners prepared to “decently” respond with all their arsenal, I said hello, turned, apologized, admitted that I might be wrong, asked for help, thanked for it in advance. Of course, in this case, I deliberately acted so "destructively" regarding the intentions of my interlocutors, but this did not contradict my usual speech behavior. As a result, the waitress was reprimanded, we changed the cooled tea, even wilted flowers in a vase, and offered to stay as long as we needed, at least until the cafe closed. Truly magical power of politeness!

Don't catch social essence“stroking” in speech etiquette means misinterpreting the question of an oncoming acquaintance: How are you? How is your health? Indeed, in this case, no one requires a detailed response story about business and health. Meanwhile, such claims are heard: he doesn’t want to hear details about my health, then why does he ask? This also affects E. Yevtushenko. Here is an excerpt from his article “Politics is the privilege of all”: “How much time we waste on a stupid pastime that only creates the appearance of human communication. Try to answer the formal question “How are you ...” seriously, tell how you don’t sleep at night, how your family doesn’t get along, how you lost faith in life and yourself, and the interlocutor will recoil from you in horror, as if from a madman "". And most likely, he will think: "here's a bore", because, according to an old joke, a bore is someone who, to the question: How is your health? - begins to talk about his health. Meanwhile, we already understand that exchanging signs like “I notice you, respect you, wish you well" is not a waste of time. Here is what a communication specialist A.B. Dobrovich writes about this: “Stroking” turns into long dialogues and alternating monologues of communication partners, into salon conversations and speeches from the rostrum; the need for "stroking" often determines the range of topics and the duration of conversations. At first glance, this may seem like a waste of time, since what we used to consider "information" is not exchanged here. However, this impression follows, apparently discarded sit. Ultimately, the exchange of information like ... "I wish you well" and so on. plays no less a role in the processes of social interaction than a productive discussion of scientific, technical, political, artistic or other issues.

Here it is appropriate to refute E. Yevtushenko once again when he complains about "a stupid pastime that only creates the appearance of human communication." But a friend says to me: Come in, let's chat! or invites to visit: Come to us on Saturday, I want to sit and talk. What kind of need is this - to chat, to talk?

In the scientific world, for the first time, attention was paid to inevitability, for example, at the guest of "empty chatter" the English ethnographer B. Malinovsky, who called this level of communication phatic, i.e. contact-setting. Since then, phatic communication has been studied by linguists, a typical range of topics, the nature of the text, participants in communication, etc. have been established. Teaching professionals are especially active here. foreign languages, because when teaching a language, teaching how to enter into speech contact and maintain such contact is very important! Otherwise, a person who has learned the very system of the language will be helpless in many everyday situations. Of course, in our age of rapid speed and a businesslike attitude to work, it’s a shame to waste time, but phatic communication turns out to be not empty chatter at all: on the one hand, it relieves stress, gives “strokes”, on the other hand, it ritually means that we have entered in contact and now we can talk on the merits, as in the report: “At the fourth bowl, our conversation took on a businesslike mood. Actually, we did not break the tradition. At the dastarkhan they talk not only about the weather and the hospitality of the owners of the house. Real tea should be bitter, and a confidential conversation does not exclude sharp questions ... ”(From the newspaper) - about the weather, about hospitality ... and then about business! By the way, about the weather. We have already mentioned that this is (for some countries) a typical topic of conversations and this conversation occupies precisely the phatic zone of communication. And in Japan, even a business letter should begin something like this: Now they are blowing strong winds but we hope that bad weather does not affect your health and does not interfere with our business contacts ... - and only after that comes the essence business letter. A greeting card is all etiquette, all filled with phatic information! Of course, the standard, the ritual ... But what a shame not to receive a greeting card on a solemn occasion! If we neglect this phatic side and begin to displace it with meaningful information, then it will turn out as in the humoresque of Herman Drobiz: “Petya filled out greeting cards without thinking twice: “Dear Seryozhka! Great happiness to you in the New Year!”, “Dear Natasha! Much happiness to you in the New Year! But then he thought: “Essentially, these are thoughtless replies. If I am a true friend to my friends, then is it not hypocrisy to wish great happiness to those who dream of little? Isn't it a mockery to get off with a general phrase when you know well what exactly your friend dreams of? Decided! This time, friends will receive from me sincere wishes for exactly the happiness they are after.

"Dear Earring! How many years have I known you, how long have you been dreaming of leaving your wife, who is disgusting with you, a petty-bourgeois woman. Let New Year will bring you the freedom you desire. Make up your mind, friend!

“Dear Natasha! Do I not know how patiently you are waiting for Seryozha. May your dream come true! And further. You are justifiably ashamed of your figure. I wish you to lose fifteen kilograms in the New Year. I guarantee that then Seryozha will look at you in a new way!

“Dear Vovyastik! Our dear poet! All your life you dream of writing at least one poem, for which you will not be ashamed later. May it happen in the coming year!”

“Dear Anton Grigorievich! In the coming year, I wish you to recover from hard drinking once and for all. What happiness it would be!

The postcards made an impression. Seryozha really left his wife, who read Petya's wish and made a huge scandal. But he did not go to Natasha, and three days later, miserable and hungry, he crawled back. Anton Grigoryevich, upon receiving the postcard, fell into an unprecedented binge. The poet Vovyastik responded with a poem in which the softest expression was: “Are you a friend? You are a creeping snake ... "

So Petya was left without friends. Do I feel sorry for him? And how. Would you like to express your condolences? Yes. But I will not take a step forward until he apologizes for the card he sent me: "With all my heart I wish that in the coming year you finally have a sense of humor."

Jokes are jokes, but the understanding that without contact-establishing communication, without speech etiquette and friends, you can lose, is obviously useful to all of us. So, politeness is a form of showing respect for a person, and this form is expressed in the stereotypes of speech etiquette. Precisely form and stereotype!

Perhaps, as a protest against the notion of a formal, stereotypical one, sometimes a denial of politeness itself arises: leave these formalities, why such conventions, etc.? Maybe it's a protest against dangerous phenomenon- behind a polite form to hide an ugly attitude towards a person, his business. To be honest, this also happens: politely, with a smile, we are refused - in the elementary. Lawlessness can also be polite. Here is a newspaper example: “At noon, police officers came up to me on the street and asked: “What are you carrying?” I showed a plywood board on which was written "Glasnost is a weapon of perestroika!" Without introducing themselves, without asking my name or explaining the reasons, the police officers said that I had been detained, twisted my hands and tried to push me into a police van. As a person who does not feel guilty, I rebelled and tried to resist the brutal violence. Then a police lieutenant colonel came up and politely offered me to get into the car. I was taken to the district police station, where they drew up a protocol as a “violator” of public order, walking down the street with a banner “Glasnost is a weapon of perestroika!” ”That's it - both rudely and politely, but the result is the same.

Here it is appropriate to say that politeness, being a form of showing respect, can turn out in two ways - it can be politeness-sincerity and politeness-mask. Due to the fact that someone uses politeness as a mask, someone hides their bad essence behind it, we will not indiscriminately deny the positive moral quality of people - their ability (and habit) to express their respect to people, their good wishes. And then after all, there is also this: “The car was driven by an elderly taxi driver. In the front seat sat a guy in his twenties.

I'm here, - he said when the "Volga" caught up with the cinema.

The car stopped. The guy casually threw the money on the stand between the seats.

I forgot the most important thing, - the taxi driver said kindly, like a son. - What else? Or do you need tea?

Thank you to say, that's what, - the taxi driver immediately turned stern. The guy chuckled.

It would be for what. It's your job!" (From a magazine). So, it's not supposed to say thank you for the work? Here is another piece of evidence. This is no longer a magazine example, this is what the writer L. Libedinskaya says: “My whole, now long, life has been spent in Moscow, and our city has always been famous for its hospitality, politeness, and responsiveness. What happened?

I’m trying to get off the trolleybus at the bus stop, politely asking the woman in front of me: “Let me get off, please!” She turns her indignant face towards me and exclaims indignantly: “They get out of the trolleybus without permission!”

I confess that I did not find what to answer her, but then I thought for a long time: she probably thinks that I should have just pushed her away, and my politeness offended her ... However, one young man on the bus, when I asked him to transfer the money for a ticket, saying at the same time “be kind,” he said directly to me: “Yes, you drop your politeness!”

Ignatiy Ponomarev, recalling V. Shukshin, draws the following scene: “We go into the food department shopping center, and soon the briefcase becomes pot-bellied from bottles mineral water, "Varna", bread, sausages and other food.

Now I would like to take a barbecue, - says Vasily, and we go into cooking.

It's deserted. Behind the counter, looking in the mirror, a fat young woman with a capricious mouth in purple lipstick is powdering.

Hello, Vasily says to her. - Weigh us, please, a kilogram of shish kebab.

Why are you saying "hello" to me? - for no reason at all, the fat woman pouts. - What am I to you - a friend or did you come to my apartment - "hello" - something to say? - In my opinion, out of politeness, - Shukshin answers. - "Out of courtesy"! - The fat woman snorts capriciously. “I am alone, and there are thousands of you here ... If you answer your politeness to everyone, your tongue will fall off.”

And here, almost unbelievable events are described - people prefer to refuse profitable work, just not to be polite: “The director of a fashionable self-supporting company, proud of non-standard products, the intelligent treatment of his employees with clients, complains to me: “It’s just that the situation with personnel is not so good ... "-" De why? Is the salary less? - “What are you, the salary is one and a half to two times more!” - "What's the matter?" The director hesitates: “In dealing with a client. After all, you have to try it on. Sometimes several models, thank you for your purchase. - "So what?" - I'm surprised. “They say:“ How will I bow to every “shit”: “thank you” and “come”, - it’s better that I get less, but I don’t need these “thank you!” (From the newspaper). This, by the way, is in the article “What are we, women?”. This is how we women are. But it is a woman who, by nature, is characterized by softness, and courtesy, and delicacy, and tact ... Something happened to all of us, there is much to fight for, much to restore, including politeness, its form. A.V. Efros wrote in his article “On Nobility”: “It seems to me that we have simplified too much. We have simplified art too much, we have simplified our own life too much, we have lost form. We have to agree with bitterness: we have lost form in many ways, especially the form of behavior and the form of communication. Politeness as a form of speech behavior has to be defended. Because it is needed by both the one who is polite and the one with whom they are polite; both sides win here - both "I" and "you". The speaker politely preserves his own dignity and protects the dignity of the addressee. And the dignity of a person is already the property of the whole society. So it's worth fighting for politeness.

After all, if we don’t fight, we all will simply stop being polite, we will stop so simply and imperceptibly. But, as they say, a holy place is never empty - this place will be occupied by everything that politeness opposes - a manifestation of disrespect for a person. Here and arrogance, and arrogance, and arrogance, and rudeness, and rudeness - a violation of the dignity of a citizen.

The poet Larisa Vasilyeva called her article "Rudeness" just like that. In it, in particular, she writes: “I want to remind you: rudeness is expensive for both the victim and the boor himself - both of them are worried. In addition, rudeness never reaches the goal, because in itself it does not pursue any goal - it is a kind of spiritual slag thrown by one person at another. But the paradox is that the purification of the boor is not

"Happening." This is undeniably true, while being rude is also very ugly. It would be good to remember this, especially for women, especially young and lovely ones. Here is the impression and answer of Larisa Vasilyeva: “... a saleswoman who works on the principle of “there are many of them, but I am alone”, a pretty young face with lips in a bow, which has just turned from a beauty into an ugly monster with the help of rudeness, and the bow has become surprisingly similar on the dragon's mouth, spewing muck - try to disarm:

Girl, dear, is it possible to spoil such beauty like that?!

Responding to rudeness with courtesy? To angry cries of gentleness? On intolerance tolerance?

Yes, this is one of the ways to combat everyday, petty, everyday rudeness. Alas, he does not always reach the goal, because there are hardened boors. But even in this case, the victim is not as worried and worried as if he responded to rudeness with rudeness. Yes, of course, because by not responding to rudeness with rudeness, a person retains his dignity, and this makes it easier for him - after all, he did not drop himself, did not sink to the ugly level of the rude.

And here's another important thing: in our practical age, politeness in business circles is beginning to be highly valued! As the American industrialist testifies, he is happy to deal with the Japanese: they are businesslike, hardworking, polite, able to listen to their interlocutor. As you can see, courtesy (as well as the ability to listen!) Is already listed in a number of business qualities.

Cervantes said: "Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as politeness." Respect, benevolence, directed to another, make us better ourselves. And it’s bad for others, and for us, when this is not there. L. Libedinskaya sends such a figurative reproach to us all: “In the Kabardian folk epic about the Nart heroes there is a small, brave tribe - “Hare Riders”, who fearlessly engage in single combat with the villainous giants and defeat them, perform many feats. But in one they are vulnerable - they get sick from reproaches, and die from insults. Folk wisdom from time immemorial seems to warn us: people, avoid psychological stress!

Sometimes I think: what would happen to the poor "hare riders" if they had to ride in Moscow public transport or walk through Moscow shops? And it doesn't cost anything to give a good attitude! Sister Teresa, the founder of the Mission of Mercy, who is known all over the world, during her visit to our country told a newspaper correspondent: “Even if there is nothing to help the needy, you can always give a person a smile or a handshake. Often it is even more than anything else.” Since politeness is manifested most of all in our speech, and this book is devoted to speech etiquette (that means speech and language), it is necessary to dwell, at least in passing, on how the language itself reflects politeness.

Within the limits of the speech behavior given by diverse conditions. Therefore, we will consider human speech behavior as a variety and constituent part his social behavior. 2.1 Rules for conducting a dialogue The word is divided into internal and external. The inner word organizes the thought to be expressed. The external word is the direct expression of thought in...

Instead, I have done write me done. However, I cannot say that I have decided. That's right: I've decided. In general, the pronoun I is used only in reports and explanatory notes. - Administrative speech etiquette provides for the ability to use the pronoun he. It can be a means of both depersonalization and familiarity, therefore it requires special care, even limitation when using ...

Speech culture is one of the most important components of the spiritual culture of a person and society. Of all the manifestations of culture, it is the most noticeable to others. Therefore, every person (especially an educated person) should be able to speak correctly and beautifully. Of course, D.S. Likhachev was right when he wrote: “It is necessary to learn a good, calm, intelligent speech for a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, reading, studying. But even though it is difficult - it is necessary, necessary. Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment, if it is addictive.
The phrase "culture of speech" is used in modern linguistics in two meanings:
  1. culture of speech is the possession of the norms of oral and written literary language (rules of pronunciation, stress, word usage, grammar, style), as well as the ability to use means of expression language in various conditions appeals in accordance with the goals and content of speech;
  2. culture of speech is a branch of linguistics that studies the problems of language normalization in order to improve it.
We are interested in the culture of speech in the first sense. Let's define what a good speech is. Speech that is out of date cannot be perceived as good. Over time, ideas about the standard of good speech change in society. Ideas about good speech are socially and sometimes territorially conditioned. Different generations have different ideas about good speech (attitude towards jargon, “you” communication, naming people without patronymics, etc.). Consequently, the same speech will be perceived differently in terms of its quality by an old, middle-aged and young person. And obviously, one cannot approach the assessment of speech with the same criteria without taking into account the age and social (at least professional) affiliation of the speaker: everyone knows examples of special stresses in the speech of sailors (compass, report) and in the speech of doctors (stubborn alcohol, drug addiction and etc.). However, along with the usual "medical" (kymfara, afazya), "legal" norm (convicted, initiated), there is a codified pronunciation norm. It is quite obvious that written and oral speech, monologue and dialogic speech, speech in the conditions of public or mass and in the conditions of informal communication cannot be the same. Hence the dependence of the assessment of speech on the functional and stylistic affiliation, form (oral / written) and the conditions for its implementation. Good speech is, first of all, expedient speech. That is why neither, say, the phrase of the grandmother drive, nor the phrase is recognized as dead can be unambiguously assessed. The first phrase is quite acceptable in the friendly communication of young people, since it will be adequately understood by the addressee and will not cause him any resentment and fear in a situation, for example, talking about going to the cinema and offering to buy tickets. But this phrase will turn out to be completely inappropriate, rude in a different situation: when referring not to a peer, especially to to a stranger. The second phrase is appropriate, expedient, and even the only one possible (one of those accepted for the clichéd designation of the cause of death), however, outside the legal regulation, it can cause pain and resentment. The expediency of speech as a criterion of its good qualities concerns not only the form of expression of thought (drive or give, please; declared dead or dead), but also the content of what was said or written, which connects the expediency of speech with the ethics of communication, or speech etiquette.
Speech etiquette (etiquette by origin french word(etiquette); originally it denoted a product tag, a label (cf. label), and then they began to call it a court ceremonial) - these are the developed rules of speech behavior, a system of speech formulas of communication. The degree of proficiency in speech etiquette determines the degree of professional suitability of a person. Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. Knowledge of the rules of speech etiquette, their observance allows a person to feel confident and at ease, not to experience embarrassment due to mistakes and wrong actions, to avoid ridicule from others. Speech etiquette is determined by the situation in which communication takes place. Speech etiquette has national specifics. Each nation has created its own system of rules of speech behavior. For example, in Japanese etiquette it is not customary to pronounce the words * no, I can’t, * I don’t know, they must be replaced with some allegorical phrases, blunt words. For example, when refusing a second cup of tea, the guest does not say “no, thank you”, but uses an expression that literally means “I already feel great”. "Courtesy formulas" are developed by society, subject to certain traditions. They do not seem to convey any information, but nevertheless they have a special significance, as they are signs of attention, sympathy, goodwill, participation. The use of speech etiquette formulas is associated with the social roles of the speakers, with their mutual relations, with the nature of the situation.
The most common in speech etiquette are the greeting and farewell formulas.
Greetings are used to mark the beginning of communication. In Russian, the main greeting is hello. It goes back to the Old Slavonic verb to be healthy, which means ‘to be healthy’, that is, healthy. The verb hello in ancient times also had the meaning of 'greet'. In addition, there are greetings indicating the time of the meeting: Good morning!, Good afternoon good evening! Also, when we meet acquaintances, we say: Great!, Hello!, Greetings! Each of these formulas has its own sphere of use, expresses special relationships, is associated with a specific situation. Yes, hello! expresses close, laid-back relationships; Hello! appropriate in all situations; on solemn, official occasions they say: Let me greet you! Together with a greeting, as a sign of goodwill and an expression of joy about the meeting, we use the expressions: Who do I see!, Glad to see you!, How many years, how many winters!, What a meeting!, What a surprise!, Such a meeting! and etc.
Saying goodbye is the end of communication. In Russian, there are many ways to say goodbye. The most common of them are as follows: Goodbye!, See you soon!, Farewell!, All the best!, See you tomorrow!, Happy!, Be healthy! All of them are synonymous and differ from each other in semantic and stylistic shades. It is clear that bye!, See you tomorrow!, See you! addressed to friends and relatives. In an official setting, other stereotypes are used - Goodbye!, Farewell!, Let me say goodbye!.
We almost never use the farewell formula suddenly, unexpectedly for the interlocutor. They are always preceded by some indication of the end of communication, such as something I stayed too long, It's late, I have to go, Sorry, but I still have a lot to do today, etc. Farewell is usually accompanied by various kinds of proposals, invitations, wishes: Come in, We wish you good luck, Don't forget, Have a nice ride.
The ability to choose the right speech formulas in situations of establishing and ending contact is very important, since the success of communication depends on how we make contact, how we maintain it and how we stop it.
In addition to those mentioned above, there are many more situations. Let's consider the most common ones.
Congratulation. Usually congratulated on the success, successful completion of any business, on the holiday. There are many formulas for expressing congratulations: Happy Holidays to you!, Happy birthday!, Happy New Year!, With admission to the institute! etc. If you want to express congratulations more emotionally, then add congratulations to the word cordially, sincerely, wholeheartedly, warmly, etc.
Congratulations are often accompanied by wishes, very similar to congratulations: From. With all my heart, with all my heart I wish you...; I wish you happiness, joy, success, health... It is important that the wishes sound alive and original. It is unlikely that a wish like: Congratulations will cause delight. We wish you success in work and happiness in your personal life. A congratulation will please you more, in which something personal, sincere sounds.
There are also stereotypes. For example, at the table - Bon appetit; leaving - Have a good trip; before bedtime - Good night; after the bath - With a light steam, etc.
The answer to a congratulation, wish, invitation is the most common form of gratitude: Thank you. There are, of course, other formulations: Let me thank you, Thank you very much, Thank you, Thank you very much, etc.
Often we have to turn to others with a request. Basically, such speech formulas are expressed imperative mood verbs: Show me, please ..., Can I ask you ..., Please pass ... These phrases will sound more polite if you add the expressions to them: Be kind ..., Be kind ..., If you not difficult ..., If it does not make it difficult for you ..., Do not take it for work. The request is also contained in the phrases: Could you ..., I beg you ..., Can I ask you ... Since the request somehow burdens the interlocutor, it is advisable to use the word please in all cases.
Quite a complex speech action from the point of view of etiquette is refusal. If we cannot fulfill the request with which we are addressed, we must be able to politely refuse, so as not to offend the interlocutor. Therefore, to be kind, it is recommended to use such speech formulas: I'm sorry, but I can't help you, Unfortunately, I can't do it, With pleasure, but..., I would be glad to help, but..., I'm sorry , but I can not...
We use speech formulas of apology when we want to atone for any of our misconduct. If this is a small offense, we use the formulas: Sorry!, Sorry, please!, Guilty! If the fault is large, it would be more appropriate to use the expressions: I'm sorry!, Forgive me, please!, Please forgive me, I would like to apologize to you! etc. If the situation, the situation requires it, you can explain why we ask for forgiveness.
In the communication of people, situations often arise when you need to get to know someone or introduce someone to your acquaintances, friends. For this, there are also etiquette formulas: Can I meet you? This is followed by a presentation by name, first name and patronymic or last name (if the acquaintance is business). The name, first name and patronymic or surname is usually called in the nominative or instrumental case. The response remark usually expresses satisfaction, joy about meeting you: Nice to meet you, Very glad, Very nice, Nice to meet you, etc.
If you are acting as an intermediary, you should use the phrases Let me introduce ..., Please meet ..., Meet ... and introduce the younger to the elder, the man to the woman, the subordinate to the boss, the elderly man to the girl.
Important role plays an appeal. It performs a contact-establishing function, is an indicator of the degree of proximity of the speakers. A feature of the Russian language is the presence in it of two pronouns - you and you, which can be perceived as forms of the second person singular. The choice of one form or another depends on the social status of the interlocutors, the nature of their relationship, and on the official-informal situation.
On you, of course, you should turn to an unfamiliar, unfamiliar addressee; in a formal setting; with an emphatically polite, restrained attitude towards the addressee; to an equal and senior (by position, age) addressee.
You will tell a well-known addressee; in an informal setting; with a friendly, familiar, intimate attitude towards the addressee; to equal and younger (by position, age). In an official setting, when several people take part in a conversation, Russian speech etiquette recommends that even with a well-known person with whom friendly relations have been established and an everyday household address for you, contact your interlocutor for you.
It is indecent to refer to anyone as Hey, you or Hey, you, because the manifestation of familiarity is by no means conducive to establishing normal contact. It is also not customary to talk about someone present in the third person (he, she), without calling him by name.
National and cultural traditions prescribe certain forms of addressing strangers. In different historical periods in the Russian language there were various ways appeals. Since the estates of the nobility, clergy, merchants, philistines, workers, peasants, etc., were distinguished, the appeals “master”, “lady” were intended for people of privileged groups, “sir”, “madame” - for the middle class, and for representatives the lower class did not have a single appeal. In the languages ​​of other civilized countries, there were appeals that were used both for a person in a high position and for an ordinary citizen: Mr., Mrs., Miss; senior, señora, señorita, etc. After the October Revolution, all the old ranks and titles were abolished by a special decree. Instead, the appeals "comrade" and "citizen" became widespread. After the Great Patriotic War the word comrade gradually began to emerge from the everyday informal appeal of people to each other. There was a problem: how to address a stranger? On the street, in a store, in public transport, the appeal of a man, woman, grandfather, father, grandmother, boyfriend, aunt, girl, etc. is increasingly heard. Such appeals are not neutral. They can be perceived by the addressee as disrespect for him, even an insult, unacceptable familiarity. The words man, woman violate the norm of speech etiquette, testify to the insufficient culture of the speaker. In this case, it is preferable to start a conversation without appeals, using etiquette formulas: be kind, be kind, sorry, sorry, if you don’t mind, please don’t refuse courtesy, etc.
As far as the culture of speech is concerned, wrong speech cannot be good. First of all, this is due to the fact that incorrect (in any respect) speech makes it difficult to understand. This also happens when using unfamiliar foreign words, especially when they are used not with the meaning that is recorded in dictionaries (for example, inadequate in the meaning of 'non-standard', odious in the meaning of 'too laudatory', etc.). The same difficulty is caused by the use of slang words, especially before their widespread use. Many misunderstandings do not interfere with understanding, but nevertheless exclude good quality speeches, since they cause an unplanned impression from the speaker of his speech as the speech of a not very cultured person on the part of the addressee or observer. On the one hand, it simply distracts the attention of the addressee from the content of what was said. At the same time, it should be taken into account that some irregularities are quite acceptable under certain conditions: they can become a condition or integral part language game (planned incorrectness of speech) or be a simple slip of the tongue, especially in spontaneous speech, especially with weakened self-control in informal communication (substitution of a forgotten word for the first one that came to mind). Of course, the criterion of good speech in any case remains its intelligibility to the addressee. Therefore, not only infrequent in Russian speech are unacceptable foreign words(for example, providentialism (providence), sycophant (professional scammer, spy), althing (national assembly)), used without explanation in newspaper articles intended for the general reader, but jargon, dialectisms, special terms incomprehensible to the mass media consumer, although they and enter the literary language. Good speech is not a stereotyped speech that repeats clichés and worn-out expressions, but a creative one that expresses the thoughts and emotions of the author and evokes adequate understanding from the interlocutor or reader. It is the adequacy of understanding that makes speech effective, and therefore far from any undoubtedly creative, original speech can be called good.

Essay on the subject: Rhetoric

Prepared by a 1st year student of the faculty of SEP, gr.105

Moscow Pedagogical State University

Moscow 2003


IN literary language pronunciation, as well as the choice of words and the use of grammatical forms, is subject to certain rules and norms.

With the correct, uniform pronunciation, people understand each other faster, it facilitates communication between people, so you need to monitor your pronunciation, you need to correctly pronounce sounds, their combinations, correctly highlight stressed syllables, that is, you must obey the pronunciation standards that are established in the literary language.

Pronunciation norms do not remain unchanged. Under the influence of written speech and local pronunciation, they are somewhat modified. In this regard, in the modern Russian literary language, some words allow a double pronunciation; for example, in the word bakery, the combination ch can be pronounced as it is written, but you can also pronounce sh; the word can be pronounced differently with stress on the second syllable (otherwise), and with stress on the first syllable (otherwise).

There is a very useful reference dictionary "Russian literary pronunciation and stress", compiled under the guidance of R. I. Avanesov and S. I. Ozhegov. It contains the rules of Russian pronunciation and more than 50 thousand words indicating their literary pronunciation. In case of doubt, the correct pronunciation of a word should be consulted in the specified book.

Speech etiquette and communication culture.

Our society, which in many respects has not yet come to the norms of a hostel, has already felt the need for a culture of behavior and communication. Every now and then there are announcements, messages advertising that in lyceums, colleges, gymnasiums, schools open electives with the names “Etiquette”, “ Business Etiquette”, “Diplomatic etiquette”, “Etiquette business communication" etc. This is connected with the need for people to learn how to behave in a given situation, how to correctly establish and maintain speech, and through it business, friendly, etc. contact.

The broad concept of culture necessarily includes what is called the culture of communication, the culture of speech behavior. To master it, it is important to understand the essence of Russian speech etiquette.

In communication, people convey to each other this or that information, these or those meanings, they communicate something, encourage something, ask about something, perform certain speech actions. However, before proceeding to the exchange of logical and meaningful information, it is necessary to enter into speech contact, and this is done according to certain rules. We hardly notice them, because they are familiar. It is just the violation of the unwritten rules that becomes noticeable, the seller turned to the buyer on “you”, the acquaintance did not say hello at the meeting, they did not thank someone for the service, they did not apologize for the misconduct. As a rule, such non-fulfillment of the norms of speech behavior turns into an insult, and even a quarrel, a conflict in the team. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the rules for entering into speech contact, maintaining such contact - after all, without this business relationship impossible. It is clear that awareness of the norms of communication and speech behavior is useful to everyone, and especially to people of those professions that are associated with speech. These are teachers, and doctors and lawyers, and service workers and businessmen, and just parents.

The rules of speech behavior are regulated by speech etiquette, a system of set expressions that has developed in language and speech, used in situations of establishing and maintaining contact. These are situations of appeal, greetings, farewell, apologies, gratitude, congratulations, wishes, sympathy and condolences, approval and compliments, invitations, suggestions, requests for advice, and many others. etc. Speech etiquette covers everything that expresses a benevolent attitude towards the interlocutor, which can create good pleasant climate communication A rich set of language tools makes it possible to choose a form of communication that is appropriate for the speech situation and favorable for the addressee, you or you, to establish a friendly, relaxed or, conversely, official tone of conversation.

It is important to emphasize that speech etiquette conveys social information about the speaker and his addressee, about whether they know each other or not, about the relationship of equality / inequality by age, official position, about their personal relationship (if they know each other), about the setting (official or informal) in which communication takes place, and etc. So, if someone says to another - Good health! - then there is no doubt that this is an elderly resident of the village or a native of it. If someone throws - Hello! - it means that the situation is informal, they are in equal, relaxed friendly relations. But imagine that "Hi!" The student will tell the teacher

Thus, the choice of the most appropriate expression of speech etiquette constitutes the rules (and art) of entering into communication. Wed an example of a situation in which the hero of the story, an intellectual, must establish business contact (and, above all, verbal contact) with a person of a different social environment, and even involved in unseemly deeds:

I waited aside - until he was free, until the departing people disappeared into the car, and the mourners dispersed along the train through the windows of the compartment. And then he came out of the vestibule, out of breath, shoving the tip into his pocket. A sort of reddish kid, a kind of cunning cat with shifty eyes. I almost made a mistake - I almost turned to him on "you" and even almost apologized for the trouble.

Hi Iron, how are you? I told him as unceremoniously as possible.

Things are like in Poland: whoever has a cart, that is a pan - he answered briskly, as if we had known each other for a hundred years. (Ch. Aitmatov).

If the hero, following his own habits, addressed the interlocutor as “you”, and even with an apology for the anxiety, the addressee would immediately understand that he was a stranger, which means there was nothing to talk about with him! It can be concluded that in the language signs of speech etiquette, social signals such as one's own - someone else's acquaintance - unfamiliar distant - close, etc., on the one hand, and equal - older - younger in age and / or position are embedded, and in speech are implemented - with another. It is clear that any society at any moment of its existence is heterogeneous, many-sided, and that for each layer and layer there is both its own set of etiquette means and neutral expressions common to all. And there is an awareness that in contacts with a different environment, it is necessary to choose either stylistically neutral or means of communication characteristic of this environment. So, if among teenagers it is possible to call Hey, you!, then a teenager will turn to an adult differently.

Using the expressions of speech etiquette, we perform relatively simple speech actions - we address, greet, thank ... But why are there so many ways to do this in the language? After all, we have up to forty expressions used in greetings (the Japanese have more than fifty!), Many forms of farewell, gratitude, etc. And how many opportunities to fulfill the request: I ask you to do this; Please do not make noise; Do it please; If it's not difficult for you, move over please; Could you move over?; Is it difficult for you to move?; Don't have something to write down? - and so on up to forty models. And the thing is that we choose each expression taking into account who - to whom - where - when - why, why says. So it turns out that complex linguistic social information is embedded just in speech etiquette to the greatest extent.

Let's ask ourselves why the expressions of speech etiquette have "magic power", why their correct use brings people satisfaction and failure to perform in the right situation leads to resentment? It seems that it is possible to single out several essential features of speech etiquette that explain its social sharpness.

The first sign is associated with the unwritten requirement of society for the use of signs of etiquette. If you want to be "one's own" in a given group - large or small, national, social - perform the appropriate rituals of behavior and communication. Wed an example of such a ritual:

A klaxon is heard from afar, excitement is noticeable among the walkers. A large limousine is approaching. On one of the wings flutters red with purple tint flag with a red cross on a white background. Everyone around squats and then sits cross-legged on the side of the road. In the back seat of the limousine, a massive figure can be seen - King Tubow IV. He is supposed to be greeted seated with folded hands. These are not just customs, this is a law, the observance of which is strictly checked by local policemen. And in the same way, ordinary people of Tonga greet aristocrats. ("Around the world").

The social purpose of ritual signs of etiquette is brought up in people from early childhood.

The second sign is related to the fact that the performance of signs of etiquette is perceived by the addressee as social “stroking”. Let's explain this with an example from the field of biology. In one of the experiments, the scientists wanted to find out whether touching, licking, searching, etc., are in the animal community. only a hygienic necessity or is it the “social” need of animals for contacts. Two groups of rat pups were taken, one of which was constantly stroked by the laboratory staff. These rat pups grew up to be larger, smarter, disease-resistant animals than those that were not petted or petted. The researchers concluded that the need for touch in caresses in animals is as significant as other vital needs. This need is even more developed in humans. Psychologists, teachers know how important it is to approve, stroke a child and an adult in time! Linguists thought about this and found that the language responded to such a need and created a system of verbal “strokes” - speech etiquette: Hello - be healthy; Thank you - thank you. Thank you - God bless you for a good deed; Excuse me - I admit my guilt and ask you to take away my sin, etc. Here is a typical dialogue that friends exchange when they meet:

Hi, how are you?

It's all right, and you?

Same. Well everything!

There is no other information except that “I notice you, I recognize you, I recognize you, I want contacts with you, I wish you well” in such an exchange of remarks, and nevertheless this is a very important ritual of “strokes”. Here you get New Year's cards. As a rule, they are stereotyped: Congratulations… I wish you happiness, health, success… But how homeless and cold it is without these congratulations, without signs of attention, without “strokes”! And this information should be taken precisely as a sign of social contacts and it should be understood that the question “How is your health?” does not imply a story about your illnesses. This is not a meaningful question from a doctor or an interested relative, this is a sign of social “stroking”, contact on the go ...

The third important feature of speech etiquette is that the pronunciation of an etiquette expression is a speech action, or a speech act, that is, the performance of a specific task with the help of speech. It is known that for the implementation of many actions, states, speech is not needed. You sew, or cut, or saw, or walk, and you don't have to say anything to "produce" it. But there are some actions that can be performed only with the help of one tool - language, speech. How to carry out the action "advice" or "promise" or "gratitude"? To do this, I must say I advise, I promise, I thank ... Studies have revealed that there are up to a thousand names of speech actions recorded in dictionaries, but there are a great many ways of direct expression. As mentioned above, we have up to forty greetings alone. In each situation of speech etiquette, one can find statements combined into a systematically organized communicative semantic group. For example, in a group called “Gratitude” we meet: Thank you; Thank you; I am (so) grateful to you; I am grateful to you; I want to thank; I would like to thank... Let me thank you; Please accept my gratitude, etc. Moreover, some expressions are used mainly with you-form, others - with you- and you-forms. It is important to consider that the chosen expression is pronounced when the interlocutors “I” and “you” meet “here” and “now”, therefore, all expressions are characterized by a real modality of correspondence to the situation of direct communication, the present tense of the moment of speech, regardless of the form of the sentence, including with the subjunctive or imperative mood of the verb. And since the pronunciation of the expression of speech etiquette is the matter itself, and socially and personally significant, it is clear how important speech etiquette is.

The fourth feature is related to the third and concerns the very structure of statements in which “I” and “you” are open: I thank you; Excuse me. This is an open, explicit representation of the communicants in the grammar of the sentence, but there can also be a hidden, implicit, semantic representation of them, as in gratitude Thank you or sorry, which, due to synonymy, functional equivalence with those presented earlier, contain in the deep structure the “I” of the speaker and “you” of the addressee (I tell you) thank you. Since the communicants are open in the structure of the expressions of speech etiquette, the power of its influence is clearly manifested.

The fifth important feature of speech etiquette can be considered its connection with the category of politeness. On the one hand, politeness is a moral quality that characterizes a person for whom showing respect for people has become a familiar way of communicating with others as a daily norm of behavior. On the other hand, it is abstracted from specific people ethical category, which is also reflected in the language, which, of course, should be studied by linguistics. Politeness needs to be expressed, demonstrated in communication (like love), because if I respect someone in my soul, but I don’t show it in any way, respect for the person will be clearly unrealized. This is especially important in an official speech situation or when communicating with strangers. Coming into contact with relatives, friends, acquaintances, we, knowing in advance the “measure” of love and respect for each other, have many ways to emphasize this, but with strangers, the measure of a good relationship is politeness, and here speech etiquette is indispensable. From the point of view of verbal behavior, politeness implies “non-damage” by speech (otherwise - not an insult), showing signs of attention, approval (if possible) of a partner and at the same time diverting compliments from oneself, showing modesty in self-esteem and even some underestimation self-worth, a manifestation of tact that does not allow intruding into the personal sphere of the interlocutor, asking immodest questions, a manifestation of the desire to provide a service, to help someone who needs it. Polite people in different situations and in relation to different partners behave correctly, courteously, gallantly. But inept and inappropriate politeness is perceived as mannerism, ceremony. At the same time, one must understand that there is politeness sincerity, coming from a pure heart, and there is politeness a mask, for outward manifestation hiding other relationships. In fleeting communication with strangers, people come into contact mainly only with their social roles: the seller is the buyer, the doctor is the patient, the lawyer is the visitor, the employee is the petitioner, the passenger is the passenger, the cashier is buying the ticket, etc. In these situations, the politeness of the mask is better, than open rudeness - this is how Americans smile at everyone and everyone, this is how they greet a seller in Western Europe.

The manifestations of rudeness are manifold. This is arrogance and arrogance, and arrogance, this is an insult, an offense. It is impolite to fail to comply with the rules of speech etiquette (they pushed and did not apologize), incorrect choice expressions in a given situation and for a given partner (the student says to the teacher - Great!), inflicting resentment on the partner with the help of words that have a negative connotation. This is the use of words such as sat down (instead of sitting down), put on (put on), shoved (put) and many others. etc. Impolite statements are built mainly with you-forms:

What did you put on the child's head! Why did you swell so much water in the soup? (examples of E. A. Zemskoy)

It is unlikely that you-forms are appropriate here, except perhaps in the extreme irritation of the speaker, communicating with an unpleasant person, for example, a daughter-in-law with an unloved mother-in-law (What did you put on for the child?) In this case, the effect of impoliteness is further enhanced. Resentment can be inflicted by a negative assessment of a third person close to the addressee (friend, wife, child, etc.) and simply by the direct use of a curse. You need to learn that rudeness cannot be answered with rudeness - this gives rise to a whole stream of rudeness and can involve others in a scandal. A correct, and under an hour emphatically polite answer, as a rule, puts a rude person in his place. Speech etiquette serves as an effective means of removing speech aggression.

The sixth sign is associated with the fact that speech etiquette is important element culture of the people, a product of human cultural activity and an instrument of such activity. Speech etiquette, as can be seen from the foregoing, is an integral part of the culture of human behavior and communication. In the expressions of speech etiquette, social relations one era or another. Wed: Thank you most humbly; Your humble servant; I bow low; I strike with my forehead, on the one hand, and the Gracious Sovereign; Your Grace and more others on the other. The formulas of speech etiquette are fixed in proverbs, sayings, phraseological expressions: Welcome; You are welcome to our hut; Enjoy Your Bath; Long time no see! And so on. Being an element of national culture, speech etiquette is distinguished by bright national specifics. According to B. Bgazhnokov (author of the book “Adyghe etiquette”, Nalchik, 1978), among the Adygs, the extremely common Russian Hello corresponds to many ways to greet, depending on who you greet is a man or a woman, an old man or a young man, a rider or a foot, a shepherd or blacksmith. A wide variety of well-wishing greetings can be found among the Mongols, and these greetings vary depending on the season. In autumn, for example, they ask: Is the cattle fat?; Are you having a good time in autumn? In spring: Do you meet spring safely? Winter: How do you winter? And the most common greeting - awareness of the affairs (even of urban residents) is a stereotype that reflects the nomadic lifestyle of pastoralists: How do you roam? How are your livestock? And the Chinese greeting contains the question: Are you full? Have you already had lunch (dinner)? The whole history of the people rises behind such stereotypes! Wed certificate. I. Ehrenburg: A European extends his hand in greeting, while a Chinese, Japanese or Indian is forced to shake the limb of a stranger. If a visitor would stick his bare foot to Parisians or Muscovites, it would hardly cause delight. A resident of Vienna says “I kiss your hand”, without thinking about the meaning of his words, and a resident of Warsaw, when he is introduced to a lady, mechanically kisses her hand. The Englishman, indignant at the tricks of his competitor, writes to him: “Dear sir, you are a swindler”, without “dear sir” he cannot begin the letter. Christians, entering a church or church, take off their hats, and a Jew, entering a synagogue, covers his head. In Catholic countries, women should not enter the temple with their heads uncovered. In Europe, the color of mourning is black, in China it is white. When a Chinese man sees for the first time how a European or an American goes hand in hand with a woman, sometimes even kissing her, it seems to him extremely shameless. In Japan, you cannot enter a house without taking off your shoes; in restaurants, men in European suits and socks sit on the floor. In a Beijing hotel, the furniture was European, but the entrance to the room was traditionally Chinese - the screen did not allow you to enter directly, this is due to the idea that the devil is going straight, and according to our ideas, the devil is cunning, and it doesn’t cost him anything to bypass any partition. If a guest comes to a European and admires a picture on the wall, a vase or other trinket, then the host is satisfied. If a European begins to admire a little thing in the house of a Chinese, the owner gives him this item - this is required by politeness. My mother taught me that you shouldn’t leave anything on a plate at a party. In China, no one touches the cup of dry rice served at the end of the meal - you need to show that you are full. The world is diverse and it is not worth puzzling over this or that custom, if there are other people's monasteries, then, therefore, there are other people's charters. (“People, years of life”).

Some of the described customs are outdated, some may be perceived subjectively, but in general, the pictures of the national specifics of customs and rituals are very characteristic. In Russian everyday life, speech etiquette also has its own national specificity, which foreigners who study Russian face. Suffice it to mention at least the appeal by name to the patronymic, which other peoples do not have. And in general, the whole system of appeals is clearly nationally specific. Now, due to social changes, we have a change of some appeals. The sociological center of the Ostankino television and radio company conducted a survey of Muscovites regarding their preferences in the choice of addresses. Here are the data obtained comrade - 22%, mostly people of middle and older age, mostly with secondary and incomplete secondary education, more often men; citizen, citizen-21%, approximately the same social composition of the respondents; male, female - 19%, mainly people with incomplete secondary and primary education, more often service workers; sir, madam - 17%, educated people, more often employees, more often women; sir, madam - 10%, the social composition of the respondents is not indicated. It is worth reflecting on this, because appeal is the most massive and most striking etiquette sign.

Of course, you need to study speech etiquette when learning foreign languages, but you also need to know your own, Russian, and you need to teach it from early childhood, in the family, in kindergarten, at school, and even at the university, already professionally orienting in accordance with what speech situations will be most typical in labor activity person.

“Oratory is the art of practical verbal influence, enabling us to masterfully use the word as an instrument of thought and persuasion. The field for rhetorical activity is boundless: how should a teacher organize his speech? how to confess love? how to speak in parliament These and many other questions should be answered by the science, forgotten in the country and in need of rehabilitation - rhetoric. For many centuries, it has been the norm of culture, one of the classical humanities, studying the person acting by speech and recommending the rules of skillful, expedient and convincing speech.

What was the impetus for the revival of rhetoric and increased attention to the disciplines taught at philological faculties? Note that today these subjects have become popular in political science, and in financial and economic, and even in engineering and technical, faculties of universities. The fact is that in recent decades the communication and, accordingly, the language situation in society has changed dramatically. New ways of storing and processing verbal information have appeared, in which auditory and audiovisual sources of speech (radio, television, telephone communications) have become dominant, i.e. oral speech in their brand new varieties. Visual sources of speech acquired new qualities, significantly expanding and enriching the situational and thematic areas of application of written speech (for example, written speech functioning in a computer). And if, until recently, the problems of forming speech skills were relevant, as a rule, for specialties related to the so-called humanitarian cycle, and for teaching Russian as a non-native language, today, almost the entire education system faces the task of developing the skills and abilities of oral creativity.

It is impossible not to say about one more thing, no less important factor which influenced the extreme urgency of the problem of communication culture in our country. The fact is that in addition to the global scientific and technological processes that have engulfed the vast majority of regions of the world, we have added purely specific ones - democratization public life, social and, accordingly, speech activation of vast sections of the population (with all the ensuing processes in the language itself)

Today it is important not only to be able to build your oral statement, convincingly defending own position(naturally, in compliance with the rules of the culture of speech communication), but also be able to understand someone else's speech and adequately respond to it. Moreover, if during contact communication the listener to some extent can regulate the pace new information, asking the interlocutor (lecturer) again, asking him to speak more slowly, to comment on some not very clear statement, then with distant perception of speech (radio, television) there is no such possibility. The listener is forced to perceive speech at a pace, language design and volume that do not take into account his individual capabilities.

In connection with the above, we recall that “ancient rhetoric, focused mainly on court and ceremonial speeches, was reworked in the Middle Ages, counting mainly on writing letters and sermons, and in the Renaissance and classicism, in relation to any artistic prose”

To the greatest regret, modern rhetoric - in terms of its content and the methods of speech creation used - continues to remain approximately at the same level as it was centuries ago. It does not take into account, firstly, new tasks and historical realities, and secondly, the results of research in related fields of knowledge, for example, linguodidactics data on the temporal characteristics of speech and the optimal duration of sounding of texts in different situations and from different sources of information, linguistic data on the specifics of the lexical and grammatical design of thoughts in certain situations of communication. But such information obtained as a result of scientific research has long been successfully used by specialists in the field of teaching non-native languages.

Can a manual designed to develop skills in using speech as the main tool, an instrument of influence and obtaining information, not contain information that full-fledged listening (listening and understanding speech) takes 20 minutes for contact and 5-7 minutes for distance communication, and optimal for the listeners is the pace of their own speaking, and it is from here that the need for interphrase pause arises so that during the pause the listeners have time to comprehend the information. In rhetoric manuals, as a rule, only well-known truths about the need to express one’s thoughts “with feeling, sensibly, with arrangement” are given, or it is indicated that “where words fly off too easily and smoothly, be on your guard, because the horse carrying trolley with a load, walks at a slow pace.


The language of any nation is its historical memory, embodied in the word. The thousand-year-old spiritual culture, the life of the Russian people, was reflected in the Russian language, in its oral and written forms, in monuments of various genres - from ancient Russian chronicles and epics to works of modern fiction. And, therefore, the culture of languages, the culture of the word, appears as an inseparable bond of many, many generations.

The native language is the soul of the nation, its primary and most obvious sign. In the language and through the language, such important features and traits as national psychology, the character of the people, the way of thinking, original originality are revealed. artistic creativity, morality and spirituality.

Emphasizing the spirituality of the Russian language, K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “In their language, the people, over the course of many millennia and in millions of individuals, have combined their thoughts and their feelings. The nature of the country and the history of the people, reflected in the human soul, were expressed in the word. A person disappeared, but the word he created remained an immortal and inexhaustible treasury of the national language ... Inheriting the word from our ancestors, we inherit not only the means to convey our thoughts and feelings, but we inherit these very thoughts and these feelings.

To know the expressive means of the language, to be able to use its stylistic and semantic riches in all their structural diversity - every native speaker should strive for this.


Oganesyan S.S. Culture of speech communication // Russian language at school. No. 5 - 1998

Skvortsov L.I. Language, communication and culture // Russian language at school. No. 1 - 1994

Formanovskaya N.I. Culture of communication and speech etiquette // Russian language at school. No. 5 - 1993

Etiquette(French etiquette), a set of rules of conduct, treatment adopted in certain social circles (at the courts of monarchs, in diplomatic circles, etc.). In a figurative sense - a form of behavior, treatment, rules of courtesy adopted in a given society. (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)



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etiquette Speech etiquette and culture of speech communication

The word etiquette itself originated in France and has been used since the time of Louis XIV. Initially, etiquette originated as a ceremony to demonstrate hierarchical authority. In every society, etiquette gradually developed as a system of rules of everyday life, behavior, a system of permissions and prohibitions, organizing moral norms in general. From the history

Speech etiquette Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas of polite communication. Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect.

Often, being carried away by the topic of conversation, we completely forget about the culture of communication: we try to impose our point of view on the topic of conversation on the interlocutor; we do not try to delve into the arguments that our counterpart cites, we simply do not listen to him; and, finally, in an effort to make everyone around us agree with our view of things, we neglect speech etiquette: we stop following our own words. Listening skills

Culture of communication According to the rules of the culture of communication, it is strictly forbidden to put pressure on the interlocutor. In addition to the fact that imposing one's opinion is very ugly, it is also inefficient. Your demeanor is likely to cause a defensive reaction from your partner, and then your conversation will simply not work out at best.

If you are not only not listening to your interlocutor, but also constantly interrupting him, not allowing him to finish, you should know that you not only demonstrate your lack of speech culture, but also show disrespect for the personality of the interlocutor, which characterizes you by no means with positive side. Do not interrupt

Key to Success Listening is an essential part of a culture of communication. If you show genuine attention to the thoughts and feelings of the person you are talking to, if you sincerely respect the opinion of your counterpart, you can be sure that you are a good conversationalist and people enjoy talking to you. The ability to listen is the key to your success in any life situation and in any society.

According to most people, speech is just a mechanism for putting your thoughts into words. But this is an erroneous assumption. Speech and speech etiquette are important tools in establishing communication with people, in establishing contacts, in increasing the productivity of communication. A culture of speech

Behavior Among other things, the culture of speech has a huge impact on the behavior of the speaker himself. After all, everyone knows that the manner of speech and the choice of words in a dialogue not only set the interlocutor in the right mood, but also program our own behavior. We monitor our speech etiquette, weigh every word spoken and heard in response.

Rules of speech culture Avoid verbosity in any communication situation. If you want to convey some idea to the listener, you do not need extra words that distract attention from the main subject of speech. Before entering into a conversation, clearly formulate for yourself the purpose of the upcoming communication. Try to always speak briefly, clearly and precisely. Strive for verbal diversity. For each specific communication situation, you must find suitable words that are different from those that are applicable in other situations. The more complexes of various words for individual situations you have, the higher your speech culture will become. If a person does not know how to choose words that meet the requirements of a particular situation of communication, then he does not know the culture of speech.

Rules of speech culture Strive for speech diversity. For each specific communication situation, you must find suitable words that are different from those that are applicable in other situations. The more complexes of various words for individual situations you have, the higher your speech culture will become. If a person does not know how to choose words that meet the requirements of a particular situation of communication, then he does not know the culture of speech. Learn to find mutual language with any interlocutor. Regardless of the manner of communication of the counterpart, follow the principles of the culture of speech, be polite and friendly.

Rules of speech culture Never answer rudeness with rudeness. Do not stoop to the level of your poorly educated interlocutor. Following the principle of "an eye for an eye" in such a situation, you will only demonstrate the absence of your own culture of speech. Learn to be attentive to the interlocutor, listen to his opinion and follow the course of his thoughts. Try to always show the right response to the words of your counterpart. Be sure to answer the interlocutor if you see that he needs your advice or attention. Remember, when you do not respond to the words of the interlocutor, you are grossly violating speech etiquette.

Rules of speech culture Make sure that during a conversation or public speaking emotions do not overpower your mind. Maintain self-control and self-control. Violation of the rules of speech etiquette is possible in cases where it is necessary to achieve expressiveness of speech. However, in no case should you stoop to the use of obscene words. Otherwise, there can be no talk of any culture. When communicating with the interlocutor, do not adopt his communication style: stick to your positive speech habits. Of course, it is necessary to look for a common language with any interlocutor, but imitating his manner of communication, you lose your individuality.

Wisdom "Nothing is given to us so cheaply and is not valued so dearly as POLITENESS" Cervantes

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